@San Antonio Spurs



A M M Oh boy all right guys we’re wait let me trying out my my new earphones here hold on they’re not near New n they’re just PlayStation 5 headphones yo can I hear myself I can hear myself okay I think these are fine I can hear myself Fine oh boy hold on turn this down a little bit wow wow wow wow wow wow that was a game can’t hear can’t see you can see me now wow my God wiy my glorious King yeah I know dude that was lost for words um wi VP yeah loss for words complete

Loss for words on that one wow I I don’t even know what to say guys should I bring this down some why where’s the little thing I Hold On Let’s uh let’s put the score up so you guys can see what the score is on other games let’s

See there we go let’s do it for let’s do it for this one too and last but not least we’ll do it for oh that’s bright we’ll do it for this too there we go nice there we go nice cool man what a game what a game um I

Definitely got some takeaways uh first and foremost wimy guys I don’t know what to say wimy was exceptional tonight I don’t I don’t know what to say the per 36 stats from minutes restriction is coming true I can’t comprehend what I saw honestly it it’s like I’m blown away I’m blown

Away I’m Blown Away dude I get nervous every time I see what’s trending um because last time I was actually looking at what was trending it was a kerat Toyama I was in the middle of recording I was like oh cool kirat toyama’s trending and now Vladimir Putin like

This can’t be good like obviously this can’t be good right is this good news did something happen to him that’ll be good news hold on give me one second the uh my TV is super loud I forgot to turn it off hold on oh dude I’m so dumb I’m so

Dumb I’m so dumb I forgot they were still in Austin I was just about to ask you guys why was like I mean Spurs fans been showing up but I was like God they are so loud watching on TV and it’s a pack show I was like okay they’re

Austin Kellin and wimy were filling it tonight oh man you guys are going to hate me oh man oh man oh good God uh be good if something happened to Joe Biden uh no it wouldn’t not not at this point no it wouldn’t wish we could have a younger

Candidate God they promised that too geez politicians suck so bad oh they suck so bad but no I give me sleepy give me sleepy Joe for a little bit longer man we give and then give us a better candidate please for the love of God oh man that was good though that was

A good game I enjoyed it the dude had 33 points 16 rebounds yeah okay let’s just we’ll just go straight into the game right let’s see and I don’t want to be on too long because your boy want to play some hell divers all right I’ll be honest with you I’ll be completely

Transparent um but I’ll go live again tomorrow for a little bit um we can do some more videos or or more topics because um I’ll be out of town Tuesday to Friday so good evening Clan this win really made my day went to cheddar and ordered

This shrimp alfredo pasta and now we won in overtime that’s a very simple Sunday that’s a good Sunday though let’s see uh all right I’m bringing up the Net game now bringing up the next game my audio is going in and out is my audio going in and

Out I need to know that I need to make sure that it’s not doing that guys let me know is it going in and out before we go into this game let me do this full box score pull the full box score up your audio no you’re good audio is fine

Your audio is pretty weird it keeps cutting out Um audio is fine I don’t know I have no clue honestly chats is good it’s fine now YouTube was just lagging okay all all right okay all right guys this game wow um so you’re going to hate me when I talk about the negatives cuz there are like couple

Negatives but uh a lot of positives actually a lot a lot a lot of positives so there were a lot of people you know you just talk about the elephant in the room all right the amazing elephant in the room there were a lot of people

Talking about wimy and and which it was mostly Spurs fans it wasn’t like mainstream media they didn’t keep up with the last three games whatever they don’t care uh but wimy has definitely struggled over the and it was really only because he went against the Nuggets

Which they played him uh very well they did a good job of double teaming in the right time putting him in situations that made him uncomfortable um so they did their thing and then the Houston Rockets they did it twice in which he was very uncomfortable you could

Definitely tell uh udoka is a defensive coach so he he made sure to make things uh really difficult for wimy and they had the person to do so so he hasn’t really figured that out yet he’s still going to have to um you know obviously gain a little uh strength and then on

Top of it him getting double team triple team and passing out he doesn’t have a lot of guys to pass it out to um lagging every word what it’s lagging a little Clan okay yeah it’s lagging it’s better now I think anyone else keep buffering what the heck

What reset yeah yeah guys refresh I don’t know I have no idea never mind it stopped okay I have no idea hold on let me turn this off there we go um yeah but yeah a lot of people were like oh my God what’s going on with wimy blah blah blah

