@Dallas Mavericks

THE HERD | Colin reacts to Ric Bucher says Luka Doncic could become LeBron’s next GOAT successor

THE HERD | Colin reacts to Ric Bucher says Luka Doncic could become LeBron’s next GOAT successor

Denver or whoever it is so like last night they’re tinkering with a new starting lineup but what you can see is the bodies they have I talked about this earlier the Warriors have no chance against Denver none like zero they can’t guard joic and yes they did beat him a

Few years ago when Murray was out okay that ain’t happening this year Warriors have no chance the Lakers Anthony Davis he can’t handle joic he just cannot like go look at the history maybe Davis has a good game or a good quarter but he can’t stop him Phoenix they got the Bruiser and

Nkit he can he can slow him at times we’ll see but you look at what Dallas has with Gafford a big Burly guy PJ Washington to guard Aaron Gordon did you see at the pivotal moment last night final five minutes Aaron Gordon two ridiculous dunks and yeah I’m sorry I

Like Jason Tatum Tatum fell asleep on the back door one where jic just kind of tossed up a hook pass shot Gordon just dunked it and you can see Tatum just standing there he missed it PJ Washington is the kind of guy who can hang with Gordon he’s better built and

Then you’ve got like Luca and then You’ got Kyrie Irving who’s been in some battles I know Kyrie can go sideways he’s had his head on All Season I’m just telling you right now the Dallas Mavericks to me and I know the record’s not there look like a team Best Built to

Hang with Denver in the west all right we have Rick buer coming in and joining us now Fox Sports NBA analyst he’s going to um probably take shots at my Mavs comments there but um we got a lot to ask him Rick how you doing my

Man uh well I was doing well until I until I heard that Dallas is going to be the most forid formidable competition to the Denver Nuggets but let’s have at it JM because it wouldn’t be a Friday with you if we weren’t approaching it that way so I’m guessing you’re you’re not

Really feeling that vibe that Dallas is tinkering now 20 games left to figure out Gafford and uh PJ Washington in their front Court we’ll see who they match up with they’re probably going to be in the play in but they could sneak to six but your thoughts on the Mavs who have sputtered

Since the All-Star break yeah look I I like the moves that they made I think that they are better but are they title contenders the reason what I’ve what I the one of the reasons why I like them early on is because they

Were taking a a a lot off of or at least some off of Luca’s plate his usage rate was down the lowest it’s been essentially since he came into the league and I believe that that’s vital for a guy who is built like him uh who

Is not you know when we talk about freakish athletes in the league he’s not one of those and so they’re just too Luca dependent but everything is tilted back the other way he’s now leading outside of Joel embiid he’s now leading the league as he has the last few years

In in usage rate and it’s why his numbers have been so impressive but in the long run I just don’t I don’t buy that guys that are built like Luca can carry the rate uh or or the weight that we ask some of these guys like if you

Look at the the guys that are sort of stocky chunky big bodied for their position uh and have in our top 10 in usage rate they’re all hurt Joel MB Donovan Mitchell Jaylen Brunson Luca donic is the only one who isn’t and based on history that’s something that

Is just around the corner so that’s why I’m more skeptical about the Dallas Mavericks than anything else you’re right Kyrie has been on his best behavior he’s played solid I like the additions improves them defensively I just believe that they are too Luca Centric to make a a championship run uh

Let’s let’s blend the Mavericks and Celtics into a question here I was just looking at three-point attempts uh Rick Celtics obviously first Mavs are second I looked a decade ago in the league nobody averaged more than 26 threes a game Dallas and Boston are over 40 per

Game I don’t want to say the NBA is broken I love the three-pointer you know me but I I do Wonder have we tilted too far where it’s essentially threes layups no mid-range and everybody essentially wants to be like Boston now where it’s just five out and if you try to switch

Or help we’re getting a layup or an open three well let’s face it it’s easier to build a team around three-point Shooters because that’s where you’re going to find the talent it’s a lot harder to build teams like the Golden State Warriors or the Denver Nuggets where you

Get those type of versatile players and so look uh is it are our teams going in that direction I think it’s because it’s the it’s the best choice that they have can you win a championship playing that way we have yet to see it if you don’t

Have the ability to get to the cup to create easy buckets uh both inside and outside uh the three point Arc then you’re not vying for a championship and that’s where I I thought about this a lot since I knew that we were going to get into the Celtics and the MZ and

These different teams at this point in the season where they’re going to contend and the one thing that that I that I came down on is look at the Twan game of every contending team and how well do they fit together and how seamless are seamless are they uh able

To go to whatever the best matchup is but number one how well do they fit together Jamal Murray and Nicola yic that’s a that’s almost a match made in heaven big man who can do can who can both uh make plays and score a point guard who can both score and make plays

