
I Spent 1 Week Trying Out for an NBA Team…

I Spent 1 Week Trying Out for an NBA Team…

I’ve been recruited to a weekl long try out with the most exclusive NBA g- league team ignite I will be doing everything that the players are doing from practicing to weightlifting to suiting up on game day so they can evaluate my skills and see if I have

What it takes to make the actual team practice is about to start so let’s go making this team would be my absolute best path to making it to the NBA this team is literally meant for young players to get to the NBA so I need to

Make this team to make my dreams come true for those of you who don’t know ignite is the NBA’s new DA team it’s an alternate path for top players coming out of high school to get a chance to play against real pros and make up to

500k a year instead of going to college in their first three years they had 10 draft picks more than any program or college in that time frame including Jaylen green at the number two pick and Scoot Henderson at the number three pick also I have to make the Warriors regret

Cutting me from the team never forget I tried out for the Warriors and they cut me I think you were really close but I got to say I don’t quite think we’ll get there but you know I will make them regret it I pulled up 2 hours early

My weightlifting time is at 11:00 but you know I always have exclusive access so I’m going to show you guys what an NBA weight room is like when they’re working out let’s go for my weightlifting session they’re going to be evaluating my strength and comparing

It to the other players on the team to see where I stack up and all I’m going to say y’all will be surprised just wait Yes yes three more five more I had to push these guys they could be my future teammates it be hype in there everyone’s screaming I’m ready to get in there the players are going over their plays and stuff so I’m in the rate room with my guy Ernie director of performance so

It’s my first day what do you do on the first day man first day we’re going to get you uh just to do a little warmup you’re going to get an intro into how the training is going to be I’m going to get you to do some assessments so we’re

Going to do some testing to get a baseline measure you ready I’m ready so I can compare my staff to the other players exactly exactly in the background working out is modest buellis who is a projected top five pick in the 2024 NBA draft there was some serious

Talent on this ignite team and I have to impress them keep going keep going perfect bring that knee up bring that knee up good I love leg day love leg day I’m like sh extend that leg back yeah which one go how’ that feel good good feelm

Warm boys something huge is about to happen the general manager of ignite walked into the wait room M what up at the end of the day he is the person who decides who is on the team so oh my God I need to make a good impression this is

My first time meeting him I’m here with the GM of ignite so when you’re recruiting what are you looking for talent okay got that physical athleticism right got to be able to jump run cut all that stuff you got to want to be here so what does that mean right

That means like I want to play with other great players I want NBA competition I want to be coached I want to be Max prepared to come into League I want to be a pro before I can be a pro anywhere else I think I got all of

Those does he does he I genuinely have all of those things like I’m not even trying to be funny or anything I have that you invited me to this Tri out you must have seen something you’re right yes sir the GM seems to think I’m joking

But I do have what it takes to join this team and the first step to proving that is nailing these evaluations time to get my stats track to compare the first thing they did was track my height and weight which is 62 1/2 205 lb I’ve got a

Luca build but 5 in shorter but I’m still Steph Curry’s height we’re going to test your Solus strength I never heard that word before goal is to beat mattis’s score oh that’s tough you hear him M impossible impossible bro my CS are bigger than yours I don’t

Need modest just cuz you’re top five projected doesn’t mean you have better Cales than me that’s one of my superpowers so go ahead and get in your position sit down so it’s on you now ready ready and go up up up up up up ah oh he’s going dude watching this back is

Actually painful I have a death scream that is the most annoying scream ever like it it doesn’t sound tough at all sounds like I’m dying this thing hurts like where am I at yeah so 3200 Peak Force maximum force in Newton wait what am I at you’re at 3100 I think

You’re damn if if modest was top three and I beat modest that means I’m probably number one might have the strongest Cavs on the team hey okay oh he’s oh he went and got it yeah is that higher that’s the highest I’ve seen oh 3700 let’s go that’s

Impressive you know it’s good when the weight liting coach is saying that’s impressive my Cals are no joke bro number three on the team out of 15 don’t sleep on me like bro KN better sign me right away or the Cavaliers are going to be looking at me with the way my Cals

Are keep going keep going keep going yep now come back come up come up oh my God now come up fast you can fast you can y stand talk top keep your core tight keep your core tight hey bro that thing pulls you down uhhuh

