@Cleveland Cavaliers

We Talk Mavs!! | Dallas Mavericks vs Cleveland Cavaliers post-game recap #MFFL #LetEmKnow

We Talk Mavs!! | Dallas Mavericks vs Cleveland Cavaliers post-game recap #MFFL #LetEmKnow

Warning shots will be fired during this [Applause] [Applause] presentation 2023 2024 season let’s get it it’s a great return back we going live and the M real and K fit in the F rapping it up a yard in the chat more D still on the map the others are we don’t know about that we Ro the blueprints

Don’t know about that and [ __ ] go we trust we know about that M fail back new Ro cooking up a cur St in hope your appeti for one in it’s gra SE for the after game party we never die we live on a pper you ain’t imagine we home like

Fosters lightning in the sky and K a monster the rules of the game are the same every platform name wtm Havey question on screen keep it cour and keep it clean and remember to share and light welcome well and King to the when you this ladies and gentlemen this is

Aowow YouTube gloard gang MF FS podcast listeners all over the globe guys welcome to another episode we talk M when we talk Dallas M from a fans perspective guys yeah definitely an energy drainer tonight it was good one I mean it was a good one but things happened but we

Going to get into all that man um just it’s a tough one we’ll definitely get into it but anyway um if you into Dallas Maverick content man go ahead and hit that subscribe button join us here as we talk all things Dallas Mavericks win lose a draw and also

Everybody please go ahead and hit that like button man let’s get them likes up again tonight man y’all been doing excellent job helping us get the likes up man we definitely appreciate appreciate it like I said the engagement the likes the views everything man been going up we definitely appreciate that

Y’all even though you know like I said Sometimes some things don’t turn out the way we want to turn out guys but we here uh shout out to some of the people man with the encouraging words for us uh doing this show tonight man we we we The

Show Must Go On no matter if they win or they lose so we here uh I mean you ready King as ready as I can all right man let’s go ahead and get into these uh takeaways of the game man tough one tonight probably one of the craziest

Losses I’ve ever seen in my life but we gonna definitely get into it man there a whole lot to take out of this game so Dallas loses 121 to 119 to the Cleveland Cavaliers uh Dallas shoots 52% Cavaliers shoot 53% threo percentage Dallas shoots 4 two Cavalier shoot 50 free throw Dallas

Shoots n for 15 for 60% Cavaliers shoot 13 of 18 for 72% we get our rebounded double digits 47 to 36 and uh um what’s this offensive rebounds we got offensive rebounded nine to5 defense 38- 31 man all right King man go ahead let the folks at home know man what’s on your

Man what you what you take away from the game bro I don’t have anything new to say bro I mean I I really don’t have anything to say like I’m not trying to be an a-hole or anything but no there’s there’s a there’s nothing to say I mean Ron repeat

Yesterday um PJ Washington actually showed up this game um that’s a good I me we can talk about the referees if you want to uh that’s been a normal all season but it Jason kid you know getting two centers now since the trade deadline and uh not playing the centers

That’s like Jason kid like you feel me um just Jason kid in general and um we we got a sore thumb on the team sore thumb that just that just sticks up and um Mavericks are now making you strongly dislike another player because they just continue to just force feed

You that same player so um yeah I I don’t I don’t know what to say it is what it is bro like they they beat us shout out to the Cavaliers um nice shot at the end U we definitely should have won this game multiple times

But there was a run man there was a run of like nine straight points points almost I think it was uh at the end towards the game and um yeah it was it was it was a player that was involved in it and um all three

Plays and we have a coach that’s decides to keep him in the game in those situations instead of going with other guys and I don’t know man I don’t know what else to say it just is what it is um shout out to Bro LW I was going to

Say what I was going to say until today man listen bro um Let me let me give a quick shout out to Luca and Kyrie man they both bald I feel like that was a wasted game man both of them played ridiculous today man shout out to them uh this was

Supposed to be another clutch win for us I mean M struth just hit a hit a a shot that we don’t normally see people hit you know on a regular so like you said shout out to Cleveland to hit the shot I mean it hurts I’d rather lose a

Different way this loss is probably one of those loss that really hurt I know my wife was like was wrong and all that you know she don’t watch the game she don’t know what’s going on energy fell a little low when I came to the house like

That that stings bro yeah that stings those kind of losses you know what I’m saying so uh I mean it is what it is man let me let me me talk about um I know everybody want to talk about man the referees were trash again bro get tired of bringing this up every

Show with the last two minutes of the game Josh Green got fouled on the three-pointer get called he he literally got tackled on the side no call uh Kyrie somehow gets C for an offensive foul while getting hooked trying to get around somebody yep I’ve never seen that

Before in my life usually they call that on the defensive player like why would I hook you for and I’m trying to get to the B I’m trying to get around you that’s another thing uh and PJ watch should have had an end one the end of the game

Yep so uh yeah it was a lot of different uh calls here man that that didn’t got that didn’t go our way they kind of make you wonder uh but I’m GNA show you some plays here King this is this this part this makes me mad

Right here man uh like I said I know I know people don’t like using referees as an excuse but I’m sorry bro that was that was I told Jay and them that’s the most this was probably the worst off I game I’ve ever seen in my life bro and maybe he’s just living

In the moment or whatever you know re maybe that’s the case I’ve never seen nothing this egregious bro this was trash bro so I’m gonna show you some plays and you tell me what you think bro DCH offensive foul that wasn’t C nope one called let’s see the next play Big

Moment In the game right here Dallas has the jump ball and Kyrie releases Luka finds him a foul that wasn’t an end one can you explain to me why that was an n one when they showed it in slow motion I I was I was I don’t know I was okay with

It but either way I I wasn’t now we’ve seen that play I keep bringing this up it’s always funny when these things happen to the Dallas they don’t get the continuation but we literally see guys get bumped two steps and then lay the ball up they get continuation against us

But when it comes to Dallas that was literally the definition of a textbook uh continuation he didn’t put the ball on the floor leans towards the Bas and lays it up now why you didn’t give him a continuation on that my only push back

Is I don’t know if he was into a a like a shot or anything when he got fouled so it was like he was still grabbing the ball and then he got fouled and then went up with it like I said I seen dudes take two steps in the dribble get one I

Would have been mad either way though that’s what I’m I’m not even going to disagree yes yes right and on top of that then you on top of that you don’t call a a clear path or nothing no that’s so we were we were wondering in

Playback was who else who who was in front of him King nobody but is it because he’s in the paint no I thought clear path was if you are negating a player from getting that easy bucket you’re fing him from getting an easy bucket he literally was an inch away

From the bucket if you run say do like a LeBron type block from behind and you don’t hit him and you fou him is that a clear path I guess I don’t know bro you know what that’s what I’m saying I don’t I don’t know I I don’t know what CLE path

Is anymore I mean you the dude literally had the guy behind him and you stop him by fouling him for making a bucket literally wasn’t even a foot away from the basket he leaned in for the layup B touch the floor didn’t have to take a step leans in for the basket and

Then they didn’t call it anything for us but but a regular outside line out of bounds and I seen players against us take two steps with a dribble and lay the ball up and get a continuation I just I agree the referee in this year is garbage bro it’s garbage let’s look at

This play foul called on iring the defensive player is trying to stop this guy from getting to the basket by holding him but they called the offensive foul on him yep I and Larry and Playback said that we couldn’t challenge it because it was under a certain amount of time so

Because if he if he could have challenged it I didn’t understand why Jason kid didn’t challenge that I’m gonna get on Jason kid in a minute bro okay uh this is another play King so Cleveland is back in front corner you you know that sport bro where

The people jump on the train trampoline to play basketball they jump off the trampoline and dunking and all that yeah that’s what that looked like now we saw a play earlier where you C that same call on Gafford y this was a whole lot worse than what we did what

Gafford did to Garland this dude ran through Josh green no call yep I just this is I’m just oh my God bro I’m sick of tired of having to go against the opponent and the referees every night then on top of that you call a technical foul on Luka for yell and one

Yep she bro I’m trying not to yell tonight bro this is ridiculous I mean like like you said what else there to talk about we already talk about the same stuff all the time bro like I’m not going say it um so the main the main two guys showed

Up shout out to PJ Washton he was he was he was back to PJ Washton on defense and he also contributed on the offensive end especially in the clutch he made a couple clutch buckets there y um lively man he got hit in the face no

Call right in front of the referee of course right there in front of Gucci man right there in front of him he didn’t y Gucci man he got taken out the game the rest of the game because to that hit Y no call um I just the the lineups today bro the

Rotations were I don’t understand why Gafford is not didn’t play you only gave him six seven minutes listen bro this the part that makes me mad king this is why I hate to bring this up again bro this is why I said I do not trust Jason

Kid we can have all the talent in the world and this dude they would constantly Nico was constantly giving them people bro and he constant squandering it bro this is why I do not trust Jason kid I do not trust Jason kid I do not trust Jason kid I’ve been s

Matter of fact so people w’t think I’m just saying it this year go back two years prior and I’ve been saying it before King joined the show [ __ ] I did not want Jason kid as a coach and this right here is why I was saying it King situations like

This oh man this dude is trash bro trash like I just don’t understand this man look man now me and you got killed last year by a certain person on this channel it even got got some some some push back on Twitter from certain people when we brought up Christian Wood last

Year now all we heard last year was an excuse was Christian Wood don’t play no defense Christian Wood they they took him out in crunch time last five minutes of the game and all that stuff we saw this guy scored 16 straight points they took him out he didn’t play the rest of

The game the last five minutes of the of a game right and take him out we got a man on our team matter of fact let put this in the people’s face bro so we all can see this together Tim Hardway your second leading scorer got you four points today got you four

Points this guy here is literally the worst defensive player I’ve ever seen in my life now all we heard last year King was the reason why you can’t play Christian Wood because his defense but last time I checked way more efficient than Tim harway can ever dream

Of yeah but all we heard he can’t play defense so I’m I’m just trying to I’m just trying to maybe you can help me help me figure this out bro because I’m not the smartest guy in the world I don’t watch the games I just watch

Highlights I’m a casual so why is it that Christian Wood got killed but we see it for ourselves live that this man is horendous on defense it doesn’t provide anything else he don’t provide anything else he don’t provide defense he’s not a facilitator he’s not a great

Rebounder his shot is is supposedly he’s a he’s a lock down he’s he’s a knockdown shooter I don’t know when that was like the dude is the most inconsistent player I’ve ever seen in my life but yet your coach continues to he put this man in crunch time

Bro you took Josh Green out the fourth quarter and put put you remember what I told you yesterday bro you remember what I told you yesterday Luca and Kyrie are having to overachieve on defense already they’re not at the level where they’re that good defensively that they’re good

Enough to cover your deficiencies bro so why are you putting that pressure on these guys to have to cover this man deficiencies on defense already having to cover uh carry the offense how much sense does that make to you this dude is literally the worst

Coach I’ve ever seen in my life man I swear to God King I believe you this dude is garbage Like You Are you purposely are sabotaging the team right now yep not play him in the fourth quarter to them half the fourth quarter to damn they’re putting them in the

Whole entire fourth quarter do you see the body language bro the body language theame bro once again shout out to Kirk and Josh I will listen to their show before we started and they said the exact same thing I’m about to say now bro they are Head Honey Tim Hardway yep

Head hunting Tim Hardway y hard loud head hunted Tim Hardway every other team is had honey Tim Hardway they Tim Hardway in Oklahoma City game that I went to and I watch it live what did he do take him out the game in the fourth quarter okay you’re finally starting to understand you’re

