@San Antonio Spurs



I was quite frustrated with this game I wasn’t angry okay I think I was more so disappointed um stream has a lag okay well it looks like you’re going to have to watch this video after the fact okay when I upload it um okay now okay I have

No idea what’s going on guys I have no I’m so sorry chat I have no idea I’m sorry um I’ll I’ll have to fix it off when we’re like actually off uh but yeah I was disappointed in this game man um it’s it’s it’s like apparent right

It’s like the one thing you don’t want to hear and the one thing you do not want hear to hear from your from your parent is that they were disappointed in you and Spurs I was disappointed okay I was quite disappointed uh you can’t make this many mistakes and expect to win the

Game you just can’t there’s there’s no way against a team of this caliber that you can do that and I felt as if the Spurs didn’t really come out out uh with their thinking caps on I mean they made some really terrible God awful decisions now while turnovers were nearly the same

As the Nuggets I mean we only had four more turnovers than them it felt as if they really uh Amplified their chances after getting turnovers like let me see uh we can look at team stats I’m sure it comes up on that let’s see total turnovers points off of turnovers uh

Actually we had more points off of turnovers surprising enough I did not realize that uh that actually makes it even more sad that we lost the way that we lost look at the end of the day what really frustrated me the most was just the fact that it felt like a layup line

Uh we didn’t necessarily uh have our thinking caps on we were constantly making bad shot or taking bad shots um early into the shot clock mind you and and this is one thing now you guys are going to really just say Clan you just hating I’m just going

To be real all right this is this is my truth now all right this is one thing that infuriates me don’t worry I’m going to get on to everybody okay but I’m going to go ahead and start let me get the the elephant out of the room

Everyone gets upset when I when I mention this player I am tired of Kellin Johnson getting extraordinarily excited when we’re in the third quarter I am tired of seeing it I am tired of getting so hype like you never made a shot before I hate it now I’m cool with his

Personality where he does bring that Edge you know he he is a tough he’s a tough cookie all right but in the third quarter it’s happening over and over again in which he gets going a little bit at the end of the third possibly and

Then he just like acts a fool like yeah yeah we we pumping your chest no we we got a whole quarter to go chill out and he definitely got ahead of himself because in the fourth quarter he took a really bad three early into his shot clock didn’t look for any teammate and

Uh papic got very angry took him out of the game and immediately put him back in so yeah look we have an entire game to play we got an entire fourth quarter to play yes not get too excited so I didn’t like that so I’m that’s the only

Criticism I have of Kellin in this game everything else totally fine whatever um and he was part of the Spurs run so I’m not really mad at him or anything like that but that did that did bother me bro Kellin catching straight I didn’t like it dude

I hate it I despise it I can only be honest with you I hate it that’s true though yeah I hate it I hate it dude we have a whole fourth quarter to go why are we getting so excited chill out this isn’t the end of the fourth if it was

The end of the fourth I’m with you let Get Hype let get pumped but I just I just hate I just hate the idea of getting so freaking excited and ecstatic and and we’re we’re still losing this game like yes let’s play the fourth quarter and we don’t really see and soan

Don’t get me wrong he plays tough but we don’t see it from Sohan that often we don’t see it from wimy that often it’s it’s like act like you made a shot before so that’s one thing I don’t like so mentality wise uh when you have a

Whole fourth quarter to go I don’t like it got a little ahead of himself um and it happens every single time um but anyways that’s all I got to say about Kellin wasn’t Kell’s fault we lost or anything like that just a pet peeve I personally have now it’s time to

Get on to everybody else okay cuz this is where I was very disappointed I know wiim Manama is a rookie I understand it he is is very young all right he’s he’s he he just learned how to talk um he was potty trained yesterday I get it I understand

He he he’s young so and I I know when you put a whole franchise on his back it’s going to be difficult but at the same time as much as I’ve seen wimy this season he’s much better than what he showed in this game he did not take

Advantage of any mismatch I don’t know if he was tired but it was rare when he actually took advantage of a mismatch I mean he had 63 guys on him and he wouldn’t go into their chest he would take a a weird contested layup or rely on the whistle it was very

Frustrating cuz he’s better than that it’s like where is that wimy that we saw go against OKC when you went right in the chest of Chad hongren time and time again you think anybody on the on the Nuggets could have held wimy no no one

On that team could have held W wimy it was plenty of one-on-one uh situations and where he just didn’t take advantage of it at all now with that being said don’t get me wrong it takes freaking forever for guys to give him the ball and I don’t think that that’s a matter

Of them not trying to give it to him or they’re being selfish or anything I think it is the fact that they’re a young team they’re not necessarily picking their spots correctly uh they they you know they they’re a little unsure on whether or not they should

Pass it those early turnovers in this game probably had them a little shook so I understand it but at the same time man it was like come on guys you you got to you got to give him the ball and it’s like come on wimy once you get the ball

