@Milwaukee Bucks

Our very own Lisa Byington on NBA Today to set the record straight!

Our very own Lisa Byington on NBA Today to set the record straight!

by Ghetto_Cyclops


  1. lisa is the best! exactly what ive been thinking on doc as well. that week after the all star weekend was butt cheeks

  2. OddAd1243

    Respect to Lisa for saying she watches NBA today everyday and gets frustrated. I wouldn’t wish watching every episode of NBA Today on my worst enemy

  3. One-Earth9294

    That’s true? She’s the first full time female play by play announcer?

    Dude I love Lisa she’s a great presence as a broadcaster she has a young Al Michaels kind of swagger. And I will say it again; we’re lucky to have her she’s definitely one of the best in the league at her role in the booth and she’s really doing a great job of taking over some big shoes to fill.

  4. BobbyWojak

    She’s much better on here than as a commentator.

  5. A_SandlerthaGOAT

    People will laugh at the part where she said it was the toughest stretch because blazers and Jazz were apart of it but it was a long road trip that started in Denver and had Utah those are hard cities to play in because of altitude even with a healthy team

  6. rafamundez

    I want to see the rest of this segment 🙁

    She was killing it!

  7. Smilechurch

    Fucking love Lisa so much! She’s such a treasure. Love you Lisa!

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