@Dallas Mavericks

A Slightly Biased Dallas Mavericks Rant

A Slightly Biased Dallas Mavericks Rant

I mean Frank Lina was a plus six so I guess we got that going for us whoa who the hell are you how’d you get here I’m you from the future 2024 to be exact I need you to not drink yourself to death watching this team play basketball what

Get better no it does not get better it gets much much worse than this okay but then it does end up getting better a year from now trust me stop stop everything that both of you are doing who the hell are you who is this guy I’m

You from the future and I’m you from the even more distant future things are about to get bad you need to listen to me worse than this it’s possible wait how much further in the future are you than me two weeks two weeks what can happen in two weeks you’d be surprised

We’re on a seven game winning streak with the best defense would they just collaps oh god he has no idea what are they the 15th best defense now the 20th 25th 30th how is that even possible we’re not sure we think there might be something in the water well does Tim

Hardway Jr at least break out of his shooting slot wait is Frank Lina still on the team no look are you thinking about making Luca MVP propaganda and Mavericks to the finals propaganda naturally and some kid Coach of the Year propaganda oh scrap that never let that see the light

Of day wait what about my javel McGee propaganda how how are we here again huh how are we here again what did we do to get here again a year removed from one of the most embarrassing late season collapses I’ve seen in quite some time talking about

Last year’s Dallas Mavericks how are we at this point again now fortunately there’s still time to salvage this season for Dallas 20 games left but it has been a brutal stretch of basketball since the All-Star break the Mavs are two and five and over that stretch some of the numbers are horrifying they’re

Hor they’re horrific they’re horrific trying to keep it under control here today and I’m trying to figure out what the hell is going on they’re off to a worse start post allar break then than they were last year off to a worst start it’s starting to get scary it’s starting

To get alarming what in the hell is going on since the All-Star break the Mavericks dead last in defensive rating 30th with a 126.4 defensive rating the Wizards who are the second worst in that stretch have a 124 so you’re two points per 100 possessions worse defensively

Than the Wizards just for a frame of reference that same Wizards team is well on their way to becoming the worst defense in the history of basketball defensive rating wise with a 121 defensive rating this season so since the allar break you’ve been five points per 100 possessions worse than what is

Going to be the worst defense of all time think about that in a seven game stretch you have performed worse than the worst defense of all time you are playing like the worst defense def in the history of the sport how the [ __ ] can that even happen

Okay and you could sit here and say oh they’re not a good defensive team Jason kid sucks okay I agree with you on that Jason kid can get fired tomorrow for all I care he won’t but that would be great if he was okay but uh you could sit here

And tell me that oh Jason kid stinks the players stink the rotation stink this this and that stinks uh I I don’t Vibe with that I I don’t I don’t agree with that okay because the two we stretch right before this disastrous stretch of basketball for the Mavericks they had

The best defense in the NBA over a seven game winning streak the best number one in defensive rating a twoe stretch of being number one in defensive rating followed by a twoe stretch of being 30th that has never happened in NBA history guys that’s the first time in the

History of the league something like that has happened okay I don’t know if that’s true I just made that up but it sounds true it sounds real if you were to tell me that I would say yeah that that actually makes sense cuz how how do

You go from first to 30th how do you go go from first to 30th not there’s not like a month in between it was two weeks of first then immediately two weeks of 30 and now before you say oh well two weeks of basketball’s not a lot of time

Seven games that’s not a lot of time any team can have the number one defense in the league over a seven game stretch it’s not that difficult to do nigh neigh nigh n neigh nigh nigh neigh nigh you’re wrong okay I went back and I looked

Since the start of the season I looked at every single two we interval since the start of the season and now to see which teams led the league in defense over that 5 to seven to eight game stretch that’s usually how many how many games teams play in a twoe sample okay

Here’s what we have the timber seven teams have done it okay including this [ __ ] Mavericks team seven teams have done it the Timberwolves have done it seven times all right the Cavaliers have done it three times the Thunder have done it twice the Sixers have done it

