@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Vs Rockets Postgame Show | DANG REFS…

Spurs Vs Rockets Postgame Show | DANG REFS…

Oh oh boy oh boy oh boy man man wow man that was wow wowzers golly G Jiminy Cricket man oh gosh we need to trade y’all fans I I think he’s trolling oh oh gosh oh oh God Clan Clan don’t blame the refs uh wait what did you say sorry I I lost the comment um hold on Clan don’t blame the

Ref wimy needed a break and we were bad today I can blame both we were bad but I can blame both the referee in was terrible and the Spurs did not do themselves any favors when you’re playing when you’re playing away like that you you can’t like that’s that’s the problem with

Young teams man they just feed off of the crowd so much the refs were horrible they were God awful um it it can be both uh the Spurs didn’t do themselves any favors uh and when the ref are against you the way that they are you you cannot

Play you cannot play soft we were bad on defense it it was it’s frustrating uh to say the least it’s frustrating to say the least all right so we’ll we’ll go to let’s let’s go through this game okay we’ll we’ll go through this game we’ll talk about this game

Okay I mean let’s be real all right this this game was was awful it it was it was God awful um not only from the San Antonio Spurs standpoint but from a refereeing standpoint everything about this game was just Dreadful it was very hard to watch um on both fronts uh

Whether you’re watching just as a fan or if you’re watching um you know as you know a Spurs hater I don’t know uh wheny what’s that yeah I mean the chat got like I I can tell that nobody’s like really upset about it I’ll tell you this though

Houston Rockets fans are having a field day they are so happy right now that they were able able sorry able to beat uh the goat Victor W banama I mean they they are losing their minds they are ecstatic um some are delusional enough to think that shenon is actually better

Than wimy believe it or not they are so happy they are so happy it it you know a lot of people been saying Spurs fans you want to couple games now it’s time to hang the banner which is hilarious cuz it’s coming from people that teams don’t

Have a banner at all um but no like literally that’s what Houston Rockets fans are doing right now they are hanging the banner they are so excited they are ecstatic to have a chance to beat Victor WN banama and injured rookie they they just love it and hey allow him

To love it you know allow him to enjoy it now because we already know what’s coming I know I sound bitter I know I sound bitter I kind of don’t uh I’m kind of not bitter I’ll just be honest I look rocket fans are some of the worst fans

Imaginable I mean some of the things that they put out is horrendous now obviously yeah yeah yeah let me go ahead and do the preface preface it by saying not all fans are bad blah blah blah but I’ll be honest man Rockets fans there’s a there’s a subsection that

I’ve never seen I’ve seen some bad Spurs fans I’ve never seen Spurs fans Sloop like go as low as Rockets fans go I mean I’ve seen Rockets fans tweet out things like they really want to see a ACL uh tear from wimy that they want him injured that they’re praying for

Injuries I mean it it is it is terrible and all because he didn’t want to come to your franchise I would never I I never seen a Spurs fan do this um they say that Spurs fans are just so entitled and we’re so terrible and a lot of Spurs

Fans are but I’ve never seen Spurs fans like go at a player like that where it’s like it it it’s a big enough group of fans saying they want someone injured that anyone would notice like I’m sure there’s you know it’s Millions upon millions of people out there I’m sure

There’s a few Spurs fans that said some crazy stuff before uh but this is this is wow this is absolutely wow um Spurs enjoyer he said it and I hate him it’s so gross it’s not just him though it it’s so many uh it’s a it’s a

Terrible it’s a terrible uh sub section they have all right so we’re going to we’re going to go through a sponsor really quick okay I want to talk to you guys about something I have a h clip here a video here that I’m going to play and then after that we’ll go straight

Into the game okay we we’ll go straight into the game and there there’s plenty to talk about uh the Spurs man Spurs so here’s a here here’s Clan take it take it away Clan all right guys so before we get into the content I want to give a

Big shout out to today’s sponsor I’ll be honest with you okay I get so many phone calls from where I used to live a lot of people don’t know this but I’m actually from Memphis Tennessee I get that a lot are you from Santonio no I’m from Memphis Tennessee no longer live there

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Guys and let’s uh get back into this video all right thank you Clan thank you thank you for giving us that thank you for giving us that ad read that that was that was beautiful uh but yeah guys take out check out Aura um let’s see I was

Looking at some of some of the comments here yeah like random can Pro it too twin yeah yeah that’s what it was twin where have you been okay all right let’s go through this uh this this this game God awful good God Almighty all right so

I want to these are the type of games where I really want to go in on the refs here okay I really want to go in on the refs but let’s let’s go ahead and talk about the elephant in the room all right before we talk about uh the San Antonio

Spurs and all their faults I want to talk about the elephant in the room the fact that shingon oh excuse me sorry this fact that shingon put up 45 points tonight 45 points tonight and it’s very frustrating okay cuz obviously surface level you look at this you’re like he

Only took seven free throws whatever it’s like wow this is an impressive you know uh game 19 for 32 this dude went absolutely off two for three these are really good numbers but I feel like people aren’t necessarily contextualizing what was going on in this game the San Antonio Spurs don’t

Have a center other than wimy right now like let’s be real like I’m not trying to talk bad about Zack Collins but he is not a center all right he is not one and Victor got in foul trouble really early so not only is he injured but he got in

Foul trouble so quickly to the point where we had to pull him several occasions and shingon just had a field day with Zach Collins for the most part and then once wimy was in the game cuz some people are going towards well Rockets fans are going towards the

