@Portland Trail Blazers

(Concept) should there be an inverted color option for the blazers license plate? What do you guys think?

(Concept) should there be an inverted color option for the blazers license plate? What do you guys think?

by Pingu790


  1. Mysterious_Candy_466

    I got blazer plates last month 💪🏻

  2. treefiddy--

    I’d change out my white ones for this

  3. they were pretty stupid with the entire design of the blazer plate. iirc it came out like 1 year before the blazers changed their logo which was pretty bad planning, but they also put the logo in such a bad spot. i see a lot of vanity plates that just straight up cover the logo and it looks terrible. should have been a logo only.

  4. No-Inspection-4588

    It’s nice, but they aren’t going to give 2 versions of a limited use plate.

  5. Food_Kitchen

    As long as it doesn’t cost us like $240 to make the change.

  6. eyeballbuffet

    Yep, I’d be on that. Oregon needs a black plate option regardless.

  7. Stegosaurus69

    They need to get rid of the “TB” or redesign it somehow. I still call them the tuberculosis plates

  8. old_dolio_

    Absolutely that’s honestly better than the real one

  9. ButtholeMegaphone

    These are the ones we should have got, coming from someone who has a pair of the TB plates already.

  10. KingTbaggergouch

    I like it, but I’ve already stated I’m boycotting the blazers and not giving them an ounce of attention or money until Jody Allen sells the team.

    Every day that goes by we are digging a deeper hole with her as owner and dragging on with no hope. She’s really starting to piss me off with her reluctance to sell so I hope more people follow my path and boycott the blazers. I’d love picket signs in front of the moda center and rally’s. So tired of being a blazer fan

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