@Memphis Grizzlies

Is Desmond Bane playing again this season for the Memphis Grizzlies the right decision?

Is Desmond Bane playing again this season for the Memphis Grizzlies the right decision?

On this Friday edition of lock on Grizzlies we are talking the positives and negatives of Desmond Bane’s impending return beware the Ides of March Memphis is there anything that may betray or shock you as the season comes to the close for the Grizzlies on this Ides of March and then we’ll also

Preview Grizzlies Thunder this weekend demichel Cole is back it’s a Friday edition of lock on Grizzlies let’s lock in you are locked on Grizzlies your daily Memphis Grizzlies podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day welcome welcome welcome to a Friday edition of lockon Grizzlies I am one of your hosts Joe mullenax and again it is always good to be able to say one of your hosts because that means to Michael Cole of the Commercial Appeal there in Memphis Tennessee Memphis Grizzlies beat Rider awardwinning Memphis Grizzlies

Beat riter is with us here on lock on Grizzlies good to have you back partner it’s always good to be back Joe you know uh we got a lot of things to talk about today I mean uh this Desmond bang conversation is starting to gain a little heat and everything goes around

This team so uh yeah let’s get it popping your boy Mark gonado is one of the ones adding fuel to the fire and for the record I like Mark I just like to say your boy because obviously Desmond and Mark work together at the Commercial Appeal um yeah Desmond Desmond and Mark

Do work together at the Commercial Appeal there demichel and I’m not used to having you here I got to get back in the groove here party uh de Michel and Mark work at the Commercial Appeal together Desman and Mark most certainly do not work together for the Memphis

Grizzlies Let’s uh start to lock in here before we get too far into that I want to remind you that we are proud members of the lock on podcast Network your team each and every day free and available we’re wherever you get your podcast like comment rate review subscribe YouTube

Spotify Apple Amazon literally anywhere you get podcasts be in every day or check us out each and every time that an episode drops we would appreciate it I know dichael appreciates it we are huge fans of you joining us and communicating with us interacting with us in the

Comments hitting us up on X social media whatever the case might be continue to help us grow locked on Grizzlies uh demichel thankfully you missed the last two shows because you didn’t have to talk about the Wizards game or the Hornets game uh we missed you terribly they were not great basketball games

We’re just going to move on right because there’s positive energy surrounding the Memphis Grizzlies in terms of injuries yeah there was an injury in a long time right Desmond Bane seemingly on track to make his return as soon as tomorrow against the Oklahoma City Thunder we’ll preview that game

Later on in the show uh but you know Bane was doubtful for the game on Wednesday against the Hornets and as we’ve talked about here numerous times usually the next step is a questionable designation and actually playing for the Grizzlies and jeren Jackson Jr was doubtful and Vince Williams Jr was

Doubtful so theoretically it could be again like Amazon or not Amazon goodness gracious Avengers endgame and all these you know all these uh the Cavalry arrives to help these injured Grizzlies and you know maybe we can stop watching some of these guys play basketball as much as we’ve had to

Watch over the last few games but I’m curious you know we mentioned Mark gonado of the Commercial Appeal your co-worker you know compatriot whatever the case might be and I like Mark but he I don’t want to say a firestorm because I don’t think it was that controversial

Of a take but he did generate some conversation and as somebody that does that on X myself from time to time I can appreciate when someone else does it um he asked a fair question why do we want to see Desmond Bane back at all why do

We want to risk him getting injured we know how important John Morant is he interacted with our mutual friend Parker Fleming talking about this topic you know Mark asked a fair question is it the smart thing to do to bring back Desmond Bane this season so let’s weigh

The pros and cons of this to Michaels some positives and negatives of Desmond being returning the obvious positive for me at least is that your second best or third best player is back of the fold he logs minutes with GG Jackson logs minutes with Vince Williams Jr that all

Matters in terms of getting a larger sample size of how he looks alongside those guys who hopefully are long-term rotation pieces the obvious con Mark has already mentioned the idea of what happens if he gets hurt Serious injury in these games that essentially mean nothing for Memphis in terms of record

In terms of wins and losses and actually Lottery position the Memphis Grizzlies aren’t making the play in right so why is Bane returning H how do you feel about this where do you stand in terms of again I see both sides of the argument but I want to see Bane

