@Brooklyn Nets

Mikal Bridges is out of gas, Nets look lazy late in loss to Pacers

Mikal Bridges is out of gas, Nets look lazy late in loss to Pacers

Coming up the Brooklyn Nets get blown out the team gives no effort but even better Mel Bridges looks like he’s playing some of his worst ball yet we dive in coming up next you are locked on Nets your daily Brooklyn Nets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day br yo ah yes my friends it is the lockon Nets podcast right here in the lockon podcast Network it’s your team the Brooklyn Nets every single day he’s Doug Nory I’m Adam arre we thank you as always for making us your first listen

To the day we are 100% free on all those great platforms and let you know this episode is brought to you by LinkedIn jobs helps you find qualified candidates you want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post

Your job for free terms and conditions apply and Doug our show is going to be the thing that the team on the court tonight will play back in the locker room and say this is where quality starts because they obviously don’t know what that looks like anymore it’s a

Rough patch ma’am they go into Indiana uh and stay with them here for a little bit but in the end kind of let go of the rope and it ends up in another blowout and this is just wash Rin repeat with this team at this point it’s get it’s

Very hard to kind of watch them on a night to night basis you know we you know look we’re ride or die with this team all the way through and I know there’s a lot of people out there they’re going to be the same but this is

A labor of love uh no question about it this is very difficult team to watch they um struggle with effort they have enormous Talent gaps even the talent they do have is underperforming pretty much across the board and especially from guys like male Bridges where they need it the most in

This game you know once the Pacers started sort of rolling downhill in the second half it got pretty ugly pretty quick with some B I mean frankly just embarrassing plays by the Nets like embarrassing not paying attention stuff that just really shouldn’t happen like turnover full core

Turnover on an out of Timeout on just like a strip and steel that just never happened never happened like and this just one little play but it’s sort of inmic of what’s really been happening with this team which is they don’t have the talent and when you don’t have the the effort either

Like I can we can write the ending and we can probably not have to tune in for 48 minutes to figure out what it’s going to be 12100 is the final here the Nets led by one point in the third quarter wouldn’t have thought about that Nets

Were only down by eight Ander in the fourth quarter and yet as you say this one gets away from you very quickly we’ll talk about other sequences we’ll talk about this team as is the case down the stretch from a high level but male Bridges right now is the focal point

Because it just continues to be going the wrong direction with him we talked about this in a full episode discussing the state of where his game is right now fatigue mental wear down from being on this team and having it play the way it is any combination of things that you

Want to use as valid or invalid excuses it just does not look good right now and I know we’ve talked about where his value stands and how this probably isn’t hurting it um I guess it’s probably not but it can’t be helping it and this is another really bad game and arguably one

That remember just as a reminder here we’re staying focused on male Bridges the the Nets are three games back from the Atlanta Hawks and the Hawks play the Clippers tomorrow night like whether or not you think they’re going to make the plan which we don’t still you win the

Game against the Pacers you may be a loss away from only being two games back and you need male Bridges to be the leader on the court for this team he gave you absolutely nothing once again he made one field goal in 29 minutes uh I I don’t really know there’s no

Defending it at this point that’s for sure um you can’t really whether you want to now whether you want to sort of like figure out what the problem actually is is it fatigue is it system is it just being miscast is it a a combination of all those things it’s

It’s really hard to tell but you know you said about where his value stands I don’t know how much it has been hurt it for sure but you’re right there’s no way it’s been helped like there’s just no there’s no chance I because even now he doesn’t even look like he barely looks

Like a like a great role player yeah right and we know he has another like sort of level to his game I think he’s shown for enough of his career that he has that so not really worried about that part like being gone forever but the part where like these numbers are so

Troubling and like tonight he had and I kind of saw this coming I was did a spot on another podcast where we did a little bit more of a preview as a Pacers podcast and I I was like you know he’s gonna struggle in this matchup guys like

Nce Smith are gonna seak him they’re gonna give him problems ncei just ate him up ate him alive he couldn’t do anything every the few times where he still he did try to dribble drive he either was stopped right away or sto six steps into it and just had a turn