Go and get it yeah let’s go let’s go come on hey yes sir oh yeah let’s go my goal is two plates eventually it will happen eventually just pull up as hard as you can ready go up up up up up up up up up up

Up that’s it not as strong as my Cavs I was going to say I was going to say that’s a this is a little bit different number three on the team for Cavs last place for upper body it’s not good at all that I’m last place for upper body

Strength but hopefully my calvs can make up for it the last stat that the coaching staff needs is my vertical jump so we’re going to test that down fast up high and let’s go get hey yep now big jump big jump let’s get it big jump hey

I think that might have been it 12.5 we’re going to keep working on that one you dude I got to say jumping with my hands on my hips not used to that 12.5 though I got to work on that don’t tell coach about that one I won’t tell

Coach about that I won’t tell about tell my CS I’ll tell him about I’m going tell them about the peak force on that one all right yeah let them know the evaluations are definitely important but it’s nowhere near as important as how well I play on game day so as long as I

Can perform on our game day I’m in I’m making the team after the weightlifting it was time for practice when I walked into the gym I noticed an NBA Scout so I had to introduce myself hello hello just want to introduce myself Jesse I know

That I’m not on the roster but if you want to write down my name jesser I am trying out for the team and I am trying to make it to the draft so I just wanted to keep that in mind you’re Scouting For the um P for the Portland Trailblazers

They could really use someone like me I’m a knockdown shooter I’m a great teammate all got it nice to meet you good luck to you thank you Awesome getting loose I’m ready oh no no I’m not warmed yet y’all s step like crazy you really like me moving mine is so light yes sir now the boys are working on defensive schemes different plays like that so I’m not in this drill right here just get an inside look of what

This looks like it is intense crazy they’re just all practicing and they don’t even know I got the third strongest calf on the team that’s crazy to me like they don’t even know listen to this this so I they got all my stats for the weightlifting I got the third

Strongest Cavs on the team he’s going why why would that not be a good thing W wa he’s saying our team weak or am I just really strong who’s number one you know number one you’re looking at him you have one I me I got one that’s a

Good point bro I literally had to let everybody know about my Cals damn now it’s time to hop into practice I had to make a good first impression if I was going to make the team oh got make Three okay during the shooting drill a huge opportunity came up the head coach of ignite Jason Hart he’s an X NBA player he came up and started rebounding this is the perfect opportunity to show him I have an amazing jump shot because if I make this team I’m going to be a

Spot up shooter yes sir okay let’s go hey ti no I’m not tired yeah yeah bring it up bring it up bring it up I got to the top making two in a row and I got stck go man go yes sir right in front of Coach too you know what I’m

Saying the energy is good it’s all about competition and competing and practice so we can get better if you do your thing that’s not good for our thing and it’s only about our thing that’ll make your thing look good they always end practice with someone reading out a

Motivational quote to everybody and they picked me bro the most a award person I was not ready for this yes sir to the middle what am I doing theid what is the quote at the top of the page Oh Hey listen up fellas no matter the [Applause]

Circumstances this P to watch oh God hey I got a quote of the day for y’all of the Day quote of the day no matter the circumstances that you may be going through just push through it Ray Lewis together three 1 2 3 together let’s go watching this video made me

Realize I have a nervous tick that tick is saying yes sir and nodding my head yes sir that’s how you know I’m nervous much appreciated y thanks so I did all my weightlifting did all my baselines just wanted to tell you that I have the third strongest Cals on the team just

Want to put that out there I beat modest you working hard I’m working hard keep working he’s working hard we keep working sir I feel like I’m making a great impression with head coach this is going really well after that I wanted to get some advice from one of the players

Dink who’s actually the youngest professional basketball player in all of America he should be a senior in high school right now but instead he’s playing for a night what do I need to do to make the team uh I say show up here every day put the work in just like how

You did today you let coach get your rebound so he can see you boom all day long yes sir now let’s head back to the apartment so a really cool perk about being on the ignite team is you actually get your own apartment so all of the

Players are staying in this building and they actually gave me one of the apartments to stay at during this so let me show you guys around welcome it’s actually so nice you walk into the kitchen has a beautiful Island right here with the granite you can do some

Cooking you know they got team meals want a little home style very nice balcony all the way in the distance you can see Las Vegas the strip across the way you actually have access to Lifetime Athletic which is a massive gym they got saunas in there we got to check it out

