@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors vs Dallas Mavericks Full Game Highlights | Mar 13 | 2024 NBA Season

Golden State Warriors vs Dallas Mavericks Full Game Highlights | Mar 13 | 2024 NBA Season

Well one you ready you game I’m Game times between now in the end of the year Dallas has won three in a row and donic opens the scoring they’ve picked up the pace this season from last year they’re 28 in Pace now they’re eighth and they’re trying to run more as Kyrie Irving gets all the way to the basket

Now you get whole offseason together as Kyrie iruin comes off wide open he’s been shooting it well but he came off with too much separation there the manga answers with a three of his own and JK’s three-point shooting not taking a ton of them but starting to make it at a nice

Rate there’s the roll to Gafford Daniel Gafford has made 29 straight shots Wiggins Trail three and he got it and how about kaminga and Andrew Wiggins working together Dage again that ball screen gets him on the Warriors Center and can’t leave your feet you just cannot do it Warrior shot selection

They’re forcing things a little early here they’ been two of six Kyrie oh man come on his layup package is second to n and able to shot clock at five a step back three and nailed it now the way he shot it in San Antonio like I said I

Think his knee is feeling a little better but that looked good he had 14 the other night TJ D staying with it I just said look to throw it to the roller Klay Thompson understood it that that time we probably had to talk about it that last timeout uh the Warriors have

Found a center by the way yeah TR Jackson Davis scoring again what you do with Luca force him one way and then block the shot Moody comes away with it running with psky and Washington sent him away that’s good basketball then get to the mid-range and Jonathan has just exploded since the

Calendar 2024 year Well thrown to Lively Lively is great man they’re saying is no one really thought he’d be this good this early kaminga from the Baseline okay kaminga is regulating now give it to him in the post it’s both sides and the shot clock down to nine by the time

Luca got it this is where that weight that height that size it’s just unusual Moody on the Baseline Moses Moody two hand highrise MinGa on Hardaway Jr Goes Baseline and it’s an open Chris Paul three and psky knew he didn’t even wait to catch that he knew

Hey Chris is open to my left how about psky picking Hardaway Jr and then having that blocked Lively sent it away Final 5 Seconds Hardway Junior in three Hardaway junor with the runner and he’ll beat the buzzer skip pass DJ Washington I tell you what Wiggins contested that but that’s the NBA

Wiggins having that blocked Wiggins on Hardway and Gafford has just been the backline defender Wiggins went from help to on the ball Sprint out there oh what a pass Brandon to Moody luc’s got shich on a switch getting into the lane on a step through that’s too easy a mean Euro

Step D Jones Jor and you don’t want to let him Elevate that was not handled well that should have been a layup for dunk it ends up being a four-point swing the megga a step around and so Dallas they are in an absolute role in the Warrior

Offense is hurting and Steve’s got to use another timeout they got lukea four of 10 shooting Klay Thompson buries a three so stop score stop score Trey’s pump fake pump fake got his own rebound Lively stood tall dinga from the foul line here come the

Dubs Kyrie oh man he’s got that ball in a string he’s graceful man oh he is something else jsky at three Brandon fading and putting it in MinGa on Kyrie they clear aside they let him go to work and Gafford is there I tell you Gafford and Lively have

Protected the rim clock at 10 L looking for a slice in kaminga and he Ed the backboard to get around Gaffard like he was playing mad MinGa took it right at Gafford wow talking about not taking no for an answer hopefully kaminga is okay thought he might have rolled an ankle there and green in the open floor the Warriors W back defensively 5sec game shot clock difference winding down the half

Mid-range Kyrie Irving not stopping that his pullup game is sweet Eric Jones flying for that rebound but it goes right out to Clay nice move behind the back Klay stops for three and he got it shooting that three fast break klay’s got it like thata nice pass behind his head no flow

