@Toronto Raptors

Immanuel Quickley SHINES in Raptors loss

Immanuel Quickley SHINES in Raptors loss

Today and they came early today to run through some sets it’s an [Applause] Open let’s go that’s why it’s the goat the [Applause] Goat let’s Go whoa rest in peace uh to the Creator Akira uh Toriyama of Dragon Ball Z that’s a bummer to start the game um yeah this game was interesting transitioning over the Toronto Raptors managed to lose yet another game on the heels of by the way the Memphis Grizzlies winning last night so tank

Withon is back on uh for the Tron Raptors the tronto Raptors uh start out this game horribly like truly thinking hey we’ve been talking about is luga donic going to break the 81-point game barrier and for the first quarter I was like is gray Allen going to do it

This is crazy a lot of weird story lines in this game that you know if you’ve been following the Raptors for a while did surface but anyways the Toronto Raptors after the first quarter in which they were outscored 39 to 25 and the beginning of the second quarter they do

Turn it around in the second quarter and they actually manage to win the third quarter and tie the fourth quarter so they were pretty much beaten in the first quarter and that’s the story in the first quarter effectively it was the Grayson Allen Show uh he went seven for

Eight from three in the first quarter he had 21 points in the first quarter and it was largely a lot of open shots and the open shots were coming because the Raptors were sending very aggressive double teams uh against Kevin Durant uh Yousef nkic and Bradley Beal basically

On the drive on the post up it was a boom double and then you know the Phoenix Suns saw it and they they adjusted uh in the second quarter the Raptors adjusted their coverage they stopped being as aggressive and it kind of calmed down the Suns and the Suns got

Used to playing one way and then when the Raptors turned it off but tonight the Raptors play a very competent Game featuring some very competent performances across the board uh none of which more competent than Emanuel quickley who finishes the game with a shocking stat line 21 points 18 assists

Asss and nine rebounds this is not the first time this season that he’s been really close to a triple double he’s been actually pretty close a few times this year and um he actually believe if I recall correctly he had two triple doubles with the Knicks but nevertheless

He had a really good game another player who had a really good game tonight was Chris bue yes the Resurgence Chris bue who couldn’t get off the he couldn’t get off the pine in garbage time was being basically usurped by mohammadu gay in the in the backup rotation minutes and

Garbage time rotation minutes and he couldn’t get off the you know Off the Bench but tonight he does and he manages to play 24 minutes of very inspired basketball in which he was crashing the glass and attacking the rim and just rolling really hard and really had some

Good Synergy with Emanuel quickley and I think that’s a big reason why Emanuel quickley had the assist that he had um I don’t think any of this really changes my thoughts on Chris bu future with the team nor do I think Gary Trent Jr’s explosive 30 points um changes my

Thoughts on him in the future with this team I think this team is going in a direction that those two guys don’t really fit but still it was really nice given the both guys you know going into the summer with all sorts of uncertainty around their future with the team nice

To see them both have a really good game another guy who had I don’t know about a good game but he had an okay game which was RJ Barrett who drew some very tough defensive assignments tonight Chief among them Kevin Durant Bradley and you know this is on the heels of having to

Card Zion um I admire the Gusto um but I’m realistic that you know if RJ Barrett is your primary point of attack Defender you’re going to be in trouble and the Raptors were in trouble a lot but he’s trying you know he only had one turnover tonight um missed a couple bunnies at

The Rim uh 23 points on 9 for 16 shooting was really reasonable uh Grady dick gets up 10 three-point attempts makes four of them a lot of Corners you know no dip just really in Rhythm and you’re seeing the vision of what could potentially be once he adjusts but he

Had a really really disastrous stretch third quarter going into the fourth quarter where he was just getting abused defensively and he was missing coverages and he got lost a couple times in the rotation and I think he was a really uh big part of what went wrong for the

Shawn Raptors tonight unfortunately for him I’m happy that he got the four threes obviously not every single game is going to be great but you’ll take four for 10 from three for what a guy who’s really over the last 20 games emerging into one of the better three-point Shooters in the league on

Really decent volume so again he’s 20 years old and you know Bradley Beal and Kevin Durant are all stars and in case Durant you know he’s a superstar still very very capable of putting up 50 on anybody so I think it’s just a tough matchup in terms of the wings um in

Terms of you know what the Suns got in the you know absence of Devin Booker well they got a lot of Grayson Allen right Grayson Allen has been one of quietly one of the best three-point Shooters in the League this year he obviously has his defensive um chops he’s also a pretty

Well-rounded playmaker so here’s the first storyline that emerged to me while watching this game do y’all realize that Grayson Allen was what was being offered for fed vble at the deadline last year and the Raptors snubbed their nose at it and said nah it’s okay now we’re good we

Don’t need this guy look I hate Grayson Allen I I think like he might be one of my five to seven most detested players in the league but that’s probably a good thing because I I despise him because he’s so irritating and he’s so annoying and yeah he’s he’s dirty sometimes too

And um but he’s a really good player like he’s a he’s a rotation guard in the NBA and allegedly the Raptors turned down you know Grayson Allen plus second round pick for uh G for fed Fred Van vet and there was a lot of talk about Fred vany you know potentially shopping

Himself and maybe going to the magic or going to you know the Houston Rockets if they could free up some space so the writing was on the wall that you probably were not gonna be able to afford him and if you knew in your mind

That you weren’t going to get him I just don’t understand why you snub your nose up at a guy like Grayson Allen because he’s clearly starting for the other team he played 39 minutes against you and torched you he scored more points than any player on your team not named Gary

Trent interesting parallel Gary Trent Jr Grayson Allen so when Grayson Allen was traded to the Suns I heard a story that the Suns really didn’t know who was the player coming back in the deal and they thought it was going to be Gary Trent Jr

So there was a lot of talk last season that Gary Trent Jr was the guy who’s going to get moved for Grayson Allen uh sorry to the Phoenix Suns in that deal and it ends up being Grayson Allen they’re very very happy they got him and obviously he’s been a really huge part

Of what’s gone right for their team this year but yeah like I mean you know this is a competent guy on a very reasonable contract and you know you had him and you Lo lost him speaking of guys that you had and you lost Drew Eubanks now

When the F Young trade went down I remember kind of being a little snippy about losing a first round pick in order to get rid of gor and D’s contract a contract that you really didn’t need to take on in the first place but I remember being really

Excited on one of these lives about oh my God they got you know Drew Eubanks Drew Eubanks has a lot of potential Drew Eubanks could be a really serviceable backup big he’s better than Kem Burge and then you know I think the Raptors even released one of these Twitter

