@Denver Nuggets

Kevin Durant and the Suns snap Denver Nuggets win streak without Devin Booker

Kevin Durant and the Suns snap Denver Nuggets win streak without Devin Booker

That’s not how I wanted that to go somebody waking up in the morning to that sound like all right what are we doing here what is up everybody welcome to the losers loue what a freaking losers Lounge inde is the nuggets come back storm back it’s actually a game that followed the exact

Script except for the ending had a twist ending there that I really caught me off guard in this one fall not even M might shamalan himself not even he would have done this one uh 117 107 the Nuggets fall in overtime to the booker Sons to

Help me break it all down I got Brandon vote that was almost really cool that was almost really cool for a couple of minutes there it was really great in the end this is part of the job too isn’t it fellas unfortunately it is licking our

Wounds together I got D Lano who’s do am I licking my own who’s licking my I think you should lick your own wounds are we’re all licking our own wounds right but together we together put like licking each other’s I know that’s what I thought he was talking about I just

Wanted to make sure before I you know whatever don’t lick my you guys made this weirder than it needed to be but Superstar Dev make it even weirder this weird that that whipped ass for a couple of minutes yeah it really did not the wound licking but like the game when

They were you guys get it we definitely get it it was just a little scratch that the Nuggets were able to shake off and then a mortal flesh wound in the overtime let’s do a fast breakdown real quick just to remind you what happened the Suns opened making five of seven

From three they were so on fire in that first quarter in particular Grayson Allen who was going off Murray was cooking early yic had a somore to end the quarter to make it 3228 I I thought Murray did a good job the bench stint in the second quarter was a really good

Bench stint I mean all this is lost cuz so much happened since then but the Ben Murray and the bench were very good in that part the sun’s gotten the bonus with the seven minute Mark though that is one problem and it actually compounded for the Nuggets St um

Starters in and the sun started taking the lead why a 21 to1 run in that second quarter what was and I’m going to tell you what it was nurkic was stealing jokic’s lunch money in that quarter it was so annoying nothing pisses me off more than yoke get

Letting somebody that we all hate bully him and tonight in that second quarter he got absolutely bullied by nurkic non-stop he had five turnovers at halftime and then Grayson Allen was on fire he was six of six from the three-point line in the first half 6550

Suns and I still felt good honestly I still was kind of like you know what I think dude I’m going to win this one I hammered the money line did you really at half time it was a smart bet you’re you weren’t wrong they were wrong I know

Uh I was wrong to open the half though Grayson Allen hit two threes it was so done then I was worried I was like maybe not tonight I don’t know Murray was battling though you could tell he wanted this nerk picked up four fouls then he got his fifth foul

We’re going to talk a lot about that specific thing Murray had an insane two-handed dunk right at so nerk goes out and you’re like now it’s go time right here’s what Denver does nerk goes out now you you store him back Murray opened it up with a two-handed dunk the

Crowd was into it everybody could taste the blood in the water 9081 Sons Payton Watson he blocks in bunches have you guys noticed this yeah dude he’s a bunch blocker you get a block and it’s almost like he’s like all right that means I he like that was cool he’s the only heat

Check block player I I’ve ever seen he heat checks blocks and he gets them uh mpj hit a three to cut it to six uh8 minutes to go both teams went super cold for like nine straight possessions do you guys remember this dude it was this

Game was gross it was really gross then yic was screaming at Malone to use his challenge alone was ignoring him did not want to use that challeng I don’t know why it’s the fourth quarter and if your guy is doing this like that adamantly cuz it was two seconds out like they

Got they had a terrible shot that came from it but you know what they used that challenge and got it back and they still had one more challenge it wasn’t the worst thing whatever but you’re right yoke was more you had to subdue yoke who was losing his good GD mind 9690 Suns

With 5 minutes to go NK fouled out so he comes back into the game with 5 minutes to go he lasted 2 and a half minutes it was 9997 Suns when he went to the bench crazy transition three from kcp to give the lead my God is that the craziest

Shot of all time one on Three fast break and hardly any time left in the game he takes a crazy shot and drains it then KD had an airball guys this we had so many good Nares ready for us KD choking oh this was going to be great Murray isos

O’Neal he actually told yoke get out of here I got this and hit it crazy ISO then KD hit a crazy Denver couldn’t get rebounds tonight KD gets a three to tie it off of a rebound joic has a chance to win it going into overtime he shoots a

Weird running one-handed right-handed I thought that was a weird Choice by yoke and he misses it we go to overtime and the Nuggets sucked in overtime suck that was so weird man they like sucked in overtime they lost nkit they’re not a great closing team Denver is the best

Closing team in the NBA you get a chance to go to overtime and they just sucked turnovers Miss shots no couldn’t get any stops that one really sucked and they end up getting blown out over time all right Dev what’s your big takeaway my big takeaway is typically in this

Situation I give credit to the other team I tip my hat well presented by Red haot Roofing sorry about that red HCK Roofing big takeaway Dev this was not a tip your hat type of game this was a game that the Nuggets lost more than the Suns won it was a uncharacteristic type

Of game where it was very sloppy lots of turnovers um bad defensive like switches um execution late down like you know down the stretch um and just Denver just not playing the way that they have been playing for the last six games it was wild for them to to come out and perform

In that way this is not the Nuggets team that we have been seeing we saw glimpses in this game when they fought back but this was not a game that they should have lost it was kind of an embarrassing loss I I don’t think that was a good

Loss for Denver yeah I mean it’s not a damaging loss but it does suck it just we wanted it I mean it that was so that was the one of the weirder games the Denver Nuggets have played in a long time it was very strange joic was like

Oddly like he was getting kind of bullied not only by nurkic but by Eubanks like there was no Twan game of any kind yic couldn’t even get in deep he had so many turnovers it was so strange man it was like uh when it gets down to the the Nuggets take the lead

And there’s what a minute left or something they never that’s like a certain win certain that’s a certain win they take the lead you’re like oh my God this is what they do the two-man game never materialized not one time it just turned into Jamal Murray taking like really

Bizarre like too many pivots travel like a fade away I don’t know man it was bizarre I don’t know what was up with jic tonight but it was uh it was not inspiring um but whatever I mean you cut you cut him some slack but like it was

That was a weird game man that was a weird one yeah I would say part of the reason why it feels weird is that it’s maybe the first or second game all year you could say the Nuggets win if joic plays better M it’s a weird thing to say

On the bright side as far as things you feel pretty good about being different next time around yic playing better is way up there so it’s that was more frustrating to watch than anything Denver left like two to three different 60 runs on the table you talked about it

