@San Antonio Spurs

Should the San Antonio Spurs slowly scale back Wembanyama’s minutes ahead of a packed summer?

Should the San Antonio Spurs slowly scale back Wembanyama’s minutes ahead of a packed summer?

Let’s give you my three takeaways from last night’s Spurs loss to the rockets and should the Spurs start considering slowly cutting back wy’s minutes you are locked on Spurs your daily San Antonio Spurs podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every

Day hey this is H rod and I’m RC from the cybertronics spr and you’re listening to lock on spur with Jeff Garcia welcome back to lock on Spurs lock onba Network I’m your host Jeff Garcia Spurs rider for K 5 San Antonio happy hump day everybody hope you all get over that

Hump day here during the work week we’ll get you through it right here on lock on SPS as always we thank you for making lock on Spurs your first listen each and every single day free and available wherever you get Podcast Google play uh what else you got

K 5 plus app YouTube the list goes on on iTunes Spotify yeah so many options for you to download and check out lock on Spurs every single day today’s episode is brought to you by prize piix the easy and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports just go

To priz lnba and use the code all over case locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to 100 bucks hey so what are we talking about today well we’re going to be looking back at yesterday’s Spurs lost to the Rockets just three quick techway then bringing

Our guest Michael Jimenez he’s going to be joining us to discuss if the Spurs should start considering cutting back on wm’s playing time you’ll hear why it has a lot to do with the hectic summer so we’ll be discussing that and then by the way it

Is his birthday so he’s going to have some spurs themed birthday wishes to close out the show so see if you agree with his birthday wishes just a few minutes but first about last night yeah your Spurs lost to the Houston Rockets it was a close one 103 to

101 w man right there Spurs drop to 14 and 52 on the season the next to face Denver in Austin Texas this Friday’s far as part of their uh two game Austin uh home stand up north of the state capital but yeah regarding last night Spurs lost

Tough loss tough loss I mean they fought to The Bitter End you know a lot had to do with them but we’ll discuss that in a few seconds but so what are some takeaways in no particular order shout out Trey Jones great game he left the

Team with 24 points he had five assists and three rebounds and three steals he also connected on four or seven from the three line you know he he and soan were pretty much the spearheads uh at the end of the game to close the gap they made key shots uh

To uh you know stay in the fight until the till the last second but I mean Trey Jones was a steady Force papovich called him a competitor guy who do anything does everything for the help to help the Spurs win so shout out Trey Jones he did

All he could do uh to keep the Spurs in the fight versus Houston just came up short second take away cold shooting that second period the Spurs only managed to score 17 points in the second period now Houston didn’t do themselves any favors either they just scored 20

Points but nevertheless when Houston is just barely mustering up 20 points I mean the first period Rockets and the Spurs they they scored well above 20 points 24 for Houston and 30 for San Antonio but 17 points not going to really help your cause especially in

Today’s era of the NBA where points are a premium so Spurs really dropped the ball there and then their defense just fell apart of the third period allowing H Houston 30 plus points 32 points in that third period to really get things going really separate things but again

Stagnant offense we saw in that second period just wasn’t wasn’t finding the the ball was finding the bottom of the rim simple as that bich pretty much subbed it up after the game saying yeah some teams you make shots and that’s the team that wins and Houston made shots at

Critical points of the game and finally physicality the Spurs did not match Houston’s physicality they were double triple teaming Wy really get into the Spurs spaces really being you know just just physical with them Trey Jones talked about it after the game saying how that’s just who Houston is that’s what

The team they are very physical and they’re always physical Wy said yeah that’s a team that’s physical with him and the Spurs couldn’t adjust that just to that they couldn’t match the physicality you know Dylan Brooks was really bodying up wimy uh you know you saw all players just crashing to the

Board and you know getting getting to the Spurs Spurs need to work on that as their rebuild continues as young core that is learning how to match NBA teams when they’re just being simply physical so yeah I mean those are some quick takeaways but I mean credit to the Spurs

