@Sacramento Kings

Trysta Krick, Heat Check – Are the Sacramento Kings Making the Playoffs?

Trysta Krick, Heat Check – Are the Sacramento Kings Making the Playoffs?

Live from where exactly I’m in my bed I’m have a little headache oh oh man I’m so I’m feeling so bad that I went to go get food and I haven’t even taken my jacket off yet I just went you know you just you’re just Outdoors indoors you know

You know you you don’t have to do this what oh no I want to do this are you still in Pete town is that what they call Portland what the what they call Portland no I’m back in back in DC these fools they made it sound like we had an

In-person meeting this week even though our studio is still remote and then I get back into town and it’s like oh no we’re gonna do it on Zoom come on man so I could have been with Mama one more week come on man she’s as you might imagine not pleased

By that okey do yeah I know well we’re not either what do they call Portland though PDX is that just it PDX rip city do the the people in non basketball fans call it Rip City town but not really I mean just Portland just Portland okay that’s it’s like sack

Toown no one from Sacramento calls Sacramento sack toown it’s but we say sack Tupac do they say Port oh I gotta go back to Port no that’s terrible gota go back Port terrible it’s really bad actually it’s horrible let’s get us a better background here

There we go you got you got a lot to choose from there it’s that wall back there though how’s dearen have you seen dearen uh since you’ve been home no but Emma I took her on a walk as soon as I got back oh that could be and

Well I didn’t take her on a walk I let her in the backyard and I swear to God I open the back door and it’s like midnight my flight got in at my midnight on Sunday Monday morning and I open the backyard and there’s six deer just

Just like they’re looking at her she’s looking at them and she’s still kind of drugged up she’s taking on her her uh Gaba Penton and her whatever the other drug is that I give her when she flies and she tries to chase them oh oh I mean they could obviously mess her

Up is Emma still with us yeah she’s still I had to chase her to not chase them and then she tried to go into the dearn den which is literally right by behind the the backyard into the bamboo and I’m screaming at her Emma no no that

Emma can we name the deer Doc Rivers yes okay all right he the deer deer in head yeah yeah we just lights in the backyard did you guys ever see that uh that that video clip it was probably like a Tik Tok or a real or something where the two

Uh moose were fighting and they’ve they like ruined this guy the car and they fighting on my they about to ruin my car in my truck oh what’s the girl person say go tell them to move how am I going to tell these moves to move oh they messing up my

Car why just fall into the back of his truck and that’s one of the great videos on the internet right there oh messing up my car everybody that up it’s tremendous speaking videos on YouTube did you ever watch that Delante West video that I had

You pull up like two minute that was a that was a N9 minute video man go to the end you had to go to the end where they go Chipotle baby girl Chipotle and he’s like Chipotle Chipotle his boy in the is in the back it’s my favorite so anytime

Anyone says Chipotle I go Chipotle baby Kimberly order us some food um speaking you got it like that now no no oh well he does no I don’t I I I don’t look at me like I was crazy well she would I should ask her right now the

Great thing is so you guys can see what she she would look at you like you’re crazy but she’d still and then the food would arrive the food would arrive yeah yeah she would um we had just mentioned this we we we brought up your F Doc

Rivers in your in your backyard the the the real Doc Rivers no one’s getting their jokes off right now the Bucks have won six straight yeah so I was talking about this on the show last night if you dig in obviously that’s a quality win last night that’s the best win of those

Six but if you dig in second best defensive rating in those six games and obviously six and 0 but how much of that has to do with the teams that they’ve played they played the Bulls N Seed in the East and that’s one of their quote unquote quality wins because the Bulls

Always play them tough but let’s be honest the Bulls aren’t a great team uh you played the the Char Charlotte Hornets twice who else did they win against that I thought was like a pretty whack pretty whack situation it was right after the Grizzlies I was just talking about it

Last night Hornets twice Sixers without embiid and then the Timberwolves quality win so two of those yeah the Bulls that’s what I just said two of the six wins were quality I don’t consider the Bulls really like a quality win it’s not a quality loss I know that much true

