@Orlando Magic

The Paolo Banchero disrespect needs to stop

The Paolo Banchero disrespect needs to stop

Okay it it needs to be said the Pao benero disrespect needs to end now why Pao banero established himself as something so much more in the third quarter of the season and what’s ahead for the Orlando Magic including the biggest game of the year on Friday it

Locked on Magic you are locked on Magic your daily Orlando Magic podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day and you are indeed locked on Magic today is March 8th 2024 my name is Philip rosik I’m the expert and site editor over at orlandomagic just follow us on Twitter there at you can follow me on Twitter Philip rror OMD on today’s episode of lockdown magic it’s

Time to name our third quarter MVP and frankly it’s time for the disrespect to stop just like just it needs to stop it’s time for everyone outside of Orlando to recognize what’s going on in Orlando we’ll explain that coming up here in just a moment but first we want

To thank you again for making lock on Magic part of your day every day no matter when you listen to us whether it’s first in the morning whether it’s right when we upload we truly appreciate you making locked on Magic part of your day every day remember there’s great

Lock on podcast covering every single team in the NBA just search for locked on and the team you’re looking for the locked on podcast Network it’s your team every day today’s episode of Locked on Magic is brought to you by LinkedIn LinkedIn jobs helps you find the qualified

Candidates you want to talk to faster post your job for free at Edon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply so look I I I will I will freely and fully admit this um Orlando Magic fans and I think just again I I think

I’ve mentioned this several times on the Pod I think Orlando as a City generally wants recognition we you know we are a young City we are in the shadow of the Behemoth that is Disney we’re you know not Miami we’re not Tampa we’re not Jacksonville we don’t have a deep

History behind us and so I I I do think that as a City Orlando has a little bit of the little brother mentality you know our University UCF is the little brother to UCF FSU Miami they all at least until this recent run just wanted to see

Wanted to see them do well and as long as they got their their their chance to to do a buy game and stomp them um this is this is I think deeply embedded in the psyche of of the city of Orlando I I will admit this when I was younger I

Would watch sports center and I would be ticked off that Tracy McGrady and how awesome he was was always in the c or the D Block never in the a block and even not not realizing that the magic were a 500 team and and probably didn’t deserve the a block

But this is I think something that is very much part of orl of of being in Orlando uh this need to say like hey look at this great thing that we’re doing pay attention don’t just whisk don’t just wave us off because we got Disney because you know we’re such a young

City and I think that is at the heart of a lot of the conversations that magic fans have had and trust me I’ve had these conversations with people and I will say the same thing now that I say to them just go out and Win It go out

And prove it on the court if you do your work on the court if you know they may be late everyone may be late coming to the party but eventually the magic will get their attention and get their Just Desserts and get their just reward for

It we are beginning to see that the magic did get a game switched on the nbatv here toward the end of the season not ESPN Not TNT but you know it is what it is and the magic are G to make everybody know when they get to the

Playoffs at the end of the day if the magic want to change narratives about them if they want to get more National TV appearances if they want to prove that they belong in the big picture they got to win in the playoffs they may not have to win a series but

They’ve got to perform in the playoffs that is the only way that you shift narratives around this league that’s the only thing that matters you get that you get people talking and buzzing about you for a summer then then everyone’s going to jump on the bandwagon that’s ultimately what we’re going

For but what M what had magic fans all up in a dander um what had magic fans in a tizzy at least in the groups that I was talking with there was a clip that uh appeared on the ringer NBA show and I believe it was it was wasney lambre who kind of

Offhandedly said you know some drafts you get Victor wanyama and some drafts you get Pao banero now he’s been trying to walk it back all afternoon as magic fans piled on him and to that point I I will I will give him this point that I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt

To say that his point was Victor wanyama is a once in a-lifetime Prospect and that certainly does mean the Spurs have a very bright future ahead of them but I also think it is completely dismissive to what Palo banero is doing and I I think that a lot of the

Frustration that magic fans have is essentially this feeling this belief that no one is paying attention to Pal Bano that he’s not even getting the just reward of being the number one pick forget that he is setting historical marks that he is you know his stat line

