@Miami Heat

Five on the Floor LIVE | Heat-Pistons Postgame Show

Five on the Floor LIVE | Heat-Pistons Postgame Show

On the floor ride for my dogs where the thing you can check the score Hustle Hard couple SCS bubble frogs just like bu said you in trouble y Che the FL play got a all B y’all seen the block stop with one hand and P trust it’s power

Have guts we here to bring the heat y’all can hang it up welcome to five on the floor a daily Insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan scholet Greg sander and Alex Toledo plus others from the five reasons Sports Network well that was an emotional swing

Welcome five on the floor live here on the Five Reasons YouTube channel here’s today’s floor plan I’m Ethan skolnick you can follow me Ethan J skolnick and at five reion sports got Brady Hawk you can follow him at Brady Hawk 305 we got Alex too you can follow him at Tropical

Blanket if you were with us on the stream on playback um this is where you should actually this is why we tell you to join us during the games um I vacated the stream briefly because I was banished because I said on there that we could start the postgame show when the

Heat were up 17 uh I was called out immediately on that and of course the Pistons came back to TI the heat could play a clutch game with the local JCC seriously like they let everybody back in these games but the story of the night and it’s the play of the night um

You want to just get to it early let’s just do you got let’s go let’s go to the play of the night let’s let’s Lynette was on there the stream with us go ahead and now it’s time for the insurance by Lynette play of the night sponsored by

Insurance by at a Aggressive Insurance Agency you can reach out to our friend Lynette at 95458 8800 that’s 95458 8800 or insurancepet that’s insurance bin. comom with two NS and two T’s your best play for Auto Insurance homeowners insurance condo Insurance life insurance or retirement program

Reach out to Lynette at Insurance all right so let’s set the scene here a little bit um the heat bungled the last few minutes I I don’t know what Terry Rosier was doing on some of those possessions uh needs to have better awareness of time and clock all

That stuff um and then Detroit had a chance to win the game and they didn’t Miami gets a rebound uh balls in rosier’s hands SPO had a timeout to use I believe he didn’t use it he doesn’t usually use it in those situations the ball finds Bam from what

Was it 32 feet I think something along those lines this was not your standard variation three badaba waited until the very last play of the game to extend his three-point streak to three the three-point streak is now at three and he got swarmed and the heat survive 104

To 101 spoler said he likes those above the break threes that’s where he’s shoted from obviously bam has a trained eye from that he finishes on the game uh with 20 points 16 rebounds but let’s just be flat out on this they couldn’t lose this game they

Could not uh Brady I’ll go to you first on it like I mean I know you don’t have Jimmy I get it uh I I understand you know they you’re short-handed you’re playing a Detroit team that I mean there was on they were honoring all their old

Players today but I mean they’re playing like the corpse of Evan fornier against you like this is not a game that you could lose when you’re up 17 and honestly he bailed him out I mean there’s another guy who bailed him out throughout the game but in the last

Three seconds uh bam saved them from what would have been an embarrassing defeat which would have pushed them another game behind Philadelphia and Cleveland two teams that they see in the rest of this road trip yeah I don’t care that Jimmy wasn’t playing like this was a game you could not lose especially

Considering the fact that they just lost to Washington you could not have a lost to Washington a lost to Detroit within a week when you’re trying to get make a push to get out of the plane so uh yeah we’ll talk about Duncan the other guy

And a few that kind of really saved them but I mean this is B this has basically been bam prepping for this moment like the last few games the fact that he keeps taking this exact shot over and over again uh and we’ve had the the the

BAM discussion from three in the past and it’s like Corner threes were never going to move the needle they just weren’t like they were it’s the closest three but it’s just not equipped for like a big man just a stand around and take those shots consistently if you

Want to move the needle you take that above the break three where you’re able to kind of stretch the the defense pull a big man away from the rim play a little pick and pop potentially in the near future like all of that stuff and the fact that he’s getting more and more

Comfortable with it it’s important it’s a it’s a good thing to see so uh I mean this is a perfect ending for a game like this because it was ugly and the fact that now that the discussion is shifted away from what it was going to be like

If if that went into OT and they scraped out a win oh God we were not going to be talking about that what if they scraped out a loss Brady like they were scraping out a loss they absolutely could have I mean they were playing their best five

Down the stretch the only five guys they could trust I love that comment from Mike T by the way that we just threw up there we appreciate the comments that come in here on the live streams before they go to the podcast feed because I

Was at all three of those games and uh it it felt very much like that uh Bosch versus the Spurs Bosch versus the Blazers Bosch versus Atlanta if you don’t remember the circumstances of all those games the Spurs one was special because of who they were playing at the