Twice the Milwaukee Bucks have done it once and the Mavericks have done it once polar bearon Arlington moment uh and no I’m not talking about the fact that there was a championship parade in the parking lots of Arlington Texas after the Rangers won the World Series what a

[ __ ] show that was I’m talking about the Dallas Mavericks being on this list because you look at every other team I just mentioned the Timberwolves obviously the best defense in the league of part of this season the Thunder the sixth best defense the Pelicans the seventh best defense the Cavs the second

Best defense the Sixers who are right now 14th around League average defensively they were a top nine defense before Joel embiid got hurt which is when they led the league in defense over a two-e stretch and the Bucks who again around a League average defense if you

Look at it from a full season sample but they’ve really turned a corner and have been the fifth best defense since the start of February so no this doesn’t make much sense to me and this is why I’m so perplexed this is why I’m so frustrated is I just witness this team

Play good defense I literally just saw it I saw this team logged in I saw it with my own two eyes I saw them getting back on defense I saw them getting set I saw them helping I saw them communicating I saw them giving a [ __ ]

On the defensive end just a few weeks ago what the [ __ ] happened I’m sorry you don’t just luck into to being a number one defense over a twoe stretch in the NBA that just that’s not something you just luck into okay so that tells me the bones of a

Good defense exist here for the Mavs at least a solid defense better than this this is inexcusable this is not excusable period this the the the past seven games of basketball for the Mavericks is not excusable and not acceptable under any circumstance whatsoever okay let’s just take a look

During the winning streak for the Mavericks during the stretch where they were the best defense in the NBA 35 % of their opponent’s shots were threes that was 14th okay they did a pretty decent job of limiting the amount of Threes opposing team shot okay opposing team

Shot 31% from three that was the second lowest now maybe you got a little bit lucky there but again my eyeballs told me you did a pretty decent job of defending the three-point line all right opponent shot 60% at The Rim that was the fifth best great job you did a good

Job there you were ninth in defensive rebounding so whenever you did get stops you got the rebounds great work you were second in free throw rate so you were able to defend without fouling wow this sounds like a good defense to be what is it what are they continuing this trend

Are they continuing it huh not only that you were the best transition defense in the league over that stretch 93 points per 100 possessions is what you give up in transition so you got back you gave a [ __ ] you sprinted back on defense not only did you sprint back you sprinted

Back and you picked up somebody you stopped ball you’ve gotten to help you were ready to help defensively you communicating you weren’t just sprinting back and floating into the middle of nowhere you weren’t just jogging back you were getting back I watched it with my own two eyes well what’s happened

Since then what’s happened during this losing streak 40% of the opponent’s shots against the Mavericks are threes that’s 26th so teams have realized hey just get into the paint and kick it out you’re going to get wide open threes against this Dallas Mavericks team because they have no no idea what the

[ __ ] is going on opponents are shooting 41% from three that is 29th 64% at The Rim that is 14th now there are some bad shooting luck here because opponents are shooting 54% on Long twos against you which is last I mean that’s kind of an absurd number so there is some unfortunate

Shooting luck happening against you you’re 14th in defensive rebounding so that’s gone down so even when you are getting stops you’re still kind of struggling to secure rebounds off of that 26 and free throw eight so defending without fouling is out the window that’s completely and totally changed Polar Opposites since the

Winning streak 138 points per 100 possessions in transition 138 points per 100 possessions now remember I said during the seven game win streak when they were the best defense in the league that number was 93 93 what 138 minus 93 40 something that’s 24th or 29th I can’t

Read my own handwriting and you’ve had the worst half court defense in the league over that stretch what has happened what what what has happened this is why I say I can’t I can’t just write this off as like terrible coaching terrible this terrible that I mean I can

Write this off as terrible coaching but how do you have a swing that drastic have you just been figured figured out did whatever Rick Carlile did against you in that game a few Sundays ago where the Pacers ended the Mavericks winning streak and stomped on them did you get

