@Golden State Warriors

How Warriors should capitalize on Steph Curry before it’s too late | Hoops Tonight

How Warriors should capitalize on Steph Curry before it’s too late | Hoops Tonight

What’s up everybody thanks as always for supporting the show it would mean a lot to me if you would take a second to scroll down and hit that subscribe button to the Hoops Tonight YouTube channel and then follow me on social media on Tik Tok Instagram and Twitter

So you guys don’t miss any of our content over the course of this season all right let’s talk some basketball all right let’s move on to our mailbag and then we’re going to get out of here for the day hey Jason love your show have you noticed that almost all of the best

Teams in both conferences have most or all of their core players in their Prime 25 to 32 Denver Boston Cleveland Minnesota Phoenix Dallas New York Etc OKC and the Clippers are the exceptions but Shay is clearly in his prime as well as the Clippers role players looking at

Golden State and the Lakers it’s no coincidence that they’ve struggled so much since the dubs only have Wiggins in his prime and the Lakers just ELO and reefs ad is clearly on the decline since 2020 it seems that constructing a roster with all the core players on the same

Timeline is the biggest factor to winning which means Oklahoma City Orlando and Indiana could dominate in the late 2020s curious about your thoughts on this um yeah so a couple things first of all I and this is a big thing that kind of stood out to me just

Watching Pacers Bulls as the way the game has changed the sheer amount of perimeter talent and speed has made it so that older teams I think struggle just to keep up defensively now in a way that they didn’t used to like you really got to get up for these games

Defensively against some of these quicker teams on the perimeter so many teams around the league now are running five out offense uh I I I won’t get into it right now because we did a little bit we did like two summers ago I think we did a breakdown on five out offense but

Like the the gist of it is the in a five out offense you’re leaving the paint unoccupied and you’re getting into the paint on rolls and drives what that means is is like your big man whoever your vertical spacer is he’s operating out on the perimeter running dribble

Handoffs and ball screens and then rolling into the paint rather than waiting in the paint and then coming up to set a ball screen or waiting in the paint you know to sit in the dunker spot and then there’s tons of different actions and entries like you can get

Into five out from pistol you can get into five out from horns you can do that kind of thing but the gist of it is all five players are in the perimeter and the paint is left open so that guys can roll into it and guys can drive into it

And then from there it’s everyone’s involved they’re interchangeable spots you know all of your perimeter players are are able to run a dribble handoff or to run a ball screen whereas like a 4out offense is much more like think about like what uh um like what Dallas runs

It’s much more of like a Brute Force like our primary ball handler and our secondary ball handler the two guys in the corner they do nothing but shoot and we’re going to come set up a we’re going to come and set a ball screen and we’re uh from the guy starting under the

Basket to come set the screen it’s just Brute Force basketball and usually there’s only four perimeter spots occupied it’s not equal opportunity the guys in the corners are just in the corners the guys up top are the guys running the action and so that’s kind of

The difference and as most of the league has gone into five out style of play or at least it’s trending in that direction you had five out basketball with a ton of quick guards and a ton of speed and skill all of a sudden the dudes that are

In their 30s that their legs don’t get as warm as they used to on a nightly basis they struggle to guard now that is something to keep in mind as well though when we get to the postseason because when we get into the postseason the effort Gap shrinks and then those

Veteran teams do have advantages in experience and skill so I don’t think it’s I don’t think it’s smart to write off all those veteran teams but I do think it’s something to keep in mind when we’re talking about regular season basketball older slower teams are going

To really start to struggle in the NBA regular season I truly believe that um next question hi Jason I’m curious to know how you assess off Ball 3 and D cutting players for example archetypes like ball dominant shot creators or Rim Runners shot blockers is easier to see

How they affect the game and there’s always the usual metrics that are used to measure their efficiency and usage for the off ball archetype those usual metrics and it tests don’t always work just because you come off of these curl screens and back doors doesn’t mean you