Around back out no no separation at all the shot looked the he barely even got off any shots he only took eight shots from the field total in 29 minutes this has been a really really bad run for him it’s got to be time for a rest you would

Think he’s just played a ton of minutes I I the Iron Man thing is what it is I I don’t think the fans care at all about it he probably does and I commend that because there’s we live in a day and age where not everyone plays every game and

If you can you probably should I just don’t know what it’s serving at this point I also don’t know what one game rest would help either like I so it’s we’re kind of caught in between here but there’s no defending to the play on the court he’s been and I have some numbers

In a second but he’s been worse than like below average for like what the expectation was oh 100% And and listen you said like what would one game arrest you I’m not talking about one game arrest I’m talking about multiple games right because no matter

Which way you want to look at it if it is just that wear down from playing as many games as he had what what are you what is he playing for and you mentioned obviously he cares about it and he’ll say as every player should I give my

Team a better chance to win basketball games but the production or lack of production on the court over the majority of these recent games would suggest that even though this team isn’t great and they’re not terribly deep and M brdes is one of their better players you might just be better suited taking

Him out of the equation because as we say when you are a player of a certain quality then the expectation is you need to produce to a certain quality as well and if you’re not going to do that you may just be better off going with a player that’s less experienced or going

With a player that doesn’t necessarily have the same quality of basketball on both ends of the floor right now as it stands and we’ll get into those numbers here in a second I would say that when we talk about value for male Bridges one of the things that I believe is getting

Exposed here is that is that he’s probably closer to being like a a three andish model of player than he is to being a two-way player right like used to think about him being at both ends of the floor but that dribble Drive especially against bigger matchups you

Saw it again tonight it it he gets eaten alive on those so I think even in the best version of what he is on a better team with Superstar Talent it’s probably a guy that’s off ball for big stretches of the game and then finds his pockets

At the right time knock down knock down a shot and if you’re constructed the right way then he can give you some higher value on the defensive end but right now he’s a mid-tier contributing player on on a roster even if you have really good talent ahead of him and I I

Just wonder if it is fatigue or if we are just getting an expanded sample size that’s starting to expose some of the weaknesses in his game in a second we’ll talk about those other troubling stats here for male Bridges and then this team overall because guess what everybody not

Named cam Thomas might as well not have shown up for the game tonight we’ll talk about that in just one moment all before we get to that tell you about our friends over at LinkedIn look if you’re hiring for your small business you got to find quality professionals that are right for the

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That’s less than a day folks for all you math folks out there you can post your job for for free at lockon MBA that’s lockon NBA post that job for free lockon MBA terms and conditions apply all right so as We Roll Along on the postgame podcast for the Brooklyn

Nets obviously reminding you to get us over on YouTube get us over on the podcast Fe we greatly support it even as the Brooklyn Nets as an organization are a syncing ship the lot of Net’s podcast we’re raising our own tide over here everybody we talk about uh cam Thomas

Here in a second because his game gives you a different type of sample size here but what are the troubling stats when it comes to Mel Bridges over this recent run yeah since the All-Star Break um and I just kind of just picked that as like

Sort of a dividing line about where just really no nothing in particular except it’s like sort of a nice easy break coming out of the All-Star break since then he’s averaging excuse me he’s shooting 40% from the field 33% from three 75% from the line over the last

Seven games he’s averaging 50 if you okay so I backed out two games because he has a crazy High game and a crazy low game in there he has a 38 point game against Atlanta so that was gonna that’s going to help the overall numbers but he

Has a four-point game in there too so I just took those two games out right it’s like hey take the take the best and the worst out of here and let’s see he’s averaging 15 points a game 15 points a game like and that’s in a lot of minutes

He’s playing 35 the 35th most minutes in the league during that during that stretch there’s just no excuse for it at this point he’s just been Bel well below average he’s been about below average basketball player for and I mean especially where you well not below average basketball player but he’s been

