@Brooklyn Nets

How did the Nets have Cam Thomas on the bench!?! Nets collapse late in loss to Spurs.

How did the Nets have Cam Thomas on the bench!?! Nets collapse late in loss to Spurs.

Coming up the Brooklyn Nets find new and exciting ways to disappoint the fan base this time blowing a 10.4 quarter lead to the San Antonio Spurs we break it all down coming up next you are locked on Nets your daily Brooklyn Nets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day br yo ah yes my friends it is the lockon Nets podcast right here on the locked on podcast Network it’s your team the Brooklyn Nets every single day over there’s Doug Nory I’m Adam marre we thank you as always for making us your first listen of the day we are 100% free

On all those great platforms and tell you that LinkedIn jobs helps you find qualified candidates that you want to talk to faster post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions they do apply and there were terms and

Conditions Doug to this game for the Brooklyn Nets apparently they had to lose they needed to lose and darn it they found a way to get the job done well buddy they did it uh Against All Odds they’ve now run the tanking team Gauntlet in that they have lost to every

Team that is trying to also lose this season in order to improve their draft pick and their draft stock going into this year Nets have walked into each one of those wanting and trying to win and have ended up losing and the Spurs were the last one on the docket here that

They needed to take care of because the Nets have already lost to the Blazers twice they lost to the Hornets twice they lost to the wizards they lost to the Grizzlies they lost to the Pistons they were able to lose to the Jazz they lost to the Raptors and the last one on

The list was the Spurs and they walked into Texas on Sunday night and they got the job done up 10 no no no no no we’re gonna take we’re gonna snatch defeat from the jaws of Victory and make sure we clean sleep CLE Clean Sweep this bad

Boy and now they have lost to every other bad team who by the way as a reminder are trying to lose where the Nets are not I don’t know how you hold up the uh the tank ofon bingo card but like we got it baby come on now what do

I win for the sweet raffle here and it’s funny too not funny not funny because you think about going into this game and wondering how do you get yourself from from a talent standpoint it it really is as bad as this team has been and their record we’ll talk about that it really

On paper should almost be impossible to be a team with the talent they have on their roster to blow a 10-point lead with six minutes to go to go to overtime and frankly as shocked as you are that they blow the lead you then remember why you shouldn’t be shocked that they B

That they blew the lead and then you remember how there’s no chance they’re going to win that game because this has not been a team that by the way in their many Es and flows has those moments where they give it away and then also

Rip it it back like they are pretty much the team that once things start to go sideways you can kind of go ahead and set your watch to it it’s not going to this is no auto correct the ship does not get back on course they go into the

Overtime against the Spurs and what it ends up being a 12 to7 ends up being the margin of loss there including actually being up in the overtime and still finding a way to come out on the losing end yeah they 12 to five in overtime scored five points five minut over time

Um well that’s right why because the one bucket you thought you were getting was cam Thomas but no wemy went head and gave you that little rookie magic pinning that block against the backboard yeah what a block by Wy um and overall it’s like one of these games where it’s

One loss on the on the on the dock or one loss on on the uh I can’t I’m losing my train of thought here te so bad uh it’s one loss in in the standings right and you and you say to yourself okay well you know are there takeaways are

There things that happen or like oh it’s just one game but the thing is it’s endemic of like everything that’s happened here and each time you think the Nets have hit a new low uh the graph continues to somehow Trend lower they have to keep they have to continue sort

Of adding new parts to the bottom of the graph because you’re like oh they just hit the new low here no oops no no they didn’t they’re able to you know up be up 10 against one of the worst teams in basketball and able to lose games again

That they’re trying to win because they they’re gonna and we might even we actually there’s a there’s a world where they haven’t even hit it here because they might go through the whole season and they might just like spike a huge pick to the Rockets now I guess you know

That’s money that’s already been spent so you can’t really do anything about it but it’s just one of those feelings like oh my goodness right like we might get to the offseason and realize that the low hasn’t even come yet because we’re going to watch them convey some super