Time and obviously they had a rivalry with them the Blazers one was a game where if you remember Bron came off the bench to tackle uh to tackle Bosch after that um and that was just I mean that was a good atmosphere in Portland and Bosch making that shot was huge as he

Was kind of proving himself as a clutch player on that team and the one in Atlanta always jumps out to me because that was the I believe a triple overtime game where they didn’t have LeBron or Dwayne and uh that was the game that trell Harris had 13 rebounds and Mario

Chamers was helping Bosch carry it to the end but Bosch made three of those from a about the same place that bam did tonight bams was a little bit further out but we make that comparison of bam to Bosch so much in terms of the way

That the fans view them um kind of proving themselves here and doing it when the other stars are out and I actually thought Alex bam had a pretty pedestrian game until then I mean he had the one possession we had like four rebounds on the same possession which

Paded the numbers a little bit I mean but going into that he had 17 and 16 which again you typically would take it but he’s clearly got to be the best player on the floor against that team and he wasn’t for most of the night but

Then to make that shot you’re right the narratives all blow out the window at this point because he made the clutch shot for sure but I also think like I get that line of thinking because of course right like he’s your he’s your second best player and and you expect

Him to step up with a lot more shots and he didn’t really do that like he didn’t take a lot more shots but he did finish nine of 13 he he gave you 17 rebounds he gave you a three assists you know the part that you do you know takes you know

Some umbrage with is the is the three turnovers along with the three assists so that’s what you can pick on and yeah like you want him to be more aggressive I get that line of thinking but at the same time like you had Terry doing his

Thing for most of this game you had Duncan who I’m sure we’re gonna talk about soon so I’ll hold off on him um but he’s he was fantastic and then Hime got going later on in this game finished with 15 like I think there was enough

Going on right around them and so I think bam just kind of played a really efficient game didn’t try to do too much and other than the turnovers I really think he had a he had a nice game and holy crap man like you said before this

Is why we tell you guys to watch on playback of course I’m gonna say it here playback. TV5 RSN or download the app you can watch the game with us um that was a great moment man I’m glad I was on for that I just lost my mind because

They when they first got the rebound there somebody I think it was RayRay uh or or Matt said uh call the timeout and I said screw that don’t call the timeout just go for the win and for bam of all people to hit not just a three but a

Deep three like that to extend the streak which I completely forgot about until you mentioned it just now Ethan like what a moment I was not expecting that whatsoever and just so much better than going to overtime yeah thank you B you B exactly we don’t need overtime on

A Sunday afternoon in Detroit when the team’s trying to get to Philadelphia for a game tomorrow night uh heat 305 mentions bam had another gamewinner against the Nets in Miami two years ago he did uh but if you remember that that was like that play was set up that was

Uh he was kind of on the elbow um elbow towards the post and it was a turnaround jumper and we made a big deal of it at the time and Jimmy was out at that point also uh but this is different because to me what I like about this is this is

Instinctual like this is SPO Bas SPO never calls time out there by the way I mean I I’ve had conversations with him about his philosophy there he just doesn’t believe in that um uh to set up a play and it’s probably better that they didn’t because I have a feeling

That it would have been bungled if they had uh with the way that some things were going late in that game so to just kind of let it free flow but we you know to have bam and his first instinct is to understand the clock there and to

Understand there were no other options and and sometimes we see bam hesitate and so I that was it’s it’s huge for him obviously it’s huge for him and it’s huge for the team and and it’s and it’s big in terms of them believing in him the nights that Jimmy is out we’ve just

Obviously just gotten the news about Tyler over the past 24 hours and so they’ve gotten the news about Tyler and they kind of understand how they need to move on without him to a certain degree and so for bam to do that was was enormous and I they flashed the

Standings before that and again if if you’re trying to get out of the plane like you can’t drop this game like you’re you’re chasing Indiana you’re chasing Orlando uh the Knicks have gotten ad anobi back so you’re not catching them at this point because I think they’re 16 and two when OG plays

This year Cleveland is freef falling and Mitchell is going to miss miss some time he may even miss the game against the Heat on Wednesday he’s not going to play on Monday but you’re still so far back of them like you can’t lose ground against Indiana Philadelphia and Orlando

You just can’t like you’ve got to keep them uh in Striking Distance here and now you get you play you know Philly next obviously without MB Tobias Harris is not going to play Monday night either so you don’t want you couldn’t go in there with a loss of we don’t know

Jimmy’s status Al we’ll talk about it a little bit uh later in the show um I we want to get to the game of the night we will in a second but I just want to say I want to stay at the end of that game

My my one issue at the end of that game because the ball’s going to be in his hands more often especially with Tyler out now uh Brady what was Terry Rosier doing in the last three minutes of that game because I don’t know it felt like he was