He’s he’s struggling he’s you know uh he can’t get it going is this the rookie wall and I just feel like no just overall it was just the fact that these teams had the Personnel to make things uncomfortable for him uh he does have weaknesses and he’s not necessarily he

Doesn’t have that core strength and that overall strength yet to kind of fight through that nor does he have the teammates right now where he can just pass it out and and you know they make things happen that is not necessarily the case right now but with that being

Said uh in these types of games wimy is showing how much better he is from day one to now because the Nets did not have the Personnel to be able to uh stop wimy and he made them look silly I mean he made them look really silly uh so 33

Points gosh I don’t even know where to start 33 points first and foremost that’s is that no his high is 38 right his career high is his career high 38 oh gosh I got idea hopefully it comes back 38 okay that’s what I thought I thought his career high was 38

Um but yeah so his career high is 38 absolutely insane uh so 33 he’s he’s right in that ballpark um but he did phenomenal in this game and they just didn’t have the Personnel to really stop him uh so he just completely went off the Spurs are so much better than their

Record it’s just unfortunate that they’re just missing a few pieces that would make this record uh much better but H it’s just so frustrating but moving on uh 33 points insane seven assists we already know he’s capable of that um people don’t really talk about his basketball IQ it’s very high like

It’s very high um 15 rebounds seven blocks I I don’t know I don’t know what else to say that that’s just insane it’s kind of funny though because I remember okay so I was wrong about something I’m going to be honest I was wrong about something and it was something I was

Right about and it was actually talking to chat and I was talking to you guys about it immensely before the season started so the one thing I was right about I said right off the bat wimy would be the best player on this team

Day one I I know that we had a lot of like Kellin uh lovers fael lovers saying of which no no no they they’re the they’re the veterans of the team or they’ve been on the team longer than wimy like no no no you got to give it to

Them they will be and it’s like no I don’t want to hear any of that wimy was the best day one by a mile okay I mean I I love Devon fael and I love um uh uh soan and I think I think Kellin is a

Good player but no he far better day one he was better um but now I think people can noticeably see how crazy the Gap actually is so obviously right about that but that’s not a controversial statement I don’t think um especially not now people would just say now like

Yeah obviously but I’m telling you at that time so many people were like no no no um don’t do that yet uh but with that being said um the one thing I was completely wrong about and you guys were completely right or at least the chat at

The time was completely right is that the Spurs are just going to struggle defensively and offense wouldn’t be the issue uh because I thought going into the season that defensively cuz on paper it looks pretty dog on good right you like Trey Jones is a decent enough

Defender um I like Zack Collins bringing that grit uh obviously soan has been a consistent good Defender fael is a consistent decent Defender um I didn’t think Kellin was that great but he did talk about like how this season he’s really going to focus in on his defense

I thought that the Spurs would be a very tough team to score on I was absolutely wrong I was absolutely wrong just because there’s a few players on the on the team that can play individual defense doesn’t mean their team team defense is good enough and it doesn’t

Mean that they have uh good enough defense coming off the bench uh but I also had the idea that Bassie would be are healthy but you know that that’s not that’s not the case so unfortunately they are not that great defensively um and that’s kind of their biggest issue

Right now is just getting stops they still need some people uh to you know shoot threes like we still need some uh three-point Shooters uh but but getting stops is is woo it’s rough it is definitely hard to watch um in which they just cannot get a stop um so going

Through all the players really quickly uh soan offensively poor offensively bad decision-making down the stretch but like I said consistently all game long defense was on point I mean his defense was there I know people don’t really see it cuz it doesn’t come up in stat sheet

I mean this this game it kind of did three blocks and a steal but usually defense defense doesn’t really come up or stand out in the stat sheet and but he did he did well defensively just offensively it was very poor um and I’m not expecting him to be like a great

Scorer but you do have to do better than this like it it was some really bad um forth shots uh down the stretch that that he’s he’s just better than that um Julian champeny not really expecting much from him I mean I never I I rarely

Do but um he’s more of a bench player but he he did he did okay um anyways uh Trey Jones he was Trey like it’s so funny cuz Trey Jones is the one player that I have nothing like I never have anything to say about he’s very consistent I’ll give him that he’s

Very consistent with the type of player he is but I have nothing to say about that got that flager one call too which got his back in it uh yeah that was ridiculous like my god um kudos to Sohan for not reacting cuz Sohan does have a

Tendency where he will like hit back but his G his his mind remained in the game uh to make sure that that we you know we we uh we got it going and he hit two huge free throws uh quite clutch if you will uh but moving on uh Devon