At his age is only comparable to LeBron James and Luca donic that every time we talk even in Magic historical perspective for a 21y old we talk about Shaquille O’Neal and Tracy mcgr that’s it that’s the class that he is in those two are Hall of Famers by the way um and

LeBron and Luca will be too obviously they’re just you know I I think unfortunately and and you know I’m not going to dignify too much of the the the talk there because you know we could talk about who has the better young core um you know Tim legler and our friend

Anam marus on another podcast compared to Magic’s young Court of the Rockets there’s just this feeling of dismissal of everything the magic have done it’s almost like they’re just the mag magic they’ve been bad for 10 years they will be bad forever and there’s nothing you can do nothing nothing they

Can do about it um you know one of my favorite magic Twitter users um I like this team kind of said you know you know you made it when the hot take artists are trashing your players and and to me that is the correct take at least at

Least we’re being talked about a little bit um even if it’s woefully misrepresented because the bottom line is this the magicar for in the Eastern Conference they’re not going away in that race Pao banero was an Allstar in his second year in the league he’s not going

Away he is carrying this team this young team to a playoff spot in his second year to potentially the four seed and you know I I one of my one of my writers for L Magic daily wanted to do something about Pao not getting National respect and all and all that

And I said said you know I’m I’m not you know I’m not going to be overly obsessed with that you know I I get it it it drives traffic I’m talking about it here I’m not super worried about that do your do your stuff on the court and and and

That stuff will take care of it but it is undeniable that not enough people around the league not enough pundits observers whatever to call it not enough people are giving Paulo the hype and the flowers that he deserves and some of that is he has been

On national TV just once in his career or you know traditional National TV just once in his career NBA TV doesn’t count um and that’s odd for a number one pick and that feeds this narrative that you know T’s not doing much he’s not an elite he’s not a potentially Elite

Prospect in this league that’s all that’s all wrong like we watch him every day I’m I’m preaching to the choir if you’re magic fan you’re probably nodding your head and I’m not telling you anything that you don’t already know that that’s that’s that’s the truth of it because we

Know we know how good he’s been I’m gonna name him my third quarter MVP that’s what this segment was supposed to be before I I got on my tangent he averaged 22.8 points per game over the last over the 21 games of the third quarter of the Season play appeared in

19 of them uh shot 48.7% from floor 37.9% from three 6.4 rebounds per game 5.8 assists per game what Paulo did over the last 21 games or so the third quarter of the season was established consistency the magic knew what they were getting from him every night he

Filled up the box score rebounds assists he shot the ball efficiently this he was he established himself as a star already with especially how he carried the team through the second quarter of the Season he cemented himself as an Allstar and potentially as a perennial Allstar if this is the new standard for

Him Pao may not be super flashy they not may not be a ton of the crazy highlights although he’s got enough gamewinners to his belt to his uh Ledger that people not considering him clutch or not understanding that he is one of the most clutch players in the league again it’s

Just it’s all about the lack of attention and the lack of notice Paulo deserves it he deserves your attention he deserves your notice he deserves all of it and the only way he’s gonna get it is by winning in the playoffs it’s unfair it’s probably wrong but the

Playoffs are the only way that he and this team are going to open everyone’s eyes to how good they have been so let’s turn our attention to the playoffs then the questions for the magic heading into the final quarter of the Season which of course began on

Wednesday we’re going to get to that coming up here in just a moment but first it’s time for a quick word from our friends over at eBay Motors our partners at eBay motors have teamed up with locked on Fantasy Basketball host joshu du bring you some

Of the best fantasy picks each week all season long whether you’re prepping for a daily draft or scouting the waiver wire every week we’re getting we’re going to provide you players who are guaranteed to fit on your roster so let’s see who Josh has picked out for us

This week on this week’s eBay Ebay’s guaranteed fits fantasy picks of the week uh looking at the list I’m gonna say keep an eye out on kellyo linic Kelly linic is set for an extended set as the Raptor starting center and we know how good he can be he can fill up