Playing like it was like the middle of the first quarter instead of running clock and making sure that good shots were taken yeah I mean first like if we’re going to hit the positive I mean credit to him for hitting bam on that Ling three like if he he understood that like

Okay spo’s not calling a timeout so I have to play faster and dart down the court and he got down there and Drew in the defense a little bit so kind of open up that bam shot 100% like before that point he was kind of playing at that

Like nonchalant mode that he plays in in the first three quarters where he kind of felt like he had the one where uh I think it was like 10 seconds on the shot clock he had that leaning right wi three where you kind of just shot it up

Randomly and it was like I don’t know they just felt like it was just kind of all over the place where it needs to be a little more under control but this is a game where they’re they’re lacking players they’re lacking on ball players that it felt like they just need

They wanted him to just try to figure some things out but every time that they went to the guy you know I’m not going to talk about a ton before we get to it but Duncan the offense looks so much cleaner and they got so much better

Looks that when it was bogging down to Terry in isolation that will never be this team there’s a lot of teams in this league that their closing offense is isolation basketball and kind of bogging it down and kind of working it in that way no matter what that’s not Miami

That’ll never never be Miami that’s just not the way that they play they’re just not good at it like even if shots fall at times when they do it it’s just not them so I mean they were able to escape but I I agree with you I I don’t think

They want to play that style but they’re able to get away with it in a game against Detroit and a game when they’re without so many guys all right Alex load it up because we need to talk about the other guy and now on five on the floor it’s

Time for the gamer of the night sponsored by Rock Esports Center the place to eat drink and play all day host your next birthday party with them located at 15305 South Dixie Highway in paletto Bay they’ve got a 5500t state-ofthe-art center equipped with all the high-end power play all day passes available for

Just 25 bucks but if you mention five reasons it’s just $20 so mention five reasons or five RSN you get to play all day for $20 and now the gamer of the night honestly guys I don’t know what we’re watching I’m kind of at that point um this is

What Duncan Robinson did today by the way in the state where he played college basketball where he only got to play college basketball there after having to go to Williams College okay this is how low down on the totem pole Williams college is as a basketball school I went

To Johns Hopkins University we used to play Williams college and my roommates were 62 and 63 and that was the center and the power forward um Zan Robinson was playing division three basketball he ends up in Michigan he’s an undrafted free agent He makes himself into a

Shooter SPO says in his first couple years this is the best shooter in the world right now we’re all laughing at him he has that Ascent he gets the contract every Heat fan wants him gone everyone attach picks get rid of this guy he’s not playable anymore he can’t

Defend he can’t pass he can’t do any of these things and no he was not the same player he is now he had 30 four and five he made every clutch shot they needed up until bam made his he had his thousandth three today thousandth fastest to 1,000 not to

200 not to 300 not to 400 you talk about sustainability a thousand threes I talked to Duncan about three weeks so he says I’m not GNA get to a thousand before Steph did or any of the rest of them did he says just because of the volume that they’re getting he got there

Ahead of Body Buddy heeled he got there ahead of Steph a th threes okay in a heat uniform he’s still just 29 years old he doesn’t turn 30 until next month and when his contract comes up again he’s got the partial guarantee next year Heat fans are going to be begging for

The heat to extend him at a high number I I mean if you want to talk about it all coming together in one day the only shame today it’s great that van made the shot I kind of wanted Duncan to make it like it it’s it it was this was the

Perfect day for Duncan to close it uh with that and Lynette mentions on here in our chat the four-point play was the play of the game the game was getting away he makes that three he gets fouled they get the free throw uh afterwards I I mean Alex I don’t even I

Mean for forget the starting debate to me that’s over uh you know I mean and we’ll talk about hero a little bit later in the podcast because I know people are asking who haven’t followed the news over the weekend but you Duncan is there starting two rest of the regular season

You let him get comfortable you play through him uh his confidence is soaring right now I just I I it was like a perfect day for him in that in that building in that state no I mean he’s been fantastic man he’s been one of their most reliable players when he

Started and you know I just think it’s he’s been fantastic man and every time you think you know what he can do it’s like oh yeah he’s right back to just scorching you from three still gave you three field goals from you know inside the the arc also gave you I think five

Assists right so like the the all the skill development that we’ve known about and has been you know happening for the past couple of seasons has come to this point where like he can really give you a lot of things and you can’t just take

Away one thing from him and that is the problem now it’s made him so much more Dynamic and it’s really just been a godsend for this anima offense especially without Tyler and Kevin Love right now who are doing you know who were had a nice chunk of importance for

Their shooting and their offense and Duncan has really really stepped up man like I just think he’s been pretty reliable and again the skill development is just amazing and we’ve talked about this on other pods The Arc he’s had in his career a very weird one not even