Significantly below average based on expectation way below average for what the Nets need and you just can’t look at these numbers and be anything but like frankly alarmed it’s alarming based on sort of like what we saw for him last year and this game we felt a couple

Times like that was like oh it’s not going to get worse than this this one I mean had two points at halftime again he made one shot for the whole game and it wasn’t like this kind of thing I I’d almost be more encouraged if it was one

For 15 or something like that I wouldn’t be but but in the firing because that’s what I am like because I’m at least like the shots might have been there but the the most troubling thing in this one was the shots weren’t even there against

Like a big sort of wing heavy defense n Smith SE yakum weak side help from Turner and even you know guys like this in N har to who’s kind of gets after on defense he had no no chance no chance um and that is to me the the most troubling

Part is that there’s a lot of things to worry about but where you can’t do anything on offense it’s just like it’s just so it’s so bad I don’t want to spend the whole time in this because cam Thomas I did do think had a good game and he’s been

Really good since returning from injury so it kind of sucks to like have to spend a lot of time all on this but it’s the the problem is with Bridges it’s like a look to the future thing it’s what he represents the Nets have bed for

This team yep the Nets have banked a lot on him being a lot better than this and you know they’ve said many times like maybe he’s not the Superstar but he can attracts Superstars I don’t know what this attracts like this has been not good and when you’re a superstar you

Want to look for other guys that can kind of like take the load off that’s just not happening it’s not happening and so they put so much cache here and it’s just it’s it’s gone as bad as you can possibly imagine I think and actually to your point so let’s contrast

That here let’s bring in cam Thomas’s Knight and then these last handful of games for him because I think it matters in that Superstar attracting qualities that maybe M Bridges lacks in this game tonight obviously cam Thomas goes 32 minutes 7 of 16 two of six from Deep

Gives you 22 Point performance got to the line was perfect from there as well but in the last four games here for the month of March he’s also giving you 2129 and 31 he’s averaging 48% from the field he’s knocking down 52% that’s 52% from

Beyond The Arc and G you 27 points in this month and the contrast here would be cam Thomas is still getting to whatever level right we just had that discussion can he be a superstar potentially and it’s going to be a hard path but he could do it if I’m a

Superstar on the free agent Market or thinking about leaving my team when I look over the Brooklyn Nets right now I look at cam Thomas and I say oh because you mentioned it there who can take the load off my plate for a handful of possessions cam Thomas can do that and

What are we talking we’re talking about offensively not defensively we’re always talking about on the offensive end who can buy a couple of possessions off on that end of the floor cam Thomas can do that and right now male Bridges is consistently showing you I’m not going

To be that guy I can benefit off of of your effort I can benefit off of what you do to force defenses to make difficult decisions so cam Thomas has had a nice run here for himself and to your point it’s unfortunate that it’s getting overshadowed by team struggles

But also by Mel Bridges and what he’s going through right now yeah look I mean we also have the choice like we could start by talking about cam Thomas and then go to Bridges or we can talk about bridges and go to cam Thomas I’m like so

We’re you know here we do we we do we do create our own rundown for the podcast but yeah and so what you know either way it’s it’s it’s kind of hard sometimes to know which one to start with but with Cam at least look since he can’t return

From injury the the Nets have won his minutes like he’s they’re plus 24 since he returned he was only Min only a minus four tonight in a game where they lost by 21 right like um so he had 22 points like you said eight rebounds two assists the efficiency has pretty much been

There you know 48 pretty much it’s definitely been there actually if anything like he’s probably run bat a little bit at the line because he’s 48% and 52% from three and then just 71% from the line but he’s been at everything you basically need and more

Been able to make some good read and react plays he had a couple good uh reactions out of some blitzing defense tonight that I thought was still continue to be encouraging and this is a tough this is a tough match up to do it against because this is a really really

Big group in in Indiana and he’s always going to struggle with that just because of his size yeah no he’s been he’s just been good he’s easily been the best player it’s like not even close since he returned from injury thank goodness he came back they’re only one and three