Fourth quarter and saying well he was he was putting him on skates he was killing wimy in the fourth quarter but in actuality wimy couldn’t play physical at all he only had two fouls to give he he couldn’t play physical at all wimy definitely changed the way he was

Playing defense and even yet and still wimy being held back he got seven blocks he got seven blocks absolutely incredible um but hey shingun did his thing he took advantage uh of his size I mean he just went straight straight into our chest uh but he took advantage of

His size uh the refs did not do us any favors and giving wimy that many fouls that early and us not being able to play him and him being injured really hurt us it was so obvious and then I’ve said this time and time again wimy on the

Court he’s a phenomenal Defender but there’s nothing he can do when we have a lineup like who was it I think it was Blake Wesley which he’s a fine Defender whatever but it was Blake Wesley I believe Kellin Johnson ROM and Osman I think that was the lineup that wimy had

To go out there with uh God aul you are not going to beat anybody uh uh uh playing with that lineup uh defensively it doesn’t matter how good wimy is you’re not going to be able to stop anybody so that was very unfortunate wimy injured yes wimy had a he was on

The injury report before the game he played through it um but yeah he had a he had a a shoulder issue he even went to the locker room in the middle of the game so yes wimy was injured in this game and he still put up seven blocks so

Like I said I’m not trying to take anything away from shingun I think shenon is a fine player I think sometimes he’s a little overhyped mostly from Houston fans uh but at at the same at the same time he had a good game uh it’s just unfortunate that the way that

You had to play him was so terrible man like you couldn’t touch him I mean you you couldn’t touch him we got in foul trouble so quickly till it it was it was it was nothing you can do right um and you not not every foul sent him to the

Free throw line or anything like that but man they were calling so many fouls it was insane um but he did fine and I thought that the Houston Rockets as a whole did well on uh wimy they were making it nearly impossible for him to get the ball but then again our team

They played as if they were at home I mean you cannot play this way like you you cannot just half-heartedly pass the ball like like you have to be uh uh uh you you got to play you got to you got to pass was some intention uh out

Coaching Rockets barely beat the Spurs with most calls going their way and wimy out for most of the game yeah who said who said that we got out coach who said that yeah they they I don’t know if the Spurs got out coach guys I mean you

Udoka did a good job of um containing wimy look we don’t have many options here like I’m not sitting here saying the Houston Rockets are just full of like all this Allstar driven Talent or anything like that but I will say having veterans on your team definitely helps

It helps quite a bit um yeah having those having those vets helps them but at the same time for us yeah we we just couldn’t there’s not much we could do you know I mean our our offense is solely predicated off of giving wimy the ball it’s like the wimy and fael show

Which sometimes it’s a really good show but sometimes you have games like this where if wimy is not you know hurt or he’s not playing to the best he could and then you making sloppy passes you you’re not talented enough to make up for the amount of mistakes uh that you

Made I mean this like like I said the refs were God awful but then again the refs didn’t turn the ball over 18 times you know what I mean like the the refs were bad but they also didn’t turn the turn the ball over for the Spurs 18

Times now don’t get me wrong we were hacked there were plenty of times that they didn’t call especially on Sohan oh my God those calls against Sohan were terrible the fact that they said he purposefully uh tripped um uh who did they say he tripped uh Thompson the

Thompson twin aan Thompson what was that about I don’t know what they saw I mean you you you watched that same clip for five minutes and that’s what you got away for like that was crazy yeah the flagrant that was that was insane the whole game was kind of like that so A

Lot some of these turnovers I want to say a lot of them but I’ll say you know you say 20 25% of these turnovers were due to they got really physical with us uh to the point where if we did it did the same we would get a foul called on

Us but once again like I said 18 turnovers isn’t all the refs the Spurs played poorly they didn’t punch him in the mouth uh you know they got accustomed to being at home uh grinding those out and they look like a legitimate basketball team and then they

Go against the Houston Rockets and it’s half-hearted passes um you know pass it like as soon as you think wm’s in position you’re you’re you’re throwing it up like it it was just bad it was just bad um thanks Dennis Keith Dennis Keith for uh subscribing um but yeah

They needed they needed this L I think um I think this was an important L I think they need to be smack in the smacked in the face uh we’ll see what kind of comes from it uh but man oh man this is going to be tough I I I want to

Win some games man I want to win some games and I have no doubt in my mind that the San Antonio Spurs like couldn’t have won this game like they obviously could have won in this game they’re coming off at two huge wins against good teams Houston Rockets are not that good

They’re not that good and the Spurs were in the game the entire time without wimy and when wimy was in the game he couldn’t even play to his his standard like he he yeah it was terrible dude did wimy get injured this game no no no wmy got injured last game he got

Injured last game um and we got hit in the shoulder uh he he was physically hurt last game he played through it uh then obviously won the game and then this game he was on the injury report is questionable but then at the last minute the Spurs said he can play so uh

Yeah so he he wasn’t necessarily himself but wimy not being himself four for 10 uh seven blocks 11 rebounds I mean shoot I mean if that’s this the worst wimy we’re going to get Clan recently don’t know what three wins in a row means anymore it’s

Crazy it’s so crazy isn’t it I guess that’s all I really have to say there’s nobody individually that I’m mad at um I know some people will ask well what about Kellin because they always you guys always ask me about Kellin Johnson uh he was he was he was okay man it he’s

Kellin like I I don’t even get upset about anything uh brandom looks really nice though uh looks really nice unfortunately we have a highlight of shingon flexing after being barely grazed by Malachi Brenham that shouldn’t have been a foul at all uh pathetic absolutely pathetic uh but anyways let’s see I