Finally starting to see it for yourself Jason kid like y I can’t play this dude the fourth quarter give me four points your third option is giving you four points like I don’t ever want to hear anybody ever ever ever ever ever say anything about a p Washington a green or

Anything this dude is garbage I apologize to Josh Green bro I told bro bro they tried to get me off the train talking about Tim Hardway Jr and that you know he better than Josh Green rest of the season I’m not saying nothing Josh Green can go in here and go 0 for

20 I’m not saying nothing bad ever again about anybody else this season bro focusing my attention on on Tim that dude is garbage bro I’m sorry Josh Green was a hwk on defense today bro they had this dude got scored on by stru this dude’s getting scored on by I

Don’t I don’t know oh my God I keep stuff keep popping up why did Jason kid decide to put this man in the game and put him on Donovan Mitchell to lead score for the Cavaliers bro when I saw that I you started yelling in the

Playback I’m try I’m just trying to make sure I’m getting this right Keem because like I said I don’t watch the games I watch highlights I’m a casual you take Josh Green out the game yep and your first thought is to put Tim Hardway in

There with Luca and Kyrie MH and put him on Donovan Mitchell and he not scoring right now this dude made his first shot what the fourth quarter he’s he’s not scoring that’s what I say he’s the issue you you looking at PJ Washington and them deficiencies because you got Tim

Hardway and there he’s a broken man he’s the broken L I don’t I don’t want to hear anything about anybody else because everybody else on this team that people talk bad about can give you something else else everybody’s doing their role ex this man don’t make a shot and can’t

Get you nothing else hard way J bro trash man like I’m just getting sick of watching this dude on this court bro I swear to God King if Nico don’t get this man off this team this offseason I don’t want to hear any more excuses Mark Cuba

Is not here anymore to to hold you back I want this man off my team bro off my team does it even matter yes it matters get him off my team bro now back to the main corp corp your favorite coach of all time gu a kid trash

He has now got out coach twice back to back this is why I’m afraid to go to the playoffs with this Coach man to D I know he said this I saw your D I’m not saying don’t fire him D you know I’m not saying that you can’t fire

Him now obviously you can’t fire him now get ready to go to the playoffs and all that you can’t fire him now yeah you can I’m on that train now yeah you man listen I’m G tell you now if it was hey if we was to get an alert on our phone today

Hey we fired him at 12 o’clock midnight you think I’m G lose think I’m G lose sleep no not at all bro I’m at that point I I didn’t think I would get there I’m like I’m sorry D but bro bro this is why I was telling you ke you kept trying

To tell me like man look ahead I can’t do I agreed trust Jason kid it’s not soon as you said it I agreed it man I agre Jason kid bro I swear to you I want to be like you and look ahead but I do not trust that man bro you’re right man

It was Jason kid and that’s why I say you right bro I told you from the beginning you right man Jason I forgot about Jason kid what have we been saying since offseason bro who was The X Factor Jason kid man it’s still Jason kid bro this team is

Good anybody else when we talk about other teams you talk about man this player can can light it up or help help win a game for or this player can cost him a game or whatever we over here talking about the coach costing you games when we G everever say that Jason

Kid won us a game when we gonna say that never man that’s what we gotta I would love to say man my coach can win those games I don’t trust my coach I’m scared just like like we scared when Tim har plays in the fourth quarter or when Tim

Har way is dribbling the ball that’s what I’m scared of when Jason ke is on the sideline bro they don’t top of that it’s a part that made me mad bro how many technical fouls J SK got this year keing any one he got zero Z between the last two

Years he got one je Jason kid now this man be real quick to go on a press conference and point the finger at everybody else but won’t stand up for his team bro won’t stand up for his team will sit there with his hands in his pocket with

A bald ass head stand on the sideline I do and I’m like so you’re not gonna say anything about that call nothing you not gonna say anything you gonna let it ride let it ride yeah trash bro get him off my team bro you know what you’re right I

Don’t care if they fire him right now fire him now got what the difference go in there and whisper in his ear at the press conference you gone I want him out of here bro this is ridiculous bro what’s the difference man we got enough Talent some other some

Other coach do something and listen you can have all the talent in the in the world the talent is not the one who’s putting the rotation together the talent is not the one that’s at her sub and in the players in and out up by 10 we was

Up by 10 with what like less than two minutes bro this dude not one time decided to take this man up the fourth quarter bro bro he watched it happen and you can see Tim Hardway be Tim Tim Hardway between like Luca and Kyrie their body language towards Tim Hardway

The looks that Luca was giving to Jason kid and Jason kid just said we gonna ride or die with getting Tim hard away I guess good looks bro he’s not even shooting the ball anymore he’s getting to that point where he’s he’s damaged he’s not shooting the ball anymore what

Then you got to let him sit he’s shooting the ball three times bro like I’m sorry what is it five times he shot the ball five times he’s there he’s there to play defense on Donovan Mitchell that was that was that was foolish bro like I’m like find a way to

Keep you find a way to keep Tim Hardway in but you take Gafford out only get seven minutes you know why kid did that though right about to hard way putting him on Donovan Mitchell because he said oh they when they pick uh when they pick for Tim it’s

Going to be a different match a better match up for us or they like well why do I go ask for a pick then if I got Tim hardi bro they did they did they play the two man whoever C matter of fact shout out to Jos he pointed this out

Josh from uh pod Maverick man he pointed this out too what they were doing was whoever they said whoever Tim was sck was guarding they were playing two game to switch on Tim every time bro they was leaving Luka Don to go to Tim Hardway J

Man leaving luuka to go to Tim bro and Luka played amazing defense today uh the only complaint I had for him it didn’t complaint because it’s stupid but I wish they would have pressed up on that last play like I don’t know why they played

So I was Jason kid would have told them and Kyrie was kind of trying to tell them to do it oh you talking about when uh they had nine seconds or whatever it like three seconds shot they should have been a little bit they gave him too much room

Like they just let him rail up for one I would have pressed him Kyrie was saying get closer get closer I wish I wish Jason kid would have told him get closer you shouldn’t let him have an easy shot he should have be able to get that off

In no type of shooting formation at all I feel like no I hear you bro I’m not I’m not I’m G I’m not gonna kill him for that no no no no hold up I’m not killing him I’m saying that’s the only thing that’s the only thing I felt like Luka

Did wrong in this in this game oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I was gonna go back in to the play where they inbounded the ball um in the back court and it’s like what what was the plan there are you planning to foul them or what were you trying to

Do remember you were under 24 seconds yeah but I think they so they end up getting away with it right no so Cleveland got away with something right there because they were trying to get the ball into somebody was a better I guess a better M free throw

Situations and it got out of Mitchell’s hands and went to what was it darus Garland but I think he I felt like he traveled oh yeah that’s another place yeah you feel me so he TR doing this right and he they didn’t call it on that so it actually worked out in

Their supposed to work out in their favor but then they got the little kickball out of bounds that ended up happening so it’s just man they was playing they were they were doing too much for Jason kid it’s like you playing against your coach and I guess Luca should have pass

The times when he was when he was shooting and scoring but I don’t know man like that was a game we shouldn’t have lost that’s one of the it hurts because like I said man guys guys played well man I was I was proud of Josh Green

Josh Green was was a dog out there PJ Washington was guys was trying to get off of him when he was on him they were switching like Donovan Mitchell didn’t want any parts of that uh what is his name Evan Mobley didn’t do anything when

Uh PJ Washington was on him at all got a couple buckets when he got out the game and Maxi came was the only big man for a second that’s my thing bro like we the whole trade happened to solidify the big man position yep and now Jason kid is

Being CED listen and doing something else remember I asked you this I asked you this when um think was like think was this year I asked you I said do you think that Jason kid does not like playing bigs remember I asked you that and now

We’re starting to see it it’s like you even heard Tim legler say there’s no excuse now to not have a big on the floor at all times there’s no more excuses now like excuse me we should not be seeing Maxi playing majority of his minutes at the center position you now

Have two power forwards and two centers those guy four guys should be rotating out with each other at all times it should be one or the other of those guys on the floor at all time like you said unless they go small death line up all

That but that should be about four or five minutes or whatever right not be it should not be you know 13 14 15 20 minutes or whatever that’s not what that’s supposed to be yeah but y coach bro bro he could so you know what would have solved that all he could

I don’t know why he took Lely out the game right he he’s I told him in playback when Lely was I think it was Lively Josh green uh Luca Kyrie maybe who was the PJ no I think it was Tim I think it was Tim oh and then he switched

Josh first he switched Josh green with PJ I think he switched with him and then I was like well he said uh Timmy was in there I was like man just take Timmy out of there like even if you don’t want to go if you want to bring Maxi in bring

Maxi in for Timmy you can run because Lely looked good at that point I was like why did Lely go like so if you had Lely with with Cleveland Cleveland that would have been fine he just kept Tim H I don’t know what is his fascination with this Tim like like showcasing Tim

Hard it’s done bro like the trade deadline is over he’s just an expiring contract from here on out like it is what it is what is your fascination leave this dude alone his dad has disrespected your team like your player and all like just let it be he don’t

Care he don’t stand up for bro he don’t care about the disrespect he don’t stand up hey you don’t stand up for them but you get mad when they don’t don’t say something positive about you bro he gonna lose the team you gonna let this guy lose the team with better

Talent like I said all I heard excuse was like guys ain’t healthy and he didn’t have this guy or that guy for his system all that stuff you got these guys now that went up there now you got two centers and a a defensive uh wing and

You still you still with the the idiotic lineups bro you still with the idiotic lineups I that’s I said I just I don’t I don’t know King I don’t I don’t know bro I’m losing faith it’s not not like I said it’s not because of the players I’m I’m losing faith do because

Of the because of the coach bro I I don’t trust Jason kid bro I’m sorry every time there’s an answer I’m nervous now King if say we go to the playin right play that one game I’m nervous yeah like I we’re gonna pray that Luka can outplay Jason kids coaching that’s

What you hope hopefully we get two games right hopefully we stay in seven eight at least yeah but um yeah man I I don’t know hopefully you know what so I guess logically what should happen or rationally I guess it be logically I guess um Jason kid I guess with when

Exom returns tomorrow as I think maybe he’ll take Tim Hardway Jr minutes like but you know how you always had those questions and you like that would make sense like I just about to say that shaking my head you you what you’re saying not happen just like we got two

Centers and Max Kus playing would you put your house on it no man like it makes so much you’re saying makes sense but then you got to put it in in Jason kid terms like is he really gonna gonna do that like that’s wow bro like it

Makes so much sense you have all the answers in front of you and you want to go around and choose other answers and try to make them make sense I’ve never seen something like this bro like this is is oh we knew it bro like how do we call

Out that Jason K gonna be the x fact of this team like how do you not see that I should say how is the media telling us that Jason kid watch Jason kid and look at him they got that Jason kid over there on that sideline which will help

Him out it’s bull man it’s bull that Tim Hardway Jr he’s a guy oh he’s up for Sixth Man of the Year he’s a Defender good Defender over there plus Defender and I also wanted to see more Hardy and green in the game together they both look good we talked about that before

Too the chemistry together they look good together we saw Hardy setting guys up with Corner threes and all kind of stuff facilitating we talked about that before I just other guys can do it’s just bro we have a we have a team now to where there’s no excuse for playing

Certain players that are one-dimensional if you got guys that can do multiple things let’s utilize that a little bit more but kid doesn’t want to do that he’s G he just gonna play 10 hard way into the wheels Fallout bro I guess didn’t we stop playing bton yeah then you stop playing