Figured out and the league just said oh okay just drive the ball the Mavericks have no point of attack Defenders their point of attack Defenders do not play anymore okay Josh Green’s not very good at it he can’t get over a screen to save his life Derrick Jones Jr who is

Probably the Maverick’s best point of attack Defender at least their his their best you know uh consistent point of attack Defender he was averaging 20 minutes per game over that seven game winning streak in the seven game since he’s averaging 14 minutes per game I don’t think that’s necessarily a

Coincidence now his offense has fallen off of a cliff and that hurts the Mavericks but when the defense is this bad I think you almost have to sacrifice it I think you almost have to sacrifice him playing Dante exam’s come back from injury he’s barely in the lineup right

He’s he’s playing less minutes than Tim Hardway Jr Tim Hardway Jr can’t defend me can’t defend a traffic cone couldn’t defend my cat if you gave my cat a basketball and he somehow learned how to dribble it couldn’t defend that so what are we doing here I know I’m just

Rambling here I don’t even know if I’m going to have Clips in this video I don’t even know what the [ __ ] this video is going to look like I’m distraught this stru how oh my God I know that sounded like I was breaking down into tears I promise I promise that’s not what

Happened right there I’m still working my way back from a a bit of a sickness and that was just some uh mucus working its way through that was not me about to break down into tears but what what the hell has happened because over the past

Seven games I see a defense that doesn’t know what they’re supposed to be doing I see defense that’s overh helping helping when they don’t need to help helping off of Shooters in the strong side corner one pass away for no reason at all giving up wide open Corner threes what

Is the deal with that why are we doing that what what defensive scheme says we need to be doing that that scheme is terrible get [ __ ] rid of it I see the Defenders that are supposed to be helping not helping see Josh Green dying on every single screen so the moment

That the Mavs play a team that is really good in the pick and roll like the Indiana Pacers that’s immediately a problem cuz Josh Green’s trailing the play from from the beginning and now you’re already at a man disadvantage I see a team that’s not getting back on

Defense anymore see a team that’s hanging their head upset getting infatuated with yelling at the officials and whenever they do get back they’re not where they’re supposed to be they’re floating in space not picking up guys late to pick up guys I see a team that’s

Not focused on the finer details wild in their Closeouts leading to RI and goes not set defensively not ready to help not set defensively get blown by immediately over playing screens ball handlers deny the screen there was a play last night I’m thinking at the top

Of my head TJ McConnell brings the b ball up high screen from Jaylen Smith LCA donic sells out on the screen to draw off draw an offensive foul before the screen is even set TJ McConnell just rejects the screen now Daniel gafford’s out of position in his

Drop and it just leaves the easy points for Indiana we’re we’re like the the attention to detail the focus is completely gone it’s completely gone and it is a topd down organizational problem okay a top down organizational problem everybody is to blame for what has happened over the last seven games the

Coaching staff the ball boys I don’t give a [ __ ] do better ball boys the towel boys let’s go get the towel out faster the mop guys let’s go mop the floor with emergency the players and and I got to say go back and look at uh

Grant ath or Landon Thomas or Noah we Weber Weber I’m sorry however you pronounced the last name go look at their their the guys who are there in the locker room after the games in the press conferences go look at what has been said after every single loss it’s

The same thing over and over we have to try harder on defense we got to focus on defense for the full 48 minutes we can’t fall asleep on defense um we got to have more energy on defense okay then do it then do it I saw it with my own two

Eyes I saw you guys play your asses off on defense I witnessed it that’s what makes this more frustrating I don’t think I’d be this frustrated with the Mavericks if I didn’t see it with my own two eyes if I didn’t see them playing defense for a prolonged stretch of

Basketball I did see it that’s what makes me more upset what happened to it what happened to that Focus that intensity the bench up you saw during that seven game win streak the bench hype getting into it for defensive stands getting hype pumping each other up what happened did something happen was there

A fight in the locker room we’re not aware of yet like what transpired 20 games left in the season for the Mavericks um silly [ __ ] me I think they can turn the ship around I actually do this has been a brutal stretch of basketball but this is why