Just I’m going to take you guys back to a time a simpler time don’t be upset with me okay look at this oh wait what is there a better website we can go to okay never mind they’re going to Classics I don’t want Classics look at this man ah look at all these

W’s look at all these W’s man this was a good time this was a good look at all these W’s this Spurs were so good but mind you 2014 2013 2014 I watched every single game look at all these W’s man look at all these

Wins look at the M oh my goodness look when they started ramping it up in March dude look at how many wins in a row is this from game 57 all the way to game 75 nearly 20 games in a row ah oh well oh well my girl came home to me

Crying watching the beautiful game you would have thought that they won the Western Conference Finals with this W dude I’m telling you I would have been excited I would have been excited too if I beat Wim banama I mean really I would have been really excited if I just beat Wim

Banama good years man good time dude good times good times but oh well it is what it is those are all my thoughts about this game I I there’s no one I can really criticize not really we did okay uh you know playing so poorly we did okay as far as uh shooting

Wise from the free throw line I don’t know I I’m trying to be positive there’s nothing I can really say positively honestly uh one thing I will say is some people have brought up like Julian champeny and said oh Julian chimpin is so trash why is he starting he’s not a

Starting small forward okay like obviously um but he’s not trash he should more than likely just be on the bench once we get more Talent like that’s all it really comes down to and this game he only played 10 minutes and he was hurt um that’s another thing

Julian champen is hurt so it’s one thing people don’t keep in mind either uh he had a few plays in there where you’re like what the heck are you doing bro like um but he he is hurt uh if you don’t recall a couple games ago tweaked his ankle uh but he

Played through it so we got a really tough team and I thought I thought soan played really hard down stretch I thought Devon fael played pretty hard down the stretch it was just too many mistakes man to count um and then when Houston can kind of just do whatever

They want uh and the refs aren’t on our side it’s just a disaster all right that that’s where experience and talent got it kicks in Kick in and um and we just don’t have that you know these types of games we going to lose all the time all

The time cuz there’s there’s no want to kind of hone it in we’re not honing it in as a team it’s just constant mistake after mistake after mistake and we’re doing things that were issues weeks ago this is why I always say like yeah it’s great to think about oh what if Trey

Jones were to start we would win games no no it’s not that simple this this this team as a whole is is a is a mess now if you can play Trey Jones and Tre Jones didn’t have that great of a game but if you can play Trey Jones you know

All minutes all first second third and fourth quarter and you can play wimy all first second third and fourth quarter and fael all first second third and fourth quarter and soan all first second third and fourth quarter and they don’t get tired then sure yeah conceptually we

Should win like most game or not most games I won’t say that but we should win you know pretty pretty decent number of games but that’s not the case Rockets was just sagging off so Hand Trey Jones clogging up the paint and double triple teaming uh wimy yeah yeah did soan even take

Any how many threes did he take he took six threes my god dude I I think I disassociated during this game I this is tough I don’t remember him taking six threes I I was out I was out I was so frustrated with this game it

Was one of the ugliest games of the season oh well oh well what do you think about shenon I think he’s a good player I don’t I don’t think he’s um like a star going to be a superstar or nothing like that but um I think he’s a good

Player if Houston Rocket’s plan is to build around shenon I think that would be a horrible idea that’s not even me like hating I’m not trying to be a jerk or nothing like that I do genuinely like shingun I liked him before uh the draft

As well like I I like them uh but if they want to build around them they’re they’re going to they’re going to they got another thing coming to him I I don’t think that that’ll work out but he is a good player all right I guess we’re done with

Thoughts right Rockets fan acting up acting up like they just won their first title in 30 years and they only won that title cuz MJ played golf not golf I’m sorry uh baseball Clan I didn’t watch the game today but what happened to wimy with

Only 10 minutes and only 10 shots uh so you’ll see there that he played 31 minutes but in actuality so he was triple teamed almost every play uh they called him for some very quick fouls uh earlier in the game so pop had to keep taking him out he’s already injured um

So there’s that um but yet still he had seven blocks but yeah and in the fourth quarter he was not playing like wimy like he wasn’t playing free at all uh he was trying his best he just put his hands up trying his best not to foul

Shenon it’s the same stuff that we’ve seen prior when he’s got in foul trouble like earlier in the season I didn’t know we would go back to that but we got back to that so um um I said 10 points what what do you mean only 10 points and 10

Shots I mean I was telling you he didn’t I mean it wasn’t that good I don’t know what to say all right last thing Clan not saying you should diss players but reality do you see us getting rid of next season um I can see I can very well see Kellin being

Gone Osman being gone um honestly those kind of the big ones and I can see Graham being gone those three uh possibly Mamu but those are kind of the big the big three right there uh you’ll bring in another guy in the draft I’m sure we’ll draft or trade for somebody maybe even

Two lottery picks hopefully that’ll be cool uh but we need the the Rockets or not Rockets we need the uh Raptors to to continue to flourish um but yeah I I can see those guys being gone so Kellin Osman Graham those kind of the three Collins um guys refresh my memory uh

Collins can’t be traded till can he be traded this off season or or is it in October I forget how this works with his contract summer okay we can’t trade Collins What specifically did wimy do to his shoulder uh he just made contact with the defender he he he just drove with the

Defender okay yeah so there it is so um possibly Collins I don’t I’m not sure though I mean Don Barlo just got his contract so that’s good but if you’re just saying going into next season I think I I would say with confidence if I had to put

Money on it kin Osman and Graham would be gone y it’s bugging what’s bugging stream better now I didn’t know the stream was actually up yeah anyways guys guys don’t don’t stress about it too much all right it is what it is um it’s not that big a deal