The uh three-pointers he’s gonna have to rebound a little bit with Scotty Barnes out with yaka purle dealing with an injury um Kelly Ock is definitely a player to keep an eye on and of course the magic start a set with the Toronto Raptors next Friday and then again on

Sunday so definitely someone we have to to keep an eye out from the magic perspective honestly I I don’t think I’m break any news here I would definitely have Pao Bano on retainer big game in the garden on Friday night we’ll talk about that in a minute big game against

A bad defensive team against Pacers on Sunday you get the Nets on Wednesday and then the Raptors next Friday Palo ban Caro if you know if the magic take care of their business as they’re expected to Palo ban Caro could be in for some very very big games uh for the magic coming

Up so you know usually we don’t highlight stars but I’m gonna highlight a star here Josh lyd from lock on fantasy basketball is going to help you win your fantasy championship and eBay Motors knows a championship team is about each player being a perfect fit it’s the same with your vehicle uh with

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Day be sure to make out the lockon sports today part of your day too lock on sport today is a 247 streaming Channel on YouTube and now available on Amazon Fire TV in the free Fire TV channels app lock on sport today is here for you 247 covering the top sports

Stories of the day with the local Experts of locked on plus our National shows covering every League find locked on sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app so we are now officially in the final quarter of the season 19 games remaining between now and the end of the

Season the playoff hunt is on the standings are tight exiting Thursday’s game the magic uh lead the New York Knicks by a half game we’re going to talk more about that game coming up here in a minute they’re up on the Miami heat for six by game and a half uh

Philadelphia also game and a half back and up on Indiana who the magic play Sunday by the way Phil the Kia Center for that game we need to make that a playoff atmosphere they lead the P the Pacers by two and a half games so Orlando with the five game winning

Streak they’re the actually this is this is a fun thing I’m looking at on the streak chart here the magic are the only team in the top eight with a winning streak right now every other team in the top eight in the Eastern Conference has lost their last game except the Lando

Magic um the orlandoo magic you know I I mentioned you know I just spent God knows how long talking about how the magic are not getting respected the magic did get some flowers from the national media Tim legler talked about them onto the Scott Van Pelt show like

Very honest like very much saying like hey this team is really unique they’re fun they’re you know they’re young but they’re but they’re really difficult to deal with um gave some very honest assessments on them to to National audience um you know spoke about them as well on another podcast uh Jamal Mosley

Was on the Rich Eisen show uh you know pal pal banero uh is going to be was interviewed by Taylor Rooks like there’s there’s a lot of you know the magic are getting some attent are getting some positive press I don’t wanted to to to paint a completely negative picture but

At the end of the day what’s going to matter here in the last 19 games are the results are you taking care of your business and you know we could go into all the different things the magic can accomplish the rest of the way the magic

Are trying to get their first pair of 20 point per game scores in Paulo banero and fron Vagner since sha and Penny did it in 1996 that is still a crazy thing to think about the magic are working on a top 10 defense or top or top five

Defense I should say and they should hold true to that but at the end of the day what we’re all focused on what’s going to matter as we get to these last 19 games is where are they going to finish how are they going to set themselves up for

The playoffs how are they going to play for the playoffs the orlina magic just completed a six and one stretch against seven teams below the Mendoza Line before below 500 um they they took care of their business against weak competition and throughout that entire run you know

We said okay they won that’s that’s ultimately what matters but we consistently said as well this is the standard the magic have to meet and the magic didn’t always necessarily meet that standard that is that is part of this equation too the magic are playing for the playoffs

Everything they do from here on out is about the playoffs playoffs it’s about the playoffs and playing a level of basketball that will help them win because guess what they’re fighting for the four seed the four seed home court advantage the fourth seed should win should beat the

Five seed and certainly I think some of us are scared of playing Miami you know certainly you know I don’t think New York is a pushover Cleveland certainly isn’t a pushover whoever the magic fa in the first round series it’s going to be a fight so the magic need to be spending

This time preparing themselves for that fight that’s what matters right now that’s what’s important right now that’s what is going to determine what kind of season the magic end up with that’s the truth of it and so Orlando has their work cut out for them Orlando has a lot they’ve got to