In your they they had a chance to cut it to nine from like 14 and so in the first half they couldn’t get a stop to say save their lives second half they’re getting stops they can’t score to save their lives they do enough to get it to

Overtime then in overtime yit and the two-man game just wasn’t there so I guess I did not have a take there did I you guys need a big takeway that was like a that was like a rundown a fast breakdown yeah uh yeah you look like you’re seething it was I’m actually okay

I’m perfectly fine with this one it’s just weird to see yic not play his best game uh when he’s been playing so well out of the out of the All-Star break this is the big takeaway yoke seems to be such an anti-narrative player like he hates the narratives you know he almost

Like goes away from them whenever they grow too big he always plays like this against nerk in the regular season he always does it and it’s so annoying that nerk again I think if they meet in the playoffs yoke will bully this dude and like completely dominate him but for

Some reason in the regular season nerk treats this like the Super Bowl and goes out there and just like plays So Physical plays so hard makes plays gets up when he makes good plays and yoke just throws seven turnovers all on his heels where you’re like what are you

Doing man go go dominate this matchup and I honestly think a lot of it is we’ve I mean I’ve talked about this a lot he always tries to draw fouls against nerk because it’s a good strategy nerk fouls out a lot nerk is like uh if you if you put him in

Position to foul he will foul and I feel like yoke almost thinks I’m just going to do that until he fouls out and then I’ll start playing and I hate it I would rather him just kick y ner his ass and get him in foul trouble and for some

Reason this matchup has a weird psychological effect on yoke and that he doesn’t like what it represents or something and and I just feel like we get this yoke a lot in this matchup in the regular season the last two have been this way yeah it’s bizarre it’s

Like super bizarre because you know full well what yic is capable of doing dude this was the first game in the new Shadow era of the NBA where they’re not calling fouls it actually like hurt the Nuggets well nk’s a physical player nkit had 45 five fouls he was playing

Ridiculous and he wasn’t getting the first three plays of the game like nurkic yeah there were some very early ones I know I didn’t necessarily think it about the whole game but I did think the first like three minutes he F out like he he was fouling on almost every

Play but like listen it’s the new physical era of the NBA that has start started five games ago so um you know I mean I guess whatever the nuggets have to uh and specifically joic has to figure out how to be more physical what what what is happening yeah but even

Talking about that is wild because yic loves that physicality us matches that physicality because he’s just he’s so much smarter than the person that’s playing like he’s going to spin off of that or he’s going to find the open man or he’s going to do these other things

And that’s where you could see that he was not as locked in as he is against these other big men um there’s something to the nerkish match I don’t think he like I don’t think it’s too personal but also I just think that he’s trying so

Hard to say it’s not anything me it comes off as like nonchalant so he doesn’t take them the same way that’s what I mean he’s like anti narative almost in this weird way when you build a thing up then he’s like no guys it’s not that sometimes you’re like it is

That actually this one is that nkit is going at you can you not see what he’s doing he’s going at you that’s it it’s it’s one thing if the other guy was also indifferent but the other guy really seems to care that stuff I mean there are a couple sliding doors moments in

This game where things go differently there are a lot maybe the narrative there is really just he he out foxed him he rope a doed him he played him like a fiddle but then he just wasn’t good enough in overtime they they weren’t and and also that I thought that was a weird

Last shot I just Denver can get a better look than that he makes those though well that that’s also true he does make those it was both a weird last shot and he does make those look yoke yoke had 256 and five tonight like it’s still obviously a really

Good game overall he was four of seven from uh from the three-point line do I have his numbers wrong here yeah eight of 18 though so below uh 50% shooting and then the big one is the seven turnovers and the turnovers were of the type again the type of turnovers that

Frustrate you the most is when you get specifically like a player like nurkic in a spot where you’re like okay cook or be aggressive and instead you’re passive and then throw a turnover like you you were forcing something he had a lot of those tonight that’s why I think is most

Frustrating is you’re like no man don’t just try to thread the needle on something go at this dude it almost looks like you’re trying to not go at him and so that’s why it was a little bit frustrating tonight and then of course in overtime I don’t know what

Happened I think the Nuggets felt like we did we’re like oh we got this totally and they didn’t and the Suns just started making shots all of a it was so funny to watch the Suns do what the Suns do every single game which was just get

So tight couldn’t make anything all the shots have to go to KD he can’t make any shots I mean it was just like it was comical to watch it unfold and then I don’t know like they all the pressure went off them somehow when they got to

Overtime and then all the pressure went on the Nuggets some it was very bizarre but it was even the first possession of overtime was like a passive play where you’re kind of like cuz I think the suns are one of those I’ve said this I think

The Celtics are this team I think the Clippers are this team I think the suns are this team if you let them get a lead they’re the most comfortable team in the world like a 21 to1 run that’s what they do they survive on those because they

Are such a momentum team because their style is free it’s just like hey it it’s hooping but when he gets tight and it’s like okay what are we supposed to do here then you put doubt in them and the Nuggets again it was just a little lack

Of days a goal at too many points in the game namely that second quarter but also to start the fourth so all of a sudden you’re down five and now it’s like now they’re comfortable now KD’s comfortable shooting threes and doing this stuff CU you’ve allowed them the the benefit

There so again Denver just they’ve had this crazy killer instinct for since they left the All-Star break and this was the first game where they didn’t have a crazy killer instinct dude between it did feel a little bit Boston on the other side he found out he not

Playing I wrote in the round table cuz if it seems like the thing we’re doing here is that if Denver played better they win that’s because that’s what we’re doing Denver’s better than Phoenix decidedly right that’se without Booker that’s just what this matchup is I wrote in the round table the most important

Factor in this game was just Denver’s defensive intensity and they didn’t bring it in the first half and it was not obviously they have chances to win the game later they buckle up they play defense but it was just weird to see with how sharp they’ve been you know

Murray was making all those shots in the first quarter but he and Porter in the first half left Grayson Allen wide open multiple times you know that guy was in a rhythm because they let him get into a rhythm so it was just not a focus sharp effort yeah hopefully hopefully that can

Be a reminder with Boston around the corner we did in the pregame show like is the nurkic yic thing still a rivalry I have no idea if it is for those two guys but it’s clearly still for usz it’s just Bo like you know how bothered you

Are if this was I’m like miles turn or something you like you wouldn’t think anything of it you like man I don’t know why yoke didn’t seem that up for this match up or whatever but this specific one you’re like hey but come on man they

