@Cleveland Cavaliers

Miami Heat vs. Cleveland Cavaliers Full Highlights 4th QTR | Mar 20 | NBA Season 2023-2024

Miami Heat vs. Cleveland Cavaliers Full Highlights 4th QTR | Mar 20 | NBA Season 2023-2024

[Applause] at least he’s aware yeah it’s a family show George we appreciate it as we’re underway here in the fourth quarter Sam merell Stutter Steps he’ll find Jered down on the Cavaliers Trail this ball game 8375 as that ball ends up out of bounds the Cavs start this fourth quarter with

A five some of Merill Nang Levert Allen and Morris Merill hit his first three threes he has missed his last four yeah it goes back to the Cavaliers though got to take care of that basketball continue to commit to this defensive end and when you have opportunity to get transition

Basket but do it under control where you have a good idea of where you’re going with the basketball where you may go if you don’t have a shot what you trying to get out of your offense let’s get to it HZ back to Martin Martin has to hurry he

Did not get that shot off in time check in at the next dead ball currently it’s Jimmy Butler plus four reserves Robinson hwz Martin and Wright opening minute fourth quarter CS have been battling from behind for a large portion of the evening as marrow for three it’s rebounded by Butler Butler is watched by niang puts it on the floor takes a bump and lays it in Jimmy Butler now has a game high 26 yeah he does a great job a getting between you and the basket then he comes back into you like he did there trying

To draw that foul got to get a little help here it was coming Butler swipes his fourth steel Butler works on Merrill he’ll give the hawz in the corner Merill stays there now Allen guards Butler Butler fees Mark now right again the heater late in the shot

Clock right floats it up missed it batted by Robinson Robinson grabs it as floater doesn’t go that’s poked out of bounds last off the heat Cavs battling on this defensive end heat making sure that basketball no easy shots were going up see wri took a very difficult shot very well defended by

Jared Allen Jared comes right back bar steps in there good job by the Cavs getting after that basketball Robinson is saying how did I miss that lever over to the foul line deals off the knee at Merrill’s open Merill fires Merill hits I like the confidence that

Merill missed his last couple of shots before boy he gets the opportunity he’s ready to shoot it snaps a stretch of 10 possessions without a single field goal as hakz goes Baseline he banks in scores HZ was the 18th overall pick in the most recent draft after spending

Four Seasons at UCLA as Allen takes the law from Nang he banks but can’t get it to go all had another efficient night he’s 9 for 12 from the field 196 rebounds right sails one toward us Nick got pull something got I think we got a steal hard for sure lever Works around

Martin deals to Allen Allan Banks it up and draws the foul am my pen dangerous over here man well that’s your nickname you went in one in and and never came out that’s right that’s under 90 go you should bball baseball softball I heard somebody say softball all the

Say C he 87 Cavaliers 80 story career is out yeah here’s Jimmy Butler from the elbow he’ll fire at score man oh man talking about story career Butler just continues to produce 28 points here tonight for Butler as here’s Allen Allen Trail takes it Levert feed he decked Butler who ended up on

His back Garland fires a three in Connect Nice Shot we needed that was a big basket boy on one hand every time the Cavs have gotten close they’ll make a misc or two and they can’t get over the hump yet when the heat threatened blow blow this game open the Cavs have been

Able to respond and it’s been that way all night long yeah whenever the Cavs overplay a guy like Jimmy curius Garland leads the entire NBA in triples made since the allstar break see if the Cavs can tighten things here defensively as Butler gets picked up by Allen Martin

Works it off the right right comes out of the corner and he one thing Miami does extremely well is they execute their offense they don’t score it every time but they’re getting the shots that they want Martin fires a three that’s wide left Jared Allen has just grabbed

His 17th rebound Garland with a hesitation move Levert fires Coro almost Pride it away from Martin but Martin eventually ends up with it and deals to yic Butler now with 725 to go he’ll zigzag his way to the foul line hang on the air try to find

Martin he threw it behind him leave your feet young don’t leave your feet that’s exactly right parles cent of basketball 715 to go dear and Allen deer almost took it away from behind L dumps inside to Allen Allen got old bunch of old guys hang out with them

Think it’s nice I’m assuming you’re not going to be there be no it’s not on my radar it will be it is going to be great there may be younger Legends there that’s why I like that much better here’s here’s yic yic fires it hit he’s nailed four Tri triples here tonight as

The young man continues to display some rain like his game he’s got a good looking game man I tell you every area of the floor he’s very balanced nice value pick selected 27th overall back in 2022 revert as that knocked Away by y leverage he’s going to use everything

He’s got to will his team and he’s done an excellent job this far meanwhile here’s Darius Garland Garland awfully low in the shot clock fites away and Nails a three wow what a big shot by Darius Garland man well defended right in the face of Mark Levert Garland to Coro Allen and

Neang make up the Cavalier five as Allen with a steal he can’t save it however or actually he got bowed by will not yeah that that was Yi’s fault when he came over to set the screen he never touched Jared or never touched the guy coming

Over the guard to to set a good screen he just let the guard slip through Jared Allen slipped through and was there to receive the pass lever across the lane no looks a pass to Nang he knocks it down we’ll get to that in a moment as meanwhile here’s Martin between the

Circles Jimmy Butler’s back in the game AR bolstra Wast little time getting his leading scorer back on the floor as Butler gives to Rosier Rosier works on a Coro he’ll float and score as Terry Rosier gives the heat a 9491 lead Cavs had a good good defensive wall set

Up Rosier was able to just duck his head get just enough room created by his shoulders to get a decent shot off that was not a bad defensive stance by the Cav Carris lever watch by yic he’ll jab step put it on the floor Cur his way to

The passet and lay it in he went right by yic he had no business matching up with Carris lebert nice fake by Carris good explosion to the rack Levert has a double double with 14 points and 10 assists Rosier now works on Allen Rosier got tripped and fou Nang has three

Triples tonight his Cavaliers are back within one they’ve been climbing the mountain all game long as Rosier one at a three Coro didn’t let him take it Butler has that knocked out of bounds by LeVert Rosier couldn’t quite get that gra that corner either Rosier finds hakz tough angle

Shot that was well done by the Cavs which now can take the lead four and a half to go wow Allen got grabbed by Martin but goes to auro now Levert Levert squirms out of the corner deals to Nang nang’s Runner gives the Cavaliers the lead he straight here this

Evening as Nang continues to produce down the stretch he’s given the Cavaliers a 96 94 lead smart basketball by George Nang great aggressive play Play Perfect play for the Cavaliers Butler between the circles he’s watched by auro Rosier comes and gets it yic he’ll feed Butler Butler works on Caris lever Butler spins fires Martin got a hand on it but he couldn’t guide it in excellent defense by Carris lebert he was getting help as well Jared Allen came over weak

Side nice job Levert got thed in the paint he’ll bounce back to Garland Garland’s picked up by [Applause] yic Garland looks to penetrate he’ll feed Nang I like to play good job by Darius Garland training just enough clock down that creates a sense of urgency the defense reacted to that George got a

Good look at it Martin he can’t line drive at home auro arrives on the scene 315 remains Garland pedals into the four qut of the Cavaliers won a timeout

Miami Heat vs. Cleveland Cavaliers Full Highlights 4th QTR | Mar 20 | NBA Season 2023-2024
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