Little updates and they said welcome to Toronto and Drew Eubanks and then they deleted it in like an hour when they waved him I’ve been watching this guy in Portland I watched him in Portland last year I thought he was some of like their defense got so much better when he come

When he came on the court and Yousef nerkish went off the court and then once again you know seeing him tonight and just you know how he can sort of how he just swallowed up RJ Barrett in a couple of those drives and you know as a big

Who can actually protect the rim how he’s not terrible on the perimeter and he’s just active and he’s like a role player and he’s just this guy that you know frankly the Raptors have paid Chris buet to be that guy you know they’ve paid 112 million for him to be that guy

They paid Kem Burch they they paid a lot of players a lot more money than Drew Eubanks makes and I just feel like it’s sort of sad to see the Phoenix Suns you know effectively having three players you know Royce O’Neal as well uh was a reported Raptor

Target and a very getable one mind you uh when he was on the Brooklyn Nets so I’m just seeing like three players who are very very good role players granted they’re not spring chickens they’re not 22 23 years old but they’re still very much you know in their primes or very

Competitive and just kind of weird to see like the Raptors just kind of snub their nose up at them and just be like nah we don’t need them and they’re all reasonably contract guys and I think they really fit into what the Raptors want to do right now so little bit of a

Strange lost opportunity looking across the pond to see your ex you know what I mean it’s almost like the girl you rejected just shining um so in this case uh yeah that was an interesting part of this bub was surprisingly competent you know you never know what you’re going to

Get from buo um some nights it’s Victor wanyama on the other nights it’s you know g-league scrub and yeah tonight there was a little bit more of that you know offensive potential and smooth ball handling and stuff that we’ve come come used to seeing from him in Orlando when

Things are going right for him Kevin Durant puts up a 35 piece on 19 shot attempts he was Unstoppable really when the game was sort of in the balance a little bit for the Suns I felt like Katie just turned it up and said okay I

Guess this is my four minutes you know this is the four minutes that this team needs me also interesting to see a bunch of X Raptors ish Wayne Wright and dadus young um knock at minutes a raptor Target who the Raptors reportedly really liked at the draft um in the Christian

Koko draft they were expecting him to go uh in the second round David Rody so yeah uh interesting it’s always interesting when when two teams are tied to all the same guys that you start to get an idea of how the two teams might be very aligned in how they think about

Things you know the Raptors are also very interested in Kevin Durant for instance right so interesting interesting to see that entire roster play out but obviously without Devin Booker everyone had to sort of step up their game and kudos to the Suns you know they bent but they did not break uh

They were really efficient uh but the Raptors uh took more threes the Raptors made more threes the Raptors took more shots the Suns somehow still managed to make more shots they were just more efficient from the field more efficient at the paint more efficient you know in

The mid-range and I think the Gap in this game is really you take a guy like Kevin Durant and a guy like RJ Barrett on the other side and that’s the Gap in this game right like their wing score is just way better than your wings score

And I think that comes down to that but I think for the Raptors it wasn’t even close in terms of who was the best player I think it was Emanuel quickley he played 40 minutes tonight um also a special shout out to Scotty Barnes you know cast and all on his hands brace

Whatever is on his hands he was really animated giving his team a lot of energy and I think some of the stuff that you’re seeing from Eman quickley right now because a lot of people have been very quick to say Emanuel quickley is not a point guard Emanuel Qui is not a

Point guard and I get all of that criticism and I’m definitely one of those people that think he’s not a pure point guard but I think it’s worth saying that him developing the way he has as a passer and as a playmaker and as a pick

And roll ball handler is very much going to come in handy next year for the Tonto Raptors this skill set that he has you know is is going to allow him to Anchor weaker units without Scotty it’s going to allow him to get his it’s going to

Make him a more dangerous scorer I love the fact that he’s getting all the way to the rim instead of stopping short I think the development we often don’t think about development for guys who are 24 25 26 27 right but I saw OG develop tremendously this year as a

Finisher um I also saw him develop a lot as a defender in in New York I’ve seen RJ Barrett develop a lot as a playmaker finisher I’m seeing him you know a little bit better around obviously you’ve seen Grady dick develop a lot um but man some of the development that RJ

Barrett sorry emanel quickley has done as a playmaker just some of the reads that he just wasn’t seeing earlier in the season yeah it’s not perfect don’t don’t be fooled by the gy assist numbers he’s handling the ball a lot you know he’s like he’s yeah he’s doing a lot of

The playmaking a lot of the load and Creation with gotty out and sometimes it’s perfect and sometimes it’s not but man he’s had some really impressive games lately like the game against Brooklyn was really good the last two games have been really good and this game was insane

So again when Scotty comes back you know whenever that is this season next season whatever that’s going to be I think that I would impress upon people that you now have two guys who can do stuff with the basketball right you have two guys who are dangerous two guys who can pick you

Know handle in the pick and roll two guys who can screen because IQ is a surprisingly effective screener two guys who can be threats off the ball right because man quickle is a good pick and pop guy and Scotty’s good roller and you know he was showing a lot of catch and

Shoot props so you have two guys who could be effectively the second and third best players on a really good team in my opinion if the first guy was great now you’re not going to find a player this offseason next offseason or the next off season that’s going to be

Better than Scotty Barnes like if you could plant Kevin Durant on this team and not lose anything and you just dropped KD on this team yeah you’re probably a title Contender it’s that close and it’s that far you’re one piece away and it’s it’s just that simple just

Think about that roster think about what I’m talking about Kevin Durant on this roster and you don’t lose anything okay maybe you lose like Bruce brown or something right if you could swap Bruce Brown for Kevin Durant right now are you a title Contender are you close to title contention if you could

Swap literally Bruce Brown for any top 15 player in this league be that Shay go Alexander Luca donic whoever you’re there so everything is there except for the main guy so what the Raptor’s probably gonna have to do as I’ve mentioned before is Scotty’s gonna have to step into that role of

Main guy and it might not be right away and it might not be exact and it may not be smooth always but over the next couple years you’re going to get there with him right I have no doubt in my mind that he’s gonna get there and then

Emanuel quickly slides up and now you just need one guy be it RJ Barrett or Grady dick or whoever to slide into that third slot so everybody levels up and that’s exactly how the Raptors always did it right if you think about where they started you know we the north they

Started with dear and Kyle being second and third fiddle to Rudy Gay Rudy Gay get shipped off those guys step up boom right not perfect but within three years they’re one of the best Dynamic Duos and best uh you know back cour punches in the NBA that’s how it’s got to work and

