@Sacramento Kings

Locked On Wolves POSTCAST: T-Wolves Fall Short In OT Slugfest vs. Sacramento Kings

Locked On Wolves POSTCAST: T-Wolves Fall Short In OT Slugfest vs. Sacramento Kings

An OT Thriller at the Target Center as the Wolves try for their fourth straight win I got the expert Tyler meaf he’s going to help us break it all down it’s all coming up next on the lockdown wolves Postcast you are locked on wolves postcast part of locked on Minnesota on the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s up what’s up back in the lab back at it another t-wolves postcast episode right here on the locked on Sports Minnesota Network you got myself Luke

Inman lukor spin that’s the man Tyler metf he’s on Twitter at teaf 11 and Tyler before we jump into all the action quick reminder tonight’s episode brought To Us by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers you’re getting $150 in bonus Bets with any $5 bet that’s 150 bucks

If your $ five bet wins just visit lockon today to get started all right man you just never know what you’re going to get with this team on any given night any given game but tonight we got an absolute it was a slugfest inside the Target Center

Tonight wolves come into this one they’re looking for their fourth straight but the Sacramento Kings they had something to say about that they pulled out all the stops man they played some they played some chippy physic Scrappy ball especially tonight got to give them credit on that front doesn’t

Help when your Superstar Anthony Edwards he leaves at halftime for some personal reasons I think he found out his girlfriend was going into labor correct me if I’m wrong on that but said basically hey we’ll see you on Sunday uh wolves dig themselves out of a big hole

Early though kings were up as much as 14 they battled back they took the lead we end up going into overtime and from there it just really felt like all right who’s got more gas left in the tank at this point in the end Malik monk couldn’t be stopped back-to-back killer

Three-pointers in that overtime period Naas Reed chance to tie it in the corner at the end doesn’t come through wolves lose a battle man 124 120 kick us off lot to dissect and discuss I know but just start with the biggest takeaways and maybe observations you had from this

One I mean that was a fun game at the least you know at least we we got a fun game out of it Jaden McDaniels was magnificent and it kind of sucks that his arguably his best game of the season just kind of got wasted there um but I

The the story of this game was is just Malik Monk and he 35 points after halftime he was just on one tonight um but this was a game that the Wolves could have won a dozen different ways when both cat and Nas go won of six from

Three and you lose by four that’s brutal when you get out scored in the Fast Break points 19 to zero that’s BR when you have a severe size advantage and you’re playing three centers for the bulk or you know at least you know most of the fourth quarter and you still get

Out rebounded on the offensive glass 14 to8 and give Sacramento an offensive rebounding rate of almost 31% that’s inexcusable so they got bullied tonight by the smaller team um I know Rudy still put up big rebounding numbers but sabonis uh was kind of just pushing guys around with e

Lot of long rebounds that guards weren’t coming back in to collect um and that resulted in at least I it was like 20 second chance points like towards the end of the game that may have been up a couple um by the by by the time the

Final whistle sounded but it it was those hustle plays really the second chance uh fast break and offensive rebounds that really decided this game and accounted for the bulk of Sacramento’s points yeah let me just stem off the comment section here in the Stream lot of people picking on cat

Understandable and then you mentioned a lot of a lot of poor free throw shooting they won the free throw attempt battle I do want to get into some games within the game but of those two which one were you more disappointed with I know you already mentioned a few other things you

Were disappointed that you thought swayed the outcome of this one but uh cat’s performance especially late or just not knocking down those freebies at the end as well yeah and it it would have been nice and it’s rare that my who’s like a 91% fre throw shooter

Misses but I mean at the same time Sacramento shot 54% from the line and they missed nine free throws in their own right so it wasn’t exactly a sterling performance from either side from the line but um I I I struggle to pin the game on just those last couple

Free throws no that’s fair enough uh talk to me a little bit more about the the overtime at the end everyone’s exhausted nothing came easy tonight you got no ants if you’re Finch you know cat and Rudy both have five fouls 15 seconds left n drives down the lane kicks it out

To NAS Reed had a clean look in the corner couldn’t cash in just walk us through the ending specifically what you liked maybe what you didn’t and then just the overtime period I guess as a whole and just how it swayed the outcome of this one yeah and I I I loved that

That play to set up the the nas three because um you know if cat’s kick back to Nik is a little more accurate maybe he has look there but I he has a free Lane to crash down collapses the defense and he makes the right read there I know