Okay I promise we lost yeah we lost but don’t stress about it okay Nick Classon is unrestricted free agent but probably won’t sign with us don’t worry about it too much oh speaking of ES PN you guys just brought up ESPN god dude oh my god oh

Man I hate stuff like this I despise stuff like this oh boy oh boy ESPN ESPN what are you doing um oh gosh let’s see let’s see this is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen in my entire life all right Ramona shelburn she has a take about the San

Antonio Spurs and Victor W banama and when you listen to it you can really hear that she knows nothing about the San Antonio Spurs and Victor WN banama um very very frustrating very very frustrating and basically uh if you don’t know anything about Ramona she’s mostly a Lakers

Person so I don’t know why she’s talking about uh the Spurs in this way it’s very dumb it’s very dumb skipp it reporters should only deliver news not opinion it’s F like you can give an opinion you can make inferences based on um you know facts based on what you’re hearing based on

What you’re seeing but the opinions are very frustrating when you obviously don’t know what you’re saying you know I’m not sitting here I never jump on here and pretend like I’ve told you guys I have uh sources as well plenty of people have sources I do have sources

When it comes to things but I never jump on here and act like every single thing is absolute fact like like I I I don’t sit here I I I at least give some type of argument based on what we see and I can make inferences based on what we see

Based on history based on reality but it seems like uh ES just wants to run with any narrative and what’s so gross about this narrative that they’re running with this narrative that there’s a possibility that Victor want out of San Antonio or there’s a possibility that

He’s going to get out of there what’s so gross about it is he’s a rookie he’s a rookie Ramon is a Clippers fan oh I I said Lakers okay maybe maybe it’s Clippers she knows more about she knows something about Los Angeles teams okay but it he’s a

Rookie what are we talking about why are we at this point what what could the Spurs have reasonably reasonably done in this season to make anything happen to make anything better you think Dame Lillard on the San Antonio Spurs right now would would just have us being World

Beaters have you seen Dame with the Bucks what what could the Spurs have done during this season to make us Championship winners there’s nothing they they lined everything up they’ve been talking to Victor I don’t know where this is coming from so let’s let’s just listen we’ll listen to some of it

Uh I can’t play it all the way through because or show you all of it because you know copyright but let’s listen I guess but Victor isn’t that patient no I think the rest of the league has started to understand that now in the best way possible so what does the timeline look

Like now I don’t want to hear that word anymore timeline patience like Damen Lillard when he asked for a trade from Portland had an interest in going to the Spurs okay he had an interest there was a fascination with when W Wy hadn’t hit the league yet but there was a

Fascination with him and there was a respect for Greg papovich and there but there was not really any traction on that is just so silly to open it up with I don’t want to hear anything about patience what are we talking about patience is everything you you know that’s funny I I

Don’t even want to play all this to be honest with you that’s funny that you say that you said our boy Danny Green was the only logical one cuz he knows the Spurs it’s like every single person had something dumb to say and then no one had no one

Wanted to listen to what Danny Green had to say in which Danny Green if you want to know what he had to say you can obviously go find the video or whatnot um but basically what Danny Green just said is that hey uh they’re going to be patient uh knowing the Spurs they’re

Doing very well as far as how they develop players you know just just stuff that we already know and stuff that Danny Green would know personally I just couldn’t believe that they sat here and just talked as if it was fact and when you actually listen to what they’re

Saying they’re not saying anything they’re just talking dude it’s so frustrating it’s just dumb even mikas is upset kitty yeah cat butt yeah that was a cat butt a nothing Burger a whole nothing Burger it’s just dumb it’s gross to sit here and try to spin a narrative

When everything and you know what’s worse you know what’s even worse uh about all of this this this whole thing is that the idiot Spurs fans okay not not most Spurs fans but the idiot ones the idiotic ones the ones that’s been holding on to grudges since like the 90s

Right with with poic and the Spurs they run with what ESPN reporters have to say but then they will completely ignore anything Danny Green had to say it’s insane you know why I sit back and I am so adamant that everything’s okay because I base it off of what everybody

Most people that are associated with the Spurs have said I base it off of what wimy has said sure you can lie whatever but that’s what I base it off of what wimy has said what poish has said how they same seem to be speaking the same

Language what our owner has said what people around the the the organization has actually said what I mean I don’t I don’t know I base it off of the fact that wimy was excited uh when coming to the Spurs it’s just silly it’s just silly man you got to build organically there’s

No way that wimy doesn’t understand that he’s not dumb the Spurs have communicated that to him it’s just not time to panic I I don’t know what the Spurs could do right now that would just just change everything change everything around wimy wanted to come to San

Antonio for the culture he wanted to come to San Antonio for pop he wanted to come to San Antonio to learn and I don’t know if wimy could get as good as he is right now as quickly as he got to right now if it weren’t for going to San Antonio

Spurs I mean they have taught him up he looks night and day from day one with San Antonio to now so I don’t know where I don’t know I just feel like if you’re a Spurs fan and you’re going based off of what ESPN Talking Heads has said I I don’t

I what what’s there to say you know you just going to agree with them no matter what so they want San Antonio to trade for LeBron jish Tatum and Luca bro like you can make the same mistake that I don’t know uh the Cavaliers made you can do it if you want

You can try to uh Don Johnson what does patience look like in the real world being diligent I don’t know bringing up your skill level being patient with yourself working towards something I mean that’s patience I I don’t know what you mean we don’t claim those fans they’re

Pathetic both ESPN and fox been saying that womy will probably uh be a in the future they would love for womy to be a Laker in the future they would love it it’s just silly dude and a lot of these spurs fans I wonder if they’re even fans it seems