Then eventually you know you have to trade dear for a significant upgrade on the main guy and that’s really how you do it so maybe one day that means you’re going to have to trade him manual quickly and a whole bunch of stuff to get like a real great number two like a

Jar rant if he becomes available or something crazy like that but the development can never be understated in terms of asset value because I think as much as it’s going to cost the Raptors to retain manual quickly now that he is really popping off his numbers going

Crazy and he’s averaging 21 points per game since the All-Star Game and I get all of that as much as it’s going to cost you to retain him he’s also a much better asset going forward his value around the league cannot be under stated right now like there are teams that are

Thirsting for a player like this like a dynamic guard who can get downhill who can stretch the court who can you know shoot the three in a variety of different ways who has the potential to get really deep uh deep range on the threes like these players don’t grow on

Trees there’s like you know um a significant value for a player like this and also he’s not a terrible Defender he’s a pretty competent Defender which most of these guys are not guys like Darius Garland guys like Trey young they’re not good Defenders Damen Lillard is not a good Defender Steph Curry at

This stage AG of his career is slumping as a Defender so to get all of this in a package which is not a defensive liability is a huge huge huge get for the Tron Raptors so I think I’m very very much going to stick with my initial

Take on the Knicks trade that I really do think the Raptors won the Knicks trade even though they traded one of my favorite players in OG and Obi um will cunning saying speaking of x-raptor shining the Bulls win another close one thanks to Demar being insane in the clutch

Really interesting yeah I was um looking around the NBA today did the Phoenix Suns sorry uh did the San Antonio Spurs end up beating the Kings did that happen or did the Kings win the Kings just won barely wow that’s crazy yeah a lot of close games here tonight uh you know the

Denver Nuggets beat the Boston Celtics the Dallas Mavericks beat the Miami the Miami Heat the Minnesota Timberwolves beat the Indiana Pacers yay for the Pacers pick also the Detroit Pistons beat the Brooklyn Nets what does that mean for the Raptors um well I mean the Minnesota timber was beating the uh the Indiana

Pacers is great for the Raptors pick because Indiana just came off a pretty impressive win a couple of days ago um but really interesting night in the NBA uh I thought yesterday was really interesting as well um let’s just recap that for a second here so yesterday in the

NBA the orando magic beat the Washington Wizards the Atlanta Hawks beat the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Memphis Grizzlies beat the Philadelphia 76ers and I watched that game I watched that game with very much intent because I was very curious to see like what the Sixers look like right now without Joel embiid

Without you know Tyrese Maxi and man they are they they are lost like they are really lost had campaign and Jeff dton was great in that game though I just want to say that just in terms of plus minus he was plus 17 in this game

If I recall correctly was he yeah he was plus 17 in a game he Lo in in a game that his team lost by six you know how many other players were plus Mo bomba four minutes plus two that’s it he was incredible when he played he played 24

Minutes for this team um Unfortunately they just couldn’t do anything and you know buddy healed hit hit a three late but interesting stuff for the Raptors pick uh let me just see Tank on the Tron Raptors are one game behind the Memphis Grizzlies they continue to lose and The

Grizzlies have won two straight and the Raptors have lost two straight so this is a very very interesting development for those of us like myself who are worried that the Memphis Grizzlies may not lose again sorry may not win again the entire season now they’ve won two

Straight now so this is interesting the Raptors are suddenly right back into we could potentially tank again and I’m starting to think about that equation that I just presented earlier of if you could drop Kevin Durant right on this team what would happen right and I’m thinking to myself okay as much as

I believe that the 2025 draft will be better and that I don’t want to lose the picking that draft and all that stuff there is you know a value to time right and if you believe that Aman quickly really can take a step up this

Summer and he can be really just so much better than he is right now and he’s clearly shown a willingness to adjust he’s adjusted his game a lot since he’s come over from New York and I think he continuing to do that and now you can

See Scotty Barnes taking a big step up you know organizing a team dinner yesterday seeing him kind of grow and mature as a person right he is 22 years old he’s gonna be 23 this summer 23 to 25 I could see him becoming twice the player he is right now that’s a really

Scary idea about a guy who’s already leading his team in points rebounds assists blocks and steals that he could get twice as good so you might have a really really strong opportunity here where if you somehow end up locking out into the sixth pick fourth pick third

Pick second pick first pick my God can you imagine what possible trade chips might be available to you if you didn’t want to use that pick especially if you could Bunch it with the 15th overall pick or if you could Bunch it with the

26 or if you could B Bunch it with Bruce Brown’s contract or if you could Bunch it with you know um yaka purle [ __ ] there are a a plenty plenty of trade offers available and the minute you get a top four pick in this draft as much as

People may be sour on this draft it’s still a top four pick and it retains some value and that value is far greater than if you get the 19th or 18th pick the next year so what I’m saying is it might be worth it the tank again I

Flip-flopped on this like 25 times if you’re trying to keep up with my take on this it literally changes by the by the day but seeing how much talent there is on this team especially if you think that Grady can also take that step up

Next year to you know 25 25 minutes per game if you believe that some of your cap space can be molded and used correctly well then getting rid of a guy like Bruce Brown and Chris bue like let’s say for instance those three guys sorry those two guys plus this pick or

Yaka purle plus Bruce Brown plus his pick and getting like a star if said star is available do you know what I mean it’s a pretty appetizing offer for a major upgrade and that’s what I’m saying you’re you’re you’re that player away from being really good and and if you’re

Really good well then [ __ ] the Spurs you’re not going to convey a bottom 10 pick anyway if you’re really good next year you think you can’t Leap Frog the Indiana Pacers of course you can on the back of Scotty Barnes getting this much better of course you can you know um and

And you know some of the I give a quick shout out to Darko rakovich right I think he takes a lot of [ __ ] and uh I think a lot of it is unearned frankly when you look at the roster turnover on this team from start to finish like how the Toronto Raptors

Started the season out what their goals were what their roster was what it looked like you had Dennis you had OG you had like like where are these guys right now like half the team isn’t even here anymore you know you’ve implemented so many new pieces you’ve had two

Different timelines you’re you’re trying to balance out contract negotiations and and people’s ego and all sorts of stuff like you’re you’re balancing out so much all the while trying to implement A system that runs counter to how these guys played last year and you’re trying to wipe away this selfishness and you

Got a whole bunch of young kids so there’s always going to be some ego and some immaturity involved and so to deal with all of that you know as much as like sometimes I’ll zoom into these Twitter spaces I don’t participate anymore I don’t think I’ve participated in like a couple of weeks