Definitely going to go over there at one point but for real this is such a nice apartment like just being on the team there’s so many perks after today’s workout your boy needs a nap so I’ll see you in a bit it is day two now today is

A off day the players have absolutely nothing but I’m not taking an off day I’m not a player on the team I’m trying out so I need to keep working hard get better better I need to be the hardest working person there so I reserved time at their practice facility I’m going to

Get in workout and I’m going to give you guys a tour of the practice facility cuz I think it’s super interesting just showing you guys what it’s really like to be a professional athlete on a team like this the things they have access to so I’m excited to get that workout in

Maybe I’ll do some recovery after that but today’s going to be a quick day just preparing for game day tomorrow they got my jersey ready in case coach calls my name bro that’s where I could really prove myself so we have made it to their practice facility the basketball court

Is massive see the little welcome GLE night at the top okay it’s super interesting it’s actually the local community center but they’ve taken over the basketball court they have a private locker room here they also have access to their private weight room but also they have like rock climbing here they

Have people doing yogas I’m super sore from yesterday’s workout so no more weightlifting but I’m going to go get some shots up Tomorrow is going to be a big day it is the pre-season game the moment I’ve been waiting for I’ve got to try to get in the game so I can prove my value to the team I’m nice bro put me in the corner I’m hitting a three I’m also excited I’m

Building my team chemistry tomorrow I once saw LeBron James surprise the entire te Team USA with Beats headphones they were all wearing it on the plane I was like I need to do something like that so this is what I did I spent $110,000 on the nicest headphones I

Could possibly find made gift bags threw some bucket Squad shorts the best basketball shorts in the world in there and I was going to give it to all the players to build chemistry I feel like a 2K in my career like I do this act I get

Like plus 10 chemistry there’s also a ref Clinic didn’t know this was a thing but the refs talk to all the players about rule changes going into the year what they’re looking for so I’m going to document that like as a regular fan I had no idea that was a thing so I’m

Super curious to see what that is and I get to see my jersey for the very first time oh my God I’m so excited it’s going to be a big day I’ll see you in the morning all right we’ made it to the locker room that side is the legit

Locker room but I’m still trying out so I’m over here oh my God it is beautiful the jesser Jersey what something I never thought I’d see in my life NBA G League 17 jesser ignite got the full fit and this is their new city uniforms which is

So dope let’s go bro I really feel like a part of the team right now dude that is literally a dream come true you know maybe if I can’t do well on the court I can do well in the locker room you know I might be the 15th man just there to

Give motivational speeches I’m doing everything I can do to make the team pretty much is what I’m saying what’s up you man good to see you you too man big alert people head coach Jason Hart just walked into the locker room you ready to play yes sir hey I’m

Ready there you go what are you looking for today I need you to hustle I need you to hustle I need you to be a good team guy if you open shoot it 100% if you open shoot it if you’re not open pass it play defense all right have fun

More importantly let’s go say less hey I’m ready I’m fired up here brother got your uniform yes sir you ready big number 17 and I have house yes sir well have fun man Havey you can hang with us today yes sir appreciate the opportunity

Man come on did he just say if I’m open shoot it like I’m about to get in the game are you serious right now like I’m not I’m not tripping he said that right he said that hey BBE I will get in the game dude head coach just came in and really said

That to me what dude I’m I’m so hyped up at this point I’m stupidly locked in you got the earphones them is sweet man they going they going to really appreciate that This is the best team met I’ve ever had you hear that Crazy I’ll see you all on Wednesday bro I’ll be there practice team chemistry plus five all of the sudden I realized I was late to the ref clinic so I had to Sprint over there pretty much what the ref clinic is at the start of each

Season the ref go over any rule changes or things they’re looking for just having a clear communication between the refs and players I didn’t even know this was a thing so it’s so cool having this access and seeing all these little things like regular people like me don’t

Know about we got to get the handles warm boys the MBA ball is so different to like your regular high school ball whatever you use they like genuine leather and they’re much more slippery than a regular ball competition today is the Iowa wolves the gie team of the

Minnesota timber wolves hey coach can I hop in huh can I hop in yep right right just get W bet bet bet I’m ready I’m ready I got to know my place for some reason coach didn’t want me to get my jumper warm maybe he knows I don’t need

It so I decided to rebound be helpful in any way I can I got to put my jersey on I’ll see you in a bit for real yeah I’m here I don’t know if I’ll get any minutes but I’ll be on the bench let’s go I’m a team player now the shoot

