@Atlanta Hawks

Quin Snyder built diverse and talented Atlanta Hawks coaching staff

Quin Snyder built diverse and talented Atlanta Hawks coaching staff

I’m really excited about about my staff after resigning from Utah you know having a year or what was supposed to be a year ended up being a little shorter um to really not just reflect but to kind of begin to think about who you how

How would I put a staff together and and that’s something that’s just I think it’s pivotal particularly with a program that we really want to embrace the developmental component whenever we walked in in a gym and you think you by yourself you just see uh couple of the

Coaches coming out of nowhere ready to rebound ready to help you we really appreciate that um that you know that helps you know you’re not by yourself there’s on the court the skill work there’s guys understanding how to play together you know there’s Health performance everything from strength

Training to nutrition to mental health all those things kind of fold in together and in order to do that I I think you have to have coaches that are able to connect with players they very interested into knowing what we want to work on what we want to be able to do

What we want to continue to improve on so it’s it’s it has already been you know a great thing for us as players to be able to have that the new coaching staff coming in they were very engaged and very active out there and trying to

You know help us uh get to the to the place we needed uh to go he’s brought in his people for a reason um a lot of them have won in other places um either with him or um just one in general so it’s really cool to have a lot of people in

Our locker room that I mean have been successful in other places and it’s only going to make our team that much better is you know how our staff functions all the things we’re talking about with our team being unselfish and those things your staff has to emulate that and I

Think when that’s the case you know that message is is sincere and it runs steeper and we’ve got a really talented talented group of coaches

Atlanta Hawks head coach Quin Snyder has built one of the most talented and diverse coaching staffs in the NBA featuring former players, former college coaches, data experts and coaches with international experience.

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