Uh and then everybody else fits into their roles around them Golden State Warriors Draymond Green and Steph Curry ideal two-man game in terms of what they’re the way they’re able to play off of each other Anthony Davis and LeBron James ideal Twan game when they’re both on they’re formidable and then you go

Around and you say well okay the Boston Celtics for all the talent that they have I’ll pose it to you who’s their two-man game who who is their two-man game that they go to to orchestrate everything for everybody else is it Jaylen Brown and Jason Tatum that’s kind

Of duplicative uh Oklahoma City Thunder who’s their Twan game Shay gilges Alexander and Chad hren kind of young combination can’t count on that in the postseason Minnesota Timberwolves Anthony Edwards and Rudy goar so I I really believe at the heart of whether a team has CA the capability of playing for a championship

Is how well that two-man game works and let’s go to the team that’s sleeping in the W in the East and this is the team you should be talking about as a sleeper not the Dallas Mavericks the Miami Heat Jimmy Butler bam out of BU yeah it’s not

Ideal but that’s a pretty good combination two-man combination and I I hate to say it folks I hate to I had to steal the Thunder but there’s a very good possibility we’re looking at another Denver Nugget Miami Heat let’s come on wait a minute hold on hold

On so now the Miami Heat are taking down Boston I I I hope you’re not just overreacting to Boston’s two losses I think they’ve done that once before why would they do it again no doubt about it um I don’t I mean Rick this Boston team

Is doing historic stuff I saw I read an article where the some of the numbers match up them this Celtics team with the curry Durant Warriors that’s how dominant this team has been now we’ll see what happens in the postseason and I don’t think anybody thinks they’re that

Good but I mean did you see anything last night in Denver that made you think that they’re not going to the finals for uh for the Denver Nugget no for Boston like they they toe-to-toe on the road with the with the defending champs like I thought they played great

Uh they did play they did play great but they couldn’t close the deal and that is to me is going to be they couldn’t close the deal against Cleveland and so I I just look are they a great team yes is Jason Tatum a great player I I don’t

Know if you could get more Talent than what the Boston Celtics have but ultimately it comes down to your

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  1. I’m conflicted, because what a LeBron can do athletically does have moments to shine, but in terms of production, I don’t know if we’ve ever seen anything like what Luka will be in his prime in three years.

  2. LeGOAT James was elite offensively AND defensively. I love Luka but he’ll never be an elite defender.

  3. 3:04 this actually isnt why LMFAOOOOO his usage rate fell of a cliff the last 15 games and he was averaging the exact same stats just on better efficiency and less minutes
    He quite literally just has monster production

  4. 😂😂😂😂 GOAT successor???? 😂😂😂😂

    You mean Luka will Replace LeBalco in the GOAT debate….

    MJ & Luka will be GOAT

    Kobe & Lebalco will have their legacies either Kept alive or tarnished further

    Kareem Wilt ShaQ & Hakeem will be treated the same and NOT GOAT worthy

    Not til Lebalco is retired tho

  5. Luka's ahead on all categories at this stage of his career than any other player in history he'll break all the records if he stays healthy na he's not an athletic guy so he should have no problem doing so

  6. You have to be the best and actually win something before you're in any GOAT conversation. Next topic.

  7. Joel Embid = 38.6 % USG – this was not a problem for anyone! ALL WERE HAPPY HE BECOME MVP !!! Without all other aspects of assisting teammates, or opening floor to other guys, … No, this is fine! But Luka – he is a criminal guy… 70 points Embid! Fantastic! 73 points Luka – lets change the basketball rules! …. Guys, think what you preach ….. it stays in the net ….
    USG: Luka = 35.4%, Giannis=31.9%, Shai 31.8%, Edwards 31.6%. About the same difference to Luka as Luka to Embid. But Embid is perfectly fine.

  8. Kyrie has been on his best behavior that sounds ridiculous. What has he ever done wrong? Refusing to get a vaccine no. That is nobody’s business. There are laws to protect are privacy. So are private health care decisions should never be public in the first place. Posting an Amazon video. There was nothing wrong with that. Whoever didn’t like it that was their right. I didn’t see anything wrong with it when I watched it. I thought this was a free country where we can have are own thoughts and opinions. Kyrie certainly shouldn’t have been suspended for that. So when this guy says Kyrie has been on his best behavior what is he talking about. Name some times when his behavior was disruptive.

  9. Luka can be better than Lebron cuz he doesn’t defer in crucial moments of the game. All that “make the smart play” nonsense is how you can be as great as Lebron is and still only win 4 titles in 21 years.

  10. Luka sucks. No defense. Soft, no wind, no smarts. Just a 24 year old Jordan. A good scorer sometimes, but loses games for his team a lot

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