You know hung in there you know made things interesting you’re looking at the final frame 29-27 Spurs out scored them by two it just wasn’t enough again soan and and Tre Jones credit them they were the really really ones that were kind of making things interesting for the Spurs

To hopefully get that win last night just came up short by the way soan had 21 points and eight rebounds and wimy watch he had he had one uh you know he finished with 13 points and 10 rebounds again a double double but it wasn’t the

Level of play that many expect wimy to do night in night out so he came up short for his standard every it’s a double double you know kudos to him but yeah your Spurs fell short again lack of Mach the physicality tip your captain Trey Jones for keeping that helping the

Team keep stay in it and then offensive droughts as we saw throughout the game pretty much all but Doom San Antonio all right coming up next we got Michael Jimenez we’re gonna be asking should the Spurs cut back wm’s minutes not because you know we’re treat with kit gloves or

Anything but because of a crammed summer and then it is his birthday so happy birthday jenez he’s going to give us his two Spurs themed birthday wishes that’s coming up next right here on lockdown Spurs hey I want to talk about eBay Motors passion Drive patience that’s what

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Open every single day from 6:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. go there right now San Antonio because life is too short for a bland coffee this is Emily swallow and you are listening to lock down Spurs with Jeff Garcia and we’re now joined by Michael heenez of well The acquir Taste show on

The animal City Sports podcast follow me on xmj acquir taste and happy birthday H menz happy birthday that’s right 47 years old today excited about that man man are you like are you getting worried about your 50s like you is that kind of put the

Fear in you like a little bit of scare hadn’t even thought about it I think you just put the fear in me right now there’s my present gift for you but by the way by the way I am uh 47 on Earth but I think in Mars I’m 25

Or something like that there’s somewhere along the line where uh it comes around the same way so I’m going to celebrate another birthday but no I’m 47 dude I I I I don’t feel old I don’t feel young but I don’t feel old yet man I’m somewhere in the middle hey you’re

Running marathons now you had proof of it with you and your metal well yeah I did a 10K a couple weeks ago and I’ve done three half marathons after I turned 40 uh so I never did long distances before but now I’m doing them now so uh

Even even even me and my tubby my tubby butt self can still run so there’s no excuses well we’re going to give him menz his birthday wishes coming up soon on lockdown Spurs what is his two Spurs birthday wishes we’ll be discussing that in just a few seconds but he men is yeah

You know before we get into your birthday celebration segment I got to talk to you a little bit about the silver and black and look it’s it The Season’s all but done it’s it’s over there’s really nothing to play for you know no play play in inside Insight no

Playoff no nothing not even sniffing the playin tournament nothing all that’s left to really play for is Lottery balls um which begs a question something else perhaps this spur should be playing for is not getting wimy injured at this point of the Season he

Is is it time for the Bro to say you know what wimy it’s time to just reel back the minutes you’re going to have a long summer you’re going to be playing for France at the Olympics and then you got to turn right or wreck around and go

Into training camp why don’t we start scaling back your minutes should that something the Spurs consider yeah and I hate to say it yes but at the same time you have to think about the long term yeah when it comes to wemi wem’s still a very young guy but you gotta keep in

Mind he played all last summer as well with that French team they went deep into the playoffs over there uh so he didn’t have much of a break then he goes to the Las Vegas summer uh review and he did that and uh so it’s it’s been a long

Long time you don’t want to have so many miles on the odometer for him but at the same time I still want him to win Rookie of the Year you know so I don’t want it to be where it’s one of those things where Chad hren is is catching up down

The stretch uh I think rookie of the year is important Believe It or Not uh I think it’s it’s important for the Legacy that he’s creating um as long as that’s locked down you want to shut him down a little bit I think that’d be perfectly fine but

I wouldn’t I wouldn’t go to like 15 to 18 minutes but oh no no no not that no the the the 24 to 26 minutes that we saw earlier in December uh that is I’d be okay with that yeah I’m I’m wor there with you I don’t think they should be

