@Milwaukee Bucks

Have Milwaukee Bucks Turned It Around with Doc Rivers? | TWO for One Hosted by TPJ (Clips)

Have Milwaukee Bucks Turned It Around with Doc Rivers? | TWO for One Hosted by TPJ (Clips)

Um so yeah kudos to kudos to uh wimy and his Trainers for keeping him healthy um because they are doing some different stuff um if you remember he came he stayed with his training staff until he got over here until after what the summer league he stayed with the

Training staff who’s been training with him personally for like three years uh to get him to even ready for NBA basketball soos to them yeah I didn’t even know that good for them yeah for getting the kid ready um but what else you got I got one last topic the Bucks

Have improved I think they’ve won five in a row now although they’ve played some somewhat inferior competition they play the Clippers on the fourth uh Clippers lost Russell Westbrook uh fractured his hand unfortunate injury um he’s probably going to be out for at least 6 to eight weeks um what are your

Thoughts on the Milwaukee Bucks um and their improvements um I’ve seen some basketball people talk about how the Bucs have made made some offensive improvements um as it pertains to like Dame Lillard and his offense they’re starting to run um screens up a lot higher um near more of the Center Court

And the logo which allows him to be able to come off those screens and either get down heel or get that pullup three which is making life a lot easier for him obviously you have Patrick Beverly there being the defensive uh pest that he is he scored 14 points in the fourth

Quarter the other day versus the Bulls and the Bucks win in which Giannis I think had 46 and 46 points and 16 rebounds he had 20 he had like 23 and8 and something like that in the first half uh what are your thoughts on the Bucks and their Improvement um do you

Think that doc has finally figured it out and what do you think is their ceiling I’m very curious cuz I know that we’ve talked about doc um you know and nauseum since he was covered since he was coaching the Clippers what do you think about what they’re doing right now

And can they improve it I don’t I think they’re still real quickly I think they sing is uh Eastern Conference Finals I don’t expect him NBA finals and winning um we talked about this a couple weeks ago getting Patrick Beverly um him moving to whether he plays he’s gonna hold people accountable

Uh whether he’s on a playing with the starters Dame Lillard and and Giannis he’s GNA hold those guys accountable uh but when he’s playing on when he’s on the bench or running that number two Squad him and poris is going to they’re going to click and they’re going to be

In sync to where they’re going to intimidate some players just with their presence alone oh yeah they were doing the versus the Bulls they were filing really hard even Demar D rozan got upset um a dumo got upset there was a couple scuffles continue yeah they’re gonna they’re gonna they’re gonna intimidate

And frustrate a lot of their talent just with those two Alone um because now poris isn’t alone in the fact that not again don’t get take this the wrong way he plays a tough guy game he also can play actually he’s actually pretty he’s very good he’s actually turned into a

Great spot up shooter also but he he has a tough guy mentality now you have him and you have a Beverly to unlock his that un full excuse me unlock that full tough guy mentality out of him bring it out of him U they’re gonna that that

Second team is really going to uh help Giannis and um Giannis and Dame do their thing so if they’re if they’re making these adjustments where now Dame feels more free I think kind of that um the allstar game in a in a weird way kind of

Helped Dame in fact that I don’t want to say rebuild his confidence but allowed him to feel more confident um with the with the bucks he’s the thing that might be a problem for him moving along is he you’ve heard him say recently um he doesn’t do anything because there’s

Nothing to doing in yeah he’s also going through a divorce which he filed for a divorce yeah but dog you’re coming from you’re coming from Portland so if he can get it maybe it’s a little colder in in Milwaukee than it was in Portland but so

Once once it warms up maybe it’ll feel a little bit better um but nonetheless if he’s able to come into his game and Doc to make these Minor Adjustments to help him free feel more Freer um that’s good and that’s kind of giannis’s responsibility too Giannis try to U

Verbally in the press conference say this is his team I think Giannis was going too far but if Yannis can make him feel more comfortable on the floor on the court and um help them build up that confidence to show him that I can play

Off you just as well as you need to play off me that that’ll make the team better so they’re still trying to figure that out but they’re still number four in the East man the Eastern conference isn’t that challenging I just don’t expect them to beat Boston um to get to the NBA