Kind of like a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point I don’t know if there’s fans out there that just want to be like seen as different or seen as smart because you win against the grain because you’re contrarian I I don’t know if there’s just some gripe that you’ve

Had with had with San Antonio for a very long time now that they’re losing you can find finally verbalize you know those concerns and and be taken seriously and it’s like do you even want wimy on the team it’s really strange because a lot of those fans

They’re the same ones that didn’t want to take they always have the wrong take on stuff they didn’t want a tank for wimy to begin with they wanted they wanted DeAndre Aiden like they didn’t they didn’t want a tank like they I don’t know man it’s show it’s so

Shortsighted um and wimy has been one thing people don’t keep in mind is like wm’s skill level how he got to the point that he is right now it took patience a lot of patience it’s it’s not that he was just he just was born this way like

Oh yeah like obviously he got skill and and there’s some uh some there’s some abilities that were that were given to him but it it’s it’s not like his flexibility he just got that like he just woke up with that like that’s that’s a lot of work and a lot of

Patience with yourself right I mean he went to he went to an organization that was in shambles okay but he made him into a championship team or Championship caliber team but hey it’s that’s patience but I in the NBA level like I I think I think he has

Enough positive uh uh words in his ear where he’s not that concerned he’s very honest obviously he wants to win why would he not want to win uh but the questions that’s asked to him are heinous man just like Shaq coming out like when wimy just got to the league

Was like how long how long are you going to wait before uh you asked for a trade like what do we talking about what what are we talking about ah man anyways got to give it to OKC for playing their cards right uh with their rebuild yeah I mean the Spurs are doing

The same thing we just got got to you know I’m not that concerned we have all the picks lined up the Spurs have the draft Capital they have the the cap space and they constantly make for the most part good uh uh uh draft picks or they they they they pick really good

Draft picks and people can say well what about this player or what about this player please I beg you go to any team in the NBA and I promise you you will not see as much you will see just as much the the best case scenario you’ll

See just as much if not not better uh drafting than the San Antonio Spurs have done I guarantee it actually look around the league and look at how many players you know that has made that have made it that was drafted by a team and have made

It the Spurs constantly have guys come through San Antonio that end up being decent Road players or just decent players in the NBA in general it’s because their drafting is so good you have have those anomalies don’t get me wrong you have those anomalies you know second round pick sometimes those don’t

Pan out you know Wise Camp whatever sometimes don’t pan out uh but like you have very few very few I’m praying Brian Wright gets it right with the upcoming draft you can’t really go that wrong with this upcoming draft right I guess you can but at this

Point how I feel topish would be a wrong move right that would be going wrong I think that would be the wrong move you see Draymond hyping wimy no I didn’t but we uh we need to look at that um but enough of this I I don’t even

Want to go through the whole thing I’m sorry I I I said I would I don’t know if I promised I would but dude this is terrible this is God awful just just follow me on Twitter and you can scroll down and find it um or just go to Dusty

Garza honestly he he posted it it’s gross yeah chip was a big loss um losing chip we’re still fine what I don’t I don’t yeah like we’re fine yeah I mean we lost chip England but it’s not like we don’t have a good shooting coach and

Then on top of it uh we’ve had soan shooting get much better than last season right and we didn’t have he he never worked with with chip England so I think we’re fine I mean look at wimy wimy shooting has improved tremendously as of late you know and

There’s no chip around I think we’re fine Patty went to Miami no really he’s ring chasing I don’t blame him did he go to Miami for real did you go to Miami for real that was nine hours ago how did I miss this oh man oh well he w a he W another

Ring okay that’s okay I’m just glad we signed uh don Bara to a normal contract ice Trey is coming I agree all right what else we got here some people wanted me to go over that Mike him menz thing and I did not care to do that all right so

I saw this right before we started streaming um but I did not watch this video is is this video ESPN as well Taylor Rooks no she’s FS1 right uh let’s see I don’t know if I want to actually go to wait okay wait all right actually there is a video

Connected to it okay let’s let’s let’s listen this is Trey Young on loving playing for the Atlanta Hawks he just loves it dude he he he cannot wait to win a championship with them so when you wake up and you go on your phone and you

See all these rumors take me into that moment what does that feel like for you some of the best players ever been traded so who am I to just be here mad or feeling unwanted or feeling a certain way if you don’t want me then then okay

Then somebody else will so then I’ll just ask plainly do you believe that you will be in Atlanta next season hopefully like I could have went to Kentucky I could have went to Kansas but I chose to be different and went to Oklahoma try to win a championship they’ve never won a

Championship in Atlanta me getting drafted there felt like a match made in heaven this is something I want to do like I can defeat the odds here too my whole Envision was to always be here like my whole goal is to win here win championships bring people here with me

And build this dynasty here but who knows like it’s year six now for you these rumors are like it’s it’s not me you’re like I want to be in Atlanta mhm I mean yeah you’ve heard it from The Source like I I want to win but that

That’s what you’ve heard too like I just want to win so that’s that’s in Atlanta that’s that’s where I want to be that’s where I envision myself being wait a minute what was that last part that that’s what you’ve heard too like I just want to win so if that’s that’s in

Atlanta that’s that’s where I want to be that’s he’s really clever with his words he is woo that was really impressive I mean see seriously like this was really impressive like the way that he still maneuver like you can kind of read between the lines and see

Like I want to win here like he’s being honest he wants to win there that was his idea that I’ll go to a team that never won and I’ll just build I’ll put him on my back and I’ll win this Championship he meant that but he’s like

