@Chicago Bulls

Will Winning Games Increase the Chances Of The Bulls Front Office Running It Back Again?

Will Winning Games Increase the Chances Of The Bulls Front Office Running It Back Again?

You found yourself on another episode of Locked on bulls in today’s episode me and Pat are going to discuss and ask the question do WS actually hurt the Chicago Bulls future explain that more once we get into that topic Tory Craig also has been upgraded now to doubtful which

Doesn’t sound like bit much of an upgrade but it actually is one and can’t the Bulls take advantage tonight against a short-handed Utah Jazz team we’re going to get to all that and more on today’s locked on bulls you are locked on bulls your daily podcast on the

Chicago Bulls part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day thank you for tuning in lockon Bulls member of the locked on podcast Network we’re it’s your team every single day that’s Pat the designer host and creator of the windy city Breeze and host of the the Chicago Bears podcast over at ESP 1000 I’m hayo the creator of Chicago

Bulls and Chicago Bears Central and today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel uh today uh make every moment more right now new customers get 150 bucks in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks if your bet wins visit lockon to get started

You know like your brain kind of restarts in the middle of a sentence sometimes that’s definitely what happened on I think I just like restarted my life bro when I did that last job like that cracked the mess out of my neck bro I’m not going to lie I

Might need to find a new intro you did cuz as I creep closer to 30 bro stuff just cracking and scared to mess out [ __ ] hey bro listen that was you know West Coast trips do things to people we were up to like 2 o’clock in the morning

Just just and not even that we were just we were just talking shooting the crap after the game now we the episode that’s just when the episode stopped um it was it was a long night uh but with that said Pat man uh it’s crazy man uh we

Want to talk about this we we all celebrated the win against the Sacramento Kings love to see the Bulls the way that they performed uh in that game and and especially down the stretch Kobe Demar uh big wins but what want to talk about it from a different angle

Right for those that are hoping for change this off season do winds like last night actually hurt the chance that the bulls actually make some serious changes and increase the chances that they are going to just run it back again if the Bulls over this stretch the final

What 20 games now of the season um we we we fa a lot of playoff teams or teams above 500 so that that that question is there I actually saw some discourse on that as well as in social media Bulls fans discourse on social media no don’t

Say you don’t say Batman but Pat how do you feel about that that thought process that our wins right now this point in the season while we love to see the team win we’re never going to root for the team to lose but do it actually hurt the

Chances that serious change does happen for this Bulls roster I think there’s a difference between wins like last night and wins like the Cleveland win the Cleveland win was a bad win you should have won that game in regular in the regular uh um time and had not have to

Go to double overtime because y’all rebounded him by 35 Plus but I think games like last night don’t hurt the future of the team don’t change the trajectory of the team because of the player the players I should say that ended up being a big part of that right

When you talk about Kobe white and iio dumu being the Catalyst of what gets you a big win like that being a really big focal point especially in that fourth quarter of what gets you a big win like that that’s something that you hope is going to continue like that is the part

Of the continuity that you want to happen now Demar D rozan with what he chipped in maybe you look at that and say like that’s not going to be there but I don’t think that wins like last night change anything that Bulls fans are hoping the future brings because you

Hope hope to add to a young core that is a part of those two and Kobe white and I would assume when the fact that we saw them Isle be locked in defensively after getting switched onto multiple assignments being able to knock down some big three-pointers at the end of

That game Kobe white being able to go absolutely ballistic I think that last night’s actually a win that probably is more of a feather in the cap of it’s a good thing we waited on these guys to to to wake up and give them the opportunity here’s the thing that I’m

Not that I disagree with anything that you said again but for the nature of the conversation though those points by Demar R roen considering Demar as a free agent that again looking at it from AK scope right is that what if it if it’s this hey Kobe and iio great iio in the

First quarter really helped carry the Bulls Kobe white came on in the second quarter throughout the game but we still needed that veteran piece and Demar R Ro 19 points in the fourth quarter to kind of Bring It All home does AK then in a contract dispute with demard Rosen and

Say Hey you know we kind of need Demar to kind of bring bring still hold this all together for another couple years years while we see if I and Kobe are ready to go that’s kind of the the the the concern there right and then for already the Bulls are in a situation

