@Orlando Magic

Paolo Banchero & Markelle Fultz PostGame Interview | Detroit Pistons vs Orlando Magic

Paolo Banchero & Markelle Fultz PostGame Interview | Detroit Pistons vs Orlando Magic

Finding finding that Groove again definitely just you know managing every day you know whether that’s recovery whether that’s working out whether that’s um sleep you know just trying to maintain you know around this time everybody kind of gets you know a little tired trying to push through so uh just

Trying to find that groove of doing what works and sticking with it come last three games is that something that matters to you no I don’t care all I care about is helping this team win any way that I can do that if I’m on the bench you know cheering my guys on

Bringing them water if I’m in the game playing as hard as I can but um I don’t really care about that man I care about winning any way possible Paulo uh per magic PR you’re one of only four players in the last 40 years to average 26 and four uh with

Michael Jordan LeBron James and Luka donic you hit those numbers again tonight what does that mean to you to kind of be grouped with those guys and and do the things you’re doing at 21 years old um I mean yeah when you say that with those names it is kind of

Crazy hearing that but I think just wanted to just when I first got here just wanted to just win I think that was the biggest part doing whatever it takes to win um and just you know playing having fun with these guys you know they always encouraging me to you know be

Aggressive do me you know and so when I hear that you know I’m always on go so just always you know trying to play play my game and do whatever it takes to win I think it’s been my my uh biggest um thing these first two

Years this question is for either of you uh last season 34 wins tonight 35th win of the Season what does that mean for this what does that Milestone mean for this group I think it’s big but um we got a bigger picture you know we kind of

Talked about it a little bit today about staying locked in you know and our expectations you know so again I think we just got to continue to take it one game at a time and um we’re going to be good you know I think we have a really

Good team everybody has the same mindset everybody’s locked in winning everybody wants to win so um we definitely are are aware of it but uh we have bigger goals within our our team and within you know higher standards for oursel Paulo uh coach has talked a lot

About this team’s Poise over the over these over these games you know being able to extend the lead out in the third quarter coming back you know coming back in with 13-point lead and extending it sending it back out to finish the game where where does where does this team

And where does where does your Poise come from to kind of thrive in moments yeah I think the biggest thing uh is that we can count on each other you know um Joe Joe right before I came here was joking around told me make sure

To tell y’all that you know uh the bench the bench we we gave the bench a break this time instead of us the other way around so like us being able to count on them you know when we’re not playing as well to lift us up and you know take a

Lead or bring us back and then you know today same opposite you know where you know they might have came out slow and then we you know they counted on us to come back and and build that lead back up so just having that trust in you know

Throughout the whole team you know whether it’s the starting group The Bench group like you know we all trust each other and trust that you know we can all go out there and and win the game you know for this team so I think that’s where it starts this is a

Question for both you guys uh how important is it to kind of build a full head of steam and be you know pretty much completely healthy as you you know make your way down the stretch run and and into the playoffs here like that’s got to be super important just to build

Momentum and right like kind of get those habits going down the stretch I think it’s huge for us um especially you know with our schedule being able to play home a lot I think it’s going to be good for us just to feel what that’s like to be at home you

Know build a win streak um try to continue to take a one game at a time but for everyone to be healthy and just keep building that chemistry going to the playoffs is going to be huge you know cuz in the playoffs every possession matters you know you got to

Know your teammate better than uh anything so um for us just continue taking one game at a time continue building continue getting better I think the sky a limit thanks guys thank you every

Paolo Banchero & Markelle Fultz PostGame Interview | Detroit Pistons vs Orlando Magic
Paolo Banchero and Markelle Fultz PostGame Interview Detroit Pistons vs Orlando Magic


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