Okay that’s you quality loss I knew one of those I knew that you guys were gonna lose that game just like I knew you were gonna lose that Heat game it felt the exact same right like coming off of a big win back at the crib you should

You’re a Sixpoint favorite or whatever it was like oh yeah faes like ever ever ever and then I saw that you were up big and I’m like dang I’m really glad that I didn’t bet I’m glad that I didn’t bet not you it’s

Us yeah us I’m glad that I did not be us I’m glad we saw I saw we were up and then I’m like good thing good thing I didn’t fade the Kings because man they’re making me look silly they’re blowing the Bulls out as they

Should I wake up and I’m like wait I’m sorry what happened huh tragic yep that’s what happen it’s not good yes percentage I po I posted something on Twitter today about this it’s awful it’s um let me see in his last nine games Fox is shooting

62.5% and in his and domas is shooting 70% both from the free throw line 62.5% from the free throw line 70% from the free throw line you can’t that’s just not going to cut it they gotta pick it up that’s that’s who they are that’s that’s like that’s a microcosm of the

Season like they haven’t been good from the foul line all year like I I I don’t know exactly like domas is a 60% free thr like in the 60s on the on the on the year 70 I think he’s outperforming his numbers dearen is dear’s dropped off as

Bob Myers will tell you he’s dropped off eight points yeah his his his his free throw percentage over last year is just disintegrated it’s weird though too because his three-point percentage has skyrocketed and usually those two things are correlated yeah he’s he’s I would like to think he’s a better free throw

Shooter than than what he’s shown but this year he’s just been so much like the whole team been much been been inconsistent uh at the line and just in general just in in life they’ve been inconsistent yeah just in life are we making the playoffs are we making the

Playoffs what’s happening I still think they are I I’m I’m not um unwavered by what happened yesterday before the game I said the Pelicans and the kings are going to get those final two spots I haven’t changed off that but I’m also not going to tell anybody they’re crazy for saying that they’re

Not most most of the reason why I feel that way is because I think the Phoenix Suns are about to Free Fall I think it’s about to be real nasty for them uh I think the Mavericks aren’t very good and I don’t know if the Lakers Lakers and

Warriors might be able to get up there too but I think the Kings and the Mavericks are the two best teams in that six what do you think TK like if not the Kings like who who who do you buy in the Western Conference now I mean I know

That the Warriors loss against the Celtics was bad but that came on a long road big of a deal yeah yeah I mean it’s a long road trip it’s the Celtics who’ve got obviously a ton of motivation motivation to beat the hell out of you you know that’s you you

Embarrass them on their own Court when you won the chip so they’re playing their best basketball right now you’re probably dead dog tired at the end of a road trip so that was going to happen regardless I think the Warriors could get in I do I think right now you got

The Mavericks at eight but I wouldn’t I wouldn’t be surprised if the warriors were the eight seed the suns were out and well who’s five and six though who do you see at five- six at a guaranteed playoff series I think Pelicans are gonna remain in the playoff picture I’m

Actually gonna talk about them as soon as we finish on the podcast for tomorrow I think you’re right Kenny I think the Suns fall out if they miss the playoffs I don’t even know what to say though like I you’re right I think the Suns fall down the standings I think they’re

Probably I think they probably are are a seven seed or an eight seed just because I think that they could winning a play in if everybody’s healthy so I think Warriors Miss I think uh Lakers missed the playoffs I think Mavs missed the playoffs you you man you you okay call

Me crazy I think the I think the Suns might fall at that nine or 10 yeah that’s so do I they still think they could win those playoff or those playin games when it’s KD be dein Booker if Deon Booker’s completely healthy well if Deon Booker’s completely healthy Bradley

Beal might not be right and if Bradley be’s completely healthy Kevin Durant might not be though I feel like Kevin Durant’s been healthy for virtually the entire year maybe maybe not even virtually maybe just the entire year I still think there’s a lot of question marks there was a brief moment this year

Where I think they were all together and they look really really good best offense in the league they beat the like three of them all three of them scored 25 plus or something like that but like I said they can all get together they still gota win