Always receive the pass or the passes and screens aren’t great plus your team context matters if your team is a heavy ISO or postep Centric team your effectiveness likely won’t be as good or as a similarly graded offb player whose team is say drive and kick Centric every championship team has prioritized off

Ball threats so quality players that fit this mold are super valuable I just feel that often the archetype is undervalued in the draft and perhaps a reason why it’s not clear how to measure this this style compared to other archetypes thanks again for all the content so I

Think like when it comes to the way I look at it we talked about five out offense a second ago so let’s take two offenses for example let’s say Golden State five out offense and let’s take Dallas more of a Brute Force four out one in offense right in the role players

You need in both systems are very different okay so five out basketball is primarily read and react what that means is there’s a ton of like improvisational back uh basketball going on I’m going to back door cut here when he’s overplaying me right like I’m this is a Twan action

Coming off of the screen if I see this I slip if I don’t see this I go over the top like if I see this maybe I turn and a pin down for the other guy to run off and then I slip or whatever it is like

There’s a lot of read and react basketball taking place same thing goes for the on through the uh big guy on the ball right like if he sees if he sees his Defender sagging back and he has an opportunity to set a good screen you want to throw the dribble pitch if you

See your Defender showing High and the guy chasing you want to fake the dribble hand off and then turn and go to the basket that’s a read that Draymond Green’s really good at for instance right so everything in the five out is read and react in the four out one in

It’s way less about read and react and way more about play finishing what that means is like the only guy really making reads is the Luca or the Kyrie in that situation right he’s got the ball he’s dribbling up at the left wing he’s calling Derrik Lively to come up and set

The screen all of the other guys have the exact same job left corner if it’s Josh Green he’s spotting up right corner if it’s PJ Washington he’s spotting up Kyrie Irving second side Creator he’s in the right wing he’s spotting up Derrik ly is going to come set a ball screen as

Soon as he sets a screen he’s rolling hard to the basket okay if the action gets shut down maybe Luca will swing to Kyrie Luca will run back out to the left wing two guys will stay in the corner drik Livy will run up and set the the

Next screen it’s the exact same damn thing right like that’s it’s very Brute Force right so the only thing Derrick Lively has to do is screen and roll hard and have the vertical spacing element the only thing Josh Green needs to do is hit a corner three or attack a closeout

The only thing PJ Washington needs to do is attack a hit a three or attack a close out Kyrie Irving hit a three could close out or if the ball gets swung to run the next ball screen so it’s super simplified so what matters so much more

In that 4 out one in system is those guys that are spacing can they knock down threes and attack Closeouts much more simplified for the screen and roll guy does he have the ability to set good screens and roll hard to the rim and provide vertical spacing with good hands

In verticality right like does he have those abilities so like when I’m evaluating a role player for that system I’m really going to be looking at things like you know spot up points per possession just like a simple thing that just evaluates how good this guy is at

Converting spot up opportunities a guy who’s a great spot up player is not necessarily a great read and react player those are two potentially different things I’m going to be leaning on metrics a lot more there vered and reacted so much more about the eye test

In my opinion is so much more about watching a player play in his system seeing whether or not he’s good at interpreting what’s happening on the floor quickly and then if you’re looking at him in free agency and you’re a five out offense maybe that’s the kind of guy

That you want to Target but again read and react everybody’s got to be able to do so many different things versus Brute Force I’ve got play starters and play finishers and that’s pretty much it hopefully that’s a an explanation that um kind of hits that what you were getting at in that

Question have you noticed a change in NBA players shot making in the last two years seems like there’s been a breakthrough in sports psychology and these players can enter and stay in a flow State allowing the offense and shooting efficiency to explode hope you can ask an NBA player if you ever get

The chance I will if we ever get an NBA player on the show um as far as shot making goes I talked about this a little bit yesterday you know every single bit of shot making is actually just fundamental basketball attached in Chains what that means is like let’s say for instance I

