@Chicago Bulls

Luka Cooked the Bulls in Lackluster Effort

Luka Cooked the Bulls in Lackluster Effort

Not the Bulls night tonight indeed not their night I mean you kind of knew that was likely going to be the case right from the jump and when the Mavs took that 44 to6 lead by the end of the first quarter but I think there was a piece in

All of us that thought maybe maybe it was going to be another one of these nights where the Bulls have one of these crazy comebacks and the way they played in the second quarter with some better energy they were shooting a little bit better but no when you saw just how much

The maps were shredding the Bulls defense in the pick and roll getting their two bigs Gafford and Lively wide open looks of the rim shots weren’t going down for the Bulls they couldn’t even hit their free throws you saw Drummond airball a free throw yeah at that point you knew that there just

Wasn’t going to be any magic tonight just not going to happen the Mavs were just on point in this one phenomenal ball movement moving quickly keeping the tempo up and like I said they just picked apart the Bulls defense dominating the paint the Bulls had absolutely no answer for them for some

Reason the Bulls could not seemingly make any adjustments in stopping the Mavs from continuing to run their their drop plays that would leave either Lively or Gafford wide open for an easy dunk let’s be real though the Bulls played like absolute crap tonight they were terrible in this game coming home

After a nice road trip this was the kind of energy they put forth in front of their Hometown fans like in the first few minutes of the first quarter the only time the game was actually still within reach the Bulls were all just kind of standing around looking at each

Other on the Miss defensive assignments in transition getting frustrated pointing fingers on who’s supposed to be where and that kind of sucked the energy out of this team I mean when you’re getting pissed off at one another because no one’s hustling on defense and the shots aren’t going down yeah it’s

Not really going to get you anywhere and motivating the guys to play with Better Effort hate to say it but the Bulls after that first quarter kind of gave up I mean really the only positives from this game were the fact that it was such

A big blowout and not one in which the Bulls were able to keep it relatively close where you could think they might have a way to be able to come back into it and it meant that finally the starters were able to get some rest most

Notably to dear and Kobe who lead the league in minutes dear only played 22 minutes tonight didn’t play at all in the four fourth quarter Kobe played a little bit in the fourth as Donovan usually likes to start him in that quarter and I guess at that point there

Was maybe still a sliver of hope that they could somehow make a comeback but Kobe only played 27 minutes vuich only 26 I mean The Limited minutes from those guys and Bam were the only positives from this game I take that back actually the other positive was seeing Julian

Phillips he had a very nice game being aggressive and active on both ends he even went a little ballsy and tried to throw it down and Daniel gaffer before getting it blocked but made some nice defensive plays had a couple Corner threes he loves those Corner threes and

Then how about patim showing off other things he’s got in his bag outside of just his three-point shooting in fact he didn’t really shoot the three ball all that well went one for six from deep but he was getting to the basket making nice dive cuts for dunks using the body and

The paint to get some nice putback layups dude has some athleticism and decent handles hoping he can continue to improve that but yeah shockingly enough the team led the team in scoring tonight with 17 points on eight for 16 shooting to go along with six rebounds but yeah I

Mean outside of that not really sure there was really anything to get excited about in this game vuvi not a good game for him his defense was especially bad tonight I don’t know how Gafford and Lively were able to get that many easy points in the paint I know Luca is a

Master generating offense is one of the best passers in the game of basketball but come on now move your feet read the screens got to be better than that also can I just say how much I miss Daniel Gafford you know some of you have been following the channel for a long time

Since I first started it in that season in which Gafford was traded to the Wizards and I was pretty devastated because Gafford was Loki one of my favorite Bulls players at that time because of his hustle and effort he brought his Rim protection and strength inside and that was one of the trades

That I was really disappointed to see in that first season under AK and now you see him thriving as still a role player but a starting center and a starting center that kind of fits the mold for exactly what this Bulls team needs anyway enough of me wishing we could

Change the pass but Kobe white was cold tonight that killed my Underdog fantasy picks by the way only 12 points on four for 14 shooting one for six from three also only one assists Bulls only had 19 assists in toal tonight though so it’s not like anyone was really able to help

The offense get going with guys missing shots left and right dear wasn’t really that active in the flow of the offense at all only took nine shots in this game only two assists I don’t know something was just off with all these guys tonight

I mean I think you know this is kind of one of those outlier bad nights where shots aren’t falling nothing is going their way even when they are making the right plays and taking the right shots but yeah shooting 40% from the field sorry less than 40% from the field to

