@Toronto Raptors

Toronto’s Defensive Future, Garrett Temple & Team Canada | Raptors Show Full Episode

Toronto’s Defensive Future, Garrett Temple & Team Canada | Raptors Show Full Episode

Hello and welcome to the Raptor show on the sportsite radio network brought to you by Campbell’s new chunky spicy soups time to get fired up make sure you find the Raptor show where we listen to podcast subscribe please rview the program I’m your host will Lou joined once again by producer co-host Almon

Uh we are going to talk about the Raptor’s latest loss to the Detroit Pistons afterwards we will call Garett temple on the line it’ll be interesting to talk to Garrett front of the program this will be his third appearance already on the season um so shouts to

Garrett Temple and more to come and more to come we’ll see if he has more raptor games than Raptor show appearances that’ll be a game that we will play later today uh and then an hour or two I really wanted to Pivot towards talking about can the basketball a little bit as

Well and the for me at least two of the younger reporters who have really really tapped in to what’s happening at the Grassroots level in can of Bas all the way up to the very top are Orin weissfeld and Lan Osman Friends of the program we call them the off strip boys

Because when they went to Vegas summer league they shared a room and it was off the strip and uh they had Olive Garden and they in any case we called the off strip boys for that exact reason did that too last year yeah did you also stay off off

Strip yeah it’s cheaper I mean I know it’s cheaper but yeah and I had a really nice place actually it was a bachelor kind of bachelor pad had a kitchen had some frying pans for me everything I needed and then yeah I made a few long

Long walks to the strip whoa you walked to the I walked bro cuz it’s 40 40 degrees yeah I saw people like pouring water on their heads no it was very very hot there’s no jokes about that um it was uh I didn’t hear that drop I’m sorry sorry D you really about

Business the business I am about that business I’ll make the walk when you’re discovering a new city i’ never been there before I don’t think it’s a bad thing to you know walk around no a long long walk it was long it was long generally I like doing that but Vegas

When it’s that hot I got some tacos there um I heard about them what was the place called taco dealo or something like that walked in it was like the humidity it just punched me in the face but the place was packed with people nice yeah nice so that was fun day you

Know what was not fun Raptor Pistons you know last night again paint let’s paint the scenes yesterday in Toronto not quite 40 Dees but it was beautiful a very beautiful 20° in Toronto very rare occurrence in mid-march okay um it’s very very just warm weather all winter

But it was 20 degrees everybody’s out I saw so many people in shorts I was near High Park the amount of people in shorts and brightfully so you know the sun’s out you know it’s like everybody getting to enjoy their time and I was was out there enjoy my time as well and

Then I realized time’s up go home 7:00 Raptors uh pistons and um you know Raptors lost again 113 to 104 um you know uh you once again continue to see a lineup that doesn’t have most of their key players obviously due to injuries or other absences Raptors did lead uh for a while

There but unfortunately uh second half they kind of fall apart omit what was your overall impression of watching this Master Feast this glorious matchup uh starting with the I guess overall you mean things started to go wrong for them in the latter part of the second quarter

Um talking defensively I mean the the Pistons in the third quarter they have scor them by a lot but we saw kind of everything which was sort of uh it was foreshadowing what we’re going to see in the third quarter it was Kade making a lot of shots the rebounding was a huge

Problem the Raptors they were out rebounded 15-7 in the third quarter and the Pistons shot 17 free throws in that third quarter and that’s how they they weren’t shooting very well but they’re getting to the free throw line it was a lot of rebounding issues gang rebounding

There was a possession where someone was shooting a free throw I’m not sure who was on the Pistons but it was four Raptors versus two Pistons yeah and Jaylen dur got it I know exactly what you’re talking about he got right there boy oh boy but even the people that were

Out there for that I don’t even blame them like it there were some mismatches right they’re a pretty big team and Jaylen Duren is a problem very very good player I had to look it up uh because I here’s the thing this is where the raple

Season is at so for a very long time in my career I wrote 10 things on every Raptor game and was regardless and I would always post it it was always 10 it was shorter and then it got longer uh and then it you know it used to just be

A screen cap that I would put on social and now it’s become like an article last season I was like oh man a lot of these games don’t deserve 10 so a lot of them I I I pivoted to writing five things especially after losses they were very consistent just five things yeah

Yesterday when you and I were sitting and preparing for the show um we sit near the assignment desk at you know for the the writers at sportset and Gary Gary Melo came over and he’s like well I hate to do this to you man but uh our

Man gra is going to be flying out of Detroit I I I I guess um will you be able to write about this game and I was like you know what Gary for you man of course you know I got you I wasn’t planning to write about this game but I

Got you you know and I told him I was like but it’s probably going to be five though hard you know what I mean and then last night after the game after the the react pod after I sat down thought about it wrote down on four items and

Then I got to the fifth item and I was like you know what this is going be a new history this going be four things tonight anyway my number one thing is exactly what you talk about which was the size issue yeah Raptors across the board were just so much smaller than the

Other team it was the same issue that took place um in the previous games as well I thought obviously Denver is a pretty big team The Way Portland was playing that night they also had a lot of size mismatches and then you play against Detroit and you can say whatever

You want about the Pistons but they still started two seven-footers yep Jaylen dur right who had 23 rebounds and 24 points the Raptors don’t even have a center in their starting lineup right Kelly is a power forward y who’s in his 11th season at age 32 can’t really jump

Yeah right not necessarily a physical player he do a lot of things offensively but defensively not a center and then you’re surrounding him with four guards MH right Bruce Brown Emanuel quickley oaji gry dick they’re all guards grd is the tallest out of the bunch but again

There’s only so much you can ask you know skinny rookie to do for you defensively on that front so you were going to get mismatches and then the point about D and I was writing this yesterday I was like man Duran’s really young but he’s like but he looks like

That already and he’s playing like that already and I looked it up he’s like I think about 10 days younger than Grady he’s younger than everybody that took the floor for the Raptors last night Jaylen Duren yeah yeah yeah yeah no that’s true and he looked like a man

Among boys yesterday so yeah the you know that’s that’s what you learn when you read four things that’s what the Raptors are at these days they’re make me write four now 10 wish you had the animation where we could just like scratch out the five and put

Four that’s what I did on WordPress I hit backspace on five and I put four Kell’s gonna be the starting center for Canada this offseason right yeah well that’s that’s you know that’s something I I will be talking about an hour two because size will be a major issue for

The Canadians as well and and it’s usually been their Achilles H in previous tournaments until last year at the the World Cup but they got different Personnel though they got Dylan they got Dylan they got Lou D who plays extremely big so you have Personnel quite athletic

Yeah so you have people around him that can kind of offset some of the deficiencies that he can come up right like a stretch five is amazing to have especially in FEA but uh rebounding will be a problem for Canada and it’s a problem for the Raptors at this very

Second so how do you solve this like is there anything that that dark can do at least within games to try to like at least not be completely overhelmed it’s tough man um you’re asking like it’s not as if they have people that are like that much bigger right um so you’re like

Are you asking Bruce Brown are you asking Grady dick Jordan noira jayl McDaniels he had he’s had a couple of really strong rebounding games but in the end like you’re still down like 30 pounds against some of these guys and you’re still down like four or five

Inches you can try your best like there was a possession a few games ago where it was against Denver where I actually loved the gfl JFL rather um he was boxing out Michael Porter Jr and like Porter Jr was like towering over him but

He was trying so hard to box the man out now Porter got the rebound and uh JFL he he slapped out of his hands and they went down the other side of the court but uh that’s kind of what you’re hoping for that you just want them to try as

Hard as they can and be aware too and being aware on the defensive end has also been a problem for the Raptors it was an issue last night uh back Cuts you know just knowing where your man is off ball um avoiding some of those cuts

Towards the rim that was an issue for the Raptors and uh it kind of just kept on persist assisting and some of the lineups that they Ed late third quarter early fourth quarter I mean these aren’t lineups that are going to help you win games right you have a lot of players

That are very inexperienced in these sit they’re trying to win the lottery with with some of these lineups and so I think that’s a win G after this G but there were some good things right I mean like I loved how IQ played um I loved how jonte played obviously uh

There’s some some good things that we’re seeing from those players specifically last night Kelly had a good game um but yeah obviously I mean mentioned it yesterday too like the Pistons they have the guys that they’re trying to go forward with and they’re playing and the Raptors right now I mean Gary’s not

Playing Scotty’s not there rg’s not play a lot of guys that weren’t there the one guy out there that was playing that I think is still for me at least like really worthwhile to tune in to watch uh this player’s growth is Emanuel quickly yeah and uh quickly last night finish

With 25 points five rebounds eight assists eight of 19 shooting so maybe a little bit less efficient than he has been but to be honest for me it was just he missed a couple threes and didn’t get a couple of calls whatever um what I liked about Quickly’s game and it’s been

Something that uh especially because we’ve gotone to see like about three months of quickly now as a raptor since the trade uh with New York is when he first got to Toronto it was like okay he can shoot he can handle and he was already playmaking at that time doing a

Good job of setting up the offense but you saw it was a strange thing but he just wasn’t finishing or even going to the paint that often right settled for a lot of floaters um which he obviously can hit he’s a really good shooter of the flo

Wasn’t going through the pain as much getting all the way to the basket as much last night I loved the fact that quickley made sure to get mismatches to attack mismatches and whether it was durren whether it was Stewart whether it was wisman whoever yeah he was making

Sure to get mismatches onto Detroit many big men and then even though he’s small and those guys are seven-footers who are still young and pretty athletic he was getting by them and making plays at the rim and I think that you know you have to look at these small little

Developments when you’re looking at these kind of games and for me it it has been very important for me to see quickly get better at finishing through contact UM and around bigs in the paint what did you see from Manel quick last night loved his game I mean aside from

The shooting but eight of 19 like that could be uh you know 11 of 19 on a different day right he shot two of eight from three but I like the shots he was shooting and other than that man his his IQ in the pick and roll he’s getting so

Much better at it like he’s becoming a lot more cerebral when it comes to his ball handling like it’s not as predictable as it once was like he’s using his stutter dribbles he’s not afraid to you hold on to a little bit longer he’s maintaining his dribble he’s

Making he’s surveying he’s making new decisions on the Fly and like it helps having you know someone like Kelly who can uh pick and pop a little bit he found him a few times but there’s also a few like really nice bounce passes under the under the rim to a few players and

These are like again really positive signs for him and also for the Raptors like I mean I think in the third quarter things went sour especially with their defense but at the same time they sto play playing through their bigs mhm and offensive toughness I think is something

