@Chicago Bulls

Dallas Mavericks vs Chicago Bulls Full Highlights 4th QTR | Mar 11 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Dallas Mavericks vs Chicago Bulls Full Highlights 4th QTR | Mar 11 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

A wire job for Dallas tonight and they’re going to keep the pressure on Luca Kyrie Gafford Hardaway green on the floor to start the fourth quarter Luca with the St down jumper no good Luca only had 18 in the game against Chicago back in November Dallas

Won it it’s the lowest point total for Luca in a Mavericks win this year and overall his second lowest point total in a game you’re not going to have too many below 20 when you’re averaging 34.7 to lead the leag tip by Kyrie after the Miss by ba big block wow Gafford

Absolutely caps Phillips on that attempt that is an eviction notice from the landlord that’s not just collecting rent that’s saying get it out of here and then down the lane Gafford Washington and he got playing time in Washington his career took an up turn and it’s really on the upswing here in

Dallas what a great trade by the m to acquire Daniel gaford a a lot of seasons in the high 50s mid to high 50s as of late but that was the guy that looked like he was shooting high 30s back in his early Detroit Days green Baseline Drive kick out Luca wide open three L close out by kobby white Dro for Luca up to 27 points as it set his just lace that one I think the 30 point triple double b de’s going to happen it’s going to happen number seven in a row a few

Mistakes Mavs has made giving up a free throw rebound little bit nitpicking there midrange jumper Kyrie he splashes it down Kyrie has 12 in this game drive by IO dumu and you’re just tuning in the Mavericks took control of this game early the Mavs were in front

4416 at the end of the first quarter there was one basket by Chicago that got this game under 20 early in the third quarter and then the Mavs regained a strangle hold on the game from that point moving forward LCA on the behind the back pass turnover

Only the fifth one tonight for Dallas and it’s a new career high in game number nine for onal Batin grew up at turkey has played there professionally but did have a year where he came over to the states and played high school basketball at the noted Huntington prep in West Virginia Luca doubled Kyrie touch pass Bullet Pass inside Gafford and one second highest scoring overall game

This year gaffard had 12 26-point game this year with the Washington Wizards had that in a game against the Phoenix Suns closed out by Luca B Team attacks the close out he missed inside and Gafford secures the rebound Dallas is a plus six on the glass tonight against

Chicago top three no good for Luca one more three if it goes in will put him at 30 points for the game here’s a poke Away by Kyrie on a drive by Kobe white in transition Josh Green to the [Applause] baskets for three Julian Philips he hits

It the rookie from Tennessee has made a couple of threes in this game but it does not negate the fact that the Mavericks have had a boa constrictor like hold on this game since very early you know the saying is in the NBA that everybody makes a run yeah they

Have to do something yeah the uh the only run you would say from Chicago tonight was 7 nothing to start the second quarter as Kyrie hits late shot clock situation got it back under 10 but then Dallas has had a double figure lead since 503 left in the first quarter I’m

Sorry 5’1 left in the first Quarter here’s Andre Drummond going to the back went up 20 and stayed there until a brief two possessions in the third quarter early third quarter when it was 18 and then the Mavericks regained a 20-point lead and they’ve held it from there and obviously it’s been as big as 37 right now [Applause] 35 Luca against the rookie deep three from the hash mark as an air ball leak out M continues to add to the best scoring night he’s had in the nent stages of his NBA career tonight game number nine he’s got 13 points Jaden Hardy’s in Hardy had eight points at four

Minutes down the stretch for Dallas with the game firmly in control against Detroit luuka another three-point attempt Luca stayed on the floor for an extra three minutes the other night travel Andre Drummond they stay not seven straight 30-point triple doubles 27 points 12 boards 14 di Drummond to

Defensive rebound and then a foul on lively after the Miss by Jaden Hardy to the equation running the floor Lawson couldn’t score after the turnover Chicago back the other way big block by Lively on the attempt by batin now you’re playing you know your best basketball when you need to especially

In March two starting lineup changes made last week and since then the Mavericks it’s easy to get low and you just you can’t do that over a long season we can sitting over here and we do yes and we do it’s amazing how much different it is over here than over there

Right knock down shot for Dallas Hardy dalen Terry and Terry Taylor have come in here at the end of the game for Chicago with their entries and their two-ways they are only playing an active roster of 12 Dallas shooting up an active roster of 14 there is a drive and finish by Dal

Terry seconde player from Arizona nice year up step there change of pace Dal Terry was the 18th pick in 2022 after two years collegiately playing for the Arizona wild cats defense by Terry poked it away from Hardy and it’s batim with the finger roll finish in Transition Chicago’s firmly in ninth place right now not to say that they couldn’t move up or that Atlanta and 10th in the East couldn’t catch them but there’s a cushion in both directions as it stands right now for Chicago and Ninth Pow with an offensive rebound his

Shots no good Lawson and pow miss a couple of them inside even with a few misses here and the last little stretch Dallas is still shooting 53% in this game clock winding down for Javon Carter he gives it up to batin hey way [Applause] overp sometimes you just have to tip

Your cow you do that’s tough shot offense was much better with the defense Hardy slashes through the Chicago defense love the pace he’s been playing that when he does get a little bit of time three-point try is in and out for Terry hard’s had some impactful games for the

Mavs this year but as has been talked about recently in a lot of media availabilities pre and post games for Chas a kid is Hardy on Q hits a three there’s going to have to be sacrifice when you have a healthy team and your goal and you have high aspirations and

The goals that Dallas has set for themselves as a team and that means that some good players are going to get shut out of the rotation yeah but most importantly you just have to remain ready when your numbers is called and I feel like Kyrie has been instrumental in

His development I’m watching the pace of what he plays at he doesn’t get sped up anymore you can tell his efficent his efficiency has gone up this year and when he gets into the game he’s going to be impacted Kyrie’s been a real Mentor for Jaden Hardy since Kyrie joined the

Mavericks 13 months ago Mar Moore has made a couple of Threes against Detroit on Saturday an end of game situations Morris knocks down that long two and what is his 20th game of the season tonight green keeps it alive Advanced pass to AJ Lawson as he frequently does

Picking him up and putting him down Warriors up Steph Curry is not playing in that game he’s been out with an ankle sprain across the Dallas Mavericks broadcast network on our 12 Affiliates across the state of Texas Corner three no good for Lawson but Lawson has it back from Dwight

Powell first basket made by Lawson points two and three of the game for Lawson here in the fourth quarter tonight the 31st game of the year for the seconde player from South Carolina played collegially there for three years native of Toronto kind of the story of the night offensive

Rebounds taking advantage of that second opportunity inside Hardy again man hard is going to have another highly productive performance eight points in four minutes Saturday seven points I’m sorry nine points now in seven minutes for Hardy tonight down goes Hardy on the foul so I believe this is positive signs

Surgical Precision on offense with regard to what they’ve done inside carving up the Bulls interior defense for 60 paint points the Bulls give up only 45 a game which was best in the league going into play tonight one more turnover Dallas only six tonight that’s

13 in the game for Chicago and it’s not a perfect performance but it is an A+ performance tonight for the Mavericks as the final seconds go off the clock you can put this in the books as Dallas’s 37th win of the year

Dallas Mavericks vs Chicago Bulls Full Highlights 4th QTR | Mar 11 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

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