@Brooklyn Nets

Nets lose to Magic, Mikal Bridges struggles continue

Nets lose to Magic, Mikal Bridges struggles continue

Coming up the Brooklyn Nets drop a critical game on the road against Orlando but in the process provide another alarming sample size from male Bridges what is going on with the player that was supposed to lead this team we dive in coming up next you are locked on Nets your daily

Brooklyn Nets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day Brook Brook yo all yes my friends it is the lockon Nets podcast right here on the lockon podcast Network it’s your team the Brooklyn Nets every single day over there’s Doug Nory I’m ad arck we thank you as always for making us your first

List of the day we are 100% free on all those great platforms and let you know this episode is brought to you by prize picks the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to loock on NBA and use promo code all lowercase locked on NBA for a

First deposit match up to $100 and Doug while we could talk about a 114 106 loss and how Orlando gave the Nets every opportunity to fight back and actually steal this win we’ll get to that after we talk about an absolute disastrous start for male bridges in this game

Which has been an alarming trend for him yeah I like I we’re kind of running out of ways to be worried about this I think or new ways to sort of sum it up or try to explain it it’s just been a disastrous stretch for him over the last

Not a small sample size at this point he’s topped 20 points just three times in his last 13 games uh I mean barely got I was he had gone 15 or under in nine of those um and was headed for that too in this game except kind of got some

Garbage time is points uh to to carry him up to 17 points in 30 minutes was effectively benched to close out the end of the first half he had 12 minut he had played 12 minutes at halftime and that wasn’t because of foul trouble or anything else ends up with 30 minutes

All said and done and I don’t know how you aren’t anything but just very very alarmed at how he’s played over I mean kind of the whole season but specifically since the All-Star break we’ll say right like where the efficiency’s dropped precipitously he basically has two good scoring games in this stretch

One versus Atlanta at 38 points and then a decent game against Cleveland with 25 everything else has just been ju just been bad I mean bad relative to expectations and and and really anything else and it’s it’s an alarming Trend it’s kind of without explanation except to say maybe the

Expectations were still too high but even if the expectations were too high this is still so far below his career efficiency and stuff and so I yeah I don’t know you know if he’s tired if it’s just been too long with too many minutes for him if the weight of the you

Know having to take a lot on for this team is just catching up with him if defenses have just figured him out which they clearly have if you even looked at this game long story long this has just been it’s a really really troubling sort of turn of events for him over the

Course of the second half of the Season 30 minutes tonight 5- 13 from the field gets to the line seven times you mentioned a lot of this comes kind of in the latter stage of this game 17 points by the way he was he was the second highest point scorer which is reflec

Game overall but to clarify that I mean he had nine points with like seven minutes left to go in the third he had a couple like he had a sort of a putback bucket that probably should have been a Thomas and one or like Thomas going to

The line and there and I would call you know seven of these points sort of garbage time points like the game was pretty much over you know what I mean so I start gonna triple down 14 or whatever and made an 11o game like it didn’t matter exactly and I usually don’t like

To call stuff like this out but context I do think for this matters because this was something was really paying attention to because I was this is where I went back and started looking just sort of at some of the game stuff and that’s when he had nine points and it

Seemed like inconceivable that he was going to top 20 this is how it was like kind of cleared for me when it happened anyway so hard interrupt you no no but it is but it is the trend with him obviously where where these points are coming no I mentioned there about second

Highest point score right so it just tells you a little bit about this game and where it went and by the way as a little bit of a contrast here because we’re going to talk probably as we were debating this coming into the episode usually we compartmentalize the post

Game games and then talk of a big little bit bigger picture but unfortunately the bigger picture is going to fall right into this but you did also get kind of the contrast here between Mel Bridges in between cam Thomas like to go look at this game everyone’s going to have kind

Of up and down performances but when you get nine and 19 out of Cam and he plays 39 minutes gives you 21 points it’s not a perfect game by him either you know eight rebounds four assists the stat line kind of doesn’t matter here but

It’s more about that at no point did it feel like cam Thomas wasn’t on a possession to possession basis engaged in doing what cam Thomas does it’s really hard for me to go 24 minutes of game action to get to halftime and talk about Mel Bridges he had a zero one and

