@Golden State Warriors

[Slater] No update from Kerr. Steph’s foot in an ice bath.

Season resting on Steph’s🦶🏽

by lawgirl22


  1. Best case scenario he only misses Saturdays game against the spurs, worst case scenario he misses Monday also against the spurs 

  2. CarryOnUptheMorning

    Looked a bad one, I’ve not got a lot of hope left in this team to be honest. Maybe scrape into the play-in and pray we somehow go on a miracle run, that’s all I’ve got left.

  3. InfamousAd1245

    Warriors can’t win the close games and the reason is the guy in the picture above.

  4. calmanxiety88

    I genuinely feel Steph should take next two games off, at the very least. As an athlete myself, I can tell you from experience that his knee bursitis is still not fully healed. Connective tissue injuries take a long ass time to actually fully heal. He’ll be playing through pain management rest of season (as most players do) but I want the general public to know that these injuries tend to have a snowball effect – if your knee is wonky, your ankles are susceptible to injury as well due to your body’s natural adaptations in weight shifting and loading. He should take time off whenever he can.

  5. Shane_Falco_QB1

    Even if Steph feels ready to go for Saturday, he should just chill and sit out.

  6. D3struct_oh

    Team will just have to hold it down for a little while. Won’t be easy. But if they do it and he comes back heathy, that’s dangerous for anyone they face.

  7. Altruistic-Twist-379

    Dont do this to my lightskin king, team gotta step up i say he gone for a week atleast

  8. Quirky_Ad_2164

    If it’s a short term injury then in theory we should be ok since they’re playing the worst team in the conference, hard emphasis on theory.

  9. heffstarrr

    Not sure it really contributed, but back to backs shouldn’t be a thing. So many injuries occur in the second game.

  10. Bahamut_Prime

    Celebrini about to inject Steph with the Super Soldier Serum.

    Our boy going to come out as the new Captain America.

    To be serious though, hopefully Steph is alright.

  11. The ankle seem to give out with not a lot of stress on it. This reminded me of the old ankle injury. Got admit it felt like the bad old ankle injury days.😩

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