Fael he seemed a little little weird at the beginning but he he end up he end up turning out to be you know great he he struggled as well over the last couple games I know he’s coming off of an injury so is wimy so there was that um

But def did well uh overall oh Kyle Haron he says rest in peace Toriyama Sensei yeah that’s really sad um but he did great like Deon Fel was you know he eventually got going and this is what I was talking about man he there’s no excuse there’s no reason in a million he

Can still get eight assists and there’s no excuse for him not to shoot the amount of shots that he took there’s no excuse there was one pass from wimy um like a really quick uh pass to fael to get him going uh for three and it was so

Sweet it was the one three that Deon fael hit and and the rest was the rest was uh rest was was easy selling not easy selling but he definitely got him going a little bit more um but dude yeah he got to he got to shoot 21 shots the

Other the other game was so frustrating cuz it was like he has six points and he only took six shots I don’t care there’s no realm no no reality in which fael only takes six shots I don’t care I don’t care how well everyone is else is

Playing Devon fael should take at least 16 shots at least give him 15 16 there’s no reason he should take six shots ever um Devon only has six shots at the half happy he got his shot in the second yeah there’s no excuse this this is what we

Need I don’t care if he goes zero for 21 like he he has to take those shots okay I’m okay with him you know shooting poorly or whatever but you got to take those shots you’re by far the best scorer on this team team is the best

Best guard scorer on this team easily easily easily easily um what the heck people bringing up the Wi-Fi again what the heck I have no idea why it’s doing that guys no idea I got to keep refreshing my Wi-Fi it’s so stupid yeah so dumb uh

Moving on uh so they did they they did well Zack Collins he did okay Osman Osman actually hit a couple like really good shots uh there was kind of like a I don’t know if you consider a floater um maybe you consider a r Runner I don’t know what you consider what he

Did um is anyone else stream lagging it should be better now it was it should be better now I I have no idea what’s going on yeah I have no idea um but anyways moving on let’s see so Osman did really well um played his role well I will say that uh Kellin

Johnson had a good game offensively he definitely had a good game offensively um but and at this point you just got to take the good with the bad if the Spurs decide to keep Kellin I’m not mad I’m fine you’re just going to have to have Defenders around him you you got to

Figure something out um because there was one play in which kin hit a super clutch three I’m like heck yeah that’s what I’m talking about um yeah I told you guys about the the over celebrating sometimes um but you know he got excited celebrate that’s cool he Get Hype can’t

Really take that from him that’s his personality or whatever um oh you guys can’t even see the score uh but yeah can’t take that away from him uh but then he immediately gave up a three like right after uh so it’s like come on and that three sent it to overtime so it’s

It’s very frustrating I guess you guys just take the bad with the good um you know I I think about it more so I know this was a really good game for Kellin I guess I just think about it as a whole and it’s one of those situations where

Um if he’s if he’s shooting like this I mean there there’s you know he’s kind of making up for the defense there but he’s not going to shoot five for eight from three often at all so yeah but I don’t know I’ll give it to

Him this game he did well I’m not mad or anything it’s fine uh but it it was a little frustrating uh sending it to overtime it’s like oh my God but is it wasn’t just him the Spurs overall played pretty poorly uh down the stretch of that fourth quarter at the end everyone

Made like mental lapses um oh there’s llama KJ needs to just cut down the mental lapses it it it’s been like this since he was at Kentucky man I I don’t I just don’t think it’s going to change that much I think the best thing that

You can do is just surround him around uh Defenders he he he got to be out there with better Defenders um and better Shooters you know so so teams can’t just key in on them at times um what’s that when it was in Austin I’m trying to see what you guys

Are talking about oh he said did the game take place in San Antonio oh okay okay it was in Austin yeah yeah um yeah it was in atin man um Malachi brandom he hasn’t been so some I saw some fans talking about like how he’s been a little disappointing over the last few

Games but then again uh Malachi was in a different role um we we haven’t utilized them as much as we were utilizing them like the last few few games prior so I don’t know Barlo didn’t play strange but whatever um what else and me Blake Wesley this is one of those games where

It it was pretty poor it was pretty poor and it’s fine you know he’s a young player he’s du for a bad game this is one of those where I could say at least in my opinion defensively he wasn’t as good as he normally is um he made quite

A few like weird mistakes that he normally doesn’t make he wasn’t getting around screams as screens as well as he normally does it was kind of strange um but hey it’s what it’s whatever young player he can have a bad game here or there uh what kind of shocked me the

