@Golden State Warriors

‘Golden State OVER Lakers any day of the week!’ – Perk on Warriors making title run | First Take

‘Golden State OVER Lakers any day of the week!’ – Perk on Warriors making title run | First Take

Let’s say LeBron’s ankle gets better before the playoffs who do you think is more dangerous to make a run the Warriors or the Lakers I think the Warriors have more upside because when you just showed that record from the Lakers year-over-year they were comparable but not the same

Because that Lakers team had massively upgraded its roster at the trade deadline and we not playing like a team that was under 500 at this point last year that’s the way I feel about the Warriors now they’re record is what it is it’s only like a game or two better

Than the Lakers at this point but they are a much different team now than they were earlier in the season the way they are playing is not representative of their record because when you look at them they now have Draymond Green back playing well within the the construct of

The team for the moment helping their defense they have Jonathan kaminga who’s been activated you know a little bit ago Austin was talking about how they’re not the same team at all that they were two years ago they play totally differently that’s right they don’t play the same

But part of it is because they have unlocked some things they have got this kaminga interior paints presence they have never had an interior scoring um uh Beast like uh kuminga in their run this is a completely different facet they have Jackson Trace Davis who was awesome

He blocked Giannis three times in one quarter last night now maybe Giannis is still feeling some of that knee1 the 9s but still he is a player that they can play that they didn’t know were going to be able to use start of the Season Brandon psky has become a real quality

Member of their starting lineup Mike Dunley in his first year as GM has smashed those first two draft picks they are playing with a different system they are excelling they have a more favorable schedule down the stretch I do think they’ve got a shot to get inside that

Top six there’s a lot more going for them than for the Lakers but I will say this this is my one asterisk and perk can attack me on this and because I’m going to use the word maybe so much of the western conferences matchup dependent so much of it to be how does

Your size go against the other team’s size and the Warriors play small there are certain matchups that if they get into I’m not going to like how it lines up and I would like the Lakers better in a Lakers Warriors one game situation where they would both be playing in the

Play in to make the playoffs I might favor the Lakers in that so a lot of it is going to be matchup dependent it’s not a simple A or B situation well I think I think it’s night and day it’s Golden State over the Lakers uh right

Now any day of the week and I and here’s why okay number one Steph is playing like a top five player in the NBA right now he’s one of the scariest dudes to play against number two we talk about the mixture right the combination of you

With old like some would say that Golden State don’t have great depth on the bench but what I’ve been been seeing from you know Chris Paul uh Jackson Davis uh you know what they been been providing clay Off the Bench they have been rolling and you still got cavon

Ling coming in and providing his spot what what I’m looking at when I look at the Warriors I’m looking at a team that is bought all the way in right a team now that has finally got over that hump that’s saying you know what we we we’re

Taking ourselves out of the equation and losing ourselves within the team when I look at the Lakers I see this a dysfunctional organization right now we don’t know if Darin ham is going to play DLo in the fourth quarter we don’t know what type of minutes he’s going to get

He may go to ig and post something about DLo and all things to that nature we could tell in Brun body language how frustrated he is at points of time like when at this point of the Season where the Lakers are the playoffs have started already for them and you should be

Already the the energy on the bench when you’re not on the floor should be there the energy on the floor should be great like all across the board so right now it’s not even close the way that the Warriors are playing and I’m with you on this Wendy Draymond Green who is the

Hard and soul of this team with him coming back has completely changed the whole landscape of how I view this team right now I don’t think you guys neither of you had bad takes um you know the Warriors are definitely tapping into something different right now and playing their best basketball of the

Season but in terms of it being night and day better than the Lakers I’m not going to go that far um at the end of the day to wy’s point if the Lakers play The Warriors in a in a you know sudden death matchup I’m going with the Lakers

Still I’m going with ad and LeBron James I’m not counting them out I know LeBron’s dealing with the ankle issues I know he’s dealing with you know some injuries right now I know that we’ve seen inconsistency in lineups and some of their role play but we were talking

About this whole season the Lakers having an upgrade in roster we talked about pinka being executive of the summer putting together this team now I know their record doesn’t reflect that but this is still a team that’s not going to be judged during the regular season and in the postseason is where we

Judge them unfortunately we’re in a situation where we might not get them in the postseason neither team might not make it for that matter but if we’re talking between the Warriors and Lakers I’m not about to sit here and just sit that the Lakers just can’t do anything

Or can’t make a run uh the top seed their second best player just possibly might be down for the regular season so what if they remain at the top seed and you have Minnesota facing against the Lakers in the first round or you have an OKC playing the Lakers in the first

Round inexperience versus experience I’m rolling with the Lakers still they have a chance to beat any of those teams and LeBron James on their best night and when they’re rolling and tapped in can beat anybody we saw in the first year that we’ve had the n Season tournament

The Lakers went and just got that they just went and won it they went and out competed everybody they have a deep roster that I think they’re much deeper of a team than Golden State I have questions about their bench I have questions about the the Warriors

Starting lineup to be quite Frank I love some of the new additions of of the young play but these guys don’t have the experience of holding it down in the playoffs we’ve never seen that from them I’ve never seen and again I’m a big fan of Jonathan kaming I just gain flowers a

Little bit ago we haven’t seen him perk go into the playoffs and dominate yet we haven’t seen the other guy uh I can’t even pronounce his last name was it Pinsky or pazinski whatever his name is I I we haven’t seen him go in the playoffs and do his stuff either so