Accomplish uh and their eyes are clearly on this playoff Jason you know I think again Jamal Mosley has always done a great job at this he’s been preparing this team for this stretch of games for the playoffs from the moment he stepped foot in the Amway

Center in the am in the Kia Center uh in the in the Advent Health Training Facility wherever they were practicing whatever the training facility was at the time they have been they have been preparing for this the entire time I I’ve said this for several years Jamal

Mosley is so good at keeping the team focused on the big picture understanding what that big picture is and playing up to it he is he is so good at it and this is what it’s all prepared for this is what it’s all come down to this is what it’s all been

For everything you know we could ask a whole bunch of really important questions you know Can Cole Anthony bounce back from this cold streak you know what where what will Paulo and fron do we can ask all these questions but at the end of the day the only question we

Want answered from the final quarter of this season where are the magic going to finish what will their final seating be that’s the question that matters and that’s the question the magic have to answer they get to start answering that question with a pair of humongous games

This weekend we’ll talk about the magic taking on the New York knck and what that’s going to show us coming up here in just a moment but first it’s time for a quick word from our friends over at LinkedIn when you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals

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Businesses use LinkedIn for hiring and you should too post your job for free at locked-on NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply okay we are here um the last time we hyped a game up like this was it

Obviously did not work out that well the magic traveling down to Miami to close a five-game road trip and the magic absolutely looked Gast in that game um you know I was I I I I drove down to Miami for that game talked to a few people on the road trip and

They more than more than one person said yeah this this this one could get rough the road trip starting to get to us so not ideal conditions for the kind of game that we put a lot of pressure on magic lost it they don’t have the tiebreaker with the Miami Heat anymore

Um so we move on um the magic though these next two the magic though have not played very stiff competition lately um that’s you know no no offense that’s that you still got to win the game you still got to take care of your business there is no shame in winning games

You’re supposed to win they all count the same everyone’s got to play these teams however many times they got to play these teams um you got to take care of your business and again the magic have done that no no fault of their own but we are all

Curious if they are up to the challenge we are all curious if they can ramp up and play some of these Elite teams now we’re going to get a chance to see that happen during the home stand when the Clippers come to town when the warriors were playing much better come to town

Although they lost to they lost a tonight um when the when the the Kings who are struggling a little bit come down when the Pelicans come to town got two games left against the Pelicans there are still challenging games ahead but no game until the very very end of

The season when the magic play the bucks bucks Sixers bucks to end the season no game could have bigger standings implications than this one the magic have already won the tiebreakers with the New York Knicks and the Anna Pacers so you know that part isn’t important what is important is putting

Distance between them the magic lead the Knicks byy a half game you lose on Friday Nick seesaw into fourth UC seesaw down to fifth potentially lower depending on results elsewhere the Indiana Pacers two and a half games back you beat them on Sunday suddenly you’re

Three and a half up with 17 to go it’s not impossible to make up that deficit but now you’ve got some breathing room now you’ve got some distance at the end of the day what we’ve been saying and you know we we’ll go through the standings we’ll talk about the standings

We’ll keep an eye on the standings like that’s our job as the media but let me say this it doesn’t matter what those other teams do the magic have to take care of their business if the magic take care of their business their business will take care

Of them they will end up exactly where they’re supposed to be provided they do the job that’s that’s what we’re talking about here that’s what matters for this team and so that’s that’s kind of the message now um they got to take care of their business and and the Knicks are a

Difficult team they’re struggling right now injuries have really hit them hard Julius randle’s still out ojan anobi is still out Jaylen brunson’s questionable they are a team that is right for the picking and a team that is really struggled three and seven in their last

10 games they are a team that can be beaten and Orlando’s obviously had their number their size their physicality bothers them even if wendo Carter who is listed is questionable with a sore right knee cannot go goab baz is plenty physical to deal with Isaiah hartenstein

To deal with the players on that roster and the magic have won a rock fight at the Garden I was there for that they’ve won games against them at KSM the magic want some confidence you know the magic have not faced the Knicks at full strength so I’m not going to sit

