@New York Knicks

Knicks Brunson Elite | Draymond Green | Knicks Rehab

Knicks Brunson Elite | Draymond Green | Knicks Rehab

It’s all ball TV you already know the motto they scared but I’m not the loudmouth himself what did he have to speak on what did he say what he say it’s tough uh defending jayen Bronson if I’m honest I I I actually prefer to defend him more in ISO than a

Pick and roll he’s so crafty man you start adding adding a screen a pick and roll with Jaylen Brunson and he’s coming downhill and he’s got all the pivots and side steps and fils and he uses his body great he finishes well Jaylen Brunson is a three-level scorer he can finish at

The Rim he can finish in the mid-range he got a floater he got a three he got a pull up like he score at all levels and so me personally I’d rather guard him oneon-one than guarding him in a pick and roll guarding him in a pick and roll is tough

Almost impossible and like you’re blitzing but the thing is with most guys when you Blitz them they get sped up they get off the ball he never gets sped up he plays at his own place so like even if you Blitz like he’s not really trying to go somewhere he’s just going

To wait till the floor opens up and then he’s going to make his move and um interestingly enough uh you know it it works every night and he is playing at an all NBA level uh it’s good to see him getting his dude that he’s getting

Uh I think you know for I played Jaylen Brunson we did in the playoffs a couple years ago with Dallas that is a to totally different player and by the way he was really good then so I’m not going to act like he was a bum then and just

Like who he is now he was really good then so much so that in that playoff series he was actually my matchup he was their starting guard but I matched up with him that playoff series because he he was that good so he’s been good not

Sure any of us thought he’d be this uh it’s been fun to watch uh JB is one of those guys that you cheer for because he’s humble he’s second round pick uh as National player of the year I know what that feel like um but he’s humble uh it’s been

Beautiful you know to watch his dad get a chance to coach him in the NBA challenging him in the NBA like I’ve seen a couple Clips where he start complaining that like shut up man go play like like man that’s so dope so happy for for Rick Brunson and jayen man

What they doing over there with the Knicks and the Big Apple absolutely incredible to watch so we heard what uh Draymond had to say and I like Draymond he even came out crying about uh Lebron James doing a podcast with JJ reic before his podcast hilarious that’s pretty honest with

Being the the clutch the the Gods son of clutch but there’s a lot there that he said that when he related to Jaylen Brunson he’s saying you know second round draft pick and nobody expected him to be this good I think the same thing for Draymond right where regardless how you feel

About him I was calling him a bum all night because you can’t really what can he really do he’s overextended I think draymond’s an overachiever in in many ways and uh oh big flea in the Building uh I think draymond’s an overachiever in many ways and I don’t know if you got to hear what Draymond was saying but just the way he was able to relate to him in so many way like he said Jaylen brunson’s father was brick Brunson was yelling at him on the silent

Shut up keep playing all those little factors that like it seems like that’s how Draymond comes off I think Draymond will be great on this show and we would just you know love and M to just make fun of him make fun of this era make fun

Of whatever he has to say and I think he could he could pull punches I’m not he won’t pull punches since he’s that kind of guy and just the way he was able to he had nothing bad to say about the Knicks um he never they never talked

About OJ noobi but he would say he was dead tired like he he just came off he said he was tired he was he was in pain from the game you know how the Warriors are losing on the road or losing at home but they’re winning on the road

So to for them this and and and on top of that I didn’t know that Brunson was his matchup back when he was in Dallas I I didn’t I didn’t put that together that that was his individual matchup back in that Western Conference Finals that was

Some I watched I watched the whole 30 35 minutes of what Draymond was had to say I thought it was pretty good actually and I only watched because it was right after the Nick game um to see what he had to say uh about matching up against

Us so and I love the fact that uh fish is in the building going to start a new page called sick of the Knicks fish yo gotta love fish big shout out to Fish Man uh shout out to fish and that’s what I felt like going back to what you said

Yesterday I this is something that we I cannot do even you you play ball but we didn’t play at the NBA to see someone like we will thinking the most raw players could say these things post press you know postgame press conference back in the day Shaq was very fun but he

Wasn’t this raw and then to have Draymond there and you’re like oh I want to hear what he gota say about my team what does he think we can’t I would imagine that’s how I would be at least the spirit of it I don’t know if I be as smart as

Draymond about basketball anything like that but the spirit of it I would have hoped I’m the guy that comes post G postgame press conference or postgame podcast and I’m in here talking about your 13 we’ve never in the history of the NBA we can officially say seen this

Before so we I think as much flackers he get and we gave him a lot of it I gave him a lot of it so did I so did I and until you said that right now I’m like yo nah this is that is dope because

I went I did go right to his podcast right to the Knicks what you got to say about us immediately immed gonna be honest right I I’m I’m so so impressed man by the love and agulation that Jaylen Brunson gets around the NBA like I love I love that right like competitive I’m

Not competitive stuff I is great uh but to to finally be putting people on notice like I like when that aha moment happens for for for for cats in the league right when that that bulb goes off you like damn son nice like dude nice like wow you know what I’m saying

Like I enjoy watching you know all of that stuff happen in real time like Draymond is just gushing over the dude like every time you see somebody talking about Jaylen Brunson opposing player coach we just watched Mike Brown dearon Fox Malik monk now we watching Draymond you know so like it’s super super

Refreshing to hear somebody talk talk about obviously a Nick player we Nick fans but to give him his just do right he’s worked his ass off playing at an extremely high level um definitely gonna be an all NBA player this year I would imagine maybe 13 but he’s gonna make

He’s gonna be a top 15 player you know on that list like Brunson Brunson makes everything go for us everything go ball TV you already know the model they scared but I’m not

Knicks Brunson Elite | Draymond Green | Knicks Rehab
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Knicks Rehab discuss Draymond Green saying Knicks Jalen Brunson Elite.

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  1. The only positive to all these injuries is …the world gets to see how truly Amazing Brunson is. SuperStar A1

  2. One thing anyone can say about Draymond is that he's a real dude something you can't say about lots of dudes that talk sports 👍👍

  3. Draymond said it is almost impossible to guard Jalen on the pick and roll which is quite a compliment coming from a defensive specialist like Draymond he says Jalen is up there with the top point guards and can score from three different levels on you the floater jumper pick and roll he dangerous go Jalen no JB

  4. Sounds likevhe knows his times up in golden state and low-key let the knicks know he will will welcome a signing to the knicks for the veterans minimum 😂😂😂

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