Hit a uh James Harden style you know like in and out crossover aggressive step forward step back to my left pull up jump shot right like that’s an advanced piece of shop making put together by James Harden right but if you really break it down it’s a hard In-N-Out dribble that’s a

Fundamental thing it’s a crossover dribble that’s a fundamental thing it’s an advanced dribble with a hard right foot step to step back I’m looking at it from James Harden he’s a lefty I’m looking at it for me as a righty but that hard right step forward and that

Step back and then there’s a footwork element to getting my base set so that I can go straight up and down on the move and if I make the move properly I will go straight up and down and if I took a video of just the end of that shot it’s

Going to look just like a cat catch and shoot jumper at least that’s the way it is for me so like that is a bunch of fundamentals attached together there are certain things in basketball that have existed forever and what’s happening is NBA players are finding new ways to kind

Of daisy chain those things together and make uh new ways to score the basketball it’s like even like just the idea of like hitting three-point shots in ball screens which is a thing that used to just basically not be a thing in the NBA

15 years ago and now it’s a like a must for any sort of primary ball handler to be able to punish teams that die on screens or go under screens right really it’s the same exact thing your high hesitation which is a fundamental thing and then oh the defender got caught or

Oh I have maybe a little bit of space if I if the defender got caught I can just Elevate from there if I need to advance to get a little further up so that he can’t back pressure it’s a wonder dble pull-up it’s just a one dble pull-up

These are all fundamental things that people have attached together but over time everyone’s got the existing manual from the last group of players so like you know the like the new generation learned from LeBron’s generation LeBron’s generation learned from Kobe’s generation Kobe’s generation learned from MJ’s generation MJ’s generation

Learned from bird and magic and so on and so forth and so they’re all just building on each other and it’s stacking and it’s stacking and that’s how basketball players are getting better uh two more and then we’re out of here hey Jason can you explain how D’s dribbling

Is legal to me as a relatively unexperienced fan it seems like every few dribbles he holds the ball remember he’s not supposed to do that and then he lets it Go and it drops back to the floor I hope you can picture what I mean

In my head I see it clearly thanks for these mailbag sessions I know you can’t get to everything but I wish you uh but I wish you could since I have a ton more questions keep asking them like again I’m not going to get to every single

Question but we’re going to keep doing them throughout the season and so I will try to eventually get to as many as I can over time uh every NBA player carries like it’s it if you really slow down the ball handling for literally any like some guys are worse than others

Like K KD’s another guy who like really kind of holds it under his hand when he does his high hesitation but the thing is is like it’s it it’s legal by interpretation meaning like the refs just allow it around the league and so like again like I don’t get upset about

Anybody around the league doing it because it’s literally something that every single team has two or three guys that do if that makes sense last question after their 22 Championship you praised the Warriors for roster or you praised the Warriors roster building in patience and you said that you

Appreciated that good process from owners front office and coaching staff and even players that led to success do you feel like the Warriors are still abiding by that process or do you feel like they’ve been winging it since things have gone South after the punch especially after Bob Myers who you

Praised in that uh June two video left if you do trust that they’re still abiding by that process JK has been balling Moody’s been good drafting Brandon pmy and Trace Jackson Davis how much of a chance compared to back in 2022 do you give them to reach

Their ultimate goal again this year or next year or however long Steph Dre and Clay may still play couple of things so first of all you know I was critical of the Warriors after the or during the 22 run just because I’m a big Pusher chips

Into the middle of the table guy I’m a big believer that like when winning an NBA championship is super hard and the last thing you want to do is lose in a series where you didn’t have enough Firepower and you had trade assets available that you held on to and here’s

The thing like the winner gets to tell the story there’s a version of that where they lose to Boston and you’re like we didn’t play Jonathan Kingo we didn’t play James wisman we didn’t play Moses moody this was this was a waste we didn’t get anything out of this right