That this team has to figure out and it’s something that a lot of inexperienced teams they struggle with and Darko talked about this last night we’re going to go to a clip in a second but it’s like having that that force and the the experience to know where you got

To go at certain points what kind of possession do you need are you taking the temperature of the game and Darko talked about that last night I think it was a interesting clip that um we should play right now if we could yeah producers are gonna work on

That clip yeah um but your point was that offensive toughness and executing at the right times and what to do at certain moments and understanding momentum right knowing momentum like when you’re on the road you have to be able to control the crowd control the

Game as best you can and that’s not easy right but when a team is going on like a 10 run you got to be able to slow it down say okay maybe we don’t press right here let’s pull it out let’s let’s go

With a a play that we know a set that we we trust that won’t cause a turnover and stuff like that that I’m hoping the CH kind of gain uh experience them okay so here’s dark on that exact point Detroit uh they wanted to start the game really

Well they they had chance to see the way we open the game against Denver it’s definitely learning opportunity for us and that’s uh that’s something that we need to address how we’re starting the games but also I talked to the team about uh getting the feel when the game

Momentum of the game like we cannot turnover make a turnover now this is the moment we got to re really rebound like the moment the moments that changed the the really Rhythm of the game so that was uh that was a big message for us I thought that we had really good

Stretches of basketball we just got to extend 20 minutes of really good basketball to 25 to 28 to 30 to 35 yeah um so to those to that point what is that like safety go-to play that they should be looking to right now for some stability I think it is playing

Through their bigs with Kelly and and jonte um it it promotes player movement like when you get hesitant um when you’re feeling unsure about yourself you tend to just stop moving right and that’s like that’s not good for this Raptor’s offense especially with only way this offense scores let’s be honest

Yeah and so if they get it to their big and they start you know doing some off ball cuts and like they have a lot of success like we saw it against Denver like and granted you had RJ bear for that game and he’s one of the best at it

On this team y but if you get the ball moving if you get the players moving um and it also like you have two bigs who can shoot the ball now you don’t want them shooting at every single possession but at the very least you can I probably

Say that they’ll get a decent shot out of it even if it kind of breaks down you’re going to get a good shot out that out of that possession and you’re probably not going to turn it over yeah right um I think that’s probably the way

They have to go and that’s on IQ that’s on Darko that’s on Kelly that’s on everyone right here’s the thing I would say that to me that’s not necessarily on IQ on Kelly because when when they’re on the floor at least the Raptors still have structure offensively yeah when

They come off the floor and a lot of times they are both coming off the floor to uh in roughly the same moments because they’re both starting um that’s to me when the offense died last night it was like fourth quarter okay it’s jonte Porter who is doing his very best

To be the traffic cop as you mentioned at the top of the floor there holding the ball on the post letting other guys cut but then it’s McDaniels getting shots it’s jamas Ramsey last night getting shots yeah it’s Jordan wara last night getting shots and I haven’t really

Liked what he’s done off the ball he’s probably done better on the ball but like that’s not the system you’re not going to be giv the ball that much sure you need to be to cut and find your ways around it when those guys started going really cold and then Bruce Brown joined

The mix I thing at certain points too that to me didn’t work and of course when Kelly and and IQ came back in they had maybe more of a chance to sort of steady it and improve it but nevertheless the momentum was already lost so for

Me I I agree with you like I do think that getting into the post is the most important thing but it’s just like unless they play quickly more than what he’s already doing which by the way since Scotty has gone down Quickly’s averaged uh 38 minutes per game yeah um

Your offense is going to die at some point and I think for the second unit when we did see for a brief stretch there when the second unit was playing really well Kelly was playing in that second unit and with Scotty so you can have structure right now like the most

Structure they had was jonte trying to be responsible and the rest of those guys like a McDaniels isoing calling their own number and it’s like yeah you’re you’re done if you do that you’re absolutely done I would like to never see that again I can’t stress that enough even in losses

Jamas Ramsey he uh he had a very nice windmill right that was his lone uh D okay hold on I wanted your thoughts on this too because with with Ramsey um he I liked that he was giving a lot of energy on defense um I like that made mistakes but

Yes for sure yeah he was trying hard on defense which honestly for a 10day like absolutely you need to do that right um he missed some open threes he missed some open layups whatever it happens you it’s not the worst thing in the world the

Windmill down 10 like am I being a hater being like just just just dunk the ball regular it it’s risky okay it’s very risky yeah um probably as a I feel like a hater as I say it but I’m also at the same I’m like just get the two and he

Did get the two he did right and if he if he missed it like it’s a different conversation right like now he’s on Shack the fool things like that right um but he made it and I like that he had the confidence to do it mhm and I’m

Happy it worked out for him dude it was a highlight of the night yeah it actually was but I think back on Raptor’s Pistons many years from now I’ll be like remember when jamas Ramsey wearing 37 did a windmill dunk down 10 it was qu very smooth like good

Extension very good very very nice um but yeah I mean I I don’t I wouldn’t hate if he didn’t do it it’s not something you just want to do like it’s it’s not a typical play for someone in his position yeah it would have been

Really really bad but he made it and he also had seven rebounds like he was hustling he tried and we’re talking about the the minutes when IQ wasn’t on the floor like jamas he played 19 minutes that’s a lot um he was a minus 10 Bruce Brown was a minus 16 so you’re

Right um when the when IQ was on the floor when Kelly’s on the floor obviously it looks much much better and they they were much more productive in their minutes but um when they go to the bench it got a little bit worse but jonte Porter was pretty good jont was

Great man he was hustling he a lot of off ball blocks off ball Steals and those are like signs of a player who’s just like kind of locked in he’s in the right positions that’s the only way you’re going to get those and he was even switching on to some guards right

And he’s blocking the ball like this is good stuff for for someone especially in in his position o wasn’t not a great game for o not a great game yeah I think there’s there’s a conversation we have with o because I think um yeah to the

Point about jonte like he the fact that the whole game the whole second unit was unserious yeah um but with jonte was still trying to do the right thing and still didn’t force a shot like by far he outplayed everybody on the bench that came off the bench for Toronto but he

Didn’t force a shot he didn’t try to like it’s not it’s my turn to like I not make Daniels Drive the lane one-on-one and putting it behind his back then losing the ball and then tapping my bad yeah like yeah yeah we that’s a new drinking game watching the Raptors count

How many times Jaylen MCD Taps his chest he says my bad right right like I would love to yeah that’s that’s one way to enjoy hand up yeah you yeah but in any case with um yeah with Jon he’s done a really good job being responsible

Oai to me it’s not not notable that the Raptors and Darko definitely been brought into to be a developmental coach and yet with oai it feels like down the stretch he’s the guy getting pulled yeah you know what I mean and and that’s not against dark I

Think it’s because oai is giving them very little so last night you saw the Raptors actually close with two centers and oai was the one who came off the floor with the starters I mean 0 of three in 26 minutes uh made the unselfish pass a couple times in

Transition but defensively he he did okay did good let’s say even right but offensively he did like less than zero yeah and I think that’s a little bit of a concern for me what are you noticing for oai like what’s what’s missing with oai that he can’t make an impact

Offensively well the offense is is one thing like I think he’s going to be a role player within the system we know that he has to hit shots he has to make Smart Cuts and that’s kind of that’s kind be finish most importantly yes he does 100% um the defensive end is kind

Of where my I’m not sure but because they kind of want to make him a bit of a defensive stopper right and mo okay he can he’s very mobile laterally we can get around screens pretty well but what’s concerning about last night is that Kade was posting him up mhm right

And they’re similar Heights similar weights and Kate is bigger than him huh Kate is bigger than 66 220 65 215 there’s one we’re talking one inch here Kate’s a little taller like he he could you could definitely see over the top you could shoot over top it’s one inch

Right one inch I don’t know I feel like when you stand them side by side they might not they there’s clearly the one guy’s poer that okay so but say so maybe his right so he’s uh but he’s brought into be a defensive stoper a version of

That along the perimeter um I think it’s concerning that in a matchup like that now granted OG and anobi has had problems with Kade Cunningham like he’s a very Shifty guard he’s extremely talented he cooked OG once in Toronto when when he was aook remember he’s very

Very good um but at the same time it’s he was so mismatched against Kate and okay if he’s going to be in this position to be a player that is going to be put on the best the best person on the other team right and that’s kind of

What his role is going to be cuz if it’s not then I’m not sure where he fits but if he’s not that person then and also offensively there’s limitations he can finish some transition sometimes that’s good around the rim is still a little bit suspect but Corner threes are good

Above the break not so much um it’s like I’m trying of figure out like where does o fit in the future because that’s kind of what we’re doing right now with was trying to figure out the same thing too that’s why you see his minutes being more inconsistent even though for the

Other guys you know um they’re getting their time but yeah for oai like what’s concerning is when you have less responsibilities on offense and all you’re basically asked to do is finish rather than create that should lead to you getting more efficient yeah and he I mean whatever he only took three shots

Last night but still like I don’t feel that way like when he’s cutting and stuff I don’t feel like he’s taking the right moments to try and finish for me he’s he takes off from too far out he’s like trying to get there with speed and athleticism and bursting to the basket

Rather than like trusting that he can take one more dribble and like finish strong at the hoop now when he’s dunking he’s he’s dunk and he’s finished but generally speaking on layups he’s he’s missed a couple of those I think part of it is just the adjustment period you

Know there’s been so much change in the whole system and I feel like for the players who like oi who can’t get their own offense as much it’s even harder for them to continue to sort of thrive in this sort of system having said that though yeah I mean this is a big

Opportunity for him and I don’t think he’s really taking it and so it’s showing you some of the limitations in his game but defensively it’s interesting because when he’s a stopper he’s like yeah like he’s like 6’4 right he’s not like physically over he’s cut

Right but he’s like yeah he’s a he’s a guard um what are some like similar maybe body types that you see around the league of like really good Stoppers that are like kind of like shaped and size like o you know what I mean uh cuz like

With OG was like okay he’s a defensive stopper because he’s that big that strong that with that big of a Wings span and he’s also like moves his feet really well and he’s committed to that front sure what are some comps for OA to sort of reach for like are you a Caruso

Like I was about to say so I looked up how much Alex Caruso weighs he’s 186 PBS but you would never know it no he’s not these are not accurate man I’m sorry I’m looking at basketball reference no I no no it’s not you it’s no there’s no way

But the point is that very similar height very similar bodybuild really cut too by the way if you see if you see Caruso up close he’s yeah yeah he’s very cut haven’t been that close before well not least you got you I’ll take your word for it however right point being

