@San Antonio Spurs

SPURS LOOKED GREAT (AGAIN) Also, wanna talk about Pop!

SPURS LOOKED GREAT (AGAIN) Also, wanna talk about Pop!

Yeah this this game this game was incredible I guess my only question is all right I do have a question um have the Spurs won back-to-back games this season is this the first time I feel like this might be the first time everyone did well tonight I mean that’s

Been the theme the last few games what but have we won backtack games okay we did we did Trailblazers and Timberwolves yes okay oh Suns too you’re right you’re right the Suns and then we did with the Pistons and hornets okay so have we won three games in a

Row we have not we have not won three games in a row which was which is absolutely insane thinking about the San Antonio Spurs of all teams so one thing that I did to prep for this game and I I rarely ever do this okay but I went back

Uh I went back to when we played the Pacers November 6th and I knew it would be a different game especially since they have SE yakum and all that um and even our lineup was terrible like when we were having Zack Collins starting around this time yeah uh Sohan was still

Soan was point guard for at least 20 games so it was Dreadful but I was looking at wimy and I have to say wimy has grown so much in this one season I mean so much we’re at the point now where I don’t undoubtedly he’s Rookie of the Year okay I don’t think

Anybody should question that but then the question could be should he also get Defensive Player of the Year and I I really think that that’s a true possibility um I know that right now goar is is head honcho in in that in that respect but I don’t see why he

Wouldn’t get defensive player of the year the only thing I could think of is just the fact that it’s it is based on your team performance as well but man oh man individually there’s there’s no reason why when the Spurs are a better defensive team wimy shouldn’t win it

Every single year it’s been kind of crazy uh Miles Turner was highly physical wimy in his first matchup wm’s just gotten so much better um I don’t have this clip okay and I I do not want to spend time trying to search for it because I don’t know um but mono jobble

Was actually showing wimy some moves uh and you can see wimy uh pulling him out in this game in particular uh but yeah yeah no you’re right he’s fully dominating uh he’s he’s aggressive um he’s not taking like dumb shots which rookies normally do and he has done that

Um he’s allowing the game to come to him and he is just finishing so strong him uh uh uh Devon fael and soan all finished exceptionally strong in this in this showing it was really impressive all three of them it was just some huge plays and it just it just you can see

The skeleton of a really good team no can’t we see it like you can can see it it’s there like a really good team is there underneath the surface it it’s just it’s just a matter of getting more Talent been saying this since the beginning of the Season man everybody

Was so quick to say this player should be traded this player should be traded no no no fael and soan should be Staples if if there’s the right type of deal sure trade them away do it but I don’t think it will be on the table these two

Should be on this squad they fit with wimy no undoubtedly they fit with wimy they should be there uh I I love sohan’s attitude he brings that nastiness he he doesn’t care what anyone thinks um he’s he’s Fearless I know that’s one thing that that was kind of running running theme last season

Like pop kept talking about like how Fearless he is like he is so Fearless he doesn’t care care about anything he would do whatever he uh needs to do to win and you see it you see it in games like this people can finally see it I

Know that this been a crappy season so much losing not fun to watch uh to to lose it’s been fun to watch but it’s not fun to lose but I’ll say this man the Spurs are looking better and better and better and most importantly the guys

That you want to improve you want to take those next steps have taken them wimy soan and fael have all three took huge steps all three of them people will talk trash say no soan hasn’t but I’ll tell you this sohan’s passing ability has been there it has definitely been

There um it it it’s gotten better uh since the beginning of the season and he’s improved that but not only that I think that his uh shooting has gotten I don’t think that I mean statistically his shooting has gotten better three-point shooting outside shooting um and he he’s just he’s just making really

Good reads uh offensively uh the same thing with fael I thought that the only issue I ever had with him is he’s not aggressive enough but now he’s picking and choosing uh when to be aggressive when to take over and it’s a beautiful sight to see uh he he’s the type of

Player and sohan’s the type of player let’s be real and this is kind of partly the reason the Spurs drafted them is they’re players that can kind of fit with any system right and you can see them fitting very well uh with with wimy

Um you you just love to see it and and our entire honestly if you go back and you just look at uh the top G or the top players or top rebounders top points top assists during this season you’re going to see wimy Sohan and fael name pop up

Quite often Mo mostly wimy and for sale let’s be honest but it does pop up quite often right like if you just look through you just skim through now Wim is here all over the place all right’s let’s not even pretend wi’s here all over the place Jones is here quite often