You play 82 games you know this is the beauty of it is that yeah you’ve had a tough week or two but guess what we can look back on this a week or two from now and say oh yeah that was just a brutal stretch and they figured it out and

Something happened along the way and they were able to write the ship and move forward or we could look back at this you know a month from now and say yep that was that was the beginning of the end and we had another disastrous post Allstar break schedule another

Disastrous season down the drain what’s it going to be who who is this team what are they going to do because guess what you want to know something crazy PJ Washington had this reputation in Charlotte as a guy who would lose focus and lose attention to

Detail I still watch him defend his ass off I was the Pacers game last night I saw him in the fourth quarter of a game that was already decided still defending his ass off I saw Daniel Gafford a guy who got here a few weeks ago hype and

Pumping himself up and bangging his chest and begging the stanion and pumping up the crowd in a 15-point game because he’s grabbing offensive rebounds and he’s playing with energy and focus the team needs it the team needs to get going the last you you if you

Want to say this team’s not good and they’re not well coached okay that’s fine but the last seven games of basketball regardless are have been unacceptable absolutely unacceptable and I’m interested to see how the rest of the season plays out I know that this is not very similar to the type of video

You’re used to on this channel I tried to keep things as positive as possible but I needed an outlet I needed an outlet and I’m losing my mind

The Dallas Mavericks are 2-5 since the All-Star Break with the worst defense in the NBA. Is another late season collapse inevitable?

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  1. Fire this person from YouTube

    Another couch analyst with a platform spewing garbage. No previous experience in professional organized sports, can tell has no experience as a leader for his family, friends or work place.

    Doesn’t even have insider connections close to the organization to back up anything he says. Which makes his insights more invalid and untrustworthy.

    On top of that overly emotional surface knowledge whose life is filled with negativity and probably no real full filing hobbies or interests.

    And anyone else who supports these trash negative narratives about the Mavs right now…good luck to you in life with that mindset

  2. THJ can't defend your cat if your cat learned dribbling. WOW~~, Give THJ a bit credit pls, he's a little better than that 🙂

  3. Are we going to address the elephant in the room? It’s impossible to win a championship when your best players a complete cone on defense who gives zero effort and shows zero leadership. We can blame the coaching staff all we want but nothing is going to change until Luka stops being so damn lazy and entitled.

  4. I like Jason Kidd but, I am not sure liking someone makes them a coach. The roation of players is horrible. Daniel Gafford is the real Deal. He should be on the floolr with Lively not his back up. Dallas Cowboys tried the sam approach. I am ready to find your your new home! I am also ready and qualified to list your home for sell. "Ready to LIVE near Dallas?" We would be happy to help your maike a smooth move. Let's Go!

  5. Jason Kidd has a love affair with Tim Hardaway Junior. He needs to get his minutes and Daniel Gafford and Derek lively. Don’t get starter minutes. Combined with absolutely horrible rotations. Yeah it’s no coincidence that we’re doing so badly.

  6. Our superstar Timmy getting extended minutes while being -20 in all games thats what happened. No defense and every single shot contested thinking he's Kobe.

    When other players sees Timmy about to check in into the game and they just give up thinking well whats the point in even trying we're getting our lead annulled in the next few minutes with this 'Kobe' in the game.

  7. I lost money betting on the Mavs during this stretch! Never again will they get me. They should've never loss Grant Williams.

  8. Only way the intro could've been funnier is if, after being asked about Frank Nitilikina by Slightly #1, Slightly #3 said "Who?"

  9. There is no energy on this team. Kidd is half asleep everytime he walks in the room, luka is lazy and entitled, ky is again not getting the role he should have, and they're rotating the worst players and worst starters. Imagine how much could change if luka just accepted that he didn't get a foul and kept playing. He literally stops and complains every time he doesn't make a shot. It's ridiculous. And the management is just trying to keep him so they don't want him to feel bad. Now THAT is bad moral.

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