Finals that’s my initial prediction I don’t think embiid is going to come back soon enough to be a factor for the uh for the 76ers so I mean who do they really have to beat they really have to beat Boston right Miami too I I it’s some about them it’s some about them

Boys down in Miami every when it’s when it’s game time they they show up when it’s when it comes for a when it comes time for April uh for me personally I’m actually impressed with what I’ve seen from the bcks um you know kind of coming

Out of the All-Star Game and to me a all most of it is just effort um I think a lot of what you saw with Adrian Griffin was what you with Darin ham where he’s trying to rile the guys up and be that kind of guy that is the Players coach

Guy that can get loud or have you know or or like command his respect or like this is what I want to do and I’ve seen reports that LeBron will change plays that Darin ham Drew up leaving the Huddle like no [ __ ] that and do something completely different so when I

Look at the Milwaukee Bucks I think you know doc brings that presence that you need but also what I think that they were really missing was um a passion leader Bobby poris is a phys is a physicality leader but he’s not a passion leader and when I say a

Passion leader I mean a passion leader as in like all right I got to stop all right cool let’s get another one you got to stop oh okay cool let’s go oh oh Yannis yo hey you know like that kind of thing um and I think that they were

Missing that kind of voice before I think a lot of people don’t really take into account what it is that Patrick Beverly is able to do and I think that what he does is is really bring the team together and a lot of people forget Pat

B was averaging 30 points a game when he was in high school so he’s not a guy that never was able to put the ball in the bucket I’m s uh he’s just you know developed his own specialty in the league as a Defender and a [ __ ] talker

And the Bucks didn’t have that energy and I think for you know now for the first time probably since they won a championship they have some someone in the locker room that is not afraid to get in anybody’s face and call them out in regards to their effort um more so

Than it is like oh you had a bad game it’s like oh you had a bad game but you wern’t even rebounding or you or you didn’t go over that screen hard enough Dame you need to go over there like you know you know Dam you should hit that

Screen hard someone like Draymond when you see Draymond during um you know the miked up sessions where he’s pulling the young guys to the side like yo you should have iced or you should have haed that a little bit harder or you see jayen Brunson going to the middle of the

Floor take two steps up because we behind you in the lane he not going to drive he going like that kind of thing that’s what they didn’t really have before and the fact that Pat Bev even patched up his relationship with Dame and they went to dinner it just lets me

Um believe that they have the tools necessary to win a championship but the biggest thing for this team boils down to Chris Middleton he has been a ton of mid lately he has been hurt a lot lately and I don’t want to disparage him because he’s a great player but he has

To be the he has to be without a doubt the arguable second best player on the team for them to win a championship now he hasn’t been that since they won a exactly and that’s my problem because what he allows for them to do is to get

Easy buckets when he’s when he’s on now he takes a lot of mid-range shots and things of that sort but what makes special is his ability to get easy buckets whether it’s catch and shoot coming off a pick and roll in the mid-range just a wide open mid-range

Shot or a two-man game that he can run with Giannis or with Brooke that’s what he was re he was really effective in the finals and in the playoffs running a two-man game with Giannis but ever since his knee got messed up he hasn’t really been the same player he hasn’t had the

Level of movement that he needs to and his shot hasn’t been as fluid his points are down rebounds are down assist or down so for me the biggest X Factor on this team is Chris Middleton um because unlike a Tobias Harris where I don’t really have faith in him in big games

Versus big teams I’ve seen Chris Middleton when Giannis fell out the sky go out there and play you know you know with all his heart against the Heat um and I’ve seen him even when Giannis got hurt versus the Hawks that year um go out there and win playoff games as the

Number one guy but they need him to do his job and if he’s not going to be there to fulfill that role then that means guys like Pat conon and Jay Crowder have to fulfill that role and they just aren’t that good so it’s my opinion on that yeah Bo champ Bo champ

Hasn’t turned that corner like we expect him to do um yeah I expect him take a a big uh step this year and he just hasn’t yeah yeah he hasn’t T he hasn’t taking that lead um so yeah poris I mean you can’t expect him to feel that role and

Yes you’re right they haven’t had that guy to put up buckets outside of Giannis and now they got Dame if you’re saying you want Middleton to be the second guy no I’m not no no no no I I’m not saying I say I want him to be arguably the