Be patient work with them with your match matchup I mean he was passing out immediately why are we just wasting time I had four fouls that’s why and they were bullying him in the paint Gordon and yic oh wait are we talking about wimy defensively now I’m not I’m talking

About I’m not I I don’t know you guys are probably talking amongst themselves amongst yourselves I’m sorry but I’m not talking about wm’s defense is that what we’re talking about cuz that’s that’s not what I’m worried about I’m talking about when he was in the paint and he had mismatches

He never took advantage of them it was like very few occasions where he actually took advantage of it and when he did it was like fishing for foul or taking a mid-range shot or a floater it was just like what are we doing get into their chest get to the paint and

And I would I would sit back if this was like a normal occurrence where I’m just sitting back like oh you know this wimy just isn’t there yet I’m cool but that is not the case we’ve seen wimy play much better than this offensively he’s better than what he what he showed today

And I’m just going to chalk it up to maybe he’s tired okay maybe that’s the problem maybe he was just tired I don’t know but I didn’t like it they were going straight to double teams on wimy as soon as they pass in the ball there were many there were many

Occasions that it wasn’t a double team but you’re right they did like teams double team all the time but what you just said at the end of that sentence and you said he started to panic that’s the problem he it was a lot of panicking he did not take his time at all

Uh Clan streams always stops five minutes in and I have Tom reloaded I don’t know what that means but yeah it was very frustrating you might have to watch the the video after the fact I have no idea what’s going on with the the streaming I’m sorry um and

I can’t fix it like while I’m on oh got to reload it yeah I don’t know I don’t know let me see wait there’s updates oh I see what you’re talking about yeah drop frame over the last two minutes drop frame I don’t even know how I supposed to fix

That or you bit R okay maybe I can do it in a second but yeah just overall dude um very frustrating uh I I don’t know what was going on with wimy uh moving on soan uh the Nuggets haven’t done well against Power fors and I was expecting

Him to basically um outplay uh Gordon uh Aaron Gordon which he did he did a pretty good job uh defensively and offensively nothing really to complain about with soan other than good God man he missed wimy on a really easy lob and this was one of those situations where

Um usually with soan I could watch some of these plays where he missed wimy and it was like okay this could have went another way as well and you know he did find you know a good you know open man good pass blah blah blah but this was one of those

Situations where it was like oh my God that was so obvious I would not be mad if people took that clip and wanted to run with it cuz it was pretty egregious I don’t think he’s doing it on purpose or nothing but I don’t know you you

Deserve criticism for that one it was bad it was really bad lob to miss I I don’t know what was going on and once again it’s one of those situations where I’ve seen him make that before so I just did not like uh the fact that he didn’t

Do it this time wh is literally shoulder-to-shoulder wi’s unselfish will probably be good in the long run but is frustrating uh wimy usually has a pretty decent balance as far as being unselfish and being aggressive that’s what I’m saying I feel like this game we can criticize

Him quite a bit because he he just usually shows up for games like this a little bit better you know um it was It was a a lot of lazy passes um I don’t know what to say defensively he was still great mind you though that so that’s something to keep in mind

Defensively wimy was still great he was still great defensively uh he changed a lot for the Nuggets um when when he’s on the court the Nuggets did not look comfortable whatsoever uh but you know offensively I felt like he didn’t really take advantage of his size and his

Length like I’ve seen him do before so it was it was frustrating uh moving on Trey Jones he was Trey Jones I don’t but this is one of those things where I don’t expect too much out of him he’s just a solid point guard I think in the

Long run he’ll be a backup point guard but he’s Contin excuse me he’s continuously solid nothing really say there uh Devin dude once again Devon is better than this I don’t want to see any game in which Devon’s only taken 13 shots last game he only

Took six shots I heard sea Elliot say he only had six points last last game he only took six shots that’s the bigger issue I I’ll take Devon fael having six points if he put that ball up there 16 17 times I’m cool with it um but yeah

Him shooting 13 uh no you got to do better than that you got to shoot more than that um we really rely on you and we’re not going to win any games when we’re just leaning on soan offensively this is what teams want like soan can go

Off at any given moment but soan isn’t going to be the one to really win you the games with this G with this team how it’s con constructed we’re not good enough it’s not enough enough depth uh you’re going to need Deon fael and wimy

To show up just is what it is you’re going to need those two to show up they’re the legitimate threats there um but soan did great but Devin dude come on and I felt I guess what Bo bothered me the most about Devon is it felt as if

I would have to go back and watch the game but it felt as if just you know my first reaction that he was taking a lot of outside shots early and he wasn’t playing inside out like he normally does by the way inside out too looks terrible

That film looks terrible it it looks terrible um but yeah he wasn’t playing inside out like he’s learned to do over the past few months in which he will attack get to the rim at will and then gradually you know get get his stroke going and then now he’s Unstoppable we

We really see that in this game it felt like a lot of settling for shots uh like you used to um I I just dealt with it with the Houston Rockets because they were playing so well defensively last game so I’m like whatever uh you know he

