@Chicago Bulls

Onuralp Bitim and Andre Drummond power Chicago Bulls to 2OT win over Cavaliers | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Onuralp Bitim and Andre Drummond power Chicago Bulls to 2OT win over Cavaliers | CHGO Bulls Podcast

[Applause] [Applause] Get I’m here for you after this Victory hey Bulls na you what’s up what’s going on welcome in to cgo Bulls post game coming to you live from our studios here in bu Lo downtown Chicago Julie I love it when you’re demanded I am p and I am broken after a uh B wi come on

Joseph bu wi one more Joseph bu win do it for Matt sanity B wi Do It For The Undefeated St do it for your lady do it for Julia do it for my mama do it for everybody bull win do it for you cuz you’re

Awesome Bulls win and do it for B there it Isn come on my bavis sports H our wonderful uh our wonderful guest stepen Garner stay true at do um three Joyce BS on the controls at Joyce bis we are chuor bulls our guy will the goat will join us live from the

UC later on tonight’s post game Bulls get the win 132 123 over the Cleveland Cavaliers snapping uh saw on the broadcast they just put up a stat as the game one final the C were on like a 11 game OT winning streak mhm uh the Bulls also snapped a

Long losing streak against Cleveland that went back to 2022 seven of them things um gentlemen very important question I have for you oh I’m scared do you know what’s even more competitive than overtime basketball please tell me Mt pack two overtimes basketball yay there’s no one in the world more

Thrilled right now with tonight’s game all of it including the outcome than Urus carish shoves just oozing competitiveness everywhere so much competitiveness I’m so glad the last 16 seconds of that second overtime took an hour and a half to complete [ __ ] there it is [ __ ] this team

Team [ __ ] this team I like how jelly said uh do it for Matt’s naked upper lip shout out to shess wonder Who’s In Here Also feeling good all the way from Arizona he’s tuning in to say he’s happy and that was a fun win to enjoy apprciate youall hanging out appreciate

Yall hanging out with us we love you Bulls fans continue Matt I’m I’m I’m just I’m in a shitty mood right now that was dumb that all of that was dumb was a display in pointlessness and all it did was validate the dumb [ __ ] that they sat

There and told us on death line day in the words of Eric from Billy Madison nice try ass white but you’re just delaying the inevitable but yo I’m so glad we all had to watch an exciting 2ot win over our division rival Cavs aren’t we all having a lovely time God

I’m so sick of this [ __ ] he wasn’t this angry with the loss yesterday when the Bulls shot a historically bad 6.9% from three yeah because you know what that did it called out the people who run this team because fans feel like this ain’t good enough Matt is going to always we

Beat the Cavs the Cavs are the two seed we’re back baby who said that nobody has said this once you act like that’s not exactly the inner monologue that certain people who run this team are saying to themselves right now after a win like that oh listen

Their in monologue is going to be that way regardless man they already we already know they’re off the deep end and they’re foolish I ain’t talking about them talking about these fans talking about myself talking about these people who enjoy watching the Bulls play well I’m talking about the people who

Wanted to see baam the dream get out there and do his thing I’m talking about the people who wanted to see Andre Drummond snatch 25 damn rebounds that was sexy as hell the people who want to see iy dumu continue his Ascension into being one of those players in the NBA

That are talked about and is part of a team that can be good in the future we’re talking about shirtless wonder who is joining us all the way from Arizona tuning in saying that was fun shout out because the Bulls won I feel good about that they’re just happy that they got a

W Matt that’s all everybody’s just happy that the Bulls got a win in OT against a rival that they hadn’t beaten in seven straight games everybody’s just happy about that kind of Victory that’s it that’s it that’s all that’s all Matt that’s it great can’t intoo it great mat

Matt was like the Joker in the clap I’m not I’m not trying to put on some air I’m not like or and I’m not trying to be a party pooper or you know a wet blanket right now I honestly this is how I feel after a game like that at

This point in a season like this that’s all I all understandable like you you’ve been consistent in being bad at wins like you’ve been very consistent at this so I I’m not mad at you for being this way but I’m not mad Bulls fans for being

Happy that they saw their team get this Victory bro you know what I do have a grievance on and it’s not just a me being a salty [ __ ] grievance and I see people in the comments talking about it too somebody I think said Billy kind of like back door finding their way into

A useful B Team he Kramer I mean we sat here last night saying what you you shot two of 29 Julian Phillips on your bench he’s shown that he can knock down a three comp Le this season not don’t play him but team bring him up to a big boy

Contract he’s around he can shoot threes that’s what he does for what no n n we don’t need that tonight that that is one one silver lining I will take away from the giant [ __ ] mood that I was in tonight as a bulls fan is hey Billy we’ve been talking about

How strapped you are with all these injuries maybe you should have given batima look a little earlier than you did tonight little bit maybe you shouldn’t have given juliia Phillips dnp last night because those two guys were key in a second half run that the Bulls

Made key Matt Julian Phillips and on Ral on Ral I don’t want to D on R but team hit more threes than the Bulls did yesterday those two guys the two dudes who did got dnps coach’s decisions hit more three-pointers today than the entire Bulls team hit yesterday Stephen that is

Neglect that is foolish Mal practice and malpractice whatever you want to throw whatever other adjective and verb you want to put in there it was all of those things man but that is bad let’s just give it a simple one that is bad man I’m

Glad he didn’t rest on that and just say and be stubborn and just continue to do the same thing but he went out and he played both of those guys and both of those guys paid dividends tonight yeah it’s uh it’s a case of better n better

Late than never obviously never late is a billion times better especially considering like we talked about the context of it being a second game from home back to back you have a not to disrespect the Pistons but you have a less competent team that you’re going

Against on the front end of that that should naturally enable op at least more comfortability and allowing those two players to play yes sir give them a little longer of a lease than you would against a team like the cers on the next night be able to save the legs of your

Veterans SL main piece players like Demar de rozan Kobe white maybe even a little bit of I dumu little bit like you know it’s I’m just glad they got the opportunity tonight and I’m glad they both did what they did with it which was definitely be positive on the entire

Course of the game tonight we saw ba team was plus 16 yes plus 16 and 27 minutes team higher game and it was like you could tell there there was there was competence when he was on the floor yes like he just helped it was like a little

Like a like an easing presence you know what he could do find spots around the perimeter to get himself open and catch shoot he can execute off of that like kind of what you were asking for right as opposed to Javon Carter who tonight was like hey what even before that