Like there’s a version of that where that’s what happened that’s not what happened though Steph Curry was amazing in game four they they won the series and so now you get the trophy and you get all of the assets that come from it from there it’s been tricky because they

Have not had the enough Firepower in the 2023 and 2024 season now for the first year and a half of that stretch I was a big advocate of making a trade because I thought Steph you know think Steph is still at the top of that you know kind

Of seven or eight players in the NBA and you got to give that dude a chance to win a championship because he’s one of the rare players who’s capable of doing it but what happened was is in the middle of this season Jonathan King took a leap and once Jonathan kaminga took a

Leap a real leap a leap that makes you believe legitimately he can be probably the second best player on a championship team one day at some point in his career once you see that that changes the calculus and now all of a sudden it’s like uh like whatever minuscule

Improvement we get through making some sort of trade it actually makes more sense to kind of hang on to these guys and see what they how it develops and so again like there might have been a point before Jonathan kinga’s you know seven straight 20 plus point games or whatever

There might have been a point during that phase where it made sense to to move him to try to bring in more Firepower but you know at the end of the day new information came into the equation and and now the Warriors are kind of in a situation where like here’s

The deal focusing on this season do I think they have much of a chance no they’re they’re they don’t have a legitimate secondary like a reliable secondary option at this point in terms of a guy that you can count on for four playoff rounds to give you reliable

Scoring which that was kind of Andrew Wiggins and Jordan pool combined in the 2022 playoff run Jordan P’s not here anymore more and Klay Thompson is not the same player that he used to be Andrew Wiggins is not the same player that he used to be and so they just

Don’t have the same amount of Firepower that they had then even like little things like a guy like Otto Porter Jr who was super valuable in that particular season right like they just aren’t as as deep with like reliable playoff guys that said I still think

It’s a really encouraging time to be a Warriors fan because Jonathan kaminga is so good because Steph Curry still has years left right because Trace Jackson Davis has been a revelation because Moses Moody is a guy that can defend on the perimeter and and has some off the

Dribble pop and can knock down spot of Threes like they’ve got a lot of encouraging stuff it’s more of a big picture uh move at this point where you’re kind of hoping that you can overlap some of these young guys getting into their Prime with the tail end of

Steph’s Prime and maybe find a year in there where you can sneak to the Top

Jason Timpf answers listener questions during an NBA Mailbag segment. Are teams with young stars like the Thunder and Timberwolves, set to dominate the NBA? How is the game becoming harder for older players and teams like Steph Curry and the Warriors or LeBron James and the Lakers? Later, Jason discusses why it is still a great time to be a Warriors fan, and how Golden State can capitalize on the end of Steph Curry, Draymond Green, and Klay Thompson’s careers.

Watch the full episode here:

00:00 – Why Lakers & Warriors could struggle in today’s NBA
03:30 – Assessing off-ball players
07:43 – How shot making is wildly advancing
10:10 – Does D’Angelo Russell carry every time?
11:06 – Have Warriors lost their way?

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  1. I appreciate Jason's analysis of the offenses of today. It reminds me of today's music. Everyone is using the SAME CHORD CHANGES, SAME SNARES, SAME 808S, Same producers, same mixers, same rap cadences. The INDIVUDUALITY is mostly gone.

    My preference is a mixture of styles. I like one team featuring the Triangle vs. Another featuring a pick and roll vs another featuring a Center dominant team vs. Showtime vs. Bad Boys etc. STYLES MAKES FIGHTS. Now it feels like it's all about who wins the 3 point contest in the game. I can't stand to see a big with a small person on them IGNORE THE MISMATCH to throw a pass 22 feet AWAY from the rum. OH well. That s my preference but I still try to enjoy the current game.

