@San Antonio Spurs

Wemby Wants Out of San Antonio!? ESPN Can Suck It!

Wemby Wants Out of San Antonio!? ESPN Can Suck It!

So the folks over at ESPN are saying that wem’s going to want out sooner than later let’s talk about that Spurs fans GI what is up San Antonio Spurs fans welcome to TSR Sports TGIF I caught this article on San Antonio current this morning social media on fire over ESPN

Speculation when Bama want out of San Antonio all right while I’m going this article drop a comment down below do you think eastan is completely cuckoo or do they make some good point hit the thumbs up to support the channel subscribe and become part of the best darn Spurs

Community on YouTube that’s right I said it because you guys are awesome let’s get into the article San Antonio basketball fans social media accounts lit up after ESPN commentators speculated that Spurs Superstar Victor web Gama is tired of losing and may request a trade funny I didn’t hear

About this at all until today but let’s move on Victor is Victor Victor is ready to win shellborne said of ESPN I know the Spurs have this idea that they’re going to take 2 to three years and find the right course and they’re all going beond the same timeline but I don’t know

How patient wama is going to be because when I watch him play that man is competitive he wants to win and I do agree he is very competitive on the floor clearly wants to win as we move along in the article she gives Wy a year

Until he requests a trade adding I don’t think he wants to sit here at the bottom of the lottery standings a year yeah he’s not going to want to be on a losing Team every year who does and I’m sure he’s not happy about the fact that he’s

Probably going to be part of the worst San Anton Spurs team in the history of the Spurs they’re probably not going to get to 20 wins this year but a year the man is also smart I’m sure he knows rebuilds don’t happen in one year but

He’s also not going to want to be in a rebuild next year and the year after and the year after in his rookie contract and at that point he may be requesting a trade I don’t see any of that happening the Spurs are too smart hopefully too

Smart to screw this up because somehow they do screw up this rebuild and Wy Leaf San Antonio our franchise is in a lot of trouble when you look at the kawhai situation and if you add Wy to that situation it would not be a good look you know

What I don’t think any of that’s going to happen however Kendrick Perkins did agree of course he did look for the first time the pressure is on Greg papovich and the San Antonio Spurs they better get the pieces around him because the kid is different he’s thinking

Differently as an old soul he’s about winning now he’s not trying to lose well who is trying to lose and you know he is trying to win now I if we’re being realistic wy’s career is not going to be like that of a LeBron James he’s

Probably not going to play 20 years in the NBA a might not even make 15 I personally my thought is I could see him retiring anywhere between the age of 30 and 35 simply because history shows us that players of his size just don’t have really lengthy careers in the NBA

Hopefully he’s an anomaly and he proves that thatat wrong but so far you take a look around Yao Ming Ralph Samson and the list just goes on and on and on and on anyway Express News colonist Gary Clark point out in a tweet that analysis said the same thing about Spurs Legends

David Robinson and Tim Duncan at the start of their career careers 35 years later and five championships later and they still can’t comprehend that a superstar may want to spend their entirety of their career in San Antonio and never leave the city this is true good point very good point as’s move

Along in the article my friends X Bruce News sports writer Tom petrini said they’re mostly saying that wama Talent means a Spurs should accelerate the timeline acquir Talent which is fair and yes yes it is less fair to imply that wey himself is impatient or that San

Antonio isn’t going to get any pieces because they didn’t trade for Damen lert immediately Lillard doesn’t fit the timeline yes it’d be great for a few years but I I get why the Spurs didn’t make a play for him and he probably didn’t want to come here I would think

Dame at this point in his career wants to play for a contender immediately TR of course is coming up in talks a lot if Tron came into the Spurs and we going a top three pick is that enough we draft SAR or race and bring in Trey young is

That enough Spurs fans I don’t know if it happens I’ll root for our guys I just don’t know Almo Sports cast host Mikey men’s weighed in said he doesn’t trust what wama tells the media adding that the Rookie’s recent body language suggests he’s unhappy with the Spurs I

Am saying that I don’t trust any Athlete on what they say unless they’re being blunt like Dean Murray was blunt like Draymond Green they I can trust anyone else it doesn’t matter if it’s kelman deel Victor wama I don’t believe anything that they say to the media ouch

All right when’s body language I will concede that at times he certainly does not look happy on the bench you can just you can see it in his face not happy with the losing and I get it I’m sure this is not what he expected in year one

Probably thought he’d come to the NBA I don’t know if he thought he’d be a playoff team right away nobody nobody realistically I think looked at our Spurs and said with this roster this is a playoff team in year one but I’m also I don’t think he expected the team to be

This bad because I know I sure didn’t I I said 38 wins before the season started looking at how we we’ve closed last season I’m like you know what Kell continues to develop Deon continues to develop Jeremy’s been developing now we had Victor wama in there sure he’s a a

