@Oklahoma City Thunder

JDub addressing clearing his insta for everyone that was questioning it

JDub addressing clearing his insta for everyone that was questioning it

by grimpsisrated


  1. ManBearPig1869

    Y’all are like a bunch of small dogs anxious as fuck about everything little thing lmao just CHILL

  2. youforgotitinmeta

    really feels like some folks are actively looking for reasons to panic at this point. everybody wants to be the one that was first to recognize a problem so they can get their internet points tallied up properly.

  3. CatDad_85

    I thought this whole saga was actually really entertaining and fun to see the community care so much about the team and their players. It’s wholesome. It also is a bit parallel to the saga of the missing Kate Middleton.

  4. Illustrious-Tower849

    He should know we are too fragile for all that

  5. laidbacklurk223

    We know you’re here Dub, thanks for the update!

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