Stupid like I’m going to pass out of this easy layup when no one is within 5050 ft of me before that he got a ball swung his Direction no one was within 8T of him pull up you’re like okay Javon wide open three shoot it buddy and he

Was halfway through his shooting motion and then swung it all the way to the rest of you know into the corner just I can’t remember who was over there but it was like dude Javon like what are you doing I swear to God Javon has The Yips

It’s weird and but also even on top of that how about V finding him inside wide open for a layup tough and he Says kick that out to Kobe for three that’s Yips I don’t know what’s going on with Javon but he’s unplayable um was a six-point swing by the way that was a six point swing talk I’m pretty sure Julian Phils knocked down a three when he like immediately when he came the

Corner three when he walked in he didn’t even with he you didn’t want to play me last night coach oh now you’re going to play me okay cool here’s quick three y we are halfway to matching our total from last night and made threes s points

Five rebounds um God bless I mean it’s and we were talking tonight about how earlier this season when the Bulls were at their healthiest mhm Javon Carter was removed from Billy’s rotation yeah and we were all we all thought that was a little curious you know like wow it’s

Like you know this team that so desperately needs three-point shooting and is Javon that unplayable in the eyes of Billy Donovan and then the pulls start becoming strapped and then even more strapped and bodies dropping left and right and now Billy is forced again

To get to a point where he’s got to play Javon for a handful of minutes as you say Dave just to maybe give Kobe a breather a half a breather play and Kobe white played 50 minutes tonight by same thing 50 William Wallace killed 50 men Kobe

White played 50 minutes but now you’re like back to Javon oh no this is the guy that Billy Donovan earlier this season deems to be not worthy of being in his rotation yeah um quick by the way shout out to our friend uh Tim Sinclair Bulls

PA announcer who I just saw hanging out in the chat shout out uh he talked with owner Al ear before last night’s game to make sure he got the pronunciation right it’s actually btim not B team and I appreciate you Tim Sinclair as always um for that clarification I am a little bit

Sad because I was really falling in love with the nickname batim the dream that’s true but now I could call him btim the him come on I got a million of these I got a million of these over here that’s what I do I don’t know Justin F Well

Maybe Justin fields for not much longer a lot of Bears fans refer Justin like he is him you know yeah you know we can change that just him Fields yeah yeah we can change that color way real swiftly but Tim the him uh huh but Tim is

Him shout out shout out Sarah who also is still shocked who was in here watching the Bulls game and she’s just very confused at at the Bulls she’s like Matt she’s just very confused at what the Bulls are doing out here she’s not acting out the same way our guy Matt

Peek will but she was just a little shocked about what was happening out here but she has coined the term bull down because I’ve never heard anybody else say that but her but so shout out to her though but she’s a fan she’s happy the Bulls got a victory but she

Was just shocked at how they did it um we got we got some people riffing on the possible new nicknames for btim come on uh do better btim the Gill uh Dave der saying btim the sin kind kind a half rhyme there btim the gem says Eco Bean

Jason ashy btim at The Rim o if we ever get him actually flushing one down that would be wonderful uh nugy boges one saying we should call him Bitcoin cuz he’s money oh well are is Bitcoin back to actually having monetary value again is this bounc back up I like but Timothy

O Conor with the B Timothy I do like that kind of reminds me of jimothy hey that he music videos what’s he doing in a Fallout Boy music video by the way yeah yeah he’s him him um Alexander faist in the comments saying Drummond an absolute Beast no one

Can move him so other than the coming out party of owner Alpa Tim tonight I think Drummond SEC like 1B headline of a game like this where we talked about in pregame you don’t have Caruso sat out with the hamstring he aggravated last night so Billy especially with the Mobly

Allen Gigantor everywhere Cavs lineup yes went with the V Drummond out of the gate um and we as we have seen this season very sporadically when Drummond gets either a start or a night where it’s like hey he might be coming off the bench but he’s getting minutes tonight cuz they’re

Short-handed 36 minutes tonight eight of 12 from the field for 17 points six 16 I’m sorry 26 rebounds nine of them on the offensive class wow also had three blocks wow that dude I mean yeah that’s no you just laugh at that you laugh and and you just like

This is crazy 26 rebounds and this and this is why I say I wanted to play a team like this in the playoffs you know what I mean like this is why I say this because the games will be close and it will be competitive out there in a way

That AK actually is makes sense when he says the word competitive so I I would love to see this happen in in a in a playoff form uh again I still think Bulls losing don’t get this Twisted but it would just be more fun you know I

Would have more fun if that was a two uh overtime game playoff game if if instead of just some regular season game while got much Matt brain get broke in half because he doesn’t want to do to overtimes but and Joey too Joey was

Losing his mind as well um but I the way he played tonight man is just let you know he’s comfortable going against these guys who he knows he has a size advantage over cuz you know the saying you can’t teach size you can’t teach it

Man and when you got guys who are tall but ain’t got it all you know what I mean and I’m talking about Allen I’m talking about Moy they tall man but you know they ain’t had their weedies you know in a while they ain’t hung out with

Our guy Charlie the bacon guy they ain’t got nothing on them you know what I mean but drumming damn sure done been to Charlie the bacon guy spot and had some B Jam you know what I mean he done got down with that two servs Jared Allen played 34 minutes

Tonight and had four rebounds that is crazy what that is crazy that is wild like he and Vu did a job Drummond and V meanwhile combined for 39 rebounds like a total of 74 rebounds for the Chicago Bulls is that even a real number like

That is insane I went and looked up the most ever and I think it was 12 I saw 112 rebounds in the game but I mean the Cavs did take 104 Shots tonight and shot below 44% and and keep in mind that presents a lot of rebounding opportunity

And and shout out to Levert who almost had a triple double Off the Bench I think we had 147 and and 14 or something like that like he almost got that off the bench like it wasn’t like they weren’t putting up points again they scored 123 on the Bulls but it was one

And done for a lot of those things down the stretch for them they weren’t getting extra opportunities and I remember those games that they were beating the Bulls in they were getting extra opportunities at the rim and getting extra opportunities to match troops the one that sticks out

Immediately is the game where Donovan and Garland and Moy and all those guys were hurt and you just thought the Bulls just like against Detroit should have a a easier time against them and they dominated them especially on Second Chance points and that’s how they ended

Up winning the game because I believe uh streu hit that three to really seal that game off of an offensive rebound that [ __ ] did not down tonight no I mean the Bulls had 30 maybe close to 40 Second Chance points tonight like getting it from him and him but also getting it