High pick even in which everyone loves to tell me as much as they possibly can how bad the draft is it doesn’t matter the Nets would die for one of these picks if they were being intellectually honest U so it but this game too it just

Is one of these things where you just shake your head and we’ve seen levels of sort of demoralization around the fan base honestly even around like people that write about the team it’s gotten really pretty pretty rough here if you’re still hanging around you know we’re watching the games every single

Night and it’s just one of these things where you just sort of Wonder like I mean have we seen the worst yet I I’m not really sure and there’s P pieces that we can point to in this game which are baffling on an in the- moment basketball level and just like an

Organizational level because there just seems to be so much disconnect with what’s happening yeah it’s frankly alarming from a BAS perspective including obviously talking about the cam Thomas late game situation which we’ll get to coming up here but oh by the way just to kind of tie a bow on

This listen in the last six games the Brooklyn Nets talk about like losing to the lowest of the low they lost to Detroit and Detroit they lost to Charlotte and Charlotte they somehow went to Cleveland and won a basketball game can’t figure that one out 19 everyone was out Mitchell and M they

Half their team was wasn’t there I can tell how they did it half that team for Cleveland being out is still a better team than some of these other ones regardless right so you get that give gimme game I should say then you go to Orlando and lose good team they’re in

The playoffs whatever you lose to the Pacers and then you lose San Antonio you’ve lost to three of the worst teams in the last six games alone not even that you’ve done it over the course of the year and when you project forward now like we had that conversation about

Well you know you’ll win some of against these bad teams then you’ll lose against the good teams the Pelicans are coming up the Bucks are coming up the Knicks are coming up even the Raptors are coming up remember that time when we talked about them being the same boat

Like they’re not we’re not it’s not like this team Since By the way over the last three months and I did it why because it’s like the perfect date since December 17th this team is 13 and 30 that is tied for the exact same record as the Portland Trailblazers and that’s

Tied for fourth worst in the NBA San Antonio’s 11 11 Detroit is 110 that a victory came against us and then you have the Washington Wizards like that’s the other thing here too and this game signified it to me you cannot tell if these players know which way they’re

They’re they’re coming or going here sometimes they’re bought in sometimes they’re checked out and sometimes you see it seemingly happen over the course of a game they are among the worst team record wise over the last three months in basketball and to your point there’s a world you’re just going to keep

Dumpstering your way to the bottom and whatever we thought the basement was by the end of the year it could actually look even more alarming and that matters relative to what this roster is and what this organization has said the roster is going to be going forward they’ve badly

I I was going to say this to the end but I’ll just say it now they’ve badly Miss I mean bad badly badly badly misevaluated what they have it’s um to a staggering degree this has been such has been by Shawn marks this it starts with

Marks now um there’s no other place to lay the blame at this point um they’ve gotten rid of everybody else who you could have blamed like like everyone else is gone there’s all the stars are gone you replace them with other players and packages you replace the coach multiple

Times you’ve done all this different stuff um and even for a world where it’s like oh you know this is the Gap year and they’re going to be but they treated this like a gap year where they wanted to win right because if they understood like so they they complet even if you

Give them the benefit of the doubt that they understood that this was sort of an in between timeline right they’ve even they’ve misevaluated their own t their talent along those lines so badly I mean so badly right they stink they stink and there’s no world where that they thought

The team was going to be this bad there’s there’s no there’s no way there’s no way because if you thought your team was gonna be this bad you would have done other things like trade like really entertaining trades for some of these other guys really stripping it

Down because you it’s how are you becoming an attractive landing spot to their team I think they thought that they would do this like DLo 2.0 right like that that those those teams like the DLo Den witty Harris Allen Group um that got to the play Jared Dudley that

Got to the playoffs it looked great on paper from like a culture standpoint and they were going to kind of put this together like a bunch of kind of you know highlevel role players that were going to you know be more than the sum of their parts it’s been so much

Less and now I just don’t think they even know they don’t know who the good players in the team are they don’t know what systems they should be running they don’t know who should be playing like late games talk about next like and they’ve just done such a misevaluation