Right that if they let their free agents walk away Andre Drummond demard Rosen like they we are so close to the cap that even in bringing back Patrick Williams unless we trade uh Zack LaVine and find a way to get rid of Lonzo Ball’s contract it it’s going to be

Difficult to replace those players so I guess the concern just is is that AK to keep us competitive is going to say we need to make sure we keep these pieces around I think what’s tough about that is right wasn’t he gonna do that anyway that’s the part like the in cont right

They’re in a contract dispute with demard de rozan because they’re trying to work out a contract with demard de rozan it’s not because they want to get rid of them right and so I do think that I think that that’s a scenario and excuse me it’s like I said last night if

We get that Demar de rozan that’s okay if we get that version of demard De rozan where he’s the Hey listen I’m first half I mean first half Demar basically didn’t exist on the court then in the the third quarter in in a good way because most of his his buckets were

Getting to at the free throw line right so it’s like yeah but it’s but that’s what I mean right like he he wasn’t overwhelming the offense early on he wasn’t being the focal point of the offense Kobe white started getting himself going kind of in that second

Quarter I dumo had the early shots that were falling right like I feel like the Bulls offense was working in the first half and then when the Bulls offense kind of right you you get that big uh uh 22-point lead that grows guess what I I need somebody that’s a pure bucket

That’s been doing this for years that just knows that no matter what he’s gonna be able to get us back in the game oh we got Demar D roza for that right like if you get that you mean what do you mean we got Javon Carter for that

What are you talking you son of a you low down skeer do Ain no way Javon Carter bro hey oh man human pump fake bro I’ve never seen I thought I thought Demar de rozan was the human pump fake bro but seeing somebody just like like demard de R

Rozan pump fakes end in a shot attempt yeah F just end in pump fakes like that’s how and first of all once I found out that Javon isn’t even actually his first name his first name is Leroy he looks like a LeRoy he look like a LeRoy Carter yeah yeah yeah rap didn’t

Work out for him so he decided basketball but uh no I just just I’m just saying like Leroy and you know it’s Leroy it’s not ly Leroy lero Leroy Carter he can fix a heck of a carburetor bro Leroy Carter he looked like oh hey yo that’s so perfect bro tell me he

Don’t look like he got a all one color jumpsuit at the crib and a cigarette that just hang on a lip oh facts and B onp man absolutely got to get that cop ready fit right there you get that carop ready fit right there you be right on

The road Bo I had a 9 listen listen listen he get those those tires rotated in 15 minutes flat go make you some coffee got he the type of dude that uh if he see a woman that look good drive by in the car he go oh he definitely one of those dudes

Is like hey man listen you tell your auntie Leroy said what’s up she knows Leroy Carter she remembers we went to Oakwood together y’all make sure you tell her now you tell her I said that all right now I got you Boy tell tell tell her Leroy said hi that’s he

Definitely gets out the car leg first like just throws that straight up in the air yeah foul oh knees out he with the knees out how do we get here I have no idea how get I don’t I don’t even know the point I was making about something about

Oh how you need a a Savvy vet that can that can knock down uh um the tough buckets when you need them to I mean realistically I wouldn’t mind bringing Demar back in on a I don’t know if it’s going to be a team friendly deal but somewhere in the middle that’s the

Concern right yeah like like listen you can’t bring him back on 40 mil out here and see and that’s the problem is because it’s like if if they they they were far apart on both years and money to me that means that that the Bulls came and said hey we love what you’ve

Been able to do for the team we need a little bit more uh you know some cap relief here we got you for about 15 to 18 million in Mar Rose and said more and just left it he just in fact he just played the Kobe commercial more more

Money more money I get I get uh I cause we here’s the thing if P will was who P will was we also have to take into account the modern CBA and all that if P will was who we thought P will was going to be this year me and you were

Both pretty confident he’s getting $20 million yeah a year so you got to think dear’s getting a good dunk more than that so 90 over three is that crazy to ask for Demar yes for you well listen I’m just I’m just saying like if if we’re saying that

Patrick Williams can get 20 and we basically look at his game and go H yeah Ro has to get more money than that like I get it dear’s been great but a slide is coming and it’s just like do you want to be stuck paying dear to

Roosen 25 points per game who’s not going to shoot threes who’s literally like as Demar ages he becomes more and more like Javon Carter I’m just playing let disrespectful so disrespectful right so disrespectful now that was disrespect I don’t think we play like Javon Carter oh

