@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Ant misses the free throw to make it interesting, then skies for an emphatic game saving block on the other end (w/ replays)

[Highlight] Ant misses the free throw to make it interesting, then skies for an emphatic game saving block on the other end (w/ replays)

by orphan_tears_


  1. MuffinDuckz

    one of the highest blocks ive ever seen, and to win the game as well. kid is special

  2. Aksudiigkr

    “Highest I’ve ever jumped in my life” he says. Man’s insane

  3. GopherFawkes

    WTF….Dude hit his head on the rim on that block

  4. cheeseybacon11

    If he can average 40 with KAT out to finish the season, is there any MVP chance left for Anthony?

  5. projectheaslip

    The man hit his head ON THE RIM on that block. Sweet lord, he got up.

  6. FishGoldenLite

    One of the most insane blocks I’ve ever seen. Wow.

  7. Thanks for the whole sequence + replay. I can’t believe he hit his head on the rim, jesus christ that’s scary

  8. You should get a free throw if you manage to hit your head off the rim in the act of blocking a shot

  9. Amarimclovin

    I love how turnt he was, that passion is crazy! I just saw a tweet with Westbrook having a crazy moment in the playoffs, yelling with the crowd. He used it to say that our youngins not killers anymore.

    Well Ant is our youngin that’s hungry to kill, this generation is like that too 😈😈

  10. ilikegiraffes

    Someone here once said Ant plays like he’s a fucking superhero. No truer words

  11. TrueAscendance

    Loved how he said “That boy” then immediately corrected himself. That’s a man out there

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