The game like they’re not like this Unstoppable Force like they gonna have to be hot in the same time and there there’s a lot of I think they might not make the playoffs I think they might not make it well if the Kings fall into the playe hopefully they eliminate them so we’ll

Do that so okay if say let’s just say that the Kings do make the playoffs what’s the best match up I feel like we just did this a year ago we were talking I don’t care that was kind of like I don’t care it could be the dream team of

92 I don’t care just get just make the playoffs man that’s so if you lose if it’s so bad they just call it after three like whatever just get to the playoffs let manty do whatever he’s going to do we probably need to talk about that because I think some of us

Are setting some very unrealistic expectations for this off season but to to answer your question I don’t think Oklahoma City is terrible I don’t think Denver is terrible they’re both really good teams I think Denver will you know get going I don’t want it to be the Clippers and I

Don’t want it to be the Pelicans um I don’t even know that I want it to be Minnesota but I think I I I I would invite a Minnesota match up I I wouldn’t I would invite a Minnesota match I wouldn’t hate it as much as some

Of the other ones I wouldn’t hate it as much as the Clippers I think well yeah because ultimately no matter how good Minnesota’s defense is when foxy is on and Keegan is on and Malik is on like you can break Elite defenses no matter who it is but what we know about

Minnesota is they’re one of the worst they’re one of the worst offensive teams for a team that’s number one in the west right like they’re a 15 offensive ranked team so you can kind of Slide by with a somewhat bad defense considering that they just take awful shots down the

Stretch right and not saying that it’s easy but I feel like they’re easy to guard with just a guy like ant um there they and and and cat yeah he does some stuff but he’s he’s relegated himself to mostly a jump shooter at this point so because his style of Play Because Rudy

Doesn’t do much of anything they they don’t they they feel easier to guard than some of these other teams and OKC although I like OKC a lot they are one of the smaller teams uh at the top of the West like I know Chad’s obviously a seven-footer but he’s a center but not

Really a true Center you can move him around a bit in his spot whereas if you play Denver Denver’s quite literally the best team in the NBA and they they match up well I think with everyone except for I don’t think they’re the best team in

The NBA I do why does everybody hate the Celtics I need to see it we’re seeing it not in the the postseason we’re not I’m not saying I’m not saying that they can’t rise to the occasion and they can’t answer those questions but I saw the Nuggets play the Celtics this year

And who came out Victorious I got them in Boston they got him they got him can’t deny that can’t deny that all right yeah I mean I have we we discount a team that’s got what like 12 losses they’re 48 and 12 73 and n and they lied

Everybody all right the regular season doesn’t mean a damn thing to me everything matters postseason that’s why we can’t discount the heat I think it will be nugget Celtics finals though this team this Celtics team is nasty they are as super of a super team like somehow Chris davs porzingis has

Remained healthy this pretty much this entire year he’s bought into his role as a center I don’t know how he hadn’t ever bought in before but he’s like Allin and playing tremendously yeah giving him the ball there he’s facing the floor well he’s shooting well and then Drew holiday

Is a massive upgrade over Marcus Smart he can do more things offensively and they can do so many different things defensively that you never really know who’s guarding Who and the one thing that I could say about what J has done this year versus last year is he’s comes

With the game plan and he’s open to changing the game plan depending on what the other team gives them right like you saw that with Jaylen Brown being left wide open by The Warriors and then just feeding him the ball wide open 25 at halftime so that’s good but I still

Think that Michael Malone’s got something for that ass and I think that they’re I think the Denver Nuggets are a bigger stronger team I don’t know who stops joic like I don’t know what that who in your mind nobody who who is guarding him who’s checking him no

Nobody stops joic but you can I think you can stop those other guys who is who is guarding yic who’s guarding Aaron Gordon on the Celtics what is that match I’d let I’d let Aaron Gordon Gordon do what he wants if Aaron Gordon if Aaron Gordon is averaging 25 for the series

Nuggets probably aren’t going to win you need Michael Porter Jr to shoot you need somebody on Jamal Murray and if you can handle those guys I think that’s how you beat Denver but if joic and I do kind of agree with I think it was Stan Van or