Most about this game and it took it really took the Brooklyn Nets to shoot really poorly from three because we only shot 24% from three I know that that feels weird especially since uh Kellan went five for eight so it felt like it was it was more threes hit but no it was

Terrible wmy went 1 for seven fael went 1 for seven uh 0 for three when champeny 0 for two from soan 0 for one with Trey Jones I mean it was terrible they shot terribly the only person that was hitting threes or was yeah was knocking him down was Kellin

Tonight so that’s a little unfortunate um but hey it it took it really took them playing very poorly I mean their shooting to be just as bad um also another thing that I actually love is the fact our free throw shooting was significantly better than theirs so they

Shot 68% % um from the from the free throw line we shot 91.3% so I think that was kind of uh the winner there you know that was that was The Telltale sign right there cuz our percentages shooting wise were basically the same but free throw shooting was

Really good so you got to knock him down and and the Spurs did just that so overall really great game um it was fun to watch uh I’m just a little I’m a little disappointed with soan offensively in this game uh you got to do a little better than

This I mean I’m not expecting him to be a scorer but the it it’s one thing to go one for eight it’s a whole another thing when four of those shots were super unnecessary so like that kind of upset me and then also at the end Kellin

Giving up that three really bothered me um but it’s like continuous thing at this point Devon loves to play herob ball almost cost them the game Devin fael can play all the hero ball he wants right now okay it it is is literally him and wi’s team like they can those two

Can play as much hero ball as they want I don’t even know what you mean by it but if you mean it how I think you mean it those two can play as much hero ball as they want bro don’t hate on Kellin he did

Good Kellin did fine he did good I just said that he basically held up our three-point shooting and he shot very well this game um it’s just just can’t give up that three like that how was the defense tonight I thought wimy did really well I thought Sohan did really well and at

Least it test as far as faell he did well um Trey Jones is just undersized and that’s going to continuous like continually be an issue um but yeah overall they weren’t bad like defensively the team as a whole wasn’t bad I don’t think I I thought we were

Way more physical than we normally have been so that’s good they play physical they didn’t just give them anything schroer fake keeld in on the close out which was why he was so open oh you talking about the three at the end yeah he did yep he did

Mhm yep yep uh look I I mean I would be more charitable like honestly if this didn’t happen all the time I mean we were just talking about this maybe just a few weeks ago uh it was a game in which he gave up like two

Threes at the end and I was like dude what the heck we even looked at we went back and looked at the play and I was like come on um it happens all the time though you know Trey Jones were Trey yeah yeah Trey Jones was already there

Uh I think he was already on cam Thomas so there was no reason to bite the way he bit but whatever it’s fine this isn’t like I’m not hating on Kellin um it’s just frustrating and I and I’ve been I’m I’m always be consistent with this okay like

I said I’m always going to be a little bit more skeptical a little bit more harsh on longest 10e Spurs I just am if you’re in your first second year you know third year uh you usually I’ll be all right you know I’m I’m not going to

Trip about it too much but he’s literally the longest 10e spur and it’s these the same issues but it’s okay did good clan one a souvenir for when I go overseas I’ll give it to you instead of my homeboy LOL just kidding you’re not kidding I’ll take it

Too Kell didn’t even look at wimy that outlet pass low IQ hey I’m not expecting Kellin to make like perfect reads it’s just the defense kind of kills us and then yeah some of the decision making can kill you but he did good this game all right if Kellin didn’t shoot five for

Eight from three we would have lost this game I will say that I say that with all the confidence in the world okay I say that with all the confidence in the world he had to hit those threes for us to win the game but I just don’t like when you

Erase your points you know right after but it’s fine um okay I think I think that’s uh I think that’s all I got for this Spurs did fine not mad Victor wanyama had another insane statline he was very competitive during this this showing and it was fun to watch that’s all I

Got hey Clan the Spurs fan did you like wy’s Goen block at the end that was insane I I don’t know how they thought that was a goal 10 that was so strange oh I want to watch this all right let’s see all right all right all right let’s see here

I thought they were going to that we were going to find um a post game we don’t have a post game up they thought it was a gold 10 cuz bet bet us says so I don’t get it who do you think takes over for Pop I

Don’t know I don’t we’re nowhere near there yet um I how much longer we got with pop five more year is it five more years what was that contract he he signed don’t we have five more years with pop or is it four more

I I don’t I yeah I don’t know what to tell you man I I don’t know what to tell you I mean we can go by when they face each other we can go by overall stats we can go over um defensive statistics I mean I don’t