From batin who had what eight rebounds six rebounds six rebounds for Bine getting it from Julian Phillips who chipped in with five rebounds Kobe white getting you eight boards you know what I mean Demar D rozan getting you 10 boards like chipping in and doing those little things and guys crashing the board

Stephen will get you to these kind of Victories against teams that are this kind of good yep and I think we talked about I can’t remember if we talked about it on the mic but we definitely talked about it off it talked about leadership not always being talking

Sometimes by action people there’s a gravity that comes with that yes sir but like Matt said the positivity that comes with starting Andre Drummond there’s a Reverb that comes with it he set a tone with the rebounding on the glass we talked about the 26 he had nine

Offensive rebounds Cavs had five he outrebounded them on offensive glass alone insane like that’s there’s a tone that’s set from that everybody else sees this dude going in there now we start seeing Julian Phillips coming in the game bringing great energy he’s grabbing multiple offensive rebounds on his own

He’s fighting with Andre Drummond Drummond’s letting him know he’s are mind but you like to see that nobody’s conceding to one another everybody’s going to pursue the ball and like you also talked about when you stop possessions the first time you keep them from getting second chance and you’re

Playing in transition the defense is not set Bulls don’t have the best half court offense especially without Zack LaVine all these Domino effects are adding up allowing for them to play in the open court that’s when you’re starting to see them get solid looks with the drag

Screens for Kobe white drag screens for Demar de rozan now you’re finding the btim or btim excuse me on the backside when the defense is tagging now he’s able to play to his strengths which is off of movement when the defense is tilted a little bit all of these things

Play into one another Andre Drummond is able to run the floor get solid spacing move furniture get offensive rebound put it back up he might miss two or three times but he’s still getting them back and he’s either getting to the free throw line he’s putting points up all

Those things just add up to a good process for the Bulls uh we got to take our first break here but um Ruben calvo in the comments saying uh youall do anything not to mention DeMar rosen man uh don’t worry we had more post got whole show baby we got to talk tomorrow

He did put up 35 tonight by the way I did just mentioned his 10 rebounds yeah despite the fact that he was eight of 26 from the field yeahoo and then you see what he did at the free throw line free throw line yikes uh we obviously also

Have to to talk about Kobe who had another tough night shooting but as we’ve been talking about recently found other ways to contribute uh so we’ll talk tomorrow we’ll talk Kobe we’ll talk anything else y’all want to talk about after this first break right uh throw us

Your comments and questions throw us a super chat we’ll get to all of those we’ll also hear from will the goat later on um and hit that like button as our friend jelly in the comments told you to do because troll Joey needs them yes uh

Big Dave you want to tell people about certain Jam of monstrosity oh Matthew P you get me excited when you let me talk about these things to the people because guess what it’s happening ladies and gentlemen Monster job Joey where my explosions can I get a horn or

Something you got to be ready for this you got any other loud sounds you got to got in there you got anything else you there throw a bulls wi in there too right throw that in there too what that toss it all in Joe I want all the

Excitement we’re still missing like all of our good sounds all right well give me anything give me something that’s just loud and exciting right now yeah that works work that’ll work the most yes the most unexpected unscripted and Unforgettable Motorsports experience for families and fans in the world today

Returns to Chicago land for an adrenal and charge weekend at the All State Arena from March 1st through the 3 this weekend Friday Saturday and Sunday Sunday Sunday it’s going down world’s best drivers show off crazy skills in allout racing and fierce head-to-head battles for the event Championship give me a horn Joey

Okay that’s not a horn engineer to Perfection the the 12,000 Monster Jam trucks push all limits in freestyle skills donuts and racing competition the arena Series West Champion will receive a highly coveted automatic band to the prestigious Monster jaam World Finals to compete for the title of the world

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Link for tickets in the description that’s also trivia Matt you you said four last time wait no you said two last time I got it right 12 tons you you said six six tons 12 t but please give me another number Matt one three or

Four uh four there’s also a 3A four okay four all right here we go how many truckloads of dirt are needed to set up a track for one Monster Jam event truck loads how many truckloads of dirt I don’t know how many truckloads but we should bury AK under all of them damn

Joey can I have one hint is it in the tons cuz all of my guesses are tons it’s in the truckloads Joe how many truck loads 650 truckloads close 500 truckloads dir that was my next guess Arenas use over 100 truckloads they’re using 500 cuz there some Monster job be there this weekend

March 1 through the 3 and have some fun yeah uh gold y y’ got to appreciate the fact that these are the most entertaining ad you will here on any podcast that you listen to and Nothing Compares nothing it’s it’s just enjoy it enjoy it the goatness that’s going on

With these AES between these two dudes right here it doesn’t matter if you listening on audio format if you’re watching the YouTube version you are entertained you are not pressing the skip button because you are being entertained I mean they they want four and a half minute thank you very much I

Mean they can’t press the skip button on live podcasting if they’re if they’re listening later they can skip if they want Sarah did say she was here for the ad read Sarah said she was very excited plenty of people do for the well this is

True also which is fine yes um best ad read since last year Shady race y shout out oo I was in real form a little birdie told me we might have some more some more AC on Deck I’m just saying uh Dave golden force in the

Comments said he uh think you sound like an old school wrestling announcer hyping up a wrestling show yes that’s exactly what’s going on aren’t wrestling and Monster Jam basically the same thing kind of as far as the hype or he sound like Tom Tibido would have sounded after two over time screaming

Ice play up stay up stay up somebody get that man a pack of Halls ASAP yes and some and some green tea oh green tea yeah Matt don’t do that yeah don’t do that not today I think no why in the comments is right I need to go to Sunnyside um I

Mean you you know what else you know what else helps oh course life uh also one of our wonderful sponsors for tonight’s post game show whether it’s your team stressing you out hello they won I know it doesn’t matter how they stress you out or why they stress you out if

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Basketball b a s k t b a l l just in case you’re watching a basketball podcast and didn’t know how to spell it corre we’re here for you too celebrate responsibly Kors Brewing Company Golden Colorado hey shout out to uh Mr fancy pant he had a nickname also he said OBG y

M cuz ob’s in the gym oh okay OBG ym it’s a bit of a stretch it’s a stretch going to catch attention no yeah I’m not going to use it but I picked up what you were putting down is what I’m saying sir I saw what you did there and

