@Toronto Raptors

The Toronto Raptors Have Chosen Their Fate..

The Toronto Raptors Have Chosen Their Fate..

The Toronto Raptors have decided what their direction is going to be for the rest of this season and it certainly won’t be trying to make the playoffs so in this video I’ll reveal if this is really the right decision for the team let’s get into it this is amateur sports everybody the

YouTube channel completely dedicated to providing you with Toronto Raptor’s news coverage and Analysis and videos just like this as well as live stream watch parties make sure to drop a like on this one if you enjoy along the way and also make sure you’re subscribe to the

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Point and more information will be on the way but today we’re discussing the Raptors who have clearly chosen a direction for the rest of the season it was made very apparent in the recent losses to the Denver Nuggets as well as the Portland Trailblazers yes the

Raptors did lose both those games and in fact have lost four games in a row at this point but the overall direction of the team was not at all apparent until these recent two games with the Raptors surprisingly have left some players off the team for the game and the injuries

Don’t seem to be very real let’s call it the Raptors certainly at this point it looks like are committing to a tank here with the recent loss to the Denver Nuggets coming in a game where surprisingly Emanuel quickley was left off the team as well as Gary Trent Jr

Due to injuries which we can only assume are injuries in the range of the tank itis and if we look at the game on Saturday against the Portland Trailblazers well RJ Barrett was absent from that game and one can only assume that there was also a cold case of tank

Itis yes the Toronto Raptor decided that the playoffs are a little bit Out Of Reach at this point they are over six games back at the Atlanta Hawks that final play in tournament position and despite the fact that Trey young has been injured and will be injured for a

Couple of more weeks it doesn’t appear as though the Hawks will slip enough to relinquish that final playe tournament position and it has never really been apparent to suggest that the Raptors are going to go on some sort of run in order to take that final play in turnament

Position so whoever it is probably Messiah jurri front office maybe in conjunction with the coaching staff has decided that the best way forward for this team is focusing on that draft pick and that draft pick does provide a lot of complications associated with it which leads to some resentment from

Raptor fans suggesting that well you’re not guaranteed to even use your pick no matter how far you fall in the draft so why would you try and tank at this point well let’s look at the situation for this team I’ve been in the mindset that even before Scotty Barnes get injured

Even before yakob Perle get injured the best case for this team would be to get the best possible draft position and try and get something out of the draft lottery because even if the Raptors are a bottom six team which they aren’t even right now they only have a 45% chance of

Keeping that pick if they fall to a bottom five team they would have a 63% chance of keeping that top six protected pick that was sent out to the San Antonio Spurs is a 2023 NBA trade deadline that trade that brought yakob purle back to the team where the Raptors

Currently sit is with the seventh worst record which provides him about a 31% chance of retaining that top six protected pick as I said so even if you do tank well you’re not guaranteed to have that pick so why not just go and try and win as many games as possible

Just to see if you get in the playoffs well at this point we kind of have to play some percentages here because the Raptors they’re only one game up on the Memphis Grizzlies at this point in this tank battle so clearly they’re capable of going below the Memphis Grizzlies in

This tank race even though the Raptors currently sit at 18th in the strength of schedule remaining list their schedule is the 18th most difficult remaining like not one of the more difficult schedules remaining in the NBA the Memphis Grizzlies actually are in 27th on that list meaning they have one of

The easiest remaining schedules left and even W sitting out an abundance of players they have found some ways to pick apart some wins here and there the Raptors yeah some wins may come here and there and one surprisingly almost came to the hands of the the reigning Champion Denver Nuggets in Denver but

For a 22 Point blown lead by the Raptors they are certainly capable of falling further into this draft but even with the current percentages Seventh Place seventh worst odds 31% chance of retaining that pick that percentage chance of keeping that pick has very very likely been deemed to be a higher

Percentage chance that actually making the play intermin the Raptors is too far gone at this this point and especially considering the fact that Scotty Barnes and yakob purle are injured at this point like especially considering that aspect yeah the the front office Whoever has decided that the best course of

Action for this team is to focus on that draft because you know you can go and try to win games and obviously the pros associated with trying to win games and try and get into the play intern is the fact that well if you don’t make the play internment you still get something

Out of it you still get these good Reps for the players you still get the continuity growing between the players but I mean is that even really the case you’re still going to get some good Reps for players is even in the mix of this this tank right now like we saw that