Christian Wood then you cut his minutes down to where he wasn’t seeing the fourth quarter and all that stuff no more but wood wasn’t I I was just trying to compare the contracts oh yeah go ahead me like uh so it’s not like you wouldn’t play a guy that’s making that

Amount of money he’s like he’s an expiring contract now why can’t you just sit him and then try to trade him the reason why I said Christian would because like I said every excuse everybody used last year for Christian Wood Tim hway doing it right now but we

Justify him playing because he get hot every every uh once every month or whatever so I just I don’t I’m tired bro I’m tired bro if he’s not literally if he’s on the floor and he’s not making shots you look what is he there for like I’m as that question

Mil why is he on the floor what is he there for you have you’re one man down and then when he’s only shooting like five shots and all now he’s not even like confident enough to shoot the ball why is he playing that’s all I got bro you got think want

To no not really you want to do is to go get into this game ball then man who you who you here giving the game ball too man you better not say Jason kid I know that we ending the show right now um he win he can win the game catch

These hands we get a reward for that I’m going give a shout out like I said um the Josh Green today I thought Josh Green played very well I I know he only got seven points and all I thought he he did a good job though especially I think

He had like four stales or whatever um I also wanted to give um like I say PJ Washington um a shout out thought I thought uh PJ was had an awesome game today um especially fourth quarter he turned it around was included was in they started going with him pick and

Roll him and Luca things like that just getting him involved let him touch the ball and he can do things with it so shout out to him I’m shout out to Kai Kai was a little shaky and a little short at the beginning of the game but

Kai comes through he’s Kyrie when you him like just thuds going through hitting shots back that one time back to back three with him and Luke on the left wing was like right on time and all like when I tell you him and Luka after the

Fool today man that’s why it hurts to lose this game because it was like but um sh him as well but you know I got this guy was on one today like that hurts it hurts his his his MVP yeah I was thinking that too hurt me

Just everything it’s just that that that that hurt Jason kid like Jason kid man that hurt that hurt that hurt man that hurt Jason kid man Jason kid right now I told rbert for the show he’s not even a I don’t I wouldn’t even argue he’s a top

Five point guard anymore like that’s how I HT I am from him right now I told you because how he coaching bro why I didn’t even buy his shoes man I didn’t buy his shoes my PO was saying like when you gonna get his jersey you

Keep talking about I said bro I’m not talking about that Jersey no more I’m not getting I’m not getting the Jason kid Jersey I’m not getting the shoes I’m not getting none of that bro and that dude was my favorite point guard of all time that’s why I said like nah I’m I’m

Not getting J kid nothing man um I’m I’m gonna highlight a few people bro uh Derek L before he got hit in the face with no call uh he was doing his thing uh Josh Green was doing his thing um like you said PJ Washington was doing

His thing today man he came through for us today especially in the clutch uh key defensive uh moments in the game too man like I just feel like we’re squandering his defensive uh [ __ ] lock down bro squandering that too right um Kyrie like you said when Kyrie doing

Kyrie things man but yeah man I got I Gotta Give it to this man here bro got to give it to Luca man like I’m I I really feel like this I mean yeah I we can talk about the um we could talk about narratives and all that stuff but I

Really really feel like Jason kid is what’s costing Luca an MVP bro I I was thinking about that earlier well during the game I should say I was just like because when we were down uh 56 to 41 and I was like man this dude is like

Cting Luca an MVP bro mhm with some of his coaching decisions and it’s like Luca literally has to do these type had these type of games just to combat the bad coaching yep and I think this reminds me of the David black situation right where LeBron literally had to outplay the coaching Y

And that’s what I feel like with Jason kid bro I just he don’t stand up for his players like you see these guys are getting hammered they getting killed and I get any calls we just showed y’all clips of plays that was just ridiculous and yet you we show those clips you can

Look in the background see this man with his hands in his pockets like I just that that doesn’t give me confidence as a as a I can just imagine what the players are feeling but as a fan that does not give me confidence it doesn’t give me confidence

At all bro and that’s why I’m just like I If Luca does not win the MVP this year I’m be so mad at Jason kid bro I’m be so mad at Jason kid bro I’m sorry I told you the dude I don’t think living in the moment type thing or all

Whatever bro I’m sorry like I’m I’m going to be mad at Jason kid if Luka does not get the MVP bro I don’t think they want to give it the Joker this year unless they have to you a fallback option but I already told you bro it’s

It’s a different beast when dudes in your in your CL like your peer range or whatever start winning awards that you don’t win and SGA that hype for SGA and him staying in that second place or whatever round first is really building up like I thought luuka can go on a win

Streak I’m saying this was the time just just went up and you beat him in the rain or whatever like it’s it’s part of that but you can’t go on this we can’t even beat Eastern Conference teams bro Jason kid and all that so I mean SJ

Gonna win it what’s that gonna do is that gonna make anything change if SJ wins now we just got to hear other people say SJ better yep gotta deal with that Miss Luca overrated again Dallas Mavericks organization oh no they they gonna kill the organization they G only kill one

Guy probably K Kyrie too all right bro you ready to get to it man it should be interesting let’s get to the glow Yard Man questions and comments guys listen if you have any questions or any comments is addressing me and King we ask you hit us with the

Wtm in front of your question or your comment guys uh we take the Super chats if any super chats come in first we take those first we ask that you be respectful in the comment section with your question and your comment and uh yeah okay I’m at the top

Now hey Noah he’s a glow yard member he says uh Gafford only plays seven minutes I’m not even excited about getting Gafford and PJ now because Jason kid ain’t G to use him correctly he’s going to keep on playing Maxi and that bum thj I said that when we tra we before we

Trade but not just necessarily them I said this when we was GNA make a trade I said this I said well even if we make a trade is that going to make a difference you still got Jason ke as your coach but yep Noah says also says Kyrie in the

Post game said he told thj to hold the ball and not throw it to him yet on an inbound turnover and thj threw it anyway he can’t even inbound the ball I mean but the the best thing to do is put him in the fourth quarter when your players with the

Lowest IQ in the fourth quarter yeah that be b s to me that’s what I would do Frank’s a glow yard member he says respect to you guys and TGK for having a repetitive talk about the same buffoonery that his kid in the refs every post game

Yep trust me Frankie gets tyring yeah Noah says I’m glad I found y’all TGK because I can’t suffer as a mad fan alone like this after this game I don’t even want to watch basketball anymore I feel you that’s why we appreciate everybody watching right now that’s

Awesome because I stay away from MAV stuff when the Mavs lose tell you the truth changes real quick uh Matt says Ro King can you explain to me why Gafford only got seven minutes Lely just 22 minutes Tim Hardway almost 30 minutes plush you play Maxi at the five Jason kid is a

Terrorist uh with live I think he got hurt cuz he had ice pack on his face that’s probably why they kept him out so don’t be surprised man if y if Lobby don’t play next game we’ll tell you that now we got a new member to the channel

Man ramble gamble what’s good man he’s a new YouTube glow yard member man welcome to the welcome to the membership man you can join us here on Fridays man nice appreciate you ramble yes sir rich is a glow member he says wow guys some of the takes out there uh just wow yeah

Richard yeah all you can do is what up Johnny Be glow yard member he says Hey Y’all everything kosher don’t fall for Noah says Luca’s great season is going to waste even with the new pieces now because of jkid and thj we still have to rely on Luca and it shouldn’t

Have to be like that yeah Luka gonna have to get that 38 points a game bro to get an MVP yeah when we had him out in the second quarter when they kind of went on that run to to balloon it up to four or was it 15 I was saying like yeah

Man this is crazy we got to put Luka back in like I don’t even care if Luka go out there and play 42 Three G minutes a game I know we gota play the next day but I a even care bro because we weren’t able to G that’s before Kyrie went on a

Yeah on a Super Saiyan 85 uh spree but yeah we got another Super Chat uh Jay with the $5 do no said guys are we not going to mention how horrible this refereeing crew was those bad calls and miss calls down the stretch hurt the maps uh Jay you probably you probably

Just got in here I want you go ahead and Rewind the show man to the to the beginning we show we show clips and everything man a bad cuse so oh you know I’m getting on the referees that was that was horrible bro that was horrible and and you know

What’s funny man like uh I know Josh P Maverick was saying boy that that two men report is going to be it’s going to be crazy bro I don’t even want to I don’t want to hear n about two men report tomorrow King you get it you see

Don’t don’t send it to me bro I I don’t care what’s that gonna do the gonna say nothing they gonna say every car was right what you mean it’s the Mavericks oh right I’m sorry my bad go ahead uh Matt says I’m just gonna tell you guys

This straight up after the game I started crying after the game wow don’t let him do that to you man probably the most pain I’ve ever been through I took my shirt off and threw it across the room wow man yeah man I’m not gonna lie

I didn’t cry or nothing but bro I was so mad bro like if we had just lost like you know like a regular loss or whatever yeah i’ been no said but it wouldn’t have been as bad like these kind of losses hurt to lose that way especially

When you did what you did at the end of the game man to get the lead back and all that man shout out to PJ Washington like I said man it didn’t it didn’t even hurt me that badly I’m not even gonna lie to you it didn’t hurt me that badly

Because we were up by like with 10 bro when when I saw that low stretch happen I’m like yo no that’s when I started the the buildup already started happening like this might this might happen you know what might let this just fall again you know what you know what I’m be

Honest with you keing when stru shot that shot I had a feeling it was going in I thought it was going in too I said that’s good I had a feeling yep I was like man I told my wife that because she said I showed her the video or the clip

Of him making that shot I was like gonna lie to you I had a I had a feeling I was going in yep I was mad at myself for having that feeling but I mean it’s it’s what happened so I what happened you can’t get manad yeah Nancy says I’m so

Frustrated right now I could just scream uh I am so sick and tired of kid not taking responsibility for anything thj should not have been in the game when we were 10 points up yes look at this go to next I’m just I’m just gonna read it uh johnnyb said why wasn’t stre

In P jail that could have prevented that game winner right Matt says is there anything I can I’m gonna say something no don’t let it reel you in no no no I’m just gonna say this I want I hope he hear me I don’t

Care um and glor y y can hear me too I’m GNA tell y’all this now don’t let Johnny R y’all up he’s not a fan and I’m not just saying that I’ve never seen a fan gloat and be happy when his team loses he’s not a fan y’all he’s a guy who who

Goes to different channels just to R people up so try not to let Johnny R you up all the Mad fans in here who were upset like Matthew said he was throwing t-shirts and all that stuff those those are the fans Johnny B is not a fan so I

Want y’all to just put that to perspective I don’t care what he say he can sit there and lie all day about him being a fan I’ve never seen a fan of a team gloating in being happy when their team loses bro I ain’t gonna lie Johnny

It was rough in the playback he was in there when he was up by 10 like uh getting excited that we were gonna like let the lead go and all exactly that sound like a fan to you a that was tough man exactly that’s why I said he could

Sit here and screaming till he blew in the face he not a fan bro I a never seen no fan be happy like yes we lost thank you TG KTV he’s a glow yard member he’s also the host of The Unofficial official pregame show and uh what is that

Midnight Madness Friday evenings I think or Saturday evening sometimes but he says besides the refs screwing us the entire second half why Gafford only get seven minutes is crazy to me I understand cleand the strategy but if you need five out to play offense for

LCA then we are cook man why are we all I think I’ve always said it TGK I think you said it on the show today on your pregame show why are we always adjusting to the other team why don’t we ever make adjust to us you keep bringing up stuff