For the dubs offensively but they keep looking up and they’re down only five and clay from the Baseline they’re down only three here Here Comes Klay Thompson that is a ridiculously tough shot that lob well thrown and finished by Daniel Gafford underway in the third Gord brings it down he’s

Getting closer to wils 32 straight makes Wiggins great shot there for his confidence he had been one of six snake trible CP3 from the Baseline there you go talk about guys with handle like you’re talking about Kyrie legend in the streets and Chris PA flipping that up and in kaminga blocked by

Gafford man has Gafford been amazing how many blocks is That Luka out to exom for three Dallas had been one of 17 there finally hits a second three Andrew on Gafford that’s it get a go hand to JY in Trace Twan game Brandon for the Baseline the PK’s got seven and look at the dubs good post up

There oh he’s going to get the foul after the made layup his first three of the night and he looks up to the heavens like thank you God and the Warriors have just they can’t put the ball in the basket Josh Green that should have been

A layup instead the other way it’s a four-point swing kaminga with the three oh he’s been big time now here comes Kyrie 100 milph and threw the lob in perfectly Chris Paul knows that internal clock and he’ll bank that one home so there’s the score now can get a stop and

Another score Irving in the lane dropped it off the Lively goodness looked like the shack attack that time knees up in the air Klay Thompson Missing tipped up and in there are the warriors on the glass again PJ Washington and Trace Jackson Davis set Lively away and Lively stayed

With it to dunk it down and Lively again I tell you what he and Gafford what a center tandup for Dallas yeah PJ Washington scoring and Steve KR sensing that they’re going to use a timeout and now the biggest Le for the Mavs is Kyrie score Kyrie is starting to take over

Here he goes gp2 to trace Jackson Davis and uh emphatically they do score 17 straight games played for Tyrie Irving longest stretch in the last seven years as Tim Hardway Jr hits the three doic easiest lob of the night and the Warriors will use the timeout but just

Take care of the ball execute that was a good execution that’s good Moses Moody and missed 13 straight threes give go and Moody look at the weak side help by Gafford man is he something PJ Washington hits a three although I’ll take the Mavs five of 25 on threes the

Other two meetings as Wiggins I think somebody sitting next to me said get Wiggins going here in these last couple minutes Josh green and so they were three of 20 and now all of a sudden the threes are starting to drop for the Mavericks which

Is more to the nor we 25 Dallas is going to be 9 and three in the last 12 against the dubs and konz following Kyrie look at Kyrie Irving he walks over to the bench showing them the left hand over over Lively inside so Jerome Robinson in

Konz in with Looney Moody and kaminga Dario shich is also at the scorer table as Jerome puts that in Luka donic may end up being the greatest porn born player but Giannis might have something to say about that too as psky hits the three I I I’m I’m keeping a notebook

Now now iuki with just line after line here LCA donic this streak of triple doubles comes to an end at seven e

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  1. That was flashy game AF 🔥 by mavs.. gafford 7homeruns, how many alleyoops they threw, u gotta love it

  2. As good as Kuminga and the young guys have been, they've got to remember they can throw up middies. Driving when you know you're not going to get there is pointless. Drive and pull up from the key and Gafford wont reach you.

  3. Great effort on Defense. Thats all you ask for. EFFORT on Defense and letting them bigs and athletic wings run for easy points.

  4. Klay can only play a few minutes, he is not 100% anymore. But thats ok, but dont occupy the space for the youngs

  5. Man that Gafford is on some Energizer bunny sh*t.
    Dude is a shot blocking phenom…
    And he took the task to heart, to disallow anything from coming through the paint…
    How many lobs did Lively catch for
    Absolutely pathetic interior defense by GSW.. They need major size and athleticism in the post…

  6. And Gafford could barely get on the floor for the Wizards. Just shows how piss-poor their coaching was/is.

  7. Warriors rim was about to break i mean Gafford and Lively so dominant and fun to watch Kai&Luka thats pure MAGIC Finessing Ferocity,Dallas have some to make a deeper playoff run than ever this season and maximize chance for championship

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