When it comes to assists um but every now and then you you see you see uh Sohan and fael mixture over and over it’s it’s just a nice sight to see man this is this is really nice Sohan the MJ McConnell uh stopper I feel like in this game in

Particular uh the San Antonio Spurs kind of uh allow like they didn’t want Hal Burton to beat them they didn’t necessarily want Miles Turner to beat them um and I think that’s where their main focus was on uh and and yeah he he went off in the

Process TJ McConnell went went off in the in the process so uh that that’s unfortunate but it is what it is you know it worked so uh all right okay so guys before before we get into this okay before we get into this game and we start looking at player after player

After player big shout out to today’s sponsor and sponsor of this Channel and this live stream and this channel for the majority of the Season uh bet us um please if you want to sign up for bet us just use my link below you’ll receive uh

125 uh% bonus uh what does that mean you put in $100 you get $125 that’s $225 to play with but up to $2500 for your first three deposits so you will get 125% bonus on your first three deposits up to $2500 uh once again Link in my

Description um use promo code join1 125 uh as well good stuff great stuff uh actually so you support the sponsors you support the channel and yeah so uh just going through once again I don’t think that we’ll be on this list but it’s always interesting nonetheless um okay

Well we can do Rookie of year I was going to do NBA champion let’s be real we’re not on here are we okay wait a minute those are divisions just take my word for it the San Antonio Spurs aren’t on the list they’re they’re not on the list okay we

Don’t have to look at this they’re not on the list they took us off a long time ago but Rookie of the Year let’s see what the odds look like woo I think everyone agrees wimy is going to win a rookie of the year odds are pretty ridiculous um but anyway Link

In my description go check out bet us uh so many different uh different different parlays and sports books and all that good stuff race for say dude I literally was talking about that I was literally talking about that I was like we got to re or unretire uh race for sa like immediately

Immediately immediately okay all right let’s go Ahad and take a look at this game let’s see where where the heck is this game am I tripping where’s the game where’s the game guys here it is it’s loading for some reason it took forever all right so yeah t so TJ

McConnell he went off but once again I don’t think that was the Spurs main focus in this game all right I’ll just be honest I I don’t think that was the focus so we’ll just go player by player there’s really not a lot to comment on

Um we I want to go through every player and then I want to talk about papovich okay uh because I I think I think I think we need to talk about pop so Jeremy Sohan first and foremost you got 12 points four assists eight rebounds

And a block um now keep in mind I say this all the time I’ve been very adamant about this I do not care about the points that soan puts up I will never care about it that’s not his biggest strength that’s not what type of player

He is oh thank you Stephen um for the for the super chat um but that’s not he just said go Spurs go by the way uh but there’s there’s there there’s nothing I care about more than soan in the assist column rebound column and just him being an overall connector and Defender that’s

That’s all I really care about but the most important thing about Sohan when you talk about offense actually showed up in this game and this is what I was talking about is that you just need him to be able to hit his shots when you

Need him you know if it’s at the end of the game and all game long wimy has been giving the team uh heat fael has been giving the team Heat um and and and you know the oppon the opposing team is focused in on wimy we can’t let wimy

Score that’s when soan will really shine because if he can hit his open shots which he didn’t take any threes but if he can hit his threes if he can make the the uh correct cut back door cut which he does all the time like that’s where

His strength is going to come in that’s where it’s going to shine right uh and even in those instances he can still be a connector between wimy Sohan to fael he can do that he’s capable of doing that he makes good reads so just overall I think soan was phenomenal in this game

And even though it’s only 12 points it’s not just only 12 points because they were very big points at the end and that’s all you can ask for with Sohan like that’s all you can ask for I don’t care like people that want to call him trash and say he’s garbage because he

Had this type of scoring game I will never care I’ll be real with you it’s not that now if we’re talking fael if we’re talking wimy and they have really poor uh uh uh shoo shooting performances we can criticize that a little bit but at least with those two you can sit back

And say defensively just like soan but you can say defensively there’s a reason for them to be on the court um but yeah you expect more points out of wimy you should expect more points out of Deon fael those are the type of players they are uh so and shoot even Malachi

Honestly like that that is Malachi so anyways moving on so soan did phenomenal uh wimy did God I I just it’s blown away dude Blown Away 12 rebounds I mean what do you do bro like seriously if you’re the other team I don’t even know what