Just you know not even getting into like you know going from a D3 school to a D1 school and all of that and what’s happened in his NBA career the ups and downs it’s just been wild and for him to come out on the other side like this

It’s just been so impressive man I’m really happy for him and yeah that that four-point play was huge you know the Duncan bam twom Man game was again heavy throughout this game and it maybe it was a little bit different at times you had kind of bam playmaking for him up top

And I’d like that they can still go to that I’m a big fan of when they go to Bam up top as a playmaker um and I think that’s another way that you can utilize their Twan game it doesn’t always have to be the same spots you can kind of go

Inverse with it you can do it from a lot of different areas on the floor it’s probably easily their most dynamic action right because you can get to it in so many different ways and I think Duncan has just become such a staple in their offense and I’m happy that he’s

Producing at this rate man and you know happy birthday Duncan Robinson and actual happy birthday to Terry Rosier whose birthday you it is today by the way Terry Rosier just again because we were I was critical of him for the last few minutes but Brady made the point and

Then we’ll cycle back to Duncan here uh he had 17 points six rebounds nine assists no turnovers again um it looked like he was trying to commit one at the end of the but but he didn’t um the assist to turnover of a ratio for Terry is outrageous I I talked

To him before the game the other day about it maybe we’ll play some of that clip uh on the podcast because I don’t think we’ve actually run any of that I talked to Terry about uh about that and also um about the lobs that he’s throwing and Van Lee mentions this here

On the chat about feeding bam and him wanting to get bam involved with some of those lobs but um you know I talked him about sort of the making the decisions about you know when to be more aggressive and and risk a turnover so probably would be worthwhile for us to

Put that on the podcast this week but uh even eight of 20 from the field the other stuff was efficient but I you know we talk about Duncan and the shooting and all that and the clutch shooting and he’s kind of impervious to pressure at this point in certain cases he missed a

Couple threes about a week ago and everybody was saying this is why he shouldn’t close games but if you look at the overall numbers of him in the fourth quarter this year he’s their best fourth quarter shooter he’s their best four fourth quarter shooter he’s also been

And we talked about this on playback he’s been their most reliable player this year like somebody was saying he’s been their best I’m not ready to say Jimmy’s hasn’t been their best player but Duncan’s been their most reliable player Duncan has played more games already than Jimmy is going to play this

Season he’s played more games already then Tyler is going to play this season he’s been available for 61 games availability is an ability like you know he’s out there every night um and you know you know uh kind of what you’re going to get from him but Brady I want

To focus on one other play there was the the the pass he made where he kind of got trapped by the Baseline and he made that backhanded pass to hakz as a cutter him again figuring out Solutions when he’s not in the best position to me has

Been his biggest grow this year 100% And the play before was the play where he was in that deep corner and just saved them with that crazy shot over the top and and it feels like he’s just their bailout option all the time then the following play you said he’s in the same

Spot on the floor except this time he drives Baseline try to bail them out once again seems like he’s done forward and trapped and all of a sudden credit to H me because he had a really good cut there to kind of save him but Duncan throwing a left-handed bounce pass in

Stride around a big man is like it’s just become normal for him uh and not only become being about the consistency it’s just it feels like he’s he was once was a scripted player and now it’s gotten to the point where he’s just read and react he’s just going to

React to everything that you throw at him coverages uh if you know the last game he was kind of getting it in the inside the arc and he was making pass to Bam he had the little bit couple of shots in the lane the counter from the

Pistons is okay we’re going to throw more sides on him we’re going to throw Isaiah Stewart and durren on that action and basically flatten you out and try to just take it away and Duncan pretty much says okay I’m going to play more High pick and rooll I’m gonna play farther

Out I’m gonna just shoot over the top of you consistently uh and it got to a point where it was like okay they they were out of counters we don’t really have anything else for him because it feels like everything we throw at him he’s just able to kind of just uh find

Something else to to do and then there was the play the last play of the second quarter where it was Terry Rosier had the ball there was like they were holding for one shot Duncan screens and slips and two of them sprint to Duncan like they both just fall out running him

He like Taps the ball back to Terry ends up in a Delon floater it just shows the attention he’s seeing and the things that he’s creating that it was like I feel like everybody was looking around in that fourth quarter when things were going south and was like okay when’s

Dunan checking in when is’s he get to go to the scores table because everything looks better when he’s on the floor offensively and it feels like they don’t really have a direction when he’s not out there in a game like this when without Jimmy so he just continues to be

Great like he’s just been shooting the ball at a really high level the stuff he’s doing inside the arc that the there was that we were watching the playback I think it was in the third quarter when he had like a a shot off the off Bank

Off glass where you just randomly just does shots it’s like okay that’s just normal nowadays so and then we were also talking about Ethan you you were making the point that it almost feels like he’s getting more respect from officials where he’s not getting as many foul