Some guys who talking about like you gotta you got to make a decision with jic he can’t have 36 and 17 assists like he’s got to have 42 in six assists or 21 and but he can’t have those type of games I think I would let him go

One-on-one and I would like Horford isn’t on this C Celtics team the Al Horford you know that’s a joke you know that’s I think the Clippers are coming I think W Horford right now coughs dust I think I think I think the Clippers are coming out of the West what

No there’s like a brief glitch in the internet what Noom I think the Clippers are coming out of West I think I think they’ll finally find a way to get it done get what done come out of the West yeah they are so undisciplined right now we’re going to need to see them

Completely flip things around they let a massive and they look like the Sacramento Kings out there last night letting the big okay wait a minute not not not an inaccurate description there’s no PG in that game now PG did play PG played yesterday didn’t p played everybody played except for uh I think

Everybody played except for Russ but except for except for Russ and Giannis no Giannis by the way that’s kind of a key well those offset each other two they they they won’t have to play Milwaukee in the Western Conference they just beat Minesota the other

Day yeah but they got ran out of the damn gym the last two times they played Minnesota to the point where a Edwards was like these boys are old they have old legs they handled that they handled that and if we talking about regular season they’re wait a minute off of

Boston in Boston I’m I’m confused CU you just said you can’t put stock into the regular season but bringing up all of these regular season matchups no I didn’t say that trist what I will say about the breaks off the Celtics in Boston what I will say about the

Clippers is that they are very dangerous but they are also very small and I’m not sure how they match up everything to me is about how you match up with Denver that’s the only question mark that I have it doesn’t matter how how you play

Anyone else is how do you match up with Denver and that’s why I think although I do not trust Minnesota they probably give Denver still the best fight because they’re so big in versatile defensively offensively they need a lot of work that could be a seven game

Series where six of the games both teams score under a 100 yes that that would Michael Malone would be elated to be honest with you guys Minnesota probably gave them the toughest uh challenge last year in the playoff that’s what yic said he said that they were by far the hard

Team that we had to play because of the Rudy gobear cat like they have one guy on joic and the other guy just is kind of like a pester just blitzing him getting into the lane just kind of making it difficult for him to figure

Out what he’s gonna do it’s not a double team but it’s like it’s like a one and a half team right like he’s kind of there roaming ask ask trist about cat is Cat dirty we am Minnesota now um yeah I think yes there he’s not a dirty’s dirty he’s

Dirty is I say he’s clumsy he’s not dir he’s dirty is he’s always involved in Shenanigans you know and eventually you start to put it together it’s like the early days of Draymond before the Stephen Adams kick to the nuts it’s like he’s always ending up on the floor and

Someone’s always ending up hurt and it’s like maybe he’s just he’s just catching his fall just bringing someone down with him it’s a mistake that was draymond’s coming of age moment when he kicked him in the nuts it was this guy draymond’s a problem in a bad

Way like someone needs to someone needs to stop him as soon as that happened you’re like okay this has all been intentional this entire time cat hasn’t had that moment yet but he’s always in foul trouble and there’s always Shenanigans happening around him I’m

Just not a of will point to the need to damonta sabonis on Friday well there’s there’s there’s Carl Anthony towns didn’t miss the mark with that one either that was tough he sent domas running to the locker room that’s not even funny can you like like Trista I understand you can’t

Imagine that pain but like to heel over the way that domas did the dead ball hits and he just takes off to the locker room cuz all oh come on man is that like a a nauseous like do you like you guys nauseous that way yes yes it’s a terrible it

Reverberates and it feels like it’s never gonna hit nope it for a brief moment it feels like this is your new life you’re just going to live with this pain for eternity and look when it happens to somebody else we can feel it it’s like we’re Twins or something like

That like oh oh I don’t feel good and the wor the worst part is which is why domas took off Runnings man got a family your instinct is to grab it so all you can do you know you hurt yourself you know you hit your elbow you

Grab your elbow you hit your knee we saw Jaylen Brunson grab his knee the other day poor domas is trying to not do that yeah on the floor dead ball my man takes off I just imagine him like in the fetal position just trying to make that pain