Alongside this version of Vince Williams Jr this version of GG Jackson for me it is worth the risk what say you yeah and I don’t even think there’s quote unquote risk in my opinion uh it’s basketball like everyone that’s on the floor jiren Jackson Jr when he plays he’s at risk of

Being hurt Vince Williams GG Jackson when they play anytime you step on the floor there is the potential for an injury and you know I’m just not a a fan of that theory Desmond van is a Hooper Desmond van as I’ve said for all of the weeks

Leading up to this that guy’s not GNA want to sit out I’ve been around him over two years now Desmond Bane is not gonna want to sit out he’s not that type of guy he’s not that all fine it’s just 15 games it’s it’s no Desmond Bay is

Gonna want to play and that’s exactly the case right now he wants to play not g to tell tell a healthy guy who’s been playing three on three for two weeks now uh that that he can sit out the rest of the season and he wants to play not

Happening so uh from the pros side you you kind of H hit it on it a little bit there by uh pointing out the fact that he gets to play alongside of some of these young guys get that experience you know uh GG Jackson wasn’t playing much

When Desmond ban was healthy if you remember January 12th is when Desmond bang got hurt January 13th it was the second night of that back toback is when GG Jackson scored 20 points and he scored 23 points you know a couple days later and GJ Jackson was on the board

After that but uh before that when Desmond B and all those guys were playing GG Jackson was on the bench in his warmup you know slapping hands doing handshakes and stuff like that so and now we get to see what some of that looks like you know and I talked to GG

About it I said you are you excited to play with Desmond B and he was telling me he was like man this is you know GG gives some very authentic answers sometimes it’s kind of hilarious because sometimes you think the Grizzlies will grab him by the neck and say hey calm

Down grab him by the collar excuse me and be like calm down GG Jackson but uh he basically said something like yeah cuz I get to relax a little bit terms in terms of you know uh I like that Honesty hey I love that answer so he said he

Gets to relax a little bit Desmond bang will draw the top Defenders and guys will you know relax on him a little bit more which is like you said it’s a honest answer so uh I think though that kind of headlines the pros for me the

Only real con that I see in this situation is the fact that Desmond Bane and this is a con depending on what you consider a con a Desmond Bane playing increases your winning chances and right now the Grizzlies you know when they lose it’s kind of not really the worst

Thing in the world uh because they’re holding off the Toronto Raptors for that number six spot in the projected uh Lottery standings and you hold hold the Raptors off you increase your chances of securing a top four pick and potentially even the number one pick so uh Desmond

Main plays then obviously your chances to win go up that’s probably the only con for me and that’s not even just a true hard con the whole injury stuff Joe I’m not a fan of it like I I really don’t like the that’s a dis era thing

That’s like like when did we when did we get like this like guys have played 80 games in the season 82 games in the season for years and you know like I’m going to I’m going on a little bit of a tangent here but I think back I think

Back to like when Derrick Rose you know got hurt right and a lot of people in that playoff series with with uh the Bulls and people say oh he wasn’t supposed to be in the game then like I get it in theory it makes sense to take

Him out of the game but if he doesn’t get hurt no one is questioning why did he keep Derrick Rose in the game so late even though they were up so many points no one’s questioned if he doesn’t get hurt uh Brandon Clark I guarantee you most people don’t even remember the

Quarter that he got hurt it because it’s it’s irrelevant he got hurt in the first quarter the end of the first quarter and no one remembers that it’s it’s it’s just it’s a moot point to me I I really don’t understand the the risk you know

Uh in it because if you’re saying that you care about Desmond Baines wriston why not sit out jiren Jackson Jr why not send out GG Jackson why not send out Vince Williams you know that’s my point I agree especially with jiren there right because again Vince Williams Jr GG

Jackson the investment is not as sizable right jiren Jackson Jr Desmond Bane John Morant obviously those guys are all about to make you know eight figures a a year starting next year you’re trying to protect your investment so I understand that side of it but I’m with you I I I

Think the risk of injury is outweighed by the reality of the the Grizzlies culture right you either have a culture or you don’t you either have a standard or you don’t and I think Bane’s return impending return whether it’s Saturday or Monday whatever the case might be it