But is that true at least a week and a half to two weeks at least I don’t think I’ve participated in a week and a half I’m pretty sure that’s true um but I do zoom in once in a while just listen and and people are just like still

Complaining about dark o because you know after the the New Orleans picans blow out and how much you know oh my God I can’t remember the last time the Raptors got beat by 40 and blah blah blah hey man look at the math here on it

In a league where scoring is so high up and three-point volume is so high up blowouts are going to be more drastic so a 30o loss now is like a 20o loss like 15 years ago right it just scales to that you can’t think of things that way

You the same logic to say that a team can come back come down come back from 20 down easier than ever before in NBA history right now because of the three ball because of the pace because of everything so I don’t you know I I appreciate the challenge that

He’s been given I appreciate the fact that you know he he’s done the whole thing you know without turning on his team without having his team turning on themselves without having a whole bunch of really negative body language and all that stuff last year and earlier today I

Actually went through some of our video archives from our reals for prin basketball Instagram and I was going through and I was like watching some of the commentary from last year some of the low lights my little highlight video on how to pass the basketball um to bet

On yourself uh real and I was just like oh my God what a dark time in Raptor’s history last year and the year before were man not so much the year before but like last year it really felt like Rock Bottom to me I was so sad watching games

Not sad anymore I actually really like watching this team play I think there’s a lot of process that’s going you know that’s going to get a lot better Chris bue is a really great example of the type of player you want but an upgraded version of it you know one with slightly

Better basketball IQ ideally someone younger maybe it’s a nice prototype for what Nick Clon might look like in the Toronto Raptor offense I think the Raptors are so close so I am here to Proclaim once and for all I believe the Tron Raptors will be good next year

Regardless of what they do with their pck regardless of whatever I think they’re going to be significantly better next year and I think Manuel quickley and Scotty Martin’s gonna be a really big part of all of it right um the fact that you have these guys and also

Something that I’ve noticing is like the body language between man quickley and Scotty Mars has gotten so much better so much better like I was a little bit worried for a while I wasn’t too worried because I knew that once they got to know each other they would like really

Really Vibe because you know been sort of listening to man quickly interviews for a while and following him for a while and I genuinely felt like man Scotty’s gon to love this guy like he’s a hard worker he’s super humble like he’s a great kid you know like he’s

Going to love him like they’re going to get along really well with then a couple of weeks into playing together you would just notice thing like they just weren’t talking to each other on the court they weren’t really passing each other as much as you would like they they weren’t

Initiating a lot of Twan action you’re just like wait a second what what these guys are not talking to each other right and Scotty’s kind of sitting alone on the bus and like you know things are not really going well in terms of you know some people are just questioning his

Body language and his attitude and blah blah blah and I got to tell you over the last week and a half I’m not sure what changed I’m not sure who changed it but these two have been really close like to the point where Scotty’s not playing

Right now and a man quickle still going up to him and talking to him in between you know exclusively to him like he’s almost like going up to him explicitly and and and kind of like bouncing ideas off of him like on how to approach the game and Scotty’s like pointing to the

Court and he’s just like yeah you to do that that communication is very good I think about Dirk nitzki and Steve Nash a lot I think of two guys that went down as two of the greatest players of all time but also two guys who could have easily been bust that sounds crazy

To say now but if you remember how their career started in Dallas you’ll understand what I mean and I feel so often that even when you look at Fred vanley and Pascal it takes two to make a thing go right sometimes okay what I’m trying to

Say is that it helps to have somebody who’s on your wavelength who you understand who kind of works at things the way you do to push you to push you and to challenge you Shaq and Kobe uh Jordan and Pippen like there’s a lot of you know I’m not I’m not comparing

Scotty and IQ to those guys what I’m saying is it really really helps to have that second guy I LeBron’s game took a completely new level when he got next to next to Dwayne Wade and it was never going to happen with Larry Hughes I promise you that right I feel so often

That greatness challenges greatness and I’m not saying that either Scotty or man quickly right now are great I’m saying they’re both trying to be great I think to some extent RJ Barrett is also trying to be great I think Grady dick is trying to be great I think this summer you know

Every summer we see these Rico runs you know with with Scotty and OG and all those guys right I feel like this summer we’re going to see a different vibe around this team it’s just it’s just a feeling that I have you know when it comes to summer league and you know the

New rookies coming in and and just think about how those guys are going to you know like Grady came into a very sour situation in my opinion you know he goes drafted to a team half the team is getting wiped out think about the experience of being a rookie as Grady

Dick you come into the season with Otto Thad and Garrett temp as your vets two of those guys are gone you come in with you know Pascal sakam as the best player on your team he was not the best player on day one ascot’s the best player on

Your team siakam’s in in Indiana such a weird year for Grady dick so unstable right um Pascal zakum obviously was not in summer league due to all the trade rumors and stuff that’s got to put like a really heavy air around the team about you know like constantly guys looking

Over their back like am I about to get traded am I guys to get traded is BU about to get traded is Gary about to get traded I feel like by making all of these moves now right most of them at least you have solved so many of the

Variables that would otherwise hang over your head all offse and I think that because those variables will not hang over your head the offseason those exit interviews are going to be basically see you back in four months and mean it I will see you back in this gym in four

Months and I hope pray I think that Scotty and I were going to work together a little bit this summer work on each other you know like work together you know what I mean like they they could do that like they could have that Dynamic

Where they can sort of you know play off of each other maybe they’ll do some runs together this will be important RJ Barrett and I mean like it’s it’s kind of cool because now Scotty’s coming up with guys that are relatively close to his age and it’s easier for a 24 year

Old to see his 22-year-old franchise player as the guy he needs to feed as opposed to you know asking Pascal kakum at 29 30 years old still in his prime still you know just Fresh Off coming off of all NBA a few years ago asking him to

See 22y Old Scotty Barnes as a franchise player he needs to feed he’s never going to work so I think the Raptors have taken off a lot of bandaids this year and you’re seeing the fruits of it in all the development and I think a lot of

Credit needs to go to Darko rakovich but I also think a lot of credit needs to go to Messiah and Bobby for all the [ __ ] that they did last year and all the mistakes they made from not moving Fred to to trading for you know yaka purle to

All the Band-Aid Solutions I think more often than not this year they’ve been right and they’ve been pretty proactive right so yeah overall encouraging encouraging game um you know I have no real complaints about this game I think there’s obviously some Talent deficit you know that that just exists on this team that

Is just going to be really hard to overcome on most nights but hey you’re losing with youth right now you know what I mean like you’re actually losing with uh really talented players that have like some upside and some room to grow but you’re actually losing like with Javon Freeman Liberty playing 20