Since that but it’s not any of his fault and I’m still increasingly encouraged it’s just such a bummer that the level that he’s playing at has not coincided with brid it’s coincided with bridg is doing almost nothing right because they’re one and three from this in this stretch and they really shouldn’t be

Probably based on how well he’s played but they’ve just gotten so little elsewhere the other thing with just there’s a footnote on cam Thomas that I’ve noticed that his communication on both ends of the floor but again the defense is always going to be about effort and less

About his size and ability to really stop players but like he he went up and picked up like full court a little bit on inbounds plays you see him signaling you know which which side he’s going to be taking who needs to be picking up another man there does seem to be

Something in in the Kevin oi era of this and this could just be happening in in the film room or whatever it is where the basketball IQ or or or the system that’s being run we could probably say it’s a both and right it just seems to

Be lending itself for cam Thomas to understand what he needs to be doing going both directions so you know to your point could we have started with Cam Thomas’s development continues to show really positive returns yes we can yes we could have the the the issue

Would be here that you would like to say m Bridges and cam Thomas are working so well in tandem together instead it’s one guy disappearing and your hoping the other player can carry the load and even when we extend it out to this you know team overall whether it’s the starting

Unit you know we said this coming over from the trade it’s up and down with schruder 31 minutes tonight four of 13 obviously two of four from Beyond The Arc 13 points gave you five assists it’s a difficult effort in in a game like this it’s probably even more damning

That Mel Bridges is falling down the pecking order of this team that doesn’t have any of the superstars on it and I think we’d start to have more confidence over these recent games and other guys based on performance per expectation male Bridges is continuing to fall well

Shy of that ledger while other guys are at least hitting their Mark even if they’re not getting wins yeah like cam Johnson I think has been decent here since turning even coming off the bench um and so I I guess like across the board it wasn’t even really kind of

Horrible and I this is why we end up kind of focusing him on on him a little bit more I think from the cam Thomas point of view game Sorry real quick not to cut you off a 20po game from male Bridges tonight like consistent across a

Full four you know four quarters they’re in the basketball game like that’s the difference right like whether they win or lose fine but they’re in the basketball game every step of the way and who knows that onepoint lead in the third quarter maybe you put a little more pressure on the Pacers because

You’re getting that pitch in effort in some regards you can make the case being down ain’t going to the fourth quarter with the type of game that Mel gave you that should be put into the pretty impressive by everybody else you know category giv what you’re not getting

From M and but and look we talked about this end the last game too like over he’s made six total in the last two games and this is Bridges and I would say three of those were garbage time last game where he had made two and he

Kind of just got like late the opposing defense was just kind of done playing right against Orlando and he kind of got some easy buckets and I hate to like just use the ones that don’t count for my own narrative here but if but during he was mostly absent during that last

Game also where he had made two shots through something like 28 minutes or or some somewhere around there so like last game wasn’t too dissimilar to this game except that he just got a few I would call garbagey time baskets near the end right and yeah like obviously if he

Scores that many points they’re in the game and but it’s just we’re just so we seem so far from that it feels impossible honestly like it feels and then they’re gonna go against W Bama here on Sunday and that’s just gonna be another place where they’re not gonna be

Able to get to the rim at all they already can’t really get to the rim and now you gota get face a you know a 10- foot tall guy who blocks every single shot and so good luck this is just sort of where we are coming up here in a

Second uh you know other things that came out of this game was a lack of effort down the stretch by everybody but beyond that when we think about this season in totality why are we not seeing more of the young players and more of a dedication to development here we’ll

Touch in on that topic underneath Kevin Oly coming up here in just one second all right before we get to that make myself feel better talking about our friends over it’s Stitch fix you get that instant confidence boost you get an outfit that makes you look really good

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Indiana Pacers who are holding on to the six seed by the way beginning of this season we talked with Tony East from locked on Pacers these were two teams that felt like they might have been in similar narratives coming into the year and what they wanted to accomplish you don’t need

To look any further than the fact that the Pacers chose to go out and acquire Pascal cakam in order to strengthen their opportunity to be as successful as possible in the postseason where the Brooklyn Nets I don’t know dumpster fire feels strong but it’s certainly not far