Similar kind of stures right however you’re able to put Alex Caruso on damn near anyone exactly why is that yeah right and so it’s a center of gravity it’s again it’s experience um he’s uh I think he’s very uh poised he’s very balanced and maybe like someone can be

In good shape but it doesn’t mean that they have great balance right I think they’re very two very different things you can be you can have huge arms but maybe your core your strength may not be exactly where it needs to be that’s a curiosity for me Grady mentioned that

During his conditioning stand one of the things they worked on was his core and being more balanced on his shots and obviously it’s paid off I wonder if something like that could I mean I’m spitballing here because you see like he’s obviously a very athletic dude um

But why is it that uh in some of these matchups against players that he should be able to compete with why is he getting blown by why is he able to why is he getting posted up and teams are successful against him it’s something that they have to be curious about um

I’m curious too how this all goes for for o because again like you said it’s a very big moment for him kind of career defining cuz he’s not like he’s not that young right you you have a window here to make the most of it and he’s getting

The like born yeah in the same month as as RJ yeah yeah but second team now too so again you get more curious and I believe um when I can’t remember her name when we had someone on from Utah Jazz the beat they had said they didn’t

Want to get rid of O right they didn’t want to include him in the trade but they felt like they had to and it’s interesting actually that I mean who didn’t want to get rid of him they didn’t need to get rid of him they clearly were willing to get rid of him

True yeah yeah yeah Deon Booker was on JX podcast last night or at least it was released and he had mentioned that like early on in his career he had a phase of his Sun Season where he was able to go out there and make mistakes and he

Didn’t have to worry about being pulled out and he’s like that is like what that is a dream for a young player okay and okay and uh a lot of these guys are having that opportunity right in front of them now it’s it’s cool that they’re getting it it’s cool that they’re a

Little bit you know they’re making the most of it in some to some degree but um you can’t take this opportunity for granted because it doesn’t come along all the time usually when you make mistakes you get p and usually when you’re not doing things on offense uh

You’re not focused you’re not uh following the game plan usually that means that you’re you’re out yeah they’re able to play through these mistakes and uh for o for a lot of these guys like you gota you got to find a way to get to that level of focus and intensity

And fire every single minute you’re on the court um there’s just too many guys right now that are for these minutes on on the team and like we saw like JFL I love him but he didn’t play last night right Jas Ramsey got got those minutes

And maybe you can say they want to get a look at him but also if JFL was doing his part maybe he would have you know got those minutes right yeah for sure I mean the reality of the situation is half these guys won’t even be on an NBA

Roster next year that we saw in the game last night yeah and they’re defining that on both yeah yeah so on both sides for Toronto and Detroit so yeah as you mentioned these are very key opportunities I think oai will be though I think it’s just he’s not a guy who

Creates for himself and the Raptor’s offense ain’t creating that much right now so it’s difficult but he’s got to learn and adapt and grow and that’s one of the things is like very few players in darko’s offense is just there to be like spoonfed yeah you have to be able

To do multiple things and so that’s up to him to grow and develop as well but Raptors lose last night this will be the last time we talked about this game and uh speaking of how to stick on an NBA roster we’ll talk about that other side

Of this break when we bring in G Temple I can’t wait um but we’re going to take that break I’ve been your host will you listening to the Raptor show on the sports radio network brought to you by Campbell’s new chunky spicy soup welcome back to the Raptor show on

The sportset radio network I’m your host William Lou join me on the program and uh if everything goes well I think we’re going to have them every week Raptors veteran Garett Temple already your third time on the program Garrett I appreciate you taking the time man no problem uh

Will it’s great great to be here man than for having me yeah of course I feel like um first off I feel I feel very relieved that you’re not wearing the suit man because I would I look down at myself and I’m like I’m just in a hoodie

Right now it’s a little oo hoodie you know it’s fine but if you had the if you had the suit on this would be a mismatch that’s all I’m saying now we both got the hoodies on you know what I’m saying I got my my R City on you know you got

Your oovo we we matching today yeah exactly now we got uh yeah one of these I want you to put on the suit for the interview and I’m going to do the same and uh we’ll make it look super formal um anyway so so one thing I wanted to

Talk to you about just starting with the team right now is um you know the Raptors I don’t know if you’ve been part of a season like this where it’s like it’s like four teams in one you know what I mean the starting off like you guys had the original starting five and

You guys were trying to compete didn’t really work out then OG gets traded as another team now with quickly and RJ with the rest of the group with Scotty and Pascal leading the way then Pascal gets moved now it’s a new group and now you have this instance where a lot of

Injuries are happening you’re seeing a lot of young guys come in so have you ever been a part of a season like this where you’re basically like four teams in one no I I I have um this is definitely the first time I’ve ever been a part of

As you said this many different lineups um this many different uh you know sets of players that are playing this many different rotations uh this is new to me um and it’s it’s a great learning experience uh I’m glad I’m I’m able to

Be a part of it um you look at guys like Grady uh in his rookie year to be able to be a understand and see this early on will make him you know I think it’ll just allow him to be able to uh transition throughout his career a lot

Easier so it’s it’s been interesting but uh you know we making the best of it yeah I think it’s interesting too because with Darko he’s used the phrase like we’re kind of treating this like a training camp and he’s he’s he said it a couple of times so I’ve been wondering

For you guys in practices like how would you compare maybe practices at the start of the Season versus like I guess you know especially later on in the year practices get less and less anyway but what practice is like now with a lot of new guys who are like very very new to

The whole city and the organization yeah it’s it’s as if we um you know the NBA is is pretty simple in terms of a lot of people do the same things so getting in guys like quick and uh and RJ early on just have to about terminology and then getting

Bruce and Jordan in again you talking about you know different terminologies and then getting Kelly in and oi kind of the same thing um but we actually kind of Switched we changed our defensive Concepts and our language so that was a whole new thing um and then obviously

Having guys like jamas and um and obviously jonte coming back it’s a whole different defense than when he was really playing at the be earlier on earlier in the year and Javon the same way so we’re definitely treating it like training camp and we still at the end of

The day we we have a young team yeah so you’re going to be teaching and learning throughout the entire season um and that’s we’re definitely doing that except to I guess a higher extent because of all the change we’ve had all right so it’s really interesting you’re talking about this new defense what’s

What are the broad differences and also when did this change come in um you know we we’re we’re weaking and strong things now where in terms of pick and roll so I pick and roll defense we kind of went back a little old school um uh we’re not sending everything to

The middle like we were before um and obviously teams that have watched us over the past probably eight games are seeing that now um so this is not like Insider information um uh so we’re trying to we’re trying to this is helping us protect the paint a

Little better keeping things on the side of side of the floor um whereas before we would send things middle and try to you know rely on our help defense but teams are shooting three so so much better now so you have to find different ways and um the league is a league of

You know things change Trends come in and they go out you know uh so that that’s the biggest thing utilizing our our help um our low man a little more and making sure we keep keep guys out of the paint especially with having Yak

Yeah I was going to say uh you know with with having a rim protector like like yakob um a big body in there we need to you know find other ways to try to keep guys out of the paint yeah to protect the paint so that’s that’s the biggest

Thing yeah no doubt and even with some of these strategies you might still run into a guy like Jaylen dur who I I couldn’t believe that that guy’s younger than Grady man it’s it’s insane man we were talking about that on the bench every time I see

This guy he’s like a he’s built like a super superhero Y and he’s 20 years old it makes no sense at all um yeah it’s it’s what he have 24 and 24 against this this 25 and 24 something like that yeah he’s he’s a he’s a you know a lot of

Instances he’s a man man amongst boys and um and he’s the youngest one on the court which is yeah uh unbelievable I kind of felt bad for Kelly in a little bit you know I’m like Kelly I know you’re 32 and you played a lot of power for your

Career now you got to do this exactly KO is a is a stretch four you know most of his career but uh with the situation we’re in you know he got a battle yeah um and he did a great job you know he had a hell of a all-around

Game yeah um that’s you know Kelly can really pass for us can really set the tone offensively and I will say jonte did a great job battling yeah Jon jont had a I I would say his best game last night because of everything else I just

Scoring just the way he he he played the game the energy he had the the um you know his effort um his competitiveness on the defensive end and rebounding I was really proud of what he did last night yeah no doubt man I think for Jon

You know you could tell that he is in the right positions you know he’s not jumping out the gym like Jaylen durren but you know at the same time he’s in the right position he’s meeting guys his energy was great Darko uh complimented all the deflections that he got you know

I think one of the the topest conversation coming out out that game like that was like you know the Raptors have a lot of guys who you may be able to relate to based on sort of your path to the league right like coming in you’ve been and this is a crazy stat

That I only saw uh this morning but you’ve been on eight different 10day contracts in your career when you were starting out that’s that’s got to be a league record first off all right that’s got that’s like a CBA labor violation quite frankly I think I think it is I

Think it is a record I think it is a record right so you know and and youve joined different teams Midway through the season you’ve had to really adapt been on you know league minimum contracts maybe unguaranteed contracts at certain points too where you don’t know your future so I think that’s

Similar to a lot of guys on the Raptors right now and I guess my question is like what was it for you that allowed you to stick not just on the court but even off the court and how does somebody in that kind of position like make an

Impression on a team and ultimately carve out a long-term career that I’m sure they’re all hoping to do no that’s a great question will you know and that’s one reason why I’m I’m happy I’m in the spot I’m in because the guys like DJ because of obviously guys like jamas

Guys like Javon who just got you know his first standard deal jonte um just being able to pour into these guys and explain to them on the on the court what you need to do is be the best version of yourself not try to be anything different they brought you in because

They liked your game so don’t come in if you’re a defend Defender that you know gets downhill don’t come in trying to shoot threes you know and and lack on defense uh so just be yourself they brought you in because of who you are um and then be very low maintenance so

Don’t be you know a bad locker room guy don’t be a guy that complains a lot don’t be a guy that uh you know if you have a just being honest if you have a kind of a nagging little injury yeah you got to un you got to play through it you

Know what I’m saying if unless it’s crazy you got to play through it now if it’s a bad ankles bad bad ankle spring like DJ had obviously that’s different um but just understanding the opportunity you have and how a lot of them don’t come around for guys like us

That were undrafted and things of that nature so just being grateful for the situation you’re in not complaining about playing time when the coach does put you in whether it’s for a minute you know 38 seconds 22 minutes whatever it is play as if your career depends on it

Because it actually does um so and you know mentally just play free right you know you jamas 10day contract you know I told DJ this when he was on his 10day just play free don’t think about making mistakes you’re going to make them regardless so just play your game play