Topping over 30 anytime soon as a matter of fact I wish they would start scaling back now look the Rookie of the Year title and reward is pretty much his it’s it’s gift raer it’s done it’s his he’s going to win it that’s the only thing that maybe I think he would probably

Want to play more more minutes is because he said recently uh his reaction to you know being ah head of the Rookie of the Year race is that the season is not over yet that was his first reaction so perhaps there’s a little bit of that but you’re starting

To see you know a little bumps and bruises here in there you know he had that shoulder thing you know where I think it was at the Houston game um you know they were working on it uh didn’t play that much minutes um in the last game versus the Warriors in San Antonio

He even said too that he felt a little clumsy the Spurs set him out a couple games so again I’m not saying pull him completely like jenez you’re saying like 15 minutes no I agree with you don’t nothing like that about a good 20 25 unless you think he still needs to prove

That he is the Rookie of the Year and and then that’s the case he man is and I guess I could see why they’re gonna play him more yeah that’s the only way that I would see it you know and you know I was at that game in Houston uh where sangon

Went off for 45 points and the the Spurs lost game when they could have had their first winning streak since December of 2022 before the game started I saw them working on wemi I was sitting there on the fifth row and they were hitting him on the shoulder trying to test it out

And he was wincing in pain when they were doing that went out there and played anyway and and didn’t look very good that game uh but like you’re saying it’s it’s not so much that he has a major injury it’s the fact that if he has three or four minor injuries it

Becomes a cumulative effect he rolled his ankle you know a game later uh you know we’ve seen the shoulder obviously uh you know he stepped on a ball boy’s ankle earlier this year you know so or that happened late in December so a lot of these things are adding up and it’s

One of those things where you’re right the season’s over he pretty much has Rookie of the Year in the bag I think that if he goes to like you know another two weeks of play he can probably just shut it down if he wants to and still win the award

Like you mentioned he has to prep for the Olympics so it’s just going to keep on going I wouldn’t mind seeing them shut him down we we know what we have with this team we know that the team is awful without him uh we know that there’s certain pieces to the puzzle

That are coming alive uh we’ve seen players like Malachi Bram come alive uh we’ve seen soan improve certain parts of his game uh shooting is still questionable but defensively he seems to be doing better Vel yeah has turned into that 19 Point per game kind of guy we

Know we know what we’ve got and then down the stretch we’re seeing the players like Zack Collins and Julian champeny suddenly play like they have a pulse uh you know Collins knocking down threes like dude A lot of people are down on Collins and they very well

Should be but the last 30 days or so man Collins has been lights out so we know what we have and the Spurs right now are looking forward to one maybe even two draft picks in the first round this year yeah I I’m I can’t wait for the draft

Well if you looking at the progression in January he was averaging about 26 27 minutes per game yeah then you go to February went up to about 29 and currently through the few games in March he’s at 31.1 minutes per game he me is I I think they’re gonna have to start

Thinking longterm as you mentioned and that long term is the health of wimy and keeping them fresh I get it getting that NBA experience is valuable even if the season is a wash I totally understand that but again I’m not saying tomorrow or the games in Austin something I would

Like to see him play extended minutes against Joker you know barring any type of blowout the Spurs are are going through I would like to see that you know and other games ahead but you got eventually there GNA come quick where you’re gonna be like okay is this season

Worth putting more mileage on him I get it he’s 20 years old I understand that Spurs fans relax I get that but you got to we mentioned you got to factor in Team France he has he’s going probably finish the season probably rest a couple

Weeks he man is maybe then have to go to France do more training camp with Team France exhibition games with Team France then get into the French tournament and you can’t tell me he man is he’s gonna go all out for Team France he’s gonna

Want to guide them to the gold medal as best he can and then stop and then come to San Antonio for for a training camp he’s likely not going to be at Summer League I would hope he’s not at summer league right but that’s going to be a lot in a short