Teenage rookie we won what 21 or 22 games last year 38 seems reasonable nope we’re not going to get to half of that so yeah the team is definitely not meeting expectations I think for any for almost anybody some people had us actually you know I think Vegas had us

At 28 wins and remember we as a community were saying oh that’s crazy 28 wins they’re better than that no no they’re not not debate about whether wama is happy in the Mal in the Alamo City isn’t likely to fizzle out anytime soon early this season wey checked himself into a game without

Seeking the approval of Coach Greg papovich and the rookie has appeared frustrated on the court at times wemy told quarters that fellow Frenchman Rudy goar has managed to find so much success in Minneapolis because he’s not here by himself and is instead surrounded by talented players I honestly don’t

Remember him saying that ouch that’s ouch finally Brian warh said he’s trying to Wing a ring ASAP sure everybody is but I think Victor is going to be my take probably that process is going to need to be accelerated a little bit not rushed but accelerated a little because

The likelihood of having a 15 to 20 year career is not good and we’ll close with time will tell just how patient when he is willing to be as he chases that prize all right finally my two cents to wrap up know get my two cents along away

This is not something I would about now this is all just you know ESPN doing their ESPN things where I will start to have a concern is if this team is really bad next year and we seen Wendy be more and more unhappy on the sideline he becomes more outspoken maybe starts

Talking about how the team’s bad and he has already said I believe in an interview that you know they need some vets on the team so if he starts having more conversations like that we need you know more stars more vets if he’s starting to say that on the regular next

Year and then we go into year three and the team’s losing again then I I absolutely can be concerned to know end that he may not want to be here but this is year one it’s his rookie year he was a teenage rookie it’s the youngest team

In the NBA even younger now since we traded our oldest player Doug MC Derber earlier this season it’s not going to happen this year and I get he’s frustrated I’m frustrated as a fan and a content creator and I see the frustra from frustration from you guys in the live

Chats in the comments in these videos it doesn’t happen overnight and I I know we wanted it to because we’ve been so lucky with overnight success immediately David Robinson is drafted immediately a playoff team Tim Duncan is drafted immediately a playoff team asteros David Robinson came back from injury so now

You’ve got a future Hall of Famer and a perennial All-Star and a former defensive player in score former scoring champion maybe not quite that same guy at that moment but still a darn good player joining Tim Duncan so that team was built set to win immediately this

Team’s not set to win it’s not set to win right now it’s cool than that look at our starting lineup I root for all our guys I love this team Jeremy soan up and down I don’t know what to get from him on any given night amazingly

Inconsistent right now Trey Jones I like Trey don’t feel as a starter in the NBA and lately I don’t know what’s happened with him I think he scored like eight points in his last three games took like one shot last night yes he’s dishing the

Ball but at some point you got to keep the defenses honest and take a few shots here and there and then julan Channing not a starter in the not a starter for not a starter Pur for any team in the NBA at the moment hopefully proves me wrong he’s on a nice

Contract really if you look at our our starting lineup Wy would be a starter on any team in the NBA and Deo would probably I got to think he’d be a starter too when he’s on he’s he’s just amazing to watch and after that there’s very little there and then our bench

Well our bench actually has been playing better lately Spurs fans kellen’s been stepping up Zach’s been stepping up Malachi Brandon the last three games over 20 points for gain he seems to have hit a stride yes he had a mistake last night it is what it is that being said

He’s still playing the best basketball of his career and efforting more on defense but this team still has a lot of holes we have a ton of picks coming up will we use some of those picks to bring in Trey young I guess that’s a big question in

The offseason Tre seems like he wants to play with Wy he’s always giving him praise Victor’s saying bring in some vets well bringing in an All-Star would well I don’t know if he really put vet on him since he’s only been in the NBA for five years that would be a huge

Boost to the offense a negative on the defense for sure but if we have a good good enough core around Trey young maybe we can compensate for his defensive lows so that’s all I got Spurs fan i w read too much into this now but it is something just to keep a little

Corner of your eye on more so in some point in year number two especially if the the Spurs start off just horribly like they start like 2: and 8 and that’s all I got my friends I wanted to do a video this morning and talk about this

Because this is apparently this is a Hot Topic this week that TSR missed so thank you all for tuning in hope you have a wonderful weekend just as a reminder I will not be live for the Warriors game both me and wemy are on load management

So we won’t be doing the Saturday night game either one of us thank you all as always go Spurs Go to


#spurs #gospursgo #sanantoniospurs #victorwembanyama #wemby

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  1. No Tre younng we need to build the next dynasty
    That starts w defense

    What win now strategy ever worked???