One line at the halftime of this game one rebound one assist so there are even versions of this where Mel Bridges he finishes the night with 15 points okay but he had seven assists or he had eight rebounds right or through the first half of a game no scoring but because of the

Way the defenses were playing you’re getting guys in other really good spots and they’re knocking down looks listen the team overall struggled here but he may as well not have played in the first half of this game and that is you cannot be one of the two best players on a

Roster night overnight and we’re talking about this being a bad game for him but it’s an extended time period that we’ve looked at really here with these samples you cannot be a player like this that effectively goes away he goes away and in ways that are alarming on both ends

Of the floor really because not even like we’re saying oh but High leverage defensively he really makes an impact there we’ve seen it he’s too undersized he can’t play physical against spots right all these switches everything is going against him here and I know we

Want to get even more into the maybe the psychological side of this when it comes to where this season has gone but just on a high level man I’m surprised that I would say male Bridges at times looks less than engaged with what the Brooklyn Nets are about down the stretch of this

Season yeah like he was getting kind of cooked on defense at times just sort of overpowered by the bigger Wings right these guys are particular problems though he’s supposed to be a three you know came in here with a defensive just sort of you know um resume that had him

Taking a lot of these assignments these bigger wings from other teams but that is feels completely gone I we’ve really actually not talked too much about his defense this year most because when you had take on a bigger offensive load it’s sort of understood that you will be okay

Like sort of like taking slightly lesser defensive role because I think that’s just often what happens right there’s it just it just that’s just kind of like the the EB and flow of the NBA but when you’re kind of getting not much on either end that’s the problem right

Because because the the understanding there is if you if there’s going to be less of a defensive sort of St stance here then that’s going to be because the offense is like really taking a tick up but that’s G the other direction also so you’re kind of getting worse to both

Worlds in terms of what he’s bringing a nightly basis again there are times where it’s crept up over there’s some examples where it’s been okay but by and large if you look in the aggregate since the All-Star break yeah I’m hesitant you said La lack of Engagement I’m really

Always hesitant to the go there cuz I I I know you’re really not but I think we’re we’re basically trying to explain it right like this is the the problem is there’s there’s how else to explain it like is it fatigue is it being just badly matched up right here because like

When he gets against bigger size Wings he has a hard time like this has been a problem for him before is it like what is it it’s just too hard to explain and so I think that’s where we end up grasping at just different ideas because

I mean what is there do it’s so it’s just so troubling how this has gone over the last few weeks months and kind of the whole season coming up here in a second I’ll explain why if Mel Bridges was disengaged it’s totally justified this is not the team that he signed up

For when he came over in the trade from Phoenix we’ll dive into all those reasons and what else went wrong against Orlando coming up here in just one moment all right before we get to that tell you friends over at priz piix demon

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On the road here 114 106 at the hands of the Orlando Magic we told you uh a couple a few games ago here effectively prior to the weekend that that the playin discussion should be officially killed for the Brooklyn Nets you don’t you don’t deserve it when you lose games

To Memphis when you lose games to Detroit you also have Atlanta taking on at the time during this recording Portland so we can even get a little bit further away from those dreams being dashed as well I very very high level here before we talk about why maybe Mel

Bridges would be disengaged and if you want to talk more about this game feel free to jump in with it but I now do think back to well you trade all the picks you know you get all these picks from Phoenix and we want male Bridges

And we want cam Johnson and Shawn marks I drive a hard bargain maybe the hardest bargain you ever seen in your life cut two you know we’re coming up on now a full season worth of games with a 27 from a year ago okay listen the picks

Are still the picks and you take that value of it but we specifically looked at those two players and male bridg is obviously to a higher level even than cam Johnson as being critical to get back in that trade doesn’t look like that was so difficult to let go of if

You’re Phoenix now now those are great supporting players and it looks different when you have Superstars and all that stuff but those two assets specifically are greatly diminished at least from a value to the Brooklyn Nets in this season and going to the offseason as well yeah okay so I think