Around was done it was time to suit up boys it’s time for game time give me a b drop man here it is people fully kitted up boom look at me in my uniform they literally gave me the most massive Jersey I swear it was like a 3XL it was

Honestly way too big for me it made me look small which is not good D I feel great bro I’m ready to get out there you yeah real play bro got his on it too 17 my favorite number I’ve just always been 17 since I was young y’all

Had 17 open I was in my locker room area for a while talking to modest and Eric who were injured for the game and I didn’t realize everyone had left the locker room and was out on the floor this is bad I’m still in the locker room

So I had to sprint out there you’re late bro I’m late how am I I keep getting late and I barely made it to the Huddle on 1 2 yes sir you ready oh I messed up bro they were distracting me Eric and matis dude I’m so mad so because of that

Didn’t make it to the starting lineup which I didn’t expect I’m trying out they’re not going to throw me in there yes sir good cut hey let’s go Ron well Ron’s a bucket if you don’t know about Ron Ron Holland is an absolute monster he’s also

A projected top five pick in next year’s NBA draft there’s some real hoopers man dude I love the bench energy everyone’s getting hype I’m not used to a hype bench bro usually the bench is quiet all right swing it ellot good shot good shot [Applause] Yeah let’s go damn my main objective on the bench was just to bring as much energy as possible good shot hey let’s Go let’s go yes sir they subing in did Coach call me or am I tripping I’m tripping hey I got yall some exclusive footage this is what it’s like in a Timeout for an NBA team hey on the post of ler he’s a good player you kind a three quarter we don’t

Want no get nobody just an easy post people work work on their game okay don’t come don’t come too far I said about right here Ron you going to come over the top and Tyler you going to clean them up going to be wi open for a

Shot you going to make the pass so you got you got Ron wide open or you going to have Tyler heading it for John go keep talking on defense keep talking helping each other out on Def guys look how stupidly locked in I am I’m so ready

To go whatever the team needs I’m There good Move I got a question for you how do you say yes in [Applause] Spanish at the end of the first quarter it was a very close game I still haven’t gotten in yet but that doesn’t matter look how locked in I am man just played

Let’s get up and down and the ball got to be hot all right the ball got to be hot that’s it man we getting good shots got to make the ball hot don’t hold it put me in the game I feel that Bro it let’s go Inside [Applause] Damn why was he yelling like that no for real though can we get a replay of that that’s got to be a flop hey Leonard that that elbow feeling weird I definitely got into Leonard’s head with that one you already know he’s thinking about his elbow it’s going to

Mess up his jump shot I’m helping the team without even being in the game oh good block hey let’s go oh yeah another one another One easy easy get is that he wants the jumper instead the layup ni little [Applause] oh damn not not oh good shot good shot yes sir yes sir back to back they need a time out bro b to B threes we just went crazy there only down by four let’s

Go and it was now halftime and the team goes back to the locker room but coach told me to stay warm and stay on the bench little confused I didn’t go back there but I listened to coach okay you got to respect what he says you open Sho hey maybe I will get

In the game so as long as I can perform on our game day I’m in I’m making the team but no it’s actually so sick bro just being on the bench is like such a dope experience I love it I’m having so much fun it’s halftime right now we are

Down by 11 points it’s intense bro these games are no joke hey got hey you got to hustle you’re not hustling man you got you got to get back on defense man I’m you put me in you got to get back I’ve giv so many high fives but in practice you ain’t

Been hustling man you got to give me a hustle man I’m sorry in practice he ain’t hustling that’s why he ain’t game right now let me my first I know but see you looking a little nervous I don’t know so practice you never practice all right I’m going keep giving out high

Five room for the team appreciate it man I’ve tring trash to them I’m getting the other team I’m going to throw you in there now okay I’m ready he really said I’m going throw you in there coach wouldn’t just say something like that this second half I need to prove myself

I just need an opportunity what’s up man what up make it to what bro I’m trying bro I’m trying my best so you going to like well I mean coach isn’t putting me in the game but you know I’m like I’m trying I got to get that luck the moment

It’s about the luck it’s about the position you’re put in you never you got to be always ready yeah you always got make it just keep grinding and wait for the shot and it’s going to come what was your name again pleas to meet you take care bro he