Is going to be a reflection of that culture and standard that they’re trying to build that they have built Desmond Bane I know you know this partner is kind of an unsung hero of that right jaw in the early years got a lot of credit for that Dylan Brooks you know from me

And from others got some credit for that Desmond Bane is is kind of the the quiet in the shadow culture tone Setter and I think he’s a big piece of that for this young team and he’s setting an example here’s a guy who’s going to be on a Max

Contract starting next year in a season that is essentially rudderless now going and out there being a professional and finishing the job I think that’s going to speak a lot of volumes especially to the young guys on this team I I think yeah because here’s the thing you you

Just made a great point that didn’t even click in my mind you know while I was speaking on Desmond Bank everyone you talk to in the locker room will tell you like Santi says he’s the hardest worker G Jackson says first one in last one out

Type guy l nard says it I think GG Jackson said he’s the leader of the team what type of message does that send for the guy who most people call the hardest worker uh you know uh the guy who’s in the gym the most to say I’m healthy I

I’ll destroy y’all in practice but when the games these last 15 games I I’ll set them out we talk about the culture in terms of setting a winning environment uh going into next season that’s not a great example to me and some people say that doesn’t make sense in terms of like

The carry over into next season but to me it’s very relevant especially when you attach it to these young guys especially when you have guys like Desmond Bane that theoretically will be in Memphis the next half decade right that that matters a lot so I’m cool with

Them playing it sounds like to Michael is as well let us know what you think in the comments do you disagree with us do you think Bane should be shut down sat out protected I I agree with the Michael even if he gets hurt a week from now

Knock on wood and yeah you guys were wrong it doesn’t make us wrong the reality is you either talk about it or you’re going to be about it and I think Desmond Bane is about it and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible that’s a guy that you can build a

Franchise around maybe not just in terms of talent but in terms of mentality that matters a lot too in sport regardless of the level professional all the way down to peeee uh when we come back here on lockdown Grizzlies we are going to take

A look at the eyes of March I’m a big history buff uh poor Julia Caesar had a rough day you know a couple thousand years ago uh but it’s going to be a good day for to Michael and I as we caution you to look out for a couple of uh

Possible spoiler surprise difficulties that the Grizzlies May face as the season concludes we’ll talk about that next here on lockdown Grizzlies but first this episode of lockdown Grizzlies is brought to you by eBay Motors it is that time of the week once again to Michael Cole our partners at eBay Motors

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Apply I’m gonna be honest with you partner I have a lot more respect for Jimmy Fallon after doing that ad read like I would always make fun of Jimmy Fallon or cracking up on SNL when he was doing his bits and his jokes it’s not as

Easy as it looks shout out to you I don’t know if I would been able to do it Joe I chuckled a little bit I mean I I gotta be honest but you know it gets hard when Dick’s involved um the odid of March right the idea of

History here um I’m a big history buff like I mentioned earlier in the show uh Julius Caesar March 15th back in 44 ad assassinated by the Roman senate all those sorts of things were almost 2,000 years removed from that but the Ides of March are the idea of you know a

Surprise a betrayal whatever the case might be and I thought it might be fun here at this part of the show to talk about some things that may betray us going into next season looking at the current state of affairs with Grizzlies and since I’m the Big Nerd that

Suggested this to Michael I’ll go first um I I think my biggest betrayal that I am nervous about going into next season and I don’t want it to sound like I am hating on him because I am genuinely impressed with the way that he’s played this year I worry about depending on how

The offseason goes how Vince Williams Jr translates as a true secondary facilitator off the bench because if you subscribe to the idea of John Morant Desmond Bane Marcus Smart Brandon Clark jiren Jackson Jr and then your result reses are Vince Williams Jr Luke Canard gii Jackson Santi Alama and a big that

They sign or a big that they draft Donovan kingan fingers crossed whatever the case might be if if that’s the way you perceive this team and I think it makes sense I would be cool with it that means that you’re relying a lot on Vince Williams Jr to be that guy they’re

Giving him tons of reps he’s shown uh capacity we’ve talked about it here on lockon Grizzlies several times he’s better at it than any of us thought he would be will will that carry over to when this team is actually trying to be one of the top teams in the Western