I just want to acknowledge what you did there OBG ym wow he took it there shout out to you sir uh okay guys uh let’s let’s talk about the two uh players leading the uh NBA and minut this season inart where we left off um okay I guess we could start with dear

Uh cuz somebody in the comments said talk about dear um 8 of 26 as I mentioned 17 of 19 from the free throw line and again one of the other reasons I was so cranky tonight um we saw the same script play out again and I know

Ary Joy was sick of it too that’s true and I was like man let me give me give me a B team I’m sorry I’m still going to want to say his name is batim but Tim but Tim mhm our friend Tim Sinclair says

Is but Tim I I like I wanted like fine if we’re going to have these dramatic finishes another clutch game another hashtag competitive game show us something different that’s what I’m looking for right now also like Demar got deed up and ended up taking a difficult deep to contested turnaround

Fade Away jumper how many times have we seen that happen and I know that there’s always the counters side to that argument Stephen like our buddy Mar has made a plenty of times like sometimes that’s still your highest percentage shot is dear going ISO getting to his

Spot or getting to a good spot on the floor and getting off a good good look but this season it feels like we’ve seen it happen time and time and time again and it it works less often than it doesn’t work and we saw it not work

Again tonight at the end of regulation what did you make about that final possession and the fact that it was a similar script yeah like I was uh like I was mentioning to in our just general conversation that was going on the fact that there was no timeout called after

The after the rebound the live rebound I automatically assumed nobody was passing that it was in dear’s hands and if they didn’t send a double team there was no way he was passing that no double team got sent he had the isolation look put up the shot it’s very low shot quality

Um it’s just kind of something that he’s conceded on Merit just because of his reputation for seeing him and the fact that Kobe white was shooting as as bad as theor was in regulation um yeah it’s just kind of tough situation just given all of those different contexts coming into one I

Would prefer to start seeing especially at this point of the season and where the team is if there is a live or if there’s a timeout call for thear to be not necessarily A decoy but to be put in a position to where he can just draw

Extra attention lot for somebody else to take one of those shots tough situation when it’s a live ball but I definitely hear where people are coming from on the the other side of that fist for sure yeah because they they come U just one-sided you know what

I mean and and onedimensional um when those last two three minutes hit because it’s like okay I already know what you guys are doing it’s dear top of the key it’s dear post it’s dear Baseline it’s dear dear dear and him figure it out and go from there if we know that opponents

Know that correct the Mond way to be in the brain stepen that’s exactly right like that’s just what it is and we’re this is why we’re sitting here and they get paid all the money they get paid we shouldn’t be knowing these things more than you so you should be coming up with

Some things to figure out where the ball is moving and continuing to move and to have that energy and a touch and now if dear ends up with it fine if he ends up with the ball cool but it can’t just be give him the ball and then just go

Because they’re going to be Defenders like you just mentioned tonight uh he was getting stifled by you know especially Moy you know those kind of lanky guard lanky uh forwards who can stay with you and block your shot it’s not going to fall for no pump fake

Because I’m tall you know what I mean so you have to come up with something else and have to have more trust in certain players on your team yeah like Kobe have more trust in even batim or whoever is that btim or whoever is out there you’ve

Got to get those guys involved our guy Conor in the comment said I’m not particularly concerned with who’s taking the shot more so than the quality of the shot the shot is being taken got to get something going into the basket and try to draw a foul or kick it out for an

Open shot Stephen that’s exactly what you said after we all watched that possession go down like it if it’s tomorrow it’s tomorrow fine we’ve already also addressed it like the Bulls beat people have been asking dear and Kobe uh earlier this season after the eenth time we saw the same script play

Out and say to both of them why the same thing and dear said hey if Kobe wants those last shots we’ve also seen Kobe absolutely willingly defer to Dear but it’s like okay even if it’s still GNA be Demar ended up taking the shot do we have to get there the same

The same way right the same predictable Road and that’s my exact point and why I’m saying not necessarily always not being Demar but have some variety to your approach to it to your process in that because again you just coming down Court running isolation it’s easy for a

Team to load up and help game plan and anticipate that because they’ve seen film at nauseum of it over the course of three seasons now I think something that compromises the Cleveland Cavaliers as much as anything that the Knicks exposed was um Galore in their first round Series last year and they’ve continued

To have to work through that right it’s also a strength of the Bulls small Smalls screening for Demar that’s something that the the the Cavaliers have to coverage wise figure out in terms of if they’re going to get over that hurdle in the playoffs or not and

The Bulls have I dumu sets those small small screens Kobe White sets those small small screens Demar de rozan even sets those screens for those two but but Tim can do that as a shooter that’s something that optimizes those pieces it gives you some movement it involves an

Extra Defender so you might not always want to go to it but when you have enough time on the clock instead of just dribbling the clock out you can go to that early get the defense moving you might even manipulate a match up that you desire and that’s going to allow for

Demar to get a shot up against somebody that’s not Evan Moy that has a seven something wingspan what if what if what if btim came across and set a go screen for him and instead of Evan Moy now that’s Max dreu maxre is not a slou

Defender but he’s also not Evan Moy what if that happened to be um Donovan Mitchell or darus Garland which is specifically what really hurt the Cavaliers in their first round Series so involving that process and being a little bit even the slightest bit more Nuance not bringing seven players into

The action just one see what you get uh I heard a jingle which means we should probably have a chat with our guy will the goali right now is that right Joe go talk it that’s why it’s the goat the goat joining us on that go talk hotline

It’s our guy Willie go goly follow him for all his Bulls reporting and updates willor goly from the UC will what a entertaining competitive game tonight two overtimes worth of competitiveness the Bulls get the win over the Cavs uh we were going to talk him about him next

So let’s just throw it to you uh Kobe white another rough night shooting I believe he ended just five of 20 two of 13 from three but we saw him do what he’s been doing more of as he’s matured with his game this season contributing on the glass dishing out a double digit

Number of assists tonight not being afraid to rise and fire on any open look despite how many he missed what did you make of another you know uh up and down roller coaster kind of night for Kobe who’s looked a little fatigued coming out of the All-Star break yeah I mean

You said I think it’s fatigue he kind of um brushed that off last night after playing 40 minutes against uh the pist in the first night of their back toback and now in a double overtime game playing uh 40 plus uh 48 minutes tonight so I think the workload is getting to

Him five of 20 from the field and I think you guys were just uh chatting about this as I hopped on here so I didn’t hear the full conversation but um you know him kind of deferring to Demar in those last moments I think stems from