That’s making me mad bro why bro like why do we do that I don’t understand Jason kiss why do we get the big men if we were GNA still adjust to being small King I just I wanted to believe so bad me and you been sitting here screaming this for

The last two years man we need a center we need a center we need a center we need cers we need centers we need bigs we need bigs yep been screaming this for so long we finally got it and it don’t even make a difference because your

Coach don’t want to play I said this I asked you this when we had ja McGee and all them and I asked you this I said bro do you think that kid don’t like bigs I’m get you finally got two very good bigs bro you don’t want to play I

Don’t I’m done BR or was he just is he forcing us Maxi kba I don’t I don’t know bro I don’t know yeah he doesn’t I don’t understand like we got the big instead of getting outrebounded bro but you steady get put a guy in no no disrespect to Maxi he

Played solid today I’m not taking that away from him Maxi is not the answer bro and I’m with I’m with tjk if you gotta Contin matter of fact let me say this go bro you good like if that’s the case like you told me he has say on on

The roster right so if that’s the case then then why do we go out for a big that can spread the floor that that can play in the office that you want to play why get these two centers that don’t spread the floor and we just got them

Sitting on the bench again should have been got m turn then that’s it don’t it don’t make sense like Nico does everything that’s why shout out to Nico bro Nico does everything that we ask for you feel me he tries his hard as to do what he can with what he

Has I should say and then Jason kid just no I don’t get it bro J why is Massy Cel playing to started Center minutes Noah says Matthew same I threw my remote at the wall again this team makes me throw TV remotes at the wall

Geez gota chill y’all it a I know you gotta find your uh find your Zen man like understand this this game you watching something and it’s like somebody’s like torturing you on purpose and it’s like this is horrible man why am I giving my all to this it’s the same

Thing we understand but it’s just damn you got to fire Jason kid bro man like like now I don’t even like fire him now just fire him what difference does it make are we gonna get worse really latte he’s a glow yard member he says fman this is such a winning game

OMG I’m so sad I need a break yeah we could have we could have won the last game too we could just win games if we had a coach got a coach that don’t win you games he lose you g lose you that’s that’s what we always talk about bro we

Say when is the last time you seen Jason kid win a game we always talk about him losing games for us coaches win games there are times where you watch we’ve had it happen to us shout out to Rick car yeah say shout out to Rick shout out

To uh what bck staff or whatever yeah bck staff yeah coach like your dad out here bro salute to Empire Jeff man yeah was it was it was more to it than that Jeff you had to see the game man it was mat says I put all my emotion into

This team because I know it can be great I know we have the players to do it it’s just frustrating how one player and a coach can ruin the whole season Luca is losing and I I feel I feel I had like a a conversation I

Wanted to have about Luca stands and all but it ain’t even the the day to do it because like man they they they doing Luka wrong man and this is worse because like you know back in in Cleveland with like LeBron it was about the talent like

Getting them at the wrong time and then getting guys older and all that stuff or getting injury-prone guys guys you shouldn’t have got they gonna let Jason kid destroy Luka donic two years in a row wow Nancy says oh I’m sorry NY is not for us latte says man kid need to be

Fired our defense sucks how can you let the hottest shooter get so many threes defense actually wasn’t that bad into that little stretch latte said also says I don’t see us winning tomorrow Raptor has been playing so well I don’t know man it’s not just thj fault anymore it’s everyone

What that is his defense man can’t mte nah it was three possessions I said nine points man and nine points were really heavily on one dude and I don’t even blame the dude like I said I blame the coach for being in that situation but no but that that was a major Swing

Man it was like oh my goodness bro the look on his face after he like let that one three go and he was he’s out of it man he’s gone he’s gone Li glow yard member he says what’s up Bros what up lies what up li

I’m tilted the F out right now and it’s a feeling that can’t seem to go away right now we just had the two worst losses of the Season against the same team yeah that is true Noah says if you’re Jason kid and you’re seeing thj getting torched by Max

Strauss would you not sub him out help put Marie Morris to guard Max this love connection between kid and thj has to stop yeah he got he got his favorites man I don’t know what’s up with him and Maxi him and Tim I don’t know man like surpris he surprised he ain’t been

Playing P yeah he like that’s what I can never get in Jason kid’s head man I don’t know trying to figure it out you going to hurt yourself don’t do that I don’t know what he’s going to do uh Johnny B says Toronto is undefeated since the allstar break y’all sure we

Win tomorrow or are we going 0 and four for this road trip because y’all know we not beating the Celtics hold my latte says sorry K and R I’m so upset Luc I put up 75 points just to get this L the refs are trash man WTF

So many uncalled fouls and this is so sad yep yep still Tripp not one where they CAU a offensive foul on on getting hooked trying to go around the guy why would I bring the guy with me as I’m going to the goal I’m trying to get around him

And and scoring that was a score too Matt says positive things tonight Luca birthday tomorrow ask him is back hopefully take thj minutes all of them Luke and Kyrie are rolling with 75 points combined and JK is looking really bad right I don’t know so so x a m back

Tomorrow I mean he was a shoot around today so I would think he would be just probably not because of the you know back to back I would have trust said X him in there the last uh in in the fourth quarter over thj bro Jason kid

I’m so scared man for tomorrow I’m scared because Jason K got another game right behind to show us if he’s I think we G I’m not worried about tomorrow we’re gonna win bro I thought we was gonna win today I ain’t gonna lie to you but the thing is is what Jason this

Could be the start of like a snowball with this uh with this Tim Hardway Jr like is Jason kid going to stop playing him in like if he’s not this could begin something like his body language he is remember when Maxi didn’t want to shoot Tim’s there for himself like he’s at

That point almost and if he can’t do that the shooting part you already know he doesn’t do anything else so like he’s a he’s a lost body out there right now so Jason kid man uh Gina Kim glow yard member she says hey fellas I’m lost words fortunately I had to do something

Before Max took that shot I would have been depressed if I seen that shot in real time but we know the reason why we lost sh says at least we don’t have to sit on this loss but even if we win tomorrow I won’t be satisfied I swear if

The refs come out and say they make a lot of mistakes I’m gonna be sick yeah that’s what I said g i I don’t want to hear the twoin report tomorrow I don’t want I’mma tell Jay will don’t send me nothing my boy B FR don’t send me

Nothing King don’t send me nothing brol don’t send me nothing I don’t want to I don’t want to see nothing bro I I really don’t like you correcting the 85 mistakes you made in within the two the last two minutes of the game it’s not gonna make me feel better it’s not gonna

Correct the game I’mma send it Li says read that okay go ahead my my you still got it okay go go Logan with the $5 Dono he says what are you feeling right now man um I feel that Luca is wasting his talent right now he deserves better

Injuries bad seating bad coaching Luca could have three MVPs right now listen I I’ve said that Noah I mean Logan I just I feel like kid is g to hurt Luca’s chance for getting MVP man like he sabotaged this man from getting MVP it’s ridiculous as everybody knows

But they’re not saying it because you know how everybody says Luca has has probably could had an MVP already like he’s already had the numbers it’s all you hear all the time and all that and it’s like man Jason kid bro that hurts Li says the perimeter defense of

This team is atrocious can you both tell me WTF are we doing in practice if it wasn’t for Luka holding us up this would have been a blowout during the second quarter well L I said it a million times actually not not a million times I said it the last two

Games you can’t have Luca kyy and Tim Hardway on the floor at the same time now understand Dallas wants to play three ball handlers or whatever in the current time Tim Hardway is not a ball handler so only that you can’t use that excuse then on top of that you got I

Talked about the fact that Luca and Kyrie already have to overachieve on defense they’re not great enough on defense to cover up for Tim Hardway deficiencies and the way and a lot of times too when they were doing switches on him it’s like Luca was switching and instead of Tim

Hardway stepping up he was dropping back which is why you saw a lot of those times Max stru was hitting those wide open shots on the elbow from the three yep like you you you’re having to cover for this man defish already he’s struggling on the offensive end and then

You already know he’s not going to contribute anything on the defensive end so you’re asking for luuka and Kyrie who already have to do the heavy lifting for the offensive side who are doing their jobs for the defensive side to have to cover both of your deficiencies on both

Offense and defense that’s why it’s struggling on the perimeter right now you saw in the Indiana game the highlights of um the defensive assignments that matter of fact who was that the player for indm they showed him Tim Hardway is way in the paint this guy’s way in the corner by himself wide

Open for a practice three was it n hard yeah like that’s why lies and then you you you put all that pressure on guys like PJ Washington and them have to cover for your deficiencies when you’re absolutely not doing anything on defense yeah it makes it harder for guys like

That and then you play and then you play Tim Hardway a lot with maxi CA as well when you don’t have a guy behind them that can be a last line of defense it doesn’t make sense so they they’re hunting him on defense Li they’re literally hunting Tim Hardway on

Defense they got all this evidence and all these this uh these videos showing y’all that they’re head hunting this guy bro it’s it’s literally showing me though that Jason kid does not have any adjustments and I say that because say I gonna say he got the IQ no we we we got

But not having adjustments kind of mean that that’s wild that Jason kid would you would think he’s one of the the best basketball IQs yeah all time but um he doesn’t have adjustments and I say that because we know Tim Hardway is not a ball handler

Like he’s not a guy to be in that position you can’t change your offense at all to have anything else like you gotta have a set offense with the three guys so if something goes down you have no other like go-to maneuver or like break in the case of emergency like that’s

That’s ridiculous we should never have Tim Hardway being the point guard for this team ever bro that’s I feel like I don’t want him dribbling the ball up at all but they keep going to it facts Noah says Jason wants to keep thj in the game after he can’t even inbound

The ball but he wants to take out Gafford and Hardy for no reason I know y’all said we can’t fire coach Midway but do it I told you know I’m uh I’m like she fire I’m tonight’s game was horrible like I said if they were to come back tonight and say they fire

Jason kid I would not be mad bro those these back toback games have been horrible like this is a back this is a horrible like not back toback games but the two last games especially after after getting the press and like getting people to look at you now people started

To look at you and now you trash so you’re a laughing stock again this is what Jason kid always does Luka get him fired we won’t hold you we won’t hold your accountable we won’t call your a coach Kell over here get him fired luk latte says ref’s kid is to blame tonight

I don’t care anymore the refs are terrible I can’t even speak or type properly today my cat was wondering why I was angry I almost can hear my cat say chill out LOL oh man J K says game ball to thj and Max Shu uh I swear mid players always

Hoop against us and six Man of the Year candidate is always on the other team I wish he played for us to help get wins we need a player like him you remember when they we uh almost traded uh Tim Hardway for um Carris Levert remember

That man I was saying that doing doing the uh playback I was like damn I’d have took Carris Levert Manis LT I knew it I knew Carris was more consistent than him you can just tell it’s game he can handle the ball and do so Carris Levert

Is not a number one but I’ve seen Caris LeVert play as a number one you feel me in that position even on losing team you to do things like like dribble the ball and handle it like a number one I’ve never seen I’ve never seen Tim Hardway

Jr be do that he can’t do it gotta get that I’m telling you Nico gotta get that man out this team bro this summer he got to be gone this summer bro got to be gone bro M said not gonna lie but a Mark Jackson a head coach would be amazing he

Has the experience and is much better than kid I’m going to say it again Luke and cyrie played amazing coach must be awful yeah yep a wasted Masterpiece from Luca and Kyrie tonight because your coach is being an idiot uh Noah says there’s no free Bingo