Phoenix made a move for a very specific guy for a very specific matchup you know what I mean yeah you’re right I but I don’t feel it you don’t no which is wild because nurkic forever was my Boogeyman like he was the guy in the league that

I’m like oh this mother he was always that I would the guy that I would cite when I was talking about a Lo player a player that I don’t do not like in the NBA and now he’s just he’s just irrelevant to me I don’t care anymore

Like even even through that I really cuz I he is you’re right he’s Irrelevant in terms of the yic like who’s the better player or this or that he F out like he was it he didn’t he F out wor the thing for me is that if if it was like nurkic

Was just like dominating yic and it was like oh my God but yic did the same thing against Eubanks like he just didn’t want to play tonight it was like wild um so I don’t look at it as like man nerk got the best of yok is such su

He didn’t get the best of yoke played better than him the point is Yoke’s going to play better than every cent Dev this is your thing here yok’s going to outplay you it’s can you just take a little bit off of him and tonight I

Thought nerk took a lot off of him he was a plus n in his minutes he took a lot off him and he became like a subject and he got he fouled out in the game and also that’s when they made a big push

And run is when he got out of the game I don’t think that nerkish played incredible but I think that he did exactly what you wanted him to come in and frustrate joic he did that you want him to try to get him off of his game he did that there’s clearly

Some type of narrative and also you really do feel a way about losing to that Sun’s team Denver’s lost to some other bad teams and and that’s not a horrible but you just feel it when it’s nerkish I really think that it’s still there um it’s not it’s not it’s not huge

But I think it’s there I mean cuz he vanquished the the the like big matchup so now he had to like go join another Army and be a soldier in the Army as opposed to the general like now he just a soldier but to me here’s what it is

And I feel really confident again I kind of know how yok always handles this if they match up in a in a playoff series I need game one yoke to send the message and I think he would I I genuinely think like if I could predict what they were

Saying on the Phoenix show on the pH andx Sun show I I’m almost certain they’re all very high on how well nurkic guard yic and that’s kind of to be expected but I do believe personally and I would expect in a first in a game one

That would be a yic like no no no no that was the regular season I was playing this is a different thing but tonight unfortunately wasn’t the case all right let’s take a break on the other side there’s a lot of good stuff though that was our big takeaway cuz it

Was such a loud one but there’s actually some really fun stuff from this game get to the place where I can make fun of Grayson Allen’s hair please after talk about those threes yeah it doesn’t feel like Miller time it can be Miller time

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As a gambling problem wants help callor text 1800 Gambler Jamal Marie tonight 42 minutes took 12 25 shots 12 of 25 had 28 points seven rebounds nine assists one steel but I’ll tell you what he was the one guy that I felt like maybe kyp as well

And then some of the bench guys but of the starters kyp and and Murray to me seem to really want this one Murray in particular man he was playing really hard throughout most of this game and in moment when Denver’s energy was lowest he kind of like was like let’s go let’s

Go let’s do this yeah I mean he started Denver out with some like hot play he had a he had a big you know opening half and then he went out he went out earlier than he typically does um and could not like really find the the the Rhythm back

But he still made plays throughout the game but he it did it did feel like he took this personal it looks like he wanted to push his guys and typically how Jamal goes is how everyone else goes like you want them to align themselves

With the way that he plays he had a lot of mismatches he attacked those mismatches he finished in different ways um but like people didn’t you know get it back the play that I really loved in this game is when he like split the defense and went for the dunk like

Awesome man first play plays you need from Jamal like that goes to show like him feeling healthy him feeling like himself like that was a big play for him he looked really springy on that dunk man he looked athletic yeah I I I mean I Murray always

Gets up for the Suns he really does um it was strange gosh I think he also senses these resentment in a way where we’re talking about yok doesn’t when we say he’s doesn’t care about these narratives sometimes it’s petty little things he’s above it and we love him for

It but Murray does feel it he’s kind of like man F this he absolutely does and he came out with the requisite fire I just man just like going back through this game that second quarter was horrific that was really bad what happened man that was the most Bizarro

Thing ever the Nuggets like dug themselves to insane hole I can’t they couldn’t get out of it the weirdest part was they couldn’t get out they had like multiple timeouts during that stretch it was so weird that 20 what was it 21 to1 yeah what like where did that I don’t

Even know where that came from it was but Murray was still playing and the Yoke too yoke was out there too unbelievable like it was I was in disbelief but I still had full belief that they would come back which they did and take the lead which they did and

Then what the hell happened dude I’m like still stunned I’m like trying to process this yeah you have thoughts about Murray’s game tonight yeah I mean it was great in the first half shot making I also think both he and Porter were pretty bad defensively in the first

Half I do think they do but most of Grace and Allen going off I thought was on those two guys I’d have to rewatch but that was my note in the first half so there’s a little give and take to it I mean he was awesome he kept them in it

In the first half with Big Time shot making when it seemed like no one else was ready to go so he has to get credit for that I just also think he played a hand in Denver’s poor defensive start and then overtime was weird we’re just so used to

They both missed them we very rightfully so after the Lakers game spent couple of days talking about how amazing this team is in the clutch and of course painfully ironically tonight they were very they were not good in overtime obviously they were great to force the force over but the the second

Clutch if you will they just didn’t have it and it was bizarre to see we’re not used to them not executing in those moments so I think that’s part of why this one has such an extra sour taste in people’s mouths is usually when Denver gets to that spot they win and and

Murray and yic weren’t great in those final moments I will say I loved him waving yok off in the fourth quarter for the I think it was to put them up three which by the way you could yok’s missed Runner or whatever was one thing but not

Getting the stop on the final possession when KD hit the three to me was another was one of those ones where it’s like you just got to get the stop there I mean they had I think it was a rebound right an offensive rebound but Murray

Waved yoke off and then post up Royce O’Neal and put a great move on and the reason I like this is that’s why Denver won a championship was they had two guys that can cook their matchup and then together they’re obviously great but they have him at that level and I just

We’ve seen so much of that over these last seven games including tonight enough for me to feel confident that that’s going to be there in the playoffs when it arrives and we saw it even tonight until we didn’t see it from anyone tonight which was really really

Weird uh Michael Porter 4 of 12 tonight from 32.7 rebounds he did have a Ste eight of 18 I’ll let you start with Mike just didn’t think he was great defensively shot making could have been enough not that he was awesome but it could have been enough you know I think

If if yic delivers in overtime and if yico is a little better you’re probably not sitting there lamenting too many missed open Porter shots thought he had enough but defensively I didn’t think he was great I just thought he and he’s been so locked in on that end since the