College basketball fans and specifically College Basketball announcers were rolling in their graves with you know him not taking a quick two but a wide open Corner three with Naas Reed who’s you know a near 40% three-point shooter you’re going to take that look every time when you’re under 10 seconds left

In the game down three points it’s the right read shot was good just came up a couple inches short so I I think the process and how they got to that shot to potentially send it to a double overtime uh was was really perfect I I thought everyone executed their role to

Perfection shot just didn’t fall and unfortunately that that happened some nights tough physical game man give the Kings credit uh they played again tough Scrappy ball all night even the crowd looked exhausted at the end of this one um how does the game plan change though when you’re coach Finch you hear your

Number one player the guy who’s put the team on his back the last month month and a half he’s dipping out for the night and you knew already before that even transpired this game was going to come down to the wire this game was coming down to the end like what did you

Notice the most about maybe the wolf’s ability to adjust to adapt without Anthony Edwards and I guess as far as like the X’s and O’s what stuck out to you maybe the most as far as just how they were able to find some new ways to score points and play good basketball

That maybe we haven’t seen before yeah and it’s always tough whenever you lose someone of ants Kell um but it really changes how they run their offense because he’s one of the few guys who can just consistently out of any look just go get his own shot whether it’s being physical getting to

The rim stepping back in the mid-range you know knocking down open threes whatever it is he doesn’t need a structured offense to get his shot and once he goes out they just become easier to defend just because of that they need a little more structure guys can you

Know attack Closeouts and rim run and that kind of stuff but no one can really go isolation consistent L and get their own shots that’s where we kind of saw a guy like Keon Ellis make a huge impact with how active his hands were on defense I mean he ended up with four

Steals and a block and a lot of those were those kind of late digs on guys driving and you know late shot cont tests um because they’re just not used to having to create on ball like that so it it just kind of puts people in elevated positions that they haven’t

Been in all year um but these were good Reps for a lot of the guys on the team um it led them to running out a lot of lineups that we haven’t seen a ton of this year but more so in sprinklings we saw a bunch of two-point guard lineups

That really didn’t work tonight uh I know Finch likes those sometimes um but I think that those lineups were kind of a direct cause of malake Monk getting into a rhythm real quickly in the third quarter there and then we saw him pivot uh in the fourth quarter to a three big

Lineup with uh Mike jayen and then Nas Cad and Rudy um all out there at the same time so I I think that was just kind of an interesting look and I thought those guys really held their own for the most part and it allowed them to more consistently throw Jaden on Malik

Monk you know disrupt his stuff a little bit and then they were just hunting mismatches with screen over screen over screen to get Malik on whoever they wanted him attacking um how confident would you be in saying the Wolves win this one if Anthony Edwards does play that second

Half because you know like you already touched on the offense but like random Planet points out here the defense though as well he’s always been so good this year in those big critical clutch moments I think it’s even nationally wise National media goes even a little underrated everybody just thinks Anthony

Edwards okay he’s a freak shooting the ball but the defense though too and maybe monk even though Jaden played a role there especially going into overtime that last position um he did his job but you just got another great defender on the court as well could you

Say confidently and I know we’ll never know but the Wolves pulled this one out with Anthony uh Anthony Edwards playing the end yeah and since I can’t be held accountable I guarantee no but I think that’s a really good point because uh like we saw in that Grizzlies game where where jiren

Jackson was you know torching everyone on the court and like let me let me try it let me try and defend him and he really disrupted his flow and his rhythm and we’ve seen him do that against Dallas in Boston so being able to throw not only Anthony edwards’s just size but

His physic iic ality of strength on someone as kind of slender as Malik monk who’s a dynamic scorer in his own right I think that would have really disrupted things because they tried mik Conley they tried mlin they tried Monte Morris they tried n none of it worked and ant

Is the exact guy that you throw on Malik monk in those situations where he can then kind of body him up really leverage his strength while still funneling him to the length around the rim where Rudy and uh Jaden can then act as more uh kind of weak side Rim protectors and

Then still be really effective on the defensive glass and we saw that tonight from jayen too where when he wasn’t always defending on Ball and he racked up seven rebounds tonight which is huge for him unheard of unheard of monster night maybe career night actually for that fact let’s let’s keep talking about

Him um great game on Wednesday by the way so now follows it up with 26 points7 boards new career high could this finally be the the Jaden McDaniels we’ve been kind of hoping for all year on the offensive side of the ball and and how much does that help when he’s scoring