Space with this team as long as we have jakad and thj and the refs are fing trash Josh Green literally got tackled on that attempt to Corner three yeah yeah Richard says he’s a glow yard member as well he says we went seven and0 now do we go 0 and seven you know

Kid loves 500 no Indy Gina Kim says I’m just curious as to what the refs are going to say that was the same ref who ignored the Dante tackled and the piston in the Knicks game I wish we uh had a coach to call them out but he never would he well he

Would we had to same coach right after the same refs I see that trash bro I need Adam Silva for real though like this is like serious like I and I love Adam Silver but like he gotta address this bro like after the season or something this has to be addressed these

Rep it’s so it’s so bad that they’ve been talking about it on National Med television stuff too about the refering yeah it’s bad man it’s real bad Nancy says you could tell Luka was so frustrated with kid because he could feel the game slipping away and the fact

That he just keeps relying on lucai to fix everything is insane just Coast the darn game yep yep Noah says I’m not Johnny B but I don’t think we are going to beat Boston J kid is going to put Maxi and thj in that game for 25 plus minutes we can’t

Overcome the mistakes against Boston yeah you right no I’m not you can say you can say your peace I know you’re not Johnny B but we had this game and Johnny B was in there like pumping us up to leave like saying come on choke it away

And All Pause and I’m like damn bro it’s bad you uh Matt says I remember when we all got hyped up at the trade deadline but we forgot J kid and thj are like the front leaders of this team I didn’t Nico is incredible but is he forgot we got the worst

Coach yep I never forgot Matthew I’ve been saying it this whole time Gina Kim says Tim was so bad I saw Lucas staring at him when he was on the bench he looked pissed as a coach how do you see that and still play that man Hardy

Couldn’t see another minute at the floor like why yeah I wonder what the day gota say about these horrible outings you been playing passor Baltimore gotta Noah says this whole trade was pointless getting G was pointless Gaff wasn’t in foul trouble or nothing but nope he wants to

Sub in Maxi J kid is the Math’s biggest rival Gafford gets lost times on the perimeter I I here we go again this is this is the point when I’m like which one is the greater evil right right he does get lost sometimes in the perimeter

As far as but you had you were playing a big lineup you should have played him and had him headd against one of the guys that don’t shoot threes or whatever like that he’s not out there doing that but the Mavericks only switch when they have Maxi CLE out there they don’t

Switch they play Dro and or whenever I don’t know why they have that okay whatever but um even with Gafford out there like Maxi’s not a shutdown enough Defender at times just being the center and this the spearhead like the anchor to have him out there because of his

Switch ability when you losing that Rim protection and all what your like it doesn’t and rebounding and stuff it doesn’t make sense and Jason kid just always tries to play and put you know squeeze a a a triangle into a circle hole or something like that bro it just

Don’t make sense he just tries it so he’s like I’m gonna do this like yo the circle is right here just grab this one like nah no no no I think I can get this to work I can get this triangle to work like stop that’s the annoying part of

Being a Maverick fan right now Matt says let Dudley take over this team you guys agree he’s a better Coach overall you think he’s he’ll be getting a gaff or minutes and Lively 20 minutes TJ and Maxi for almost 50 minutes combined sheesh lost I don’t even know

Man I just want a new regime tell you the truth we like just get them all they attach Jason kid I want him gone I’m sorry like CHR I’m with you I’m really I’m really at a point where I don’t even know what like uh sham and all them do

Like them at that point like bro if we gonna get them just just get a whole new coaching staff like let somebody just select and just get a new screw like seniority and stand being here for so long and all that like let the new people pick their people you feel me Let

It Be how it’s supposed to be I agree man uh Nancy says at what point does Jason kid seat become hot I’m not even joking anymore I’m just being for real I don’t even know why we get new players anymore we don’t play them he has his favorites thj and

Maxi Gina Kim said I don’t want to be negative but we going on a losion street kids showed all his cards tonight we not winning with man is our coach it’ll take Luca and Kai to go off for us to win anything uh Noah says J kid is for

Speeding thj to us like he said last postgame he wants to try to get thj better looks we are not that type of team in the standing to be trying stuff out oh man he never understands that he don’t know what a win loss represents uh Matt says nothing personal but I think

This Johnny B guy is a straight Mavs hater don’t like his attitude towards this team plus he likes thj freak that I’m uh being serious about this too just look out hey Matt you uh are you Canadian as well uh D says he’s a glow yard member

He says Ro Jason kid needs to go this year before the playoffs let’s make the move do it get rid of him thj is trash he had thj covering the best offensive play on Cleveland that is straight stupid I said I said that deal this dude

You take Josh Green out and put him in there and tell him to go guard the best player on their team this D averaging Dam at 30 points a game and the the worst defender in the league you tell him to go guard him Steve says this

Game was lost when tsj pass the ball to Kyrie out of bounds and streets hit that three that was one of them it was in that that whole run where you could just feel the just going away it was like stop stop Tim Hardway stop why are you around

Yes Noah says if we are stuck in a playing then that sucks because I don’t trust Jason kid in one game take all playing tournament I said that Noah I’m be nervous I don’t know what I mean didn’t we see the guys in the End season tournament yeah Nancy says JC kid had

Stopped playing Timmy in the fourth and we were winning now we started playing him in the fourth the last couple of games and we’re losing why why because it don’t make sense J Kim says hear me hear me out what if kid thinks Tim is a good

Defender like for real think about it it might explain why Tim was on Mitchell stre and other good players before Gina if if that if he really believes that then uh we need to fire him then you can’t be that stupid I’m sorry Noah says J kid has no emotion in a postgame

Interview he just says give credit to Cleveland blah blah blah yeah man I used to be a Jason kid fan Matt says Johnny Bravo ban this dude I can’t he said he’s just a straight hater my gosh oh man don’t don’t don’t let him r y up

Man got yeah stop man he’s getting y stop oh my eyes hurt Steve says this the kid uh don’t get the whole blame the ref this year all over the NBA suck yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the ref have suck but kid was trash though oh kid is still

Trash ref’s a no ref he still trash uh Noah says I know the refs were were gosh awful but after that inbound turnover that thj did that switched the whole momentum Kyrie lit literally told him to hold the ball Tim Hardway I can’t stand him holding the ball at all man I’m sorry

Tim Matt says lies Johnny B we good no hate just a little bit of frustration my bad yeah you good yall good just keep it respectful y’all know the drill uh Noah says give any other coach this roster they will be so successful with it and that Western Conference Finals run was a

Fluke of Jason kid that wasn’t because of kid that was because of how good Luca was was on that run you said luuka got an MVP stolen that year okay Steve says you tell me that play with Luca passed the ball to Kyrie was nothing but a

Regular side out of bouns foul yeah yeah right NBA ref something has to be done that’s what I said Steve it just that I seen dudes take two steps in the dribble man uh Gina K this was definitely the worst loss of the Season at least with

The new look Mavs but we have to go through these situations so we can better prepare uh for the future it just sucks because we need wins yep D says how anyone cannot see how Jason kid costes this game with his stupidity is beyond understandable to hear Larry

Say need thj for spacing is nuts because I saw Luca double with thj on the court I saw Darius Garin uh standing away from uh Tim Hardway Jr Richard says yep yep LOL watch last air bender so yep yep it’s kind of stuck Rich wild

Man good show by the way too DV says get kid and thj off my team that’s what I said DB get him off my team Matt says Johnny B I respect this dude but the opinions are like the straight opposite of mine let’s be positive and support tsj like him it’s

Okay just getting my thoughts out yeah he he’s a skip Bailey to the show but it’s crazy he’s a mad fan allegedly that’s the thing he’s not a mad fan uh Noah says Luca this season is having a better offensive season which I don’t know how you can get better and

He’s having a better defensive season is going to waste L Luka will never win MVP under the kid you said kid trash can us to oh yeah DV glow yard gang member he says we got I should have put my shirt on King we got Gafford playing seven minutes DJJ

Playing nine Hardy playing five but thj and Maxi playing 25 to 26 Tim Hardway shot five shots bro Dennis dark Jones Jr could have played more minutes then if that’s all we needed from Tim tonight you feel me like it doesn’t make sense that’s a good one

DV I got another great head with that one man with this game today Gina Kim said we got Luca and Kai taking accountability before kid but they can’t be our leaders right why did we get him the coach one that stands up for his players but he probably worried about a

F he worried about his image man I think you a guy to worried about how stuff happened in the past and trying to make it up and it’s like we need him to be kind of more in between and he stand up for your stand up for your players bro

That’s all we asking bro stand up for your players man dv says this is what the media don’t see everyone think it if we do well it’s because of kid but when we lose we not good enough yeah yeah oh they got TGK the Johnny B get him because I

Luka and all that Gina Kim says also shout out to y’all for still doing the postgame show Even after a tough loss TGK you next we back live tomorrow for the pregame show yeah yeah TGK I know it’s I’m sorry TGK because you gotta have a pregame show you don’t need get

To see no like Victory or anything that sucks man uh Steve says thj is starting to be unplayable yeah he stop it uh DV says Luca 75o game PJ Luca and Josh defense of Master Class wasted on 60 foot Bomb by streu yeah Noah says shout out to my uncle

Tyron or Tyrone he’s a mad fan and he’s a big thj fan and after this game he said I just placed TJ Jersey on eBay for free he’s even tired of it gez Dam I told you man I guess my I guess my pops was right what up still he still

Trash can juice yeah we can’t retire that uh Luke’s he’s a glow yard member he says don’t know what to think play well against second team in the east on the road 6 foot buzzer beater we should have won yeah we got a good team I will

I will I think most of the media know now like it ain’t it’s not a surprise or a secret anymore like the Mavericks have a good team now a realizing what the real problem was though end of day super problem we at the the next level now we

At the the the the main boss or whatever now I guess like damnn Jason kid Berg says Tim been on social media and been seeing y’all roast him now he’s scared to shoot shaking my head yeah he done I don’t roast him on social media I stay

Away from social media BS hey I about say your dad can uh his dad putting the attention on him you can’t have Tim Hardway seni doing that type of stuff to you man Eric what up he says do you blame kid for not challenging the fou on

Kyrie for hooking that’s what I’m saying I don’t know I was told I was told by Larry Larry keeps it real usually um that okay me let us know somebody let us know the rules if they can look it up real quick because I Larry keeps it real

Usually but he said that it was it was too late and that you can’t challenge it after a certain amount of like like when in the last two minutes or something like that it’s just up to the refs to check it out but it sounded good so I

Believed it in playback it sounds good so but let me know though yeah I just that’s I wish he would I was yelling it I was saying challenge but he was like you can’t do that it’s like oh okay I know PJ Wason played better than Tim Hardway Jr today though oh that’s

Not even a question you know why we like I said earlier in the show I don’t want to hear anything about anybody else if PJ if PJ scored zero points today right he play better than Timo J would you disagree with that no I mean even with him scoring two points he

Should have played better than Tim Hardway so that’s why I said I G K says only thing that’ll make up for this loss is that trophy at the end of the season or if we end up fifth or six seed but it’s not likely shout out the kid and Tim Hardway

Jr DVC Cavs went on a 21 and N Run to in the game yep oh oh wa know you want me to say so D did put a wtm he said Larry is wrong he said here’s the rule he said uh personal fouls made against the team at any you

Can you can call the made you can personal fouls called made against his team at any time so pretty much you can challenge it at any time I guess what saying get the out of here then man get the [ __ ] out of here solo said that too