You do I I don’t know how you guard him I I I have no idea what you’re was supposed to do he just affects so much on the court it it’s unfair dude 31 points 12 rebounds sixes he’s a rookie man he’s not only a rookie like I hate

These comparisons to Duncan cuz I know Duncan was a monster right his rookie year he was a monster but you can’t even compare him to Duncan Duncan is is phenomenal okay he’s great but I’m saying this right now wimy is going to be better than Duncan I think he’s going

To be better than Duncan I think he’s going to be better than LeBron I think he’s going to be better possibly MJ like I I I think he’s that that’s how high I am on wimy at this point this is not normal and it’s not

Just the fact that oh he’s 7 foot5 and he’s getting yeah of course he should get blocks no dude like the blocks that he’s getting is stuff you never seen before teams literally think that they’re wide open he can torts his body in a way he’s so flexible and his hand

Eye coordination is so superb that he’s getting blocks where it’s like it it’s eyes at the back of his head he’s getting backwards blocks I don’t know how you stopped it it’s literally a 2K player it’s like a unnatural Mo uh uh movement when he gets blocks it’s incredible it’s

Incredible I I seriously I seriously think he’s going to end up being the greatest player ever ever he’s so young he just turned 20 and he’s doing this it’s not it’s it’s it’s incred and I I’m I try to sit back and say okay is it my

Bias speaking like obviously I’m a Spurs fan obviously we’re going to talk about him obviously I’m excited about him but no dude like I’m just blown away it’s getting to the point where I’m numb to it and when you start to get numb to it this usually takes time by the way but

I’m starting to get numb to his stat lines but that usually takes time and usually it’s like a veteran or like but this point it’s like yeah of course wimy get got 31 points 12 rebounds six assists a steal and six blocks of course like obviously right like yeah yeah obviously he got

Six blocks That’s crazy dude I hope his arm okay ah he’s all right don’t worry about it Spurs better not man Spurs better not see him they need to play this next game all right we need three G we need three wins in a row not only were these games great um

Because they’re W’s uh but they were also great because it was against two good teams so yeah Prime wimy GNA be dominant like will or sha I I if this is the best wimy ever gets and it stops right now he’s still a phenomenal asset like like the these are

Superstar stat lines this is a superstar statline this this isn’t the type of like let me tell you this is not the type of stat line that like a role player or like just anybody can get and and this is a continuous theme with him like five

Blocks is not he’s gotten five blocks like the last five games actually you know what whim banama stats let’s let’s go let’s go look at it hurry up ESPN good got all right let’s go to game log all right let let’s see let’s see

How often he get he got it yeah look at look at this this is not normal y’all so we’ll just do the month of February three blocks two blocks a block three blocks a block 10 blocks three blocks five blocks five blocks five blocks four blocks five blocks six blocks against NB NBA

Talent this is the person that everyone said well we we need to hold off our excitement just a little bit you know cuz he’s so skinny he’s he’s going to get his welcome to the NBA moment moment I have yet to see his n he has hold on

He okay okay okay never mind never mind I was about to okay okay he only has two games in which he doesn’t have a block and one one of those games is is early in the season like first like one of his first 10 games and the other other time he didn’t

Get a block he had a triple double he’s he’s crazy this is insane defensive player of the year he’s 12th in league in steals unreal and he’s number one in Block like and isn’t he like and his stocks he’s like way above I believe he had a total

Of 71 stocks in the month of February second behind him was ad with 43 what is that wimy is a video game he is a video game like I said a lot of his blocks look like video game Mo motions man where it’s like oh I just hit triangle I

Just hit Y like I got that block cuz I hit I hit Y at the right time not because I was in the right position but because I hit Y at the right time like it’s crazy it’s unfair um man he’s going to get strength and he hasn’t even grown into his it’s

Going to be oh my goodness it’s going to be a massacre um but yeah anyways but that’s wimy wimy did a great job as always but I’m starting to become numb I really do believe he’s going to be the greatest ever I’m I’m very convinced of

That and it’s not like I never I’ve never said this before okay I’ve never said this before everyone knows obviously I’m a Spurs fan it’s in my name whatever but I’ve never said it’s about any Spurs fan ever I never said it I was the biggest monu Joby fan in the

World never once said oh he’ll surpass MJ never once said that Clan’s clearly an Xbox player why for jump I said triangle or y i I was trying to be inclusive I’m a PlayStation player all right moving on uh Trey Jones uh yeah he he didn’t the funny