Points like this on a more consistent basis now yeah and it it’s just huge so and hopefully this is him just kind of finding his shooting Rhythm but we also saw him attacking Closeouts a little more effectively and cutting and finding those open pockets a little more

Effectively I love that they ran that first play right off the tip off to get him an easy layup get him an easy two points get him in a little bit of a rhythm early on um they usually do that for Rudy I thought there’s a really kind

Of good adjustment to do that for jayen tonight who has been struggling over the last month or so um It’s just tough because and he’s what the fourth fifth option in that starting lineup when it comes to scoring and so much of his job is stand in the corner and be an outlet

So he’s I I think we often forget with how good this team is and how good he’s been early in his career and same with ant but Jaden’s still super young he’s still on his rookie contract this year his extension kicks in next year um so still finding those ways to

Consistently make an impact find your own shot create your own opportunities um is really difficult especially when you’re fifth on the totem pole um but hopefully tonight uh building off of that Memphis game two is just kind of another step in the right direction of okay when I do get these opportunities

These are the spots that I can exploit and I can’t really waste any of them yeah nice to know it’s in the bag when you need them like you mentioned though and some people have commented as well that uh he’s just on most nights more nights than not more games than not he’s

Just not going to have that many opportunities with that kind of volume as he saw tonight but nice to know again that he can do it uh uh no ant again who left in the second half no slow-mo tonight think he’s battling that hamstring connley got kind of banged up

For a few minutes there this was just a knockout Drago fight till the very end man uh here’s just some more box score scouting here which again I know doesn’t always tell the whole story but Rudy 10 straight double double 16 point 16 boards towns with 19 nased he’s been

Awesome man he scores 19 Wednesday 18 tonight just couldn’t cash in that game tying shot at the end connley with 14 ant with just 11 before he left n was seven jmck with three I mean you got six guys with double figures here tonight

Helps when you go into OT I get it but just kind of take that any direction you want here before we move on to the uh next segment uh you know any guy who maybe deserves a little bit more love or attention could be for good or bad actually

Yeah and it just shows the the the talent level on this team they did not the level that they played to tonight did not even warrant them going to OT but it’s just a Real Testament to how good and how talented and how versatile this team is that even when their

Offense is struggling like it was tonight even when they’re not rebounding or making those effort plays they still have the talent to push a playoff team to overtime and yes I know they were down dear and and sabona filed out and it took him a leak monk you know alltime

Performance from him but still you know there without Anthony Edwards slow-mo they can’t make a three to save their life outside of J Jaden so I I think it’s a real Testament to even when things aren’t going right that they still have a lot of different kind of

Avenues to explore and find those opportunities to you know grind out a win plenty more Deep dive including our Monte Morris watch and the Wolves impact Off the Bench that’s all coming up right after this quick reminder tonight’s episode brought To Us by FanDuel America’s number one sports book and official

Sportsbook partner of the NBA right now new customers check this out you’re getting $150 in bonus bets when you win any $5 bet 150 bucks in bonus bets when you throw down just $5 on any bet and win right now I just looked it up earlier this afternoon t-wolves are 8

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NBA there kind of a weird game tonight for a couple different reasons just just some things you don’t see a lot again six players and double figures for the Wolves tonight that’s great nothing came easy though all game all five quarters and and and you know all the

Miscellaneous stats too they all went Sacramento’s way uh you mentioned a couple of them the fast break points what was it 19 to zero Kings had the edge in points off turnovers Kings had the edge in points in the paint Second Chance points free throws did go to

Minnesota as far as attempts 32 to 20 I believe pretty close to that if I’m wrong but what facet of the game you know when you when you hear all those kind of miscellaneous stats do you think swayed the outcome the most when you think about those team stats what do you

Think and it it’s got to be the second chance points um I would think yeah just when you give it an offense that’s as Dynamic and prolific as sacramentos can be when you give them second opportunities when you have multiple seven-footers on the floor for most of

The game it’s just inexcusable you can’t do it they’re too good of they have too many good Shooters they have too many good interior finishers to consistently give them opportunities to exploit your defense and it just it it’s tough to defend possession after possession after possession when you get a good

Contestant and your teammates don’t secure the rebound so I I think that one’s a real just kind of drainer of momentum of enthusiasm of effort um and it’s also a testament to just kind of getting outworked and out bullied um in the post which is a real bummer because

They secure you know if they don’t give up 14 offensive rebounds I think they win this game pretty easily even if everything else goes the way it did they didn’t turn the ball over a ton tonight but when they did it was typically a live ball turnover that immediately led