Free and that’s when you’re probably going to play to your best ability and um and then mentally just if it’s not for you if this team is not the team you’re supposed to be on remember you’re not playing Just for this team there are 29 other teams looking at you right and

That that could sign you you know I had one season where I was on three different NBA teams my rookie year yeah um because my rookie year I was with the rockets and then I left the rockets and I played against I played with the Sacramento Kings two days later in

Houston and then I left I left Sacramento after the 10day and I played with the Spurs so you know against Sacramento so that’s everybody’s looking everybody’s watching and um when you’re on a 10day contract it’s not just the Raptors that are paying attention to you it’s the whole

Entire league do you remember what your first Big Break was like the first time you like oh this happened now I got I got some peace of mind because you know the way you’re describing it like you’re grinding and you have no idea what’s gonna happen next no no no clue lucky

For me I was I didn’t have a um you know I had a girl my rookie year but I didn’t have obviously anybody to take care of my first big break uh I went to training camp with Miami and they really liked me this is right after they won the first championship

Okay but they decided to go with somebody that was on the team the year before so after about nine games in the G in the D-League then the Washington Wizards called me up for a workout I worked out really well but they decided not to not to take me then six days

Later they called me and told me they wanted me to sign with them but I had you know my agent had talked to Miami and told him we kind of will give you first R of refusal right and so Miami said well we want you you know we picked

The wrong guy we wanted we wish we which wish we had picked you and um I kind of had already gave Washington my you know they called and said do you want the non- guaranteed contract I said yeah for sure I’m not on nbat yeah then

The next day we reached out to Miami just to let them know and they were like oh no we want you so I had to choose between okay the defending Champion Miami Heat or a 3 and22 Washington Wizards team um and you know I went with

My gut and knew that you know even though spoke called me Dave fizdale called me they tried to recruit me I went with my gut and went to the Wizards because of the fact that I was going to have a chance to play yeah and I played

I was on a non- guaranteed deal it was early December late December I was on a non guaranteed deal for about 20 days and uh the guaranteed date hit and made it the roster um the first Big Break was actually the second game of that deal when I played against the Orlando Magic

I was the backup point guard and Jamir Nelson was playing really like was had like 14 points against our starting point guard so they put me in a game to defend him I played really well and I started the second half oh and then I

Started the rest of the games Okay um so uh and they decided to keep me and release the uh the guard that was was uh ahead of me right so um that was the first big break and I signed guaranteed deals since then did you do anything to

Celebrate that was there like I didn’t I no I didn’t it was just okay you know I made I made that team and then that next summer I signed a one-year deal with DC and I was just excited man I was I was ecstatic yeah I you know I was looking

At the basketball reference page today um and first off do players check their own bask reference page like is that a thing have you ever opened up ball reference and looked at your own resume yeah we we yeah I have we we definitely take basketball reference because it’s just

So simple like if we’re looking up guys stats if we want to like having a debate about who’s better or what what they do this that guy averaged this when when did he average 18 a game he never AAG 18 look basketball reference it’s very simple you can see his Playoff stats all

Of that stuff because you know that’s what we in the media do I mean we’re fans just like y’all fans just like y’all damn I didn’t know that okay um yeah I was opening up B reference B and I realized like I had completely forgotten about this but you

Had you were part of that Wizards team that swept the Raptors back in 2015 yep yeah um yeah when I remember L will that was the Year Lou was there yeah he the Raptors used to run basically this Allen ion uh loop player for Lou to get down to his left hand all

The time always left we we just we just trapped it we just ran our big man we ran na ne out there to trap him before he even caught the ball yeah and uh Coach case never he never switched up he nevery he kept trying to run it with L

The game so I saw Coach case last night um but yeah 40 we had a lot of great first round uh the year before we had a first round we beat the Bulls 4-1 I think when Jimmy and na got into it um but uh yeah we had a great some some

Great first round um games you know but second round we we we couldn’t get past Atlanta right I want to say both times Atlanta both times right you you were also there when um what was the one where John Wall jumped on the table after game six no

Was that John wasn’t there no okay that was John Wall that was John I wasn’t there yeah I wasn’t there that that then I was there when Paul Pierce called Gang but I wasn’t there when John jumped on the table that was the year after I left and actually that was when they

Played Boston and I actually went to uh I went to watch him play game seven in Boston gotta um yeah yeah yeah Paul Pierce um two years in a row I sent the Raptors packing for a while there was this there’s there’s this Infamous clip where Paul Pierce

Actually beat the Raptors I think he was with the Nets at the time and he was like you know as Paul Pierce does he likes to talk a little trash or whatever and he like took off his headband and he threw it into the crowd and the Raptor

Crowd threw the headband right back at him man they were like no get out of here I love it that’s that songs about right yeah I love the Raptor fans man shout out to the Raptor fans everywhere everywhere where I’ve been you know Detroit it sounded like a home game for

Us we just just a shout out to the Raptors fans Canada Toronto really really represents everywhere we go yeah um hey I wanted to ask you speaking of your career now and again I was looking at the B reference page and I and I realized I was like you how many players

In the league right now got more tenure more tenure than gett Temple right now right and uh that’s a nice way of say that’s a fancy nice way of saying who’s older than Garrett Tempo in the league right now right and I looked up the list

You are fifth in the league right now it’s the oldest active players in the league so I want to see if you can guess the four guys up ahead of you and maybe the rest of the guys in the top 10 but uh so just just age age wise just

Agewise not not not longevity in the career um LeBron of course uh KY Lowry yeah P PJ Tucker Oh that’s that was a tricky one that was the one I thought you might you might trip up on no because I played against PJ in college and I was a I was a freshman

When he was a junior or a senior I want to say his junior year so I knew I know PJ’s older than me PJ Kyle Braun um Chris Paul yeah um those are the four those are the four those are the four yeah yeah for sure yeah I didn’t know you would get

Kyle because Kyle was only older than you by like a month you know but me and Kyle know each other by we were really close so we room together in h in high school at All-American Game oh okay he’s born he’s born March his birthday is

This month I want to say it’s around the trade deadline because there one year when the Raptors were playing a Tampa everyone thought Kyle was gonna get traded at the deadline because he was coming into last year of his deal so the Tampa year it was deadline because so

The deadline was the back so his birthday is March his birthday is March yeah yeah we always joke about how who’s older by a few months you say the other five though the other five yeah go ahead West Matthews that yo that’s a that’s a deep cut man shouts to West Matthews got

The start last night for the Hawks West mat yeah I saw that I saw that play 14 yeah um uh I gotta go with oh West Matthews Jeff Green Jeff Green of course um I want to say Joe Eng Les that’s a great that’s a great PLL that’s number

10 on this list right now active oldest active players yep um next I’m gonna go with I gotta go with Patty Mills Patty Mills not on the I I got up to 12 right now I don’t see his name up here so dang okay um

Patty who else we got then if you want I can give you some hints but give you good hints not real not not like number nine on this list was a raptor twice in his career like two separate stints with the Raptors James Johnson yeah yeah James

For sure yeah uh and then the other the other one this player is uh quick math here 26 days younger than you and has spent basically his entire career in the in the Eastern Conference 26 days younger and he SP TCT um so he’s born in May June so he’s born in

June um early June a great college career and also a really good NBA career as well multiple time Allstar but really good college career as well is he um is he in the rotation for somebody oh yeah yeah he’s in the rotation for sure he’s in the rotation

He’s coming off the bench but he’s like a good player he’s he’s been a good player for a long time I’m tripping hold up no I’m not tripping um he’s been in the Eastern Conference pretty much his whole career is he is he in the East right now still

He’s in the East right now yeah what position does he play he’s uh he he started off the power forward and as most power forwards become they become cers yeah he’s um wow yeah oh I’m tripping I’m I’m tripping I’m big tripping wow yeah man Al Horford of course yeah of course

There you go and uh D Rose got to be up there too D Rose not on this list I only got up to 12 it says Mike Conley I’m here uh he’s I’m tripping Mike and then jav McGee I wasn’t expecting him to be the 12th oldest player shouts to jav man

Wow you were with I don’t know you guys overlapped in Washington or not yeah no no I came I came after him but but uh javil is my guy for sure all right oh yeah what about Taj yo by the way I saw Taj was with the

Pistons last night I forgot he was on the Taj is definitely a year younger like around my age I feel like he the same age as me yeah well Hey listen no offense Taj you look way younger than Taj Gibson yo when Taj got drafted and Taj

Me and Taj have the same agent when Taj got drafted got of USC I was like Taj I was like Taj is younger than me but and and he’s a junior and he’s a year older than me I don’t understand Taj has had that that uh that ball Taj

Been balding since you know a minute that’s my guy though yeah they can’t all be blessed like you man you know like the hairline is still very much intact Garrett this is a great time man I got to call and catch up with you next week

As well I I’ll come up with a little quiz maybe not just about old players but I appreciate you taking the time man and uh yeah we we’ll call you again next week always will let’s do it baby all right there you go g Temple man not

Every day you could just you could just go play Guess Who with an NBA player but that was fun shout out to G Temple and yeah we will call him next week anyway we’re going to take another break I’ve been your host will you be listening to

The Raptor show on the sports night radio network brought to you by Campbell’s new Chucky SP suit when we come back the off strip boys welcome back to the Raptor show on the sports radio network I’m your host swl big thanks to gett Temple for joining us

On the program and yeah the I think the plan and the hope is we just get G Temple once a week and just just chop it up it was great it felt very Like A vibe just like two of us just chatting about basketball and I think that’s sort of

The goal that we would have but it was great to to get some insights especially on the Raptors change of their defense and that that’s something that I actually really wanted to discuss with my two next guests here leean Osman of the Toronto Star Orin weissfeld of the

Guardian what’s going on we got Global superstars in the building whoa chill the guardian dog the guard okay the guardian yeah the guardian UK yeah they love me mate I don’t want to hear that again goodness crazy how do we go from gett Temple to this what’s going on do you

Think your combined ages are or or is is more than G Temple’s age oh that’s a good question yes yeah come on don’t be rude don’t be rude I have to make sure cuz lean’s pretty young so whoa about to turn 25 come on big you’re about to turn

25 when damn this raap season has really aged us are we a he was 18 when the season started yeah yeah um appreciate you guys for joining you’ll be here for the full hour we’re going to talk Han the basketball as well actually I’ll give you guys the choice you guys want

To talk Raptor’s defense right now or you guys want to talk of basketball right now goe I was say you want to get the Raptors out of the way yeah let’s do that let’s do that that let’s do that this this man said got to get the

Raptors out of the way on the Raptor show that’s my goal every day um okay Raptors defense and it was great to hear that from Garrett because um you know very few people had picked up on that I know I had not picked up on the fact that the Raptors had changed their