No not at all like I told you bro like you put Kota or Loki Out There Our Two AAS can definitely better basketball players than than Javon Carter air thud that’s what Javon Carter is that’s hilarious but all right session bro like every time it’s always

One player that’s just the ey of our of our hate bro like every single year bro it’s one of them it’s Javon Javon Carter bro and he got and keep in mind he’s the one that got the long-term guarantee he has a player option in the third year

The Bulls don’t even have an option on that third it’s him who controls that hey bro second the second he pump faked that first shot we both went yeah second oh man that’s hilarious next up we’re going to be talking about Tory Craig who apparently has uh has made a

Step up in his in his recovery he’s been upgraded to doubtful after initially being expected to to not come back until about a week left in the season we’ll be talking about that here but next up this uh next segment is brought To Us by better help sometimes we all need the

Opportunity to get something off our chest big or small some things can really start to get to you like Javon Carter’s pump thank you it’s it’s important to let that out especially to someone who’s unbiased on your life so today I want to say how I really feel

About something you might even be thinking about the same thing this week dang you okay man no I’m you need better help I need better help uh therapy can be different for everyone most of us have bigger problems than our favorite sports team and it’s and it’s

Important to get things off your chest every once in a while listen Bulls fans we all need a little bit of therapy from time to time as it stands right now the Bulls have caed us all some extreme mental health I know it says we need to

Get some things off our chest other than our sports team but nothing is worse than the bipol of Chicago Bull so if you’ve been dealing with a little bit of stress if Javon Carter has caused you mental uh stress itself you can’t chart no let me stop with that one if you’re

Thinking about starting therapy give better help a try it’s entirely online designed to be flexible and suited to your schedule visit lockon MBA to get 10% off your first month that’s betterhelp h lockon NBA all right Pat despite the the stress that Javon Carter has caused our lives

Cuz me and Pat really thought this guy was gonna come help the team man that’s crazy we said he could be a starter bro bro hey I text a kid the other day I was like never have you been right about a take so matter of factly and it become

True like he told me he said bro I don’t think Javon Carter can play and I was like what you mean bro he coming off solid defense he knocking down the three ball he’s like boy if you don’t get them two three-pointers a game the cup out of

Here that’s hilarious man but the player that we did sign this past off season that that that has helped when he’s been able to be on the court the bigger question is is when he was going to get back on the court is Tory Craig he’s been upgraded now to doubtful um and

Billy Donovan said before last game that there is a chance that he could rejoin the team on this four game uh road trip we’ll see if that ends up happening but what do you think about Javon I’m sorry sorry Javon what do you think about Tory Craig being ahead of schedule right now

In his recovery I’m actually surprised I mean like how they were talking about Tory Craig I thought it was like he was done for the year like that’s pretty much how how the conversation was going around Tory Craig but uh I’m I’m I think what’s tough is right if

You’re able to get him back on this road trip what kind of player you getting are are you getting back right away uh how many minutes are you going to get and here’s the big thing who loses man like we know who it should be who actually does lose the minute no that’s

Who it should be but like he’s not going to lose the minutes he’s got 15 guaranteed minutes because of his contract bro like I’m telling you like there’s no other reason to play javine Carter he’s not good but like who who do you um who do you sit down because I

Think you’ve seen some interesting things from batin do you want to slow that down not to say it’s it’s all been amazing right but it it he’s been somebody who when the ball is in his hands and he’s open I’m G tell you this I was surprised how quickly they were

Closing out on him yeah yeah they’re respecting his three-point shot and then you’ve with the the every time Julian Phillips steps on the Court impact right so who’s the person that’s going to lose minutes because of Tory Craig coming back I would assume you’re probably thinking Julian Phillips in in that situation so

That’s the part that’s tough that’s the part that sucks especially because of Javon Carter but um you know like I I just think that it’s good to see him possibly being able to come back on this road trip Casey Johnson talked about how um you know Billy Donovan said the other

Day that he he’s he feels like it’s not out of the question that he can come back on this road trip and so it’ll be that would be a a big step in the right direction sizewise for the Chicago Bulls moving forward and I think that’s the

Best impact we can get out of it yeah I mean you look at the some of the games that we have played like a little bit bit of size out there could have helped the Bulls and even if if Tory Craig does come back which Billy Donovan has