The fact that one he’s a little bit tired and two he’s maybe not quite as confident as you know he was when he was just Flame throwing for two straight months um because of you know he knows his legs are a little bit tired so uh

He’s not going to admit any of that he’s not some somebody that’s going to make excuses but I think you can just kind of see it playing uh watching him play the game but luckily for the Bulls they had some other contributors I thought the main story lines for tonight were the

Rebounding and just the absolute mashing of the Cavs on the offensive class and then dear in the clutch and owner ala team who we finally got a chance to see in some meaningful minutes so there were enough other contributors outside of Kobe uh Kobe did still have 12 assists

It wasn’t like he was uninvolved uh but just you know that scoring I think is um you know it’s catching up with him a little bit uh will you mentioned uh btim who we Who Matt has corrected us and said after speaking with Tim Sinclair he like his

Name is btim so we call him we learn he’ll call him btim the him is what I’m calling him over here right now um but after not seeing him uh play at all yesterday and seeing Julie and Phillips get any time yesterday we saw both of

Them get in the game today and both contribute uh to this Victory obviously btim has been uh the bigger talk um uh after the victory was what was the talk uh about him in the locker room or by uh Billy Donovan or by any of the player players about how he played tonight

Because there was a lot of love given to him by the players uh after that game was over yeah I Tel up and um everybody had good things to say from Drummond and D rozan who we spoke to but even after the game you like see guys going up to

Him and just giving him a hug dapping him up and saying congrats after you know everybody was kind of getting ready to leave the lock room there um I just saw a video posted from Toy Craig’s Instagram of everybody just kind of showering him with ice cold water after

In the locker room so uh there there are some really good vibes I think after this win and just with this team in general when they’re playing well they get really excited about it so they’re always happy when they have a teammate who really steps up and they need it

Right now I mean there’s no Caruso tonight no Patrick no uh no Zack no Tory Craig it’s just it’s slim out there in this lineup and so they need guys to step up and Billy kind of said you know B team has played minutes professionally in Turkey before he’s played in some big

Games it’s not like he’s never you know experienced uh NBA basketball or competitive highle basketball before um even though he has not experienced NBA so um he’s been playing well with Wy City but obviously finally got the chance to be promoted onto a full standard contract and I don’t think

Billy necessarily knew he was going to be riding him the way that he did minutes wise um he ended up playing 26 but just with the way he played he was plus 14 in a game that they won by like six or seven I think um and he was

Making his shots he was defending well he had a couple clutch free throws so I think Billy was just like let’s this is going well let’s not ruin a good thing I mean the the people in the comments are also curious about that Rob asking I got

To know why Billy finally decided to play btim like some of it is out of necessity you know they they are down all these pieces and tonight they also are without Caruso who uh sat with that hamstring injury from from last night’s game and you kind of have to wonder uh

Assuming that Caruso you know knock on wood has a quick turnaround here and it’s available maybe as soon as Friday’s game will will this be the one Shining Moment glimpse of ba team and and never see him again the guy who they just promoted and signed to a multi-year deal

And yes there are some you know non- guarantee ways that the Bulls can finagle out of you know the the rest of his contract and he might be gone this summer who knows but Bulls fans saw him knock down two of two three-point attempts tonight yeah Julian Phillips

Dnp coach’s decision last night comes in immediately confidently knocks down a three he was one of two tonight when last night the Bulls were historically bad from three and those two guys come in Off the Bench and give Billy good minutes and not just do their thing uh

Knocking down shots but they both put work in on the boards Phillips and uh owner Al so I I I think a lot of bulls fans are wondering tonight hey Billy why not sooner with these younger guys I know you’re strapped and you were even more strapped but if you were strapped

Before play these guys yeah I mean I think again you know being a player who’s going up and down from Windy City you’re not practicing with the team every day you’re playing in a different system with the windy city Bulls that’s not the same as playing alongside Demar and Kobe and V

And Drummond so it’s it’s hard for Billy I think to build up trust with these guys when he’s not around them on a day-to-day basis and um you know I think the other thing is he’s trying to play the guys whose like egos he has to manage you know they they signed Javon

Carter this year for $6 million dollars a year so that they could play him heavy minutes and he has not performed up to that level but he’s still trying to like massage that and get him into the rotation Billy likes to play nine guys Billy’s been flexible with playing two

Bigs I think he’s trying to work stuff out but I say I feel like I say this every single time we do this kind of conversation like Billy is not trying to go out there and develop young players right now he’s trying to win games and sometimes those two things can overlap I

Think we saw that tonight with Julian and uh btim but you know last night it was dalan these guys are like young play players they’re inconsistent at times it’s not to like bash any of them or say that they’re not ready or that they can’t contribute but there’s you know

Relationships and trust that has to be a factor here for Billy to be able to go out and play these guys in in meaningful minutes in in big games because all these games are clutch games I mean the Bulls are I posted the numbers at some point they played over 35 clutch games

This year out of 50 and they’re TR they’re trying to win games so you can’t just like go throw a rookie second round pick out there if you’re not comfortable with it and so I think that’s the challenge billies likes to stick to ninan rotation that’s pretty standard

Across the NBA not really going to 10 men or more um there’s going to be times where these guys get a chance there’s gonna be times where they play sometimes they don’t but like I I think there’s just you know it’s it’s a balancing act of trying to get everybody minutes while

Also playing the guys that you trust while also you know prioritizing winning over Player Development I think that’s why they have the J league program that’s why they brought in Peter Patton but that’s not necessarily going to come to fruition in games on a night to night

Basis when the goal is to make the playoffs I got two quick ones for you will uh the first one they went to the Kobe Javon U Julian Phillips Demar d r Ro and Andre Drummond lineup to start the second quarter after the seven turnovers that they had in the first and

That really kind of sparked everything and got them back into the game and ultimately made it a close game up until obviously after two overtimes winning it what was your kind of assessment of what kind of flipped the script for them was it defensively was it offensively like

What was your kind of assessment of what you saw from that I think it was two things uh actually three so the recipe for this game for me was like Demar kind of grifting getting to the free throw line and making baskets in the mid-range it was um offensive rebounding and it

Was picking up full court and just trying to like slow the Caps down and kind of pull them out of their Rhythm so um you know Javon in particular I thought I know people are probably gonna be dogging him for you know passing up on that layup he had a nice mid-range