Off from that maybe the Embers are there as the tires are getting stacked up we also remind you get over weot sign up with your email for five stories in five days all about out the Nets history that’s five stories in five days free with your email sign up over at

Weot I got a problem with the rest of this team though I did speak I did say well if only Mel Bridges had given you 20 points we’d be feeling so much better about this game also uh who was it it was halberton that air mailed

A three quarter Court pass inbounds to Shepard in the fourth quarter of this game up by 11 where nobody gave a crap about being back on defense you mentioned a couple of plays earlier I mean the fourth quarter of this game and I understand it gets away at a certain

Point but effectively from Midway is to back into the third quarter and then into the fourth quarter everybody checked out and like it’s just embarrassing like I get it your your team is struggling you don’t have the talent but I’m surprised to see as many players basically collectively Go I mean

Do we need the full 48 can’t we just call it 40 and get off the court that that part of it is embarrassing from a motivation dedication effort energy standpoint I got multiple examples of this like so they have the inbound play out of the timeout where they let two they

Basically get out transitioned they let and then they go come out of the timeout and they get an instant strip which again we started this off by saying this it should never happen they had the play that you’re talking about which was the after a make Transition dunk I mean

That’s nearly impossible to do that like they made they made the shot and no one runs back and Shepard just leaks on the run out and gets a basically like a sports center style dunk on that one they had another possession where SE and I made note of this because I started

Thinking this I was like no one’s trying and it was a SE yakum it was a SE yakum screen and switch claxon goes into like sort of like a mini drop CL I mean he completely Blows By Claxton and digs not digs uh Bridges gets a like the most

Half-hearted dig ever into it like he just basically swings his right hand on a on a dig because he’s protection the strong side shooter and then they go right for so seak just gets a layup no one tries and then they go right from that into like that next possession for the Nets

The Nets come up and scher’s going to pass it um I think to Bridges and it just gets intercepted yeah like because it was just a lazy pass around the perimeter and I was thinking oh that’s all they they gave up they gave up another one from the corner too not that

We need to add into it uh trendon Watford in the fourth quarter he’s basically at the foul line it’s a pass from the left corner to trendon Watford at the foul line and the ball gets like lobbed three feet over his head effectively yeah it’s just all these

Little plays and I’m only only going through these ones or we’re only going through these ones to highlight that when you can easily pick out four five six seven plays that just show you that this is just not happening for this team it’s it’s like a sad State of Affairs

And I don’t know if you want to talk about this but like you know if it’s if the if these guys are G to try it might as well just get the Noah Clowny in the world in and and like let’s just see something else right because legit

What’s the point no then that is the thing that I did want to get to it’s like I I effort wise Etc mentioned about okay Cam Johnson has looked better coming back off the injury but but what are we doing whether it’s Jaylen Wilson specifically around Noah Clowny because

I think the push back here would be well where’s he going to fit into this when you have Nicholas claxon and you have Dron sharp another non-shooter kind it doesn’t matter one of them doesn’t play D Ron Shar doesn’t get minutes somebody doesn’t get it doesn’t matter at this

Point in the season with the record that you have and this has been talked about we say this about how they developed cam Thomas and how you could have gotten him so much more minutes over the last two season Seasons to have him in a better position entering year number three and

Beyond to if we look back and Noah Clowney and he already is going to be is among the fewest rookie in rookie minutes I don’t know what we’re doing because there are teams that have rookies that were drafted later than him that are contributing on teams that are

Making postseason plans right now I I just don’t understand it you can go watch the g-league effort that Noah clani is putting in some of those stat lines it’s not onetoone translation but there’s more than enough work that’s been done there where he needs to be

Playing at the NBA level and even on by the way the Jaylen Wilson note obviously he came down to earth a little bit more here but he showed you enough this feels like 10 years ago when we said hey the effort is there the ability to be an

Impact player is there I want to see cam Thomas Jaylen Wilson Noah Clowney you you want to put two other guys in there Nicholas Claxton frankly and and maybe Dorian finny Smith because at least he’s a veteran that knows what job he’s supposed to do on a possession to