Already said when he does he will be on a minute restriction I’ll tell you what uh eight to 10 minutes of of Tory Craig playing for the Chicago Bulls over a player like Javon Carter does matter now I I agree with you Javon Carter is going to get his minutes unfortunately there

That’s just some of the politics of professional sports you play you pay somebody $6 million you’re going to try to keep trying to give them an opportunity to come out of the slump um and that that’s an aspect I didn’t think about either cuz like now who you going

To sit down you dalen Terry’s already been the casualty here and he was play he was starting to play pretty well right so I mean that’s that’s something we gota look at Billy Donovan for man yeah and that’s that’s the scary part as well just looking at how Billy’s gonna

Bring him back into the rotation and and you know how’s he going to utilize them and here’s the part that sucks to me is is this going to be Tory Craig coming back as the four is he going to try and keep this small ball lineup going and go

Some small five out here like they the y’all know I’m I’m sick of I’m so sick of small ball with Chicago Bulls it makes me sick at this point just because we won’t have the players to run it basically but the one thing that to Craig does bring back to the floor an

Ability to stretch the floor a ability to knock down to three a guy who’s very aggressive on the boards like those are things that we’ve been missing here and that we’ve kind of been looking for from a veteran sense now good to see batine

Be able to come in and kind of give you some of that good to see Phillips be able to come in and kind of give you some of that but getting Tory Craig back and getting him back to the point where uh um where he’s comfortable on the

Court again because he kind of got back to that point where he was comfortable and then he had the knee issue after lifting weights over over uh the All-Star break like those are the things to me that the setbacks that always keep you behind the eightball where you’re

Like all right I’m back I’m ready to go I tweaked something you know I mean like so hopefully he’s able to kind of get himself back ready and stay on the court this time we’ll see man let’s hope that that’s the case Cas when it comes out to

T Craig now even before Tori comes back how do how have you felt about how Billy Donovan has managed the rotations as we finish out this segment like considering the Bulls do have a severe lack of size right now with Patrick Williams and uh and Tory Craig being out you know how do

You feel like he’s with using nnot with using uh Julian like how have you felt about Billy Don’s rotations out there I haven’t been upset about them I haven’t I haven’t hated them I think that the one that we hate is the one that We’ve joked about this entire show

Um but outside of that I mean even he’s come in defensively and had some level of impact I think you even can look at you know some I I don’t know why we’ve removed dalen completely from rotation like that’s the only thing that for some reason Billy Donovan’s like whoa whoa

Whoa young guy playing well you sit down sir we’re not doing any of that we don’t want to have to pay you in a couple of years like I don’t I just don’t that’s the one part about this whole process process that I don’t understand because but I I also get

Right that there’s some things that are the politics of basketball right like that guy makes $10 million so guess what you did absolutely nothing wrong you’ve done absolutely everything right and we’re gonna play him because we paid him to go out there and play so I’m not

Going to waste my $10 million like that’s unfortunately that’s kind of what it comes down to at a certain point and it takes a special kind of Coach to kind of stand up to the office and owners and stuff like that and be like f much money

Y’all paid him right it takes Pooler like he’s the only person I’ve ever really seen do it it’s like hey we brought in Victor Oland Depo for how much it’s like yeah he can’t he can’t get on my court not we’re not doing it we’re we’re not doing that um it’s it’s

Crazy that we’re paying two point guards to not really play basketball and Lonzo ball and Javon Carter at least Lonzo actually has an injured all right Javon SL I said what I said said I said hey man well listen uh clearly Hayes is not uh going in on FanDuel with

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Bad I tell you what like y’all y’all see how Pat the designer I just got I got to call my brother out he started off as a bulls content creator he gets the job for SPN and now he’s just a bears guy it’s crazy bro Hey listen I’m anytime

Somebody’s like yeah you know Pat the designer the bear the Bears podcast I’m like hey y’all y’all listen me and Pat was shooting in the gym bro like you got to put some respect on my guy’s name he started off as a bulls content creator hey man some sometimes you hand certain

Things off to to other people and uh you sometimes you gotta take the ball back we’ll see man I might be back in these streets real I mean sometimes you let other people shoot times you got to take that ball back no um all right MJ uh try

To be try to be teammate try to be teammate so face off against the Utah Jazz today well uh some semblance of the Utah Jazz because everybody’s out Pat um everybody’s out bro like they literally looked at that and say you know what you get arrest you get arrest you get arrest