Pullup before that and I don’t know really really what happened to him confidence-wise but um I thought he was playing well defensively he was picking up full courtt he was making life tough on the ball handler and I thought that really helped spur the Bulls offense uh

In that second quarter and then the offensive rebounding was just so devastating I think the stat was 75 rebounds in the game like for the first time in like 50 years or something like that uh 25 off rebounds was a season high for the Bulls the Cavs start two

Bigs right they had given up a season high of only 18 rebounds so the Bulls absolutely smashed through that and had 25 um and that was just super devastating and I think overwhelming for the Cavs where you know now they can’t really downsize and put Evan Moy on

Demar because you’ve got a box out Vu and Drummond down there so I don’t know I think it was kind of a confidence of things um the turnovers in the first quarter I think they had seven they averaged 12 so they’re just kind of sloppy to start the game and they kind

Of tightened things up started getting those offensive rebounding uh rebounds the Cavs stopped hitting so many threes and all of a sudden they’re back in this game sure and then my last one for you um looking at like kind of some of the adjustments that the Cavaliers made they

Put Evan moble on Vu instead of how they started the game with Evan Mobi on Drummond and that really kind of made the Bulls kind of guess a little bit on offense early how did you feel they rebounding from that kind of in the latter end of the second half and really

Going into overtime when they switched and had btim to line up more than drum towards the end yeah I think that was kind of what I was talking about is trying to get Moy off of Demar so that they could kind of open up some shot

Creation that way um and so I think they initially wanted to get the two bigs in there but then when the Cavs went to a more traditional lineup Billy was saying that he wanted to go back with btim instead of Drummond and then obviously brouge fed out they had to go back to

Drummond so I think he was kind of playing the matchup game a little bit but they were really just trying to free Demar and you know I think when you watch the offense of the Cavs down the stretch it was like picking on matchups right they were pulling Kobe into these

Pick and roll actions try to get him switched on to um Donovan and then it was Vu and the Bulls I thought were doing a pretty good job of trying to avoid those switches but on the other end it just didn’t really feel like the Bulls were doing a good enough job at

Like really pressing on matchups there to try to get some Advantage with Demar having the ball against you know a Max stru or a Donovan or Darius Garland and I thought that kind of slowed them down a bit but ultimately you know I think they really just kind of want to rely on

Dear being the one that like makes the decisions and so sometimes he’s going to just be more comfortable in those isolation situations and uh at times that works at times it doesn’t uh before we let you go will it’s Bulls W night so we got to get your

Vote for goon of the night lot of candidates a lot of candidates I think I gotta go B Tim um just coming in for 28 minutes playing in the clutch playing playing in overtime playing in double overtime hitting big shots um and just I think earning his coach’s trust and his

Teammates trust the way that everybody was talking about him uh just kind of a cool moment in the locker room uh just support for this guy who’s kind of come up out of nowhere for this team and even dear after the game with sin like you know we really have not practiced with

Him much like he doesn’t really hasn’t been really involved but you can tell he like is a smart player he has the IQ he understands how to play and uh he can shoot the cover off the ball and that’s that’s really what they needed tonight

So great night for him and I think he he earned a goon for me all right will we will let you go uh Bulls fans read everything he writes is where you can find that follow will for all of his Bulls reporting and updates willor

Gotle uh will get home safe for the mad house tonight uh have a wonderful tomorrow and we will talk to you Friday for Bulls bucks 900 p.m. oh that’s the goat uh all right let’s take our second break we will come back we will do some goon we still got

Super chats to get to all of that fun stuff and more fun stuff and more on the other end uh Big Dave who do we have next oh hey troll Joey oh you better get ready you need some more thumbs uh yeah I mean always that’s not how

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But yes brought to you by Empire today it is goon of the night always happy to give this out because it means the Bulls got a vict toe R so we’ll start with the person who’s happiest that the Bulls got a victory my man Matt Pat sir who is your goon of the

Night take your time breathe in breathe out um I I mean I I got to give it I got to give it to btim btim I’m not going to overthink it uh it was nice to see him out there it’s one of the things that Bulls fans have been looking forward to

In recent weeks uh when things have seemed either homeostasis or Bleak what he say um so it was it was nice it was nice to see him get out there knock down a three grab some boards he also I mean like he was diving on the floor for

Loose balls bro that one play that that one Outlet pass he had that triggered a fast break they the bull didn’t end up converting it but that that’s goon [ __ ] it is and that’s someone who was out there tonight trying to prove that he belongs on an NBA Squad and not only

That but he belongs in an NBA rotation whether it be the Bulls or elsewhere that’s the kind of effort and honestly and and somewhat sadly that’s kind of the effort that fans I think have been missing from seeing large stretches from the main guys on the team this season so

I I I will always give give love for that even if I think tonight’s win is dumb and everyone after oh troll Joey troll Joey who would be your goon of the night uh can I just give it as normal Joey you want normal Joey to do

This all right fine no no it’s more do hold on I was a question do we have to give normal Joey do we have to give separate picks or we just one pick for the both of us normal Joey who is go the night you know it’s tough tonight a lot

Of good choices um feels a little bit feels a little bit ridiculous not just outright giving it to Andre Drummond on night where he had 26 rebounds 26 is an insane number of rebounds it is um so I am going to give mine to Drummond but I do also want to give a

Goon shout out to two people one is to demard De R rozan MH for he I was writing up the description for the show as as it looked like they were going to lose in regulation he was at 19 points he finished with 35 16 in the two overtime periods very impressive um

Didn’t hit the last shot but you know hit the three free throws kind of carried the balls down the stretch and uh you know my other goon shot I will also go to step just always bringing the Vibes here picking us up have a lot of

Fun with Steven here it was fun fun time tonight and uh love his presence on the show so Drummond is my official pick but with love to Demar and Steven as well shout out preach well Stephen sir you who would be your goon of the night man

Um it’s hard to not at least give a honorable mention to btim being him tonight um it’s Andre Drummond Andre Drummond that the rebounding presence just the he is the n ba is Premier Furniture mover yeah it doesn’t matter who the matchup is somebody’s getting that furniture moved he throws bodies

Around it’s it’s such a sight to see yeah especially in contrast to what we’re used to seeing which is a lot of not boxing out going on people just jumping or by happen stands the ball bouncing in somebody’s lap like get this and I’ll get it to you and we can go the

Other way so yeah it’s fun to just see throwback players like that in the league now they need more of it for sure you you do not see players the like old Zebo stuff like that kind yeah I mean Drummond is sort of like a rare dying

