@Philadelphia 76ers

Buddy Hield Talks Trade to Sixers & Arrival in Philly on Courtside Comparisons pres. by NerdWallet

Buddy Hield Talks Trade to Sixers & Arrival in Philly on Courtside Comparisons pres. by NerdWallet

Welcome back to Courtside comparisons presented by NerdWallet First Time guest buddy heeled welcome in W love that love the enthusiasm so buddy I want to start here when I interviewed campaign on his first day as a 76er he told me about the way you guys got to

Philly so a private jet picks cam up in Milwaukee right he goes up he goes right back down he picks up buddy hee in Indie what’s it like to have a teammate he called it the taxi service pick you up on the PJ Tech taxi service U

Uber Jets the Uber jet what was that like I was cool it was fun and me and my seven bins and three luggages you know when I finally finally I got the story that got traded I just start packing all my stuff throwing everything everything

I tried to like the stuff I really need and uh I was excited to get ready to get there and uh when I saw cam you know uh you know we always know each other of each other from watching each other from playing basketball from different teams

Using Phoenix from when he get drafted OKC from now I was attack just chop it up catch up you know he’s my teammate now so I’m not going to be boring I’m like for get to know him and how his experience was his finals run and uh you

Know he had a great finals run and like just talk about all that stuff and uh basketball stuff basketball related stuff and like his journey towards basketball it was fun you know catching up with him you know I no other time to get to know him then you know it’s trade

We need to trade together so what’s up you know get to know him which is pretty unique so you go back up out of Indie land in Philadelphia what are your emotions when you land in Philadelphia which is a city that you’ve said you’ve always kind of wanted to play in you

Know uh I’m excited very excited you know uh just known from the whole past story with Joelle and the process and that’s when Philly’s been through and uh you know decided to get here started to get to work you know and uh being tra is always hard but uh it’s one thing with

Professional you know you get go there and let’s do your job and uh you know as I I think the transition was so smooth I know Bobby Rico B Gates so they helped me transition really for and when I came off the plane they’re right there greeting me so which is

Helpful you know showing that they’re welcoming and uh you know they make me feel like you know you’re good ha your home and uh there was easy transition and after that the next day doing physicals jump on the court you know trying to Fig all the guys you know and

Just plays and terminology and uh of course it never going to go how you wanted to go but you know it’s basketball you got to learn how to dress so campaign picks you up at the airport in Indie and then the coaching staff picks you up at the airport in Philly

Right that’s so nice that’s nice to them very nice they better pick me up I’ve been mad at they didn’t greet me especially Bobby and Rico Rico wasn’t there Rico I was disappointed Rico Rico is there it’s my guy we always talk all the time well I’m glad that you’ve

Gotten then to see him he was there or he wasn’t there no Bobby and M K is there okay that’s very nice of them yeah they there so I want to go back a little bit from there you start your season with the Indiana Pacers who are having a

Great season you come to another team having a great season in the Philadelphia 76ers and your experience alongside two All-Star Tyrese’s a bit of a tale of two Tyrese’s in your in your two teams what’s the difference between Tyrese Halbert and Tyrese Maxi what’s it like to play with each of them obviously

They have different styles and different strengths but what’s it been like to play with both of them on this sort of meteoric rise for for the two Tyrese’s first to start off I think they both are great human beings so just starting off like their personalities High character

Enthusiastic you know they when you go in room they always lights the room up you know they’re all going and that’s having been poting guard that you need to have that enthusiastic enthusiasm just the point guard is light in the room and uh you know they they they have

Two different styles games you know Tyrese is more of a facilitator like he likes to pass and like Burton Hal Burton yeah Tyrese Hal Burton just for Tyrese uh tyres is more of like pass first point guard and Tyrese Maxi is more of a a Score first point guard but uh Tyrese

Maxi has unique speed that’s very elite and uh Tyrese is just more deceptive but they are both elit are what they do and that’s why they’re both All Stars so uh playing with both them uh you know me and tyres when we first get Tyrese H

Than me I had to get to know how to adjust with him but see the en I got learn how to dress with him too and uh it takes time you it’s not nothing’s easy happen overnight and uh but uh as I as we talk to him and communicate him on

A daily basis you know we fre each other and how we can be effective on a basketball court and that’s most important well the chemistry with Tyrese Maxi is coming along quite quickly and as we dive into some film right I want to look at your first win as a 76er so

February 2nd at Washington you’ve been with the team for a couple days you haven’t even had a practice yet that’s the second day with the team are finding ways to win a pitch action stop Jordan Jordan P’s hand was down so I just rised up and shooted just reading the defense and uh

G when you take me and um my my whole goal was just to come out and be aggressive you know and that’s the coaches sta want me to do come down transition Tobias shot fake side step same thing just giv the defense give me uh don’t try to do too much keep it

Simple and for reference this was my first time watching you play in an away game you come to these games so early and you’re shooting every single one of these shots can you sort of take us back why is that pregame routine such a priority to you in such an extreme but

Effective way first of all I don’t like being a hotels too long because it’s boring and like especially getting ready for the game I just like to be in arenas like I hate being in hotels I hate just like I can’t wait to get to Arena

Because it’s my job I want to be there I want to be at work I want to feel the basketball I want to be able to pray myself as best as I can’t and uh me being in a hotel all day till 4:00 is not cutting it you know i’ rather go in

The court get some shots up don’t overwork myself but I feel like it keeps me at ease and keeps me happy keeps me locked in with basketball and keep basketball my mind and that’s my priority because it’s my job and I love doing it so uh me being a hotel doesn’t