Calls I think it is a good point because defensively I feel like he’s been good like he’s he’s not a guy where we’re having the conversation after games even after losses where say he’s getting picked on I we have not had that combat once like and he’s closed a lot of these

Games that they’re not really picking on him they’re able to kind he’s using his size to his Advantage he’s not using his hands like he used to he’s moving his feet uh and he’s been defending at a pretty decent level he’s really good in that zone so credit to him but having a

Game where he’s able to put kind of a 30 piece on the board I feel like is is good for his confidence and even if it’s you know against a Detroit team well I mentioned this on playback and it maybe I don’t know if you were on there maybe

You were and Alex wasn’t or maybe you’re both where I can’t remember um and this is purely itest speculation but I I feel like the officials are giving him more benefit of the doubt on defense because they see him as a basketball player now officials have biases they have

Biases they have biases to the home team they have biases to stars and they have biases against I mean let’s just be honest like slow limited wi like they they’re not going to give them the benefit of the doubt in a lot of those situations because and Duncan has been a

One I should say against Specialists okay and he’s been a specialist uh throughout his career he’s not a specialist anymore and I feel like them viewing him as a more well-rounded offensive basketball player is helping them him on the defensive end it’s like that thing we always talk about with bam

Okay where Bam’s case for defensive player of the year will be helped by him being better offensively it’s stupid okay it shouldn’t be like that but the voters have certain perceptions and biases that into that and I just think that there I think that Duncan has

Become like we don’t view him as he’s not Davis bans anymore you know what I mean like he’s he’s not that kind of player like he’s uh he he he’s a legitimate starting two guard in this league and we’ll get to the injury report in a second where we’ll get more

Into it but Alex I want to go to this because this is going to be the other topic that’s discussed a lot today we don’t have another podcast before the game on Monday night uh Patty Mills played 10 minutes tonight was 0 four from the floor all threes uh a minus 13

I know we don’t do the individual but the only reason I’m mentioning is because there was a lot of talk about how their numbers were very good with Patty on the floor for whatever it was worth in those three games like they were a big plus uh dlon Wright tonight

After I think sitting the last five I I he played the Sacramento game and not after that uh 21 points uh excuse me 21 minutes three of seven from the floor three rebounds two steals a minus two in six minutes I thought the laon’s minutes

Were good and he got a lot of them so like is there a pass now to him playing because there didn’t seem to be until today when Jimmy was out I think there is a path now as far as whether we go down that path or not I’m not as sure

Just because fo is is sometimes hard to to predict like every time you think you you know you see where he’s going he might go a different way right it’s kind of what happen with Patty in the first place like I feel like we all would have

Thought dlon would be first in line to play there and then of course you know there’s exting circumstances with um with Tyler being out and I think SPO was just kind of star for shooting there and and love you know like I said factors into that factors into that as well not

Being able to have a spacing big out there other than bam now that he’s a he’s a stretch Pig no but uh in all reality like I think you know that’s pretty much the only reason Patty was playing not to disrespect him in any way like to be honest he still Zips around

The Cor suppt pretty well and you can see that when he’s out there like you can run him in some of those sets you do for Duncan not to the same you know degree not to with the same level of emphasis but you can do that the problem

Is when the threes are not falling it’s like he’s not giving you too much else out there like he’s decent and moving the ball out of those out of those sets but you need the shooting to be there because it’s not like Duncan where he’s also 68 with a seven foot wingspan and

Who is now giving you you know um finishing at the basket as well as playmaking like that’s not really the case Patty he’s really small and it it’s very noticeable in person too um just from watching the games he’s he’s somebody who could easily be picked at I

Think more than anybody else just because of his size and you know even though he’s a little bit older like I think he moves decently well for like what is he 34 year old like he still Zips around that court but yeah the shooting I don’t think has been

Consistent enough with him I still think he can really shoot that ball but I I in my opinion I think D should be playing over him and I think he can make the case over Haywood but it’s a little bit tough there because I think Haywood is

Kind of the tiebreaker with them too is the size where they just like they’re already kind of a small team as it is so SPO just goes with the guy with a little bit more length and and and strength but D gives you more on offense than Haywood

Does so I think there’s a path to him playing you just got to play him over one of those two guys currently and also just there’s a lot of weird stuff going on right now like that second quarter with those lineups where they had you know Patty D and Thomas and just in

General like there’s been a lot of Patty and Thomas together like it’s hard to get representative samples of what separate the two of them he W he’s he’s got like Bryant and and Mills attached to we talk it’s it’s just so funny because we always talk about they don’t have enough