League wide that M probably still is basically the same value he of the trade deadline that’s my guess is that like NBA front offices are not going to react like fans to ATT 10 15 game maybe even a season samples size if you think the guy’s been miscast which we have agreed

Many times over the course of this year that he’s just miscast in in this role right he’s better served as a two or a three on a on a really good team and that’s and it’s going to be hard the Nets have for sure some uh organizational build issues here that

Are hurting everybody they hurt cam Thomas they hurt Mel Bridges right they don’t have you know they don’t have great point guard Play It’s unclear if they run like really great systems for these guys they probably could all use One highlevel Wing above everybody else

To sort of take some of the pressure off and really let all these guys do the things they do best so I think from like an overall value standpoint my guess is that value be with the contract and everything has not dropped tons here sure but it’s Shirley

Hasn’t gone up like I like I think that’s that’s the probably this a problem as they head into the offseason 2 is like look in the mirror time about what you really have I think that might be the bigger the bigger problem because it’s hard to imagine a ceiling now like

Because I think we’re seeing more and more what the floor looks like yeah and to your point I think Mel still does have that value another team’s going to look at him and say oh we we see exactly how he fits in behind our other two better players right maybe a superstar

And then another Elite Talent on the roster that’s fine this either comes back to one of two things Shawn Marx Joe Sai organizationally Hey listen we’re going to sell you guys a bill of goods you’re going to lap it up you’re going to love it and it’ll take you about

Three quarters of a season to realize that that’s not going to be a foundation that we can really build around and be successful with or they over evaluated what male Bridges is as an individual Talent what cam Johnson is going to be and what that was going to look like if

They wanted to like injuries play a factor over the course of this season we obviously acknowledge that there’s some high level ones that that really impact what they’re able to do this year but this isn’t a great team I mean it’s not a good team it’s a bad team right

They’re they’re eighth right now in the lottery as it currently stands the Houston Rockets are in that a spot and I you cannot be sitting there if you’re Shawn marks in the Nets unless you were again trying to do the pr game and really think that this roster was going

To get you where you wanted to be which was back to the playoffs that was their stance and we saw very quickly following some of these decisions following the trade deadline Shawn marks come out and say well we still think we’re an attractive destination this offseason stars all that stuff but they started

Moving past the idea of going and making the playoffs right now wanting to be competitive right now it seems like they slowly you know moved the goal poost a little bit on what the agenda was and what the timeline was and I think that does relate back to the evaluation on

Male Bridges and where he truly is in an NBA pecking order well how could you not I mean like they’ve gone through a long sample size now and they’ve seen that like this just isn’t good enough right and I know that they’ve had injury problems but I wouldn’t say they’ve had

So many more injury problems than any other team I you know there’s been some teams that have really been pillars of Health for sure right like so it’s and that’s going to happen every NBA season like you know OKC’s had great health this year right um Denver has had has

Been really healthy again and really good so like there are there are teams that Boston has been pretty much healthy except for when they want to rest guys and then there’s teams that have been totally like way unhealthier than the Nets that have been that have fought

Really hard like the Knicks have had tons of injuries the Cavs have had tons of injuries obviously Philly was that with that onbi like so I don’t know if the Nets can really look and say oh it’s all injuries here yeah the Simmons things hurt hurts but that was kind of

Predictable right I like I don’t so um and then a lot of the other guys like M Mel’s played every game so it’s not no injury for him like he’s played literally every single game and that’s the difference too because to contrast like we say a player like cam Thomas who

He’s up and down we know he’s still developing into what he’s going to be ultimately but if you gave me 82 games with injuries in and around of the lineup and everything else and cam Thomas played 82 games well I’d be pretty bullish on predicting where his

Numbers would land by the end of the year male Bridges with guys in and out of the lineup injuries around him and he plays 82 games well we’re learning that that actually really does impact how productive he can be how consistent he can be with the ball in his hands we saw

It to relate back to this game tonight we’ve seen this dozens of times over the course of this year when he has that ball in his hands and he’s going down on the offensive end and wants to go towards the basket it’s a bigger Defender between him and the cup it is