Know I don’t know what to tell you if if that’s you truly think I don’t know what to tell you there’s yeah there’s nothing there’s nothing I can I can tell you pop sign a five year he’s not going oh okay so you have four more years after yeah

I’m I’m not even worried about it right now um whoever it will be the Spurs will set it up they’ll be prepared don’t worry they they have so much foresight uh when it comes to things I’m not worried at all and it’s the NBA right like let’s SP let papovich you know get

These years in with wimy teach him teach him some things okay he’s getting he’s getting taught by the best in the business allow that to happen and then after that you know you don’t have to have a Greg papovich type coach to win multiple titles you don’t you don’t

It’s a plus when you have pop you’re more likely to have a dynasty but I don’t think you necessarily have to he can at least start off the dynasty you know I mean I don’t think I mean Steve cerr isn’t a bad coach but I don’t think

Like Steve Kerr is like one of the greatest coaches ever or anything like that um and he had a dynasty so I have no reason to think that we wouldn’t be able to have a dynasty with someone that’s been is ready to you know Mentor

Or whatnot like I yeah I think we’ll be fine who’s his second in line now um I don’t know what you mean by that what do what do you mean by second in line Phil Jackson exit retirement and takes over oh God could Brett bound coach the Spurs

When Pop retires I mean he could I would love to have men Menina or uh Becky but I know Becky seems very happy where she’s at so we might not get Becky why is the stream doing that dude I’m noticing it now the stream is like jumping

I see it tooo it’s going all the way down to 100 kilobytes per second and then jumping up to 4,000 I see why it’s I see what you guys are talking about now what the heck was that I’m have to figure that out I have good internet I don’t know

Why lagging hard I have no idea why it’s doing that gosh so freaking inconsistent all right let’s see what else we got guys here’s something this some I was supposed to go over thanks for sharing passion Clan good night all good night man all right chat so this is something

I didn’t go over I was supposed to though I I was supposed to go over it um yeah so here we go this is Norris Cole wait wait wait okay this isn’t okay I thought this was uh Paul Pierce PA it cuz they literally copyright me the other time I

Used them last time we talked about them all right let’s see what Norris Cole has to say he’s talking about Tim Duncan it’s a great clip okay that was a great clip man um let’s see here we go was so no I just want to

Speed you up a little bit my boy this was after Tim Duncan was Prim this is past his prime mhm he still avered like 19 and 11 that series like he could have won Finals MVP just as well as Kawai like this is this is not the 25 26 27

30y Old t d this is the older t d Aver 1911 in two blocks so I’m like after the series I’m like he was by far it it was one of those situation was like as a Spurs fan none of us cared you know none of us cared that uh Tim Duncan didn’t

Win it like we were just happy that we won the championship and uh kawhai did such a phenomenal job on LeBron it was kind of a nice moment of oh he’s up next you know so I I just overall you know we didn’t really care but yeah like by far

Tim Duncan was the leader of the team and he did so many things on the court that you know people just didn’t give him a lot of credit for right so yeah he he definitely deserved it but it is what it is like Tim Dunc bro imagine if he

Was 27 and you played him could you imagine that sick sick those I’m I’m after we beat him I’m imagining like could you imagine dun was 29 and Manu was 27 and Tony was imagine trying to guard that team imagine especially Tony what they can’t especially any of them yeah Tim Duncan

Bro like yeah that’s that’s kind of nasty this is a good clip dun is one of the ghosts like kawhai was huge on those finals he was he was he was huge in the finals he was um yeah no he was he was Ka I’m not taking anything I know some people like

To take things away from Kawai because of what he did but I I try my best not to do that um I did have the arrogance at the time when Kawai left to think that oh we could still win a championship and I honestly think that

Our front office kind of thought that as well right like they thought the system was good enough we still had a lot of talent we bring in to M de Rosen maybe we can still make a run and you know it’s just not the case the team was

Basically built for kawhai and kawhai is just a superior player to D Ro and um especially if he’s going to be your number one guy so yeah yeah just just overall you know he he did bring a lot to the Spurs and I Do Cherish him as far

As part of Spurs history you know um but just that year though I’ll be honest with you 2024 I I still thought that Duncan should have got it I mean he he was the leader of that team I mean the definitive leader of that squad for sure that’s a fact so Duncan

Bro do I know people you know love the Kobe era but Tim Duncan had a lot to say in that era Tim Duncan had a lot to say in that era a buch a whole lot to say and some like listen a lot of champ no