At this position or at the point guard spot and then he ends up playing them together he he used to do this yeah he would do this with Drew Smith and Kyle uh earlier this year like and you’re just like why isn’t he at least separating these guys um a little bit I

We’ll get the injury report in a second but uh Bray I thought Theon game was solid and and I he he he rushed a couple of layups I thought or at least one of them uh for sure he did but it it does feel like there’s there’s more there to

Tap into than there is with Patty I mean we’re having Patty on the podcast on Tuesday so we’re being very polite here um and I I see I see I see the value in in in Patty as a shooter I do um and I see the value in having his sort of his

Court intelligence out there also but he’s not going to be a decision maker down the stretch of game anyway so if that’s the case if I’m going to choose a specialist I I I would choose the defender it’s funny because in the past like that when they’ve made these

Decisions Delon is always the heat Choice like he’s the build that they usually lean to I feel like when we used to talk about like uh even if it was Boyer or Drew Smith like in this instance Boyer is like the Patty Mills and Drew Smith is like the the lowkey

Delon Wright that does less like flashy stuff but does more of the the underground defensively stuff so it’s like now this is like a situation where it’s like these players are much more advanced than the than the examples I just gave but like the lawn uh I thought

Came out of nowhere again like after sitting all these games and defended really well like guarding a guy that is much bigger in Kate Cunningham but like Del has size to him and he’s able to kind of defend above his position he’s able to do all that stuff where he had a

Couple bursts to the basket too you mentioned some of the finishes where he rushed but like he still has moments where he’s able to get to the basket like and not to discredit Patty because he’s had games where he shot well but like Patty around the rim does like this

Weird like flip animation where he does an underhand layup and it’s like it’s a different thing yeah he does like a scoop a quick scoop and uh delon’s more of like he’s able to kind of be more physical it feels like around the rim

And do a lot of that type of stuff but he’s just solid like he’s just you know what you’re getting from Delon when you put him out there and it’s usually the guy that they lean to and I feel like he’s he’s disrupt he’s just always disrupting defensively they were kind of

Moving him around in the zone like usually up top uh but they had him kind of on the bottom of that zone I think the adjustment Ethan is maybe not playing him with Haywood like it kind of probably has to be one or the other like play it’s fun to watch defensively when

They’re both out there but you cannot sustain that offensively with those two out there because you’re kind of have two guys off the ball that you you could just help off of play play play him with Caleb where you get some of the defense but you also get some pop offensively I

Or Y returns or when yic just get back exactly I’m just the Haywood thing to me um I’m less in on it than I was earlier in the season I I just I don’t he’s not making that three consistently enough at this point I I would rather see what dlan has at

This stage um than kind of for I understood Heywood starting today because obviously he have yovic and he wants to keep Caleb off the bench so he had he had somebody who could come off the bench with some offense you know what Heywood brings already you you do

And he can plug him in and I think he’ll be fine but I think what’s been positive about D is that he was put out there in two situations uh and kind of asked to sink or swim right like the Sacramento game no Jimmy I mean that was a tough G

He played really well I thought in that game and then you sit him for a week and a half and you’re playing a guy who just brought in off the street who’s like 35 years old uh over him and obviously if he was sulking it didn’t show today

Because he he I you know and BR you mentioned he just will not be screened like which I which I like because this team allows itself to get screens uh too often and and he just he fights through it all right let’s get uh let’s get to

The injury report uh now because I know there’s a lot of news everybody wants and now it’s time for the official five on the floor injury report sponsored by our friend Eric Rubenstein the personal injury attorney born and raised in Lauderdale Florida lives in Miami went to St Thomas he’s a South

Florida guy and a huge Miami Heat fan but the important thing is he can help you get your money that you deserve when something happens to you so reach out to our guy Eric Rubenstein again Eric Rubenstein .c or ask about me I got you on Instagram and now the injury

Report all right this is a long one uh let’s start here for those of you who have not been paying a lot of attention this weekend I recommend that you listen to the podcast that Greg and I did on Tyler hero yesterday it’s going to be up

On the YouTube channel uh this evening as well but it’s already up on the podcast feeds essentially Anthony Chang did the uh did the hard part here he did the good reporting from The Herald uh where uh you know Tyler getting the plasma uh getting the injections essentially to speed recovery um this

Foot injury that apparently was a rookie injury that I don’t really remember uh we thought that the knee was what was bothering him until about a couple weeks ago it turns out it’s been the foot all along here and um he is air explosion was asked again today about it obviously

He’s going to continue to get asked and he again said there was no timetable and they’re hoping to have him before the end of the regular season so Tyler’s played 36 games this season doesn’t look like he’s going to get to 40 um Greg and I made the point I think

Both of us had been waiting and I think you guys had as well for him to come back and put him back in the starting lineup I don’t know if you guys are where we’re at um but Greg and I are both of the mind now that Duncan

