@Los Angeles Lakers

JHS Video Analysis

JHS Video Analysis

by fractal_fables


  1. nottherealstanlee

    JSM has been around for a long time, but I don’t wanna see him getting into JHS tape at this point lol he’s been on Lakersball shitting on this pick bad all year. Keep the same energy ya’ll!

  2. fractal_fables

    Just wanted to post a video analysis on JHS who a lot of casual fans here have been hating on. I am not the author of this video but I agree with a lot of the things in the video.

    JHS is averaging 22/5/5 on 62%TS and 42% from 3 on almost 5 attempts per game.

    Many were concerned with JHS because of the question mark on his ability to shoot and he has proven many doubters wrong so far. I think throwing him into an NBA game off ball has brought an unfair opinion on JHS and NBA schemes and coverages are different than a 20 year old raw player is used to but his ability to be a 3 level scorer, handle the ball and defend has been impressive to me. He has the size and athleticism to compete with any guard in the NBA and just needs more development which he is getting and the results are showing up!

    I am really impressed with the way the Lakers are developing our young guys like JHS, Max Lewis and of course Max Christie and for them to do it while also putting out a roster at the beginning of the season like the one we have had is also impressive especially considering the setback to our assets because of the Westbrook trade.

    Whether fans like it or not, the injuries this team has had is the main reason for our struggles this season so our decision prior to those injuries can not be blamed. For example, Cam Whitmore wouldn’t have had a spot on this roster before the injuries happened and drafting him and Max Lewis would have been idiotic. Guys like Jamie and Podz are not doing as good as casuals think. Jamie’s 3 ball has been objectively awful this season and a big reason the Heat offense has struggled, casuals look at a couple highlights of him and think he’s been doing well but I urge you to look into the bigger picture on him and ask yourself if he would be getting meaningful minutes over our wings. Same with Podz, his value on the Warriors is due to him getting the ball to Curry and you can tell when Curry is not on the floor his net rating goes negative very quickly.

    I would love it if this fan base would stop being so critical of our young guys, we found the best raw talent available at our draft position and those guys are exceeding realistic expectations. Let’s continue to support the next generation of the Lakers Republic so we can continue to build on the success all the legends this franchise has produced!

  3. Emergency-Shirt2208

    Took this bum over Jacquez.

    Almost as bad as the Westbrook trade that took us out of contention immediately.

  4. FlatBirthday333

    Im not writing him off as a bust cause he’s a rookie and only plays in garbage time but he looks fucking awful offensively every time we see him.

    At least the defense and pass looking nba level

  5. Responsible_Ad_7885

    good video. jhs being lead guard is a tough ask. i think the ceiling on him would be a low end starter on a bad team? and that’s fine. but having a lead guard without much downhill ability, shooting, and shiftiness is tough

  6. robocopsdick

    Secretly! Literally no one fucking knows this is happening!

  7. It’s really funny to me that this is a 60% downvoted post at this point; that’s basically about the percentage of people who regularly post here who seem happier when the team is losing than winning.

  8. Bigpoppalos

    Hell yea. Kids gotta keep grinding. Hes a big guard. Watch out yr 2-3. Patience ppl

  9. davensdad

    Hood a better prospect than Cam, Podz and Jaime. In Buss I trust.

  10. motorboat_mcgee

    It’s amazing how many in this sub absolutely hate the kid for having the audacity to be picked by the Lakers. Our roster was pretty much set coming into the season, so taking a young project as your end of bench of the guy simply makes sense imo. Hopefully the growth he’s showing in G League this year translates to playing for the main squad next season. And hopefully our fan base chills out a little bit, but probably not.

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