The Mass 54% they shoot 20% from three 92 points on 19 assists 13 turnovers yeah not good and not a way you want to come back home to after giving us fans a lot of confidence and hope that maybe this team was making strides in the

Right direction My Hope Is that a game like this doesn’t get them down to themselves and have it be a shot to their confidence and motivation The Vibes were good on that trip hopefully a game like this doesn’t bring that down and they’re able to shrug it off and say

No that’s not us that’s not how we play and we will bounce back they’re going to need to cuz the next game is kind kind of a critical one Wednesday in Indiana a team they could be kind of a stretch because the Pacers are five games ahead

Of the Bulls right now but it could be a team in which they might be jockeying for position for the eighth seed with the way the Pacers have been playing as of late and they’re falling in the standings and the Bulls schedule does get a little easier here in the final

Stretch of the Season let’s just hope that that was some jet lag or something for the way the guy showed up and played tonight let me know what you guys thought of the game as always be sure to subscribe and I’ll see you in the next one

Reacting to the recent news that Lonzo Ball has finally been able to sprint and cut without pain on his road to recovery

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  1. At this point please don't blame Caruso for this you know what's the problem I've been keeping track and honestly vooch is not the move don't blame Caruso for this problem you know damn well we keep putting that shity center Knowing damn well we have Drummond always doing him bogus always giving him less time to it's like the bulls want to lose purposely I swear if we just put him at starter and switched vooch to bench we'll get more positions than ever and plus Drummond is not scared to defend šŸ’Æ

  2. Just when we give them props they show us inconsistency. Oh well, thatā€™s just who we got this year. I think they win another 7-8 games. Wow canā€™t believe end of the season is almost here. Time flies

  3. PS. Why didnā€™t Billy try to play Vooch and Drummond together? We getting killed on glass and for whatever reason Billy just doesnā€™t want to try in game adjustment.

  4. As I said before. The Bulls are the literal definition of insanity. This team gives you a handful of games throughout the season to give fans false hope and then you remember that Krause is still the owner and is solely focused on ticket and merchandise sales and not winning. The man helped destroy one of the greatest teams ever assembled just to avoid success at any cost. This organization SUCKS!

  5. Billy Donovan is subbing in people in the first 5 minutes of the game to make a line up of Javon Carter, ayo, Craig, OB, and Drummondā€¦ how the fuck are we going to score with that line up. The coach is awful man, how do you make that as you first subsšŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø

  6. Luka was unstoppable. It would have not mattered if the Bulls put in 100% effort or 50% effort.

  7. Luka with his high IQ knows all our game plan didn't even follow kidd's game plan and just toying us. I don't think PWill presence alone will make a difference. But if Zo2 and PWill is around perhaps we can have a ball game.

  8. What sucks is that my sister and her husband got tickets to go to the game and I was supposed to go but thank God I didnā€™t waste my money on this

  9. They seemed high or hungover. Carter giving up open 3s, team screwing up during Coby White jersey giveaway (which came in Mavsā€™ blueā€¦cmon)

  10. This what you call in the NBA a trap game after a west coast or for others an east coast trip. You have bad games in the NBA. Move on lets get ready for the next game.

  11. Daniel Gafford????? Come on now………..,.if you go back and you look how he played and what this team was trying to get to. Yes they needed to move. Need to stop apologizing for getting rid of Lauri, Gafford, Carter etc etc. There trades were justified. If you watch the last three games of AK first year and rewatch those guys play look there performance caused them to get move. That trade has nothing to do with these team now. Trade was good. Saying those guys should be here based on how they played………..dont agree.

  12. While Vooch was a real issue on defense it wasn't all on him. The Bulls lack size on the wings so the help defense is basically useless and Vooch and Drummond are too slow to recover onto a roll man who is fast and athletic. The bigger issue is that the coaching staff saw this happen for three straight games now and have made no adjustments. It would have been better to just have Vooch drop with the roll and hope that the Mavs shooting would fall flat or bust out a zone defense and keep Vooch in the paint. Something to show a different look so the Mavs had to adjust. Instead they could just spam PnR plays like it was 2k all night and nothing changed.

  13. Now imagine being a Fan from far away like me. So you take vacation, spend amounts of money for the flight, hotel etc. & sit most the time traveling from Germany to Chicago. Then of course you spend money to be near the court as possible, if lucky even Courtside because it's probably will be a one time thing in your life… & then you get this from the Bulls šŸ˜… I'm always soooo concerned for taking this trip. At least Bitim & Phillips were nice to watch. It's a shame of effort šŸ˜…

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