@San Antonio Spurs



All right so as you guys probably noticed I’ve only been uploading a video a day over the last few days and the reason being is cuz I was out of town actually went to see a Drake jcole and Little Dirt concert really dope really awesome but I am very tired like very

Very tired um so I haven’t really had the energy to go live and I just want to say I really do appreciate all the love uh that I receive specifically on Twitter uh believe it or not there’s quite a few people after games that either uh tag me in something or they

Send me a message and say hey I’m ready for the live or they’re excited to go live and that means a lot that you actually think about going to the channel after games to have any type of discourse that’s really cool I appreciate it and I will never uh take

That for granted as we grow this Channel and everything so I I just wanted to say that and look I didn’t have the energy to go live but I thought nonetheless we can jump on here I could talk about this game a little bit give you my overall thoughts and they’re pretty positive

Believe it or not I want some R are we having fun yet all right all right okay all right so San Antonio Spurs versus the Houston Rockets always a classic or at least Rockets fans want it to be uh a real rivalry I I have no idea if it’s a

Rivalry I know for a fact I don’t like a lot of Houston Rockets fans it’s not all of them but gez man that that fan base is very irritating um but they really hate us like really hate Spurs fans and I I guess I understand you know when

When you’re in the same state and the Spurs have been winning for so long obviously you’re going to have a little bit of Envy right um so I get it but at the same time man oh my god oh oh God but I love to beat them so it is

Frustrating when we lose but I don’t know I’m not really that beat up about this game overall so before we talk about uh all of the things that I had to take away from it uh really quick I’m going to let Clan take it away we have a

Sponsor for this video all right guys so before we get into the content I want to give a big shout out to today’s sponsor I’ll be honest with you okay I get so many phone calls from where I used to live a lot of people don’t know this but

I’m actually from Memphis Tennessee I get that a lot are you from San Antonio no I’m from Memphis Tennessee no longer live there but man I still get plenty of calls from 901 and I know for a fact that it’s either spam or scammers or

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Just go ahead and hit the link in my description um and it will send you to Aura in which you will get a 14-day free trial just click the link in my description big shout out to Aura for reaching out uh to me and uh collabing

So yeah just wanted to ex spread that information to you guys and let’s uh get back into this video thanks clan for taking it away okay that meant a lot to me my boy um but yeah you guys uh check out Aura Link in my description you’ll get a 14-day

Free trial just use that link below all right so let’s take a look at this San Antonio Spurs versus the Houston Rockets uh yes this is this is a a battle of Titans not not not really all right so we all know shingon was gone um addressing that first and foremost so I

Was expecting the Spurs to win this game okay especially with the Rockets being shorthanded um but at the same time how the Houston Rockets have played defense I was not shocked that we struggled at times against them now also adding on to that I cannot believe how many Rockets fans

Had the audacity to say that San Antonio Spurs fans were cheering on Shen gon’s injury I I have no idea what they’re talking about completely made up if there were any maybe a couple okay but the amount of Houston Rockets fans especially the ones that have somewhat

Of a following that were so quick to say oh my gosh I want wimy to be injured the Spurs fans don’t operate like that like I don’t think we got some crappy fans don’t get me wrong okay but a lot of the Spurs fans bad opinions are usually directed towards their own franchise

Like they idealize other franchises and automatically think that they’re better um even if they didn’t do anything and it’s because I think Spurs fans have won for so long or it’s a certain group of Spurs fans especially older Spurs fans that didn’t like papovich back in the

90s when uh he made himself the head coach and just kind of dealt with it since then because they’ve been winning there’s a lot of weird stuff like that but usually it’s directed towards the San Antonio Spurs themselves I don’t see a lot of Spurs fans get really like

Hateful towards other uh uh franchises maybe the Lakers but everyone hates the Lakers and maybe Kawai but for obvious reasons but I don’t even think Spurs fans go too far with that so I don’t know dude I’m not going to sit here and say like oh I need to sit here and

I don’t know police what Spurs fans say or do but I do keep up with things and I have not seen Spurs fans talk about shingon almost at all like at all um if if anything I see Houston Rockets fans are the ones that go after uh wimy and

Say that they want injuries and all this nonsense and it’s and it’s the ones with actual like followings like these fan pages they have actual followings that I’ve seen do that Spurs fans with followings I haven’t seen them do it I haven’t done it I haven’t seen a lot of

Other Spurs fan fan pages do it and I haven’t seen a lot of people in my comment section or other comment sections that covers the Spurs saying anything remotely close to their happy shenon is hurt I haven’t seen it maybe there’s a couple people obviously there’s going to be anomaly but as far

As like a big enough group to even put notice on is nonsense is BS Houston Rockets fans are projecting okay cuz they wanted wimy to be hurt or at least those that group wanted wimy to be hurt so I don’t know I think that’s bull but

Overall I was expecting a W uh in this game and I thought the Spurs had it pretty much in control for a big chunk of it they just had a really tough time difficult time and I knew this would be the case uh guarding fan Fleet okay they

They it seemed like van Fleet always um it’s not just him it’s just guards in general we we struggle with we we don’t have enough defense on the perimeter uh and look soan can’t guard everybody Devon fael is a a decent Defender he’s not a lock down Defender it it was just