Game against Dev nuggets no Emanuel quickley no Gary Tren junor the Raptors literally didn’t have a point guard available to play that could start the game like Freeman Liberty came in didn’t get many minutes but it was like RJ Barett and Bruce Brown basically in conjunction as a starting point guard

For the team against the Denver Nuggets in a game the Raptors almost win in the end and in a game like that you’re still going to get plenty of Touches for RJ Barrett you’re still going to get plenty of Reps for RJ Barrett and a lot of

Those reps are going right at Nicole yic the rim some really good experience there for RJ Barrett and hey if he gets to rest a little bit on the side like every other game he’s resting then he’s out there getting some good reps as like the lead player on the team I still

Think a lot of development can come out of that even if the Raptors are losing games I know it kind of sucks it does suck for morale it does suck you know when you’re in a situation like this where you continue to lose games of course but you know we’ve seen evidence

In recent history of the Raptors tanking in that Tampa season where they end up getting the fourth overall pick and of course drafting Scotty Barnes and then blasting out of the gates in the next season and ended up being the five seed the following year so just because you

Know morale might be a little bit lower in this process and obviously as Raptors fans watching the games it’s going to be a little bit more difficult to stomach watching it with the current product and the current player pool out there on a consistent basis you have to look at the

Big picture situation here even as the seventh worst seed in the NBA your probability of getting that pick is still higher than the probability of you actually making the play in tournament at this point I think that getting the experience out of the playin tournament and potentially very unlikely any sort

Of playoff series in the first round is very valuable but I don’t think that’s quite as valuable as the potential at this point of getting that top six pick in the NBA draft there’s going to be comments perhaps suggesting that this is a weak draft class I promise you there

Is a lot of talent in this draft class still is it weaker than normal maybe probably is but there is still Talent right at the top of this draft class and there is talent that can really help Propel this team forward and even if we want to consider this a weaker draft

Class let’s say let’s move like five picks back here let’s say the Raptors end up with the sixth pick in the 2024 NBA draft but it’s a so-called weak draft class so what that pick is what does that turn out to be in a normal draft class like the what would be the

11th or 12th or 13th pick maybe 10th pick well that’s still a very good player I mean let’s look at the most recent draft class case Wallace Wallace goes 10th that’s a great player jet Howard goes 11th you know jury’s still out on that not quite working out but

We’ll see Derek ly goes 12th great player Grady dick goes 13th great player like in the mix of wherever you think that a player who is going six this year would land in other draft years you still have a very high chance at grabbing some high quality talent in

This position which can really help Propel this team forward next season like if you’re talking about moving for the rest of season trying to win games for the rest of the season that building on building on that for next season I think it’s even easier to build off of

Getting even more talent to supplement this core because even though he like this core Scotty Barnes obviously an All-Star at 22 Emanuel quickly continuing to rise RJ Barrett seemingly continuing to rise and Grady dick I mean we’re just scratching the potential that this player can May produce in the NBA

With the way he’s playing right now adding on another piece that core at least having the opportunity to do so that makes a whole lot of sense but obviously there is the chance like even like the likeliest alchem at DIS points Raptors are the sixth or seventh worst

Team record-wise I mean they could really make a opposed to try and catch the Portland Trailblazers in the tank race but they’re four and a half games up in the Blazers right now so the likeliest outcome is the Raptors still don’t even have a greater than 50%

Chance of keeping their pick so you have to understand that there’s going to be some risk associated with that but this is the right decision for the team again you’re likelier to keep that pick than to make the playoffs at this point it’s going to be tough to stomach

But the potential prize of a top six pick is worth worth it for this team to go for and try and get look it may not work out they may not keep their pick but then it conveys the pick is gone it conveys don’t have to worry about

Anymore now you focus on next year you have your pick for 2025 you have your pick for 2026 and then you have the ability to trade picks down the line as well now because there’s no protections anymore associated with the pick you are in control of all of your first round

Picks at that point the Raptors also have some additional picks to use in this upcoming draft yes that’s not the IDE ideal situation but you’re still going to get reps and development reps out of the players for season even in the midst of a tank like like how much

The Raptors get out of that Phoenix Suns loss uh how much do they get out of that Denver Nuggets loss like there’s still some great reps that they’re getting out of these games even though they are in the midst of the tank year and they’re just putting themselves in the Hat to