Plus minutes and he didn’t play Super Duper well tonight but I thought he was okay um you’re you’re getting a chance to try out some g-league players here’s a g-league player that I would really like the Raptors to try out Kenny Lofton jior who just got waved for the second

Time can we give this guy a shot like I really like him I mean and I could be wrong but hey man like I was a guy who also really loved pton Watson in the draft cycle same draft and I’ve been dead right about that guy that guy’s

Been awesome and and I swear people were criticizing that pick so much when Denver took him at 30 they were just like oh my God pton Watson he’s sucked at UCLA and I’m just like bro have you seen this guy move I say the same thing about Kenny Lofton have you seen him

Move right movement patterns tell me a lot about like how a player you know is going to fair in the NBA and I realized that you know he hasn’t stuck you know in Memphis but Darko knows him well and I would like to see him get a shot

Um Troy Knight saying whenever I watch this current team I wish we made these moves sooner yeah I agree yeah also um before we go to the Post games I just want to announce something really quick I’m going to be joining players choice which is a really cool podcast and um

It’s a paid off opportunity and it’s going to be my first paid opportunity and it’s I don’t want to talk about numbers but it’s a lot more than I was offered by other companies before I was starting out so I’m glad that pen basketball has upped my price for you know potentially

Other people but I think it’s a completely different show it’s more MBA stuff and people keep saying like yo like you need to go and do an NBA podcast and I’m just like but our our audience at p basketball is so Raptors focused that it’s hard every single time

I want to do a video about wenyama or nicoa yic or whatever I’m always scared that the video is going to blow up right and then mess up the channel because if the video blows up and I get like a five 5,000 followers that are not Raptor fans

Then these lives are going to tank so yeah it’s going to be really cool and uh big shout outs to my boy Shaq uh for hooking that up um that was really really cool and um get him on this podcast at some point too so yeah um all of that will be

Official in about a couple of days so that’s cool and um yeah it’s it’s a little bit more money in the pocket also a little update I remember on the last live if you guys watched I was talking about the TV that I bought and what a

Great deal I got Yo I didn’t think this was possible but I got a I got an email today or yesterday saying your your order has been canceled because we ran out and I was just like yo I’m so lucky I didn’t sell my TV crazy Best Buy I

Didn’t realize if you buy something on Marketplace they can do this it’s a third party seller on Marketplace for Best Buy and yo I’m just like I’m kind of I’m kind of thankful as well because I feel like maybe I would have regretted buying a 70inch LED TV when qled and

OLED TVs are kind of all the rage right now but I don’t know kind of interesting maybe maybe I dodged a bullet there I have no idea but it was $500 for a 70inch TV and I kind of I was really looking forward to seeing the Raptors

Play on a really like on an even bigger TV I guess I don’t know anyway to the post game we go with the defensive effort after that first quarter and uh particularly the third when you I think held them to 42% and forc a number of turnovers that

That’s got to be the competitiveness you’re looking for right um I I thought that uh we head outside of that that first quarter just like you said I thought that we did a lot lot of good stuff uh our Focus level in that first quarter was not where it needs to be

Because uh we wanted to guard uh uh Grace and Allen differently uh we saw that he was 6 for6 and 8 for8 shooting uh in the in that game against uh uh against OKC and we knew that he’s great shooter so after that we were able to

Find uh find the Rhythm and and uh to do much better job defensively um you know we talked before the game Kevin Durant like you’re making it really hard for him and he’s still you know finds the way to score but overall I I thought that our defensive

Effort was was good uh I in in the first half we struggled with their offensive rebounding Second Chance points in the second half he kept them to only uh three Second Chance points uh so um lot of good stuff and uh we still need to continue getting better is it is it

Especially in that first quarter was it you guys seem to be overh helping off of and leaving Grayson so too much attention to Bradley too much attention to KD so attention was really on on KD and his post UPS trying to to get the ball out of his hands but uh we were

Late on our rotations we were we we had a clear plan how we want to close out to Grace and Allen uh we just didn’t follow follow through with those so it’s going to be good good for us to take a look at at the film and and learn from it what

Uh did take away from uh iq’s career high um as a r career highs 17 assists um somebody just whisper to my ear uh that it’s 18 at the end uh so 18 uh so um with 18 assists he had nine in the first half uh nine in the second half uh

I just kept telling him continue making right reads and as the game progressed he was able to be to find it balance to be aggressive and to score out of picking rolls but to find his teammates uh I think he played unselfish he played the right way on offense and proud of

His his growth he also had nine uh nine uh uh rebounds so almost triple double what went into uh locking in a little bit to the second half because I know uh coach Delaney talked about urgency um how were you guys able to respond and

Like even take it up a level effort wise uh I thought they especially in the second half start of the third quarter our aggressiveness and hands we were able to get a couple of stops and Steals and they just fueled our offense allowed us to to run and and to score early in

In possession as game progressed we we found couple of plays uh that we were able to put RJ on the ball as a playmaker and to use uh Gary and IQ a little bit of the ball and just to space the floor and uh we were able to to find

Uh find some some good offense through that as well the um you went to Chris early and stayed with him for probably his longest stretch in a long time what went into that and what what did he do to stay on the floor um I uh I just uh

Praise him uh in front of whole team uh he’s putting lot of work in he’s uh staying ready he’s staying professional so uh his opportunity showed up tonight uh he had those uh more continuous minutes he was able to find some Rhythm there he was able to to help us on the

Floor and and but still I expect more from him more rebounding and uh more uh communication on defense as a veteran player he needs to be able to provide us that on defensive end that that he knows what we’re in and what how we need to execute so we need more even more

Discipline from him but overall I thought that he did a good job tonight in this stretch when he hasn’t played much his like you look at his productivity over the year you know it’s generally positive it’s he’s got pretty good net ratings and these kinds of

Things what was it that kind of kept him out of the rotation in your mind um just the the state of our team and uh trying to give opportunities and looks at at the different players you know when Yak is playing uh starting five uh since we

Got Kelly he’s a backup five and I believe that uh the best position for for CB is being that fiveman roller rebounder slasher that he can be in that role so uh but um you know we’re going to continue counting on all the players that we have on the roster continue

Investing in all of them uh and um you know as I said proud of his effort tonight and you know we still need to get more there’s one minute there in the first half you you were talking to by the sideline you kind of slapped hands

What do you remember what that was about or with the with who with Chris with Chris yeah I mean we always talk about I don’t know what was that about but just like you know some exchange like offensively defensively what we need to do I’m trying really to coach guys on