Look I want to win all right that’s the source all right I want to win whether that’s in Atlanta or with wimby I want to win though I want to win like I don’t know dude I don’t know honestly though I’m I’m not trying to put words in his mouth

Or anything like that but I I do think that this is very impressive all right so my takeaways about this um I know Atlanta fans are really excited they’re like see he wants to stay I don’t really think that’s the case okay I think that

This was a PR answer I think that this was and let’s be real first off you can’t say anything all right you can’t say anything so if you like try to insinuate that you want to go to this team or this team the NBA will hone in

On that you’re not allowed to do that okay that so that’s number one number two him being I think an improved leader okay I’m not just saying that I think that he’s improved his leadership abilities uh mid season like this that would be a terrible move for Trey young

To just blatantly say I don’t want to be here but let’s be real okay he can say whatever he want let’s be real he’s done just enough not to get in trouble whether be commenting on a post where man that would have been an easy lob for

Wimy anybody could have made that lob whether it be him going on to a podcast in which he knows beforehand his PR team knows beforehand what questions are going to be asked they know these things okay um that’s why that’s why I would never want well I’m lying okay I kind of

Would want I was going to say I would never want to interview any NBA player I that’s not true I I would I think that would be cool but you are going to be limited in what you can say and what you can ask so yeah they know exactly what

Questions are coming his way and there were like five questions about wimba nyama and he was willing to jump on podcast and and entertain it I’m not dumb um also the fact that his dad is a Spurs fan the fact that he grew up a

Spurs he would love to to be in San Antonio the fact that he’s like I I wanted to come here and build a dynasty well you know who’s working towards the dynasty right now I mean the first steps Baby Steps early steps but it’s the San

Antonio Spurs so I don’t I don’t buy it I think that this was a really good way of maneuvering but I think once the season is over and we see where the Atlanta Hawks land um we see how well they did I think that we’ll get a little

Bit more information from Trey young but I said this once and I’ll say it a gazillion times okay I don’t necessarily think that the Spurs making no move is a bad move regardless I think that you win uh any situation you want to go in if

You want to do it purely organically you can do it that way if you want to trade and get Trey young you still have plenty of assets for the future and you can still build your Dynasty that’s how the Spurs set themselves up it’s very impressive um so really good stuff uh

But yeah Don Johnson would adding trade fit in the line with the patience movement uh yeah yeah actually yeah cuz you still have plenty of uh picks left cuz what you’ll do is you’ll trade back their picks right so that will be three you can correct me if I’m wrong chat I

Think that’ll be three picks we give them back uh you can give them one of yours uh maybe even the 2024 hopefully we get the Toronto pick especially if you get the Toronto pick you can give them ours um and maybe you can give ours like one of our future future picks if

That’s what you want to do and if the Spurs or if any fan is worried about 2027 or whatnot uh or 2026 uh as far as like oh where the Spurs going to land how many first round picks can we get like you can you can trade away uh so

Many second round like we got so many second round picks you can package that and get you a first round pick I’m sure so I I don’t I’m not really worried that much yeah it will still fit in the patience category like Trey young isn’t one of those moves right now especially

With how everyone’s contract looks where it’s like really worrisome like oh my God you know we’re rushing things we’re not going to win if Trey young was on this team right now yeah we’ll get a few more wins but the we’re we’re not like a winning team all of a sudden right like

It’s still going to take time um but yeah so I I don’t I don’t think that I don’t think we have to really um think of it that way but um yeah regardless regardless that it was still be you know patient I think the problem would come

In if the Spurs just says screw it we’re going to trade away all of our first round picks I I think that would be I think that would be a bad uh move or if you’re like I’m going to trade away Devon fael and soan and I’m going bring

In stars and trade away my first round picks and bring in try to bring in more stars then that would be rushing it to the point where wimy isn’t even where he needs to be yet uh to be the leader of a championship team and you’ll more than

Likely be a mediocre to decent okay playoff team uh probably not win anything especially with the Nuggets lurking around how good they look uh and yeah I mean it’ll be wasted in the next few years and then you then that’s when you have a disgruntled star uh asking

Out but at this point it’s nothing to really worry about um so you can trade for him not trade for him either way I think it’s still in line with uh what you need to do as far as a franchise so is there any possible way to get Trey

And keep the top five pick uh the 2024 five top five pick I don’t I don’t think so to be real with you I I don’t I don’t think so I I think I think if the Spurs were to try to trade for Trey young you know during uh the draft or

Yeah during the draft I I don’t think that you get away with I just don’t think they’re that dumb I think they’re going to take that 2024 and I think the Spurs would be willing to do it if for instance I don’t know you can get mes

Buellis with the seventh pick pick maybe if if there’s a possibility of that um but yeah I I don’t see I I really do think that their uh next year is more value exactly I don’t want to give them our 2025 our personal 2025 I would love to keep their 2025 but

There’s no way they trade Trey young and not get their pick back yeah Clan who do you want is R three I’ve been saying this so many times Modis bu zalis that’s who I want that is who I want okay I am I am honed

In on it now it might change like I said we’re going to do more videos on draft prospects right now though that’s my guy that’s who I want if the Spurs got three the third pick that’s who I’m taking right now it could change but right now that’s my

Guy re is is cooking that he is but I would take buellis right now right now it could change uh um recent sh of mod Modis buellis right now that’s who I’m taking how many times I got to say this not going to lie there’s no standout Prospect in this

Draft no no no the the the talent Gap is like so short mes gives Manu Vibes he gives Manu Vibes in the same sense that uh he is very crafty um and yeah he can get to his spots he makes the right reads he plays the right way sneaky