Break but there were a couple of guys that were open from three where that’s Mike’s manah and he’s a second late to realize it and even out of you know even even out of bounds plays you know he kind of missed let some guys get open so

I didn’t think it was an awesome game for him defensively offensively I think you can live with the effort But ultimately it wasn’t wasn’t good enough I mean I don’t think that mpj was like bad in this game like I think that he um had some momentum early he got you

I mean he knocked down some shots and I love the fact that even though he did get lit up by KD he’s taking on that challenge they’re not like hiding him um from the and he he gives effort like I feel like he gave effort in this game it

Just was not enough for KD KD is going to light you up a lot he’s lit up a lot of people in this league um so I think that that’s like one thing that I will like lament as like a positive is he is taking on those matchups and he just has

To get better on that end of the floor but you’re only going to do that in these type of matchups yeah yeah he he was another guy that he started off so hot and then just yeah two for two just fade faded I mean everybody like it was just

A a weird game by everybody like everybody had moments of greatness well for the most part there a lot of moments of greatness and just just utter just pathetic effort like it was just such a hot and cold effort from almost everybody on the team tonight it

Was um bizarre man the the suns are Trap game that’s all we can they’re tra tra game I will say if like the I don’t think Murray or Porter necessarily lost them this game I don’t think they won them this game they didn’t lose this

Game I joic to me was the guy that I and then Aaron Gordon would be the other guy and so AG tonight seven points three rebounds three assists three of 10 from the field one of three from three and he had some bizarre ones man every now and

Then he takes a three it was like Denver was on a run you remember this in the third quarter they’re on a run and he gets a early shot clock in the corner and you’re like don’t don’t shoot that one you’re on a run you’re going to get

A bucket here and he takes it you’re just like what are we doing man um but I just tonight he was I predicted him to eat man he did not eat he’s very hungry I think he ate like a huge plate of pasta he he was a game worse minus 22

He’s like a tough one to like like gauge how he’s playing offensively because you want him to knock down shots so that it opens up the floor but you hate when he shoots those open shots they’re giving it to you for a reason and I feel like he could have

Went and dunked it or got to the rim and made a play but he’s just so open that you have have to shoot him um he just has to knock more of them down but I feel like I I talked about other people’s effort his effort was very low

In this game and you thought I thought that he would play up in this game he days this is a matchup three three days off where you get KD and you get to show the type of Defender you are because you’re not asked to defend in the same

Ways that you you used to I feel like every single game it was like AG you had to go and guard Trey young you have to guard this like Shifty guard then you get a big then you get somebody of your side this is like the matchup for him he

Should have showed up and I don’t think that he showed up in this game so not a good game at all for AG yeah um and then kcp I thought kcp was actually really good in this game he was a minus 18 weirdly enough but he was 11 points on

Four of six shooting including three of three from three five rebounds three assists two steals two blocks that’s a little bit of everything man I thought kcb was good and then he had the biggest shot of the night and some great possessions on Kevin Durant I thought stretch really really good defense and

Then even some possessions where you’re like dude that’s a size mismatch but he was up for it yeah I thought he was awesome tonight I thought he was awesome you mentioned that crazy shot he took and then it goes in and you’re like this is the game you win it’s kind of crazy

That they do actually two of his three so that three and then I know the other the corner three he got that was kind of one of those ones where it’s like no you have to keep matching here until you can pull away and he had it so kyp what kind

Of lost wasted a good kcp game yeah this was a good game from him and it sucked because like he was punished from like playing alongside Yol which never happens like the numbers look so bad for him but this really was a good game for

Him he had some big shots um he had a spry looking dunk um yeah he played great defensively where he’s stepping out on um you know Kevin Durant he’s also stepping out on guards to like try to slow them down like I feel like it was he did a little bit of everything

This is a good kyp game um all right let’s take a break on the other side the most encouraging thing from this game really was the bench and the play of Christian Brown pton Watson in particular thought both of those guys showed something tonight that was very

Encouraging so I want to get to them on the other side I never ceases to amaze me the collective Amnesia that Chad can get after your first loss in seven games it’s really fun who do we have or is it we have to trade PJ no

It’s just it it’s just horrendous or is it they hate our takes because horendous maybe the Nuggets don’t have it I don’t know you know who has it Volo Sports and Volo passes Premier monthly membership program to Volo sports that gives members unlimited access to sports events and social activities every night

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Sign up for E statements it’s that easy this will your best money move yet head to become find out a little more all right let’s get into the encouraging part of the show here shall we let’s flush those bad vibes that we had earlier about that was the old us

This is the new one um Christian Brown and pton Watson both defend like dogs man they really do and I think I was talking to AJ Hayley of our AB show earlier today and he had an interesting perspective that I think I shared he thinks pton Watson will be a a better

Playoff player than a regular season player a better one meaning his game will level up I actually agree with this and the reason is he is phenomenal at defense his offense can be a little Hit or Miss although tonight he had some really good passes but his defense is

Insane some of the possessions he had on Kevin Durant and by the way when Denver went to a lineup that featured CB pton Watson and kcp they had like five straight phenomenal defensive rotations that were like man that’s crazy what happens when you put those three guys

Out so both of those guys I’m putting them in in a group here but both of those guys impressed me tonight with their defense I think Peyton Watson’s going to be for sure better in the the postseason for sure better for sure just because he’s not going to play as many

Minutes but every single block that he has or every single stop means so much that it’s so much momentum that Denver gets like in these like in the grand scheme of things these are just back and forth place that you you know it’s not as meaningful but in the playoffs every

Single one of those stops matter and he he has so many of those his block today on Bradley Bill where he sent it like such a hard block that is tough like on a island go and get it no foul and just go finish then he steps over on Kevin

Durant like those are two like Premier offensive players that he was able to just switch out on um I mean that’s big time and then Christian Christian Brown he’s getting his momentum back where he’s like getting it on both ends of the floor but the defense is starting to

Stand back out and he’s starting to make those type of place and when you have two of those type of dogs on the court at the exact same time off the bench you don’t have to score much you just have to continue to make those type of plays

And they’re just showing that they’re getting some chemistry together um defensively and they’re just making it tough on them so this is one of those games that you put that on display and I just hope that that momentum carries yeah another game with uh five or more

Stocks they had six stocks tonight both of them two blocks both of them one steel yeah I mean it you know what did we say when we do you remember when we did this and I said how many games would they have of this after All-Star break