Yeah we can never we can never do anything with that um but moving on we just talk about the Spurs as a whole um we’ll go individually anybody that stood out to me um not necessarily like once again I say this all the time with

Soan um I don’t get I get excited when he has like really good games but it’s not something where I expect him to always have great games like this 9 for 14 from the field really impressive 21 points that’s great two for six from three that’s all you can ask for right

There um as far as shooting wise I’m not expecting him to be a world beater when it comes to three-point shooting just be uh someone where they can’t completely leave you open and I think that that will suffice I’ve always said this he’s a glue guy he’s a tough Defender that’s

What he is he’s going to do the dirty work that’s the type of player he is so we when when knowing that and knowing that he’s capable of putting up good numbers on occasion that’s good enough for me um and as we add on to Talent

He’ll be a guy that amplifies the guys around him you know very similar to what Draymond Green can do um you just need talent talent around him uh or is D’s role with us us essentially was the same thing not saying so he can pass to like

Di’s level that’s probably closer to uh CID Soko who could could possibly do that but anyways but just overall I think soan um had a really good game and he showed out he he kind of went off uh in this game when B struggled again against the Houston Rockets um

Unfortunately I’ll be honest with you guys I think there’s a couple things playing on this okay offensively uh only 13 points I was actually expecting him to play a little bit better uh this time around but at the same time uh udoka has done done a really good job of seeing

What wm’s weaknesses are and they just send double triple teams they’re basically saying hey we’re going to let everyone else be you but you won’t and wimy has struggled with that and when you don’t have good enough Talent around you or guys that are a legitimate threat

From three this is what happens you lose by two okay cuz you just don’t have enough SC scores enough Shooters around you uh Trey Jones while he had a really great game this is not something I guess similar to soan this is not something I’m expecting a lot from him I’m not

Expect him to shoot four for seven in in in a game uh he showed out he did a good job uh this was I mean three steals 24 points he did a fine job I’m just not expecting this and the Houston Rockets were like basically hey if Trey Jones

Beats us Trey Jones beats us right and Trey Jones did not beat them uh so just overall you know he’s just going to need more Talent it’s it’s nothing nothing else to say about it now here’s something that’s inexcusable all right and I’ve said this before I’ll say it

Again now this hasn’t been you know it hasn’t happened enough over the past couple months or anything for me to get super super upset about it but this is not okay there is no planet and I don’t care I don’t care how well Tre Jones is

Playing I don’t care how well Sohan is playing okay I do not care I don’t care how well wimy is playing there is no world in which Devin fael should shoot three less shots than Julian champeny that’s not a shot on Julian that’s not a shot on anybody else but Devon fael

There is no world in which Devon should do that um I’ve said this time and time again he needs to put up at least 16 to 17 shots okay if it’s a terrible percentage hey we lose um but there is no world in which I think that this is

Okay Devon fael cannot go two for six he can’t take only six shots I’m sorry I do not care uh get to the rim do whatever you have to do excert your will I do not care um I know things like this or moments like this people instantly say

Pop pop what are you doing pop what are you doing pop no this is just Devon fael okay no you you have to exert your will papic isn’t going to yell at him uh for for some shots I’m I’m sorry I know that that sounds crazy that’s that’s it seems

Um you know unsp like but no no no Devon fael that’s your that’s your role that’s how good you are force your will there’s two for six is inexcusable on any given day I do not care unless we just have immense talent and we got we’re at the

Point where Devon fael could even come off the bench I mean there is no reason he should only take six shots in any reality not okay with that that’s all Devin um and he has this tendency to kind of he doesn’t always just disappear I don’t want to use that cuz that you

Know that means I don’t know some people use that and say like he’s soft or something he he just makes adjustments to the point where he’s so unselfish where he’s just like okay what’s the benefit of the team right now this player’s hot this players hot but I’m

Sorry our best chance to win is Devon fael you got to be hot okay um soan isn’t going to win us games offense I mean sometimes he will but with he needs Devon fael with him but sohan’s not going to just win us games offensively Trey Jones isn’t going to win us games

Offensively uh and this is exactly what the Houston Rockets wanted they wanted Devon fael to only shoot six shots they wanted Victor wanyama uh to to be under under control and they wanted everyone else to beat them well when everyone else has to beat you you still lose so no Devon fael

He he has to go off there there’s no way Um Zack Collins and Julian champeny should have more shots put up than him and Malachi brandham have more shot and Blake Wesley have more shots put up nope inexcusable I don’t care um people can say well you know he was often double

Team which which he was you know they they came up with de but you got to find a way I’m sorry you you got to find a way the Spurs looked so sloppy um but with that being said I do want to say this uh Houston Rockets defense was

Great uh I know some SP fans were upset because they were like it was just way too rough um there were some fouls that that the refs missed I me watching it you know without looking at you know what some people were saying uh initially like during the game I

Actually enjoyed the defense that was being played uh believe it or not I I thought that it’s good for our development I thought that um how they could kind of move wimy around a little bit um and with him being the tallest person on the court that no one could