The fly a lot he’s that something technical or tactical whatever it might be if I see something I I like to address it right away with guys thank you you know outside that first quarter when kind of you guys lost track of Grayson Allen it seemed like um pretty competitive overall effort

From from the group and what do you think that came that stemmed from I mean you’re down 19 and and we’re able to get it to within three more than once yeah we just got a a lot of competitors in this group no matter who’s out uh we got

Guys that just step up uh and find a way uh to try to get the job done we didn’t get it we didn’t finish it all the way through tonight but um proud of the way the guys uh didn’t quit you know um sometimes especially NBA games when you

Got so many games and they just keep coming it’s easy to just kind of give up sometimes but we didn’t do that and we kept fighting so I’m I’m proud of the guys the way they did that I mean you’re there’s been a lot of talk about your

Point guard play and the you know going into that decision-making role and balancing aggressiveness with distribution but you know I think it was 18 assists to go Ste your 21 points tonight you got to feel like you’re seems like you’re finding that balance anyway um I think just really just being

Aggressive first I was just trying to attack and the defense was just collapsing so just trying to uh play winning basketball find open guys and uh got great teammates great Shooters around me that just make a lot of shots so it makes it really easy um yeah the

Next plan is what 20 assists is that the goal get a win that’s the next plan when you guys made the run in the third quarter got toin three what enabled you guys to do that then what working uh I think the attention of detail on the defensive end was big uh

Our aggressiveness our activity uh we got a lot of steals in that third quarter fourth quarter uh early fourth um but I think just the attention to the detail and the activity on defense was was fueling Us in transition and getting us out to the open floor which was

Helping us a lot where we’re best at um just in terms of how you guys set the tone for the road trip um how do games like these prepare you um for the next three especially against tough teams uh just understanding who the Suns have I

Mean they got a lot of great scores on their team starts with KD and and Bill they didn’t have book but a lot of great scores that you know you you going to have to face uh pretty much on a nightly basis but especially in this West Coast

Trip uh you know uh I feel like we did a pretty good job uh obviously Grayson Allen got off but uh the attention to detail you got to have the togetherness on defense that you got to have to win games on the road is is not easy so uh

We didn’t win but uh like I said I’m proud of the way we fought to try to get back um in this game all right and then just Scotty seemed very animate today um what was he saying in the huddles uh Scotty is just being Scotty uh encouraging guys talking uh

He’s uh not afraid of voice his opinion at all which is what we need whether he’s playing or not U and uh we going to need that as we keep going since you’ve been here uh Chris Bush has been kind of in and out of the rotation maybe more

Out than in he was I thought pretty effective tonight and and what did what as a point guard what was the benefit of having him on floor just the energy he plays with uh 610 611 can he’s a lob threat uh can guard one through five so he’s a talented basketball player um

Whatever he does on the floor aside from that just him being him is he’s a talented basketball player so and then that you put energy and effort and a motor on top of his all the physical tools that he has that makes a special player so um really proud of the way he

Uh he played today as well and that’s not easy being in and out of a lineup and then rolling in it’s it’s not but it just speaks of how true professional that’s what true professionals do um when your name is called upon you ready to go and he did that for

Us cool um great uh and again not to overanalyze body language gestures tone Etc but you can totally see that Scotty and Emanuel quickly have bridged some sort of Gap that was there for them I know sometimes when I talk about this stuff it sounds a little bit like I’m

Saying one guy’s a Scorpio and the other guy’s a Taurus and that’s why they’re going to be best friends that’s not what I’m I’m saying I am saying however that Emanuel quickley has very Grand Vision of the type of player he wants to be he does not see himself as a backup

He sees himself as a starting guard in the NBA I appreciate that about him and you know when he got traded to to the tronto Raptors I immediately you know went on a big tiate about what a good player he was going to be for the

Raptors and how underrated he is and you know why Nicks fans love them so much and I think it’s a great thing that a player like that can really grow into this and I think there have been players like that who’ve been sort of afterthoughts because they were playing

Behind like a really good player at a previous stop and then they they’re asked to level up their game and sure there’s a few holes but they’re able to do it examples include Jermaine O’Neal you know with Portland uh kind of a third string guy and then you know he

Goes into Indiana and he becomes a star right not a superstar but I believe there was a year where Jermain O’Neal finished top four in MVP voting worth noting um plenty of examples drin Petrovic you know with the New Jersey Nets right goes again weirdly enough from Portland to New Jersey and

He becomes an All-Star right Tyrese halberton Sacramento right uh backup guard you know offg guard whatever goes to Indiana and boom it’s like a new Breath Right sometimes you just need a fresh start Jaylen Brunson is a great example you know Lucas sidekick to you know possibly

One of the top six seven point guards in the NBA right now there’s a lot of guys Lori marinen is another example thank you r77 Lorie marinin is a great example he was the fifth option in the Cleveland Cavaliers offense and went from that to being an All-Star for

Utah so gosh there’s so many examples Antonio Davis um no Antonio Davis is not a great example who’s another great example I don’t know going through league history there are so many so again I think em man quickley could be the next in a long line of guys who

Been asked to step into a primary role and can Thrive I like his com composure I loved his energy tonight on on offense um there was a comment oh Tracy McGrady it’s a little bit of a stranger example because he was 21 years old um never did he never he never made an

All-Star team really that is shocking why did I think he made an All-Star team you know why you know why it is it’s because um I think it’s because when I was playing NBA 2K3 or four or whatever um he was on the greatest players of all

Time list I think he was like one of the 50 greatest players or something like that or one one of those like alltime teams or like the ’90s alltime team he was on it and I remember thinking to myself that I must ad met that he made

An All-Star team but I was very young at the time obviously it was four five six seven seven years old so maybe uh of course he didn’t uh and you would know for sure so my bad uh so Dron did not make an Allstar team that’s

Crazy I got to check this I mean the numbers he was putting up for him to not have made an All-Star team is kind of crazy okay uh let this be a a five minute uh fora or a little bit of a a dive into the career of one of the

Greatest European players of all time hold on one second let just quickly pull this up you’re right you never been an All-Star team that is insanity and I was 5 years old when when he died that’s nuts too okay so in terms of just raw averages he averaged 21

Points in an era where guys usually did not average 21 points so sorry this is per 30 the 31s where where is this yeah so in his final year in New Jersey um so he was NBA all NBA third team the year he passed away and I don’t know what this means

This mean most improved player number two Let me see where did he finish in most valuable okay this is an interesting little for into the awards season that year did he get any MVP votes that would be crazy if he did and he never made an All-Star