And I can’t remember what we said like three or four they’re already at two I think two in a row or two out of their last three it is super encouraging I mean the the nuggets are in the midst of a a very very very encouraging stretch with this just ridiculous game tonight

But you know you take the one thing you take from this game is right that the back end of the roster is starting to round into form a little bit like I I don’t believe we have to worry about yic having off games moving forward but like

I don’t know maybe um how do they lose this game how do they do it how do they lose that game after they came back can’t get over it I know do you have thoughts about the young the booth boys yeah yeah well first of all defensively

They’re both just doing things right now that as far as looking ahead is very are very encouraging I think they both look like they’re ready to do a couple things at a high level in a playoff rotation might even both be better in that context than they are with this bench in

Tonight’s game it’s tough because I think Payton did pay play a small role in some of those runs where you’re like now we turned the corner right and he couldn’t hit those open threes he so many open threes now he’s not mpj it’s not his role to hit every open three but

He has shot better than I expected this he hit one of them some of those looked pretty smooth out of his hands some of them I thought for sure were going to fall and I think if a couple of them do this is a different game so that was

Tough but I feel largely okay about how those shots have gone from him across the season he’s hit enough of them the blocks to me are just every time he blocks it’s more impressive yeah the dude he sunned Bradley Beal that was embarrassing you know and that’s a kind

Of that on that one particular possession and that’s that’s just the the upside you see he’s he has a chance to be a generationally talented Defender just wish he could have hit some open Shots tonight he’s got to get better as a three-point shooter it’s like a major

Inflection point for him um the o5 tonight from three was obviously really loud and one of the ones that was loudest and I actually tip my hat to Jamal do you guys see the play where Payton’s wide open at the three-point line and Jamal’s like runs to the corner

He’s like no no no shoot it like you’re open take the shot and I like that I think that’s actually good leadership from from Jamal telling him like listen man you’re wide open at the three-point line and they’re deliberately not guarding you you have to take that if

You can’t take it they’ll do it every time and you might as well take it and miss it because what else are we going to do on this possession so I thought it was good leadership but to your point he’s got to hit one and this game he didn’t

Have one I know he’ll be hard on himself was it Peyton or was it Julian that at media day said I just don’t want to be the reason we don’t win a championship this year do you remember this quote it might have been Julian but it might have

Been Payton and it’s like hey that that’s the that’s the game the defense all that stuff but if they’re going to leave you that open you have to hit it or else they have to take you off the court tonight he didn’t have it but I

Think I think he will I will say this about Payton he had some nice passes he had one pass in particular he had four assists tonight which is a lot of assists for as many minutes as he played and he had one pass in particular to

Christian Brown that I was just like not everybody has that pass in him that’s a passer pass and I know he played point guard in high school he was a he was like a point Wing he has some of this in his game in fact most of his

Developmental years he was a point I I just am very high on his ability to become a secondary playmaker yeah in years to come proba not probably not this year but in years to come yeah I’m hopeful because I think he and brown missing each other on the fast break or

On Cuts Like between the two of them just not finding each other they leave four to six points on the table every night and so I was actually pretty encouraged by that one too they’re both such hard Cutters and capable athletes and I think they’re both afraid of

Overthinking breaks turning it over this is my CH to be aggressive but both of them I think you know just trying to find each other a little bit more could go a long way pton has flashed some some while he’s driving to the rim he’s got

Some some kind of playmaking out of that right he’s flash it’s going to take some time he’s not going to have to pop this year but it’s it’s a foundation that I believe he should be build on I’ll tell you what this one Dev there was some alltime frustrating fast breaks in this

Game there were some really bad fast breaks from the nuggets in this game yeah they look they look tired both teams like had there was a stretch of no baskets from either te and it was like frustration you can see it on the players like like what was that or what

Are you doing they’re turning the ball over they’re taking like ilis shots um I me and it’s hard to get any type of Rhythm or momentum going if you’re just doing those type of plays in a row that’s why you say that this was like a really uncharacteristic type of game

From them cuz you just don’t see that happen like like much no they played stupid man like stupid weird very ill-advised three-point shots in on Fast Break situations very bizarre like Jamal made terrible decisions at The Rim like hit the bottom of the rim like six times

Dude the weird the one thing that I was really struck by in this game is like how much bigger the Sun seems than the nuggets at times they seem long tonight they did I’ve never been like really struck by that before with the sun’s I think they might be the tallest team in

The NBA I think I saw a graphic day that had that tallest the I mean the lane was so clogged up all night they yok it through the ball into three guys like three or four different times so did Jamal but they they were playing the dumbest brand of basketball I’ve watched

Them play in some time um just over and over and over it was like a a nightmare you couldn’t wake up from until they did and then then the until the Suns like turned back into the sun I cannot believe we lost this game that’s my

Takeaway at the end of every one of my S on that fast break I the one that stands out the Jamal one when he refused to give it to Zeke yeah that was he just like refused and then like blame he just threw it over his shoulder then he was like looking like

As if somebody should have been there I was like okay this is yeah what are we doing this this is not their night yeah that’s what I mean man there were some alltime fast breaks where you just like you got to be kidding me no you come up

Empty on that it felt like Denver was turning a corner too I you know Zeke tonight got dunked on pretty bad was it by S Lee who is s Lee there man there’s something to the like you don’t want to ever get dunked on but you get Dunked On by Zion you get

Dunked On by LeBron like okay you get Dunked On by Sab Lee man what are we doing that was his only basket of the game it was a highlight it was a really weird defensive Play It’s almost like he lost where he was on the court was like

Oh I’m under the rim Oh shoot no nobody thought that was as funny as I did I thought it was funny very funny uh Reggie Jackson also same thing I didn’t I don’t really have any great things to say about reg Jackson whatever do you think this game

Oh go ahead well I just think that R tonight start with saying yish didn’t play well I think he’s probably going to play better and fine but when you look at stuff that you want to like what do we care about moving forward it has been a long time since I

Felt great about the Reggie Jackson minute and I don’t know man I don’t I don’t I don’t know how confident I am about him as the backup guard in the playoffs is that something they can overcome yeah is it something I’m really particularly excited about in this point in time no

He just does not look like a viable option right now to me um um does this game take any of the wind out of the sales for the Thursday game the Celtics lose the Nuggets lose they both were on win streaks it was right there and they

Both lose in the final seconds does it take any of the wind out of the sail a little bit it helps that they both lost though just and then now also I think both of them can like when the winning streak falls apart it falls apart ugly

