@Chicago Bulls

ESPN reacts to Golden State Warriors’ 125-122 loss to Chicago Bulls; DeRozan: 33 Pts, Curry injured

ESPN reacts to Golden State Warriors’ 125-122 loss to Chicago Bulls; DeRozan: 33 Pts, Curry injured

Game we don’t know at at this moment but it was tough to watch that video uh we’ll Replay that video for you funny to think that the Warriors had just gotten it going had just started having two straight games with nobody on the injury report so we’re waiting to learn the

Update from Steph Curry and processing this finish guys man the Warriors entered the fourth quarter down 10 fought back furiously made a few mistakes down the stretch and it did not go their way fesus how are you processing this finish well the Warriors tonight going against

A a very hot Chicago Bulls team you know won two games in a row one of those wins was against the Sacramento Kings when they were down 22 points in that game so you know that they were going to withstand the Warriors runs and the Warriors did a great job coming back in

The fourth quarter but just the Bulls Alex Caruso you got to give him credit who’s fighting over screens really making it hard for Steph Curry to see the light and get open shots uh Klay Thompson did his best impression of of really of did his best best job of

Trying to hold the fort down after Steph Curry got injured Chris Paul the bench Moses Moody great plays by them down the stretch but when you put the ball on dear the rosen’s hands he is one of those guys that’s very hard to stop at the clutch moments last night tonight he

Just keeps showing up over and over and over he’s been in this league for a long time one of the best clutch players in the league right now yeah nip and Tuck game all the way through the Warriors won the first quarter 31-26 the Bulls dominate the second and third 7458

Fourth the Warriors actually were playing really well but the Bulls kept it close uh Steph Curry leaves the game Draymond fouls out yeah and then dear the Rosen takes over the the starters for the for the Bulls were Big Time D rozan had 32 vukovic 33 Kobe White had

20 uh so they they had an exceptional offensive game tonight they came in shooting like 46 from the field they were well over 50 and on the year they were 23rd in league and made threes and tonight they shoot over 40% so they had a really good offensive night the Bulls

Did all right the Warriors 38th clutch game again this one just did not go their way let’s you need to see the Steph Curry tape because this is what we need to follow going forward here so this is in the fourth quarter he’s attacking driving to the rim nobody

Touches him right there but you can see there’s going to be a replay you can see his his shoe kind of turned right there Steph trying to walk it off goes all the way up the floor here take another look at this oh there it is right there floor it

Wasn’t even someone’s foot car was on the floor he knew right away reacted holler tried to walk this off but then eventually had to walk right into the locker room you can tell he’s in pain with Drew Yoda there thought about sitting on the bench nah I needed to

Take that to the locker room so I don’t know my my heart’s like yeah the thing about those injuries is especially for us watching you expect when he starts running it off at some point you you expect him to start you know it feels better after a while so the fact that he

Was still limping coming out of it you know I was ha not happy but I was relieved that it wasn’t worse than what it was an ankle sprain but with Steph Curry he’s had a history of those ankle injuries and so you just hope he gets back on the court soon yeah obviously

We’ll know nothing till tomorrow right how he wakes up and then they’ll do some testing uh but but Steph Curry you know he does so much off the- ball movement back cutting you know stopping and going changing direction changing speeds that was a pretty basic back cut he tried to

Stop cuz Kobe white came over to help twist his ankle so hope and pray that he’ll be okay there we go all right we’ll hopefully get an update from Steve Kerr regarding uh uh regarding how Steph is doing okay so Steph left the game you mentioned that Draymond fouled out of

This game The Warriors trying furiously uh in the fourth quarter to see if they can get this win we got to go to some of this crunch time tape fesus I think you mentioned what Klay Thompson was trying to do Off the Bench in this fourth quarter here he goes right there nice

Turnaround great shot by you know what Klay Thompson does you said before the game carth the non-step minutes were going to be crucial and this is a non-step minutes right here in the clutch which is not what you expect but the Warriors bench was playing great basketball and it just great shot making

Just tough just one possession two possession game right here a foul here by Draymond Green gets fouled out you know this is a tough one right this is a tough last call the refs kind of let them play throughout the whole game let them be chippy a little bit great

Defense by Moses moody right here he is doing a great job on Demar de roosen tonight and the Bulls play a very aggressive Style offense between vukovich they have the big time shot there by Kay to put the Warriors up by one um but they’ve got a diverse offense

And Demar D rozan we talk freegame K you brought up you asked fesus how do you guard Demar D rozan and not go for head fakes it’s really tough and when it’s the gamees on the line it’s even tougher here a great move by P great just came

Up short on the finish a great read he did everything right except finish the layoff Yeah that poor kid his head in his hands you can see that he’s going to be Agony in agony I can see how he’s going to be sitting in the locker room

After this game and it’s like pods you did not lose this game okay let’s let’s pause for a second this was a this was a loss yes but let’s pause for a second these are the games right here that young guys get to learn from a guy like

TJ d a guy like pods Moses Moody being there at the end of the game Jonathan kaminga when you talk about young guys being integrated into the Warriors offense into the Warriors team defensively offensively these are the kind of games that you learn from these are the losses that you learn from

Having these guys have those minutes in crucial times of the game I think those are the things that you look back on later on down the down the road in the playoffs you’re going to be in this situation again how do you respond to a loss like this I think this is a