Conference I’m not saying it’s unlikely I’m just reminding everyone that what Vince Williams Jr has done in that role in particular is beyond what we even saw from him in college much less at the NBA level yeah I I think that’s a solid point and I’m kind of gonna play off of

That a little bit because what you what you said there was kind of uh important in terms of the the point that I took from it is the fact that some of these guys who are in higher usage situations right now they’re going to go back to

Smaller roles and uh there is the question of how those guys will adjust uh when they’re playing alongside of those players you know uh it might it’s easier for a lot of basketball players to get in a rhythm when you’re able to dribble two or three four times doing a

Possession swing the ball get the ball back uh they Vince Williams might go two possessions without touching the ball you know with John Morant Desmond Bane and J Jackson Jr on the floor uh he might go three possessions with just one touch you know on offense so it’s G to

Be a different game but kind of to the same point I want to Pivot a little bit and one thing I want to say beware of is empty stats ah use your eyes Grizzly front office the eyes will tell you everything you need to know from this

Point on for example you look you look at uh you know these recent games like Scotty Pippen Jr let’s take his statline nine points 10 assists uh in this last game uh I thought I thought he was fine it was okay but uh watching the game I I

Didn’t think he was Steve Nash you know or anything out there po out yeah he didn’t do anything too flashy exactly but the stat sheet said 10 assists the stat sheet said man this is a guy and to your point Trey jenon is in a similar boat right he dominates the Washington

Wizards recently but Kyle kozma was playing Center so context use the eyes the eyes will tell you more than you know and and when I say empty stats let me kind of clarify what I mean by this because uh like G Jackson’s numbers haven’t been haven’t felt empty

To me you know he’s shooting a lot of spot up shots uh one dribble pull-ups things like that uh think rookie year Tyreek Evans think rookie year Michael Carter Williams guys who were heavily involved in rookie year races uh think ear in his career Brandon Knight when he

Was on those Phoenix Suns teams averaging 17 18 points a game or whatnot uh that’s what I mean you know uh guys who basically are put in situations where they’re able to to have a high usage rating and then when they get put around other players and the usage goes

Down the whole idea of them being that same caliber player changes that’s why I’m big on the return of a Desmond V because it’s gonna take the ball out of aince Williams hands a little bit more it’s gonna take the ball out of a Luke canard’s hands a little bit more it’s

Gonna take the ball out of John Kart’s hands it’s gonna take the ball out of Scotty Pippen Jr hands a little bit more how will those guys play when operating in that secondary R we know you know about Luke Canard I said his name just because it’s gonna actually take the

Ball out of his hands we know what it is there we know what it is pretty much with John K are but it’s more for the younger guys you only got a couple roster spots to play with this offseason Lamar Stevens is in that conversation too remember how how we were talking

About the difference between Lamar Stevens playing small ball Center and small for uh look I I don’t want to be the bear of bad news but I just want to say there’s been a difference so far when he was playing small ball Center a little bit more productive to than the

Wing of Lamar Stevens that we’ve seen up to this point not saying they could change I do I mean I like the guy’s game it could but my point is Beware of the empty stats because right now guys are going to get a lot of opportunities somebody’s probably going to aage 15 16

Points a game because somebody has to and make sure you take into account all of the factors there before making a decision this off seon that could really impact where the Grizzlies go for beware using these last few weeks and trying to make it an argument for anybody’s place

In front of an already established rotation player I think that is a major piece of this you trust your eyes like to Michael said don’t necessarily trust the numbers continue to watch the games and continue to count on lock down Grizzlies right to Michael and I will

Have your back we won’t steer you wrong I promise when we come back here on lockdown Grizzlies we will preview Grizzlies Thunder we’ll talk about that game on Saturday night I’m gonna put to Michel on the spot see if he thinks Desmond Bane will make his return

Saturday night or not we’ll talk about that next here on lockon Grizzlies but first remember locked on has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel locked on sports today Baseball fans I know you love baseball your Atlanta Braves there to Michael Cole mark your calendars for March 20th