I can’t imagine like even a fan base has been lower if you just kind of head around the the fan base streets here it’s you can’t get lower people just have tuned them out people just tuned them out that’s the opposite of Love isn’t hate it’s indifference this people

Are becoming indifferent to this team and and I think you framed it perfectly there what they perceiv this to be was a scrappy team that you know back into the playoffs nice little narrative and then we’ll figure it out in the off season instead they’re among the worst and it

Looks like it could be getting even worse before it’s all said and done coming up next here let’s talk about a narrative we thought was dead cam Thomas playing in the game late when it matters most and you need three pointers why bother using one of the best on your

Roster we’ll get into that conversation coming up next all right before we get to that tell you about our friends over at Stitch fix look if you want the instant confidence boost you’re going to get from an outfit that makes you look really good Stitch fix is the absolute

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What is somewhat postgame episode I don’t know maybe moratorium on the entire season for the Brooklyn Nets we think inside of this game though we’re obviously over the course of the Season we said too you run out of talking points after losses like this because everything does seem all too familiar

But this was a surprising one for me uh care of Eric Slater who had the postgame uh press conference coverage as well so this was interesting here’s a quote that’s definitely something that we’ll look at going down the stretch again would have loved to have CT cam Thomas

In there I’ll take that one that’s Kevin Oly head coach of the Brooklyn Nets interim who’s acknowledging that maybe it’s on him that cam Thomas was not in the game down the stretch of this one Thomas to his credit turned around and did say I guess they felt it was the

Best line up to get a three off it was a good look he just missed it it is what it is if he made it we wouldn’t be here talking about whether I was in the game credit to cam Thomas for for saying good look if it went down it’s all good

Because if was cam Thomas and he he’s had moments like these and I you don’t need to try to win the pr discussion or narrative around yourself but I would have said I don’t get it I don’t understand why I’m not in the basketball game I’m the best player on this team

I’ve made that very clear Mel Bridges cannot hold a candle to what I am for this team I was shocked by this you fired jock vaugh for perceptual reasons maybe because it was a difference in between the way the front office and the head coach wants to run this team you

Put Kevin Ali in as an interm head coach how can another coach come in here and have a moment where he says maybe not cam Thomas when we need when we need points when we need buckets maybe cam Thomas shouldn’t be a part of the equation for us all right buddy sit back

Here because uh I’m gonna just absolutely cook on this um you can take this segment off because I’m gonna lose my mind so okay I agree I’m gonna start with the part I agree with they got a good look the cam Johnson look was fine

It was a good look from three they could have tied the game it didn’t go down Fine the play call seemed fine it’s what it represents yep name me another team in the NBA that would be down three and have their leading scorer for the game Who by the way has been the

Best plus minus guy on the team since his return from the ankle injury not even close plus 28 barely anyone else is even in the positive he’s been the only guy that’s won they basically won all of their minutes crushed their minutes since he’s been back name me another

Team I’m not even saying he should take the shot name me another team where he wouldn’t be on the floor at the end of the game you can’t do it it would never happen it would never happen like it would never happen even if you drew it

Up for someone else even if you drew it up for male or Cam Johnson or whatever even just the gravity of having him on the court because he’s a guy that could take a shot like because Dorian finny Smith taking a shot there at the end

Like do you need the rebounding so bad that you need to have all these big bodies or do you want to put the guy who has 31 points on 12 or 23 shooting again is plus six for the game everyone else is basically negative except Dron sharp

And he’s on the bench it would never happen it would never happen the fan base some people are only confused by this because it happens so weirdly often with him that it’s become almost like shrug your shoulders time because you don’t even know what’s going on what is

Happening here how could this possibly the case Kevin oi goes and says you know it’s on me also partly says it’d be nice to have him in I mean who’s who’s sending in the orders like the alien overlords that are like just chucking down like oh the pingpong the lineup

Pingpong ball generator just didn’t spit his name out for the guys that we had to fight he’s the coach like I get I get that he kind of owned he did own it as it being a problem at the end like that’s on me and that’s commendable he