Situation that the the Warriors young guys can learn from yeah you always hear coaches say you can’t um emulate an NBA game if if you’re injured if you’re trying to you know come back from an injury same thing you can’t emulate these type situations in practice high pressure one possession game uh whether

It be an offensive possession or defensive possession as fesa said they’ll learn from it and on a night when Steph was struggling offensively other players stepped up you know Draymond had a triple double so there was a lot of good individual performances I thought overall was a really well played game and and

Sometimes you just have to give the other team credit the Chicago Bulls played really well they’re playing great basketball they’re winning on the road and tonight they did just that yeah the Warriors young guys are going to get a lot of minutes in the postseason so go through your turbulence now that’s the

Whole point right of getting the minutes right now getting them used to these high pressure situations it did not go their way tonight the Bulls also had a pretty big third quarter to build a 10-point lead we’re going to show you that tape here because this was part of a

22-8 bulls run the Warriors made it a game they came back in this one but but this was tough especially after the second quarter that the Bulls had Molly yeah and and you know the turnovers give them easy baskets this is a team as we said with 23rd and three-point shooting

But once you start getting easy baskets the basket gets bigger all of a sudden you have your Rhythm the ball’s moving you leave a wide open shooter here Carter knocks it down uh and between the second and third quarters The Bulls Out scored the Warriors 7458 that’s when the

The Bulls gain their momentum they did lose it in the fourth quarter but they already had a good Rhythm to this game and you got to think of this style of play that the Chicago Bulls played it’s five the five men is in the middle and they play Four out so they’re spreading

And just driving you to the rim you have guys like Kobe white you had Tory Craig have a couple drives right there D dumu dumo Don suumo another guy who can really quick off the dribble really testing the Warriors one-on-one defense tonight we talked about before the game

One-on-one defense how can the Warriors guard and continue to keep that defense at a high level well the Chicago Bulls tested them tonight you had Demar de roosan who’s one of the best oneone players in the NBA even in year I don’t know what what year this this is for

Dear Rosen last year 15 the last game against the Warriors he had one of his best games of the Season had 39 points and and you know coming into this game still riding that high of the two winning streak two- game winning streak still understanding that the Warriors

Have to keep working on that defense that’s the thing that the Warriors have to sharpen up the wins and the losses yes you need to get wins at this point in the season too but that defensive intensity the defensive Focus that’s the thing that the Warriors have to really

Sharpened up here towards the end of the season yeah and what you said f I’ll focus on that they have players that can play inside and out vukovich does play in the post but when he steps outside not only is he a good pass a good

Dribble handoff guy he can knock down a three-point shot he was three for six tonight from three-point l so the the diversity uh that the Bulls showed tonight that’s what they’ve been doing Rec I think this their third winning in a row on the road uh so they’re playing

Good basketball we talked to uh was it Adam am me before that their play-by-play guy he was saying this team is really playing good basketball he don’t knows he doesn’t know if they’ll move up from the ninth spot but they feel pretty comfortable with the way they’re playing right now yeah beat the

Kings beat the Jazz be the Warriors tonight so yeah a battle of the nine seeds this was this was an excellent game there you go one of the players who was trying to spark the comeback Moses Moody Off the Bench giving the Warriors some great defense some hostile plays

But this is what we know Moses Moody to do hustle plays and then hang on where there you go he making great plays Mo Moses he he’s one of those guys that will make something out of nothing here in a sea of four look at surrounded by

Four Bulls players in the paint able to go up there and get a rebound getting steals this was a big play in the game right here you know picking off guys like Kobe white and and this is these are momentum shifters in the game he continues to prove to Steve Kerr that he

Deserves to be in the game and crucial moments yeah a player Steve Kirk can trust um both offensively and defensively I was telling FES this just a little bit ago I think the biggest adjustment Moses Moody has made is his understanding of individuals he’s playing against uh you know he had um

Dear D rozan not closing out to him you’re not worried about his three-point shot as much dear’s going to come to you take the physicality contested two-point shot like he did poris within the pregame we saw that uh the clip of him guarding Bobby poris in the post he’s

Become a lot more alert and aware of the person he’s guarding in turn you see him playing much better individual defense so just kyp just being OBS yeah but you know what K it is kyp and and you can read the scy report and you can watch

The film but I think it’s more going through the the playing against these guys one two three times uh now in his third season he has a feel exactly what he needs to do to each player he plays against yeah it’s it’s really interesting how I feel it’s it’s a

Little ironic it’s so it’s a weird metaphor where Steph is out of the game draymond’s out of the game and these young guys get to be in the crucial moments where one one possession can change the whole game whether it’s a foul whether it’s a turnover whether

It’s a made bucket right here you can look at this game and say there was one thing that could have changed the whole swing of this game but I think this is great great experience for the young guys my finger right here I needed to mention that Moses Moody played about 23

Minutes and he had some dmps earlier this season I mean he really had to earn those minutes he did on the road trip now we see him getting rewarded and making a big impact let’s hear from Steve CER right now and I know the Steph Curry question will be one of the top

Ones in this uh BMW press Conference for fore spee m H for e For For for Foree Man For

ESPN reacts to Golden State Warriors 125-122 loss to Chicago Bulls; DeRozan: 33 Pts, Stephen Curry injured


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