Amount of months uh hez and it’s beyond all that the guy is a celebrity so he’s going to have public appearances here and there especially when he goes back to France uh I’m sure he may not be part of the summer league as far as playing but I’m sure he’ll make an appearance

Out there uh because he has to do the pr not only for Team France but for the Spurs and also for uh the uh the NBA as well uh so he has a full schedule ahead of him and he needs to have some time to rest and just decompress and rest that

Body uh I think that his medical staff has probably done a fantastic job of working with him you see the stretching that he does before the games and he does during the games during the game yeah uh it’s it’s a sight to see and and he’s a modern Marvel of medicine and and

How things go when you and I were watching basketball back in the 80s and 90s a guy like that would not have existed you know he would have broken down some way somehow uh but Wy has a good head on his shoulders he has a good team around him uh popping the front

Office are are keeping an eye on him and they’re not going to ere exert him or overextend him I’m actually surprised he played in that Rockets game in Houston me too me too I am very very very surprised that they did that but that was because wmy wanted to play and that

Was also a game in which he left for this the locker room with three minutes to go in the second quarter he was walking right by me I was like where are you going you know the over there uh but uh yeah he’s getting nicked up man and and these games are

Meaningless the only games that matter between now and and the end of April are probably the games in Austin because they’re trying to get that that City to embrace the team uh that’s really it man and and I think right now don’t you get the sense that Spurs man’s just tired oh

No yeah yeah yeah I think they’re they’re tired you know La just just with last season and this season the poor records not really looking you know the season is it’s so predictable now you know at least in the last it’s We’re Young we’re getting better we’re

Learning and we got to incorporate wimy that was that’s been like the big thread or threads this season last year it was We’re Young we’re learning We’re Young we’re learning same thing the more I look at it yeah I apologize for no no no

Go ahead uh the more I look at it with the upcoming Lottery coming up you know the Spurs have their own pick uh as of right now the Spurs have the the tied with the best odds of winning the overall number one pick like they did last year

14% uh but when you have the third worst record you can go anywhere between one and seven in picking and then when it comes to having Toronto’s top six protected pick Toronto’s the seventh best record right or worst record so because of that you know if they move up

Into the top four the Spurs don’t get it yeah uh I hate to say it because Spurs fans may not want to hear this but I wouldn’t necessarily mind it if we didn’t get Toronto’s pick this year I I you know the the strength the draft I think Atlanta’s picks next year

Will be better yeah Atlanta’s pick will be better next year but the 2025 draft very much like the 23 draft is very strong the 24 one there are some interesting names out there that could help the Spurs uh I know a lot of Spurs fans are falling in love with r and

Falling in love with uh you know n with topic and and you know a lot of these uh players out there that could Dillingham uh that could really help this team uh Reed Shepard’s another one uh but it’s it’s just so funny because the question is are any of these guys

Stars and there might be two or three but the 2025 draft is supposed to be a lot more star heavy and the Spurs already have the first round draft pick of their own they have uh Atlanta’s unprotected pick we have Chicago’s top 10 protected pick we have Charlotte’s

Top 14 protected pick and then then if we have Toronto’s top six first theoretically could have five first rounders which they’re not going to draft five first rounders but they can package him or do do something with it yeah and and and this is where I go back

To Brian right in the front office is that they’re sitting there just letting the chips fall where they may as opposed to trying to they’re trying to let fate happen as opposed to trying to create your own fate and that’s the difficult part as a Spurs fan is because

Brian Wright it’s difficult he might be doing the right thing he might be and it’s just so difficult to watch because the Spurs have had five losing seasons in a row absolutely and other thing just before we uh transition to uh your segment your birthday segment currently

Wimy has a usage rate of 31.8 so 32 that’s high that’s very high he one of the higher ones in the NBA so you gotta keep that in mind look again I get it he’s young everybody he’s you know every game is valuable regardless of the record just for his experience I get