Should like I I don’t know how you would say it any other way it’s so confusing it is among the most heads scratching moments and I want to be really clear I’m not asking him to take the shot I’m not asking him to be the first look even

They got a good look you would not go through any other team in the league for like NBA history and tell me a player who was the leading scorer when you were down three it was a guard by the way like that would be on the that would be

On the bench for the final play of the game it’s lunacy it’s lunacy like how I I I just sorry anyway I’ll finish this rant I’ll finish the rant by saying this signifies Nets fans like darkest fears around the organization’s wishy-washiness with a guy who’s even if

You are ascribing like his faults to him as part of the game he’s not a perfect player we’ve been through this many times even if you even when you factor those things in it makes no sense it makes no sense and it is it’s like so perfect and I’m

Putting perfect in quotes it’s so perfect for how the rest of the season’s gone because just like of course you wouldn’t be gone there why nobody knows nobody knows not even the coach like not even the coach knows so anyway rant as you said as you said in there and listen

This is this is I think you we were vocalizing exactly how this fan base feels if by the way you’re still fully engaging with these games because we’ve heard some some fans that are saying listen I I haven’t watched in two weeks why for these exact moments because even

If you chose to tune in to get that respond so the Kevin Oly piece of it like you say is it good that he that he took it as opposed to maybe give the jock vaugh you know weird psychedelic trip narrative around what’s going on and how all these moments conspire and

Things that we’re trying to do or accomplish or achieve that aren’t related to winning basketball games sure but also he’s the only guy that’s setting the lineup there so it it I don’t know you’d rather hear him say like I don’t know I honestly guys I

Can’t even justify it I can’t believe I didn’t put him in the game and it never happen again but instead it’s like yeah I wouldn’t have minded having him in there I should really look into that and the overall narrative for this organization that’s the fine point you

Put on there at the end that this further cement what seems to have gotten exposed and reexposed and Overexposed all year long this organization is all over the map and there is no concept that they are finding the way forward here in in what has been a disastrous

Season and you’re only actually getting more evidence that they know less and less about what they want to be who they want to keep how they’re going to correct this and what the path forward is going to look like coming up here in a second I will tell you why the

Narrative has changed around Shawn Marx for this podcast we once perceived him to be Teflon now now officially has holes poked throughout it and there is seepage coming through that suggests this guy needs to be gone this off season as soon as possible we’ll get into that coming up

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Nets podcast don’t forget to join us over on YouTube and turn on the alerts obviously and head over to weot get those five stories and five days free ebook just for signing up with your email also got some new exciting things coming over there very soon we got five stories in five days free ebook just by signing up with your email get it today now here’s the thing first of all I want to note that the word seepage it was an odd choice I think there’s other things that I could have gone to frame that you know just just

Maybe saying he’s not Teflon anymore and now his job security is at risk but we went with seepage and we’re going to stick with it there’s things seeping all over Shawn marks and his potential job status here because you and I and we’ve said this before whether it was when

Steve Nash was the head coach and what it meant for him to be the figurehead Etc with the superstars when it was Jac vaugh we tend to try to air on the side of listen there are always extania circumstances around GMS and coaches and players and everything that we want to

Contextualize but now with Shawn Marx something about this late game sequence with Cam Thomas so it goes to Kevin olly and you go I don’t know what the heck he’s thinking there but then I thought what was Shawn marks thinking then to put to put this guy in charge and it’s

Not even a real knock on Kevin oian totality but you put this interm head coach in place how have you not clearly established what it means for ke for for cam Thomas to be on this roster down the remainder of the season and if you have established it one of two things why

Isn’t he following that narrative if you’re Kevin Oly or two why have you not told him that cam Thomas needs to be playing every game and playing closing sequences and getting developmental reps it just feels like now we’ve said that he’s made highlevel misses and he’s made

Done a lot of good things in the background but starting with the trade deadline and the decision to keep male Bridges keep cam Johnson all of these things Dorian finy Smith it’s all trending the wrong way and when we get to this offseason and we talk

