@Milwaukee Bucks

Doc Rivers Press Conference | 3.16.24

Doc Rivers Press Conference | 3.16.24

Um I guess we’ll start with Chris heis been asking you when is he when is he avilable you say he’s close he’s close looks like yeah it looks like it I mean he did did great today you know no hesitation uh it looked like Chris midd

In so um we are happy I’m sure it will be a minute something you know which coaches just love the minute things uh and we’ll just figure it out yeah I mean just obviously he he’s going to slide in and kind of be crisp but what are you most looking forward to

You know I don’t know yet um because not had him but I think two games three games the two games really the third game he was injured so um yeah so I’m just going to organically watch um I know what I some thoughts I know having the other offensive guy really uh allows

Us to play both sides of the floor um I thought at times with Dame and Yannis we got one side Orient uh and and then when we swing it it’ go back to the same side with Chris on the other side at times and uh then you know we can now develop

Going from a Twan game to a three-man game um we we put something in the first day and we were laughing today cuz we ran it and everybody was like what’s this and then I was like it’s what we put in the first day but it’s a three-

Game with those three guys pled so that’s going to be awful for a minute uh and that’s fine you know like even the day I kept saying no just figure it out do it do something else and you know it it was not very good I’m being honest

But it’s going to be and so this is another example you’re still going to run it in games um even if it good or bad you don’t care cuz at the end of the day we’re trying to get to where we want to go and if that hurts us right now it

Hurts us one things CH mentioned is if you’re coming back from an injury offensively you’re in control you can defensively you have to be able to react yeah it’s the hardest part so just what did you see from him in that regard we didn’t go hard enough um uh to tell

And and I’ve I’ve learned this over years is even if we had of he’s still not Garden Durant or or Booker because there’s no Durer Booker on our second unit you know so uh you just never know um he looked good uh we’ll we’ll test it out I’m sure there’ll be some growing

Paints um I guess for you U you’re kind of like the new guy with jannis and Chris those two know kind of what they’re doing um always as you mentioned has that high IQ high IQ and what has that process been like oh it’s been great you know like that’s why today I

Was pushing them to think and because players when you do that where you you know it’s a set but inside the set it’s a random there’s random actions there’s reads I wanted them to show me something that they like to do that they do more of and you know they’re reluctant early

On and then I just stayed with it and finally you can see them starting to do stuff and you know there was a couple oh that’s cool you know and that’s what we need to learn unfortunately you know we’re be way behind in that you know other teams know exactly you know Tatum

And and brown they get together they can do a well I don’t none of so we got to figure it out and we will I think there’s time is what I’m saying I think you were asked already a couple of times about Yannis being in an

MVP hunt so I want to repeat that but I just want to ask you I think he’s fought through four or five injuries this season and I hate to be the mom I’m always likee rest oh I’m the same way uh you know but you don’t know him I don’t

Know him it’s funny we we literally had a talk today I said hey love the heroes uh I just don’t like heroes in March uh I like them in May and June uh and and you know and so I just need I only thing I said I don’t know your body

I just want you to be healthy and you got to use your own in with our medical team and I don’t get involved because I’ve learned uh players can read that as me pressing him to play or not to play and you just can’t win with that I just wanted him to

Know that it’s okay if he can’t go so that’s how I phrased it without being involved and I think it’s important to him to know that uh but I think our medical team has done a great job with them you know so good with that

Yeah can I also ask you about Pat hon we were talking about um what you’ve done for him since you got here yeah and I think that’s because those of us of a certain age aren’t really into an analytics quite as some of the younger people player is a player right do you

Think that’s some of that with him that he brings some of the hustle stats yeah he does a lot of little things um you know and it’s funny I haven’t done anything but told him that we needed him to be Pat conon again and um really I just thought you know sometimes

Especially in that point you can kind of get stuck and it becomes a you know showing up for work thing and I just I reminded him that you are Pat Conan and then we need you to go play and be aggressive and play and and how important if I’ve done anything is that

Just the importance you play to this team and and we need it um and he’s done it he’s bought into it um and likes his role you know he he’s amused by paying with Pat Beverly because he thinks he’s nuts and so I think that’s giv him some

Joy too cuz it’s he is nuts and so I think that the two paats have been really good together yeah we got to give one a nickname though cuz it’s driving us crazy um you mentioned you’re on moer playing where they they got that done did you go anywhere and uh watch that

And I got shock of just look they’re without their their point guard shock is shock has been great man like um and I’m not saying this I guess I am but um like he is there’s perfect fits for places you know Bobby Knight was perfect in Indiana uh and you know

Coach Kay and Duke but but shock is the perfect fit here I you know and he’ll tell you I I wanted to hire him five years ago and he turned us down big timed us and went to Texas and he learned his lesson that this is where he

Should be and this is where he should always be uh and then he I tell you the end of the game of uh the Villanova he ran two just really good the one I still think should have counted but the refs figured let’s let the kids play in over

Time that’s how I think they decd exed that one and then the other play that didn’t get any play was the one to the big kid and he lays it in that was a great play and no one talks about that one I was like my gosh so anyway Shak

Has been great and it’s fun to watch uh and Dre and I have a wager today yeah this about to say I mean he’s a rookie though what it it’s automatic okay uh I put that in the place the first day if a college plays a college your college

It’s an automatic betat the number is set and then in the playoffs is doubled so I would love to win that you mention I’m curious without him offensively the numbers have come down yeah a little bit yeah do you feel like a lot of that has been not being able to

Yeah I don’t I don’t know I don’t know the answer I do think our Pace um not just getting up and down the floor but our movement at time and half court has been stuck at times uh that’s the big step for us like we have to become a

Better half court team you know uh um the playoffs it slows uh we’re big um and that’s going to be the key I watched all the games from last year and it the game came to our Halt and we were not very good in that and that’s where we

Have to be a dominant we have to learn how to be a good team in that in those settings


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  1. Make sure Dame looks for Giannis first, and everyone else second! He is, after all, the one to get you to the Promise Land! MVP!!!!

  2. I can't make out the name. Is Doc referring to someone named "Shock"? And when he says "here", which team does he mean?

  3. We need Pat to dunk. Remember every few games a few years ago Pat would have a dunk. The other night he had an opportunity and just layed it in.

  4. Giannis needs to play more defense to compensate. He always says he would do whatever it takes to win the chip and he has demonstrated that by signing the extended contract even when he should not have.

  5. Doc had a great answer about Giannis playing through injuries. Not wanting to pressure Giannis in to playing or not playing is exactly the right thing to do as a coach.

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