Said it could have challenged it get out of here man I’m yelling in the thing why don’t you challenge it uh kid and he said you I thought he was gonna challenge it bro like that’s shout to L Larry was telling and Larry was telling

D that he didn’t know the rules and all like you got to know the rules of basketball and all come on Larry man come on Larry y’all gotta stop yelling that people don’t know stuff if y’all don’t know it that’s what mind I’m gonna say something but never

Mind uh Berg says I’ve been saying this one I we got rid of wood pause we lost 17 points per game and didn’t replace it sound like J sound like Jaylen Brunson now we have no consistent third option offensively Kai and Luca can’t account for 80% of the offensive offense every

Game man Chase Christian will would looks so awesome on this team right now I keep saying that pause uh Noah says I thought Luka can only drop a nice 20-point game now because of the team but kid can’t let that happen lucai still have to drop 75 points combined to try to

Win because a GU that usually drop 17 down to like four ramble says thj was four three and one and plus 10 on the game streets was 2144 and minus 10 in a win I don’t want to hear anybody talk about plus minus tell them tell them

Again ramble ramble said that loud loud for the people in the back man to hear you yep uh Professor Funk he’s a glow yard member he says I just want X him back hope he is healthy for tomorrow it will be slow but I think we’ll need his

Impact yeah I mean but we need Jason kid to do what’s right Noah says I’m not even excited ask him coming back because jkid is going to play TJ and Max more minut X him you’re right you know he gonna get the excuse at least for the first game

Bro Nancy says so now not only do lukai have to beat the other team they have to overcome ref coach and thj that’s what it looks like that’s what it’s looking like Nancy Noah says ran King I believe y’all would do a better job coaching this team I

Think y’all are smart enough to know what lineups to put in and out the game you know what Noah I came to realization today had an epiphany and I believe I could out coach Jason G um I was going you know I usually you’re like basketball I can’t mess with these NBA

Players but this is different this is coaching the team it’s not playing I can’t out I can’t out hoop J kid but I think I can out coach him though and he didn’t have any experience either when he got a job he went right from basically playing the game to being a

Coach so I think I could bro literally from playing the game right in the coaching I think I could uh Noah says after this game this makes me want the Mavs fans to court storm and attack the refs it’s ridiculous but Adam Silva ain’t going to

Do nothing about it hey all we ever heard was uh they do hold referees accountable behind the scenes obviously y’all don’t could keep doing the same thing y’all literally just said the referee the referee today with the same referee for the uh the Detroit in Nick game so what less have they learned

Nothing okay J Kim said kid is like they both obsessed with small bow that’s why I don’t understand why fans hated on wood and Hardy when we had p and others being bad kid has the pieces in steel c coach I mean Steve Kerr got an excuse

Though that was something that got him a few chips or whatever they have a death they had a death line up and he would he would still play a center when he had a center he believed in they usually had a starting center when with javel McGee uh

What’s the dude name Looney cavon Looney and the other guy Andrew bogot Andrew B all stuff and then they would go to the death line up to like certain situations when they needed to like just throw it on you probably pause probably like the third quarter whatever but that’s Steve

C nowhere near Jason kid gim that’s all I’m getting to you’re being disrespectful that’s very disrespectful Luke says referee said it wasn’t a clear path because he made a play at the ball okay that don’t answer for the n one though ramble says thj needs to stand

For trade him in July I’m with it what up sear destroy he says tough loss bless y’all appreciate you sear destroy yes sir man shout out to show Destroyer shout out to Empire Jeff man yes sir follow Empire Jeff on YouTube guys Empire Jeff yes sir here a playback

As well Eric Jones says they said it was not clear path because he made a play on the ball yeah yes was about just said Mis says their explanation on the mic was he he played a play on the ball so no clear path how which did not happen

It was a body bump yep that’s what I thought as well that’s was my issue bro muz more the continuation I was like well you should have called at least a clear path foul that’s what I thought but I’m like that’s what I asked I said

So if you don’t get the n one why wasn’t it a clear path foul I was like maybe it because he was in the paint I I don’t know that’s what I’m I don’t know the rules exactly if how clear path and what’s the other one uh take fou take

Fou okay yeah I don’t I don’t know King I don’t I don’t it’s it changes every game bro yeah like I said they didn’t call an N1 for Kyrie we literally saw a player do that against us where they they took the two steps with the dribble and laid the

Ball up and got an n one so we saw LCA do the same thing Kyrie did and did get an n one but Matt says these refs are on lunch or something uh Noah said the refs tired tried to ca us the Suns game as well yeah the refs has been trash

DV said cheating as reps wow oh man Alexander was there said uh I was at the game I thought the refs were really bad yesh said for both though said Mr Gold 10 early in the first that was so obious yeah they did yeah oh yeah yeah yeah by Jared Allen yep

That the one Lely got Lely go tender early oh yeah yeah yeah you’re right about that one too cuz he that was still in the CER yeah Noah says Draymond can yell in the ref’s face cuss him out and all that but Luca yells and one he gets

Attacked I mean he didn’t Y and one he said and fing one but I don’t think that’s enough to get a tech that’s not enough to get a tech bro dud yell all the time he’s not he’s not he’s not beling beling you he’s out there basically saying’s he’s yelling he’s

Giving emphasis on the am one you feel what I’m saying like listen it’s not just Luca literally every player that goes to the basket that FS contact yelds out and one yeah all of a sudden he gets a technical foul today for saying N1 I don’t see every other player in the

League that yells out N1 getting a technical foul yeah that’s stupid bro what up cam He said Out team have to play against our team have to play against ref’s players and jid yes D Gina Kim says there was a travel that wasn’t called either but I think the

Refs have something against Dallas media even hates us and now they ignore Luca and won’t give him any calls it’s unfair for us PJ watch should had end one at the end of the game they didn’t call it man see next Noah says Jason kid is

So dumb as a coach it makes me question him as a player that’s what king was saying I’m starting to kind of like I said man growing up that’s my favorite point guard of all time I’m I’m he said Chris Paul better I’m about to I’m about

To pull a Larry and say Chris Paul better y about to just say yeah Chris Paul better man top five D says I wish I could say that kid has some logic behind who he plays but thj sucks on DEA and does worse on offense

And C Wood why did C Wood not play but thj does that’s what I asked D makes no sense to me you ever see Christian Wood go to a stret like this on our team nope okay but that’s all we heard last year Luke says thj was plus plus 10 bro in

Yeah the most the most misleading stat of all time bro plus minus stats uh Matt says would you rather have PJ Jones Jr Gafford or Maxi on Hardway oh I mean uh Jones Junior and Gafford any of those guys yep not Maxi and Hardway yep man oh I’m me go to

Robert he said why not play Gafford why did we sign him then Jason kid you can’t see that wake up kid I don’t know Robert like like we’ve been we’ve been screaming for for Sinners all for the last two three years we finally get him and you decide still

Not to play him that’s kid man Nico Gina Kim said this man Tim is a is a plus I know they lying Noah says well the reason why JK bench seawood and thj is because thj is Jason kid guy and cwood is not yeah I know the same also the same guy man

Shout out to Empire Jeff also the same guy who was trying to sabotage Christian Wood’s career after he left yep Noah says Jason kid is worse as a coach as Phil Jackson is the GM da says Ro you sounded like me on playback when talking about JK lol I don’t blame you I know how you feel yeah I heard I heard it did I told King I was listen to it at work today man yeah you you was you was spitting my guy you was

Spitting I I I told keing you I see nothing wrong with you said I don’t see nothing wrong sorry I can’t we can’t sing him anymore yeah we can’t sing jny B says uh thj was a plus 10 so he won his minutes Josh Green was a minus 11

Okay next uh J Kim says preach oh man Noah says Ro when was thj last game it feels like the last time thj had a good game Muhammad Ali was still boxing uh I think it was when the Great Depression finally ended something like that something like that I think it was

Even before that shout out to harur t uh Daniel says what up fellas I’m concerned about the next few games because I cannot trust kid with clutch time situations I’m still optimistic about our chances but each game is making me nervous yeah Omar says crazy tomorrow just

Became a very important game it does because today today was a very important game yep we had this game bro yep we had this game bro that’s that’s what hurts uh Johnny B says PJ had two points versus indiaan y’all said it didn’t matter but now point total matters but

We didn’t say it didn’t matter we say he had a bad offensive game versus Andy and he wasn’t as good defensively we literally said Johnny be that was the time Johnny I know I know you trolling bro because you OB you you obviously actually no I can’t even say you have

You don’t you you hear what you want to hear I either you hear what you want to hear or you just trolling bro you know damn well we didn’t say that about uh matter of fact I went in on PJ Washington yesterday I can call out players you know we call

Out players on this channel so don’t play stupid bro come on now we call out people when they doing stuff that they not supposed to be doing Allah Li Tim Hardway zero to Hunter he’s a glow yard member what up zero he says Hardy got into the game played decent and never

Saw the floor again Gafford only got seven minutes holes would and mffl dares to wonder why players don’t want to sign with the Mavs preach preach preacher Noah says I’m so tired of thj makes me dislike him as a person you got don’t take it dead no I know no you know

What I I million per agree with you this reminds me bro I had a dude I was cool with back in the day man he’s a um Kevin Durant fan I I you know Kevin Durant went to Texas you know I used to watch all the Texas games right all the

Basketball games football games I was a huge fan of Texas long horns because from Texas and you know I was excited when he had end up getting recruiting Kevin Durant you know I watched him in high school and all that followed his career in high school all that so when

We got him I was Kevin Durant fan this dude that uh that I knew it kind of remind me of Johnny B like he make you hate the guys that he root for yeah and I started like really disliking Kevin Durant because of him and I think this

Where a lot of people are starting to well not just the play on the court but a lot of the glow yard are starting to hate Tim Hardway because of people like Johnny B and because you see what he’s doing on the court so no I I I know how

You feel cuz that’s what I’m trying not to do but but it’s because Jason kid as well though yeah it is kind with the power thing we talking about remember we’ve seen this before they made us feel the same way about Dwight pow like I had

No ill will toward Dwight I didn’t like his game I didn’t want him on a team of course but I didn’t hate him as a person bro but like I can see why people would start feeling that way about people like Tim Hardway because you I said that

Before I said Tim uh Jon kid is making people hate Tim Hardway bro fall for the Trap though it’s not Timmy that’s all I telling it’s not Timmy I know Timmy is on the floor Timmy’s Timmy that’s what we always say me and real been yelling at Forever Timmy is Timmy he’s not

Changing he’s timway Jr he’s 32 years old been a lead 10 11 years he’s not changing y’all the issue is Jason kid keeps trying to feed you is yeah tell you it’s something sweet or something like that like that’s the issue it’s Jason kid it’s Jason

Kid Gina Kim said I would take Doc Rivers right now fire kid I would I would I take Doc Rivers and I you know how four shots are firee boy yeah I definitely would take Doc Rivers right now J Kim said man actually I take Darin

Ham right now over a kid at least he can adjust I take Darin ham as well they can have Jason kid we can do the trade right now right now we can do it right now Adrian Griffin sitting at home you’re former man bring him in let’s go Noah

Said in the playoffs we can’t afford luk and Kyrie to try so hard on defense and deliver on offense it’s going to make them tired and when thj is on the court LC and can’t overcome it on defense yeah that’s what I said Noah you asking these

Guys to not only overachieve on defense but also asking them to cover for this guys defensive efficiencies man or deficiencies I should say but what it is man is what it is D says King row I honestly think we need to to fire him go get Mark Jackson we got Luca