Was lowkey scouting me hey matus the other team wants me bro he he told me that if I don’t make it lying I’m not lying I’m not lying he’s scouting me you think coach needs water hell no don’t I’m ready F hey fast I’m fast you

Can do a better job at handing out some water though I could do better you haven’t even seen me in the game yet though hand two hand the cross you don’t understand I’m Elite bro NBA Celebrity Game Richard Jefferson he was on me couldn’t guard me S him Carlos Boozer

Did way better than him talking about NBA legends bro I was out there on the court with them I was doing my thing make sure the seat is warm enough for the next minut bet bet bet I got you this this is how you know I’m a good bench player I

Can War Two at once I was holding down the bench for y’all kept it warm at the end of the day you have to respect your coaches always and you got to do what they say so went to pass out water you need you need any Water need some water oh you got one pour myself one I’m holding it down coach you need some water okay Z baby defense on three 1 2 three def 15 through go let’s get this St let’s go Hey hey that was a nice dunk I got to respect it you think coach don’t me in there no bro I can hang with y’all bro I’m telling you you’re not ready for this this is different man I’m [Applause] different the game started to get extremely intense at this point in the fourth quarter we were down by 30 points which is obviously awful but it means I might get a chance to get in the game cuz you know we’re down oh my god oh too bad maybe next

Time next time and that was the end of the game unfortunately I didn’t get in 30 point loss very tough loss sad scenes right now I did what I could do on the bench I tried to give the support I could give I still had two more days to

Try and impress the coaches but not getting in this one it hurt we are back boys did not play in the scrimmage and coach said I wasn’t hustling hard enough before today I was hoping the game would be when I got my moment but I guess coach didn’t think I was ready seeing

How well the guys played it’s hard not to feel like he was right tomorrow I’m going to hustle harder than anyone in the room to prove to coach and to myself that I belong here because the more time I spend with this team the more I

Realize being a part of it in any way would be a dream and then on Friday after the game I’ll be finding out if I made the team or didn’t make the team tomorrow’s a huge day bro got to show why I’m meant to be there day four it’s

A new opportunity for me so for this day it’s a practice day they wanted me to waight list with Eric ma the strongest dude on the team then after that have a one-on-one training session with one of the coaches so we can evaluate my skills and I need to do good because tomorrow

Is the official game day and then after that I’m also going to learn if I make the team or not so this is a huge opportunity for me we’re started it off in the wait room all right with my boy Eric upper body every day baby every

Single day that’s the way to do it I stopped doing late day last year hopefully coach didn’t hear that we go Keep he’s Shing the burn he’s going me Yol he’s not going to be all calves after this yes sir calves and Shoulders Baby he’s going to be built like one of these dumbbells look shoulders calves that’s nice let’s go one of the big adjustments know of like jumping up a level like

Whether you’re going from high school to college or college to Pro is like you’ve never lifted or conditioned or worked that hard and then been expected to then like go practice like you have like a single workout you know I remember when I went to college I was like I was

Probably like 2:15 right I was like super thin and that whole summer was like was hell for me because we’d lift so hard and conditioned so hard and it was like all right now we have practice I was like what in high school that would have been my whole week of work

You know what I mean now it’s like just one morning prepping for practice so at each level you just work so much harder yeah the the the physical the need to to catch up to the physicality like that Gap is so big that you just have to push

It like way harder than you have the level before that so so it’s all about hard work each level you just got to work harder that’s right it is crazy that they lift condition and then practice I’m like that’s tough yeah what you saying they you’re one of us one of

Us one of us I’m hoping bro y’all got to put in a good word with Coach you going to try Baker shooting again or you just got your workout with a mirr workout with a miror well he’s going to put you through your final test to see final

Test in front of the scouts yes there is another Scout there today that’d be the craziest Sports story of all time yeah I was just kind of around with the g-league ignite and and then I got drafted and the then the Blazers called me after a good weightlifting session I

Headed down to the practice court damn damn okay let me get one count that we going to count that that’s a rub Dum yeah I can hang with these boys I I dumped it like I pulled the side of my body with it now it’s time for me to get

Evaluated by Amir Johnson he literally played 15 years in the NBA had an amazing career it is not easy to play 15 years in the league if I’m able to impress this guy it’s going to help my chances a lot I’m going to do that there you go and one finish let’s go