Possession basis I just don’t understand what the Nets are doing here trying to sell a bill of goods to a fan base that has very loudly communicated we know it’s not real like you you’re not M this playing tournament it’s a mirage get to what’s going to help you another year or

Two years from now they just seem so dedicated to putting out such a bad product and frankly making us have conversations about male bridges that we shouldn’t be having because you should be getting him a day rest every third game for the rest of the season to make

Sure that he gets himself back on track yeah and they’re just not going to do it like they’re trying trying to they tried to thread a needle it hasn’t worked um it’s been laughably a laugh through a needle that you would Stitch your coat with yeah like they’ve just they’ve really

They’ve really they screwed this up um I think and if they’re if they have an eye toward next year or the eye toward 2025 then maybe staying the course is is worth it but um it gets increasingly more difficult to see that every day when it’s like not really it’s hard to

Understand sort of like how it gets so much even if they were to add a superstar or two to this mix right and you know guys like Clowney it’d be nice to see him he’s so young that you know losing a year of development or he’s

Getting in the G League maybe it’s just fine um he’s played probably this I did a quick ey test on this about like where he played where how many minutes he’s played compared to other rookies I mean there’s probably like two or three other guys that are like around the same level

As him like Jed Howard has barely played um he went at 11 Jaylen hood chafino has is basically out of it here um at 17 and then oh there was one more guy uh oh Kobe Brown like um and then but he goes to 30 I mean basically every other first

Round pick has played lots to just like Infinity more minutes than Clowny this year except except for T guad but he’s hurt right so um the only one would be a Brooklyn Net yeah of course yeah right and nothing to do nothing you can do about the injury but the but overall

It’s like you know maybe it’s trust the process and see it for see you know because you’re just like a different team now with veterans but the problem is the Nets have always seemed to have been or have long seemed to been slow on this even with guys they do have we’re

Looking at one in cam Thomas who was a head scratcher about why he wasn’t playing for so long and I guess when we look back at when you don’t okay so when you don’t have many comps to draw from you look back at the comps they have

Done it for and we saw that it took them forever to get Cam Thomas in the mix and so how can you think anything different with Clowney like it’s hard to trust that it’s correct to like not play them when you’ve kind of shown that you don’t

You struggle with this in the past so I want to trust that like they kind of know what they’re doing with a still still super young guy and at the same time like what’s the harm and just getting him out there at this point the team’s just not good and remember too my

Last note on this is you don’t know what’s gonna happen with Nicholas claxon is he gonna be around here next year so do you want to maybe be able to utilize Noah Clowney and have Dron sharp and that can be a part of what you look to

Do right like that’s yeah that’s that’s a great Point like maybe that would help inform your Claxton decision to some degree um that’s that’s maybe that’s the best point actually yeah so rather than keep it a mystery for yourself you could go ahead and explore that and we

Understand he’s lean and he’s young and then the other note here is just in the g-league right now Noah Clowney is knocking down 33 almost 33% of his shots from Beyond the arc on three attempts per game they don’t have a guy whether or not they’re all true fives or or

Otherwise that plays in the center position that has any perimeter game whatsoever ever I’ll take the risk of it looking a little bit weird and looking a little bit clunky to start if I can start to have Noah Clowney show what it looks like for the Brooklyn Nets and

Some of the guys including male Bridges like what it looks like when you have a five that can stretch the court a little bit and also give you some size and give you some defensive value as well we know that he’s lean we know that we have you

Know he has a long way to go here but there’s nothing wrong like there’s nothing wrong with going ahead and taking these minutes now Jaylen Wilson has played over 400 NBA minutes so far season Noah Clowney needs to needs to start to chip away at that at some point

All right we’re going to get out of here uh a little weird scheduling here this episode hopefully will go up on Sunday they do play against the Spurs on Sunday we’ll see about a post game on that one we got some other scheduling possible issues with that one so we’ll get we’ll

