@Chicago Bulls

[OptaStats] NBA players with 400+ points in the 4th quarter & 50+ points in OT in a season, last 25 years: Kobe Bryant, Lakers (2006-07) DeMar DeRozan, Bulls (this season)

[OptaStats] NBA players with 400+ points in the 4th quarter & 50+ points in OT in a season, last 25 years: Kobe Bryant, Lakers (2006-07) DeMar DeRozan, Bulls (this season)

by Chitowneer


  1. Imsoamerican

    He takes till late in the game to cook. Apparently takes till late in the season as well.

  2. Zen131415

    Demar and Coby end of the season masterclasses to push us to the 6th seed I’m here for it.

  3. Chitowneer

    I wonder how much more he would have cooked if there wasn’t this pushed narrative to take the ball out of his hands and have Coby run the offense entirely in the clutch all of the last 2-3 months.

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