@Charlotte Hornets

Aleksej Pokusevski 9 Pts 3 Ast Charlotte Hornets vs Memphis Grizzlies HIGHLIGHTS

Aleksej Pokusevski 9 Pts 3 Ast Charlotte Hornets vs Memphis Grizzlies HIGHLIGHTS

Wan Gabriel Fades misses and the rebound taken by Grant Williams Williams a povi in and a great pass to poosi underneath who finishes they had high hopes for povi when he was Oklahoma laravia off glass povi was there defensively Charlotte on the Run man sets up Bridges

Povi wants it it’s an open three it’s through for Alexi poosi and the Grizz find here in this second quarter as opposed to the first quarter meic was bent over I’m not sure if he was cramping appears to be in a little bit of discomfort poosy drives floats Williams on the post up

Turnaround jumper no miller kept it alive on the offensive glass third offensive rebound for the Hornets poosi Grizzlies defensive Griz being outscored 2616 in the paint GG Jackson works against gvi little Inn out little contact and came up with nothing Bridges and Taylor jins calls timeout that’s 19 for Bridges and Charlotte its largest lead of the game Bridges has had 12 20 and 10 games Gabriel extra

Pass Jordan for Three Focus chepi and a grant Williams 3 finds The

Aleksej Pokusevski 9 Pts 3 Ast
Charlotte Hornets vs Memphis Grizzlies 110 98


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  2. Само лагано краљу 💪🏀 имам осећај да ће Покушевски и Мицић бити убитачан тандем. Покушевски је по мени направио грешку што није био једно 2,3 године у Европи код тренера као што је Жељко Обрадовић, али добро, идемо сад лагано 💪

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