That but you factor in what we’ve been talking about the hectic summary he’s going to have then the quick turnar around to next season Spurs got to start thinking about maybe just maybe uh they should start lightening his load as the season winds down hey we’re not done

Talking when we get back we’re going to be celebrating he men is it’s his birthday but he’s going to give us his two Spurs birthday wishes he’s blowing out those handles what are two Spurs things related things that he wants to see come true that’s next right here on lockdown

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Boy himself Mike H menz make sure to follow him on xmj acquired taste check out his on the animal City Sports podcast Network he’ll talk about that in a moment maybe that’ll be your present for humanis today go subscribe to the animal City Sports podcast you know

That’ be a nice little appreciation on his birthday but it is his look it’s his it’s the birthday boy he gets a little segment for himself today but he’s gonna do a silver and black Twist on it so obviously he can’t blow out 47 candles

On the show so we’re going to limit him to two candles so what are your two Spurs birthday wish is I’m going to blow out the candles B what what what what is on your list there he give me two as a Spurs fan now I know they can’t Grant

These birthday wishes today but let’s just say that they grant them by the beginning of the next season would be nice uh first and formost address the point guard position somehow some way address it because you know I I like Trey Jones I want him on

This team me too he ain’t the guy to lead you to the promised land he’s not the guy that’s going to lead you to the playoffs so I would rather the Spurs kind of focus on uh getting a point guard of some sort somehow whether it be

In the draft you know if you get like a Nicola topic type of player although topic isn’t even my guy you know I like Rob Dillingham towards the the the for the second pick of the Spurs get Toronto uh but I I think the Spurs need to

Address it because I know some spurs fans want Trey young others want them to go through the draft my thing is just address it address it okay and not bring in uh some scrub off the off the the waiver wire type of thing I have have

Somebody there that is going to be a legit point guard starting for this team long term yeah second birthday wish it’s kind of the dovetail from all that is to provide wemy some help when it comes to Veterans the Spurs need veterans next year uh they they next season they need

To have somebody there Beyond pop Wheeling out the VCR and saying here’s some YouTube videos of VCR yeah like a substitute teacher right uh here’s some YouTube videos on certain players Kevin mccale and whatnot no we need some veteran leadership there traveling with the team on the court with the team and

I know a lot of Spurs fans are like well we’ve got the Brain Trust of Tim Tony and Manu you know LaMarcus Aldridge comes by Boris Dia all that stuff that’s great but they don’t play for the team okay they don’t travel with the team they’re not a coach on the team they

Come up and show up every once in a while that’s not it I want veteran leadership can I get a third one please okay go ahead it’s your birthday you get an extra one all right GNA close my eyes oh if I say it it won’t come

True okay so the Third Wish I wonder what this is GNA be I think I might I think I might know please pop in the front office unveil what the succession plan is for pop you know tell us who the who’s the next person in line

Is it Becky is it somebody already on staff who is the next person in line as opposed to us trying to figure out what’s going to happen when the day comes that pop actually does retire because he ain’t gonna get fired the day that he retires look though it’s your

Birthday these are your wishes but I’m actually surprised a wish revolving around soan didn’t pop up oh I know it would have been like uh sohan’s effective field goal shooting could go up that’s but the thing is I signed that damn form man I mean he stood up to man I was

Right there in the fifth row he stood up to am man Thompson he blew him a kiss I I got giddy in the stance there and that was the thing being in enemy territory everyone wearing red and white and I’m there in silver and black and he was

Wearing silver and black and I was like that’s my guy you don’t mess with my player and uh that was classic that it was all caught in video with my with my camera phone it’s funny you men we mentioned soan because uh in the game versus the Warriors in in at the frost

Yeah it was actually soan that was being the calm cool collected one with uh Collins remember that second quarter Collins picked up two quick ones and he was you can see Collins like resisting every ounce to go at the refs like get in their face not once but twice and