Here and say Magic win this game five game series over the Knick done deal no that’s that’s not how this works the Knicks are a significantly better team when they are fully healthy and the magic have not seen them at that at that level but this is a statement time this

Is the time to make a statement we started the show talking about how no one’s talking about the magic well a 21-point comeback a five-game win streak at this stage of the Season sitting in fourth that is a statement it has forced people who are paying attention at least

To notice to say whoa the magic are doing something beat the Knicks obviously they’re the Knicks they get a lot of attention beat the the Knicks solidify your position in fourth now they all have to talk about you now you’ve told the whole NBA World hey you

Thought you had a couple years before we were doing this we’re doing it now why not us why not now it’s a 35th year anniversary after all Indiana is the same way you make a statement against one of the darling young teams in the league against team that pushed a lot of

Chips in to be good this year and you’re putting them further down you’re putting them away you’re putting them down the ladder in the standings these are the two biggest games left on the year like yes the Philadelphia game at the end of the season could be very very big the two

Milwaukee games may end up being pretty big um there are big games still ahead Golden State the Clippers Pelicans like there are big Marquee opponents still ahead but the magic control their own destiny the magic decide where they finish and these are the games they have to win because they’ve had some big

Marquee games you know they beat the Celtics on in the inseason tournament that was a huge game a lot of attention on their home floor they took care of business but those two games against Miami that we talked about that especially that second game against Miami in Miami um that they lost they

Lost control over something that night uh the national TV game against the Thunder that was a chance to make a big statement on National stage and I didn’t think the magic played particularly poorly that game but the Thunder just a little bit were just a better they did

Not get to make they did not get to make that statement and like I said at the end of the day if the magic do care and want attention it’s G to come in the playoffs make your the playoffs are gonna be the ultimate statement for this team the ultimate statement for this

Franchise and for this team moving forward but this weekend’s going to go a long way to setting them up for Success there and you know are these games must win if the magic want want to be the fourth seed they both are if the magic want to be top six they

Got a split if they lose both then the Mira then the win streak starts to feel like a mirage and so these games are very very big for a lot of reasons for the Orlando Magic I want to thank you all again for listening to today’s episode of lockdown

Magic who was find find me on Twitter Philip romd subscribe to the podcast and apple podcast your tuned in himay Google spy and all the fun place podcast to your podcast enable listen advice you can for check us out on YouTube as well at locked on Magic for the

Latest Orlando Magic be sure to check out orlandomagic you can find us there on Twitter Magic daily coming up on Friday on the site we will rank the Orlando Magics potential playoff opponents at this stage um definitely check that out you can also check out my

Personal page the Orlando Magic Hub And subscribe to my patreon there go to orlandomagic hub for extra content and goodies too uh really appreciate all the support uh as always from all of you now that you to us be sure to check out the locked on sports

Today 247 streaming Channel you can find that on YouTube as well as now on the Amazon Fire TV app in the free Fire TV channels app lockon sports today is here for you 247 covering the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of locked on plus our national

Shows covering every leag find locked on sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app that’s going to do it for me today though I want to thank you all again for listening to today’s episode of lock on Magic for Orlando Magic daily and lock

On Magic this has been Philip Rossman re we’ll see you again next time for another episode of lockon magic

The Orlando Magic are sitting in the 4-seed in the Eastern Conference and do not seem to be going away. They are starting to get some attention from the national media. But there are also still a lot of people doubting them, especially their budding star Paolo Banchero. In fact, the most offensive thing might be that nobody is talking about him at all.

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  1. This Knicks game may well be important to get away from them (even though I believe the chance to catch the Cavs and Bucks to be a better mindset), but what matters most is the playoff spot. So I am more heartened by the fact that the Heat are taking big Ls because they're the ones we really need to keep away from as far as possible

    So that Division title better be ours. Time to go #BeatTheHeat again.

  2. Your locked on wizards colleagues were very disrespectful towards Paolo Philip, at least it sounded disrespectful to me

  3. I think the disrespect is at least partially the way magic fans disrespect other teams players. Paolo has potential but his offense will have to improve 10 fold to make up for his terrible defense. His analytics aren’t very impressive.

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