@Miami Heat

Barry Jackson on why Spo seems to hesitant on the Tyler-Duncan Starting Lineup swap: “You risk losing Tyler mentally after all he’s been through If you bench him after averaging 20 plus a game and shooting 40 percent on 3s this year. Don’t see Spo doing that”

Thoughts 🤔?

by shorttttt


  1. Gavster1221

    20 ppg on 18 shots is not a reason to hesitate lol

    But yeah I’d bet it’s terry to bench over Tyler because of the optics alone.

  2. -doodlebob-

    “Risk losing Tyler mentally” as if he hasn’t been in trade talks every year the past couple years. Herro is a professional and has shown he’s capable of putting feelings aside

  3. iliveonramen

    Coach Spo has always said managing the egos and personalities is the hardest part of the job.

  4. TheRealJohnMara

    Herro has to be told if he wants to stay in the starting lineup he needs to play Duncans role of spacing the floor and being a, for the most part, catch and shoot player. He can’t hold and dribble the ball around when there’s 3 other play makers in the lineup that need the ball in their hands too.

    The pro of coming off the bench is he will have complete freedom to dribble and run the offense as much as he wants. Full green light.

    Or Rozier could come off the bench instead, but I feel like we need his playmaking and passing to open things up with the starters.

  5. Dame2Miami

    Terry brings the juice, people saying he should be coming off the bench are goofy.

  6. We gonna start trusting wat Barry Jackson says now? Come on

  7. TravelingFish95

    Does anyone truly think it’s a coincidence that the best this team has looked all year is since Herro got hurt?

  8. Positive-Media423

    You have to put whoever is contributing the most to the victories, the only untouchables in the rotation have to be Jimmy and Bam, who are the ones who contribute the most.

  9. TheRatchetTrombone

    The fuck Barry? What is this attack on Herro? He deals with Heat fans shitting on him daily. If Herro were to come off the bench, it wouldn’t kill him 💀💀💀💀

  10. I_love_hiromi

    I don’t get this whole thing about, “how would Herro feel if he were coming off the bench.” This is literally what half the team does. Why if Tyler is asked to do it, all of a sudden we’re concerned about his feelings? The bench is as VITAL to the team as its starters. “Herro has to start because coming off the bench will affect his self image; okay, so we’ll just ask DRob to come off the bench instead” is so unreasonable and makes zero sense.

    Why can’t we just try it ???

  11. brettdanyali7

    Not even worth having a rational discussion about this because the Tyler stands can’t handle the truth

  12. dimesniffer

    Y’all on this sub swear you know better than Spo, stfu 😭🤣

  13. AmazingGrazing

    look dude (I assume) we’re ultimately on the same team here and this is a dumb argument but your statement was “he played more minutes than anyone on the team the year he came off the bench.”

    Call me crazy but that seems like a pretty literal statement. Anyway, hope you have a nice day!

  14. Cockycent

    This is the perfect narrative. Herro’s feelings lmao.

    Do you think Spo gives a fuck about feelings if he feels he is doing what is in the best interest of the team?

    The same player that is openly saying he’s sacrificing, but he will go along with whatever Spo says is who should be a worry??

    Not only is this obvious, this is the same guy that had a breakdown when the Dame trade didn’t go through. He threw multiple tantrums.

    There is no push for Herro to the bench from the coaches and it is obvious. Its the same crop of fans that want Herro off the team pivoting to getting him on the bench as a narrative.

  15. thecaptainflint

    Doing what’s best for the team/winning>>>>mid player’s feelings

  16. nightvoltz

    love how we gotta protect herro feeling meanwhile duncan get told to suck it up. gotta love herro is somehow better than wade and dragic where he cant play the sixth man.

  17. Wonder_Dude

    Tyler needs to man up. It’s what’s best for the team

  18. All he’s been through:

    – supported and developed by Miami his entire career
    – Re-signed at first opportunity to extend to a 4-year $130M deal
    – Has only been actually made available for trade for top superstar players like Kevin Durant and Damian Lillard

    I’m sorry but the Heat should not have to accommodate Tyler’s ego over the benefit of the team just bc our fanbase is full of toxic rumor mongers

  19. This sub can’t have a herro discussion in the slightest. Have we been winning recently? Yea. Did that start with herro starting? Yea. Did we lose to Denver without him? Yea. And this shit from Barry. Did spo not bench lowry just two months ago? He sees these dudes every single day in practice,  he’s one of the highest paid coaches in the league, if there was a reason to bench herro; I don’t think he’d hesitate

  20. MargielaMan568

    Risk losing Tyler mentally after all he’s been through? The FO has accommodated him a lot since he’s been here, they even paid him his contract at the first opportunity when realistically they could have waited until after the playoff series. If hall of famers and our franchise GOAT can come off the bench, I don’t see why a role player can’t. Duncan being a starter makes too much sense to ignore now.

  21. GringoMambi

    Bench Tyler, he’s got paid being a 6th man that we need. No shame

  22. OdehAllDay

    I honestly don’t like Barry sharing his opinion because he is supposed to be a legitimate reporter. Most people may interpret this as coming from the Heat org, when I think it’s just his own hunch.

  23. Herro coming off the bench is what’s best for the team. He can still get his shots up off the bench, Herro trying to be a hesi tween guy in the starting lineup just don’t work as well. For Herro to stay in the starting lineup he’s gone have to be a more off the ball scorer even though he’s not the biggest fan of that

    Duncan provides what we need in the starting lineup and he’s only gotten more valuable with his improved handles, finishing at the rim, and passing

  24. masterace01

    Bench Niko if we gotta have Dunc in the starting lineup.

    Can’t bench Herro, it’ll tank his trade value.

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