Almost guaranteed he’s not going to get there like is not there the moves are not there and you’re just waiting for how how bad do we think this is going to look when he gets rejected at the rim and it happened a handful of times tonight again rejected at The Rim

Rejected in the or just turned around in the lane like just turned around and stopped in the lane and either settling for sort of a pullup or just turning back around and having to kick it back out because he kind of just got nowhere we’ve seen it so many times this year

Where it’s just espe and again this is a tough match up these guys are they have big wings here that can kind of track with him he has trouble beating guys off the dribble like he has trouble beating like sort of like average Defenders off the dribble and these guys are

Definitely higher than average Defenders like in Suggs and and Paulo and even guys like frons and and then they get if you get Isaac in there like kind of forget about it and so and then we yeah and then if he does somehow turn the

Corner and get to the Lane he’s had a lot of trouble finishing at The Rim just be he doesn’t really get fouled very often and The Rim finishing just hasn’t been there either yeah it’s just it’s it’s just problematic all the way around and I in some ways I hate going game by

Game with this with him because we come off last game with 25 points against Cleveland so I just want to say as a reminder this is not just born out of this game we would not talk about like one bad male Bridges game yeah it’s when

We have just this long running lot of minutes not tons of shots because he can’t get them off not many points because he can’t really score against unless like the the conditions are sort of optimal and it’s just it it does have you having to take like a long look around you know

What ultimately is the plan because how many ways is this team going to get better in the off season yeah you know like there aren’t many ways and if we’re just looking at the Timeline all the way to 2025 now you know are we signed up for another season of this there’s some

Version where they are signed up for another season that kind of looks like this one and if you want to talk about like leveling up the chances of burnout I mean this is exactly how you do it like go through another season of this all at what point does like he just ask

For a trade it’s like I can’t like I don’t know like that’s that’s got to be in the that range of outcomes too and that’s why so coming up here in a second I want to highlight some stats from Mel Bridge’s career that I think are almost comical to contrast with what’s

Happening this season but then as Doug mentioned right there this isn’t this isn’t a Mel Bridges problem this is a byproduct of what this organization is doing and there’s a world where even a second or third tier player is now going to get to a place where he feels like

Gosh I’d rather do this anywhere else but here we’ll get into that aspect of things coming up here in just one second all right did you know that even if you have a 401k for retirement you can still have an IRA Robin Hood is the

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Lost again just in case you’re wondering 114 SPO which spoiler alert the team the team is bad and they’re losing a lot of basketball games uh by and I had done the math on this too like remember I I’ll I’ll I’ll try to do it again here

In a second we talk about where they’re going to end up Landing here falling probably further back assuming that Atlanta grabs a win here over Portland tonight as that’s getting underway while we’re actively putting a little cap on this episode I went back and looked Doug

There’s a journey back in 2021 22 when a young 25-year-old Mel Bridges was playing 82 games for the Phoenix Suns it is shock that from the field he was shooting 63% affective field goal percentage over 60 he was knocking down 83% at the line he was giving you three pointers 37%

From Deep he was an all defensive team he was Defensive Player of the Year runner up in that season like there are so many things so recently that that that you look at but I think the Stark thing there for me is the shooting percentage because then you follow it up the next

Year as he comes over into Brooklyn and everything does come back down to earth basically he starts shooting in the 50s right the three-point shooting stays right where it’s at effectively for his entire career has come down actually a little bit even more this season he’s shooting just over 36% the free throw

Shooting and this is a part of it this is not an indictment on male Bridges from the standpoint of he should not be one of your two best players he should be your third best player maybe even less if you want to really get the max value that three throw shooting

Percentage is directly related to Crunch moments Big Time spots need to knock down shots I don’t necessarily think that he’s that guy now maybe he grows into that because he’s never had to be that player we saw 27 games end of last year which was kind of pressure free for

Him this year there was a pressure and there still technically remains a pressure and it just doesn’t seem like he’s built for that and I’m not this isn’t an indictment on him it’s just skill set role where you should be playing the Brooklyn Nets getting him in that Kevin Durant trade has arguably

Just put him in one of the worst possible positions for him to be successful as he’s peing into his prime years yeah you know it’s funny when you look at the 81% free throw shooting I I do wonder I mean if we’re talking about like fatigue or just like other issues