About a team that win total TBD I don’t know how you can survive this even if it’s perceptual PR whatever if you are jide and you are remaining the owner of this team and you’re not selling out to you know other buyers you probably have to move on from Shawn Marks here because

This thing is going as off the rails as it possibly could even if the agenda was just being low-level competitive for the playoffs you can’t sell well we were the 11 seed we almost made to play in tournament it just doesn’t matter anymore with the way these this team is

Losing games yeah look I mean the cam Thomas thing aside like I mean they have leaned into I will say they have leaned into him he’s taken like easily the most shots on the team I think like there’s not like a there’s not a problem there I

Think mostly the the failing here with marks is that one he’s again like one of the last guys standing right he’s everyone else has gone through this 10e of like multiple year ten years he’s on different iterations of players different iterations of coaches at some point and maybe it’s like well you sold

A vision of like a 2025 timeline because that’s when another super superstar is going to shake loose uh maybe that’s maybe that’s the whole sales maybe that’s the whole sales pitch it’s like we’re gonna have a lot of cap space and wait to see what I put together and go

Ahead because I’m I’m gonna I’m gonna give the the anical side of this but go ahead no just because then I think the Curious question would be like do you think because we’ve heard this before across Sports would it have just been okay to sell that narrative like you

Know you know what I mean like I it does not not that you need total transparency and honesty from an organization you don’t expect that but just the idea of hey we have a vision going forward and it is going to take us time but we believe in where we’re going to get

Instead they made the choice of saying we’re going to compete we want to be a playoff team you set the premise right you set the premise for how your fan base should look at this team and this roster and expectations and then you’ve grossly underachieved it like so at a

Minimum it’s also just bad PR work to set a narrative and goals that you can achieve on right it’s bad PR work and so this the problem it’s bad PR work plus bad evaluation because like they I get why you wouldn’t be like hey we stink

See you in two years you can’t it’s like that’s all you can’t really do that for the fans and tickets and all this other stuff or for the current players so I get what and they kind of have you know they have hinted that this is the plan

So I think they tried to sort of like walk this Middle Ground the problem is that even the understanding of that has a limited patience level when you realize one you’ve sort of misevaluated the talent that they even did have because they’re not even being really compe they’re not competitive with this

Group at all right um and two the like sort of like you’ve done everyone around here such a disservice by miscasting everybody into these roles of which they might not like ever recover from um like just from like a a standpoint of like outside looking in like we the reason we

Said they didn’t think they fire jacqu vaugh is because you would put the next coach in a terrible spot well that’s that’s what’s happened with Ali like got all the all the same problems is it’s actually played out exactly like we said it was going to for the exact reason I

Didn’t think they’ fire vaugh is I was like what are they going to do they’re going to put this guy in a terrible spot it’s gonna be really hard to win and guess what happens they put him in a terrible spot and it’s really hard to

Win it’s it’s like it’s exactly what we said then you’ve miscast bridges into like this like sort of you know Superstar Elite build-around guy that other stars will want to play with he stinks in the short term he stinks like I I don’t I feel bad for him I think

He’s had he’s been completely miscast but even even factoring in being miscast the numbers are are are alarmingly bad like he doesn’t he’s not getting up any shots he can’t get shots off against bigger wings I should stinks is too bad I shouldn’t have said he stinks he

Doesn’t stink um he stinks relative to the expectations that that that is correct he’s being misidentified and where he should be in the hierarchy of the team rather if you put him in his role if he was playing in his right role then he’d be doing exactly what you I

Feel bad for saying stink so if anyone’s gonna get on me about that I’m apologizing for that I I that was that was that was caught on the Heat of the Moment the he is well underperforming expectations I think that is fair to say so you’ve miscast him for a thing for a

Role that he doesn’t maybe can’t live up to you’ve we’ve already just went through the cam Thomas piece you put Ally in a bad situation they’ve done everyone a disservice here across the board to the point where that that eventually just falls on the GM there’s