Entire defense in the last eight games or so um but the overall the Raptors since December 1st because the Raptors actually started the season guarding pretty decently but it started going downhill even with the previous group and then it just kep getting worse and worse and of course yobs injury but

Since December 1st so this is like more than 3 months now the Raptors are 29th in defensive rating um briefly the Detroit Pistons I for for a long time the Detroit Pistons were below the Raptors at 30th um and then now the Utah Jazz are at 30th I think Detroit’s 28th

In any case the Raptors are the second worst defensive team for the bulk of the season so um or I’ll start with you why have the Raptors been so bad defensively yeah I think the biggest thing is just roster turnover like at a certain point it’s really hard to have a

Good defense when you have new guys playing every turn every game and it’s not just roster turnover injury turnover too more recently um that’s the biggest thing like any coach who’s trying to put in a system like you said they change it out a necessity cuz CLE got hurt but

Anytime you’re trying to put in a system you want continuity you want to have practices to improve stuff and when a new guy is playing every day you know even it’s 10 days playing from one game to the next it’s almost impossible to have a good defense right the other

Thing is with purle like they’re getting outrebounded like crazy without purle since he went down and and I know you stretch it back to December 1st but even if you go back that far Thad young was the backup center and he couldn’t rebound or protect the rim at the level

You need so you’ve either had that guy or or no purle it’s really hard Cody Wilds from raptor Republic I just saw this this tweet he said Raptors are 2 and 14 without purle this year and minus in the rebound game last five games so um th those are probably the two big

Biggest reasons for right now why it’s been so bad Le what about you I agree with that um yeah roster change you were on here a couple days ago just guessing the 28 players on the roster yeah like that’s a big like that’s crazy 28 is a ridiculous number that didn’t even count

Christian K who I count as he was fully on the roster around the team so that should be 29 really yeah and for me it’s like it’s that there’s an identity crisis like I just don’t know like with Nick nurse you knew what to expect this

Team was going to play hard they were going to pressure the ball like there was an identity there right yeah fake comebacks like you knew that was happening but to me too it’s like also just like watching them like whether it’s guarding the pick a roll there’s always just lack of communication you

Can just tell these guys haven’t practiced that much together often you know um which sucks when you obviously have so many trades and Ross a turnover um also for me too it’s just like I don’t think it just started this year I think it was like a thing that was

Slowly happening and and I think it starts up a top I think a lot of like the leadership with the Raptors when you look at um when we had Kawhi when we had Kyle when we had Danny when we had Marcus sa those guys were able in my

Opinion like when they spoke yeah everyone listened yeah you fall in line you fall you listen but then as they went by you had guys like Pascal OG and Fred and um I don’t blame them for this but in my opinion like Pascal wasn’t a vocal leader right like he’s not someone

That’s going to like call you out defensively for your mistakes OG too like I would never imagine OG like sitting down with somebody breaking down film of like what you did wrong he’s not that type of person in my opinion maybe he did maybe he did not like Fred was

That person but like at times we could say like people didn’t want to listen to Fred right yeah that’s totally fair from that point of view it’s like you think about it and that leadership aspect to where you thought maybe Pascal and OG and Fred could turn into that it didn’t

Happen right m and now we moved on right and it’s like who who and you want your main players to be that vocal leader right right yeah no offense to like Dad young Garett Temple Dennis schroer like if they’re telling me something on defense I’m not listed in like at least

From a perspective to where it’s like it doesn’t hit the same as when Kyle told you to do that or to me like it comes best from the top guys right so um Dennis I think he tried but it’s like but bro they just brought Dennis in like

How was he supposed to come in and just be the vocal leader for the whole team exactly that’s that was unrealistic that’s a bad plan even though that was the plan so yeah um uh just to some a couple stats to throw out you here so the Raptors defensive rating at least on

Basball refs right now is 118 um that would be the highest defensive rating they ever had however that’s also error adjusted right because we’re also in a really inflated scoring error again I was going to throw this that at Garrett Temple but when he entered the league it was 0910 the the

NBA average the average across the board for teams was 100 points a team would score 100 points a game this year the average for a team scoring is 115 so that’s already a 15% bump just over the last like 15 years so of course defensive rating is going to naturally

Rise um so you can’t necessarily compare what you can do is compare relative defensive rating so that’s your current defensive rating versus the average defensive rating of the NBA that year right so back in the day if you allowed 110 and The League average was 100 then

Clearly you know you’re a bad defense nowadays if you average 110 given up but the average is 115 points given up you’re actually a good defense so this is relative defense Raptors relative uh to the league differential in terms of a defensive rating um it’s it’s the worst that the

The Raptors have been relative to the rest of the league since 2011 damn and that was like J Tano years 09 0910 was was pretty bad 20101 was pretty bad in terms of just like the Raptors really couldn’t guard them them past that you got some expansion years

In there you just throw those out okay I read prehistoric there’s a lot of messing messy stuff going on shouts to Alex but like yeah basically it hasn’t been that bad since the J Tria era so defensively for me it’s like how much of this also comes from not having the

Personnel and also just a total shift in how the Raptors are putting together the roster in terms of they were really bringing in defensive first players and now bring offensive first players how essentially how much is this a front office decision as well yeah that’s what

I was actually going to bring up and identity crisis is a great way of putting it like I love that um because defensively they have an identity crisis offensively they don’t have that like I like a lot of the stuff darko’s done offensively yeah he’s a ball movement

Coach right and whether and this is something I would be curious to really know Messi and Bobby’s real thoughts on it yeah whether it was just because those were the players that were available or these were the types of players they wanted to Target the type of players they got our offense first

Guys Kelly o lenck RJ Barrett Emanuel quickley they drafted Grady they drafted Grady great Point like those four guys are all offense first guys and outw these Vision 69 defense first players I think honestly that a lot of it had to do with the way the league is trending

And it’s just like the stats you just mentioned the league is going to a a place where in the past you had to be an elite defense to win a championship that is no longer the case and you still have to have a good defense to win a championship but offense matters way

More than it ever has so I think credit to the Raptor front office for recognizing that right like they made a decision to Pivot to get more offense first guys in the building but the downfalls to that are obviously you have to figure out a way to string together

An okay defense do I think they can do it you mentioned like Personnel Scotty and purle as a four five combination is good like especially Scotty turning into the rim protector he turned into this year like that really helps but to me the biggest question not just like on

The defensive end for the Raptors but probably the biggest question like overall for how this this core of players is going to reach that next level is who is that starting to three guard like the Gary Tren Junior position because you know a lot of fans will say

Grady dick Grady dick next year he gets a start and that’s your starting five well between Emanuel quickley Grady dick and RJ Barett it’s just so many guys to attack it’s so many it’s three guys that the premier stars of today’s game will look at and just be like this is a

Mismatch I can take this I think they need to find that three and D wi that ogn and Hobie type we need to find a vision 69 type of play and we knew this when we traded OG we knew we were going to we were going to miss him but but to

Me it’s it’s a huge Personnel thing and no one on the roster you guys talked about oai in the first section he he’s not big enough to do that or or at least he hasn’t developed into that kind of Defender yet and uh no one on the roster to me really

Fits that mold of of who’s going to be that three and D lock down Wing yeah I personally just don’t don’t don’t think this roster at its core will be able to defend at an elite elite level um which is why like you’re kind of happy with

Having picks in the draft like there’s some guys in this class that you look at that could potentially be game changers defensively and to me Scotty when I talk about like having that vocal leadership that we didn’t have with Pascal with Fred with OG I think Scotti will grow

Into that he’s still what 22 years old like yeah when you think about it like he’s had his moments where whether it’s not running back on defense we we went through all that kind of stuff to me it’s like the kid’s 22 years old and the

Fact that he the the off ball defense the rim protection that he provided I’m I’m not worried I think he will be able to um sort of just like create like be able to put push the message out that whether it’s the coaching staff is

Saying to him or just like be able to be that vocal lead that you need that that’s going to like um like make up the mistakes for others you know so um I just think obviously we kind of talked about it what was the last once you

Trade OG you didn’t have losing kawhai we were searching for a small forward for years with this team right oh yeah we had deari Carol minutes you know but it’s like so it’s like look so and I think too it’s like chrisan K was like I

Think he was supposed to be a defensive anle absolutely so losing him was a big big thing so and that you and that’s like unforeseen like how how are you supposed to you know I mean it’s it’s a medical condition and even he turns into jeante Porter who great game last night

But another offense first guy yeah well I don’t know jont could guard a little bit jont impresses me in a lot of ways but compared to Koko he’s just not doesn’t project to be that kind of defend he he block shots but he’s not a rim protector in that same way which is

A weird kind of Distinction um and and that’s not to say that it can’t be effective I thought jonte was very effective def last night but um yeah it it is kind of weird because to your point the starting lineup as is right now with four or the five pretty

Much penciled in um with yakob with Scotty with RJ with quickly I think for for RJ and quickley they can take some more ownership of improving that on their fronts as well right like it it it’s it changes iq’s whole entire game if he goes from being a guy who the

Raptors have to hide with their matchups versus being a guy who can hold his own I’m not expecting him to like hold his own and then be a great help Defender elsewhere as well maybe he can do that as well but for me he needs to get to

That step where he can really guard his own um and then with RJ I’m curious to think what do you guys think about RJ defensively because to me I feel like doesn’t seem like there’s anything physically that he can’t do to guard at least his own position but sometimes you

Do see the lsas because how much those two guys improve defensively will dictate how much that fifth starter will need to do defensively and who that kind of player is so do you see more growth in IQ and RJ and how they guard I I do I

Think for me RJ a lot of times just lapses it’s like he’s not paying attention um and in New York like he was considered one of their best defenders even though he probably shouldn’t have been right I mean there was a when they puted it he he did a considerable amount

Of time guarding Jimmy yeah so if you if you’re asking to be like you have Scotty guarding jackob guarding the anchor you have asking to be like guarding the third best player on the roster in lineups I think he could do it and he’s still young it’s just I think he he has

The tools that’s we look at it he has the tools for it it’s just can he get in can he just like walk into the scouting Port um and pay attention that same thing I with IQ I think for him it’s like I think he’s an above average

Defender when he tries you know but it’s like at this point of the season it’s like very hard to evaluate guys and be like can this guy defend because this season’s wash at this point right so it’s like I’m not every when they’re losing games what do you want me to do

Man the show’s two hours but like I’m not so when RJ gets beat in a pick and roll or like gets beat by Zion I’m not like hanging my head like this guy can’t defend you know cuz I’m like this season is done yeah no I agree