Right yeah I think now both of them got that out of the way I think hopefully the two best teams in the league can play their best basketball against each other I’m so hopeful that happens to be honest they bring it out of each other but it is hilarious of course that both

Of them lost tonight yeah I think that uh I think it’s good that they both L yeah like that would have been I think too much expectation or pressure on like one of the teams where people are like overdoing it um and I mean this is already the stretch where they’re going

To have to play like playoff type basketball that’s going to be a playoff like game you don’t want it to already have too much where two teams are going for like a big winning streak um on top of it but also with them both losing it’s like who’s going to bounce back who

Gets right cuz you don’t want to go on a losing streak at that point so I think that it’s is the same you still are you’re not going to go into this game and say they both lost they’re not the top two teams like right now they’re on

Like a collision course of they’re going to meet in the finals if they continue to play like this so that’s going to be a good um measure measuring stick game and I think both of them are going to show up to that one like hey we have to

Prove we’re better than that team I hope so I don’t know man I don’t know what this game is going to be like I don’t I’m not convinced that the Denver’s going to want to bring playoff intensity yeah I mean wouldn’t you say this was the least intense of the post

All-Star Game yes so this is possible it’s already a billion perc like they could have already decided they’re good and then we’re already into the shutdown mode of the which is you know good and bad good in that it means another title is coming bad in that we’ve got some

Time between now and then yeah uh all right let’s take a break Harrison wind is at the arena getting ready to set up as we speak so when we come to the other side we’ll hear from him I know that Murray had some fire so we’ll wait to

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Mortgage payments call today tell them dnvr sent you call them at 303 695 7,000 that’s 303 695 7000 or go to dmvr nls1 182 334 nmls consumer we didn’t even talk about the implication of this but the Nuggets fall that was the only read

No it’s not I don’t know why I did it that way no we have another read we can just do it I don’t know why I just stopped why just do it why not this was my Denver overtime moment right there I’ve had such a great time at the

Dmvr bar lately mostly because we’ve had some great events going on at the dmvr bar lately you can always go to our website at the check out the events page you get T night would was like an intimate night wouldn’t you say it was a very good it was a small crowd

But a very intimate crowd yeah licking each other’s wounds very intimate sometimes though a small Crowd Goes and they get to see a rare tree and I thought the comeback was happen that would have been way you had to be there kind of night don’t forget that Monday

Through Friday is H happy hour at the bar from 4:00 to 6: p.m. follow us at the dmvr bar on Instagram to stay up to dat on all events as well follow us on social at dnvr sports as well or go to Le events to check out the full

Calendar Thursday night at the bar will be a banger though for sure that one will have you know we’ll you don’t know if they’re going to bring playoff energy but I’m bringing it for sure which game of the playoffs one of the ones they win okay

Let’s go it’s going to be a big one uh I’ll bring game seven against Utah in the bubble energy oh wow no one talked to Adam he’s going be he’s going to be nervous as hell actually that was a really ugly game if you nobody made anything Harrison my goodness we’re over here

Licking each other’s wounds what are you doing there at B arita um getting into a mini argument with Jamal Murray in the press conference but that’s about it oh wow he wanted to argue with you today huh yeah he did man um I asked him you

Know Payton Watson when uh what was he 07 from three tonight 055 05 yeah and um Michael Malone at his postgame presser was asked about Patt and he said like look I love to see him take that ball to the rim a little bit like I thought Payton was outstanding

But on some of those I’d love to see him attack the rim and so I asked Jamal Murray H who was talking about pton Watson you know do you want him to take those threes or do you want him to take him to the rim and he looked at me like I just

Said pton Watson is a [ __ ] player and I thought it was a legit question but apparently uh he wants him to shoot the three every time all righty well there you go um there you go don’t ask that again he disagreed with Michael Malone on that one well there you

Go um all right well take us real quick just give us your quick thoughts and then take us behind into the locker room but just kind of quick I thought we all thought the Nuggets were winning this game for sure I’ve never been more certain this was a real disappointing

Loss for me I mean they lost this game in the second quarter yeah they just did not they just were not a focused team in the first half tonight they didn’t look like the Nuggets I hated how Nicole yic approached this game uh I hated how the

Offense looked in the first half um and then it was a great comeback the Suns sometimes let teams come back like that especially in the fourth quarter it was a great comeback though and then in overtime I’m I was just sitting there thinking like what are the Nuggets doing

They got Nicole jic versus Drew Eubanks you know can he get a post touch um so it was a disappointing loss man it’s it’s a game they should have won but I think in the end they kind of deserve to lose with just how they played in that second quarter I think

That’s probably that’s probably true they probably did deserve to lose this one um all right we’ll take us behind was everybody else as distraught as as we all are cons I’d say so I’d say so although Michael Malone wasn’t like Furious after this or or anything uh but he was really

Disappointed he just didn’t think the requisite effort was there in the first half particularly when guarding Grayson Allen he said we had a couple guys tonight who showed up in chill mode and we just wer locked in defensively um he said I can’t remember

A time this year when we gave up a 21 to1 run and it was really uncharacteristic of us of how we played defensively uh in that first half um I already touched on the Payton Watson bit but on those open threes he wanted him

To drive the ball more uh but he did say he thought pton was outstanding tonight he had a lot of great drive and kick plays he played really well um but just with how the suns were guarding him tonight he wanted to see him get to the

Foul line more and play with an attack mindset um and then on Christian Brown you know Michael Malone really applauded him he said lately he’s been a guy who’s been absolutely locked in on what he needs to do to help us win he says like what he’s been doing in regards to the

Intangibles that he’s been bringing to the table has been awesome and um defensively I mean he loved the effort that Christian Brown and pton Watson gave toight love that I thought I mean that was one of our most encouraging things was Christian Brown and and and Patt tonight’s defense in particular so love

It yeah I mean the way pton Watson defended Kevin Durant at times tonight was crazy it it was awesome stuff yeah um like I said spoke to Jamaal Murray as well Jamal also said this was such a winnable game it was one of the toughest losses that we’ve had he was pissed

After this one like he was really disappointed he said he thought he could have played better um and then you know we spoke spoke to Nicole yic as well he said we had bad energy in the second half or in the second quarter and overtime they just

Had better energy he was talking about going up against Yousef nurkic he agreed with somebody who asked him a question about how strong nurkic is he said nurkic is one of the strongest guys he goes against he also named Joel embiid and Steven Adams um and then Joker shouted out pton