One brings up Tim Duncan no one brings up Tim Duncan as far as like a goat I don’t hear him in any top three top five list it’s rare I hear him in a top top three list I never hear that um I think I get tired of that like I hate the

Argument of like well oh he’s well he’s definitely like a top 10 player you know it’s like dude dude I think when we talk about you know uh uh uh Michael Jordan and LeBron and whether or not who’s the greatest I don’t understand why Tim Duncan wouldn’t be in that conversation

I know KD came out recently and was like why am I not considered the goat no stop it t but Tim Duncan yeah I I don’t quite understand why Tim Duncan wouldn’t be even discussed as a top like best player of all time it’s very strange that he’s never In Those comp

Ation um I mean there’s nothing you can really use against them right like what what would you use against Tim Duncan as far as the argument for him being the goat I I don’t know what you could use against him he has the accolades he he

Has the Championships I mean he has the statistics what do you what do you I mean he won in three different eras of basketball basically I mean well I guess we can kind of lump in early 2000s as you know may Maybe not maybe not three different eras but in three different

Decades he’s won a championship like I don’t know that’s weird a lot back Clan give us your top 10 you should make a segment on it maybe I will um I have to really think about it my top three right off the bat um is definitely Michael Jordan and then Tim

Duncan and I want to say I want to say Kobe but that’s kind of crazy right it’ll probably be Kareem y have to think about it m point games in the same conference like he had a lot to say d is one of the goats y’all so at 19 he

Average 1911 he was well past his Prim we to start talking about that mother oh bro hoping to be a clan mod soon you said soon hold on hold on wait okay can you comment okay Victor one by Nama that’s the honesty going that’s a fact he hold up

Hey listen if y’ don’t know Tim dunan I know he don’t talk a lot but he’s him bro Tim dun dun is him him him for sure on now I don’t the funny thing is I don’t even think Tim Duncan cares at all isn’t that weird CU I don’t think Tim

Duncan cares at all about these conversations um very strange very strange he’s never in those in those discussions but yeah I don’t know I I just ha the fact that like you’re laughed at if you bring up Tim Duncan being one of the goats he has

Everything I mean why not you say your top three is Jordan wil Kareem and there’s everyone else that’s fine I’m not mad at that that’s fine I never well I guess I kind of can but I never can really comprehend the whole like LeBron being the goat thing I I

Don’t know hey girl I know I know that like people got mad when I mentioned like how I didn’t really fear uh Lebron I didn’t think a lot of other players feared LeBron it’s not just me saying that like other players that have played LeBron say said

That like they say that and then on top of it I’m just going off of my perspective as a Spurs fan I was never nervous going against LeBron maybe it was some spurs fans that were I just never was I always thought we could beat him there was like a mental thing with

LeBron sometimes that you could take him out of games at times not always you know he’s still a beast but I I just always felt that way I was always pretty chill when we went against I always thought we could beat LeBron um now Kobe on the other hand he terrified me all

The time I hated going against Kobe CU he was going to be relentless no matter what but yeah I don’t know Duncan is great Duncan over Kobe yeah yeah easily I think so yeah I’m looking at some other people’s top fives my top three ever you didn’t even post it did

You oh hold on wimy let me make you a mod can I make you a mod with the I don’t know what my cat doing man fallowing the Cru are on the screen jeez uh all right you are now mod Victor one Bama Kobe not top

Five my top three ever is the Mamba Trio Brian scalabrini Matt Boner and of course Kobe that’s funny I’m such a Spurs Homer I can’t come up with the fair top five I feel honestly I feel like if you put T Tim Duncan in there anywhere that’s fine but

If you did start saying like oh I’m put Manu or Tony in my top five like I don’t know dude that’s you can’t do that that should be illegal I do I do love Manu though Manu is my favorite player of all time but I I

Can’t put him as like top five all time great uh Victor said Victor one banama said magic Jordan Kobe Duncan Wilt I feel like you don’t have that in a specific order or maybe you do you put magic over Jordan let’s go franchise player future face the NBA now a clan mod I’m

Officially goated that’s funny good stuff good stuff all right we’re all in High Spirits why do I drop frames randomly I don’t know what’s going on I’m going have to figure this out my new top five competitor that’s fine for months now I’ve been having the notion

That LeBron will be our team be on our team next season I don’t think so what’s your top five Clan sorry if you already answered wasn’t in the Stream oh uh right off the bat like I would have to just think about it a little bit but I would go

With Jordan Duncan and then Kareem and then and and then then then Manu and then wimy I’m just kidding Big W was a big W all right I am ready to get off let me see let’s all right guys hold on let’s see if there’s any other things to

