@Boston Celtics

GET UP | “Jayson Tatum is destroying NBA” – Chris Canty reacts to Celtics beat Bucks 122-119

GET UP | “Jayson Tatum is destroying NBA” – Chris Canty reacts to Celtics beat Bucks 122-119

Game the bucks came all the way back they had a three-point attempt by Bobby poris uh to potentially tie the game late uh Giannis did not play in this game for Milwaukee Bobby poris may be the best backup of a star that we’ve ever seen I mean it’s unbelievable he’s

Like you know Vinnie Johnson back in the day for the Bad Boys was a great player Off the Bench backing up Isaiah and Dumars I’m not saying that poris well maybe I am saying that like this dude is awesome 24 and 15 last night off the bench but Boston wins the game without

Um the former Buck Drew holl playing and they are obviously really good right now at 55 and 14 best team in the Eastern Conference do we have any concerns about them at all as we progress here postseason wise do I have concerns about the bucks no about Boston oh okay no I

Don’t I don’t really have questions about Boston wake me up when we get to the Conference Finals it’s about that okay you know and Milwaukee Milwaukee I do okay and I do and and here’s the thing I get that jannis hasn’t played and he’s injured and all of that stuff

But even with Yiannis in the lineup or whether he’s whether he’s hurt they still don’t defend their defense is awful I mean absolutely awful Boston damn near scored 70 points in the first half something about that has to change I mean even in a win that they had

Against the Phoenix Suns on Sunday they allowed the Suns to score 130 like at some point you got to stop somebody and right now their defense can’t stop a nose bleeding this is a team that has to rely on the zone defense to slow people down once you get into playoffs against

Better teams that presumably shoot it better that’s going to be a problem for you like you going to have to be able to lock down and man man defense and I don’t know that they have the Personnel to do that especially in the back court with Damen Lillard we know he’s a

Defensive liability and so when you have all of these guys that can break defenses down off the bounce on these playoff worthy teams you have to worry about whether or not the the Milwaukee Bucks can actually defend when it matters the most I know this is an adage

That people overuse but defense wins championships you got to be able to stop somebody Smalls and right now I don’t think the Buc can stop anybody with or without y no um and I’m kind of surprised that they continue with that zone zone defense when doc came over because you

Think that that would be the time to overhaul everything because what was working or what they were doing defensively prior to his arrival wasn’t working um but as far as Boston goes I have no concerns about that team they’ve been absolutely dominant this year in many ways especially at home they’ve

Been crushing it at home they’ve been in the 10 home games that they have um they’ve improved to 32 and three at home excuse me and in 10 of those home games they’ve led by at least 20 points which when you remember last year in the

Postseason they were bad at home so the fact that that trend has changed I think is positive for them but I’m kind of with you when it comes to Boston wake me up when we’re getting ready to go to the NBA finals there’s been a clear-cut best

Team in the Eastern Conference all year it’s been Boston there have been so many good teams in the Western Conference this year they were all like I don’t know who’s going to go to the finals I think there’s going to be more upsets in the East and the West I really I think

They I think that Boston and Milwaukee either one of them could get upset as crazy as that sounds I agree I I just there’s something about both of them them in the playoffs that specifically Boston like they do have something to prove there and in the west you could

Look at it and say well Oklahoma City’s the one seed right now in 48-20 with an MVP candidate and Shay gildas Alexander Denver’s the defending champs they’re amazing I think we expect them to to potentially be there in the end and then there’s Minnesota that’s a wild card

Team that I am now saying that Chris KY has gone from a Lakers fan to a t-wolves fan that’s it you are no longer a Lakers fan you’re in on the t-wolves so much so that can’t these like you know what there was something happened at the 1:00

A.m. eastern Sports Center that we need on the show Draymond after beating Draymond Green and the Warriors after beating the Grizzlies last night of course was commenting on CC’s favorite player Anthony Edwards we know Minnesota’s a tough opponent Anthony Edwards is playing as good as anybody in

The league uh as I’ve always said he believes he’s great you know everybody keeps talking about the next faceing in there and all these things and he believes that you know and and the rest of that team follows his confidence I am convinced you have Google alerts set for

Anytime Anthony Edwards is mentioned in a positive way that it’s just like Anthony Edwards Anthony Edwards I would say you’re a bigger fan of him than anyone in sports right now he’s must watch television I know but there’s not a player even in the NFL that I think