And Kai they can actually run the offense and defensive coaches are still there mark and motivate and Mark Mark teams were good defensively yeah I I can trust luuka and Kyrie to car the offense I take Mark Jackson I’m just I don’t think he’s gonna get a job but

I’ll take Mark Jackson oh shout out to Mark Jess he got a new podcast yep shout out to Mark hopefully let us know some information uh Noah says kid haven’t got a tech yet I don’t see J kid storm in the court I’ve seen the Cavs coach storm

In the court today game supporting his team but not J kid yep that’s what I said Noah this man ain’t got a tech yet man he don’t stand up for his team bro not at all Gina Kim said I blame Dallas media too where’s Tim McMahon when you

Need him why aren’t they grilling him I hate it here Gan I said that I said this man can attack Luca on every article on every uh hoop Collective show I never see them do that same thing to Jason kid they just GL gloss right over to Jason

Kid part man and go go straight to attacking Luca bro I don’t understand it excuse me Thomas he’s a glow member he says kid sabotage Hardy by letting Tim play with PJ and Luca then putting Hardy out there with Kyrie Josh and Maxi the lineup could stop anything thing

Down low a Hardy still look better than 10 yep Thomas that’s what I’ve been that’s what we’ve been trying to say that’s how the plus minus gets misconstrued like it’s situations where you see lineups are put in in place and guys are like failing because of Jason

Kid who who was the best player today LCA Don uh who the Tim play with today Luca donic that’s how you got A plus 10 there you go it’s how about the lineup like you just said it’s Common Sense 10 play like 30 minutes almost 20 what 20 over 25 right yep play

26 uh Jay says how does Gafford not play the entire second half Ian we traded for him first round pick first round pick gone okay I’m sorry go ahead you another first round pick uh Noah says if thj is not shooting the ball anymore then what does he do I’ve asked that already

Noah D says row and King Tim can’t cover one onone nor go around the screen too short so why not put DJJ and at least the guy going around the screen will fear of being being blocked when he shoots from the side Matt says I can’t see kid winning a

Championship can you guys see that I can’t I can’t see that I don’t know yeah I don’t know mat I won’t look at a win one but I mean it’s gonna be difficult in the situation this should count if he win one this should count for two media

Won’t even really know right like to they gonna think Jason kid Phil Jackson Off the first ring bro I know says licai has to overcome the ref J kid and thj that’s too much to overcome it might be Jay says half of the blame goes on a ref’s horrible refering crew yeah yeah

Like I said Jay I think they were saying that’s the same crew that ried that New York and uh Detroit game I put half the blame the ref has we blame on Jason kid J Kim said kid saw that thj block and kept him in because he think he’s a good

Defender he just trust him that much man that’s why Gina said that me Dave says even with the refs being bad we had a 10-point lead instead of taking tsj off the court to play better D and go ISO Luca Kai we inste we instead decided to keep ish Tim against

Mitchell LOL fire kid yep had the game in your hands and you said no because I want to play Tim no I’m good I got gotta show I gotta do something boy Noah says I felt wrong for saying on TG K’s Midnight Madness that I wanted to see

More of Maxi and PJ together in rotation because it was good but I don’t see 25 plus minutes it shouldn’t be it shouldn’t be that many minutes no that’s the issue like you can run it but that’s like the a special occasion and in this situation for real if Maxi’s not

Knocking down his shot I know he hadit one today when we got excited but he he wasn’t hitting nothing else basically he was doing some foolish shots and just Maxi in Maxi again I guess he on the decline we got too many wavy players and streaky players but yep you might as

Well play PJ Washington the five though bro sometimes and it and the the the stra the streaky wavy players that you’re talking about are the players that should have been gone a long time ago though and the players that we kept for too long bro that’s that’s the thing

And the players Jason K had the most trust in they keep playing the most yep should have been gone I’ve been saying that too Thomas says I feel like we played well enough to win the spike kid but then the refs got us not on one

Or two but like 10 to 15 anyone want to run anyone off the three-point line I bet playing out bigs help I feel you Thomas but so the refs I don’t blame it on the refs again it was refs they did but we had a 10-point lead with like

Less than two minutes left you gotta bring that home and that I don’t feel like nothing in that one was the ref’s fault like that was just Dum plays man like ah hey you you saw me read uh took them notes I used I said what happened in the

Last two minutes it was some calls in there too but I hear you though I’m with you Noah say took Tim out you should have took Tim out man yeah like it was just uh no says JK YouTube history is full of thj highlights he’s a stand of

Thj might be a stand of his dad or something I don’t know what up uh freezy he says Gafford only played seven minutes yeah you read that you read that right frezy and definitely check out Boren T guys you definitely read that right bro Jon kid add it again

Man ramble says get this coach off my team kid infects the team with bad decision making uh no growth water potential he’s infected the team with oh man oh man uh I’m read I can’t read it but a lot of nasty stuff guys a lot of nasty

Stuff uh Noah says if we have to fight uh to go to the playoffs and the play in then we have to pre Luca don’t have a bad game because jkid is so bad that Luca still has to be super Luca yep Gina Kim says Hardy came in and

Scored me great passes and then got subed out and didn’t see the floor again what a joke D says uh can you please tell Johnny B the numbers don’t always say the truth for example thj tonight finished with a plus 10 and we all know that was awful

Defensively like all these guys trolling yeah you gotta stop feeding back into it D that’s usually what we say about you D you a troll too don’t be trying to get off the the train D you trying to play Noah says Kendrick Perkins don’t watch Mavs he’s

Just a troll for the Mavs though like we need him in our Corner Davis cool Johnny B I would think he’d be a he should to be a troll for the Mavs man Noah says Kendrick per don’t watch Mavs game either uh when he said you got a good

Coast walking sideline to sideline yep that’s why I didn’t believe when they said that the only thing Tim legler and all started saying some takes about the Mavericks ESPN don’t want to be completely late to the party so then guys in their ears are telling them now

To say this stuff about that you can literally watch what they’re saying Shannon sha is lying and literally yelling stuff that don’t even make sense and it’s like they don’t watch Tomy saysi hope my unwavering support for my kids can match that of Johnny B on Timmy even his own father

Doesn’t have that kind of faith in him clearly I won’t even let him wear his number in Miami Matt says this Mavs went uh the Mavs went 36 and 12 and made the Conference Finals after metew hit a buzzer be to three in 2021-22 maybe a random role player game

Winner is what Dallas needed to make a finals run we’ll see we’ll see I hope that’s a case but yeah Steve says JK cost Luka the MVP this season let’s start start the wave y’all should start it start it on Twitter and all and say

It D says King R you said if he isn’t making shots or Andor taking them wi is he on the court answer Jason kid loves Tim can’t trade away junr yep Noah says it sucks that Luca is putting up stupid numbers was MVP season he’s not getting an award for it and

Don’t be surprised if we don’t go to the finals because of kid he might lose his award to the Joker again man his boy some point he got better stop being his boy in that Court uh Steve say don’t talk too loud kid might put DP in the next game

Yesh Noah says if it wasn’t for luuka in the first half we would have gotten blown out in the first half hey you telling same thing last game but people said he need to pass more uh Gina Kim said LCA really got the team he’s needed

And still can’t win because a kid in the refs who obviously have an agenda against him Noah says I’m jealous Nia has Mike Malone Mike Malone has gotten ejected twice this season because he stood up for his players yes Dave says I’m glad to see Luca give

Coach kid that look that he gave Cuban when McGee was on the court looking cluess clueless last year he did that with thj tonight after we saw a third three in a row on TJ’s Dome G Kim said it said how Lucas still has to carry the team he went nuclear to

Get that’s close to for halftime it’s honest it’s honestly sad to see and when he loses he gets hate but they don’t add context yes my favorite word Gina Contex vgh said this is actually one of the best chances for the Mavs get to the finals the top teams are very

Inexperienced and young 100% Luca will be the best player against them only problem is kid hey van man you preaching that is just van don’t be coming to here preaching man and church did say Amen uh cuz is a glow yard member he says uh R say brola the only thing I disagree

With you about this whole time was that kid wouldn’t play new players if we traded for them well I see now fire kid not now I told you I told you brolo I I I did it’s not that I did not want to trade you know I wanted to trade

It’s just that I don’t trust Jason kid in any shape form of fashion when it comes to adding any of these players man we see it right now you like ke just said you traded the first for Gafford and you he only played seven minutes but but right now but right now

And and how how many uh what was it what was the rebound numbers again today we lost by double digits yeah something man Jason how many minutes to Gord Play Seven gotcha okay it’s 40 it’s 48 minutes in the game by the way oh it’s

48 I thought it seven minutes in a game no 48 gotcha okay I’m sorry I watched another game I apologize I’m a casual I don’t watch the games Gina Kim said it’s like we have the same problems even though it’s a better team I thought we fixed our problems but it’s the same

Causes uh that lost the past gamees yes this is oh so Gina why you always heard me say this when I was arguing say guys like like Larry and all these guys down when we talked about this roster it does not matter who you have

On your roster it is up to the coach to put these people in positions to succeed if your coach is not putting you in positions to succeed it does not matter who is on the team it doesn’t matter what trade you make it don’t matter what

Player you sign is going to fall on the coach you’re still not going to to succeed like you just said we got a trade that fits this team like a glove we got a A Center on this team a backup center that we’ve been praying for if we

Gave a first round pick for and you still not playing this guy that is on the coach so it does not matter that we have a talented backup center if you’re not going to play him yep your coach not gonna put these players in position to succeed you get results like you did

Tonight in in last game it’s that it’s plain and simple I agree uh Salon says uh do y’all think JK is holding back calls before the playoffs that thought has been thrown out there I mean I hope not cuz he this guy just throws away so many

Games I hope that’s that isn’t there what up Mike Douglas he’s a glow yard member he says tonight I can’t this game was so fake it actually made me straight wow wow guess is that a pause for you uh Mike Douglas huh go sorry it’s Mike Douglas no I know

I never mind go ahead okay uh Gina Kim said kid is definitely sabotaging luk on purpose I thought it was because he wanted to pressure Nico to get better players but I don’t know now hey da would say that too he thought so I told

You d i kep trying to tell folks man that’s not that’s that’s a stupidest excuse I’ve ever heard in my life you gonna sabotage yourself for what you got the players and he’s still doing the same thing so that that wasn’t the reason why he was doing that he just let

Just call like it is his IQ is is trash as a coach she said not a good coach let just put it like that he’s not good coach there’s no way he’s this bad he should have been gone exactly D says you know how people say

JK is so bad he will sabotage his own team Johnny B likes him because he is the same LOL oh man M said why not just ban Johnny B because he’s a glowal member and all that mat man he’s still he get he get to have his

Opinion yeah just gota just gota learn to ignore him man yeah we have other fans of other teams and all us that’s in here uh Mike Douglas also say it’s Johnny actually TJ’s agent Gina Kim said I already told others to ignore Johnny he does it Troll

And he shouldn’t bother them but being so passionate as a fan I get why they would be upset I applaud them for loving the team yeah you just gotta ignore it guys that’s why I said he’s not a fan don’t let him get to you yeah uh Matt

Says Johnny B thj agent he’s just a hater get on my nerves that’s what he’s doing he’s doing it for that reason man uh Big Jay he’s the glow yard member as well he said I said in the pregame Lively should play 24 and Gaff at 20 CBA

Should have been a power forward Off the Bench especially on the team with two bigs playing side by side shout out to Big Jay thank you big J appreciate you big Jay Jeff Empire Jeff check him out R already said a little bit earlier but definitely if you didn’t if you haven’t heard him you didn’t hear us earlier check out Empire Jeff on YouTube playback all the all the Medias just like us but he says salute y’all crazy