L marinin uh amongs other players I I I I don’t know how valari marinin Walker Kessler Taylor Hendricks all out tomorrow against Chicago B you know who’s gonna cook Colin seon you know who’s gonna cook dog come on now you you know you about to see that young bull out there

Ain’t that his nickname young bull young bull you about to see that boy out there real hooping telling you this right now he’s on his Mitchell return tour that’s still one of your worst takes ever bro I love you B here’s the thing percentages were were speaking in

My favor but then like he got hurt and did not come back the same guy at all like what was he he was like 25 points a game before he he left the before he got last year in Cleveland he was 16 points per game but the year before before that

Yeah he was a he was 24 points what happened didn’t he get hurt that year too like they both got hurt I think yeah I think that was the year Mo yeah that’s how they end up getting Evan Moy him and uh and Darius gar end up going down that year but but

No I’m just saying bro he he he got gay come on now I mean yeah K xon could play he’s not Donan Mitchell his Mitchell T is coming bro you literally with a straight face said yeah Colin sex and and great you Donovan Mitchell Great Value no that was that

Was after a rebuff there bro you initially was like yeah they’re the same player I’m like what who he talking about here hey I said that on lockdown NBA too and I stand by it but it’s it’s hey that’s gonna be one of them like if

You stood with Kobe white the whole time like that’s like like you just reaping the benefits now watching Kobe get 37 bro it’s gonna be one day one day just randomly somebody’s going to pull that clip and it’s going to be on social media it’s going to blow up they’re like

This Pat designer guy no wonder he switched to the Bears talk now this guy knew nothing about the NBA uh DG tonight’s game is gonna be interesting because it’s like it’s it’s are the Bulls gonna play down to their competition yes that’s don’t ask the question yes like it it it’s it’s it’s

You go out and you beat one of the toughest teams in the Western Conference in the Sacramento Kings not defensively they’re not that tough but offensively right you’re able to slow them down and I would not be surprised if we go into tomorrows game and we talk talk about

Coming out of the game Colin seon having a 35-point game with uh 11 assists and six rebounds we just going to be I’m G just be sitting here just be like because that’s how the Bulls play they played we lost to Detroit we beat Cleveland we beat Sacramento make

It make sense dog bro no you you’re worried about Colin seon to me it’s gonna be Jordan Clarkson and John Collins for some reason they go off on the Chicago buard you know what Jordan Clarkson’s fall off has been kind of sad bro it’s been crazy bro it’s all been

Tied to him being in the starting lineup and I don’t like that put this man back on the bench bro well is not even it started off that but he’s only started 19 games this season so they figured it out and he still hasn’t been able to get his groove back

Bro yeah he been he been pretty bad well he cooked well it was the wizards but he cooked the other day but yeah it was the Wizards hey bro I hate the fact that I Google Jordan Clarkson’s name and this man’s only picture is just him with no

Shirt on like What’s Happening Here Jesus Jordan bro that that that that got to be something in your algorithm let me let me no like that’s his third you know like they give you the three pictures on Google like this man look like he he auditioned for a Lloyd uh that is

Definitely definitely looks like a Lloyd cover album crazy like I came for the basketball stats and got shirtless Jordan Clarkson I was not looking for that bro that’s crazy I GL you had to double check it just to make sure I had to make sure it wasn’t just your because

I was oh I had mad questions if it was bro we G to have to have a different conversation hey we know a little bit we know a little bit about uh people’s algorithms being affected out here the locked on algorithm was crazy when me and ha took over bro me and Pat

Took over locked on pools and went to the YouTube searches and we were just shocked by what happened so many questions we’ll never sell y’all ball players is crazy bro like look and all you can say is and it gets [Laughter] worse hey that’s all you can say after

That and it gets worse oh that’s so funny but no I mean honest honest assessment of this game it’s a game the Bulls should be able to go in there and win um it’s a game that you should see if the Kobe if Kobe white is truly back you should see KOB

White do nothing but attack the entire game CU Colin ston defensively and Jordan Clarks and defensively are you know basically not going to play defense um so I just I I think that this is a game that the Bulls really should be able to take away uh uh from the Jazz

And have a I mean a two and two road trip coming out of this like we probably would have killed for that heading into this with how the team was playing yeah I mean the thing like you said with the bulls the biggest concern is not playing