Second best player on the team because if he’s arguably the second best player on the team you actually got a real juggernaut like even looking at his numbers right he is averaging literally like Five Points less a game than he did when they won a championship yeah that’s

Not get it these numbers are not going to win like he needs to be the 20 point per game score that he is that he was when he was in Allstar if he’s not going to be able to do that they’re not going to win a championship because the one

Thing that I can say about the Celtics is they don’t just go too deep they go like 10 Deep yeah they n but one through five is crazy but it’s only crazy because KP is playing like he could be the second best player on the team he’s

Not but he’s playing up to that level so therefore Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum can just operate at their Max Capacity at their current level Dame and Giannis I don’t believe will be able to operate at their maximum capacity with him scoring 15 a game because then that just

Ates him to being another guy versus him being a guy that can be a game changer and during that Championship run Chris Middleton was a game Cher and since he’s been injured he’s just been a GU yeah so can I think so a bigger question you

Ask said Can doc make a difference can doc unlock Chris uh Chris Middleton or is there anything left there to unlock I that see and that might be the big question because even looking at this like I didn’t even realize Chris Middleton has been in the league 12

Years yeah this is kind of this is what is how old is he he’s 32 he’s old he’s old he’s old he’s old with knee problems it might it might be over for him yeah is there anything left there to to unlock and this is this

Is a run this somebody got to answer that but you know doc had trouble getting something out of that third guy Allah uh Tobias Tobias yes Allah Tobias like he just expected Tobias to come in there and get and get his 20 although Tobias get gave you 17 every night um

But you could if you run a play or two for him more that might get him over that that 20 point uh hump but if he runs a play or two for uh Chris Middleton is that going to be a factor is he is he wasting is he wasting

Minutes or taking camaraderie away that’s yet to be seen to me I don’t to me I think that even if you look at this column this minutes per game he’s playing the he’s playing honestly the third lowest minutes he’s ever played in his career um so to me I think that they

Need to lean into him more and if he is getting to the point where he is healthy now is the time to actually say hey Chris we need you to be as good as Dame as good as Giannis We believe We believe you have that in you we going to put the

Onus on you to make that happen we’re going to put the ball in your hands we’re going to ramp your minutes up to get you more around 30 and and let’s try to go out and actually like win this and you still be the guy and as valuable as

You were when we wion that Championship because this team only goes as far as Chris Middleton will will allow them to go because because in the playoffs what they going to do is they going they going to trap Dame a lot they going to

Send a lot of doubles it’s going to be a lot of screens where the big guys is going to rotate uh late on purpose so that way they can try to force Giannis to to to to to make baskets in the post they’re going to pack the paint which

Means that they’re going to need mid-range and three-point shots to open that up a little bit and allow those driving Lanes Brook Lopez no longer has any desires to play inside of the post he just wants to shoot threes and Float so you need guys that can play inside

That’ll open up versus those defenses so that way you don’t end up in a situation like you ended up where you lose to Miami because they just packed the paint um and I think that is to me the thing that makes the Bucks the most vulnerable

And I think if Doc is worth his money um that won’t be an issue for them because it’s been an issue for them for the past I would say honestly six years of teams packing the paint and being able to take Giannis an TMO out of his game now I

Think Dame he will be able to alleviate that some but at the end of the day I think you still need another playmaker in order for you to be dynamic enough to beat Philly to beat Boston to beat even a team like Indiana um who’s had uh the

Milwaukee Bucks number all year long um you know what I mean and and this and even the thing about it is like he’s not an all level all-nba level Defender but Chris Middleton is not a bad Defender he’s a very solid Defender so even losing him on defense versus having to

Have a older and washed up Jay Crowder you’re you know you’re losing on multiple fronts by not having Chris Middleton in that lineup and healthy so if they can get him healthy I think that they’ll be able to figure it out but cam I appreciate you for joining me on two

For one I’m tired I’m sure you are about ready to get up out of here talk to the people let them know where they can find you at I appreciate you for joining me I was out here creeping on the L feeling like us in confessions yo had

You out here bless me as you out here testing me this is my

Have Milwaukee Bucks Turned It Around with Doc Rivers? | TWO for One Hosted by TPJ (Clips)
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