@Phoenix Suns

Have the Phoenix Suns found themselves?

Have the Phoenix Suns found themselves?

You know and knowing what what our purpose was you know with each lineup and we spent a lot of time after the OKC game you know not just focusing on like you know the plays but combinations we have out there like with this group out there especially because we’re deep into

Our bench you know um with this group out there this is the package this is the menu we want to go through and you know then we change quarters and we got a different group out there and this is the menu and our guys are executing that

Um bringing more purpose I think Bradley be the last two games has done a Phenom job organizing us um you know’s a lot of talk about us having a point guard not having a point guard he’s doing a great job playing point guard for us you know

Playing a point guard like leading our team and and quarterbacking um and there’s there’s not there not even a lot of point guards around the league that can touch the paint the way he can touch the paint so um he had eight assists tonight um could

Have have a lot had a lot more with uh you know the guys making more shots but um he’s doing a great job for us head coach your head coach tells him you know I when you make your first seven threes if you can make your first seven

Threes tonight let’s let’s try to do that he’s okay great you know well I’ll try to do that and he went out and did it and um so I you know Credit Credit myself um I mean he’s just he’s you know he knows his role in our in our system

He knows he has any your space we want him to shoot it and he’s a great shooter you know what I mean I I think nobody everybody knew he was a good player you know when he’s when he’s coming in but he’s a great player and he’s he’s he’s

Playing phenomenally for us I joke around with him a lot but you know I just grabbed him and just told him how much I appreciate what he’s done for our team this year because it’s been phenomenal that the next St well I think it was when Brad yeah I

Mean some there’s certain actions you know whether we want Brad to you know be the recipient or Brad is not in the game you know bran in a game um we don’t have nerk out there you know he’s he’s got a play point guard so I mean again

Invaluable you know all the ways that he’s contributing for us yeah it’s the activity you know I mean he’s so physical so athletic and um you know he plays within himself and and stays away from you know turnover type type of situations uh he’s really good

And uh does a great job finishing for us battle through a lot of switching situations with some of the lineups you know when they’re short-handed doesn’t always make them a worse basketball team they become different you know and they play with more shooting out there they play with Kelly olenik who’s a very

Difficult fiveman to guard and we wanted to get them to a lot of switching and Drew is um Drew allowed us to do that but you know he stepped up big time you likey steady man he gives us a steadiness and a calm out there and he

Makes subtle great plays you you know what I mean stuff that doesn’t always show up in the Box Score you know Eric Gordon comes in and um you know hasn’t really got gone you know the ball swings in Royce got a wide open three he goes

One more uh to Eric Eric I don’t think Eric made it but just just the the awareness right you know that uh that he brings to our team KB was struggling to score in the post we get into a blender situation he had a three he goes nope

I’m going to you know redrive and get one more one more to KD KD hits a hits a big bucket and that that opens up the rim for him you know now he starts get going um he defends he uh he’s a high IQ player and you know he’s given us a big

Lift yeah we didn’t guard the three well enough um but they were shooting a ton of I know what they ended up with percentage wise um 36% but they were on Pace to shoot over 53s at halftime and um you know that’s the way they’ve been playing of late we

Knew we had to uh continue our pain emphasis but really fly at their Shooters and um you know Grady got going early um quickly got going but you know it’s it’s a multiple effort type thing how do youan yeah I mean we’ll get tomorrow’s our prep day you know we’ll guard all

The go go over all the action where they get their threes um they got guys that shoot shoot threes in your face you know in in step back ISO situations um you know so I’ll dive into them uh you know tonight tomorrow morning and uh we’ll have a good plan put together

All no doubt it could easily been a trap game um but we uh yeah we we said this morning we’ve lost too many of these games you know with you know games we feel like we should take care of our business um but throughout the course of this season you know we’ve been

Short-handed a lot and um we let a little too many get away but we want to make sure we got that game is the only priority for us uh Boston game was not um you know Denver doesn’t count as two wins had to get this win so uh our guys

Uh was really proud of how our guys came in at took care business

Phoenix Suns head coach Frank Vogel discusses how his team has better figured themselves out, what they did right in their win over the Toronto Raptors & if they are ready for the Boston Celtics.

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