Team how did De shmp get a vote for MVP that’s crazy uh let’s see here Brad Dy wow Mark Price yikes okay finished that is interesting okay hang on I just want to see something real quick nope 2007 MVP voting Chris Bosch what yo that’s

Nuts I didn’t I never I mean with MVP voting seventh place doesn’t really usually matter but holy crap Bosch got that type of love I mean that the year that the Raptor won like 47 47 wins so I can understand it but that’s that’s crazy that he got that kind of love here

Um there was also a year where Pedra sakovich finished top four in MVP voting and I just want to pull that up for a sec where is it was it this year or was it the year before yeah there we go Pedro stovich fourth in MVP voting Germaine O’Neal was

Third in MVP voting that year uh gives you an idea of where the NBA was at the time that’s crazy also to think about um so 2004 2005 was about as watered down as the league was how watered down was it Ben Wallace got MVP

Votes Andre kolinko who was a hell of a player and if analytics were a bigger thing back then I feel like Andre kolinko would have gotten a lot more love cuz that guy was like an analytics uh fiend um here let’s let’s see where Demar and Kyle finished I I don’t remember ever

Talking about MVP voting uh on this uh on this show so this might be really interesting little exploration to end this live out on the hour so 2012 2013 we still don’t see any Raptors and this will be the first year I think we’ll see a raptor will we see a raptor

Goran dragic holy crap I don’t know why I just keeps I keep highlighting the Slavic players Serbian Croatian slovian so much talent my God if you knew the population of like former Yugoslavia like you realize like it’s like there are some states in the United States that have more people

Than Slovenia Serbia and Croatia combined um okay that’s 15 16 that was the year where um Steph Curry won unanimous MVP there weren’t a lot of other people to receive votes that year I guess um wait what okay here here’s Kyle Lowry with six in 1516 think he would have gotten more

Next year no demard de Rosen with W there we go there’s another one kawh Leonard finished third that year uh 1718 no Raptors H goig oh there we go there’s a raptor the highest I think Demar de Rosen probably ever finished in his life is that that’s probably true um here we

See the rise of nicoa yic before he ended up winning one um how close he got fourth place Rudy goar was one LeBron was one crazy um wait a second wait wait wait wait wait one second kawh Leonard only got 13 votes that year that makes sense he had a much

Better playoffs than you know uh Pascal cakam 1920 getting 17 votes weirdly enough uh yic getting 18 votes what okay and here comes the yic revolution there we go go at age 25 he finally wins one and Kawai had one vote as a Clipper because he didn’t play a lot of games

But interesting interesting to see how many how many um how many votes Rudy goar has gotten for uh MVP throughout the year John Morant Nico yic of course kind of close here the 2122 um vote and these three have basically you know is three foreign players have basically dominated this

Award for like quite some years now they finished top three top three top three and whoever’s fourth doesn’t really matter in this case Jason Tatum and this year it’ll be like someone like Shake G Alexander whatever interesting anyways I digress fun game fun game overall good process and

Um didn’t djan give uh Jordan buckets yes he did yes he did a lot of people who watched J petrovich play at the time would probably say that he was like the best European player ever and before Nico yic and Derk nitzky I think that

Was true but um is that no honestly I I I would still say the greatest European player of all time um as much as my Serbian homerism makes me want to say yic I still think it’s like a pretty much a tossup between arvita sabonis and Nicole yic but yic might have usurped

Him now um but damn arvita sabonis was something man if you like my my my dad used to tell me about like old arvita stuff from like the 80s and holy [ __ ] he was amazing really good player really great player actually if you look at arvita sabonis even like after his legs were

Shot knees were shot you know he was bloated to [ __ ] he was overweight like not overweight but like he was well well well past his prime when when he came to the when he came to Portland he was great he was so great um there are plays that I’ve seen from sabonis

Where like I mean his son is so good deont doas is so good and I I remember um hearing about domas and uh his other son tvus um when they were really young actually I think it was Facebook friends with one of them yeah I remember that anyways

So I remember like him breaking backward backboards him doing behind the back full court passes um Barnes Scotty thinking sabonis was Joker on stero didn’t know about his athleticism before his youth apparently he had a high vertical too oh he did um there was a play I Remember

Um my my dad showed me like was on an old VHS tape of some of those USSR games he got so high to block a shot that his hand was almost to the point where his elbow was Above the Rim like he could have done the Vince Carter you know into

The into the rim thing granted he was 7 foot2 so that was a little less impressive than six’ six spins doing it but nevertheless he could get his hand to the top of the backboard um in his Youth and again before his knees got shot like he was is so great so anyways

Uh little rant on European players in the NBA and also little rant on process and I think that the Toronto Raptors are heading in the right direction eventually Tony saying sabonis in Europe was basically Orlando shock yeah but a better passer a better shooter and a better ath H not better athlete young

Shaq was the hell of an athlete but like a better passer a better shooter and just a better player like he had more skill more Craft um yeah basically yes like um yeah he he was it was unfair really um IIA say the Raptors need Kenneth Lofton Jr yeah

Um again like I don’t see a future for Jordan Noir he gets a quick hook tonight he had uh three minutes three and a half minutes on Um AJ Joffrey saying put some respect on vlad’s name no offense to Vlad divat I met him when I was uh I want to say 15 or so he’s not in this conversation at all great player really good player for the Yugoslavian teams and really good player for team Serbia and also huge

Ambassador for um Serbian basketball and great player on the Kings but you got to be crazy if you put him in the the same conversation as yic and uh if you put him in the same conversation as yic and sabonis you’re you’re absolutely out to lunch no offense but you know some offense

Um IAS in all caps yeah you’re one one all caps uh statement away from getting shut down so maybe try tread carefully here um yep that’s the third one peace out man no spam bye-bye even though you are echoing a sentiment that I fully agree

With which is that I mean I don’t know about the horoscope and whatever his zodiac sign is but I do appreciate you know that you Champion um Kenny Lofton but man um there’s almost no one in the world that I more scared of than someone who uses all all all

Caps nobody nobody in the world you are capable of literally anything I don’t know what you’re capable of but not here okay Vlad drafted Bagley over Luca and let the conspiracies run wild as to why that happened I I will you know if I

Could if I if I ever meet vad d That’s one more like one time one more time in my life this is the first last and only question I mean the first you know question I’m GNA ask him is something very personal but the second question

I’m going to ask him is how you know how did you not see this because seriously man like like you so obvious that he was going to be better like I’m sorry like I watched luuka play when he was 16 years old he was an incredible player like it’s it’s one