Robinson is your starter for the balance of the regular season and if Tyler comes back then he gets a roll off the bench and tries to plug in that way not to say that he’ll never be a starter for this team at this point um in the playoffs if

They obviously need more offensive juice or something changes there but I I just you can’t count on him to come back at this stage and Duncan’s rolling too good and we said that before Duncan had 30 today so uh to me at this stage this is

Uh what was a debate the whole season that I was fighting I’m no longer fighting it uh Duncan Robinson’s you’re starting too uh before we move on to the love and Butler and yovic injuries uh do you guys have any thoughts on this I mean I think I I’ll say real

Quickly that I I kind of said before like I I always thought Tyler would kind of re-enter the starting lineup after all of this but I think it does hit a certain point where if you’re up against playoff time where it’s kind of at that final hour and we’re still kind of

Looking around wondering if he’s going to return or even if he returns around that time it’s tough to just throw him in the mix and just say go into the playoffs and figure it out uh not to say that they just figured everything out because not everything has looked great

Consistently with this with this current group but there has to be some form of consistency and and Rhythm and it’s not like this is the same team as last year you have Terry Roser starting you have a new guy in the mix you have Nia yic that’s actually playing this time around

This isn’t one of those things where you can kind of throw in a guy throw in a guy and it’s like okay just do what you did before just figure it out like it it does feel like they kind of are hitting that time of the year and the in being

The fact that Duncan is the guy that’s really the one that’s popping makes this even more difficult so I’m kind of there with you it feels like it depends on on the situ situation and Ethan you hit on the part you know on playback when you were talking about the cardio element of

This where it’s like this isn’t the hand this is kind of a situation where we don’t know what kind of shape he’s going to be in when he does return because obviously the foot could be bothering him can could you know take a longer ramp up than maybe the the hand would

Have so it’s tough to really evaluate right now but I’m I’m kind of there with you that if this kind of prolongs it feels like they’re going to have to just consistently roll with this starting lineup uh and it’s not the not the worst thing to have an eight-man rotation in

One of three guys Off the Bench being Tyler europeo well the three guys off the bench could be if Tyler gets back in the mix I mean you could have a four-man bench and we’ll talk about one of these guys in a second of Love uh hakz Martin

And hero I mean there are not a lot of teams in the league that could compete with that bench um Alex I’ll say this let’s say it’s not gonna happen because he’s not gonna be evaluated for a week to two weeks let’s say Tyler was back in

A week let’s say it was a week from now would you put him back in the starting lineup I don’t know I think I think if you’re asking me I would probably just bring him off the bench like I think I wouldn’t be surprised completely if SPO just threw him back in

If there’s if there was a decent amount of time left in the regular season but if it’s just like a couple of games I just don’t think it’s enough like I If you know 10 15 games right like a ramp up period I I I think that would make

More sense but at the same time I already felt like just to kind of get my personal adves out there I felt like it was going to be tough to play through to to work through what a Rosier hero back court would look like in a lot of playoff match ups where

I feel like it would just get endlessly picked on and I know they would still try to do it right with with Duncan in there I just think you know Duncan just has more size at this point a Rosier hero back court is really small so it

Was always like I could see the offensive upside like them playing off of each other I don’t hate that but the defensive stuff and I feel like it’s that’s why it’s kind of a convenient time almost for SPO to just be like well look you’ve been out so far we don’t

Want to like Rush this thing let’s just like ran you back up off the bench you’re still going to get plenty of shots you’re still going to get plenty of time and it like doesn’t hurt anybody’s feelings right you know what I mean like it’s it feels like this is

It’s almost worked out in a way where SPO can just kind of go to that if he really wants to but if you know you told me Tyler comes back towards the end of the season and he’s starting again that wouldn’t that wouldn’t Shock Me in the

Least like we’ve seen that SPO is more than willing to start them together but if you’re asking me what I would do it’s I would just keep dunking in there right now like he’s just so good as a starter and I’ve always felt like you can maybe

Replicate some of that impact Off the Bench if you just play him with Jimmy and Bam more often than not or at least one of the two you know obviously bam like him and and Bam their two man game is something else but so I just feel

Like it makes sense to just keep the the starting lineup as it is and then maybe yic is the is a guy who depending on the matchup is kind of the x- factor position right and we’ve talked about that in other pods but I think as as as

Of this point I would guess that you know that’s the way to go you just keep it with you keep it rolling man because there’s a nice balance with Terry’s game and Duncan’s game too and yeah we already know that Tyler can do it Off the Bench so you know it’ll be

Interesting to see how they handle it well reminds me a little of the bubble season where where they uh where they had nun or then it was dragic uh with Duncan and I just I feel like at this point the flow to it is better I’ll say