  2. Capitalize on what 😂? There is nobody realistic out there that would come to warriors and they suddenly beat denver. Are you implying trading for kuzma or bridges would make them significantly better to the point that ruining half of kuminga career post curry would be worth it? 😂

  3. Mailbag: Hey Jason, I’m a huge fan and as a nuggets fan love the content you bring on every front. You along with Kenny Beecham and the guys at numbers on the board are basically the entirety of my entertainment on social media. I think you and Kenny would be an awesome collaboration, would you ever consider and have you listened to his content at all?

  4. Interesting, I have been thinking a lot about the same issue of the speed and athleticism on the perimeter in rhe current metagame. Feels like every lineup needs at least 3 guys with the athleticism and motor to keep up, or else risk being out-hustled. It’s why you can’t have Klay and Loon and Steph on floor at same time.

  5. I tend to agree with Jason 99% of the time outside of topics surrounding Lebron/Lakers.

  6. I disagree with the first point for the simple fact teams have obviously always wanted to do that the problem that then comes up with a team full of players coming into there prime is you would eventually have to pay them all the price of being in there prime…

  7. If you read or listen to what Joe Lacob has been saying, it’s clear the Warriors have used this season to transform their salary cap. It had to be done. Warriors salaries were $209.5 mil this year, with luxury tax approx $388 mil total. They made the trade heist of the decade dumping Jordan Poole’s new contract, Chris Paul’s 30.8 mil comes off the books, and Klay’s $43 mil gets cut by 23 to 25 mil next year. Gets you to 143 mil with Lux Tax at 165 mil. Safely under. Decks cleared. Now they can move forward.

  8. NBA just doesn't call carries anymore. That boosts offense and scoring and that's what the NBA wants. Ja Morant would have had to completely re-learn how to dribble and drive if he played 20 years ago. D-Lo is the same. It just doesn't get called.

  9. Thank you! D Lo’s “hesi” is just a mega carry. When there’s no advantage and they’re walking the ball up ok, but at this point why have the rule if it’s SK flagrantly and consistently violated? Why dribble at all? Doesn’t mean u have to slap at the ball Bob Cousy style, but don’t palm it for full seconds at a time. That’s impossible to defend

  10. Warrior nerds were still saying nobody could beat this team in a 7 game series. Team is doo doo

  11. I don't remember anything about the warriors team OK teno mai steph curry 🤔go jailed ka.pai and the other guys 🤔 🎉ka.pai

  12. Curious if from an owners perspective of it is more profitable to win a chip and then be bad for five years or not win a chip and be .500 for five years.

  13. No matter what happens Andrew Wiggins needs to be traded. Throw in Moody and possibly guarantee CP3 contract in a trade to get a big time player back. That team will most likely buy CP3 out.

  14. No Porter, no Bjeliça, …way different…Wiggs is…not as good, for whatever reason, Klay is 75-80% of Klay, Steph is 2 yrs older, Dray is 2 years older…
    And …
    who knew that the 7 ft'er was soft?…
    and would be traded to Detroit…
    Meanwhile, its NBA…
    If youre standing still,
    youre going backwards

  15. I think getting NBA players in the same room as Jason would be amazing to see, because Jason breaks it down to common fans like myself and him discussing basketball with NBA players and see how thay goes would be amazing!

  16. Warriors should trade wiggins and a first for lauri Markanen he’s younger playing at an all star and gives the warriors some interior size plus he’s arguably one of the best 3 point shooters at 7ft tall they could essentially use him as a poor mans durant in this team

  17. I’m worried the warriors might not make it deep into the playoffs if they don’t figure out their defense especially on the perimeter

  18. If you go all-in every single year, you'll only exhaust your supply of assets. You have Steph, who is still great, but the rest of your team is aging fast, so you're losing bang for the buck. Going all in doesn't make sense right now, take your time, be patient, and replenish those assets to make a move down the line. The warriors have already won 4 titles, and made the finals 6 times, with Steph, they've accomplished enough that no one should say they're wasting time.

  19. Draft Bronny, get Lebron, see if that works. If not everyone just ride off into the sunset.

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