Every time Collins was about to approach the refs you saw soan wrap him up the instigator pull him away and be like hey hey calm down Cal down calm down usually it’s Collins pulling off soah or whatnot yeah but I had a me and a champany we

Had a chuckle about that after that Warriors game uh champany was at his uh locker and I go hey uh Hey Julian and he goes what’s up I go isn’t it kind of ironic that it was Zohan being cool and he goes yeah it was like like

What so uh it was pretty interesting but yeah but again happy birthday heenez again many happy returns you know happy 47th you know be safe be careful all that good stuff but I know one way fans can give you a nice little birthday present is subscribing to the alimo City

Sports podcast huh tell us about that yeah Alim City Sports cast we just celebrated this week our 100th episode congratulations nice we started we restarted back in January Monday through Friday uh we we get going around 10:15 or so we go for about an hour 15 hour

And a half a lot of people watch it you know in real time but actually more people watch it after the fact you know they’re getting off of work so we make sure that it’s not dated and it’s it’s Sports a lot of it Spurs NFL college

Football we have March Madness going on right now we have a bracket for the bracket baddies the baddies the batd brackets we’re trying to determine the hottest female celebrity of the Year 2024 uh it’s getting down to the Sweet 16 uh so we have polls at MJ acquir

Taste on X uh on on a daily basis when it comes to that it’s a fun show uh again we’re on all the major podcast platforms but also you can subscribe to us on the Alamo City Podcast Network it’s not only our show uh but we have uh

Other shows like a generation duo with Brandon Medina uh we we have Rudy compos Jr with his show which is daily starting around 3 or four o’clock in the afternoon as well so we have a full-on network of programming for you guys and uh it’s fun times man and we enjoy doing

What we do we have our die hards and uh you Jeff are also on the show very frequently so we appreciate it absolutely absolutely again follow himz on X MJ acquired taste make sure to follow him on X MJ acquired taste uh we’ll be back tomorrow I believe Hector

Lzma it’ll be joining us tomorrow we’ll be talking all things silver and black and again follow us on the YouTube page lockdown Spurs on YouTube K 5 plus iTunes Spotify and then check out locked on Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube go subscribe to it right now everybody’s there talk sports 247 lock

On sports today so for the birthday boy Michael Jimenez happy birthday again jenez I am Jeff Garcia we’re gonna put a lock on this episode of lockdown Spurs

On this episode of Locked On Spurs, host Jeff Garcia gives his takeaways from the San Antonio Spurs game versus the Rockets.

Also, Alamo City Sportscast’s Michael Jimenez stops by to discuss if the Spurs should slowly scale back Victor Wembanyama’s playing time with the season all but over and his packed Summer schedule, which includes playing for Team France at the Olympics.

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  1. Bench unit was so bad against Rockets… When Malaki Branham is cold, he don't play any D (or rebounds) as always but don't produce anything on the other side (3/15 the last 2 games , with 3 assists and 4 TOV)
    It's like playing 4 vs 6.

  2. Why do you think they can double, triple Wemby? Because Spurs are dead last at 3pts, The team can't space the floor efficiently, so of course any decent coach would do the same thing against Spurs.
    Seriously I hate how bad Spurs are on D, but that's nothing comparing to that ridiculously bad efficiency at 3pts…

  3. Rockets played tough/playoff-like defense so kudos to them. Spurs need to figure these types of physical plays. Season long if the team plays bully-ball the young Spurs just cowered. That last turnover when team wasn't even able to make a shot proved how far this team from being tagged as 'good.' Devin was MIA, if he is a vocal leader in this team, he needs to show up every night. 6pts on 35mins in meh — enough of the excuses. Iwe knows all Spurs plays and it shows, Pop got out-coached by his mentee again.

  4. A question from an OKC freak but who like the Spurs: why do so many so-called Spurs hate Jeremy? Are they that lost but then again a lot of OKC fans hate Giddey.

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