Thing to be revisionist historian and say nobody he saw him being this good no actually a lot of people saw him being this good what he was doing at 1718 in Euro league was impossibly um rare uh to to do that so yeah well we aren’t talking about him as a

Builder yeah I’m talking about him as a player Vlad D was not on the level of niik yic I think he would be the first person to tell you that actually completely anyways uh great uh thank you thank you guys uh at 1:26 a.m. uh on a

Loss against the Phoenix Suns that you guys still supporting this channel 171 of you in here I really appreciate that it’s the perks of having a bit of a global audience as we can do these lives and people from Yugoslavia for you know Yugoslavian countries like Serbia um ex-yugoslavian countries like Serbia

Croatia whatever can time in and there are people from Italy chiming chiming in and I’m sure there are people from the West Coast who follow pen basketball so this is a huge perk of this community that we are able to still have um a decent following even though the team

That we are following may not have um a lot to play for at this point I I am personally very invested at this point in tanking uh not tanking unethically but tanking just by default I mean the Raptors don’t have a ton of Hope in a

Lot of games that they’re going to play let me just do a really really quick uh look at their upcoming schedule and just look at the Raptor schedule and I just want to see how good and how bad this could be because you know they have the

Blazers um you know on Saturday at 10 o’clock and then Monday they’re against the Nuggets so you probably win against the Blazers although the Blazers were surprisingly competitive um against the Oklahoma City Thunder last night so maybe that’s not a for sure uh because you’re going be playing

On the road and you know you’re not you’re not super rich on Talent right now and then you got the Nuggets speaking of yic you got the Nuggets then on the 13th you got the Pistons so you could go two and one over your next three and then then suddenly you’re

Climbing again uh interesting let me just look quickly at the standings so just give me one sec here so that’s that’s the next bunch of games then you got the magic magic and kings and you probably lose all three of those if not I think the best case scenario over

These next six games is that you let’s see here so let’s let’s build this out let me count the number of wins that I think are realistic for the Raptors going forward so one two three four five so five wins six 7 eight nine so it’s possible for the

Raptors to get nine more wins I think that’s like the Very extreme upside of the Tonto Raptors right so if that is the case 9 wins would put them at whoa it would put them at 32 wins 32 wins means that the Hawks can win no more than three more games this season

Because I think the Hawks will hold the tiebreaker and the Hawks are unfortunately going in the right direction whereas the Raptors are heading in the wrong direction in in some sense because they’ve lost too straight so this Gap just keeps getting bigger and bigger the r the Hawks have a

Five and a half game you know advantage over the Raptors so really the Hawks control this Destiny and so it’s like I think the Raptors might be too far out to to reverse the tank and they might just be um they might just be playing too many teams that are really bad in

Order to actually tank however as much as I expect them to win nine games I want to talk about games that they could lose so I believe you can lose on the road to the to the Blazers it’s hard but you can lose you can lose to the

Pistons you can you probably won’t but you can I think it’s on the road too so I mean you know the Pistons have had some good moments this year um interestingly enough beating the Pistons is actually hurting your own second round pick but I think that’s splitting

Hair is between the 31st and 32nd overall pick so who cares you can definitely lose one both these games to the magic right you can you can lose you probably won’t lose both because magic aren’t playing great basketball but you can lose um I don’t think you can lose to

The Wizards though it feels right now that the the Wizards are impossibly bad like they might be the worst team in basketball right now in fact they are the worst team by the record they are the worst team in basketball they are starting Kyle kosma at center after

Trading Daniel Gafford like this is a team that really really does not give a [ __ ] right they were up huge and then they lost the game the other night and it just like to me it’s like the easiest bet in in all parlays and all sports is

Take the Wizards you know to lose every single game uh because literally like they’ve been a staple um in in terms of just losing games definitely think you can lose to the Nets they are a more talented team right now they’re a healthier team you can definitely lose

To the Nets I also think that the Nets might still be pushing for the playin maybe internally coaching change Etc they could be you know pushing for something so yeah you play the Wizards twice and that sucks because it’s going to be hard to lose either of those games

But but you could also end the season so like high side you have nine wins low side you have three wins so okay so you’re going to finish somewhere between 25 wins and 32 wins which is not the plan so this is you know it’s over unfortunately and one can wonder what

Might have been had Scotty barns actually been healthy because I think that with the way Emanuel quickly is playing right now and some of the positive spacing that’s happened because of kinic and I think the Raptors are really a Scotty Barnes away from being competitive in a game like tonight um it

Probably wouldn’t have made a difference the previous night but I think there are some of these games coming up against teams like the magic or the Kings or the Sixers or the Knicks even right now given the slew of injuries that the Knicks have or you

Know the Pacers even the the two Heat games to close out the year depending on where they are in terms of injury management and if they’ve locked up their seed maybe they arrest some guys and I feel like with Scotty there was still a chance you know um but you lose

Tonight wiish game against Phoenix although it was very very much a long shot and at some point you knew that the math was just adding up that you were going to have to punch above your weight class on on some of these winds and the Raptors just unfortunately locked the

Firepower and so right now the only option is you win all nine games that you can win and then you end up surprising like three teams along the way and then you pray for a complete collapse from the Atlanta Hawks again statistically I would say the Raptors

Are 98 to 99% likely to miss the playin the one to 2% odds get Slimmer by the day because as the Hawks continue to win and you continue to lose the Gap continues to widen and you know it it doesn’t matter how many times you play the Wizards and the Pistons coming up

It’s it’s like those are all the Hawks have easy games too right so yeah anyway interesting um season so far I’m not upset at all I think it’s overall been a breath of fresh air to have a team that plays together a team that’s vibing and a team that figures to

Go into the summer in better spirits and with more fewer questions than they’ve gone into any summer over the last three years so make sure hit like subscribe and all that good stuff these videos don’t get a lot likes anymore I beg you I implore you 158 of you including the

20 of you that are probably hate watching and troll watching please hit the like on your way out I really appreciate it all right cheers guys see you

The Toronto Raptors went up against a Phoenix Suns team missing Devin Booker on the road…without Scottie Barnes, Bruce Brown, and Jakob Poeltl. It went about as well as anyone could have hoped for. Big outings from IQ, Gary Trent Jr, and the rebirth of Chris Boucher.

call in:

#Raptors #Suns #NBA


  1. I’m enjoying watching this team play. They are on the up and it’s fun to watch them figure it out and grow.

  2. If somehow we jump into1-4 in this draft we should ship the pick and try to get BI+ Dyson Daniels

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