Like that would be mental you know like some mental stuff’s get into him I’m not saying like mentally he’s checked out or anything but like the weight of the franchise has been put on has put on his shoulders like they’ve been so clear about this he’s the star he’s the guy

That market he’s the one they do everything about he’s the guy he’s the one that’s going to bring in free agents everyone loves him I’m not saying this tongue and cheek like this is like basically what’s come out of the organization like he’s friends with everyone he’ll be the one that helps

Recruit players like he’s the face of the he’s the face there’s a lot of pressure that goes with that and sometimes when you’re standing by yourself in the free throw line like that’s pressure that can kind of mount for you and when you drop 10% in free

Throw rate you know Year over-year from 89% to 81% and the and the free throws go down like 33% from 6.6 to 4.4 so you’re getting to the line less and you’re not making them like that’s a lonely place to be sometimes and I don’t know if

There’s maybe if there’s one stat that kind of like stares out glaringly around like sort of what’s going on here maybe that’s it it’s like these solo moments where the pressure is on and I don’t think anyone’s saying that he’s like not a pressure player like he’s hit some

Game big game shots at the end like he wants to take shots at the end of the game I think he’s got like I’m not worried about that part of him really but or I guess I’m not making that claim but maybe this like that he’s just like

The fact that he’s been the face of the franchise like if you’re the face of a franchise and you’re struggling and the team stinks like that’s a tough place to be like that’s a really really tough place to be and it’s an unenviable position among athletes when you find

Yourself in that spot and that’s yeah that’s why I think it is I think it’s the culmination of everything right it’s the elevated it’s the elevated spot that you’re in now coming to Brooklyn it’s the expectations it’s what this team wants to accomplish in the off season

Bringing in Stars it is that whether it matters or not in the grand scheme of things wanting to make the playoffs and your team is struggling to even come close to being 500 this year right like I think all those things can play a factor and then you throw in that we

Know he goes and plays for Team USA every single off season and and he’s one of the top candidates to go and play for USA again in France like there there’s a world where he’s going to go right into another offseason and keep to go playing basketball and you’re going to have to

Look at that at some point and just wonder if you can from an Net’s perspective steal the value and and maybe give him you know I know these things don’t matter but it’s like give give him the the relief of going and playing behind a couple of superstars

And having your job be infinitely easier and getting back to the player that you’re supposed to be highlevel defensive player really can do some nice things offensively and fits into a role well and we cannot get out of this episode Doug without bringing up the fact that whether or not his value Still

Remains high that that deadline this past deadline once again and this is why fans cry out for Joe Sai to sell the team and for Shawn marks to be fired as well before you get a new new head coach in here there’s just no world whether or

Not teams still look at male as being a valuable player and a valuable piece this isn’t helping his value it it’s not helping to see him start to dip and if you think fatigue and wear down over the long run of games that he’s played in

His career could be a factor here too there’s a world where his shelf life of value is actually a little more capped than some other players into their third well into their 30s if you think about the number of games he’s played and the fact that maybe that burnout will come a

Little bit sooner for him than others how could it not I mean the minutes are through the roof he has tons of Miles he’s not Young by NBA standards he’s not old but he’s not young um right and he’s around the time that you pretty much start figuring out basically what guys

Are right you are 2728 is you don’t get better you usually don’t get better going into your 30s now you the the the decline might not start on like a a steep rate but most guys you don’t get to like 31 and be like hey turns out they were a superstar like

That’s just not a conversation they you really have it’s like you find out kind of now and then you kind of go through the rest of your career we’re finding out who he is now the value is unlikely to climb at this point again I don’t

Think it’s dropped off a cliff I think that there’s teams that would look at him and still really want to add it though the story gets tougher and tougher to tell with the the more he struggles from the field because it’s like well what are you really adding are

You going back and adding uh you know a super role player I mean maybe that player is not like a four first round pick kind of guy right at 28 years old I I don’t know like I I’d be surprised if these offers if they