Thing is Trey Jones actually didn’t have a bad game um he made good reads he made good passes he didn’t have a bad game it was just a quiet game for him you know he didn’t get many opportunities uh to score but um he earned his minutes like

He should have been out there uh Devon fael uh shooting wise wasn’t the best but he one thing I love about Devin is he continuously puts pressure on the opposing team like he was doing that all game long uh they couldn’t they knew to

The key in on him right they knew to key in on him and yet and steel he had five uh assists and he he hit some really big shots in the fourth quarter so um well I said shots or was it just one shot guys hold

On this why you can’t just go off of the uh the ey test let’s see maybe it was just one shot he hit at the end let’s see soan dunk soan tip shot soan layup that’s what I’m talking about just when you need him that’s all you

Need when you need him can you come alive and he can um let’s see okay it was 5 minutes but that was a huge shot though um because mil Turner had just got got the game within one th this this is one of those games that

Just a couple months ago Spurs lose it maybe just a month ago Spurs lose it Spurs lose this game undoubtedly they lose it and when the Pacers come back it’s over but that is not what happened um I feel like our key guys Victor uh soan and fael are learning how to win

And at the end they are coming alive they’re protecting our cuz this is this is old spur stuff you know like yeah team might come back but you’re going to hold that lead it’s going to be really tough for you to beat us um it just looked really nice both ends of the

Court I thought those three were were Sensational uh anyways all right let’s see crap box score all right cool thanks for subscribing Benny Frank we fought back tonight exactly what don’t forget don’t don’t forget Kellin CL we’re getting the Kellin calm down um all right so de fael

Was happy with him Malachi brandham uh did his thing uh Malachi actually honestly guys this starting lineup was kind of nice honestly I I I can’t I can’t front can someone tell me where champeny was because I was not 100% sure where he was did something happened what happened with champen does

Anyone know injured out with his ankle when oh from last game oh okay oh okay I remember he got hurt last game I I didn’t know cuz he came back in he’s a tough dude man he is a tough dude um but anyways uh I thought I thought this starting line

Was well Malachi made a few rookie not rookie mistakes uh some young player mistakes in there you know it is what it is but 18 points uh six assists four rebounds seven for 13 that’s what that’s all you can ask for right there uh man

He had one where oh he put the work on was it Miles Turner was it Miles Turner he put the work on woo Malachi looks dangerous off the pick and roll no Malachi that is his bread and butter that was his bread and butter in college that’s the type of

Player he is um overall he did well though he he did pretty well um you know not not a starting lineup that can survive or anything like that when when you know you’re on the road and you got tough competition you’re trying to win you’re not going to survive with this

Lineup but he definitely earned his minutes he did well I I was happy with it he was super efficient uh but moving on Zack Collins did a good job uh nothing to really say about it about him he he did okay uh you know you

Guys know I’ve been kind of on the fence as far as like if the Spurs were to try to move him later on cuz they can move him later on uh that that’s fine um you know especially since we didn’t talk about this but Don Barlo finally got his

NBA contract which we kind of predicted uh so it it’s it just I just wonder where does Dom kind of fit in there but he’s super young whatever Zack did fine moving on uh Osman same thing I always say uh he moves well without the ball if

He was on the 2014 team Spurs fans would love him unfortunately that’s not that uh his his defense is still awful but he did okay he did all right um I I like I do enjoy how active he is every time he’s on the court I never feel like he’s

Like not giving it his all or he’s he’s there he’s present it’s just it’s just talent-wise athletic athleticism wise you know he he’s a little behind sometimes but he’s there he’s engaged so I I do I do appreciate Osman in that respect I think he’s a

Good veteran to have on a team it’s just you know not really much you’re going to get out of him right now uh um moving on Kellin Johnson did really well this game um I was very proud of Kellin the this was one of those games like I always say

If Kellin can just kind of more so play his role and don’t try to force the issue he’s a he’s such a better player he is such a better player even if he just has his back to the basket and he just goes that route he’s a better

Player if he eles to post up it just gets irritating when you have wimy you know open or streaking or you have Devon fael wide open and he just goes straight into their chest I hate it um I hate it it hurt Clan to say that no it doesn’t

Hurt me to say that I’m cool with that I’m I’m happy that Kellin had a good game Kellin had a good game he did a good job of playing his role and when he does that good things happen um I thought he made really good reads I

Thought that he didn’t force the issue um they got him on quite a few files you kind of expect that though with with with Kellin but it was a couple of them where I was like okay guys come on like on one end uh you’re not calling anything for us which is