Breed of NBA uh mold and you know Dave you and I talk sometimes you you’ll joke about it calling it like jacqulyn Hyde we joke about it being the Andre Drummond experience because he’s going to do something wildly unbelievably cool and impossible but he makes it happen in

A good way and then he’ll do something that is equally wildly cool and impossible but in a bad way as far as the impact it has on the team and the momentum of the game but tonight it was like you know it was 9010 it was not a

5050 andreid drum experience I was like I didn’t see him doing sha in the fool [ __ ] tonight at all he was just crushing boards and crushing Cavs bodies like and also shouting out like yelling to the fans as well getting them hyped up being that player that do that that that’s

That’s goon him that’s that that tone being said you can’t like it’s just so invaluable uh yeah Colin in the comments saying that put back dunk alone to get Dr that that was a disgusting to be to be of that girth yeah and still have the athleticism to jump and have a second

Jump Elevate above the basket and finish with a little bit of finesse it’s wildly impressive I did have another Goa tonight though and it was not because of the shout out I just got from Joey it was coming either way and it’s the fact that people you have to understand the

Um adaptability to quickly put forth a production behind the behind the scenes with a game that’s quickly adapting that game was played within like a fivepoint window seven point window yep the story story Line’s turning might be the mar one minute now btim his a three now you

Got to include him right I don’t know Kobe white just had a crazy move just making all the highlights on Bleacher Report whatever whatever you got to include that somehow job’s not easy so and then double overtime on top of that that’s double double overtime so shout

Out to Joey and shout out to troll Joey too appreciate D appreciate you Joey and troll Joey it’s just you know like an octopus with eight limbs just doing a million things all at once those those nights where the game is close and you know the the headline

Of what happens in that game changes eight times in the span of 30 seconds like it’s there was the one game against the Hawks last year where there was like eight different gamewinners do you guys remember that game I think I changed the you have to be more specific every game

The Bulls play against the Hawks changed the headline 20 times there was literally five different gamewinners in that game it was the craziest thing ever right you’re right and it ended on a really bad note yeah but well goon of the night there can be only

One no that was wrong see I just listen I look you just gave it I just Googled drum roll sound effects I obviously couldn’t play them out loud because because we’re on the show so I’m just going off of what they say this one’s called drum roll please I’ve got a

Feeling it’s also not right that’s it probably oh there you go I’ll take it I’ve had better also I’ve heard worse oh man well good of the night honestly before this game it was goingon to go to Stephen yeah but after what we witnessed I have to give it to

Btim it’s going up the night for btim and let me read you something too also cuz this is what Casey Johnson said uh after the game when he was interviewing btim btim said I was dreaming of this moment for a long time he also said he idolized Demar D rozan growing up and

When D rozan hugged him in the second OT to tell him how well he played it meant the world to him wow so your Idol who you were like patterned your stuff after who you grew up idolizing is telling you you belong dude that that makes you feel like you

80 feet tall kind of situation and he played so well that that dive on the floor is what got it for me that dive on the floor when he threw that pass which should have turned into a layup but it didn’t but that play right there is what

Did it for me right there and I think that’s what kept Him in the game it of course it was the shooting but Billy Donovan saw how hard he was playing on both ends of the floor and so he allowed him to be in the game and I hope it

Continues going forward he’s earned it he earned something man and he’s earned this right here goon of the night that’s cool but Tim is him this is for you my friend enjoy uh that that’s got to be another first first time winner and I want to

The list yes and I want to shout out sport Chicago style who calls him the Turkish plunger which I think is amazing that is an amazing amazing amazing day Turkish plunger yes I like it I like it I dig it splashing threes and slamming at home

Yep I just like the term the Turkish plunger I just like I like Chicago sty also told on himself and said nah it’s too porish I like it Sor right I dig it the Turkish plunger I dig it man might be a little too por [ __ ] that’s a

Plunger por what kind of porner y’all a plunger not tort got to get that plunger P what are yall doing come on oh come on okay this is that that was that was maybe the weirdest sentence that’s been said on this show and we plunger no

Plunger porn got to get the plunger porn and we’ve gone down a lot of weird rabbit holes but we got we got to cut this one off right here tur plung you you don’t want to explore that tangent Jo turus plunger I like it I like that

Man I hope he catches on to be honest with you I I feel like we should we should put pin in that and maybe keep spitballing keep moving man settling on that one but this is his uh congrats congrats the owner Alp well earned uh hearing him say that kind of stuff about

What it means yeah yeah can wash away even several layers of my cynical Bulls fan bilish har and wait till I send him the video of what they did to him in the locker room oh yeah yeah goat told us about it me yeah they got they got D oh

There’s video man you no you’ll love the video I mean most every video of a player getting thrown water on by teammates is yeah but it’s your team it’s different it’s different for when it’s your team and it’s a guy that you’ve been wanting to see play who’s

Playing well I don’t feel like my [ __ ] tee right now yeah ter doing it though uh we we got to give one more quick shout out to our friends at R then we will get to all of your super chats uh from tonight which we appreciate each

And every one of them uh and then we’ll get out of here Ray Chevrolet are you in the market for a new vehicle uh because Ray Chevy is sharing their best offers all mon long with their Auto Show Sales Event make sure uh you make your way to Ray

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Serving the community since 1963 by New Roads guys it’s almost midnight but guess what you still got time to save yourself 30% on what’s going on in our chg oy save yourself 30% you got till midnight to do it the sale ends at midnight that means you still got time

To save you some money there is never a bad time to save your s some money get you that cool Kobe white Joey show them the Kobe white if get you that cool Kobe white shirt you can get it as a shirt you get a hoodie say it again Jo Subzero

Subzero you can get it either way you want it that’s the way you need it look at it right there in your face looking sexy and wonderful I got the shirt and I got the hoodie that’s fire hell yeah pretty dang nice right my shirt arrived

Today nice soed oh it’s going to be it’s going to be on that perfectly chiseled body very soon ladies and gents who are you talking to perfectly chiseled look at that man he’s going to be ready to go but yes get you your gear get your gear tonight

Before midnight save yourself 30% off of all the wonderful things that are in the chgo locker and while you’re there might as well become a DI hard save money 20% off our events that we’re going to you’ll be in the die hard disc course Lounge having a great time talking to

All this wonderful people while the Bears uh people are in Indianapolis they got some Discord stuff going on that’s just for you and me only the cool people going to know about it you got some special merch that is strictly for people who are di hards all I’m saying