Were even to be made would be huge huge offers you know I think there’s some teams you could look at and be like you know where would he even fit in on on a championship team right now like the Nuggets would he start I mean yeah but

You talk you talk you started over kcp right like you talk about it for a second probably like he would clearly start Celtics I don’t know right like I like I don’t know who who would he start over he probably would but I guess my point I’m bringing those two teams up

Because these are Championship level teams that it’s not crystal clear and he would he would start but it’s not it’s not like this complete snap call and then you get a step lower and he clearly would I get but I’m using this to illustrate like sort of

Like you know are is he putting you over the top to be a championship level team right for another team I’m not sure about that and he clearly would help a lot of teams but I just get worried with every passing day and every extra minute that’s played and every shot that’s you

Know sort of looks like a struggle and all this other stuff that like you know what is it is anyone being helped here like I’m not I’m not positive about that like I’m not sure anyone’s being him the team anybody is being served by this and I don’t know it’s it’s head scratching

And it’s a little troubling if you’re a fan and it’s just a bummer because he’s like a great guy by all counts and you want guys like this to win and you want the Nets to win and he’s kind of at the Crux of it so yeah it’s just it’s just a

It’s been a not amazing couple weeks here I’ll tell a couple quick things before we get out the door here one it feels like it relates very much when I think about uh saquan Barkley with the New York Giants that he gets drafted by the team taking very high overall too

High as we all would know but when he finally leaves and gets paid a ton of money to go play with the Philadelphia Eagles there’s a lot of fans you’re going to a rival like we hate you how dare you me I thought good for you cuz

You deserve because you deserve to be somewhere where your job becomes easier you’re going to be celebrated for the talent that you are and it’s not going to come with this other level of pressure necessarily that gets heaped on you when you’re on a bad team and

Everyone wants you one of the best players to drag them out of that M well also buddy you’re also normal so like like like you’re normal and you’re a nice guy and your head is on straight and you don’t get crazy about this stuff on like a personal level so

Congratulations I I know this about you but if you are the kind of person that screams at these guys for doing stuff like this I it’s it’s look in the mirror time I know Adam’s not the this kind of guy this has been this has been a heck

Of an end of an episode for me and the last thing that I’ll note here as well just so everybody remembers everyone says oh what a terrible draft class the Nets are currently eighth in the in the tank ofon it’s going to Houston they are chasing down desperately uh the Memphis

Grizzlies who are in the seventh position maybe even the sixth there with Toronto and if you think it’s a bad draft that may very well be the case but I don’t care whether or not it’s Shephard out of Kentucky whether it’s castle out of Yukon you have other

Players Like Walter out of Baylor that are all up there Dillingham out of Kentucky all these guys maybe they are not Superstar level talents but you know how you’ll never find out if you don’t have the possibility of drafting one of them which the Nets don’t have and that

Gets taken away from you when you don’t make proactive decisions so that was uh you know what the only thing worse than a bad a bad a good pick and a bad draft there’s no pick in no pick in a bad no pick in a bad draft right so

All of these wonderful things are coming together here beautifully for the Brooklyn Nets and and we’re as you know we are the conduit for you the fan base to to vent yourself out we try to be tempered about it but it’s hard man and and games like these make it a lot

Harder especially around male Bridges all right we will be back tomorrow where we’ll probably end up talking a little bit more about Mel Bridges we’ll talk a little more about cam Thomas he did have a good game we ended up not spending too much time in the rest of this game uh

Probably disservice to some of the other guys that did well but we Les that battle’s coming back around Oh I thought for sure we were going to get get a little fist of Cuffs in this one but we’ll we’ll go back we’ll go back a couple through a couple sequences again

We’ll take a look about what the next uh couple weeks are looking like for the Nets the realistic options that they have here over the rest of the season as well in the meantime make sure you go to weot grabb a copy of the free

Ebook also make sure you go to YouTube if you’re on YouTube just hit that like And subscribe button just get us to 7,000 get us to 7,000 subscribers by the end of the year that’ll feel good then it’s a win then everyone wins you know that’s the big floor raising thing so go

To we got And subscribe to lock. Nets over on YouTube dooom Doom now that is David Bowie from Under Pressure you got me with that one all right uh one of the alltime great poets rip we’ll be back again tomorrow talking more Brooklyn nuts basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball

Basketball basketball basketball yeah

The Nets went into Orlando to face the Magic, but struggled once again to find offense early in the game. Mikal Bridges had yet another down game, scoring 0 points in 12 first half minutes, ultimately finishing with an uninspiring 17 by the end of the game.