Really cut it for me and then it flows though into moments like these and cool to have watched you warm up and then watch it convert onto the court coming down now uh to snap action curling it reading the defense left delay off the backboard just uh picking picking my spots uh my

Read I could have dumped down the PA read but you know I was a little more aggressive making a play oh get some defensive clip I like this getting out oh it’s not me getting Ste running out just running out and I get to my space you know and uh making

The defense pay you know and I trying to the floor out for Tobias so if making Defender make a decision either you going to come with me or you go to Tobias and in every situation every coach SS uh ball first Rim second and find out afterwards so uh me I’m just

Just trying to find out after and I try to make the defense play Space off with the buas make can make a read and you came from a really fast team the Pacers play so fast how much of that can you bring to this group that has the potential to play really fast

Too you know it’s something that being preaching every day in practice practice you know we got to play fast because Tyrese is so fast you know Tyrese Maxi his speed is so Elite and I feel that that’s the advantage he can like use against a lot of teams you know they

Don’t see that on a daily basis so hopefully that we can just keep on going after film and watching film and let get keep getting better and like him watching ways how you can attack defensive and how you can be more effective with drawing more fouls or creating more opportunity for his

Teammates just finding gaps where I can be effective like right here trying to open scen and attacking the and trying to make a play be aggressive you know especially when we have guys out this game I got to be aggressive you know that’s sliding down getting into the

Corners making shots making timely shots now it’s a big play for us take us up 13 trying to make the right read made the right play Stay space campaign yeah that Uber connect Uber uh jet Uber Uber Jets Uber Jets just making the right play making

The right read can did a good play suck the defense in and kick it out you mentioned you guys were really short-handed in this game I’m curious um starting with the team during such a short-handed stretch is that almost a blessing in disguise because you can get

A little bit more feel or I mean certainly more minutes more opportunities and then now as guys start to work back in you can feel what it’s like to add people right and and and it helped me for sure uh gives me a boost of confidence and helped me trans just

Easy but uh would like you say when guys come back and I to really take a lot back because you have better players and more guys can do a lot of things differ on the basetball court that you have to do earlier that had to do from this game

And Cleveland game but yes it’s been much effective and uh I think these these games and help you know you come into a situation this you want to feel confident and ready and you want to give the fans something to to rap about and like show that like I’m here to like

Come in and compete and give my all it’s being aggressive right here there were a lot of Sixers fans in this building lot remember yes what’s it been like to to embrace the Sixers fan base understanding that like you said I know you grew up watching Alan Iverson

Sort of idolizing Alan Iverson to finally be a part of Sixers culture officially that felt like I mean they I mean they’re fun they’re Rowdy they’re fun they’re passionate and uh they know they’ve know what they’ve been through in the city and uh they just want to see

Winner they want to win and compete you know a a as a sports city you have the Phillies you have the Flyers right and you have the Eagles and you have Sixers you know so they’re very passionate about their sport they take it really serious so like just I just know what I

Was coming into when I’m ready to come out there and compete and give him my all and um let the chip Falls where they may so you and Tyrese we’ve talked about your Chemistry with Tyrese Maxi here you are finding him you’ve been able to take

The ball from him a little bit and help him play off ball um what’s it been like to sort of experiment with with sharing ball handling you know a guy like Tyrese Maxi he’s he’s like Score first but he has he has poent he has he has great

Potential like the move out the basketball and I think that’s like another cuz he’s so on the ball this year and on the play point guard but I feel like he’s so dimensional with him just getting off the ball and making plays inside and defense because he’s so

Quick with his speed you know just getting away from the Defenders and uh him some sometimes him being off the ball helps us and the team a lot because he can shoot the ball really a high clip and he said as much he said he remembers last season James Harden was ball

Dominant last season and he was sort of the one that would give James a little bit of relief he talked about you the same way and the other guards that are coming back into the lineup the same way so sort of understanding that this is his first season being ball dominant in

That way what’s it been like to sort of help him figure that out you know he still figuring it out but uh as you learn he’s still 23 years old as he learned you know he’s he’s getting better and uh he’s going to find his

Spots in how he can be aggressive and uh how he can space out and I like he’s a great shooter and like once you have a point guard I can spread space the floor and shoot and let other guys handle and create it it helps the whole team you

Know and uh he’s very unselfish at what he does oh buddy good job thank you so much I appreciate your time thanks for joining us on cords side comparisons presented by nerd wallet

Courtside Comparisons is presented by NerdWallet and hosted by 76ers Insiders Lauren Rosen or Matt Murphy. Courtside Comparisons is a series of long form YouTube conversations with 76ers players and coaches. In each interview, we’ll ask our player or coach to share their in-depth thoughts on individual and team performance, draw comparisons to performances throughout the season, and reflect on previous and upcoming matchups against opposing teams. Each conversation concludes with fun comparative questions, where fans get to learn their favorite players/coaches preferences off the court.

Episode 8: Buddy Hield


  1. Hield, finally in Philly, has been a fan-friggin-tastic addition to the team. CamPayne has played very well for us, as well.
    Welcome to Philly, Buddy!!! Just play hard and we’ll appreciate everything you do. We love it so far! Hope to see you stay here for a bit, now that you’re finally here!

  2. Stay aggressive, bruh. Try and get Tobi to play and stay aggressively, please. He’s great when he makes quick decisions and moves/plays aggressively, like the recent couple games he had 28 n then 30+.

  3. Im glad we signed Buddy. Once Joel gets back, I really can't wait to see how Maxey and Buddy will help the big man shine!

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