Nowhere else for it to fall and you can see it in these guys faces like the the tenor of this team is so is so down you sign cam Johnson he’s underperformed that contract to a he doesn’t even start makes a100 millionar he’s not a starter right like

There’s good for a bench player there’s all these I mean all these problems just go right down the line with this stuff and at some point we’ve been we’ve commended marks for a lot of moves no other GM would still have the job no they’re GM like that they’d all

Be gone by now and so here’s the problem with it I think to close out and by the way I I we kind of knew that this was going to be the road map of this episode where it starts about man what a bad loss that’s a shame and then just

Continues to get bigger and bigger and bigger because it is about larger narratives my my my number one concern now is if he is still here in the off season he’s not going to make the right tough choices which would be hey let’s get back to the table on male Bridges

Let’s talk about cam Johnson know other teams contracts values Etc it’s going to be the erosion of the draft assets that you have to bring in better talented players to try to quickly get this thing back on track and I just don’t think that quote back on track is going to

Meet the expectations of the fan base or even the organization because they’re going to go and do things that put you back in the mix for the playoffs and I you know mid-tier playoff team but they’re going to think it’s going to make them a top four seed maybe they’ll

Be pushing for top three seed but it’s really going to be about being a six seed maybe a seven seed and you’re not going to be favored in playoff series and the age factor and all of those things around that core rate right now it’s all going to come home two seasons

From now and you’ll have no draft capital and you’ll be sitting there staring at another eroded roster and I I it’s so funny I they miserable you’re gonna end up bookending a mediocre season or two with really bad Seasons this being one of them and then I think

You’re going to get one on the back end that you would think the organization is setting up to avoid and start getting consistent and start being competitive but they’re actually going to keep swinging this pendulum pretty violently here in the foreseeable future until they get back control of their own draft

Capital and that’s years away right now yeah it’s just really really hard to see and that look sometimes when you’re in these positions of sort of like high level prognostication or just like organizational management you have to make tough decisions you have to do things that might not seem popular at

The time and you have to maybe stick by a vision and maybe the vision’s there and well me a c of time if it if it ends up coming around it’s just very very difficult to see how big Chang are made with the team in its current state right

And I think that’s the biggest problem like it’s it’s very hard to see the path to getting even incre one it’s hard to see the path of getting incrementally better next year to start like just going to next year like getting incrementally better next year feels like it’s gonna

Be a lot you still have still have Simmons on the table we’ll see what they do with the Claxton contract like you know there’ll be some other money to maybe spend but not tons you next year doesn’t feel like the year that they’re unload assets to like really improve and

Then now you’re two years away or a year plus away um in a relative unknown Sort of hope my guess is like hoping that one of these other guy or two of them are just even available it might happen look it happened once I can see like it’s not

To say it can’t happen again that’s a lot to bank on that’s just a lot to it’s a lot to to bank on maybe they know something we don’t but when you C that with an unexciting organization around the current on the court thing it gets really hard to see

Again go back to those you know those 2017 18 teams whatever with with DLo it was like hey this is like a fun brand they’re they’re outperforming expectations we’re in the playoffs you know you know jar Dudley’s yucking it up mixing it up with Ben Simmons like it’s

Kind of fun you kind of knew what the ceiling was but that’s okay like that’s a version that you can talk yourself into growth this is the opposite they’re not there they’re going they’re they’re underperforming expectations and when that’s the case it’s really hard to see why others would want to join NBA

Landscape changes fast what’s true today is sometimes not true tomorrow I get it but this is the struggle I think Nets fans are having right now and they have to you would think they have to be having on the organizational level too and I would say this my last note would

Be and we’ve said this we’ve kind of alluded to this before expect the male Bridges potential you know maybe I wouldn’t mind being traded from here th those rumors and narratives are going to start to build up as this season winds down you head to the offseason because

Whatever’s happened to the perception of what he should be or where he’s playing at he’s not going to look at himself and maybe nor should he and the performances that he’s been putting forward and think that it’s just about him he’s going to look at this roster in totality this