Like both of them have room to grow both of them right now are probably at least average defenders in the NBA but to me what I was really talking about earlier and what I think any good defense needs is someone who you can throw at a Luca

Donic a Kawhi Leonard and make them a bit uncomfortable and yeah yeah and RJ as tools as he is I don’t think he’s ever going to develop into that guy and quickly just because of his size is always going to be a mismatch to to those type of players and again you

Can’t have three guys in your starting lineup who are who Luca donic will look at in the eye and say this is no problem like we watch first off Luka looks like 99% of the league it says this we watched that game together the Dallas game and he looked at the Raptors and

Made a game within a game of that like he was just playing with himself throwing the craziest passes he was UN the one where he drove middle and then threw the over the shoulder pass into the corner he was completely unbothered and we’ve seen OG and anobi on LCA Don

And and he doesn’t play that way and so we need that kind of players we did see the rap Darko solution for a lot of this was like all right Scotty will do it and Scotty was the answer of like okay well we don’t have something Scotty will do

It you know what I mean and I just think it it it will Tire him out just a little bit too much like you know what I mean if you really want him to take that next step and carry so much for you offensively as well then it’s difficult

Plus it’s one thing it’s like okay you know what Scotty’s going to guard on Ball but someone else is going to be able to help and make up for his help defense you also need his help defense how you ask the man to guard on ball I’d rather him playing Help exactly

So that’s where you need a three and D type to to come in and who knows I mean um you know it will be difficult to find those guys I’m sure the whole league is looking for those guys is there anybody in the roster that can kind of

Considerably slide into that those slots right now just a hard for I think it’s oai like I I think he has real problems offensively and defensively he he’s he’s just okay right now but I think when you look at his potential and the way that they’re playing him right now he gets

The number one matchup every night I think they’re trying to develop him into that kind of guy he’s a little bit different of a Defender he’s smaller he’s more better at the a point of attack on guards rather than these big wings but if I’m looking at the roster

Is the only one I see as a okay maybe two years from now this guy could be a pretty good three and D guy yeah and the first first time when I saw him I’m like you remind me of OG just like the jackness you know yeah so yeah smaller

Legs but yeah small legs yeah I mean everyone OG got the me the stallion I miss I miss the days when like Donovan Mitchell come to Toronto and it’s like OG was taking care of that he’s coming here and he’s dropping think about the old days the old days well the thing

With OG is he walked into the league to do that you know I mean and that’s the thing like it’s hard for me to see like guys developing in that direction it’s not to say guys can’t approve on the margins get more ATT tune you you play The League more and more you

Understand your matchups better but like yeah I mean they’re giv me old that chance right now and I think that it it doesn’t even matter as much to me the fact that like last night you went 0 for three that’s not as important is as what you

Can do defensively but the Raptors do need to find that I mean you’re even seeing like they’re going to McDaniels in some of these games to do that yeah I had a question that I put in here to set you guys up your your Iain your your least favorite thing about Jaylen

McDaniels I obstain hey um how could you obstain bro gu never interacted with him so I can’t probably an amazing person I’m I don’t I don’t know if we need to do all that I just meant like on the court like on the court I think it’s the

Tunnel vision it’s a tunnel vision it’s kind of like sort of insane to me yeah like why like it’s just like you watch him like I don’t know what you know that one guy in the roster when he gets the ball for the first time you just don’t

Know what he’s going to do with it and like you’re you’re you’re like will he give it back to me like he’s that type of guy’s like he gets the ball for the first time it’s he this might be his last time touching the basketball so

He’s about to do something crazy with it you know and and I don’t blame him it’s like you got to hey you got to eat you got to take those opportunities you got guaranteed contract for next year what do you mean you got to eat hey but

Sometimes food is coming but I’ll be honest sometimes I look at his contract and I’m like hey man theano’s making half of that and he’s what he’s doing in Portland I’m like hey well you could explain why Delano’s not here yeah yeah like I’ll I’ll I’ll say because I don’t

Want to take the easy rout out like him and and Bruce Brown to me have the same problem I’ll group them in and it’s easier to to hate that way is like this man said it’s easier to hate when it’s it’s two for one combo no

But both of those guys both of those guys make selfish decisions with the ball yeah and to be quite Frank they’re not good enough to like they’re not Scotty Barnes and you’re especially when you have these injuries and new guys coming in like you need to keep moving

The ball you need to keep trusting your teammates and both of those guys just make bad decisions it’s one too many dribbles in the paint with five hands reaching in and a turnover when it could have just been a pass and um that’s why

Oai to me is like for all his faults he atast knows himself he knows his role exactly he’s like ah this one’s not for me and I’m fine with that man like when you have Kelly oin on the floor IQ on the floor like give them the ball yeah let them make the

Decisions yeah well I mean that’s the thing it’s not easy to find these type of players the Raptors did try to cycle through a lot of them you know and ironically we are now short that one 69ine type of like small forward that can really come in and do it but I mean

Historically when you look at it like you mentioned earlier like the Raptors have tried to address this issue in the past and that’s why they had felt so secure for so long with like OG finally getting drafted and taking that spot and being solid for like six seven years

With it in between Kawai as well so these are the hardest spots to really fill you know so um that’s that’s tough pimping off the Raptors I guess so defensively yeah they they got to figure it out you know I think um they can change the Personnel to accommodate

Certain areas but ultimately the Personnel is what it is and I think that that is interesting by the way if if you can’t get better defensively around the other four then it’s going to be harder for Grady to enter that starting five because I think a lot of people really

Want to just push him and Advance him in that way um speaking of a former Raptor that that struggle with defense all right this is this is a this is this is one I’m throwing out of the left field for you but we’re having the discussion planning

For the show did you guys watch Tom Mar Rosen last night the the Bulls versus the Pacers just just the end and overtime that’s all you need to see honestly yeah the NBA puts together these really nice videos of like wild finishes and it’s just like the most

Important parts the FBA even knows they’re like yo you only need to watch the last five minutes that’s why we cut that’s why we clipped this for you for the point on YouTube but you got to watch that because dear had an amazing game 46 points but he also had like a

Fallway on the Baseline at the force overtime in the first Pascal had an insane block on Kobe white hopefully Kobe White’s okay because he also fell on Kobe white but it was a great block super clean just a tough Landing um but the mar rosan ends up finishing and

Winning that game for them finishing with 46 points we were discussing this game on uh upstairs and the question was posed To Us by producer Mark bofo shouts to him is dear Rosen a future Hall of Famer for you right now just just just a

Quick yes or no from Orin and lean here yes cuz USA stuff too okay as a gold medal I’m bi he’s like I grew I told people in his first year as a rookie I think he’s going to be the allstar so you told people his first year as a

Rookies going to be allar I bet I bet people Le man was four years old y That’s crazy and I still they still owe me money I bet people that he’s going to be a say their names hey I don’t I don’t want to call them out but hey they still

Haven’t paid me back but yes for me will you take a bimos gift card I will okay it was only like $10 that we bet but that’s two meals at bimos it is um yeah okay good I’m happy you said yes because to me I was like I got to think

About it a little bit not not to be a hater I just got to think about a little bit but then I I looked up the NBA’s like alltime scoring like list of you know whatever he’s 32nd in alltime scoring he just passed Larry Bird SC I think he’s like 3K from like

Kevin Garnett and he’s like 28th or something like that it’s good that you mentioned that because um on this list he’s 32nd so there’s 31 guys above him on the NBA scoring list um everybody is already in the Hall of Fame who’s above him the guys who aren’t are guys who

Will become in the Hall of Fame like LeBron KD Carmelo Vince Carter James Harden Russell Westbrook Stephen Curry I think we can all agree those guys are all going to Hall of Fame right um dear is still only 34 one of the healthiest players in the league right

Just he might miss like five six games in a season but that’s that’s been the consistency in his game keeps himself in great shape all that kind of stuff at two more seasons so basically scoring about 1,800 points a a year so far if he does this for two more seasons dear

Would be at essentially 27,000 points and he would be like 14 above like Oscar and like Dominique in alltime scoring if he does this for three more years he would be midway through his he’d be at 2,000 28580 points roughly it will put him in the top 10 just above Carmelo if

Demar did it for three more years and again I don’t like it’s it’s kind of unbelievable to me because I think if you look back at it did we have two Hall of Famers on the Raptor roster because we I think we would all have

Kyle as a Hall of Famer as well it helps as his case that he’s got the ring as well but you don’t need the ring though because like no offense to the basket of Hall of Fame but anybody walks into that nowaday right that’s what I was going to

Say that that’s what I was going to say like the the Hall of Fame is too easy to get into so these guys deserve it with what the current criteria is but if I were to make a Hall of Fame I think the criteria would be a little you know more

Tight and he alls like so many rapers records like you he’s the top of everything won at the Olympics won Gold with the World Cup like he’s won a lot I know like we nitpick and be like is he could he perform in the playoffs like Basketball Hall of fame’s not asking you

That they’re asking you for a playoff Riser yeah six time Allstar yeah I just I guess I just didn’t fully appreciate the fact that Demar could conceivably like not even ridiculous that he could finish his career as a top 10 alltime scorer that’s pretty W total points but

We do have to also take into account all those scoring stuff you mentioned earlier with the league he came he he is in right now is just like in this golden age of scoring but here’s the thing though dear’s been doing this as ones and twos it’s not like he spam threes

That’s a good point the most classic ones and twos type of player ones and twos guy yeah I mean the pace matters like it does matter the the way the game has changed but it’s a good point like he does not rely on the three the same

Extent as a lot of these guys in today’s game yeah shouts to Demar Ros I’m just happy for him um I guess I was happy for Pascal with that block too again if you haven’t seen it that was a it was an incredible block but you know I don’t

Know there’s something about dear right now where he’s like so undeniable in the clutch this especially recently and the Bulls are becoming more competitive yeah I mean I I was also watching that game and Loki I was like damn how many of these uh losses had Pascal had against

The mar there’s a lot of times where like Pascal does things to like put himself in usually the Raptors in the past and now the Pacers now like put him in position to beat thear and then dear will just you know do his thing in the fourth quarter we’ve seen it in Toronto

Quite a bit even against Toronto but um shouts to DeMar rosen I guess the Raptor defense is bad it’s time to talk basketball take that break been your host Willow you’ve been listening to the Raptor show on the sportset radio network brought to you by Campbell’s new chunky spicy

Soup welcome back to the Raptor show on the sportset radio network I’m your host will luk sorry there’s a dererk has played some it’s Rage Against the Machine he tells me yeah so I was trying to do my best sco you guys have heard me do karaoke oh yeah yeah