Is becoming a Die Hard means you’re really truly in it that’s all I’m trying to tell you right now it’s true but save yourself some money and become a die hard it’s awesome thing to do shout out French Bulls TV just got him a shirt as

Well and not only that I was going to give Fred bolt CV a shout out to our boy CLM because he said earlier tonight in the comments I have an announcement to celebrate this win more importantly Cho’s upcoming second birthday I signed out to be a Die Hard let’s

Go latest latest introduction to the cool people party uh that is die hards which um you know by the way shout out to everybody who signed up in February we just had our second straight month with over a hundred new Die Hard sign ups uh shout out to all of you guys who

Sign up to be a die hard this month uh some who signed up earlier this week that we hadn’t given a shout out to you yet we can do that now Don Timmy Holden Michael Ryan Mike Ian Scott Darius Gary Phil Zack Robert Kyle Aaron David John

Derek Mike Thomas Tom and Neil welcome to the cool people Club shout out to you and clam love you clam you wow way to be here uh this is fun shall we Super Chat let’s do it Jo all right we got some quick super chats to hit here we go

Seven of them uh SJ g922 btim btim Legacy game lfg needed that after yesterday’s game want to give props to IO played great D on Donovan Mitchell all games Donovan Mitchell was a ghost tonight helped start the run in the fourth great bounce back game sh yeah

Shout out somebody I wanted to speak on iO talk about the defense on Don Don had single digit number points in both halves yeah yeah in addition to that seven of his last eight games he’s knocked down multiple threes eight of the last or 10 of the last 12 he’s

Knocked down multiple threes so you talk about iio playing the way the team needs him to yeah he’s doing that in then something on both ends of the floor he’s not giving one and taking from the other both Rising well and like you know uh Mitchell had a really tough you know

Just one-on-one step back three early in the second half after a really quiet first half and I think daveid was you said like oh man like Mitchell barely did anything in that first half and let’s all prepare ourselves to watch the Donovan Mitchell show in the second half

And and that never came yeah it’s crazy shout out IO another one jelly who says uh tonight if you they say in Chicago if you stop and calmly listen you can hear V angrily whipping a towel over a chair V beat the crap out of that pH chair man

I feel like there were some pre-existing anger towards that bench chair cuz man he gave that thing yeah let’s see if we get asked will to get an interview with that chair two thunderous towel whips yes it was we got Boot and chairs we got Giannis and

Ladders yeah man what else we got what’s Debo the black pan let’s go ahead and hand politely hand that goon of the night to that dude Andre Drummond not tonight hard when you put oh absolutely without out man that many rebounds are you kidding me I we were laughing see I

Laugh cuz I was like dude he almost had a double double in just offensive rebound that’s crazy that’s crazy dog still still ridiculous ridiculous man Paul says what’s your competitive rating out of 10 uh I think it was 132 tonight and just kidding 20 Danny uton says Mr

Drummond moves to the beat of just one drum hey but sometimes too cuz Jacqueline hide it’s true but not lately yeah always double up for him always no matter what it’s double and lo Som brados losing to the Pistons but beating the caps on a back to back only you told no

Lies only the freaking wait sing the song Only the balls come on Joe I don’t know it you just doing it I only know that part do you know who Chico BS okay do you know who keeps his burning with desire the Bulls only the one and only and Mr

TR just finished the game a little late what a great way to finish my 40th birthday hey happy birthday happy birthday also happy birthday to Alex kuso as well that’s right Bulls win Bulls win Bulls win happy birthday always said that Bulls win let’s go batim yes btim btim that’s it let’s go

OB Shout Out Mr Tri shout out 40th birthday man SP it with us big 40 awesome bro thanks for hanging out man got you a nice dramatic 20 du hey nothing wrong with that but Tim sir stepping out a better gift to ask for stepping out uh uh again thank you to

Our guys Stephen for hanging out with us tonight it’s always a pleasure when you come through appreciate y follow stepen on Twitter if you aren’t already for all of his great thoughts on NBA basketball WNBA basketball right uh he’s one of our co-host of C sky also pnx Sons uh stay

True as do3 is the handle where you can find his great stuff um and uh Big Dave of course is B bwl Sports our P producer Joy Baus at Joyce Baus on borek our guy will the go will _ gole read his stuff we’re chore Bulls we thank you

For joining us tonight we are back tomorrow with the 6:30 POD live YouTube we will see you there and then uh we got Bulls bucks late night action on Friday so the week rolls on oh as the absolutely frothing at the mouth competitiveness see do I was I was

Dancing to the song that you were singing all right shout out to you I thought that was a dance of Joey Joey getting ready to get out of the chair cuz you I was confused confused well hit that like on your way out we’ll talk to you tomorrow see R

Good love y p of my Ass

The Chicago Bulls earned a big winon Wednesday night, beating the Cleveland Cavaliers at home in 2OT.

Nikola Vucevic and DeMar DeRozan led the way for the Bulls, scoring 24 and 35 respectively. Onuralp Bitim hit two threes and Andre Drummond pulled down 25 rebounds. Evan Mobley had 25 points and 11 rebounds but it wasn’t enough for the Cavs and the Bulls got a big home win.

Join Matt, Big Dave, Will, and Stephen on the CHGO Bulls Postgame Podcast as they breakdown tonight’s game and look ahead to what’s next for the Bulls.

An ALLCITY Network Production






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  1. Seeing all the guys surround bitim and show him love like that was dope asf. Hope to see more of him in this final stretch.

  2. As soon as Vuc fouled out and I knew Billy B** has put to him in, I knew Bulls were going to win. Bulls so much better when DrumGod starts or get max mins.

  3. Bulldog Drummond , 26 REBOUNDS and PLAYING D on top of that !
    Plus he will get some point too .
    Bulldog AWESOME
    Bull Down !

  4. I love that this has been a season of Andre Drummond proving all you haters wrong. Especially Matt and Will you dudes were dead wrong time and time again. Let’s take 40 threes a game and not play drum?

  5. This was all set up for gambling…how team lost to worst team piston go on to beat one of the best time tht too playing back to back matches .

  6. Love Andre, but up 8 with 16 secs left, he fouled Mitchell catching the inbound pass! In zero seconds he cut lead to 6, a 2-possession game. OMG!

  7. bruh Matt is cool but his mini rant because they won was too much and negative for no reason. Like youd rather they lose to a ass team then win against a good team. Like make it make sense….

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