This you know Tyler ends up getting more shots per minute coming off the bench than he does being reinserted into this starting lineup where again now you have Terry who is taking a lot I mean Terry took 20 shots today now again no Jimmy no Tyler but he took 20 shots today he

Didn’t get to the line today but he’s G there’s going to be volume with Terry that there was not uh with Lowry and that makes you know because we’re begging Lowry to shoot you don’t have to beg Terry to shoot uh especially not lately when he’s gotten more comfortable

There I I just I think we’re past it I mean I asked you about one week if it’s two weeks it’s definitely no three weeks which is what it looks like it’s going to be four weeks I I just it’s just it’s it’s the point of no return in my view

Um and I think at some point they just need to decide this is our group as long as we have it healthy we’re going to go with it I still think the starting lineup needs a little work the numbers on it are not great um but again then yovic

Becomes he kind of becomes like you said The X Factor where if it’s not working then maybe you try Caleb there or you try hakz there or maybe even you try High Smith there but I I I just think the back court at this point needs to be

Duncan and Terry and just roll that’s where I would go with it um the the other guys we wanted to talk about today Jimmy um I I’ve heard this is not serious um and I think he’s gonna play Monday night in Philly I think okay with him you

Never know um there was I would heard some consideration of him actually playing today which leads me to believe that he’s close to playing tomorrow he hasn’t been sent home from the trip or anything like that there’s a lot more me there’s meaning to these two games in

Philly in particular uh and then in Cleveland so I would anticipate he plays Monday night again I’m not going to guarantee it as far as Kevin goes you know I saw Kevin working on the court prior to the game The Last home game um

He’s not that far away but as of now I haven’t heard he’s going to join the team so on this trip they’ve done that before so the idea that he didn’t make the beginning of the trip doesn’t mean he’s not going to make any of the trip

And of course I think he would like to play in Cleveland he missed a game in Cleveland uh recently um he still has a lot of friends family others there and I I think if he can play he’ll try to play and I do think is even though to Thomas

Bryant gave him some representative minutes we’ve talked about this a lot uh how much they need Kevin Love back and I so I I I think that’s going to be uh relatively soon for him to come back yic the hamstring we don’t have a ton of

Information left on uh on that um they won’t push that if it’s a hamstring injury hamstring injuries and groin injuries they are typically the most careful with so I wouldn’t be stunned if he’s out Monday night as well all right we did this for 40 minutes today which

Was probably more than this game was worth but bam saved it so we appreciate everybody joining we had a big crowd here live so very thanks for that um by the way the kids are running the the kids are running everything tomorrow I’m out and Greg’s out so you got you

Getting a Brady Alex live stream so they just trash the two of us the entire time uh we it’s it’s gonna it’s younger than me it’s gonna be like it’s this is going to be like a 4our podcast with just the two of them because anytime I tell the two

Of them just two 15 to 20 minutes get it over with 43 minutes all right have a good night everybody

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  1. Duncan is fastest in 343 games (7 faster than next best), but I wonder what that would like if we looked at "minutes played" given how many DNPs he had on his way to fastest ever. I bet he blows everyone out of the water.

  2. Bam is so hot.That body.I wanna some bam.Miami princess.Beat the sixers.Sixers have never beat heat.I told ya leave the champions alone,it's all good .❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  3. Bam hitting 3s definitely helps us stretch the floor. K Love hitting 3s is one thing but if Bam starts taking & hitting them now we got two bigs who stretches the floor

  4. I think Bam was watching the podcast when Ethan & Greg were talking about Bam's ceiling & how he might have reached it. Ever since then, he's been attempting 3's and I love it! I gotta give you guys credit for the inspiration.

  5. So good team or bad team Rozier giving you 17pts… got it. Positive side effect of no Tyler & Jimmy; Bam has to be the leader & get the win. Good growth for him.

  6. The irony of folks wanting to trade Duncan & Tyler… when they are the only 2 guys on the team who can get easy offense.

  7. Terry’s not been great. I’d prefer to see Duncan & Tyler start together and Terry off the bench. If Terry’s starting unit was great I wouldn’t say that, but it’s been mid to bad. Try for max spacing with Jovic, Duncan, & Tyler & let Bam & Jimmy dominate the inside

  8. Bam is my favorite player on this roster and it’s so frustrating sometimes to see him play when you know what he’s capable of. I got so hyped when he made that 3!

  9. Ethan is so negative. Bam had a ‘pedestrian’ game and was ‘padding his stats’ until the last shot? Seriously? Clueless. Bet Spo would go off on Ethan if he heard that statement. Wonder if we could trade Ethan to Portland. We will give up a first rounder just to get rid of him.

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