Yeah it’s my hidden talent I have videos you know what I have videos about you too so let’s let’s not releas okay we got we’re mutually sure destruction here yeah me leean Orin you know this is does this feel more like the karaoke Booth or does it feel more like the 590 booth

That we typically sit at in the games like what’s the vibe that we’re going for today more of a game game booth Vibe I feel like yeah yeah less tame though the game booths are crazy yeah they’re they’re high energy you you everyone else is chilling year you’ve lost your body they’re

Pretty chill I find until like the fourth quarter yeah now give people give people the behind the scenes what is it like in the 590 Booth guys hey man a lot of I wouldn’t say name calling but that’s outrage not name calling but um yeah and but what happens if the boo

Stays in the booth you know so exactly ex except the like Raptor’s executive Booth is like 2 feet away and they definitely hear like half of the stuff but uh mostly like yelling at the refs from like very far is the biggest thing I would and the amount of times of like

Like close the door just in case like they’re hearing that I’m like I’d rather not for your for your sake there’s a lot of poutin being eaten in there yeah of course there’s a lot of Chinese food usually yeah sh shangai 360 you know still waiting on that season long

Sponsorship damn you haven’t got it yet nah I don’t think they got it like that no offense I’m in there just fasting just like you bring your own lunch the rap no I don’t for it’s dinner and I’ve done it like twice yeah I ate a pork

Chop my hand this guy was this guy had a pork chop bigger than his head at the game I swear yesterday I had the worst public Sharma eating experience of my life it went all over my shoes it was terrible but anyways what happened man no we don’t need to get into

It I told you like it was just the wetest Sharma and I ate it I ate it on a a park bench cuz it was beautiful outside but I looked down and I realized it had just dripped all over these white Nikes I got

And and my pants and I had to go to an interview after that I was interviewing someone for the book by the way I’m writing a book about Canada basketball and the grow basketball golden Generation I Got to plug it when I’m on the show uh 2025 follow me on Twitter

For updates you we’re going to get we’re going to talk about you all the time about that book no it’s going to be great so just had to plug that but build a lot of Sharma for show the Sharma should not be wet okay it should not it was a saucy sa up

Schwarma yeah apparently cuz I was in a Tobago and I read at best schwarma in town I was like I got to try kebab house or something yeah kebab house you know white restaurants aren’t Nam like that yeah no it was they don’t put it in the it was actually pretty

Good yeah no seriously that’s it’s always a b five had um okay putting aside that uh you you know you’re writing that book about Canada basketball and this is taken up most of your time right um wanted to talk about Canada basketball a little bit pivot you know to another subject thank goodness

Um we do get to see um both Jordy Fernandez come to town next week with the Sacramento Kings he’s been assistant there he’s the head coach of the men’s team and uh we will see Shay next Friday I know that’s a game that we will not be

Missing of course not and Lou shout out to and l d you’re right right shout outs to l d as well and it got me thinking a little bit just like okay I’m obviously watching this Raptors for this season but I’m also watching for a second team

You know I mean how’s Kan going to do and we saw Jamal we saw what he did to the Raptors in that fourth quarter we saw what he did to Kelly in that fourth quarter that one where Kelly got him stuck and he’s like n steep through

Finger roll with my left and it’s still went in um it got me really excited thinking about what the top eight for can’s roster could be best case scenario going into the Olympics um so I would love to hear from both of you maybe Lan

You go first on who your top eight is right now for the Olympics yeah let’s start off with eight um I’m I’m more struggling with the the 7 eight actually maybe not 78 I don’t think I’m really struggling with this just I’m going with uh what I think will be the core and

It’s basically the same guys that were there last year okay so give me give me the give me the list and I’m just adding one um hopefully so it’s going to be Shay obviously Jamal if he’s healthy that’s your added one yeah that’s my added one okay Dylan Brooks L Dort RJ

Barrett the white pal Kelly lck and the kill Alexander Walker I had the same eight same eight there’s no Andrew Wiggins on either your list no no you asked I mean you asked like who who are the best eight this season Andrew Wiggins has not been better than nikil Alexander or lud Dort

This season like straight up for me okay and um yeah I don’t know if you want to get into like who you would start that’s the thing too it’s like for me when it comes to Wiggins it’s like will you accept the bench role yeah coming to play that’s

Interesting cuz because a year ago or a year or two ago I don’t think we were having this discussion say come off bench you want to play but after what they did right after what they did at the World Cup will you let Dylan Brooks start will you and I think bro there’s

No way I’m benching Dylan Brooks exact no way RJ Barrett I don’t want to see him off the bench maybe you could go back and forth with him but I think you go to me it’s actually if Jamal’s playing I think you go Shay Jamal when we’re talking starters that’s your back

Court I think L Dort um Dwight pal Kelly oen but to me Kelly o is like you can like what they did at the World Cup he was like in and out it’s like defensive concerns right so um yeah and I think L door d Brooks can play the four or five

Not the four or five but like white P be the five yeah both the four yeah so real quick on Andrew Wiggins I I’ll just say this like they Canada basketball asked for this three-year commitment Andrew Wiggins wasn’t willing to do it the only way I think he was going to make this

Summer’s team is if he was one of the best players in the league this season like undeniable you can’t you cannot have him exact and the fact that he’s dropped off so hard plus the fact that he hasn’t been around the last two summers to me I just don’t see it

Happening like Jamal Murray not only is he leveling up I think he’s really one of the best guards in the league he’s been there last two summers he’s been in those training camps he knows the system he knows Jordy he knows the guys Andrew hasn’t been there so that’s like a big

Difference on top of the their play yeah in terms of starters I went um Shay Jamal RJ Dylan and Dwight just like you said Kelly came off the bench a little bit M just because defensive match up more defens both him and Kell and Dwight need a guard fives

So I think those were some of the problems you saw in that Spain game when when Kelly started coming off the bench for uh Lou so yeah like obviously you’re small and your rebounding hurts when when uh you put Brooks at the four but I think you put the most Talent out there

You put your five best guys out there and that’s who they are in my opinion and then you Shuffle in the second halfes and stuff matchup dependent if you need to get bigger get Kelly in there m Etc cuz I think that’s that’s the one thing where it’s like okay

Andrew is not playing well but he plays he gives a premium like skill set a need that like bigger obviously he’s super athletic um we’ve seen him rebound at a very high level in certain moments yeah in the finals for example but um as you mentioned man it’s The Season’s not been

Good so I I get it either way uh no no nard in your either rotations he’s he’s there to me he’s like conversation added he’s like my 9 10 like that he’s in that mix and I think Canada should really consider him he wants to play and he’s

Willing to accept whatever role he’s that type of player right so um imagine to me I’d love to see like a Off the Bench him in the Kel that fun combo I think right yeah no I agree he was right on the bubble for me I think it’d be

Great to have him he said he wanted to play and like you think about Shay and Jamal both those guys could go on Long playoff runs Olympics in July it’s not the same break we had from for the World Cup so those exhibition games and stuff like you want another point guard there

For sure you you want another good point guard there whether you know hope there’s no injuries but even just to keep those guys fresh for the games that matter you really want a guy like Andrew nard there but yeah I think he’s the ninth man and I also think guys like

Chris buet Trey ly trisen Thompson I think they’re also on the bubble in terms of giving you that skill set right big guys rebounders three-point shooters that you can use those are also not core guys but guys I would consider in I was going to say too is like my big concern

Will likely be and I think everyone’s probably like is wondering will Jamal like actually be there because say they do make a long playoff run again they get to the Finals NBA Finals starts I think June 6th I believe and Camp is supposed to start say that series goes

Two weeks or whatever it is I think the earliest Camp could start is like June 27th exactly so he’s going to get what a week or two off right before and he didn’t wasn’t able to play the past summer and he had like a whole month off right so it’s like

Are you like I personally if I’m Jamal I’m going for the championship right to me it’s like that that Olympic stuff is going to come but if you’re healthy enough is it going to come because we’ve seen that like you can’t take this thing for granted like it’s literally been 24

Years since Canada was the men’s side was in the Olympics yeah so there’s no guarantee and he’s in the prime of his career it’s like you you kind of I mean it’s unfortunate because I also do think that the Nuggets will repeat and I think

That Jamal is going to play a huge part and he’s going to be super banged up and you know giving everything yeah but it’s right there you know it’ll be tough just depends how his body is right yeah so yeah yeah and it depends on what

Guys value like I don’t I don’t want to again going to plug my book and I don’t want to get into Jamal’s head but like when you look at the history of the program we should have prehistoric you look at the history of the men’s program and yeah like guys are

Always injured this has always been like a huge problem with NBA guys but the guys who play are the guys who value that more than they value rest and it’s more they value it more than they value even like having a good start to their next NBA season the guys who play are

The ones who like really want to be there for their country and really understand the importance of an Olympic Games and and what it means to represent Canada there so like I don’t know if Jamal is going to be injured or or or if he’s going to be healthy at that time

And and he’ll have so many different things to weigh it’s it’s really hard but what but again it’s really like what do you want to prioritize is is is this Canada thing so meaningful to you that you’re willing to go into it banged up and all that stuff and even enter the

Next NBA season a little less fresh than you would otherwise we’ll see and that’s not just like a Jamal thing that goes for so many of these guys and and um that that’s something that when you look at the Serbia the Germany of the world it’s not even a question they have a

Culture exactly it’s not a question you just do it like Spain like palasa was playing for them like late 30s like right I’m there I got you like you know what I mean like yeah um so Canada needs to get to that point and uh I think

We’re close that’s the thing I think I think we’re getting we’re getting so much close to that because you you got these quotes from Dylan Brooks and this came out I think last week and Dylan Brooks said quote when you come and play for your country it’s all about the

Pride it’s not about the money it’s not about anything else except pride and representing your country and he’s talking about these other players that potentially could join them that weren’t with them in the World Cup he said quote they play with Team Canada before and we

Need to get better and he went on to say um that quote I said this after we won the bronze and it doesn’t matter we got to re up we got to get better so ad Jamal add nard add Wiggins that’s going to make our team better those guys are

Selfless players that gets you excited man no but I I can imagine Dylan Brook’s having these conversations directly oneon-one with guys too you know what I mean I think that happens I when D pal was in town I was asking him and he was like a lot of the times like when he

Sees guys on the road visiting NBA teams when he sees the Canadians he’s like you come in this summer like what’s he’s asking them that good that’s that’s culture that’s that’s why he’s a team one of the team captains team captains right so um it’s cool though it’s like