Discuss cuz I did want to go over and we’ll go live again tomorrow night because I have to anyway um because we have more things go over let’s see yeah they haven’t uploaded what we’ll do is cuz when’s the next time the Spurs play I think it’s like Tuesday so I won’t be

On they play Tuesday yeah they play Tuesday I won’t be on yeah I won’t be on unfortunately um so what we can do is I’ll go live tomorrow we’ll go over uh some press conferences cuz I’m sure there will be some press conferences up by then um we’ll discuss

That and then maybe we’ll have you know a few other things that we can talk about um if you guys have any topics bring it into tomorrow I’ll just go live at a random time maybe like I don’t know and we can do it pretty early like I’m

Cool with like 6:30 if you guys want to go on like 6:30 so you just try to shoot towards 6:30 hop on have like questions ready or any topics you want to discuss tag me in Twitter or or Instagram or however you want to go about it mostly

Twitter that’ be easier just tag me in whatever topic you want um and then we’ll go over we’ll go over like five segments or something and then call it and I’ll and then at that point I’ll just see you guys the upcoming weekend I’m ready to get to the draft

I’m ready that I’m ready to do some draft content too I’m going to be watching the heck out of March Madness though 6:30 Central yeah yeah yeah 6:30 dir Central can we talk about the possibilities of Toronto’s pick conveys um how’s Toronto even doing right now have they been winning I haven’t kept

Up they lost they lost they lost they lost they lost they lost I don’t think we’re getting this pck uh where is it ah what’s that thing called oh gosh is this it all right so chat said what are the odds of us getting that Toronto pick and

It’s not looking too good it is not looking too good the recent injury they had it kind of screwed us over we need them to win more and this is a lot of losses I have not kept up with them I didn’t know it was this

Bad that’s a l l win l l l l l l oh God all right let’s see here what we got thus far we need them to get within seven am I right chat oh thanks Stephen uh Stefan says go Spurs go I’m a big fan Clan hey thanks for the super chat

Um but yeah that’s right right we we need yeah here it is right here yeah so we need them to land seven I guess right now it’s not looking too bad um I mean we got a really great chance right now for them to land right here in that seven8 range

Really good chance actually and obviously if they get past eight then our chances for seven increases like tremendously so yeah maybe like a 50% chance right now that it conveys around 50% if Toronto finish seventh it’s a 68% chance we get it if they finish six it drops to 54%

Chance ah okay I I wasn’t aware of that I was aware of that the hell the heck am I talking about sorry cursed a little bit um okay Toronto pick is top six protected yeah we needed to we needed to drop his seven um but right now our chances are pretty

Decent but we’re going to need them to win we’re going to need them to win a few more games right like the amount of losing that they’re doing can’t be good for us wait a minute okay never mind I thought this was the wrong year no it’s 2024 sorry

You want Ryan D if the Toronto pick conve look regardless I want modest buellis okay you guys can have whatever you want after that all right if if you guys want to go and grab topic if he lands this you can have him all right

But I want mes buellis if we a top three I want mtis buellis I’m very convinced of that now I might be convinced out of it all right we’ll we’ll keep looking into the draft we’ll look at this uh during March Madness and everything and we’ll start

Breaking out player by player by player that the Spurs could potentially get I don’t think I’ll go cuz before what I did you know a couple years ago what we did was like every single player in this draft or in that draft don’t think that’s necessary we’ll just do like

Top 12 right that’s more than likely going to land in that spot we’ll just kind of do that what about SAR I like s but I like Modis buellis better I missed something can you say it again I said I like Modis buellis she I don’t know I don’t know

Why my Alexa went off got to whisper it so she don’t think I’m talking to her Belle is another bad shooter like topic bzel is a better shooter than than uh we’ve been seeing look I really like his basketball IQ I like his defense I like that he can he already has or

Established his shot um like one thing that wimy brings up all the time is how much patience um he’s noticed like he brought it up with KD when he went against the Suns and he was like I admire how much patience KD has when she

Gets to his spots he did the same thing with yic admire the patience as far as him getting to his shots mes buzell is to me is in that like category of I mean I’m not I’m not saying he’s like KD or anything right but I’m like he’s one of

Those players that goes at his pace and he can get to his spots and he has very basketball IQ he’s quite crafty I like him I’m a sucker for guys like that I’m a sucker for High basketball IQ players I think m buellis is in that