You like as much as you like Anthony I told you yesterday like this is the guy that I’m staying up late to watch if I’ve got to pick one player that I’m willing to blow past bedtime for to watch them play it’s Anthony Edwards and I played hurt yesterday I was on The

Struggle Bus just cuz I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep watching him play against the Denver nuget but man he is absolutely box office but the thing that’s incredible about him man he’s got a good feel for the game and legs was on our show with us yesterday and he talked

About how he trusts Anthony Edwards now in terms of his playmaking his scoring um not trying to force things especially down the stretch he he he’s aggressive but he allows the game to come to him we talk about coaches and managers feeling the heartbeat of the game we don’t

Necessarily attribute that to players but I think with Anthony Edwards it applies like he has a great feel for the game he knows when to turn it up when his team needs that swing and momentum and the guy always delivers and he has every single tool in his bag not just

Offensively defensively as well which is why I think they are the closest thing to a challenger Contender to the Denver Nuggets in the Western Conference maybe the in the entire NBA uh another tool in that tool bag is what Draymond talked about which is the mentality that he has

And I hate to compare anybody to Michael Jordan oh boy but just that mentality that you see from him that I am the best and nobody can beat me and then he goes out there and he actually executes it reminds me a little bit of what we saw

From Michael Jordan and again I don’t want to compare anybody to him but that’s the type of mentality that you need to be a champion and to be a superstar in the NBA and he’s got it you really just did that I’m just saying she ain’t the first one though I know but

She’s the believe it was B I think it was bonts that did it before the season McMahon Tim McMan on the ho colletive colletive he said that a scout compared him to that it was attached to McMahon as if he said it cuz he’s so funny but

It was a scout that said that to him I believe but is doesn’t he have that mental Edge that you need in that confidence were you the Scout was I the Scout no you’re the Scout can’t confirm exclusively I was not the Scout okay all right I don’t want to reveal sources but

I just I I can’t I understand what you’re saying that if you’re going to say okay here’s a category of mentality where does this player fit in that category of mentality yes Kobe would fit in the Michael mentality Dwayne way would fit in the Michael I understand why if Ant-Man gets this

Team through the Denver Nuggets to the NBA finals would you be ready to entertain those possibilities then and time 10 in a row here at the Garden and the Celtics have an NBA leading 55 wins they take care of Milwaukee no lead is safe in the NBA you got to understand

That the win is a win we’ll take it Celtics continue to beat everyone we’re on Sportsman like on ESPN Radio presented by Progressive Insurance Smalls has such a smile on our face today two things one she’s got in her line eye jacket as illo NCAA tournament getting going today noon Eastern Time

Fill out your brackets with us the Tournament Challenge app we’re going to reveal our picks in a little bit but also because the Dodgers are getting destroyed in the uh early stages of this game two of the Soul series it is 51 Padres and Yamamoto has already been

Bounced correct he’s out he’s out look at this smile for those watching on ESPN 2 she she’s so happy do you dislike the Dodgers more oh okay I know that okay cool back to you Bob what were you going to say more than what more than you like the Cardinals no okay but

Your second favorite team in theory is whoever’s playing against the Dodgers at this point for this season yes for this season so it’s Cardinals one Dodgers opponent too yeah because I can’t I don’t really hate the Cubs you know it’s more like a like a big brother little

Brother thing even though they’ve won more recently than the Cardinals have I’ve never had beef with Cubs fans it’s more of like an inest thing and sports is more fun when there’s a villain Sports is fun when you have someone you can actively root against and for me

It’s the Dodgers this season plus I’m sure the Dodgers look down their nose at all the other teams in the National League of course they that has to make y’all feel way of course they do and they shouldn’t yeah that’s a good point well they may not depending on what the

It’s found here with some things they they spent a lot of money for a pandemic Championship didn’t they they certainly For spee For Spee For Spe Fore fore Fore for foreign Fore up

GET UP | “Jayson Tatum is destroying NBA” – Chris Canty reacts to Celtics beat Bucks 122-119


  1. So bucks without Giannis still nearly beat the “best team in the league” and last time Giannis played they beat the Celtics by 40😂

  2. These punks stay hating on the Bucks…. better pray Boston don't lose in the playoffs. Boston has many flaws . Least the bucks got a chip. Boston got alot to prove.

  3. 30+ by Giannis if played, is the reason why Bucks didt grab that win last night.. Bucks could have blew them out on their own floor again last night🧐

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