At 7 pm. Eastern time the best MLB season preview coming exclusively to lockon sports today on March 20th 7 P.M again local Insight from the MLB local Experts of the lockon podcast Network March 20th 7M Eastern on the lockon sports day 247 streaming Channel on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV

Channels app Go Nationals unfortunately they’re probably not going to be very good this year but the Braves they should be pretty good and check out that MLB preview this episode of lockon Grizzlies is brought to you by Stitch fix you know that instant confidence boost you get

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Check it out next stick with us welcome back to lockdown Grizzlies I am Joe Mullen joined by demichel Cole of the Commercial Appeal there’re in Memphis Tennessee Memphis Grizzly beat riter award-winning Memphis Grizzly beat riter for that publication we’ve been talking Desmond Baines and pending return I’m

Going to put to Michael on the spot here momentarily we’ve been talking the eyeses of March and bewaring in Memphis empty stats and not watching the games being a box score Watcher um I’m going to correct myself because the game Saturday night is in Memphis right the

Game is in Memphis FedEx forum uh the Grizzlies taking on the Thunder and the Thunder one of the best teams in the NBA this year we’ve already talked about a lot of that if you feel like these two teams just played each other they did literally last week so in terms of ched

Hren sgaa all these different pieces and players that all kind of Remains the Same the biggest piece of this preview for me to Michael since it is a home game is this the night that Desmond Bane returns I think jiren Jackson Jr Vince Williams Jr are also in that mix but

Desmond Bane obviously is the one who’s been out the longest do you think because again as of this recording haven’t had a chance to go to practice yet all that sort of stuff as of this recording do you believe that Desmond Bane will make his return on Saturday

Night I think so everything that everything that I’ve heard is that the guy’s ready to go um you know whether it’s talking to players whether it’s talking to you know people around him uh he’s looked good and hur’s actually looked good for a little bit now like I mean he’s looked good

Probably for about a week like he is is definitely um putting in in another gear you know he’s been doing five on five for I think around actually probably about a week or so now and um he’s pretty much ready to go at this point it’s the Grizzlies you know they like to

Operate out of the caution and whatnot and I think the that you have two days in between the game you know you have the Thursday you have the Friday before that game on Saturday I think that factors in to the decision here and after this you got a a road trip and I

Mean most players want to come back at home right like you so I think it makes sense let him get let him get back on the floor at home let the you know home crowd show him some love and whatnot and then he can go out on the road trip and

Hoop I I think he’s back I think he’s back too and obviously you would have more uh Intelligence on that than I would you’re exact exctly right about that road trip that’s coming up a four game kind of West Coast Swing they go to Sacramento Golden State then they play

The Spurs and then they fly back out to the westish coast to take on the Nuggets so a weird week ahead for the Grizzlies in terms of schedule I do think it’s going to be really interesting to watch how they treat those games and how they treat Bay moving forward I’m curious to

Michael and again if this isn’t fair to you by all means let me know again I’m going to put you on the spot a little bit if Memphis was competing for seeding if the Grizzlies were the two seed or the three seed and they’re trying to get homecourt Advantage claimed do you think

Bane because you said he’s been ready for about a week now at least by your estimation your personal opinion it sounds like do you think Bane would have come back sooner or do you think the the hesitant not hesitance but the patience that’s been shown is a reflection of the

Current state of the season do you think he would have already been back if the Grizzlies were in a place where they were competing for the playoffs I think they probably would have pushed it a little bit more you know especially him you know he but if he would have

Been back early it probably been a couple games before a week before so three three games maybe uh nothing too crazy like I said he’s been he’s been doing three on three for two weeks right so instead of him doing three on three for such a prolonged period of time I

Think they would have fast-tracked that process got them a couple three on threes in which is we’ve seen in the past where they couple three on threes all right boom let’s get him to five on five a couple days later get him a couple five five on FES in he’s ready to

Play and but with this long of an injury grade three ankle sprain took their time with it a little bit more kind of what they’re doing with Brandon Clark uh Brandon Clark has been doing a three on three work as well and he’s just got to

Five on five just a couple days ago and again he’s in five on five but he’s probably not going to be back uh on this road trip I don’t think probably a little bit after that so it just goes to show they’re taking their time with these guys whereas with Brandon Clark