To points in transition they they’re they’ve turned the ball over a ton this year it’s really just that that that offensive rebounding category if they rebound it the way they have been for most of the Year this game is probably you know they’re winning it in regulation yeah

For sure uncharacteristic for sure and and even with the loss tonight I mean bottom line we always come on here we dissect each and every game one by one in a vacuum but your Minnesota Timberwolves they’re still what 24 games now I guess over 500 which which is

Still even after all the success kind of hard to comprehend as a Minnesota sports fan talk to me about this team this year in the big picture I guess are they truly one of the best teams in the NBA do they have what it takes in your eyes

To hoist a championship trophy when this is all said and done um yeah yeah of course and we we got 20ish games left and they’re the one seed yeah I I 100% believe in them being real contenders I know there are going to be question about the offense until the season’s over and

Going into next year regardless of what happens um but this is the best defense in the league by a wide margin um it was coming in tonight it was nearly three-point differential uh which is one of the largest um differences between first and second in I I don’t have the

Exact years but it’s like the last like seven or eight years so they’re not just the best defense in the the league they are by a wide margin and they have been all season and that’s the kind of thing that travels um especially in the playoffs when things get gross and slow

Down and transition becomes less frequent and more and more possessions skew towards the half court offense having that dominant of an a half court defense really pays dividend so yeah it’d be nice if they were if their offensive rating somehow automatically jumped into the top 10 it’s not going to

Happen it’s going to be a clunky offense all year but when you have a dynamic shot Creator and shot maker uh like Anthony Edwards like they didn’t have tonight he can really cover up a lot of works I know he’s young but having that solidified identity of being the best

Defense especially in the half court um is just a huge Advantage uh my new favorite bit the Monte Morris watch still a small sample size I know haven’t really got your two cents on him quite yet how’s he fitting into the equation from what you’ve seen

I think he’s an interesting fit I like him more as a backup I know Finch kind of keeps running him out there with uh Conley a lot so it’ll be interesting to see as we get a bigger sample um how real or how effective those lineups actually are tonight it didn’t work but

Whatever is is a one night sample uh his shot is kind of slowly coming back to him uh having another Outlet in the corner is really nice and he just doesn’t make mistakes I I don’t believe he’s turned the ball over once since he’s been here

Moves the ball smart passer we saw him be a little pesky and uh disrupts stuff on defense tonight forcing at least one turnover I think it was on that Keegan Murray post up so I I think he’s slowly starting to find his Groove starting to get back into playing shape because he

Did Miss 90% of this season because of injury so I I think he’s going to be a good fit uh a month from now I think you know three four weeks from today it’s going to look a lot different than it did tonight in the the previous couple

Games yeah well said here’s a fun stat wolves have held the lead in games for 76.5% of the time this season so that’s the equivalent of you know over three full quarters per game every game the entire year that’s good for third highest in the NBA I guess when you hear

A stat like that what does it tell you about that team and and what does it tell you about how they’re winning games as well yeah just kind of tells me that they’re controlling stuff and they’re you know they’re not having to battle back all the time and they’re not giving

Up these massive leads um and even swings throughout the game as much yeah exactly so like even when the they are down it’s rarely not by a ton they’re rarely getting blown out and if they are it’s kind of slow slow starts like we saw these last two games and then they

Build their way back into it it’s kind of just a sign of maturity in a team that knows who they are and isn’t panicking when they get down I know we have some games where they turn into herob ball uh like that Milwaukee game which got gross real quick but for the

Most part this season there hasn’t really been that panic when they’ve gotten hit in the face they’ve just kind of taken it and then started throwing body blows of their own to build back uh or to chip away at that deficit and then eventually expand their own

Lead uh so I’m just thinking about the last three four games now here we saw one game without Rudy that was a few days ago then we got one game without cat the next game tonight it’s no ant for the second half and overtime what’s the biggest thing that’s kind stuck out

To you in any of those games and maybe something that you learned about the team when they’re missing you know a big key vital piece to the puzzle because you know I asked Jack this and and I’ve asked Sam as well I guess I’m just curious because I want to know God

Forbid knock on wood if somebody big did go down here before the playoffs how much of a chance do the Wolves still have yeah and when we talk about title hopes it probably obviously diminishes it quite a bit of course yeah but like you said I there’s always someone there to step up