These are these are things that I have to see whereas when we talk about the the Lakers you know we talk about DLo and Reeves I’ve seen them play in the playoffs I know uh D’s been up and down but I still seen them and play at a high

Level in some games especially Reeves especially LeBron James especially Anthony Davis those guys are champions I’m going with the Lakers still and I’ve been back and forth on this cuz earlier this earlier today I was kind of on the warrior side on the get up when I was on

There I was saying you know the Warriors have been playing better maybe they’ve tapped into something I could maybe see them finishing and having a better second half but you know if I’m really going to talk about it right now and put everything out there I’m still rolling

With the Lakers deep down you know if I’m really going to talk about it right now and put everything out there I’m still rolling with the Lakers deep down yeah but but Austin last year at this time the Lakers were one of the best teams in the NBA after the allstar

Break no LeBron James Anthony Davis was playing at a top five level going into that postseason Austin Reeves didn’t have playoff experience uh ruy hamar didn’t have playoff experience so at the end of the day we saw it when they got to the postseason but we saw the flashes

Leading up to the postseason correct and right now when you look across the league is especially in the Western Conference I’m watching a lot of teams play playoff basketball we saw how the game went in Denver two nights ago against the Phoenix Suns that was playoff basketball we’re watching

Playoff basketball and so when I think about you know what’s going on right now it’s no way in hell Austin that you could feel confident in the Los Angeles Lakers knowing what you know for as LeBron James being injured and the wonderful insight that Wendy provided for us at the start

Of this show I appreciate Wendy did did did have some good insights but we we not about to sit here and act like we just didn’t watch The Warriors lose by 82 points the other night versus Celtics bro like wetin come on bro like down just the Lakers man like they they both

In the same spot game behind each other like what we doing here in Championship form go are we doing Austin gold golden state has been one of the best teams in the league since the allar break I’m not about to sit up here and jump the gun

Because they got they got whooped by the Celtics on the last game of a road trip and then came back home and whooped another team that was one of the hottest teams in the league on the backend of a road they’re also the Bucks were on the

Back end of a road trip too if you’re going to play that card the Bucks they’ve been on the road for a minute now if you’re going to play that card they’ve been they were on the road went back home then they traveled all the way

Back out west yes they did they started out in Minnesota then they went toe theyve been home away home away home away they traving more than anybody this their first game back at home I mean back on the road last night was was on road their first game after

All-Star break was on the road I will just say that I think LeBron is the best arguably the best Underdog performer in the NBA Playoffs history if you look at the number of Series where he is had would not had home court advantage and he has been able to do it

He’s also been one of the best single game elimination players where it’s winner take all his track record in game sevens and in the play in tournament is Sterling and so everything you’re saying perk is right I’m on your side I think the answer to this question is the

Warriors that’s the responsible answer but because of LeBron’s history I wouldn’t count him out and I I remember feeling a certain way a year ago talking about the Lakers on this show when they were in ninth place every single day but I did feel like they had an opportunity

And they end up making a run and I would feel like it would be derel in my duty as a he a league reporter if I didn’t say the same thing about him now even if everything you’re saying is right yeah truth is the truth is I’m

Trying to talk about both these damn teams I’m I’m sick of this I I neither of these teams do I have at a high Lev some medicine and get ready for it because look here’s the thing right I could understand the world probably being tied of everybody talking

About Golden State Warriors in the Los Angeles Lakers but the fact of the matter is is that we have to cherish these moments and when I say these moments meaning these people we have to cherish these moments of Steph Curry and all time great in my top five we have to

Cherish these moments in LeBron James and cover them as most as much as we possibly can because when they’re gone they’re gone we can’t cover them no more I hear you we also got to embrace the new people too I love [Applause] [Applause] is

On First Take, Kendrick Perkins, Austin Rivers and Brian Windhorst join Christine Williamson to debate if the Los Angeles Lakers or Golden State Warriors have a better chance at making a run for an NBA title.

0:00 Warriors or Lakers
4:30 Austin picks AD and LeBron James
8:20 Perk and Austin get into a heated debate!

#espn #nba #lakers #warriors

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  1. lol Austin Rivers with that “18 years old but must have 30 years of experience” mindset 😂
    No one knew AR15 could ball in the playoffs until he DID IT LAST YEAR IN THE PLAYOFFS

  2. Austin Rivers is still upset the Warriors whooped him on their way to a championship in '22

  3. Sure Austin, it's not like 80% of the Warriors starters literally won the chip 2 years ago and don't even get me started on the experience they have on the bench.

  4. Everyday since the allstar week, this show never absents in talking about lakers and warriors. I bet until the playoffs are done, both teams are already eliminated, they would still talk about lebron and steph.

  5. u see how when austin nods when per talking about cherishing lebron but not nodding for steph. what warriors do to him

  6. I’m taking the Lakers I just feel like the West so stacked it seem like teams like the Lakers and Warriors are just trash but I keep tellin people NOBODY wants to see Bron and AD in a 7 game series honestly the Nuggets and Clippers are the only teams I feel can just knock them out

  7. 6:48 can someone explain why Austin repeated himself. Why’d they cut him in twice? Is the whole show cut up like that!? Am I just high?

  8. they seriously asking us do these 9th & 10th place teams have a chance to win a title.. i hate what espn has become

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