Already going to five and five typically I would say oh he’s going to be back mid next week or something like that so I think it’s just it’s also a case of the Grizzlies you know uh operating out of you know some extra caution because of the idea I mean they’re already bringing

These guys back and people are talking about the risk that’s involved so yeah just operate out of that extra caution why not certainly no point in rushing them back I agree with you on that I I’ll get you out of here on this to Michael the idea of Bane’s return let’s

Assume it does happen at home on Saturday night against the Thunder who are you most excited to watch Bane alongside in the if we’re assuming that jiren comes back if we’re assuming that Vince Williams Jr’s back on the floor they all come back at the same time what

Are you most excited about are you most excited about seeing Bane next to this version of GG Jackson this version of Vince Williams Jr what as you look at the the changes that have happened to the roster over the last couple of months since Bane’s been out what stands

Out to you in terms of what you want want to see from Bane going into this game and the rest of the season the easy answer is GG Jackson right I mean we I think we all want to see him alongside of GG Jackson because GG’s played beside

Jiren and pretty much all the young guys but I’m gonna go a different route I want to see him besid Scotty Pippen Jr oh he’s on a two-way deal and he’ll probably start next season on a two-way deal and whatnot like but he’s Rel is relevant to the Grizzlies guard

Conversation right now at this point he’s been Ive you know whether it’s the scoring I just mentioned the assist uh he’s been a productive player in Memphis but he hasn’t played you know with a guard the caliber of Desmond Bane since he’s been here I want to see how does

That affect his game you know because now he’s going to be off the ball a little bit more he’s gonna be on the ball some as well how is he gonna you know we see Desmond Baye on those off the ball pin downs and things like that

Those curls is he gon to look for Desmond Baye in those situations how long is that adjustment going to take because you got a guy like that on the in the floor with you you got to get him the ball and you know he’s had he’s found Luke Canard in similar situations

But it’s a whole another monster with Desmond ban that’s the guy I want to see the most because if I see him uh feeding Desmond Bay and playing well off of Desmond Bane when Desmond Bane is more on the ball I think that solidifies what

I believe about him which is that he can be a factor into the rockster conversation going into next season as a two-way guy most certainly but possibly even more than that Scotty Pippen Jr is a great answer to that question I think that what he is able to do playing

Alongside everybody that isn’t John Morant because if Scotty Pippen Jr is the guy he probably can’t play next to jaah and you need to see him alongside literally everyone else that you can to confirm that there’s fits and pieces within the roster itself so I’m with you

I like the Scotty Pippen Jr answer again in the comments let us know who do you think should uh be the focus with Bane’s return likely coming on Saturday against the Thunder uh we’ll talk about that game and so much more the road trip that’s ahead coming up on our next

Episode of lock down Grizzlies on Monday again a four game roie coming up for Memphis we’ll talk about that and what happened against the thunder on Saturday night that’ll all be on our Monday edition of lockon Grizzlies thank you so much to my co-host Michael Cole for

Being back with me on this episode it is much appreciated thank you dear listener dear viewer for being with us wherever you are Apple Spotify Amazon YouTube wherever you get your podcast like comment rate review subscribe and make us a part of your everyday NBA and Grizzlies content consumption as we are

Proud members of the lock on podcast Network your team each and every day don’t forget about locked on sports today over on YouTube’s 247 streaming Channel make sure you’re checking out lockon NBA and all the other great shows of the lockon podcast Network in the days ahead as we head into a nice

Weekend for to Michael I am Joe stay locked in Grizzlies fans enjoy the return of Desmond Bane hopefully on Saturday night we will catch you back here on Monday on locked on Grizzlies have a good one

The Memphis Grizzlies should be thrilled – one of their very best players is about to return to the lineup. But is the threat of injury enough to scare fans ahead of Desmond Bane’s likely reintroduction against the Oklahoma City Thunder this weekend? Hosts Damichael Cole and Joe Mullinax weigh those concerns, plus warn you to beware the Ides of March in Memphis, on this episode of Locked on Grizzlies!

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  1. I like the idea of Bane/Clarke coming back. If we are not getting number 1 on the draft and selecting Alex Sarr it's no something prioritary for Memphis

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