Like a a was gone for the final half of tonight’s game Jaden stepped up and had the best game of his career when cat’s out or goes down not same with goar naasri is right there to kind of fill fill in their shoes and provide a little different flavor of uh scoring and

Passing and just even defense uh with how much he’s improved on the perimeter this year so even you look at a guy like Kyle Anderson and then nikil Alexander Walker there’s just Talent throughout this rotation and Finch typically only plays eight nine guys um so it’ll be fascinating what happens with that you

Know kind of quote unquote backup point guard role come playoff time whether Monte takes that away from mlin because we know Finch loves mcclaflin and the fact that he’s shooting 40 plus percent I know it’s on low volume but the fact that he’s up there this year is

Absolutely huge for him so every time someone kind of goes down or gets in foul trouble or you know rolls their ankle that they have to go get taped up there’s always someone coming off the bench and stepping up and not afraid of the moment um so they’re not only just

Playing their role they’re elevating their play and their effectiveness to a level that is good enough to be at least effect simil for a short period for whoever they’re replacing give me just a quick 60 seconds on this Kings team because they’ve played the Wolves as tough as anyone this year extremely

Physical annoyingly active hands down in the paint to get those deflections those sabonis is a monster monk was on fire in that second half what’s their ceiling what’s their biggest weakness or thing maybe holding them back and then how worried would you be I guess if you had

To play them in a in a seven game series yeah and that they’re proving to be one of the bigger annoyances for the Wolves this season uh yeah and I I think that’s really just a perfect way to describe them because their offense is really Dynamic free flowing lot of uh pick and

Roll uh dribble handoff stuff that all kind of of comes through sabonis because he’s so skilled such a good passer incredibly physical on the boards um they don’t really have a ton of Rim protection but they rebound everything they’re really good team rebounding um and then that kind of facilitates their

Ability to get out and run push the pace and let their kind of Gunners like dearn Fox when he’s healthy he his shooting has taking a huge jump this year uh Keon Ellis can get hot Malik monk obviously huge for their second unit Kevin herder

So they have a bunch of guys who can get hot in a hurry um and they just they they do a really really good job of uh rebounding on the defensive end to kind of compensate for their lack of defensive prow prowess yeah well said all right we got

Time for one quick segment left we’ll talk about the Clippers game coming up on Sunday that’s all coming up right after this quick reminder tonight’s episode brought to you by betterhelp give online therapy a try at lockon NBA and start start a new journey to becoming your best self because

Sometimes in life we all need the opportunity to get something off our chest big or small certain things can really start to eat away at you and get under your skin like maybe the Wolves losing at home in overtime who knows maybe that’s it it’s so important to be

Able to let that out especially to someone who’s unbiased in your life now therapy can be different for everyone most of us have bigger problems than just our favorite sports teams and it’s important important to get these things off your chest every once in a while if you’re thinking about starting therapy

You got to give better help a try it’s entirely online and it’s designed to be flexible and suited for your schedule go visit lockdown NBA to get 10% off your first month that’s betterhelp lockon NBA okay when you hear Clippers Blazers back to back on a back back to back then

Then on the road with Pacers Cavs Lakers Clippers Jazz twice then the Nuggets back at home for me I hear that I think it’s an absolute Gauntlet I asked Jack this I want your two cents though what’s the the top one or two things that kind

Of come to mind for you as far as it pertains to this wolves team and the schedule that’s on Deck yeah man that that is a brutal brutal man I thought the brutal part of of the schedule is over now it’s supposed to you know it it

Got soft and easy again not not I guess not I guess that’s not the case just a weird kind of schedule too and you know I guess you could call it a benefit or a uh a downside to being in the middle of the country where you just have these

Long spells of being at home and then on the road um so that’s really fascinating that again having to go to Indiana then Cleveland then all the way back out west for four games um I I think these Clippers games are going to be fascinating because Clippers are

Struggling a little bit recently I think three and they’re they’re three and five in their last eight but they’re playing Washington tonight so that’ll probably get them back on to their winning ways um but they’ve the wolves have matched up well with the Clippers this year so

It’ll be fascinating to see how what adjustments if any Los Angeles makes and just kind of if they come into this into Sunday’s matchup um kind of hoping and determined to not give up the the season series because Clippers are probably going to be right in the battle um for

That one seed well yeah let me ask you that how how excuse me how’s the West looking right now like like whose stock is shooting up who’s been slipping down a little bit and and most importantly for the Wolves still a clear-cut four-man race at the top is that right