Organization in totality and wonder if he’d be better off somewhere else I do not think that we are that far away from that discussion as well yeah and that’s I me again that’s like sourced or anything it’s just kind of like hey like how long these guys how long how long do

Players want to stick around in in in in syncing ships it doesn’t seem like it’ be forever and Bridget seems like a good guy and I doubt that would happen I guess the fact that we’re even putting it as a non-zero chance tells you the state of this organization all right we

Will be back again after the game on Tuesday doing some post game there make sure you could check out we got Nets get that fre ebook we’re gonna have some other stuff coming I think there’s a merch coming here uh which we’re pretty excited about so make sure you go tune

In to we got net just get the free ebook if for nothing else just get your name on the email list because we got something else coming down the pike success is a menace it fools smart people into thinking they can’t lose that’s Willie Gates oh the all time great po we back

Again tomorrow talking more Brooklyn that’s basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball yeah

The Nets lost to the Spurs on Sunday night in a game that kind of summed up all the problems of this season. They squandered a fourth quarter lead and struggled to get much going late in the game

Then, in a final sequence, Cam Thomas who led the team with 31 points wasn’t on the court. It was a confusing move from Kevin Ollie to say the least.

The Locked on Nets guys look at the game, the final moments, and the season as a whole.

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  1. Nets need Mike D'Antoni as coach. Move Thomas to Point Guard. Let him run the offense like Harden did in Houston. And you will see Thoms become as good as Harden was.

  2. You said Thomas is to small . Same height as Westbrook 1 or 2 inches smaller then James Harden. Compare Cams numbers to Hardens and West Brooks and they are similiar. The right coach and Thomas is a Superstar..

  3. Look at Damian Lillard.. 2 inches smaller then Cam Thomas. It took him until 25 years old to start becoming a True Superstar. By 25 years old Cam Thomas will be averaging 30 points 6 rebounds and 6 + assists. Remember i said it here…

  4. Starting lineup should be.
    Cam Thomas.. PG..
    Mikal Bridges.. SG..
    Cam Johnson..SF..
    Dorian Finney Smith.. PF..
    Nic Claxton.. Center..

  5. Cam Thomas last 5 games after coming back from injury:
    Points – 26.8
    Field Goal% – 48.5%
    3 Point% – 43.8%
    Rebounds – 5.4
    Assist – 3.6
    FT% – 84.6%
    (+/-) – +29 (clearly he is not the problem)

  6. Why is this episode premiering late tonight when that game happened on Sunday and they have a game today doesn’t make any sense. It should’ve been posted yesterday?

  7. Watching Victor SHOULD be a wake up call to Joe and their rebuild philosophy. There are reports that Joe is scared of a true rebuild because of an empty Barclays.

    Here is my question for fans? What is more exciting watching a middling but bad team like the Nets led by Bridges OR a team like the Spurs that clearly drafted a generational talent and are still in the mids of a rebuild where they will probably have another opportunity to draft another generational talent? Being boring, irrelevant, and mediocre is the worst position a team can be in.

    I would take the spurs situation 10 out of 10 times people. There situation is far more exciting and their future than what the Nets are doing.

  8. This was the final straw. I still watched, still hoped for a play in but it’s over. For the remainder of the season I don’t see a reason to watch this team. I’ll listen to the pod for anything I miss but y watch two hours of this team? I used to go to games these days I put a one dollar nets game parlay. Just one dollar, they aren’t even worth that. Forget a physical game ticket no reason why I should be giving this franchise my hard earned money anymore.

  9. Cam Thomas lovers comparing him to others stars is the dumbest comparison i see lets see how far cam Thomas take us me saying hes going to take us to the finals that will never happen im don't get me started on mikal he sucks ass. Sean marks on the other hand should of been fired💯

  10. I opted not to watch the Nets/Spurs game. I did watch the Denver/Dallas game earlier in the afternoon and that was perhaps the best game I watched all year. NBA basketball played at the highest level. The end of the game was spectacular!!

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