    The raptors and lakers won bc golden state was injured
    And honestly it's why the cavs were able to come back from being down 3-1

    I'd rather have another 19 or 20 year old like matas buzelis . Who can play point at 6'11.
    Most draft boards having him going 10th
    Which means the spurs can draft a prospect like 7-1 alex Sarr and trade for a first and 2 seconds and a swap for the 10th overall
    Going to next season with some size and defensive potential
    Ben Simmons is a better fit for us then Tre young

    The spurs should build the best defense In the league behind Victor

  2. Great work as always.
    This bs, I’m French and I can tell you that he will not leave San Antonio. In all he’s interviews in French he always says that he wants to stay and learn from Greg P. And he wants to work to get his best win in S.A. f you want to know more about him look at this interview it’s in French but you have the transcription in English. Patience is a virtue don’t listen to the media. If anything should happen he will say it himself in front of the media.

  3. Spurs can't keep tanking. If San Antonio can't assembly a champion caliber team, I can see Wemby will want out in 2 or 3 years. A Champion caliber team need two or three all star level players and 4 or 5 high performance role players. That is not a easy task to complete. Right now, Spurs do not has starter level player except Wemby.

  4. I don't understand this need 3 stars to win?!?!!!

    Yea tell the 2014 spurs that they need 3 all stars to win
    Tell them as they beat the star studded Miami heat

    They beat the Miami heat worse then anyone in nba history

    Wemby just said " I miss this shit" coming back from rodeo road trip with 16,000 people i love"
    He was tearing up
    Victor is honest
    Is doesn't give the expected answer

    When asked if roty is important
    Players usually say winning is more important than individual awards.

    Vic says yea it's important to him
    He thinks about it all the time

    But this dude celebrated that Houston wasn't drafting him
    Then crying that the spurs picked him

    He is where he wants to be

  5. So rich, you've spoken in the past about how you WON'T cover certain topics or issues because of the subject matter potentially being negative. I really do appreciate and enjoy a lot of your content, I haven't been sub long but THANK YOU. But is it possible this subject matter falls into the "negative" category? Either way I'm happy to join in on the discussion…it gets the people going! Lol but some "fans" or "online fans" can take it too far.

  6. I have 0 worries about Wemby leaving. My only worry is how will the Spurs match OKC talent in 2/3 years. Yes we beat them at Center, but you still have to match them at the other positions and they seem really strong at all of them and have even more draft capital than us.

  7. ESPN is full of fools they want stars to only be in big markets like LA NY SF Chicago etc. they just hate small market cities. Big F you to them though San Antonio and the country of France are forever intertwined so he loves it here.

  8. ESPN is owned by Disney and Disney benefits by steering talent towards their key market in LA. It's all corporate greed steered by the biggest bandwagon in the NBA which are the Lakers. Just like the cowboys are America's team. Lakers are ESPNs team and a large portion of the purchasing power in regards to overpriced ticket sales and tons of merchandise. It's no secret LA is a globally accepted franchise. China and the Philippines have huge Lakers fanbases.

    It's just greedy billionaires seeking to steer dollars into their shareholders and their pockets at the end of the day.

    I anticipated this immediately and the fact the media is already using these tactics. Should garner attention on the topic of tampering. They get the utilize media in hopes they sow seeds of unhappiness and steal talent.

    They've done it with Bron and AD. They were bound to definitely to try it with our Wemby. Just didn't expect them to start this soon.

  9. espn just like their owners disney is an absolute joke and should never be treated with respect, nor believed or trusted. just clickbaits , fake narratives and engineered drama

  10. TF are we talking about this?!
    Why is it so hard to imagine that Wemby (an extremely mature and professional man for his age) would WANT TO spend his career with the Spurs?
    He’s no idiot, he understands that winning takes experience. Next draft we have two lottery picks, ffs. Potentially 3.
    Victor is in an IDEAL position to have a dynasty built around him.

  11. I believe he is staying with the Spurs. Tony Park has been with the mentor. Wemby loves SA, and you can see him with the fans/etc. It's true, I think Pop is showing him the process and key to success for his career. I mean, look at LeBron, his career, and all the moves he did to get championship/rebuilds.

  12. Those fools said exactly the same thing about David Robinson and then about Tim Duncan and the only time they got even a whiff of Timmy and/or David was when their Spurs teams were grinding their favorite big market team(s) into the court! They also seem to conveniently overlook the amazing winning tradition of the Spurs, not to mention their six Western Conference championships and five NBA championships!!! They also seem to absolutely ignore the connection between France, the French, the Spurs and San Antonio…ESPN and NBA big market sycophants everywhere can eat it on a stick until they terminally choke!!! Just like David and Timmy before him, Wemby isn't going anywhere!!! A new Wemby-centered NBA dynasty is being formed in San Antonio as we speak; and these Spurs are coming for their teams. They fear this coming dynasty and that’s why they are making so much noise, like a bunch of clucking hens when the fox shows up! Go Spurs go!