Fine but you got to do it on the other end too and I feel like Kellin had a couple fouls in there where it was like okay this kind of come on knick-knack fouls I wish I know that this is kind of like um this might sound kind of dumb

But I do wish that soan and wimy would advocate for themselves a little bit more like one thing I’ve noticed with those two and this is why I think they jail so well together okay they they jail very well together but they do not complain about calls at all like ever they never

Complain about it and I’m cool with that I’m I like that all right we we we we talk about this all the time how uh every time we go against LeBron it’s like oh my God he’s crying oh my God he’s crying about everything doesn’t

Matter what it is so I don’t like that I don’t want to be on that end of the spectrum and then you go back to the days of um uh kaw Leonard you go back to the days of Duncan and those are nice too they don’t really complain they

Didn’t complain like that um but some of these man I I I kind of wish they would talk to the refs a little more there was one in particular with soan where he didn’t even touch matth like at all he didn’t even touch him and he just they

Called it the foul and he just okay whatever you know and I was like dang dude like you probably need to advocate for yourself a little bit more I guess that’s poic’s job at this point you know uh I do like the mentality it’s like just play through it play tough um

That’s fine and and we know Kellin he gets like really hyped with with the with the uh refs but I I I don’t know sometimes I just kind of wish that they were a little bit more cuz some of them some of the calls are so BS that I think

You do need to don’t just yell and go crazy get a tech or nothing but just like talk to him um I don’t know no contact on that play it was like no contact but from how Sohan reacted you would have thought that like it was a clear foul but it wasn’t

Um I don’t know Matan gets a heap of ref loves all it takes is a bump which he initiates uh it’s a bit crappy it it’s be it’s because he’s so strong and that like his game is predicated off of physicality and I don’t know um but

Anyways that’s really it’s not like I’m like really upset about it it’s just sometimes I wish soan and wimy would just be like hey ref you know like what was that they don’t do it though cuz they’re they’re chill like that um all right anyways and lastly last but not

Least Blake Wesley he did a good job as well um three for three I thought he was going to have a even better night than that honestly I I thought he was going to end up going off um but he played the right way uh defensively he did well I

I’m I’m convinced more and more that in this upcoming draft you don’t have to to get a point guard like roll with Blake again you see what another offseason does for him uh roll with Trey Jones again let’s just see how things go and 2025 that’s when you can start making

Decisions on on what you need to do but right now I think I think Spurs can go ahead and do honestly the thing that I think is most important which people don’t agree with this but or some people agree uh but I I think most importantly you

Need to get a another defensive Wing uh some type of small forward uh that can score and defend I love Modis buellis that’s what I want um but there there’s other guys as well in this draft that you can go after um yeah draft best available

Um I I would say best best available for your need maybe I I don’t know I feel like we’re I don’t want to be that guy right but I feel like we’re kind of we kind of we already been doing best available I I feel like at this point we

We need a like if the best player available is a point guard I don’t I don’t know if I could do that but then again guys everybody in this draft are so close and talent level till it doesn’t really matter that much to be honest um best available is

Extraordinarily subjective I think in this draft everybody’s super close to each other especially in the lottery like the talent gaps are not that wide I will still take topic I do not like topic guys I do not like topic I I’ll maybe my opinions will change in in the

Later months but right now I am not bought on topage at all uh I I don’t really see what people seeing him it’s not much versatility I think in his in his game I don’t know um I mean I saw some people call him like a

Mini Luca and I’m like what where do you see that I I don’t see it at all you feel the same about topish yeah it’s just I don’t know he’s great with his he’s great with his left hand he’s great driving left like he’s great in the pick and rolls that’s cool but

Like I just don’t really see it yeah buzel is my guy um but we’ll we’ll we’ll keep looking we ain’t got to that point yet when the season’s over we’ll be looking into all these draft picks right um but yeah uh need another small for with the veteran point guard that can orchestrate

The offense while feeding wimy yeah that’s what I’m saying the point guard thing I think that can wait though I think that can wait uh yeah so what I wanted to say was the last thing I wanted to say about this game was papovich so papovich was great in this

Game I mean he he was great I I got so fustrated okay I got so frustrated throughout the season because there were so many people talking about papic in the light of oh my God papovich isn’t coaching anymore he’s too soft on these guys he doesn’t get on to them and you

Said this over and over that it’s not the fact that papovich is soft on anybody or he’s not coaching anymore it was really just the fact that they’re not really at that step yet there’s no point in yelling it it’s like it’s like teaching someone how to drive right like