Watson Christian Brown also for their hustle plays and just how many plays they did make today and um it feels like he definitely trusts those guys you know to to play big roles in big games cool I’m glad he took it personally by the or took it so hard by

The way I we were talking I think he was the one guy who seemed the most the energy was high with him tonight with Jamal yeah yeah I thought he wanted this one he definitely wanted this one I mean he always gets up to play the Suns and um he played well for

The most part I thought you know some some weird mistakes for him that fast break comes to mind um but man this this was a talk about weird games this was a weird game from Nicole yic yeah just did not seem like he was really in a rhythm

Aside from you know a stretch in the second half yeah you oh all righty um well any final thoughts um that KC P3 was cold man it was insane it was an insane shot and he cashed it pure nothing but net that thing was cold takes a little crazy

Sometimes man all right when get home safe um super chats the Nugget has kept us late what is it is it already tomorrow dude it’s totally tomorrow it’s already tomorrow man we had a half hour still today it feels like tomorrow let’s get the super round off Peter duck

Nuggets in ability to really punish the suns in the fourth many missed open threes is the general reason they lost but man yic just had in my opinion his worst game yeah I mean it also should be noted that Grayson Allen had his best game oh for sure grayon Allen’s like

Okay some of these were easy shots these are NBA players you can’t let them get going but Grayson Allen also uh obviously dies his hair it’s very obvious very obvious very obvious and all just it’s called Just For Men Grayson just FYI dude I would Dy my hair

Too if after I shot like that I would never stop do you think it would look funny if I came in my hair died and then we were like Adam there’s something different about you you look so young and Youthful and then you just started stroking threes something about the way you say

Stroking I CJ Jones for 10 bucks D Line’s attitude was the reason we lost that game dude I agree man he was way too confident very uncharacteristic for dline to be to be con but really but all jokes aside too many threes when the Suns had no interior defense oh well

Onto the Celtics under the Celtics uh sorry not sorry still confident still very conf bu bubbles buzzer beater just like Jordan mccrae’s career too little too late oh so supp poort Jordan McCrae it’s a lot of no he’s keeping the name alive he is actually you’re right again

Is Jordan McCrae just Jord mcra BJ Malay sad night but we’ll get him next time boys next time it is thanks BJ thanks BJ man I await the next BJ Super Chat Cedric Exquisite we need a hangover mukbang let’s BB fellas I don’t know what that means

Actually bounce back from G let bounce back but it could be anything oh by the way I I’m going to mukbang some chocolate I got to I got emotionally eat after this one my new favorite username she love Tommy am I the only one thinking AG touched a potential game

Winner on the yok one no it was out it was out it would have been a sweet Alo though yeah it should have been an Al I know that should have been the door slam well I’m always saying that that yic guy never makes reads you know Jo Clen 15 if

Yic is averse to the narrative Games should we be concerned about future yoke Luca little brother playoff games he’s only averse to them in the regular season well yeah so true postseason he’s a monster man I mean come on it’s not a narrative it’s just it’s it’s not a

Narrative just do you win or not Seth bang 20 bucks I’ll be the brighter side guy I love the minutes from Payton Watson and Christian Brown maybe even a few of zekes outside of that rough second in OT I had fun two big streaks died today two title faves and they go

Head to-head in 48 I predict smug vote and funky J if you get one you’ll get the other I promise I’m I’m really excited for that game there’s there’s a lot on the line for brenon vote Liz score a. 5280 if yic don’t win Celtics tomorrow he’s not

Winning MVP or the championship mark my words hold on hold on here’s the thing I was going to say if he does you that only counts if he does win the game does that mean he is winning the MVP the and you got to go out on a you got to go out

On a limb you can’t just make the like right yeah you pay for a super chat you can make whatever insane statement you want and then Bren has I can still and I can still push B you you have a statement in there that’s fall I’ll push

Back on it I love the idea if yic loses in 48 hours that’s it there’s just nothing he’ll never come back Celio 290 not a bad loss just a dumb one that’s true we will be okay records in each quarter of the Season 14- 6 14- 7 14 and

Seven think 56 wins is enough to get the one seed I don’t know they did miss an opportunity in the standings here tonight of course and that’s frustrating they do that every time I know I know this this season’s so annoying I do still think one one seeds on the table

Though Ian Mc KAG Ian mccog Ian McCoy the defending champs will be all right great opportunity Thursday to get back on track against the Celtics I expect yic to come out swinging I do think the Nuggets now have to refocus that game becomes a little more important so it is

Like hey we got to bounce back we can’t lose two at home you know there’s something there oh man this is another loss with your starting five from a West Coast opponent remember they never do that disgusting well this will cheer you up chunk dick Wells burner let’s go dude Hees need a

Burner all the folk given tonight time to get it up for the Celtics shake this loss off no more than three times though that that was a a perfect it was also 669 a good job no notes at all man why you used that’s why you used the bur

Time to get what up to get why you used the bur too many times don’t shake it too many times CJ Jones chiming it again dnvr you know your show is fire when Suns fans would rather watch you than pH andx AO beat the Seas that’s true

Although I do frequently when if if the we had won this game half of you would be trolling the Suns fans I do know that we have some Suns trolls today a little bit Yeah Hey listen we can this is when you haven’t won a championship this

Feels like a champion cuz if you don’t know what a championship feels like and we remember yeah you remember like you guess this is what it feels like but I’m telling you it’s not actually what it feels like it feels way way different Happ for you Cedric Exquisite one game

Chill Suns fans mad we got to chip before them that’s right so true man they are they going to chip on our shoulders they hate us cuz they Ain us tell them to count the Rings that’s a real they hate us cuz they a US yeah

Chunk dick Wells burner oh he’s back did vote bet his socks on the game tonight jokes on you they’re just tiny ankles just tiny ankles I worked out today I wanted to show you guys my ankles hey man you you don’t let these fools get you down I feel great I feel

Great I would be offended if it wasn’t from chunk dickw just burner sorry I don’t want to confuse anyone Chase Becker jokic’s buzzer beater at the end of the first was insane so true D that was actually incredible that should have been the start of the dominating performance he

Should have finished the game with that shot have a biscuit should have gone right back to it I know why’ you don’t go for the Run you’re right that he hits those shots but just give us a sore give us give miss the move man tonight was so

Irritating it is it’s like uh you go to a concert the band comes out you’re like oh cor oncore they come out play none of the songs you were hoping or they just don’t come out oncore everyone’s just like wait and the lights come on they’re

Like like well that was it I mean I feel like they came out they just suck have you ever been to a concert where they just don’t do an encore I have it is so weird when they’re like no man they just don’t do it they’re just like we’re done