Nice ah all right I got a shoot drill for you sort of like a conditioning drill so so I call it the star drill you might have seen Steph Curry do it a little bit we ended up doing this really difficult star shooting drill where you pretty much run in a star formation

Shooting three-pointers you got to make 10 it took me about 3 minutes to finish the drill so didn’t do as good as I wanted to do but it was tough on theg go NBA 3es are no joke that’s good work though man you got hey appreciate it bro I

Appreciate it the roster spot opens up I’m here got to work out in with Coach NBA player that was dope man I feel like I did pretty decent in the drills I hustled I worked hard that’s all you can ask for and then after that I went to go

Talk to one of the Vets on the team Jeremy Pargo what would be the biggest advice you could give to the young guys uh pretty much the same advice I just gave to you don’t stop you know it takes one person to really appreciate what you

Can do or what you can offer to a team so you don’t stop man you don’t you don’t let no no one tell you you’re not good enough or or any of that it’s going to it’s going to come a time where we’re going to have to understand like hey

Maybe this isn’t for me or maybe this isn’t the right thing to do but until that time comes within you continue to try I love that bro keep going don’t stop bro every time you fail it’s not even failing if you get up you’re getting better every time it’s not

Failing it’s learning yeah about to say there no failures it’s lessons we all learn lessons we appreciate you practice is over for the day we’re going straight to day five today is the big day game one of the season I have no idea what to

Expect I might be on the bench with the team I might get cut today I don’t know we’re going to see when we get there we got shoot around at 9:00 and the game isn’t until 7:00 after the game we’ll see if I made the team fingers crossed

Boys right when I got to the arena media had questions for me question for Jester are you going to be playing in the game tonight so I came ready to play today but coach has informed me that I will not be active today so I will not be

Getting in the game but this is an opportunity to show that I am a team player on this team get my team ready help them and shoot around do everything I can do to help this team get a w tonight all right follow-up question are you on the roster I honestly don’t know

I’m going to find out tonight I am not active today but I’m still being evaluated so I’m going to try to help the team in any way that I can so I’m going to see if any of them need some rebounders right now cuz they’re all warming up for the game rebounded

Started easy there was one dude and then it ended up being me rebounding for like five guys and I was still doing a good job I’m proud of myself it’s about the small W’s in life I’ve never been to an NBA shoot around I was always under the

Impression they shot around but they’re working on plays right here inbound plays different things like that honestly got a good sweat from rebounding I was running all over the place see what a coach has to say it’s going to be a good game today you know

How they going to come out I’m telling you how they going to come out they come out aggressive like last game just how the game was finished that’s how the game going to start just how your mind right you’re here for a reason right like you’re here and they’re only coming

At you cuz they wish they were here you know what I mean like that that’s a real thing so have that Underdog mentality come match their energy and and then use what we have like we’re younger we’re more athletic we’re quicker I mean it’d

Be a big deal if we can get an opening night win so let’s go get our first [Applause] one the Ops have entered shoot around the Clippers are here we finished our shoot around so it was their turn and as they were walking by I was squaring them

Up I was analyzing every detail about the opponent since Sho round was over though it was time to go back to the apartment the team bus is going to leave at 4:30 for the game at 7: so now it’s just chill time sure a lot of people are

Just going to take some naps relax play some video games get in the mental right for the game tonight see if someone’s here for tunnel picks tunnel picks one of the most important parts of the game you ready for the tunnel pick Let’s yes the honesty looks way better than me

I feel like the jersey look might not have been it let’s be honest everyone wearing like the most fire fits ever and then I was just wearing a regular t-shirt cuz I forgot I had my tights on in my tunnel f for real that’s how ready I

Was and I can feel the energy it’s rising bro the energy night’s logo is charged up the lightning bolt I can feel it let’s go whatever anybody needs I’m here thinking I could be water boy today you need some water being with the team for the week one thing I realized the

Amount of shots they put up a day is astonishing multiple shoot around just constantly putting up shots getting the consistency getting the Rhythm It’s a Grind man got the little team store down here Oho there could be jesser jerseys bro jesser jerseys flying off the shell

So before the game a lot of the guys will get a weight lift session in so I wanted to just capture that all the boys in there grinding yes sir putting in the work that’s what it is man A freegame Grind that must be the secret why NBA

Players are always looking so jacked on the court they literally get a pump right before the game my main objective during the game was just to be as good of a team player as I possibly could be I wasn’t on the proper bench so it’s a