If you’re teaching someone how to drive what’s the point of just getting on to him for every like small thing they make a mistake on they’re not at that point yet once their skill is at the point where they can drive down the street at

40 mph and not freak out then you can start critiquing a little bit more but for some reason people just had this idea that papovich just needs to yell at everybody yelling doesn’t always give you the results you want papovich now is at the point where he can really get on

To guys and drive it home but at the same time uh yeah he he he’s done it constructively he’s done it when it when it really matters and now it’s like okay the team has kind of figured each other out a little bit more uh they got the

Basic fundamentals down of the offense now you can see him getting on to guys it’s like we’re capable of winning I’m going to get on to you but it’s like people have this um this fantasy about papovich where it’s like well he used to just yell at everybody I like well I

Mean he would get on to his team sure I mean but he was it it depends on what was going on but that team was very established they knew how to win and depending on the the personality of his of his Personnel he he’s going to

Approach it a certain way some guys can take it some guys probably can’t he’s going to approach it a certain way Malachi I said this over and over again I feel like he’ll get the Danny Green treatment he just he just will um and we look back at him in middle school and

High school and his interviews he’s always kind of needed a guy to to to put a foot in his butt right like he’s always needed that so uh I don’t know I I think it’s I think it’s fine what happened oh my God see what I’m saying

Yeah skip skip palis says pop can’t uh coach anymore is nonsense that I don’t watch by the way I don’t watch any of that anymore I don’t watch First Take I don’t watch Undisputed I’ve realized that all of is just a bunch of nonsense uh I used to think like in Middle School

And High School like oh they have all this Insider information which often times they do I mean it’s let’s be honest um but they they do not break down anything everything is just narrativized like this is what’s going on in this player’s head I hate it so

Much uh the way they drive narratives is gross the amount of power that they have behind Awards is gross the fact that skip bis can say not skip bis I’m sorry Shannon not Shannon sharp oh my God Stephen A Smith can say Jason Tatum should be an MVP and now his odds are

Higher at MVP disgusting absolutely disgusting there’s no world where Tatum is MVP this year none there’s no world no reality okay we can go to the Multiverse and go from world to World planet to planet uh reality to reality and then none of them have Tatum winning uh rookie of the or

MVP sorry none of them so I hate that type of stuff but anyways this game was great everybody gets on the Popich don’t know what you’re talking about papic has been great um and yeah he he’s the perfect coach for this group of guys and

Often I’ll be real with you a lot of times when I watch the Spurs play they’re much better than they should be that’s real they’re much better than they should be so uh yeah hopefully we get another win uh soon that’ll be nice

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//About me:
I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

I am not affiliated with the San Antonio Spurs
or #NBA


  1. They won't give a rookie both awards. The NBA knows he'll have his turn at the DPOY! Plus, the team ranking is terrible. Plus, Rudy would complain on social media if his fellow Frenchman wins the award! Like he does with his non all-star selections. He WILL win the DPOY next year. If Trea comes in… he's competing for the MVP and DPOY. Eventually, they will get bored of voting for Joker, Giannis, and Embiid.

  2. Wemby starts getting longer stretches of minutes, and we starting building leads. Not rocket science.

  3. Let’s not act like that Pop was making the best decisions this season. He’s made mistakes and he’s learning from them. It’s good he’s made improvements to the lineups and rotation, but the stuff he’s fixed was stuff people were saying they should do at the start of the year. He’s till the best coach to handle Wemby though

  4. VW is the only untouchable. If Brian Wright and PATFO can get a superstar trading away Vassell and/or Sochan, then mark my words. Sure, I like Sochan for the future. But a young superstar next to VW makes all other Spurs expendable.

    p.s. Trae Young is a star…not a superstar. A superstar is a MVP type player. Any MVP types on average teams that may be on the bring of being blown up?

  5. Did anyone else notice in the 4th when the starters got taken out of the game? When the Spurs fouled with like 1 minute left of the game and the camera pans to Wemby and he's pissed? Did he get mad at the teammates? That was honestly interesting to notice cause he was saying something and looked irritated.

  6. Blake's speed on that steal and dunk was incredible. I told y'all he was a keeper. He's only going to get better.

  7. One thing I like about Pop is that he doesn’t play the blame game over the long game. He takes responsibility too. Maybe we should hear some James Brown during games more often; after all, 'Pop has got a brand new bag!'

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