Go away trying to find some ice does ice help no no only thing that helps is time you gotta wait it out it’s just it’s just time you just wait you just you just wait go away kick there so hard that you actually shed

Tears N I hav’t been there but I I don’t think I have but like you can normally the pain is so great like you can’t even cry like your mind is elsewhere you’re not thinking about tears and and the crazy thing about it like when you think

When you say pain I feel like I think of like piercing it’s not that unbelievable discomfort it’s it like I it reverberates through your lower portion of your body like the only thing that I can imagine that it’s like is like a pap smear but like a like there’s different

Versions of them so I don’t know if you guys know what they do but they put this like little metal like clamp inside you and then they and then the clamp opens okay all right all right no and then they a little I don’t know what it is if it’s

Like a Q-tip or something and it’s incred the whole thing is incredibly discomfortable you guys can be you guys can be specific but I can’t be specific we made it we made it zero days we’re back to zero days with without nonsense on this show Alison oh well hey shout out to to

Allison and and the crew in the chat house so there you go that don’t that don’t sound good salute to the salute to the ladies don’t even let me start test then they have to take a little hole puncher and take a piece out of you and then they put it under a

Microscope you’re listening to DLo and Casey on ESPN 1320 uh 1025 kfm sponsored by Sky River Casino uh your guest right here who has taken over as the boys have left the mic is Trista cck from the heat cheick podcast find her wherever you get your

Podcasts um oh man so any contenders in the East outside of Boston that’s a great question a 1025 k we gotta have TK on our other show oh yeah they love you over there yeah they love you over there you guys got a chatty house over there no no no our

Audience on 1025 is a little more invisible old school that sounds good I like invisible they call in or how do you know they’d love oh yeah no they call in they call in we you’re never really sure they’re there until you’re in front of them at the Sacramento

Memorial Auditorium and you get a little pop then it’s like okay oh you guys do listen they’re they’re there okay cool even though the couldn’t remember my name I John be had on oh it was fire wasn’t it come on man that was fire wasn’t it stop it stop it did you like

That picture you better have liked that picture that was it was good it was good you guys were you guys look like an R&B group well Mark Spears has dubbed us black and yellow so oh shoot almost cussed there oh wow yeah you really almost did that was

Close yeah he’s dubbed that you’ll never gu which one’s black and yellow but yeah that that happened oh my gosh my friend the other day we were watching something and they go pause pause this why is she taking her earrings out right now what’s that signify I was like oh yeah she’s about

To throw down and he’s like why why does she need to take her earrings off and I go because you’re gonna pull the the stuff out of her ears and he’s like oh wow I didn’t I didn’t know that you guys were on the streets

Well yeah oh oh did it go down did it go down like that I don’t know I I was getting out of there sure okay I wouldn’t I want to see I’m a premier people Watcher I would have wanted to watch that watch him the car yeah

Yeah um so Eastern contenders other than no hey hey it’s okay it’s all right it’s fine we don’t have to pretend at this point like we’re we’re 30 minutes into this there’s no point in pretending it’s cool we’ve done it we’ve we’ve hit a different level here with this conversation so

We’ve biology class yeah yeah exactly you get to figure out the well because that was the only thing that I could think of in terms of throbbing pain that wasn’t sharp yeah well at least at least we can all relate to each other now women are Men Are from Venus we’re just sharing

All that’s what that’s what we do from Mars uh Men Are from Mars women are from I don’t remember I I don’t know I don’t think what I do where’s he from I don’t think Kenny’s from Venus I don’t know but definitely not where was where was

Uh where was um what’s my man’s name Daryl Dawkins from he’s from love Tron from Parts Unknown Kenny Kenny’s from Parts Unknown he grew up next to the Ultimate Warrior um with we love you hope you feel better go go get your food I’m never I’m never if I if I’m alive

I’m doing these hits yeah if I’m not if I have Wi-Fi I’m doing these hits take that they give me a little life too feel better than I did 28 minutes ago oh that’s what’s up that’s what’s up we are we are the cure for everything here it’s right 1025 KS 132 no

That’s that’s good I’m gonna I’m gonna proposition changing that that’s good change the name to 1025 that’s a good look uh love you TK all right see y

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