Ending salute Jeff yeah was wild yeah it was crazy bro D says I want kid to be fired before he sabotages the players we traded for with his stupid mention in mind games he will turn them into trash by screwing their minds and getting rid of him

Now how many uh how far you want to go ra oh man got little I can’t even see the bottom Omar said I mentioned this in the Phoenix game that I wanted Lively Gafford in the they ended up going Cav at the five yep dang you ain’t nowhere close to the

Bottom uh we go on for about let’s give about about six more minutes okay so 50 uh Daniel says I’m not worried but I’m concerned these past two games we should have won but if your head coach is sitting on the bench and not doing anything to help your players then that

Falls on management yes uh MJ says uh coach andl practice J kid yeah D says as a coach you’re supposed to know and read your players how can you not tell thj doesn’t even feel comfortable in the court dude knows he is trash and is being torched what is kid

Doing Jay says thj has no business been on the court they need to give those minutes to DJJ and Hardy Nick says what a great early bday present for Luca from kid and thj and it is happy birthday to luuka on both sides of town now yeah happy birthday to Luca

Man he finally 25 MJ said like it took yeah I know MJ said no reason for thj to be on the court with a 10-point lead shaking my head yep uh Mike Douglas said I mean this is really sad this is coaching this is disgusting awful coaching sums up how I

Feel about Jason mid perfectly yesh MJ said awful loss not watching those MF was on ESPN yeah yeah just let it be uh pasquali says he’s a glow member he says of course we will hang on Tim’s mistakes bad CS kids rotations but M got

A massive stop in the bucket in the last 24 seconds to take the lead it was big Luka need to lead on that yeah hope you got to still be leaders and all yes yeah we dig get a bucket pick and roll with PJ down it was good made I

Still been getting on Jason kid though D says on one play where thj literally had his back turned to the guy shooting a three-pointer and had no idea where the ball was lol this guy is straight clueless uh but still knows better than kid I’m G click this one man MJ said call

Out did after you to Dallas when he endorsed JK for replacing a replacement coach knowing he was sucking Mosley would have been so much better I said that man I can’t believe he they took the advice of the guy Mark rck car still screwing us over Mark cubin is oh my God

I can’t say the word man like it start with a D and then with a B this dude is a fool man he gets played so much he’s smartest guy in the room he’s a genius uh Cory with the 499 Doo he’s a glow yard member say tough loss because

Kid and Tim the refs are are trash but let’s see how we respond much love guys yeah man we got another game tomorrow yeah man and that will be ridiculous tomorrow I ain’t gonna lie to you uh J Kim says if Tim said he didn’t know his role in the beginning of the

Year what does that tell you about the coach even Lucas mentioned kid not talking him about his complaints horrible Communicator said that before Steve said I don’t understand kid was a great play with great basketball IQ but you see guys like Hardway and DP with horrible

IQ and keep them in the game something not adding up James says J kid screwed Luka out of a 50 point triple double and MVP in my opinion if they fire J kid this morning at 205 y’all better wake up and have an emergency show I feel you James

Listen MJ says oh I read that one already uh he says after losses like this don’t want to watch any basketball I feel you MJ luckily we get a game again tomorrow that might change something but that in between when we got days off I stay away from watching

Basketball stuff for the maps I’m telling you because I’m like same like I don’t want to see people goingon to say guys like uh Tucker for sport sport was it sporting logically or whatever start talk about the M saying we we trash man he hates the man man damn Tucker can’t

Tell me different bro Gina K said I’m happy X him is coming back but he’s not changing much to be honest we could have Prime Brun on our team hell even Steph Curry and kid we still find a way to lose this game it’s just sad Mike Douglas said I mean this is

Really this is coaching this is discuss though offer coaching talking about the Mavs yeah ramble gamble says other coaches know our weaknesses better than our own coaches we know what’s wrong with us Nico knows other coaches knows kid doesn’t it’s him he is him he is him

Daniel said like I said that I hope that the Mavs can get better but kid cannot continue to use thj over Hardy because what has tsj done ever since he’s been a Maverick MJ said wondering if team might quit on on team the way Cowboys defense quit on Dan

Quinn R Rambo said I just watched the kid postgame interview he sound Shook and the media was soft remember kid calling out timic man I want to see the flip side where kid has answer tough questions y he won’t answer him though Richard says been telling y kid wants a

Three guard lineup it makes it make some sense when you think of it the way and yes he hates bigs he is a guard B’s a glow yard member he said what up fam I appreciate you bros the Kitt at saga continues appreciate you Broly byly I’m calling you Broly like

You want Dragon Ball Z MJ said Luca reluctant to pass TJ the ball yep starting to become that way uh Daniel says says I believe that Luca and Kai re will play tomorrow on this back to back we really need to use our depth our advantage we need to beat

The Raptors down bad and Destroy them yes big J said can you refund Johnny Bravo’s membership I thought this was a space for Mass fans Kareem says incorrect inbound violation on Mavs incorrect offensive foul call on KY Reed Josh Green tackled on a three with 125 to go with no call

Jared Allen offensive fou I call yeah he definitely pushed him that was wild he also says Cav’s timeout instead of jump yes timeout instead of a jump ball was also a wild one but it should have been a travel as well PJ not call for and one

On last shots yes or travel instead of a jump ball yes Gina Kim said I don’t want to see timway sen here uh say anything else that’s all I know Dave says Larry was wrong here’s the rule book personal foul calls made against the team at any time yeah I’ll stop

There all right y’all listen man probably to get to everybody’s questions to comments man we got a lot of them in here thank you thank y like I said I know everybody’s not happy man I know it’s one of them games I know we got a couple people attached to this

Team that people want to see gone we just got to try to grin our teeth y’all and just bear with it man until the season’s over with got we ain’t gonna have too much of a choice now because we got to play again tomorrow

So uh it is what it is man listen guys huh big game your coach made it a big game bro yeah he did but uh yeah listen guys if you want to be a member of the channel man just hit that join button right there next to subscribe button shout out

To ramble uh he’s now a new member of the channel man you guys can join us here on Fridays uh if we don’t have a game on Fridays guys we usually have our members only uh shows Friday mornings but if we do have a game that falls on

Fridays guys we usually have our members only postgame shows so you guys can join us here the members can join us here on the stage as we talk uh Dallas maveri on the post games so if you guys want to become a member of the channel guys just

Hit that join button right there next to the Subscribe button become a member of the channel we see the numbers are growing for the memberships man we definitely appreciate the subscribers I mean the members of the channel that support the channel that special special

Way as you always hear us say uh and I see the numbers of views and all that stuff to grow too for those we definitely appreciate those uh also too guys uh playback. TV or the playback app you guys can watch MTH games with us

Live as they happen uh we also have VIP passes for people who want to actually watch the game through playback like say you know you’re not around a TV or something like that you want to watch the games you can just download the app

On your phone and ask for a VIP pass and you can literally watch the games with us through playback. TV guys or the playback app so just an option if you guys want to go that route uh I think we only have 20 VIP passes so it’s going to

Be first come first serve the way the VIP passes work we only we give out new VIP passes every game so you don’t keep that VIP pass you got to get a new one every game so you got to ask for another one every game so the first 20 people

Can get VIP pass if they ask for them uh also too guys you guys can follow me on my other channel cuz we geek we have uh shows every Saturday morning guys talking about the geek culture uh just saw somebody talking about the a our last air bender Show on Netflix we going

To definitely be talking about that Saturday a whole lot of stuff man we didn’t talk about last Saturday we’re going to talk about this Saturday plus more stuff man so we going to probably our longest show um you know we gonna talk about Halo and all that stuff man

Madam web got more news dropping I feel like we talk about Madam web every week weekend now man it’s getting ridiculous but but yeah shout out to frezy man he up there texting me man talking about he he want to see that that Silver Surf movie man I can’t make

You no promises freezy but we are hearing that silver surf supposed to be the new Fantastic for movie so we G to have to see uh but yeah guys can follow me on the K we CU wee YouTube channel guys help us get our numbers up there

Man we still trying to grow that channel shout out to my CZ will uh also too guys this will be up in podcast form tonight you guys can follow us on all our socials we have the the uh links down in the comment section I mean sorry the

Description box below for all our socials you can follow us on there and uh yeah King everything else man we’re almost on our first K on Twitter man on X yeah yeah almost our first K it’s nice but um share share more share guys a like is the equivalent of a share um

Numbers like R said are growing we reaching more folks awesome we appreciate y’all appreciate the memberships and everything else man like one game at a time I guess we back there again so we gonna see what the Mavericks do tomorrow hopefully we get a better

You know um outcome and we can start a different Trend so go Ms should have started tonight but that’s a story for another day but yeah man that’s gonna probably do it for us tonight guys it is your boys rein King from we talk Mass we talk Dallas Mass from a fans perspective

Guys we’ll be back here tomorrow guys after the mass play the the Toronto Raptors guys same math Time same math Channel go excuse me go Mavs and we out Peace

Relle and King give their thoughts on the game between the Dallas Mavericks and the Cleveland Cavaliers

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  1. Gafford got killed in his minutes. It was a bad match up for him today. THJ should not have been on the court in the crunch tho

  2. Relle you forgot about the hook against Lively under our basket for a layup that wasn’t called late in the game

  3. I just watched the highlights and it looked like the mavs were just unlucky. The cavs needed a miracle and they got it. Similar to the T-Mac Rockets vs Spurs.

  4. I smell game result fixing. That same crew of refs did something crazy to NY the other day too. It wouldnt surprise me they are getting paid by someone to affect game results.

  5. About JKidd, apart from the usual complains I will say something. They keep signing him players he doesnt like and doesnt play, and we lose draft pick to get those players. I dont know if he doesnt talk with the front office or he does the yes man thing and after just plays whoever he wants. I dont know if he doesnt play those guys because he doesnt like them as players or personally.But If I am the front office I would fire him and get a coach that actually plays the players I sign.

  6. That was one of the most mentally taxing 5 minutes at the end of the game I have ever had the displeasure of witnessing. Need a day or two to recover from that. Got up this morning and feels like i have a hangover.

  7. Relle you spoke exactly how I feel about that game, thank you for that I needed that. When you said Kidd put THJ on Donovan Mitchell I couldn't help but crack up laughing, if you can't laugh you could cry man – horrific coaching by Kidd, I can't believe he can be this bad at his job.

  8. Guys THJ is in a major slump and I will say this… I agree with you on the fact that he isn’t offering anything else right now. But you guys have openly said you don’t watch the games and only watch highlights. I’ve watched every game this season and will say that THJ has been his inconsistent self per usual but he has had more stretches of being an okay shooter but things that aren’t talked about like playing defense, he’s has been better at this year. He’s one of the leading charge takers all year. And he has played better one on one defense all year… but this slump tells me something about him. When his shoot isn’t falling he doesn’t play defense. And then he tries to shoot himself out by continuing to take hard shots. Take a look at one of his shots he made, it was off a free throw miss a quick turn and mid range shot. I saw that and bugged out because he’s trying to shoot himself back in by forcing shit

  9. How many times has Luka done this to other teams.? Everybody should just step back from their criticisms and just dwelve on what an awesome game-this was. All the people criticizing too much offense in the league should just go pound sand.

  10. Thj needs to stay on the bench. Hardy should be the 6th man and klieb is a 4 not a 5. If kidd can't see these things then he has no business coaching.

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