Yeah and Minnesota OKC Denver Clippers one through four right there nothing’s changed on that front yeah no and you know Clippers have fallen back they’re three and a half games back right now just because because of that the last eight games they’ve lost five of them um

But OKC and Denver just kind of keep rolling along and I Denver’s still the team to go through in the west they’re the reigning Champs they’re playing like it joic is playing like an MVP yet again for theth year in a row he’s an absolute monster they’re a well-oiled machine um

But OKC and Minnesota just kind of keep plugging along and those three and four teams I’ll I’ll keep the Clippers in there because they have the talent kind of continue to separate themselves from the rest of the pack where you look at 5 through 10 and they’re separated by

Three games so it’s going to be real gross uh those guys trying to fight out of the playin um and it’ll be really interesting D you know that final week or so to see if there’s any Shenanigans with uh kind of trying to uh play for a specific seed yeah no

Well said good breakdown there uh I got to ask you this too before we get out of here you know I’m a DI hard and NFL draft nerd right it’s combine week so I’m watching all these drills and workouts all day all weekend now got me thinking I’ve never really sat down and

Watched an NBA Combine I got no idea what it looks like what’s the same what’s different walk me through the biggest differences between what we’ve seen an NFL combine versus the NBAs um I the the the whole premise is kind of similar uh the the the scrimmages in the NBA Combine um you

Know they obvious don’t do that in the NFL they they throw and catch and you know have their drills and whatnot but the NBA the kind of Fringe guys go full five on five scrimmages uh but they they have Lane agility three4 quart Sprints uh bench presses I think is only like

155 or 145 compared to I believe NFL is 225 so bit of a difference there but makes sense um but yeah the measurements vertical Sprint speed lane agility all that kind of stuff it it it’s all the same premise you got two or three studs in this year’s class that I can write

Down when I’m doing my March Madness brackets here that I should remember oh boy um I think I looked at a mock like a month or two ago uh a lot of Europe a lot of European guys at the top say lot lot of foreign guys it’s kind of a Down

Year overall uh ky’s got a couple really fun freshman and re Shepard Rob Dillingham uh dton connect from Tennessee upper classman takes on a lot of the scoring load by himself uh Yukon absolute wagon again this year Donovan kingan Stephen Castle uh two those are their their top two draft prospects uh

Wolves winning streak snap tonight 12420 to the kings in overtime Clippers in town this Sunday that’ll be a good one tip off for that one 2:30 PM Central Standard Time well done tonight my man as always huge shout out to everyone that joined us on the stream you guys

Are awesome knowledge passion energy you guys got it all rest assured we’re going to be be back each and every game same time same place right here to break it all down quick reminder go check out all of Tyler’s work on Twitter at tetaf 11 anything we should be on the lookout for

Haven’t talked to you in a week or so anything you’ve been working on we can check out as of late uh just draft stuff five days a week over at no sealings and Justa Kana Su team continues to put out incredible work every day over at yeah they’re absolutely

Killing it make sure you go check that out and quick reminder make sure you check out the entire crew the Minnesota basketball party that’s each and every Wednesday you got our guy Sam xtram hosting gopher’s Legend Ron Johnson Carol Levens Reggie Wilson R guy Jack Borman plus Ben Beacon always ripping it

Up over on the lockdown wolves podcast each and every day as well that’ll do it for us tonight he’s Tyler metf I’m Luke Inman on Twitter lukor spin until next time signing out

The Minnesota Timberwolves ran out of gas in an overtime thriller tonight against the Sacramento Kings. Join Luke Inman and Tyler Metcalf for the immediate breakdown and reaction following tonights game.


  1. Kings superstar was gone the entire game so I think the point about Ant leaving is kinda lame, no excuses plz

  2. Kat looks like he wanted the wolves to lose! He’ll never show up for the playoffs, knowing this is his last year in Minnesota.

  3. Kings fan, or wolves fan

    Can we all agree that the first challenge by the kings on the KAT play on Lyles was one of the worst calls ever?

    In what universe was that not an offensive foul on KAT?

    IM SORRY… Rotating torso on Lyles??? Get the fuck outta here!!! Dude was completely set.

    Hey this leagues a joke and these refs need to be held accountable regardless of who youre rooting for. That is the wrong call. If youre a wolves fan and it helps your team, that's not the point, everyone KNOWS that was BULLSHIT!!!!

    Never knew that having your feet set, getting kneed by a full speed offensive player was offset by a ROTATING TORSO????

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