Really guard him oneon-one and they still were able to contain him to only taking 12 shots and to 13 points I think that that’s a lesson to him he’s definitely going to have to build some muscle build some core strength there um and figure those things out I thought it

Was nice that they were able to enforce their will to the point where Deon fael felt like he could only take six shots I think that’s good for our team okay it exposed all of our weaknesses um and yes while soan had a good game Tre Jones had

A good game and I’m not you know harping on or talking bad about those two guys they they are not they are not going to win us any games this season that those are not the one if if teams sit back and say those two guys got to beat you

Offensively we’re screwed um but you need Victor and you need Devon facel um to play fairly well now also I will give them a little bit of um you know some just just just a little bit of uh uh charitability here they they are coming off you know injuries or in which

They didn’t really play much so so you know there’s that but I’m sorry there there’s there’s no excuse for six shots I mean you in 36 minutes he had the most I didn’t even notice this till now he had the most minutes than anyone else on

Our team and he put up six shots I’m sorry nope nope never okay not okay you got to do better um yeah no exert your whe I don’t care six assists that’s great but you got to exert your will um so but anyways uh rocket did a great job

Defensively um double teaming triple teaming wimy making things very uncomfortable for him um and I think I guess that’s the best word I could describe this game right it was uncomfortable uh we we were just we were just never at the beginning I felt like

Like I said we had a little bit of control but as the game went on it it was just they just made it uncomfortable for us you know kind of beating us around a little bit and I think this is just a fine lesson and kudos to the

Rockets you know for for this win I I was actually happy that we were getting that type of defense for uh from them um because a lot of teams they’re like oh we’re just going to let the rookie wimy beat us if if he can’t and that is not a good idea he

Will make you look silly uh so uh they exposed our our our weaknesses that’s good and you know it’s Trey Jones isn’t going to shoot four for seven these are the type of games that you just got to you you just got to live with right he’s

The Rockets got to sit back and say yeah Trey Jones go ahead shoot as much as you want we we don’t believe in you um but look you only lost by two uh it’s not one of those things where I thought the Spurs the whole game play soft or

Anything I really thought it was more of like a um not being able to uh figure the Houston Rockets defense out that’s not the coaching staff that’s just a matter of having a young team it just is what it is so those are my thoughts about that um what I’ll think

I’ll do is cu I have not seen coaches pop or coach pops postgame interview so I’ll we we’ll have this uploaded I’ll go ahead and go over that one as well and just see what he had to say about the game and uh maybe we can go live uh

Thursday night maybe that’ll be a good idea cuz I haven’t been live for a while but anyways I will talk to you guys soon uh thank you so much for the love and like I said it means so much to me that like there’s plenty of Spurs fans that’s

Like hey I want to I can’t wait to go live I can’t wait to you know talk talk to about and I think it really is just like a community thing cuz when I created this VD or created this channel that’s what I initially wanted because I

Don’t know if you guys know this but back when um before I created the channel I had the Instagram page and whatnot um I used to watch games and I would chump jump on YouTube and try to find any channel that’s talking about the Spurs

Just so I can engage with other people I know that there were blogs back then as far as Spurs fans talking um but there just wasn’t any place where like it was a community coming together and pretty like-minded and just talking about you know San Antonio so um that’s initially

What I wanted I was just expecting to go live all the time not even do any type of like videos where I just upload things um But as time went on man it it’s really cool it’s really nice and I I feel like we’ve cultivated this

Community um in which you know we talk Spurs and talk about other stuff too I mean you guys have recommended so many movies to me video games uh anime that’s cool so I don’t know it’s just a nice I I’m I’m feeling Greatful today I guess

That’s what it is I’m just feeling very grateful and I I appreciate all the love anyways I will get with you guys later man um I will go live more than likely Thursday night that will be cool um but until next time uh Bye oh

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//About me:
I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

I am not affiliated with the San Antonio Spurs
or #NBA


  1. If Houston didnโ€™t play like ๐Ÿฑ at the end and kept fouling us I think Devin or wemby wouldโ€™ve nailed a game winning shot

  2. Clan, ur analysis is completely off. We lost when malaki and zach were on the courtโ€ฆ simple.

  3. Giving up 103 points is considered good team defense the rocket shot 46% fg 31% from three and the Rocket turn the ball over 10 times. Sometimes this dude dont know what hell hes talking about.

  4. Ofc we miss u Clan ! I'm from France so I almost never can join the live after the games, but it's the first thing I play when I wake up. Kinda part of the little routine now u know ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ But yea rest a bit, and impatient to get back on the post games streams to follow the end of our Spurs's season. Always a pleasure king, thanks for the work u put in ๐Ÿ’ช

  5. Iโ€™m happy they are losing, I want them to get the first overall pick again. Thatโ€™s a dream come true for me

  6. This game was a learning experience for Victor Wembanyama. Overall, development is beneficial and important. San Antonio will be better next season.

  7. Bench unit was so bad against Rockets… When Malaki Branham is cold, he don't play any D (or rebounds) as always but don't produce anything on the other side (3/15 the last 2 games , with 3 assists and 4 TOV)

    It's like playing 4 vs 6.

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