@Boston Celtics

Oh God. Is This the Boston Celtics’ Year?


I read this today and would love to hear y’all’s thoughts. I definitely have that lingering sense of doubt and uncertainty about getting over the hump, but the way they’ve been playing this year *feels* different for sure.

by myriadinterests


  1. Yaboiii777

    Fuck the ringer always tryna jinx us Lets not get ahead of ourselves

  2. MissingInBrain

    Regardless, I am going to enjoy while it lasts.

  3. Hopefulmisery

    I like whenever the Ringer says something nice about the Celtics you can sense they’re choking on their words

  4. This season feels different than last season, but I’m finding the championship or bust stuff making me miserable as a fan. Last season every loss felt like a referendum, this year I have so much more confidence, but there is only one thing left to win.

  5. flandashes

    It does feel like it but I want everyone else to be quiet about it

  6. Can everyone stfu. I just want to enjoy good basketball.

  7. BlackCherrySeltzer4U

    Having just getting into the Celtics this year, let me tell you the story of the 2022/23 bruins… don’t put the cart before the horse, is all I’m saying.

  8. iamamuttonhead

    If this team does what JB and his teammates say they will do – learn and improve – then they will be unstoppable. As shocking as it seems, there is still quite a bit this team can improve on. If they do improve then they will undoubtedly put themselves in the best team ever competition.

  9. TrashInspector69

    It’s been “our year” for like 3 years now… the difference between the past years and now is I think Tatum is ready

  10. teddyballgame9

    I can’t wait for the C’s next loss and all the talking heads to be like “SEE THEY ARE PRETENDERS…” when that’ll only be their 13th lost of the season.

  11. semanticmemory

    As somebody who watched the historic Bruins collapse last year, I’m not banking on anything. Enjoy the ride, hope they get it done, but know that nothing is certain.

  12. luke_workin

    I will stop watching basketball if it’s not. Like damn if we don’t win it this year we are never winning it again

  13. ChickenWhiskers

    I just wanna blow Gorman a kiss when he’s celebrating on a Duck Boat.

  14. bigwillie814

    It absolutely feels different than last year or even 2022. They can beat anyone. But i hate “championship or bust” mentality as others have pointed out. It’s exhausting, and it’s empty – the “bust” scenario here is that… we still have 2 of the best wings in the league under contract who seem happy and want to stay with our team? Sheesh, what an awful worst case scenario.

    There is no bust. You don’t get relegated if you fail to win a chip. You need so many things to go right to win at the highest level. Let’s just enjoy the ride for gods sake.

  15. Taylor0063

    God I hope so. I’m a Dallas Cowboys fan so the Celtics are my only hope at seeing a championship for the foreseeable future.

  16. HoorayPizzaDay

    I’d really enjoy a way to not get my hopes up.

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