Get back to you on this one but regardless yeah we’ll come to here after the Pacers one I’ll give your thoughts Mel Bridges cam Thomas all the other stuff in the meantime make sure you go to weot make sure you subscribe over on YouTube as well we

Subscribe where you listen on YouTube history despite its wrenching pain cannot be unlived but if faced with courage need not be lived again why that is Maya Angela one of the alltime great poets we’ll be back again tomorrow talking more Brooklyn nuts basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball Maya Ang basketball basketball basketball yeah

Mikal Bridges struggles continue, in what has become a troubling theme since the All-Star break. One made field goal across 29 minutes and just eight total shot attempts is flat out unacceptable for a player of Mikal Bridges caliber. While it is unlikely this rough stretch has significantly diminished his value, it certainly has not helped.
The guys discuss the troubling trend of Bridges game, further highlighted by Cam Thomas who has returned from injury and played very well in spite of the overall lack of team talent.
There is also the concern lazy and uninspired effort from the team overall and a lack of developmental commitment to rookie Noah Clowney.

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  1. Mikal Bridges is so fatigued to the point he had bags on his eyelids tonight šŸ˜®…..

    But still he did not deliver much tonight and it was a bad performance on his part….

  2. We got also remember this is a dude who also played during the summer. rarely does international ball help NBA players during the season. So Bridges has already played an absurd amount minutes if you include all the minutes he played during international ball.

  3. I didn't even watch the game I am glad. I am lost for words. This team is trash I haven't watched a game in months. Hopefully 8 yrs from now we have a new front office and players.

  4. Its really sad how alot of u guys are making excuses for an average Complimentary player like Mikal. These guys are making millions of dollars to be in shape, studying their craft, performance & etc. Mind you todays players have the best sports medicine, sport technology, nutritionist, the league reduced the amount of back-back games from past era's, physicality has been pretty much removed from the game, the league extended allstar weekend break for the players to get more time off, they only play 3-4 games a week-weekend, tons of other star & superstar players over the years have participated in the Olympics then came back to the regular season and performed. So lets remember these are grown azz men making generational worth to play a childs game, so lets cut the BS excuses out!!!!

  5. Listen I was telling ppl after the Kevin Durant trade last year n Bridges was uping his scoring that heā€™s not a number one player on a contending team and now it shows itā€™s actually worse Bridges canā€™t even lead the Nets to a play in berth Cam Thomas IS NOT A SUPERSTAR EITHER Iā€™m not sold on him being A SUPERSTAR The Nets (if they want to contend n compete) are going to have to get active this offseason I believe (theyā€™ll be in the mix) for a these following guys this offseason:

    Karl Anthony Towns
    Brandon Ingram
    Donovan Mitchell
    Trae Young or Dejounte Murray
    Zach Lavine (say what you want about his contract n impact on winning Lavine is bucket n a competent point guard play will do wonders for him Im not as down on him as many people are)
    Paul George
    Lauri Markenen (possibly)

    But bottom line Mikal Bridges is not a number one I been saying this I donā€™t think heā€™s a number 2 either but a number 3 is more of what he is The Nets have to pick a direction and stick to it Iā€™d also add as much as it pains me to say this Sean Marks needs to be let go Itā€™s just too many errors at this point If Iā€™m Mike Budenholzer Iā€™d rather take the Hornets job than the Nets because you have a more upside n talented roster with a higher ceiling than what the Nets have This is going to be a long offseason for sure

  6. If the Rockets seriously offered our picks back plus more for Mikal Bridges, then the front office needs to be fired asap

  7. I get Mikalā€™s legendary streak of not missing a game in a while but bro needs a break. Heā€™s not an ass player but heā€™s obviously fatigued. But knowing him he wonā€™t take a break and thatā€™s gonna take a toll on him.

  8. Why r u even bothering. Best we comatose for 8 yrs and I HATE what we did to the twins. Let em go, we donā€™t deserve em

  9. When we had championship aspirations i used to ask myself…i wonder how hard it would be to do a Locked on Wizards and what fans are watching? Fast forward to today…SMH. We are THAT team. šŸ˜¢

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