  13. Good lord it’s only his rookie season. Pop and the Spurs organization know what it takes to build a championship team around Wemby. They don’t need help from the media for that and as far as Wemby is concerned it’s totally up to him to make up his mind on his future. Not the media or the Spurs. When the time comes for him to decide I hope he stays with the Spurs, but wherever he goes I’ll be a fan

  14. As a French artist and lifelong sports enthusiast, I feel I understand Victor deeply. He has a vital thirst for progress, with goals up to the stars, and even higher, to leave his mark on the memory of the world. He has no limits and makes no concessions to keep this engine running. His early days at Spurs were a surreal nonsense compared to his high standards and resilience! Vassel and his lapdog Sochan have clearly given Victor an ego crisis and an inferiority complex. Pop's long-term vision is exclusively SPURS corporate. I said 3 months ago that Victor wouldn't stay at Spurs because of this self-sabotage that has reigned for 4 months among the players. Victor being brand new to the NBA and having this strength of overcoming and resilience, he has held on at all costs, compensating with outstanding stats. But he's extra-lucid and aware of everything. Not the type to go into detail. This Spurs team doesn't deserve him at all, he's very young but has no time to lose. He won't be staying, barring a psychological miracle from the players, especially Vassel and Sochan…

  15. This just CIA tactic , create false news ,then create noise ,then if it create some tension and confusion ,they move their sinister intensions ,in this case , lakers CIA is ESPN , lakers is salivating for wemby ,they gonna make a move ala shaq senario during his deal negotiation when he was at orlando , they are going to over wemby $400M , so this serves as warning papo!

  16. Espn is ridiculous. I saw the episode. Wemby returns from Rodeo Road trip and tells crowd he misses this sh*t. On presser this past week he said he lioks to lift his teammates up. He said the Spurs where French players have been (Parker, Diaw, De Colo, Ian mahimi, & now Sisoko) was where he hoped he would land up. And five months into his first NBA season where he is consensus pick for ROY he wants to leave. Oh, btw in same presser he says he leaves it all up to his coaches. // Yeah, he definitely sounds like a disgruntled athlete. You know I could see some of the ESPN peeps lean that way, although neither suggested he was leaving. Only said the Spurs are on the clock. The big disappointment was the klown from San Antonio (Jimenez) jumping in. What a effin loser

  17. No way wemby going to ask for a trade we will be better next season. Also did you hear about the mike tyson vs jake paul fight. That’s coming up

  18. We better get all our brain trust to help Brian Wright. The problem is that teams no that we need to make moves so they might want a little bit more in return

  19. Lakers are already drooling over Vic. The media is creating fiction reality dreaming up more crap to stir the pot. They can’t get over the fact that the players from Europe don’t care about all of the extra nightlife and crap. They do that on there off time.

  20. What if VW wins Olympic Gold this summer? Not only will vets want to play with him in SA, but also foreign vets too! The best is yet to be…

  21. While its quite far fetched for now but there is merit to what ESPN is saying, Wemby requested for a trade to another team in 1 season in France. He asked to be transferred to a worse team because he did not believe the direction of his previous franchise and how he is utilize. To think that was Tony Parker's team.

  22. a competitive player on a losing team most superstars take the easy road and combine with an already built team. I think wemby not playing to be a superstar but an all-time great and those have people come to them. ESPN is for casual fans and casuals don't care about San Antonio so they sell the LA or NY move.

  23. Who is kendrick perkins and why he dumb

    Rookie tied to contract and is in control of the team for min 7 years

    And the spurs aint half bad..perkins just didnt watch the game

    Dumb as player and dumb as a host kendrick

  24. This is just bad media all around. The reason they do the draft in the first place is to improve the teams that have a bad record and not stack all the great players on 1 Team. Gezzz what and idiot. Has he seen Victor complain once about leaving SA..NOPE ! Victor knows he as much to do to adjust in the NBA even though is having a great season already.

  25. ESPN just be saying dumb stuff all the time nothing new anything to put the spurs down and have their biggest star out of there

  26. Pop and the Spurs Front Office will have explained the rebuilding strategy to Wemby. Peter Holt has publicly committed to building a "Super Team". Wemby is smart and knows this will take time to put the pieces in place.

  27. Regarding their record this year, they’ve been tanking, experimenting with rotations, limiting Wemby’s minutes to keep him healthy, and gaining experience for both individual players and for the team as a whole (they know what they’re doing, and as a fan, they’ve earned my faith; I have no reason not to believe they’ll handle things rationally, systematically, and as best as they can).

  28. ESPN are talking out of their ass. 2+2=5 in ESPN Maths. Assumption Assumption Assumption..We all want to win, its just one more year, next season Spurs will be there and there abouts. Spurs need a change in mentality.

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