Land an absolute stud in this upcoming draft and that is the right move for this Raptor team to make at this present point so it will be ugly but what do you guys make of this decision do you think they still should have pushed for the

Playoffs or do you think tanking is the right decision for the team I just only hope at this point that we don’t look back annoyed and say tanking was the right call but man we should have started this sooner because I’ve been calling for it before the Scotty Barnes

Injury before the yakob hurtle injury this should have been done six seven 8 9 10 11 games ago for the Raptors right out of the All-Star break this really should have been the call for the Raptors that three-game win gave us a false sense of where this team was going

It was certainly fun at the time but at no point did I look at that three-game win streak saying like yeah this is who the Raptors really are no it was a case of okay we’re in a bit of an upward spell here don’t think this will

Maintain itself so we it’s the right decision for the team but time will only tell if uh it was too little too late for the Raptors but they’re going to give themselves a chance regardless so give me your thoughts and opinions on the tank in the comments down below

That’s all for me for today drop a like if you did enjoy subscribe to the channel as well for more Raptors content because when we do hit 177,000 Subs so not only when you subscribe you’re getting great Raptors content you’re getting yourself ready for that 177,000

Sub giveaway with not one but two Raptor J dis courtesy of myself and one of the members in the community at 905 y we’ll see you again very soon for another video and keep out lookout for that giveaway Details

The Toronto Raptors have made a bold and strategic move, accepting their fate for the remainder of the NBA season. As the team’s performance takes a nosedive, it becomes increasingly evident that the organization has committed to a tanking strategy in a bid to secure favorable odds in the upcoming NBA draft lottery.

In this video, we delve into the rationale behind the Raptors’ decision to embrace tanking. From assessing the current state of the team to examining the potential impact on future prospects, we explore the implications of this controversial strategy.

Join us as we analyze the factors contributing to the Raptors’ descent into tanking territory and speculate on what lies ahead for the franchise. Will this calculated gamble pay off in the long run, or are there risks and challenges that the organization must navigate in pursuit of its goals?

Don’t miss out on this insightful discussion about one of the most talked-about strategies in professional basketball. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the Toronto Raptors’ tanking approach and its implications for the team’s future.

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0:00 – Overview
0:47 – The Raptors have committed to the tank
2:17 – The current state of Toronto’s 2024 draft pick
3:27 – The battle with the Memphis Grizzlies
4:11 – Playing the percentages
6:35 – Is this a “weak” draft class?
7:37 – This core is good, but we can build it even further
8:46 – The Raptors have made the right decision..
9:57 – ..but was it too late to commit?

This is Amateur Hour Sports. On this channel, Jacob Gramegna analyzes and breaks down the latest on the Toronto Raptors NBA team from trade rumors to post-game reactions, analysis, and much more. By subscribing to this channel you will be there first to watch and enjoy 3-4 videos a week all focused on this team and on game days Jacob goes live on the channel for a watch party where he interacts with chat, answers your questions, and analyses the game as it happens with play by play and commentary. Join the Amateur Hour Army today by subscribing and consider becoming a member to give extra support to the channel and help create better content more often.

See you again next time

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  1. It's all about them jerseys Jacob! Tanking is a close 2nd. Hope the gym wasn't too hard to get up for this morning! 2 beers tonight! 😄

  2. Toronto should make RJ barret the scorer. The guy you give the ball to in clutch situations.

  3. Getting the pick back is the best-case scenario, so we have to play worse than the Grizzlies, who also have so many injuries, lets hope Desmond Bane returns soon! Do you think Toronto should resign Garry Trent Jr, and if so for how much? Or should Dick/RJ start as the shooting guard next year.

  4. I rather the raptors try to win games and have the 7/8 best chance of moving up in the draft then the raptors lose games and have the 6/5 best chance and then the ping pong balls drop you out the top 6 😅 it’s such a raptors thing to have happen to us and get my hopes up . I feel confident with raptors sitting 7 to 8 chance on lottery night

  5. The Ideal Lineup next year is filling the 4 spot with a dominant athlete that plays with a physical edge and adding zach edey to be developed as a short minutes power center. RJ ideally is sharing time with Grady as the sg and Scottie is the centerpiece 3 that does all the good things that OG was giving us.

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