We’re done we did our set that was all we’re doing man go home I love The Encore everybody loves The Encore there well the obvious like when the the band hasn’t played their big song and they’re like they’re like off we go they leave all their instruments

You’re like okay just what do we I saw with a buddy one time I saw Marcy’s Playground you know Candy didn’t play that one that’s the one song Everybody remembers like all right come back out and do the one we all know all right uh that does it hit that out your music

Kale big game coming up big game big game coming up statement week still good 4- one it’s overrated dude 5 and one cry over spoiled milk not mej M’s great you beat the Celtics we’re cooking we beat the Celtics and we’re all me BJ Malay chunk dick well we’re all moving

Into the future we don’t care get it up I don’t even remember this game if we’re being honest I’ve already flushed it down uh everybody thanks for hanging out with us hit that like button for us on the way up see you tomorrow let’s go [Applause] we all sitting like the May

The Denver Nuggets snapped a 6 game win streak tonight with a OT loss to Kevin Durant and Phoenix Suns. The Nuggets got down big early and came back in the clutch, but ultimately failed to mount the complete comeback and fall to the Suns. What are our takeaways from the first loss post all-star break? Adam Mares, Brendan Vogt, Duvalier Johnson, and D-Line Co. come to you LIVE from the DNVR Bar to break down everything you need to know in this edition of the DNVR Nuggets Podcast!

Start – 0:00
Fast breakdown – 1:50
Dev’s big takeaway – 5:40
D-Line’s big takeaway – 6:20
Vogt’s big takeaway – 7:28
Adam’s big takeaway – 8:25
Jokic’s stat line – 11:45
Jamal Murray – 19:30
MPJ – 23:50
AG – 26:00
KCP – 27:35
CB & PWAT – 31:45
The bad fast breaks – 38:20
Reggie Jackson – 40:50
Any wind out of the sails heading into Thursday? – 41:50
Wind Chimes – 46:35
Superchats – 53:00

An ALLCITY Network Production





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  1. lost the assist battle against an 26 APG team, almost doubled their turnovers as well… one of those sleepwalking L's from the starting 5, atleast CB looked alright. Nobody will talk about this game if we beat boston at home but this loss still sucks

  2. Crazy how we all see the same things as Nuggets fans. We all know Jokic surpassed guys like Nurkic and Eubanks a long time ago then we see games like this where he looks like he wants no part of basketball, so frustrating.

  3. F-ing annoying. Barely tried. Decided tying for overtime was enough. 0 overtime effort, clearly saving for Boston game.

  4. As a Suns fan hearing Nuggets fans complaining about a 26 15 and 5 night is wild to me. To put this loss on Joker is crazy lol

  5. phoenix coming off a 2 loss back to back at home to houston and okc and also losing booker—they were motivated

  6. I love how “Denver is better than phx decidedly” somehow even though when Beal book and Durant all play their winning % is even better than the nuggets if they had all 3 all season they’d be top 2 and that’s without the chemistry they haven’t had time to build -this suns team is light years better than last years team that won 2 games vs the nuggets -the suns have switched Landry
    shamet Ayton and ish wainright for Allen, Beal , nurkic, Eric Gordon, Royce O’Neal and eubanks -they are so much more dangerous and last years suns were up 8 in gm 2 when cp3 went down for the series

    they’re not afraid of Denver if They’re healthy

  7. What’s up with Denver fans freaking out once again? 😂 They were due for a tough loss; is everyone’s memory that bad & in need of a history lesson?

    The Suns barely won, even with Grayson shooting out of his mind & KD coming up clutch in the end. It’s easy to see that team isn’t even gonna be in the WCF & is the 6 or 7 best team. If Denver plays 10% better, if Mal & Jok don’t make bad turnovers, the Suns don’t even go to overtime. So enjoy your dub, Suns fan; nobody’s afraid of that team. 😂 Your father Luka will see to that come playoff time.

  8. In this team, it should finally be known that Jokic is the main player, not this when Murray plays selfishly.

  9. Nothing like listening to Eric breathing heavily straight into the mic while everyone else is giving their takes

  10. The notion of a 60 win season is disappearing soon. I think that if Gordon didn't touch that buzzer ball , it would bounce in at 50/50.

  11. Last night proved they need a better bench and team in the offseason they wont win the West or NBA championship without one they didn't capitalize when Booker was out

  12. I actually thought the way this game went was rather predictable. After pulling out all the [energy] stops to go on a 6 game win streak post-ASG, the Nuggets’ energy level — especially Jokic and Gordon — was predictably down. The Suns had a couple of very bad losses in the past week and after losing their previous game to the Nuggets played 100% to win this game. The fact they played Durant basically the entire first half was evidence of that, and it was also predictable they’d get tired and miss shots in the 2nd half. The Suns regrouped a bit in OT and pulled it out. I’m not mad about the game — the Nuggets can’t win every game and the Suns rode their main guys very hard to get this one.

  13. Jokic only gets assist because usually he’s the biggest on the court nd teams have to double its a different story when the sizes is matched 😂😂😂😂

  14. 0:40: 💔 Disappointing loss for the Nuggets against the Suns in an unexpected ending.
    5:23: 💔 Nuggets suffer a disappointing loss in overtime due to sloppy play and lack of execution.
    9:45: ⛹️ Physicality in new NBA era impacts Nuggets; Yic adapts with smart plays.
    14:13: ⚽ Denver Nuggets lacked defensive intensity, allowing the Phoenix Suns to snap their win streak.
    18:57: 🏀 Denver Nuggets face defeat as Jamal Murray shines with 28 points, 7 rebounds, and 9 assists.
    23:50: ⛹️ Michael Porter's defensive performance was lacking, impacting the outcome of the game.
    28:03: 🏀 Impressive performance by KCP in a game against tough opponents.
    32:42: 🏀 Impactful defensive plays by Suns players contribute to team chemistry and success.
    37:14: ⛹️ Suns players show potential as secondary playmakers, aiming to improve connection on the court.
    42:06: ⚔️ Competing teams break winning streaks, setting the stage for intense matchups and rebound opportunities.
    46:57: 🏀 Disagreement between Michael Malone and Jamal Murray on player's shot selection in Denver Nuggets game.
    52:53: 🏀 Discussion on players' performances, missed opportunities, and hair dye in the game.
    57:18: 🏀 Denver Nuggets suffer a loss against the Suns without key player, sparking fan reactions and discussions on championship experiences.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

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