Bit hard but I can root for the boys if they need water I’m there whatever I can do to make sure when I hear the news later that it’s I made the team the boys are getting warm bro the whole week has led to this moment game day ignite first Clippers I’m

Excited oh yeah good help e oh my God Baba let’s Go that was insane Unfortunate loss boys lost by seven points heartbreaking man the boys played their hearts out I’m proud of them I’m proud of the team the GM just messaged me that we’re going to meet tomorrow morning to decide my fate I’m excited for tomorrow let’s see what happens ladies and gentlemen it all comes down

To this moment will my dreams come true it was time for my meeting with the coach and GM of the team coach GM what’s up J how you doing how going I’m excited all right man come on here I have a seat all right how you enjoy yourself oh man

This is a great week first of all I appreciate the opportunity to come out come try out with you guys you know best team in the league appreciate that what’s going on uh thank you for coming of course you gave great effort thank you you brought you brought heart

You’re on time great habits sir thank you as we both know ignite pretty talented group of players definitely really really tough to make the team so coach and I talked it over and the way that we see it you’re not as good of a shooter as John Jenkins okay

You’re not as good of a Defender as Ron Holland okay you’re not as good of a ball handler as London Johnson not as fluid as Tyler Smith not as strong as is Eric maik okay so we’re going to have to let you go understandable you know what I appreciate the opportunity the fact

That y’all let me come out here try out for the team didn’t make it but the opportunity is a blessing that’s once in a lifetime but you show great effort man and the guys the guys appreciate it having you around um I thought it was a

Great experience for our guys to get to know you as well but um our doors are always open you’re always free to come hang and work out with our guys and we just appreciate you man so anytime you want to come to a game give me a call Holler email

Hey that means a lot no that really means a lot that’s all love right there and you’re going to be with us the whole year in spirit with the bucket Squad logo placed on the Baseline of every one of our home games so you can be with us

On the journey towards the 2024 NBA draft let’s go that’s insane F squad on the court yeah let’s go you know what I ain’t even bad I got I ain’t even bad it’s a talented group of guys man I’m 6’2 he’s got great CS he got great CS

Got strong Cs on the team a jump jump sir well appreciate y hly needs a lot I’m going go check out the logo all right sir y I didn’t make the team but I did get a once in a lifetime opportunity to go out there try out with the guys be

With them for a whole week it was such a blessing and we’re putting the bucket Squad logo on the ignite court so let’s go check that out the logo is 99% done just got to take off the rra here we go bucket squad on the ignite Court

And the bucket Squad logo is really on an NBA court the ignite court that is a blessing a dream come true like the future stars of the NBA are playing on that Court they might hit a layup and land on the bucket Squad logo that is so

Cool that we are on a court our community everything we’ve done and now it is on their official court is amazing it’s a blessing I got to give the biggest thank you to ignite for having me out I’m going to put all of their socials down below if you’re in Nevada

If you’re in Henderson go to some of their games man they have such amazing talent on there it’s going to be the future of the NBA you have to go check them out follow their journey man the g-league is awesome and if you want to

See me try out for the Warriors it is popping up right there if you love this video you are going to love that one as well I love you guys so much thanks for following me on the journey peace

Thanks Ignite for hosting and sponsoring this video. Get involved by checking them out here:

I’m back with my hardest challenge yet… I’ll be spending a full week with an NBA team to see if I have what it takes to join the roster…

I Tried Out for an NBA Team and This Happened…

I Surprised NBA Stars with Custom Shoes

Bucketsquad Apparel –

★ Follow me on social media @Jesser ★



  1. Jesse you gotta tryout with the Heat G-League team we don't care about percentages or statistics we care for dawgs! go get it bro!

  2. im usually not the person to hate on someone, and im only 4 minutes in. From what I see jessie is completely delusiional on the amount of work and sometimes gentics that it takes to make the nba g league. He is high school talent at max. UNfortntley the nba is not for everyone and you would think that he would know that.

  3. ay what they did for u was cool they even put your bktsqd logo on there court I live in canada and I wish I could Come and See u jesser i have ben watching You sens 2018 and ceep up the inspiration my name is London im 13 years old and i really want to come out to LA in 2023 i lost my father at the age of 12 so ur vids always helped me and my brother threw the bad times so can you shout out London and Hugo in ur next vid thanks

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