Category for sure um and at that size at that you know amount of potential he has I think that would be a great pickup great pickup sounds like my wife always interrupting 5ct one Manama I didn’t know you were married I don’t know I don’t know I know a lot

Of people don’t like that they’re like I don’t want Modis or whatever but I think he’s a fine player guys he’s a really good player um but I’m a sucker for guys like that that’s my bias that’s my personal bias obviously we’re going to do videos on each guy and I might change

My mind especially watching March Madness and everything you know just keep just keep our eye on on some other guys but just right now my bias it speaks towards M buellis I love guys like that I’ve always been a sucker for guys like that I’ve I’ve love I love

Kyle Anderson I love he’s he’s a guy that’s going to go with his Pace he’s going to get to his spots and he is High basketball IQ love mono jobble loved um um Derek white I just I just love guys like that I want modest yeah he’s he’s he’s

Really good he’s really good um but we’ll we’ll do videos in which we go in on each player and you know my may my maybe my mind will change my mind has not changed on on on um on uh topage though and Rob Dillingham you like Dillingham I like

Dillingham a lot too I actually went to a concert recently um a Drake concert it was Drake jcole Lil Durk it was awesome they were on tour or I think they’re still on tour um it was dope and he was there Dillingham was there at the concert like they were like talking like

Was talking to him and stuff he was at the the DJ booth I’ll check him out who misis check out misis pelis man he’s really good o Elliot Kau you guys know I love Elliot Kau that’s another guy once again it’s one of those guys plays gritty

Defensively puts his body on the line crafty High basketball IQ that’s another guy I I have a bias I’ll be honest I have a bias Ellie Kau love him love him I I’m I’m like one of those where I don’t necessarily think you have to be the

Most athletic and don’t get me wrong m buellis is athletic like he’s athletic but I don’t really care as much about that as I do like what’s up here and I think he’s a very smart player you can win you can win championships you can create a dynasty

And you don’t have to have guys that are like extraordinarily athletic or anything that was the same thing where I didn’t understand where everybody wanted jayen durren oh thanks for the Super Chat ghost SPS go thanks Clan heck yeah um like where everybody wanted Jaylen

Duren I was like dude like I mean I get it I like Jaylen durren you know but you know I think most people saw oh he’s athletic he can dunk and he’s a he’s a rim Runner and I’m like that’s cool but like I I would rather have somebody that

Has a little bit more versatility and someone that has High basketball IQ and I felt like Jeremy soan was definitely that trying to stop her from jumping up here but yeah that’s all I got to say about that um but yeah our chances are our chances are going to get kind of rough

Man if if they keep if they keep this this Los we need them to win a little bit more than they’re doing just a little bit more just just a tiny bit just a tiny bit more but we got a decent chance bro give Modis Julian’s minutes

Yeah Julian Julian champen is not a starter he’s not a bad player he’s just not a starter that’s all he’ll be he will look so much better if he’s coming off the bench Spurs fans will love him all right I’m looking at my my frames dropping dude I have no

Idea guys I hopefully we can fix it by tomorrow I’m going go and Hop Off CU it’s acting stupid and yeah I’ll I’ll I’m going aim for because I don’t have to go to the gym tomorrow so I’mma aim for 6:30 tomorrow um we’ll hop on we’ll

Talk some more Spurs ball then we’ll just have those segments for the rest of the week if that’s cool with you um but cool Elliot K reminds me of Tyrese halber play making abilities oh yeah it’s so good it’s so ridiculous it it’s going to translate very well to the NBA

I think all right I’m getting off because this stream is acting up in


CLAN the SPURS fan
55 Backusburg Rd
PO Box 102
Kirksey, KY 42054

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I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

I am not affiliated with the #SanAntonioSpurs or #NBA


  1. This should be the last season, the spurs tank. Wemby is improving too quickly and is already too good to continue tanking.

    We will get a top 5 pick this year, then we should trade for a young star player to pair with wemby. So we have our top 5 draft pick, wemby, vaselle, sochan, young star (through trade), then fill out the rest of the team with role players. That should be enough for playoff contention next season while still building for the future.

  2. Wemby can make “Kyrie-like” circus shots, that’s what’s insane about him. And the shot blocking ability is something we’ve never seen from an elite scorer

  3. whats with Sochan, he thinks over and over that he needs to go solo in the clutch? almost costed us a win. And that pulling his shorts up constntly entire game? wanna show his leggs or what

  4. It's a shame about Bassey. But if he had not gotten hurt Spurs would not have ended up being the worst of the teams who get a 14% shot at the #1 pick.

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