The fact that those guys are just texting each other being like you playing you playing this like you know what I’m saying like it’s like I get goosebumps when I think about that like what the team could look like this summer for sure for sure um I think the

Other underrated part of this is that after Kelly got his extension the entire seven-man at least NBA roster rotation because there only seven NBA players and the rest of them were other players who just weren’t in the league at the current moment I don’t want to be rude

To them they’re they also made a big contribution as well but those seven NBA players who played at the World Cup um for Canada all seven of them after Kelly got his extension have guaranteed contracts for this upcoming season so it’s not like any of them walking in a

FR agency right now yeah and yeah I think that that definitely certainly would help yeah definitely helps um and not only that just like to add to that you look at that eight-man group we just mentioned other than Dwight Powell they’re all having arguably career years like these guys are really playing well

And that’s there’s not single guy in that group that’s not contributing like Lou Dort is having an incredible offensive season this guy he fixed his shot he fixed his shot he’s one of the most Dependable clutch time guys he makes right decisions sh no analytics nikil Alexander Walker is playing a huge

Role now that uh he’s starting a lot of games now that Carl Anthony Town’s down like he’s really thriving and Kelly oin we see like man Kelly has has Kelly ever been better offensively like really this guy is incredible the only thing he wasn’t really doing was hitting threes

At a high clip and then he’s starting to hit threes again but also like we talk about warm-ups that guy do not missing warm-ups when I watch him and he’s shooting like 40 something per from three like he doesn’t take a lot that’s the thing I want him to take more is the

Big thing too yeah but you know he doesn’t need to spam threes cuz a lot of the offens is somebody else is it’s actually a little bit similar to you know just international basketball in general where you see The Bigs used a lot as High post like that that just

Happens way more it’s like super common in international basketball versus like in the league it’s become more and more popular and honestly because of the talent right because yoka just come in and done it because mb’s coming in and done it because sabonis is coming in and

Done it you know what I mean so talking about those guys that’s my biggest concern when it comes basketball who will guard embiid who will guard joic who will guardy m is not playing no way you don’t hey why would he even register or like

Sign up for bro he did the whole thing he can’t stay healthy though I he’s definitely not bless 100% he the my decision you know the next chapter and it was with nationality that was wild I completely forgot that he’s injured but Rudy gber I’m not really worried about

But like Jonas valunas those guys you know sabonis you know like you could put him in pick a roll you know what I mean try to like run them off the floor a little bit playing small but I hear you though it’s a concession like it really

Is is there nobody coming up like what about what about my half Chinese brother Zach Edy hey he’s that’s the thing though he’s going to be the draft is what I think the 27th 26 27th around that time like it’s I would say very unlikely unless he has something already

Predetermined that he’s going to be playing but I think go going into your uh being drafted it’s impossible for you to play right that summer yeah he’ll be an interesting it’s basically never happened right I don’t think I think it’s happened because USA used to have guys that were like playing college like

And go right like I think anthy Davis was a case I’m not too sure right after but like they’ get college guys right um okay so it has to be something maybe in place ad was number one pick this is this is it’s it’s a guarantee you don’t

Have no guarantee of you’re wherever get EX we don’t know that’s the thing right that’s interesting okay you scratch him off the table I guess you said Tristan Thompson earlier like is he is he not banned because he Olympics are so serious with that kind of stuff no right

Yeah I I don’t know I don’t know if he’ll be eligible to play I know he wants to Zach Edy we did talk to him when he was in Toronto with uh that Alabama game and he said he was planning on playing I think it’s possible in

Terms of like if he’s a first round pick and he has a guaranteed contract he could probably make it happen but even then I don’t know if they take him on that 12-man roster like we saw he had real struggles in the world cup but like

Of course what you guys are saying like the big man position is really where they’re weak Chris bue is interesting to me but he’s never really even been like has he not been invited to these like what’s happening has he not been invited or he just hasn’t gone like he’s been

Invited he’s expressed interest whenever like I’ve talked to him or like I think any other report he’s he’s he’s gotten the invite and he’s expressed interest then why hasn’t he done it Chris had obviously no no contract certainty until two years ago when he got that long-term deal and

Then last two summers he basically told me he was dealing with personal stuff and and he just didn’t have time for national team said he wanted to play this year but yeah we’ll see and and and yeah that’s the thing even him even Tristan those guys come with their flaws

Right um and there there’s no perfect solution to guard guarding and Nicola yic uh on the team or really even I don’t think coming down the pipeline I that’s the one tough thing is you just wish there was one like really really solid doesn’t even have to be

Exceptional you I mean like man K Birch Avail I’m about to say k bir what you do it up there Europe we the here’s the thing I’ve said it on the show and I’ll say it again like Dwight poell gets so underrated in these discussions by far

Our best option in as a post Defender as a pick and roll Defender and and I think he gets overlooked a lot I think he will be the starting center and yeah that’s not going to be where the strength of the team is but if you have Jamal and Sh

In the backt you can you can play in those games I just wish I I saw more from like pal this season because he’s F falling out the rotation with Dallas so I mean Dallas also drafted a new center you know I mean then they trade for

Other Center so like he’s you know it is what it is but you know I guess Kyle Alexander shouts to Kyle Alexander yeah got some size got some shot block well I mean obviously we know the strength of the team is in the guards and it’s time

Now for the spicy take of the day that’s why surprises on you guys brought to you by new chunky spicy soup are you ready to get fired up yeah my spicy take is honestly it don’t matter how much The Bigs are because Canada is gonna have the best backourt at the Olympics if

Jamal Murray comes through it’s going to be the best back court of the entire Olympics better than us here’s the thing us I agree us bring old guys okay old you know what I mean no I agree you know they they’re older I mean like you can stack resumes I’m not trying to

Disrespect Steph Curry or like Dame or whoever wants to come the older though we talking about players in their Prime right now Canada’s gonna have the best one Shay and Jamal if Jamal comes through that’s gonna be tough I don’t even know how they’re going to share the

Ball quite frankly but it it won’t matter it won’t matter it won’t matter that’s my spicy take well I think I I agree I don’t think it’s that spicy I think they play off each other so well because Jamal is such a good off ball player playing with joic you could make

An argument for the states because I’m just thinking now if Steph and Booker play people would probably take that backward and I I wouldn’t blame them if they did but yeah okay all right for number two it’s no shame to being number two yeah and if I was to poke holes in

It um I would say shay is the best defender of those four right so Booker actually Booker really likes the like the challenge but yeah I think Shay is more disruptive gets more steals right so just and then there’s the experience Factor as well Canada has that mhm I all

Right well take it was a take I mean good take I forgot that uh until Amed told me it was like we haven’t done it and I was like all right I just come on with one on the spot but yeah I mean I’m just really like excited to watch that

In the summertime um because I think it’s just a really good time for the program in general you think Jord is gonna get a chance to get become an NBA head coach soon will he be in the next round of interviews like what do you think the coaching Canada’s experience

Is going to do for him professionally at least here I think he’s on the cusp so um that’s that’s been my concern it’s like well that impact Canada basket I don’t think it will I mean we had Michael Barlett on about a month ago yeah um Canada baset CEO and and he was

Like you know what that’s not going to affect it like it’s not going to be the situation like when Nick got hired in Philadelphia was like ah might not have time for this sorry I gotta go right um that was assured but you know you can always assure things and maybe

Situations actually do change when it happens but I choose to believe him at least in that moment but I mean you know what did you guys make of him as a coach because I feel like the coolest thing with watching the the World Cup and the FBA coverage and

Everything is like those cameras into the timeout huddles you get to like actually hear everything they’re saying the camera is right there you can see what he’s drawing up and you can see the sort of level of Engagement and the personality he came with and I I was

Just really impressed like I was fired up watching at home at 3:00 a.m. blinking because it was in Manila all that kind of stuff but what do you guys make of Jordy in general yeah I was impressed with him too I think sometimes it is hard to distill how hard are these

Guys playing for and how hard are they playing because they’re wearing Canada on their chest with a bunch of friends who they grew up with like this means something more than the NBA does to a lot of these guys so in that sense it is a little hard to

Distill how much the head coach is doing but like you said he kept it simple he organized them really well he asked Shay in that one hudle that we got some inside to like do you want do you want a ISO or do you want the ghost screen

Right and that was when Dylan’s man came and ghost screen it so I when he dropped C Bridges no that wasn’t it was in the Spain game when he dropped the other guy hit a step back too and and iced the game um so Jordy he did everything he

Could to prove he was a good coach in that tournament and that’s why I looked at stuff like what happened with the Bucks and it frustrates me because the same five head coaches get the same jobs over and over again in the NBA there’s no creativity talk about it and if you

Want to like be brave but still get a guy who has experience Jordy is sitting right there he proved that he can be a head coach that he can be a good one and yet these these teams like the Bucks are afraid to take a chance on a guy like

That and they go to Doc Rivers who’s a sure thing but not necessarily his upside maybe isn’t isn’t that high that’s your Chunky spicy who take right there yeah is that spicy that great of a coach I actually think he’s doing okay with the book so

Far but in any case we’re run out of time for that discussion Orin real quickly when’s your book coming out fall of 2025 the golden generation follow me on Twitter at or wisel for updates um already interviewed a bunch of exciting cck man is crazy I love it all right

Yeah Le van appreciate you he he at all your shine so I can’t catch Le van at a bimos near you but that does for us today I’ve been your host will you been listening to the Raptor show on the sport radio network brought to you by

Campbell newy spicy super sign you get fired up big thanks to Our Guest today Garett Temple or ww lean Osman we will be back tomorrow

William Lou and Amit Mann recap the loss to the Pistons which featured impressive play from Immanuel Quickley and Kelly Olynyk. Garrett Temple joins the show to review his NBA adventure and the Raptors’ season. Afterwards, Oren Weisfeld and Libaan Osman come in-studio to analyze what Toronto’s defence will look like next season. They also preview Canada’s Men’s Basketball team ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics.


00:00:00 – Pistons recap
00:27:33 – NBA adventure with Garrett Temple
00:49:23 – Defence with Weisfeld & Osman
01:15:36 – Canada’s Men’s Basketball team


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  1. So is Masai going to listen to Darko this off season & sig all guards? All he talks about is ball movement & assists!! You never hear him talk about defrnse. Got rid of all our size & refused to play Boucher all season until tanking time & injuries until.CB got injured himself.

  2. Roster turnover is not reason Raps is 2nd worst defensive team in the least since Dec 1. OG and P were on the team. Darko is not a defensive minded coach & so does none of his assistant. He does not hold guys accountable & embrace a defensive philosophy. Masai better hire an experience defensive minded coach who can hold Darko & players accountable.

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