He’s topped 20 points just three times in his last 13 games with the numbers down across the board. What is the problem here? Is he miscast? Fatigued? Something else?

The Locked on Nets guys break down the performance and the problems.

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  1. We are in danger of losing Clax and Lonnie. Remember Dinwiddie and Clax, screaming in slow mo on the bench towards Cam T…."PASS THE BALL!" Yeah, a few games with A's is nice.

  2. Its a lonely place to be where Cam T is, I'd trade him immediately to be honest. Too small, can't defend, isn't a Kyrie..time to go. Unless, Cam T is the next "Super Star!" … :/

  3. Bridges is a waste of athletic ability. He plays a lot, maybe he is getting worn out. Otherwise I do not understand his trajectory.

  4. I think burnout is a real possibility for Bridges. He needs to set aside the playing streak, it's only hurting him and the team at this point.

  5. Losing takes a toll on anyone I don't care who the player is. The Jalen Brunson types don't come around often. The Nets are what the Knicks used to be. Ben Simmons and poor draft assets. Investing in Kevin Durant, James harden ,and Kyrie Irving turned out to be a bad idea.

  6. The nets didn't appreciate KD enough.
    He was giving you top 3 offense and believe it or not top 10 defense.
    Which is why they went from top 5 defensively last year to bottom 10

  7. As it stands, the Nets aren’t going to attract a superstar and the next coach will be handcuffed. They will stink for a long time to come and not have any of their own draft picks to boot. The talent that the Nets do have is being minimized because there is no one on the team to give them space.

  8. I get what Adam is saying about bridges maybe wanting out but I can’t see that happening and there’s one reason why money!!! Let’s remember Bridges is on a team friendly deal that he got from the suns. the nets are his best opportunity to get a max contract Even though he really doesn’t deserve that. But when you are on a really bad team, and you have a GM that is desperate to make sure that you’re the face of the franchise from a business standpoint this is bridges best chance for big contract extension. There is no GM in the league who likes overpaying 3D wings more than Sean Marks. That should scare a lot of fans because there’s a world where the Nets pay Caxton they’ve already played Cam Johnson, and then they try to extend bridges for the max and the team is stuck in mediocrity Because they’re capped out.

    The Nets right now have serious management issues And KD wanting marks out is easing really well right now. I will go back to what I said before there is no way they should have traded KD because the minute they did that they became irrelevant. There are 15 players like KD in the league they don’t grow on trees you can replace marks in a heartbeat, and that’s what Joe didn’t understand. The product in the NBA is not your GM or your coach this isn’t college the product are those top 15 elite stars, and Marks lost three of them.

  9. I still like Bridges and believe he can be really good. However, Cam Thomas is the more consistent and effective scorer. Cam could actually take over the game. Bridges is the better defensive stopper.

  10. everyone knew at the beginning that bridges was not a franchise player, not a all star. but the front office want people believe that was the case. we turned 3 hof to role players. bridges hurt himself to not say people that he is not a all star. put so much pressure on him will break this man. he will demand a trade soon

  11. Mike Budenholzer Incoming " ALONG with a much needed overhaul for this Abysmal team as Well, I feel sorry for Ollie, he's a good dude" and these Bums mailed it in on him " Especially that Clunklaying Clown 🤡 Brikal Bridges"

  12. I feel bad for Mikal, he was perfectly cast onto a team and put into his role he's been in his whole life and was happy being the 3&D guy for a title contending team and then here comes KD he just disrupt his whole life because KD refuses to do what we're asking a role player to do anyway, being "The Guy" is not Mikal and its literally taking his joy away, I dont remember the last time I saw him smile.

    If ALL The Brooklyn picks were on the table with no protections then Sean Marks failed him by not trading him so he can go back to his role.

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