Athletic uh every now and then he hit would a move where you’re like whoa where did that come from yeah very fluid there you go that’s a that’s a good way to describe him very fluid um good good player great player and even I think he’s going to be a great player maybe

Not a superstar I think he’s going to be a fine player um but yeah we’ll be fine uh let’s see so it’s good that we watch that video because this is actually what I saw at first and it’s like dude reading things does not give

It justice at all so it says Trey was straight up asked if he will be a hawk next year he responded hopefully that’s funny um even though the beginning of it he was basically saying you know who am I to be upset if I get traded um and

Then it says they never won a championship I want to be that guy and bring other guys to get one in Atlanta okay then concluded from you’ve heard it from The Source Trey young has made it clear he wants to be in Atlanta it’s now

Just up to the front office to not mess it up okay sure gotcha gotcha like I said I would never base something off of One Singular interview ever okay but there’s enough evidence this season alone and last season and reports of his party or his his people saying yeah Trey would like

To play with wiim Bama that would be kind of cool like I’m sorry there there’s enough there where I sit back and I’m like Trey would like to play with San Antonio come on DJ wasn’t that guy for Trey I do not know the life of me after DJ got traded

I immediately said this is not going to work with Atlanta I I mean the player that they think they’re getting with DJ is not going to jail with Trey like he he’s not a good off ball player Trey is a better um on ball player Trey is not a

Good off ball player I I just don’t know his defense don’t don’t get me wrong de jontay Murray’s defense was fine with San Antonio was fine uh but he is not like this lock down point of attack Defender like you know people were making out to be it’s like this is not

Going to look good I don’t know where that I I don’t know why people thought that um but I guess if you didn’t watch the Spurs and oh he’s a Allstar and you know I get it not to talk bad about DJ I think he’s a

Fine player but yeah just not good fit I think anyways good stuff them boys be concerned with culture rather than basketball what we talking about he has a he has a wimy Jersey under his shirt in that interview true all right let’s see let’s see why is this a thing I’ve been seeing

This a lot everyone doing that little boop boop on a soan head I wonder what it is I love I love seeing like little things like this cuz you know it’s an inside joke I just wonder what that is cuz pop did it and I saw Trey Jones do it too so

Funny um even if it doesn’t convey 2024 it’s fine guys I just don’t think it’s time to panic at all and I guess I guess this is what we get for wanting to be on the center stage we’re like oh we never get attention and then you kind of remember

Like oh that’s right like when you get attention you get like LeBron James uh syndrome where everything’s a narrative and everything’s a mental game and everything is what’s going on inside this person’s head let’s see all right we we’ll go over one more thing that’s weird they interview Malachi dude they interview Malachi

Um that’s different I suppose should we go over that he’s streaky just like fael hey I don’t even know if we can use like streaky against fael anymore guys real talk yeah real real talk um real talk I don’t know if we can use that against fael anymore I don’t know

If we can straight up say like he’s um he’s streaky guys I swear I did not watch this video career Knight for Shen I promise guys I did not watch it it’s just the streak from their thumbnail I promise I did not watch this I am not a sellout

Like this I swear I swear I did not sellout all right we’ll uh all right we’ll listen to both coach pop and then Malachi boom pop lay it on us lay it on us oh this only 30 seconds I’m not going to speed it up what is it pop pretty

Pretty that’s what you call oh wait wait wait wait wait it’s 33 seconds I have to say what I pre-at no wait what do you mean I didn’t even say anything what the heck I didn’t even say anything all I’m going to say papic ain’t going to be happy

Royal ass whooping right there they deserve a lot okay that’s kind of funny a lot of credit uh they were physical from the get-go till the end of the game they came after it that way they played that were terrible po it put us in mud

We didn’t respond to it very well and you got the outcome so uh you know young group needs to understand the road is a lot different than at home and it requires a little bit more mental toughness and we didn’t have left tonight papovich Clan the Spurs fan on

YouTube uh how much cursing are you going to be exuding after this game please Pop answer so we’ll move on and try to play better at sack wait wait pop come back okay that’s fine all right let’s see let’s see what the other one is uh Malachi Malachi all right you’re too long

No is he doing the Mr Freeze Malachi look at him look at Mr Freeze he’s cold all right hold on let me let’s speed this up a little bit games they sent you like a wakeup message yeah what what has has that done for you and what what are the results on

The court meant you know for for your compl you yeah um like you said it was a you know wake up call you know s down um so you know I feel like when I got that chance um I just took advantage of it then you know just being more aggressive

On both sides of the ball um you know they want me to be aggressive on offensive end look for my shot and you know once I look for my shot I can create for others um so just trying to do that I’m going to have to update my

Trade list uh near the end of this season by the way I think Malachi went up a tier I I don’t I don’t I I said he has potential didn’t necessarily think that he would fit with us but hey it’s it’s looking a little better tonight um you guys

Building what didn’t carry yeah just we really wasn’t getting stops we was training buckets um you know and if we missed a shot um you know getting back in transition defense was hard you know this is the problem right you’re not getting any stops it’s just back to back

To back even our last win which was a really good win it was back toback buckets down the stretch it’s very frustrating you’re not getting many stops the only people that gave like legitimate stops were wimy uh soan as well but really wimy ended up a dunk turn over the ball

A couple times um so that’s kind of why he could potentially be our ball handler in my opinion uh he’s phenomenal off the pick and roll and that’s what he was good at in college as well uh yeah he could be like a secondary you know third ball handler