Has to take more shots but whatever but with this one nah dude you’re much better than what you did in this showing come on now uh like I said disappointed things that I’ve seen all season or big chunk of the season um weren’t happening and you know you go against a a

Championship caliber team like the Denver Nuggets you you you got to be you got to be near perfect um unfortunately it just is what it is they don’t have to be near perfect CU they’re going to take advantage of any mishap we have uh if we go for a steal

And miss it they’re going to take advantage of it uh we don’t we don’t secure that rebound they’re going to take advantage of it uh they they’re going to execute and and unfortunately that that’s that’s the situation we’re in right now um but let me see anybody

Else Zack Collins has been proving more and more that he does have a spot on this team um Don Barlo my goodness he was great um he was definitely a spark plug now this this isn’t giving you the full story it’s like okay 13 minutes whatever Clan six points yeah whatever

Dude six rebounds is it that great no he it was it was really good it was it was really good those two offensive rebounds were just pure hustle uh he definitely changed the tie for us as far as our approach uh to that game when he came in

It it just the game just felt different um now they went they went on their run nuggets went on their run and everything but when Don Baro was in the game I I felt like he was bringing true uh uh grit and grind so uh kudos to him he’s

Proven time and time again that he definitely deserves more than likely a permanent uh backup power forward uh position on this team uh Kellin like I said he did fine he went on his run I just don’t like getting all excited when when we’re still down like just just

Chill out a little bit all right um Malachi he was Malachi I don’t know he didn’t have that big of a role in this game uh missed quite a few shots but whatever Blake Wesley offensively not the best but defensively he was really good I don’t know NBA announced considering impact on

Winning and show the stat on rookie ladder now what okay that’s something we got to talk about overall though uh terrible game I didn’t enjoy it I was very frustrated the big chunk of the game when they started to come back it was a little fun but I’ll be honest I

Was frustrated the entire game this was one of those where I didn’t take a lot out of it other than they’re better than this as bad as our record is and I know what they say you know you you are what your record shows but they’re better

Than this I’ve seen wiim do better than this I’ve seen fael do better than this I know that they’re coming off injuries um just overall you’re better they could have done better yeah know


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//About me:
I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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  1. In recent games, Wemby tended to get fewer shots than Sochan or even Tre Jones, so maybe he wasn't patient enough when he finally got the ball more. And he, Vassell, Sochan and Jones still ended up with +/- over the final gap. The starting 5 is becoming better, but the bench is awful.

  2. I'm not sure if its a lack of patience for Wemby, but he seems to take a lot harder shots than he needs to because of the very fact that he emulates the play of a small. Once he figures out his #1 advantage is his height/wingspan and his secondary advantage is his mobility his efficiency will skyrocket. A simple rip-through and rise straight up into his jump shot on these small guys guarding him and he should shoot a lot higher percentage. Him doing spin fades when he has 6'4" guys guarding him is almost as maddening to watch as him biting on 80% of the pump fakes shown to him. As frustrating as it is to see, its also encouraging because look out league when he figures it out.

  3. Last games felt Like The team Was doing Better without wemby on tge court….. starting to fear He becoming an empty stat player, like ad in NOLA

  4. Wemby is being to unselfish.
    The team still can’t figure out to just throw the ball up in the air to Wemby.
    The team is starting to not see him open again in the lane.
    Wemby is starting to not box out again in the defensive end.
    Wemby is looking gassed again.

  5. 1:29 I'm sorry to tell you that Clan, but you read the stat about Points of Turnover totally wrong.
    27 is the points of turnover gave up by the Spurs (27 points for Nuggets)
    15 is the points of turnover gave up by the Nuggets (15 points for Spurs)

  6. One serious flaw I think Wemby has, is the space and angles he takes on PnR's. He doesnt know when to hard roll, soft roll, pop, etc. He usually slow rolls right into the dunker spot where the defender just seals him off. And when its a high PnR and he does create space he'll try to seal the defender for a post up inside, when the paint is flooded. A lot of his Rolls in PnR's just arent as effective as they should be. Its something he'll learn in time, and its not just him his teammates straight up miss him a lot of the time. But he needs to figure out how to better effectively roll & pop because he'll get the ball way more whem his teammates do see him. Sometimes he doesnt make himself an easy enough target, though hes 7'4 and realistically could just catch any lob over any defender anyways. But this is just an observation. This team sucks and this mighyve been the most frustrating game to watch all season.

  7. You know really bothers me out of sochan. May be it's just me, but every time he goes to the floor, he is always stinking his tongue out like he is eating, "You know what n humping the floor. He does it every damn time.

  8. Almost bought $600 tickets to get good seats. I was not home (SA) and in Austin so bank kept declining transaction. Thank god I didn’t end up going

  9. The most frustrating part is 70 games into the season and they cant see the 7'4 guy at the rim

  10. At this point we just need to accept that Keldon is not a good fit for our Spurs. We’ll definitely need to draft a natural facilitator like Nikola Topic with our 1st round pick.

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