Down to your level of competition I don’t care who’s out there you’re not out there for the Utah Jazz come in there and take care of business that’s it man come in there and take care of business play that the the Branded defense that we that we see so often in

Third half of third quarters and fourth quarters for the Chicago Bulls like just play that defense for the whole entire game just do that yeah and and I think that’s the that’s the part that sucks the most is it’s just like I don’t know if it’s it’s a lack of

I don’t even think you can say a lack because I think you’ve seen some of the some of the guys who have been asked step up actually step up but I was going to say I don’t know if it’s a lack of depth and that like these guys are just

Gassed I get it Kobe’s playing a ton of minutes dear’s playing a ton of minutes like these guys are B Billy’s out they’re literally one number one and number two in play Billy in this mug bro like I’m not even like there’s no other way to say it right now um but it

Outside of that like everybody has stepped up in a way that you’ve wanted them to step up and so I don’t know why like the defense just falls off in moments um like off a precipitous clip and and then it just like climbs right back up in the last two minutes of game

Shout out to Ross pins for uh dropping that tweet the other day I’m I’m listen and one thing about this Utah Jazz team the fact that uh that they got Chris Dunn averaging 18 minutes per game and Chris Dunn Still Still averaging over his Ste per game like it’s it’s Chris D

Just had his career not went the way he definitely could have been top 20 in the league in steals per game just by the nature of how many steals he gets bro he’s yeah probably bro I mean like like against the Spurs he had four steals

That’s crazy it it’s kind of he’s kind of ridiculously good at that like nothing else panned out for him remember that’s so sad when you think about it remember what he was supposed to be coming out of college bro no you remember when the the first year we

Traded for him right that that he had like a nine game stretch before he fell down and broke his face where it literally looked like oh no he is going to be the point guard of the future and then he broke his face lost those bro that man Jeff Tanaka

Like he he geriatric walked out there bro that’s how slow he got out to Chris Dunn’s bleeding face on the court at the UC bro he’s like the colors was red I thought I didn’t think it was bleeding I thought it was just reflecting off his

Dark face like like why were you moving so slow I don’t know man I’m I’m so glad we fired that dude bro yeah I mean now now he’s teaching people college so there you go there yeah there’s a lot of bad doctors coming out hey man appreciate y’all for tuning in to show

And love hit that like button subscribe to the page man uh follow us on everything at lockon Bulls you can follow me on everything at path the designer Bulls content coming back on the breeze stay tuned you guys can follow me at CEO hay want to thank you

Guys and remind lockon Bulls is free and available on every podcasting app and platform of your choice as well as YouTube for path the designer I’m Hayes it’s Lockton bulls and we out here peace y’all peace so you get in a car accident and Jeff tanak is your uh your surgeon how you

Feel you’re dead you’re dead yeah you’re dead Call

Haize & Pat TheDesigner discuss if the Bulls winning games would increase the chances of the front office running it back yet again with the current roster. The guys also discuss Torrey Craig making a big step towards returning to the court & if the team can get a win over a short-handed Jazz team.

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  1. Haize, you are so right about Kris Dunn. when he fell on his face, it seem like he never recovered..I thought I was the only one that remember that play lol

  2. Jevon Carter is also a human being. I think he's trying. Still, it's too disrespectful to speak about him like that. With all due respect to you guys.

  3. The bulls should treat Carter like the Heat did Robinson last year during the regular season. That man DNP by Coach Decision for like half the season.

  4. But they’re not winning lol and the gm should have been gone last year .l care and point 2 and half years ago second half of demars first year showed what the bulls were gona be a bad team.

  5. Will winning hurt the future of the team? What are we? The Hephizabah Red Dirt Cowboys? Or the Chicago Bulls? The future of the team depends on the development of young players and building draft capital. Building draft capital, should take a backseat to development. We are playing very well, with two stars on the mend and a young Bull in The Paw. I think if we keep developing the young talent we have, the team will get better. We can trade the stars for draft capital and or keep them with young guys. I think our young guys are capable of sustainable pressure on both ends of the court. With development they could turn our stars into draft capital and trade value.

  6. Yall so pissed at JC cause he worse than Pat Bev 😂. A small percentage of us said bring back Bev on a similar deal but it’s funny seeing yall cook him now

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