Possibly yeah the game kind of slipped away from us tonight yeah no stops because no one’s playing defense other than wimy uh they’re playing defense they’re trying young team still needs to learn that you know playing on the road than at home for sure is that an accurate assessment yeah it

Definitely is need to happen you guys need to learn yeah just um fewer mistakes fewer mistakes better shots um and you know I feel like we had a couple good shots too that just didn’t go in um but when that happens you know we got to

Really get back and run um you know transition defense that’s just the biggest thing we trying to keep improving every game um transition defense you know stopping the ball I know you’re going to hate me saying this all right I already know you’re going to hate me saying this but in the

Worst Spurs losses there’s one player in particular that I think has still played fairly well even if statistically it didn’t look so hot or it didn’t look solid I feel like he was always engaged and there’s maybe like two or three games where I said oh my God you look

Awful but it’s soan I know that that’s crazy I know that people don’t want to hear that but I truly do believe that Sohan has played pretty consistent um at least on the defensive end for for the most part I know I know you’re going to

Laugh at me I get it they won’t get easy easy buckets so yeah had that dust up you guys kind of used to him yeah used to him doing that get mixed up like that who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I didn’t say soan was I just said been

Consistently engaged I think that’s what I said consistently engaged soan is consistently engaged you can get mad at me all you want he played tough in the games in which the Spurs played soft soan played tough wabbling a little bit um nothing too crazy you know a little bump but um

Tries to do little things exactly you know I’m glad Jeremy didn’t let that um distract him from the game um and him just going out there and even playing more harder um after everything happened um see there he just said it listen listen to Malachi you don’t have to

Listen to me okay this guy actually plays for the Spurs okay all right I I’m I can’t do a sham guide but I’m sure he can so listen easy easy buckets so yeah had that dust up you guys kind of used to him yeah used to him doing that get mixed up like

That yeah for sure you know they were squabbling a little bit um nothing too crazy you know a little bump but um you know I’m glad Jeremy didn’t let that um distract him from the game um and him just going out there and even playing more harder um after everything happened

Um you know just a Show’s character so yeah yeah he was there there he was there he’s our nasty okay he brings that nasty pop said he likes the nasty he brings the nasty um I prefer so and small for than power for no no no no no

No I want soan at Power for it um it’s much as possible yeah I do not want him as small for it I don’t I don’t think that fits him well should Malachi start over Julian uh I guess my answer is does it really matter I don’t think it matters that

Much he did however look really good the last game he started he’s been playing much better so why not but then again Julian is by far a better Defender um and just right now has his team is constructed I do prefer Malachi coming off the bench to give us that little bit

Of uh scoring Off the Bench honestly um I mean we’re our defense our bench is bad enough right so I I would prefer I mean obviously you can stack but I I would prefer him you know getting coming in fresh for those bench minutes uh but who knows I mean it’s

Fine either way doesn’t really matter um but yeah malakan do You’ been more aggressive it’s been more aggressive he’s still a bad Defender but it has been more aggressive Julian’s not that good of a Defender he’s a he’s a fine defend the problem with Julian is he’s not a

Starter in the NBA that’s the biggest issue he’s just not a starter in the NBA uh it’s just how our team is set up right now that you can’t really afford to like ah you can’t afford to just have at the end of the bench type of guy right

Now he doesn’t give you enough scoring power for that but if you get enough Talent you get some more Defenders on this team you get someone that actually started small forward and then you’re you’re looking pretty good Julian champeny will look much better next season when we have more Talent he’s

Coming out the bench he’s going to be one of those guys where it’s like he’s going to hit some key threes here there he’s going to get some pretty good defensive plays here and there and we’re going to be like oh he’s pretty solid but right now that is not the case

Right um he’s not playing nonchalant anymore Malachi yeah pop criticized him for that like he plays to ma to nonchalant so all right guys I’m getting off um yeah I’m getting off this was this was a terrible game Bruce Bowen Vibes sure it was a terrible game

Terrible God awful I hated it um but hey Malachi got a smile so that makes me smile I guess all right guys I’m getting off I love you um but I got to go to the gym it’s super late but I got to go to the gym

And then go to bed then go to night night I might come back and play some hell divers for one game if I can good night Clan good night good night good night good night everybody I haven’t been to the gym in a minute so or at

Least a few days good night all right good night nighty night this is a good stream I’ll talk to you guys later bye bye bye bye bye wait where’s the stream ending there it is

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I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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  1. Remember this comment, we see them again in a week in San Antonio. It’s going to be a different game. 🫡

  2. What a Homer! It was 2 bad basketball teams and the home team won. That is usually how it goes in The NBA. Ridiculous, crying about the refs…The Spurs have 13 wins…aren't you used to this by now?

  3. Branham and sochan taking 14 shots vs wemby s 10 is disgusting. Wemby 0 ft is disgusting but that s hiis fault too. Stop shooting 3s and work inside like sengun did 🤦‍♂️

  4. This game reminded me of when Embid had his big game against us. Sengun was allowed to lower his shoulder into defenders, including Wemby, on just about every one of his offensive attempts. But any contact by Wemby resulted in a foul. It changed the game.

  5. Wemby was in foul trouble because he was fouling people. Him being off the court is not a point in his favour. You could say he was injured, and tbf he looked he like was injured, but him being in foul trouble because he fouled Sengun is a point in Sengun's favour.

  6. Spurs have no shooters.. Wemby can’t get triple teamed if you have shooters.. pick and roll defense is still bad. Watching the other team shoot is becoming normal

  7. It’s OK bro just say GG you are an official rockets hater “ they only won that title, because Jordan was playing baseball” is insane

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